Practical email marketing. Scheduling automatic series of letters

Information about new promotions, sales, product updates, gifts and discounts - all this can be contained in a sales letter. It helps attract more new customers, strengthen relationships with old ones, and increase sales.

A regular customer can be immediately informed about loyalty programs, discounts and new products - he will forgive, understand and follow the link. But unlike him new subscriber- not a client yet. And he may never become one if obsessive advertising hits him immediately after subscribing.

Your task is not to frighten and anger the subscriber, but to earn his trust and arouse interest in the newsletter. To do this, start with a greeting and a content thread:

  • with interesting information;
  • useful tips;
  • games and tests in exchange for a gift or discount.

The blog of the Internet agency TexTerra contains a case study of the Aromatny World wine supermarket chain. The entire base was relatively cold, but the result was successful: the Open Rate was 28.4%, and the number of unsubscriptions was only 0.5%.

Welcome letter from the Aromatny Mir chain of stores

If the mailing started with an offer to buy a box of wine, there would be more unsubscriptions. At the initial stage, try to start a confidential conversation with the subscriber: tell about why you are making a newsletter, what will be in it. And let the reader decide for himself whether he needs it or not. This will give you an active and responsive base.

Continue your mailing list with interesting information, life hacks and other useful content until you see interest from the subscriber. It is expressed in clicks on links and views of the catalog. Have you noticed such activity - make up a commercial offer, spice it up with a special price, time limit and hit right on the target.

Maxim Ilyakhov, a well-known journalist, editor and creator of the Glavred service, in an article on the Medium blog platform:
- The best and first segmentation is the segmentation by engagement. If a person responds to your posts, give them 100% marketing. If it doesn't react - 30%.

The main elements of a sales letter for a cold base

Before writing a sales letter for your newsletter, work through each element: subject, headline, text, call to action. Miss something, and the subscriber will not open the letter, and if they do, they will not go to the site.

Subject and pre-header (pre-header)

The SendPulse email marketing service has conducted a survey of 120 online store subscribers. Result: the majority of recipients (62%) open and read email only if it has an interesting topic.

The preheader, also known as the headline, complements the theme. These are the few words that you see in the email client to the right of the message subject. Often, without a preheader, a topic looks incomprehensible and needs to be continued.


The heading is required rule does not apply to email newsletters. Often it is replaced by a subject, and the letter begins with the name of the reader and a greeting. Email with a name better positions the subscriber and sets up a dialogue.

If you use only the name: make sure that it is spelled without errors and in the correct declension.

If using a header: compose it using the 4U method. It should be useful, unique, ultra-specific (contain numbers), and urgent (time-limited).

Example 4U header:

Slim waist in 2 months according to Ekaterina Usmanova's program. When registering before December 10 - the sports menu is free.

If the title is too long, the last parameter (urgency) can be removed.


Selling text for a cold base, which you want to read to the end, looks like this:

  • it is informative and not loaded with unnecessary details;
  • fits the topic;
  • easy to read;
  • well structured (there are subheadings, lists, highlighted blocks);
  • does not contain incomprehensible abbreviations and terms;
  • not overloaded with images - one image is enough.

It is necessary that the reader from the first seconds understand what exactly you are offering him, why he needs it, and how he can get it. If he is distracted by bright pictures, slogans and abstract wording, he will close the letter, and next time he will have to work hard to generate interest in the mailing.

Let's take a sales letter for a sample email newsletters from Internet accounting "My business":

  1. They talked about WHAT they offer: a cycle of webinars;
  2. told WHY to watch the webinar: there is a program;
  3. showed HOW to register - posted a clear CTA button.

At the bottom of the letter - Additional Information, links to social networks, contacts, unsubscribe button.

Call to action button

This is the main element of a sales letter. Bright theme, headline, text, cool design - all this to make the user interested and go to the site / place an order / register.

The call-to-action button should be clear, contrastive, and short and motivating.


  • "Get a free coupon";
  • "Choose stockings for the promotion";
  • "Buy grape seedlings with a 20% discount";
  • "Purchase 14 demo lessons";
  • "Download the book in one click."

To get the reader to see the button right away, place it at the top of the page. If the email is long, there may be 2-3 such buttons, but don't overdo it.

Letter from the software coach English language- Alena Privedentseva

Selling email with an offer to sign up and pay for training in freezing food. Initially, the messages were informational: ready-made options menu, recipes and useful tips for housewives.

There is a discount and a time limit. First, newsletters came with a description of the history of lingerie: stockings, corsets, bras.

Newsletter of the online cosmetics store M A C

M A C offers free shipping with a promotional code. Valid for 1 day - great motivation to make a purchase quickly. There was no content mailing, they immediately sent interesting, bright letters, introduced them to the assortment. If the store is well known, it can do without a newsletter email chain.

New subscribers and those to whom you have not written for a long time is a minefield. Follow it carefully: send welcome emails, then content emails, and only after that - advertising emails. And when you receive orders from the site, you can record them in: the program itself will appoint a responsible manager, set him the task of contacting the client and will give tips at each stage of the sales funnel.

Dear friends! I have for you again very interesting information: Today we continue our "Guest of Honor Publications" column with a new post in a double format. The post turned out to be large, informative and worthy (you will see this for yourself in less than a minute).

So, the person with whom I want to introduce you today is a successful businessman, an expert on job placement on the Internet and earning money while traveling (by the way, he broadcast his post from the island of Bali, where he currently lives).

Now this person owns more than 50 projects and has been working in constant travels around the world for the last year and a half. He is convinced that everyone is able to build the life of their dreams and make money remotely.

Meet, today our guest is - Igor Poltavtsev... And today he will tell you how he managed to earn more than 5,000,000 rubles with the help of sales letters with a conversion of 80% (!). He will also tell you how to create such letters and much more interesting.

By the way, if you still have questions, or you want to get a job on the Internet with a salary of $ 500 or more, please contact Igor in the comments.

As I said, today's post is in two formats: video and text (for those who cannot watch the video). When watching a video, you can adjust the quality (to save traffic, select 360p by clicking on the gear in the lower right corner). The broadcast text goes right after the video block. Igor, you have the floor.

Igor Poltavtsev's story

Text version

Hello, dear subscribers of the site site. Today I, Igor Poltavtsev, will share with you practical copywriting and how I was able to short term earn more than 5,000,000 rubles by writing sales letters.

What did I sell?

I had my own small SEO company and the number of websites was about 30. I sold links, and they contributed to the good promotion of clients' Internet resources.

What is important to know?

It is very important to clearly understand the “diseases” that your existing and potential clients have. Then you will be able to know where they have “pebbles in their shoes”, where they “ache”, where they have “headaches”, where they have “ chronic diseases”, And where they have“ cancerous tumor ”. Those. you must clearly understand which places you can “push”, and know how to help the client earn more in the short and long term. In other words, you have to “stew” in this topic and clearly understand what your customers need.

What do people pay money for?

What do people actually pay money for? They pay you not for the fact of the work performed, not for its urgency, not for responsibility, etc. People pay money to take the load off their shoulders.

Imagine a man with a huge brick tied behind him, healthy like that. And this person is trying to get rid of him. And in fact, he has a lot of such bricks. And you can solve one of his problems by making his life a little easier.

If you do not do this completely, or at the wrong time, or in some other way, and the client will have a part of the cargo, then he will be unhappy. Your task is to completely remove the load from it. So that if a client comes to you, he understands that after talking with you, he may no longer think about his problem and may occupy his brain with other things.

When, at the first cooperation, you remove the load from the shoulders of a person, then he will definitely come to you again, because as soon as he has a problem, he will immediately remember positive emotion which I received from you. And he will cooperate with you, even if your prices are higher than those of your competitors.

Also, do not forget that people do not buy goods after the fact. For example, people don't just buy a laptop. People buy the sensations, those emotions that they get from this laptop. This is what people pay money for. In other words, you must do your job in such a way that the person gets the most out of the emotions.

Don't tell the customer that there are so many gigabytes in the laptop random access memory, so many gigabytes of hard drive. The consumer is most likely well aware of all this.

Tell him better about what this laptop will give him, what new opportunities the client can open with it, how people will look at it differently. In general, all those implicit things that can make his life easier.

How to write sales letters correctly?

In my business, where I sold over $ 100,000 in links, I had a situation where I needed to communicate with people through text. Only through text. Those. there was no opportunity to speak with them on Skype, and my profit depended on what I write to them.

When you already have clients or when you are just looking for them, you have to handle large swaths of people. Let's say a thousand people. The main thing here is not to allow typical mistakes, because of which letters end up in spam or which are simply deleted without being read.

I will now share with you the tools, thanks to which you can send letters to at least thousands of people, and at the same time all these letters will be received with a bang. The approach here is very simple.

First, in the header, you write the person's name, making the link: when the name is present, it increases the credibility of the letter, and the likelihood of getting into spam decreases. Along with the name you write a phrase that is intriguing, but not like the typical letters you receive in the mail, but something unfinished. This phrase should look natural.

Further, in the text of the letter itself, you write how you previously contacted this person. If he has already bought something from you, you should definitely write about it. If he did not buy anything from you, then in his profile from social networks you can find his hobbies and hobbies. Then you write, say: “I also play football or also am interested in a healthy lifestyle.”

Throughout your text, you must make it clear to the person that you are the same as him, that you have common interests with him, that you somehow crossed paths with him, although this might not have happened. And then your letter will be fully read. And only between the lines you make interspersions about what benefit a person gets by buying your product or performing the targeted action you need.

Forget about making one generic letter that will work for everyone. At this stage, the main thing is to make a very accurate and very personal letter. specific person... You make a kind of template out of it, and then you just change the keywords in it.

For example, you replace a person's name with another name, replace the occupation with the occupation of another person, replace hobbies and hobbies with the hobbies and hobbies of another person, etc.

And so, according to the template, you replace all this data, and the letter (offer) itself remains the same. Next, you send the modified letter to the second addressee, then to the third, etc., working through your entire list of contacts.

At first it may seem that it takes a long time, and it is not a fact that there will be a result. But in fact, if you send such a personal letter to at least ten people, then the probability that they will open it, that they will react to it, is about 80% (in my experience).

If you send one general faceless letter to a database of 1000 people, then only a few people or several dozen people will answer you. Those. you will not use up the contact base the most rational way... It is much better to work with each person personally. It is very important.

It's much easier to have regular customers: you bring them once, once you spent money on them in order to attract, and then they already bring profit constantly, without additional investments.

Selling to a person the second time is much easier than looking for a new clientele. Another strong approach is when you write to the person in a letter of thanks. For example, if he is engaged in some interesting business, or is engaged in charity work. In any business, you can find something to praise a person for. So, when you praise a person (in moderation), treat him with respect, spend time writing a letter, then the person appreciates it, and you can sell him anything you want. The addressee will read your letter to the end because it says about him beloved.

In no case should you write about yourself, your company, how many years you have been on the market, your regalia, awards, etc. This can only be mentioned in the postscript. The entire letter should be composed of the benefits of the person, it should be composed of his praise, from moments similar to you, from situations that you experienced with him, and then all your letters will be read to the end.

At the end of the letter, you can do a tricky "feint with the ears." Write something like: “You probably have very little time, because you are a busy person, so please do not reply to this letter. ”

If you write such a phrase, the person will definitely answer: he will thank you and, most likely, will accept your offer.

How to distance yourself from competitors?

So how do you get away from competitors once and for all? I have such a very strong example in my case. I had a database of contacts. I did it neither in MySQL, nor in any programs - all this was in the usual Google Excel.

I kept simple records. I wrote down the person's full name, occupation, loyalty to me, type of client (cold, neutral, warm, hot). I wrote down what kind of relationship we have with him, the date of his birth, his hobbies, the last topic that we discussed with him, as well as the maximum amount of information about him. Thus, when the time came for him to let him know about himself, for example, write to him in a month (and in a month everything about a person is completely forgotten), I had all the necessary data at hand.

So you could immediately understand: I have a “hot” relationship with this person, respectively, you can write a letter to him in the style: “Greetings, how are you doing ...?” Those. you treat this person in a certain way as a loyal customer.

But if the client is cold to you, then you can also clearly see it in your database. Accordingly, you write something like: "Hello, excuse me, we want to do such good things for you ...". This approach personalizes your letter and makes it much easier to write. You do not think about what to write: you have all the information about this person - you just need to pour out the approach on paper.

What else is important?

To have even more customers, you need to have as many good, awesome reviews as possible. Make people want to leave a review and ask themselves: “Maybe you should write another review?”.

In my case, it happened like this. I wrote a letter to the client, in which I said: "I will give you a little more of my product, and for that, please leave your review." Those. if I needed to update a topic on the forum, I just told the person: “Do you want me to put another link on your site for free, worth $ 10?”. And the client agreed.

Pleasantly? Why not? The client already buys links, and it is not difficult for him to write 2 lines about good cooperation with you (after all, this is not a lie, this is actually the case). Plus, this gives him an extra link. Similarly, you must find in your business what you can give a person for free.

For example, if you are selling an iPhone, you can give a person a small case, you can give some kind of accessory, some kind of figurine - anything that the person will really be very pleased to receive and for which he will be grateful to you. Then the review will not only be written, but also written very well.

These are my tips, I hope that you were sitting with a pen and a piece of paper, if not, watch the video or re-read the text again and apply these techniques in practice.

I wish you an increase in your sales! Igor Poltavtsev was with you, and I hope we will see you again soon, bye!

Last time we had a case study on the impact of email on clicks. Today we'll talk about automatic mailings.
They, among other things, can be built into whole series, "Tied" to any event.

Based on the resulting figures, we estimate the budget. For example, if you allocate 30,000 rubles for the development of a series, then with a favorable outcome, the investment will pay off in a couple of months, with an unfavorable -
for six months, which is more or less acceptable.

If the series does not work at all, you can always try to optimize it and squeeze out some minimum. This did not work either -
well, any innovation carries a certain risk.


And only when the content is prepared, the script for sending letters is determined, and the payback is calculated, the time comes to put plans into practice.

We rewrite the text of the letters, add illustrations and collect all this in a template according to the rules.

If there is already one through which, say, the company's regular mailing is carried out, it is convenient to organize the sending of the series through it.

If mailings have not yet been carried out, you can choose some simple service (for example, Mail Chimp or Unisender), which will "pull" the sending of the script provided.


The implementation is followed by a crucial stage - testing and debugging.
We initiate an event on our mailbox, at which the series should be triggered, and check:

- Do the letters arrive on schedule?
- are the correct name and address of the sender indicated?
- are there any errors in the theme and preheader?
- what does the content look like in real mailers / smartphones?
- do all links work?
- do they have UTM tags?- etc.

If the scenario provides for several development options, we test them all: we open or not open letters, click or don’t click on the links, perform the target action on the site or leave it unfinished.

If flaws appear during the test (which is likely) - we correct and test again, to the victorious 🙂

Measuring Results

A month later after the series has been debugged, it is time to measure the first results. If during this time the flow of subscribers who received letters turned out to be sufficient ( tens and hundreds), we can draw certain conclusions: whether the purpose of the mailings is being fulfilled, to what extent their result coincides with the forecast and why.

If the goal of the series is achieved - order, go to the monitoring mode.
We'll talk a little below about what to do if the streak indicators are worse than planned.


Only at this stage comes what was dreamed of even before the start of the preparation of the automatic series: letters begin to work as if by themselves, bringing views, clicks and targeted actions.

It is still not worth letting this process go by itself. We are left with measuring the key performance indicators of the series once a month, a once a quarter- maybe more in-depth analytics and tests.

If at some point the series indicators begin to sag, we figure out what is the matter. Perhaps the emails just stopped leaving on schedule, or maybe the content is outdated and needs to be refreshed.

In this case (and also if the goal of the series is simply not fulfilled), the next stage will come in handy - optimization.


You can improve the streak not only if there are some problems, but also in the case when everything is going well, and you want to do even better.

Finding the key link that has the greatest impact on conversion. For example, the third letter in the series, which directly invites the subscriber to take the targeted action.

We start reworking it: experimenting with the theme, content, changing the sending time. We record all measurements in the table and evaluate how they influenced the result.

You need to get ready to "play for a long time."
Autosends, as a rule, are not sent in hundreds or thousands of emails, and before the impact of a particular change on conversion becomes clear, they can take place days and weeks.

In the most sluggish cases, you can wait for a month, but with the optimization of such series, it is better not to be zealous at all, but to concentrate efforts on attracting more people to subscribe.

We improved views and clicks, raised the conversion to the planned level - well, let's return to monitoring. Not improved - we continue to put forward, test and measure hypotheses.

However, any optimization comes to a limit: there are series that simply do not work, no matter what you do with them. Sometimes it's easier to click on "stop" and think about where else you can put your efforts than wasting time on reanimating the "deceased".

If a miracle happened, and after a series of finishing touches and sleepless nights, the series began to show results, you can calm down and reap the well-deserved laurels (not forgetting about periodic monitoring).

And you can ask yourself a question: what other event can I supplement with an automatic series of letters? If the goal of one series was to transfer the user from the first level of the sales funnel to the second, then now is the time to think about transferring from the second to the third. Or post-sales letters: offering additional services and the like.

When we have found a new event, we define a goal for it - and we start the whole process over again.

[Next time - in the fall - we will finally get to the application for sending transactional messages,].

P.S. You find materials Email-practice useful?
Then read my book!

If you haven't yet, it's time to do it. I not only announce the latest blog articles, but also share bonus information with subscribers, and also show individual techniques email marketing but in practice. See you in your


Email marketing is versatile and allows you to reach a large audience. Not everyone uses Instagram and Facebook, however Email almost everyone has. And this should be used.

We will tell you what exactly the "selling" letters should contain.

1. Define a goal

For each letter, you need to have a clear purpose. Tell about a new product, inform about a discount, a promotion, a special offer, the arrival of the desired product, which will help to identify the most weak spots in the work of an online store and so on.

It is from the goal that you will "dance" in writing the letter itself. Its text should be simple and understandable for your customers.

2. Define your audience

The assortment of your online store can target different customers. Effective segmentation of the recipient list is essential for email distribution to hit its target.

The recommendations are simple: create several groups, send out emails with individual appeal, depending on the needs and preferences of buyers. This ensures that your client does not receive information that, in principle, is not interesting to him. This approach can offend and offend.

3. Consider a subject line

Many recipients do not open emails, or do not read beyond the first line. There are several reasons for this: they were not interested in the subject of the letter, they were jarred by the impersonal address.

The subject line of the email should be catchy: "Hot products at a low price", "Summer novelties at a discount", "Exclusive product", "Sale up to 90%" and so on.

In terms of hits, a number of studies show that email personalization improves the number of clicks by an average of 14% and can increase conversions by 10%.

4. Write briefly and clearly

Emails are not the place for longreads. The message that you want to convey to your customers via email newsletter should be clear, clear and as capacious as possible. Letters in which the essence of the sentence is hidden at the very end, and before that there is a lot of interesting text not to everyone, are annoying.

You can place cognitive and detailed content on your website, and in the letter indicate a hyperlink to it. If the customer is interested, they will go to your online store. No - so no. But in this case he will have a choice.

Of course, if you wish, you can fill the letter useful information, but do it wisely. Warn the recipient about what he can read in the mailing list. In this case, you also provide a choice: read - do not read, limit yourself to one item, or view everything. This is respect for the addressee's personal time and increasing his loyalty.

  • An important point: write simple, accessible, not pretentious. Divide your email text into paragraphs (one paragraph - 4 sentences maximum) or subheadings for ease of reading.
  • Let your letter be as close as possible to the communication style that you practice in an online store. Customers should feel that they are not being communicated by a bot sending out bulk emails, but by a living person interested in collaboration and interaction.
  • Use emotions, be polite and sincere, show concern, ask questions, provoke feedback, by all possible ways show that you want to help and solve a problem for your customers.
  • And, of course, thank you - for the fact that the client took the time and read the letter, that he answered the questions, that he chose your product or showed attention to the assortment of your online store. "Thank you" is an emotional message that, in most cases, will not go unnoticed.

5. Make your email useful and recognizable

One of effective ways to interest the client - send a useful letter with recommendations related to a particular product. For example, tell us about the latest product reviews that popular bloggers have posted on their resources. Reviews are a great way to draw attention to a desired product and push you to buy.

So that your letters do not get lost in the stream of other messages, make them recognizable, create your own corporate template. Popular email marketing services such as UniSender and MailChimp enable this.

By the way, experts advise not to be smart with fonts in emails, but to use the tried and tested Arial and Calibri. And if you use photographs (ideally, there should be at least one picture in the letter), then only high-quality ones.

6. Use video

Place your bet on. Using the word "video" in the subject line increases the likelihood that your message will be read by almost 20%, and the number of clicks can increase by 65%.

Users love with their “eyes”, video still remains on the list of the most attractive ways to promote an online store. Why don't you try these mailing lists too?

7. Tell us about the benefits

Your client opened the letter and started reading it. He should get some kind of bonus for this. Enter it for all participants in your email campaign who fulfill certain conditions: go to the site, make a purchase, take part in a survey or competition, and so on. Explain easily what customers will lose if they opt out of this offer.

This will give the mailing a special status. The buyer will know that next time he will receive not just a letter with some information, but a tempting offer that must be taken advantage of. A useful letter is a sales letter.

8. Add hyperlinks

Of course, the email should include a link to your online store. But it is better if it is not one, but more - three or four. It's an easy way to increase direct traffic and help customers learn more about your brand.

And don't forget the unsubscribe button. If it is not there, the addressee may perceive your letters as intrusive spam and show hostility. Add a mini-survey for those who decided to unsubscribe from your emails so that you can find out exactly what needs to be fixed.

9. Don't forget about mobile devices

Email newsletters must be adapted to mobile platforms. If your letter is difficult to read with mobile device, this is a crash. Today - required condition for the operation of any online store. The same goes for email newsletters.

Tell us about your email marketing experience! Leave your comments!

Prepared by Victoria Chernysheva.

In order not to miss the new ecommerce articles, subscribe to us at

Selling mailings. Drive sales with email marketing Brodie Yang

Scheduling automatic series of letters

Scheduling an automatic series of letters is a bit like plotting the plot of a movie or book. It usually starts with a general theme or plot, as well as ideas for key scenes in a movie or chapters in a book. Then the storyboard of the film is done: new ideas are generated by the method of brainstorming, the sequence of episodes is determined. In the case of autoresponders, this process can be improved endlessly.

Basically, this is an advanced version of the short campaign development that we covered in the previous chapter. Decide what goal you want to achieve with a series of emails, that is, what action your subscribers should take (for example, buy a certain product or make a personal call).

Then analyze the ideal client's needs map and write down all the goals, aspirations, problems, objectives and factors of knowledge and feelings associated with the chosen goal.

This will give you idea of ​​subject lines for a series of letters. The factors of knowledge and sensation will need to be illustrated in the stories, examples, and anecdotes with which you plan to cover each topic.

Conduct an audit of the resources you have. Think about what your articles, videos, audio recordings, infographics, previous letters, etc. can be associated with this message or described in it, thereby providing subscribers with useful information and revealing the topic. Perhaps some of your stories could be written in the form of letters.

You probably already have a decent list of possible topics that could make an automatic streak. And there are potential resources for many topics. When creating your first episode, don't overdo it: plan about 6-12 emails first. You will always have time to add.

You can also follow MindValley's lead and balance your email streak with informational, entertaining, selling, and inspirational. And if the messages are rather succinct, subscribers will get used to perceive them as easy reading. Later, when your letters become associated with useful information presented in a fun way, you can afford to send letters much longer if necessary.

Once you've planned out the main series of letters, you can start working on the content of each letter. First, define a call-to-action that is the same for all emails, and then choose the subject line and related content.

Below in general outline describes a short series of emails for new subscribers that a business coach could organize.

Common goal. Encourage new subscribers to order a personal call on the topic "Business Breakthrough".

Schedule. Submissions begin as soon as a user signs up to receive a free copy of the Breakthrough to Economic Growth review. The regularity of sending is once every two to three days.

Letter No. 1. Have you already received the Breakthrough to Growth review?


Make sure new subscribers get the review and read it;

Set a friendly tone of conversation and encourage interaction;

Encourage people who are ready for a personal call to order it.

Call to action. Request a call on the topic "Business Breakthrough".

Letter No. 2. What is the most important task of your business?


Train subscribers to act;

Identify subscribers who have encountered significant difficulties and are willing to discuss them.

Call to action. Tell me about your most important task, and I will send you mine best ideas by her decision.

Letter No. 3. Hope is not a strategy.


Show how important it is to act and not just passively consume information.

Call to action. If you want to take a step right now to accelerate your business growth, write to me to arrange a free call on the topic "Business Breakthrough".

Letter No. 4. My way to increase cash flow.


Arouse empathy as I was in their position;

Show that I know how to quickly fix problems with cash flow.

Call to action. If you are having the same difficulties with cash flow, I can surely be able to help you. And quickly. Just reply to this letter and we will briefly discuss possible ideas and practical steps.

Letter No. 5. 7 obstacles to small business growth.


Demonstrate knowledge of the key approaches required for small business growth and the ability to simplify and understand a problem;

Give examples successful work with clients from different spheres activities (services, retail, finance, manufacturing, etc.).

Call to action. If you would like to analyze your business and opportunities to overcome obstacles, call me to schedule a free Business Breakthrough meeting.

Letter No. 6. I have to ask you.


Encourage subscribers to interact and collect information on the main topics of interest to them by asking them to take part in a survey.

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Reverse Letter Writing So far, I've described letter writing as a logical sequential process that begins with identifying a customer benefit or problem and ends with trying to find an interesting magnet for them. But in fact, it often turns out

From the book E-mail marketing for an online store. Implementation instructions the author Efimov Alexey Borisovich

Structure of Letters As you gain experience, the structure of the letters will build on its own - from the subject line and the magnet for potential customers (the first few paragraphs) to your call to action at the end of the letter. But if you are just starting out, it will be useful for you

From the book Management Practice by human resourses the author Armstrong Michael

Examples of cover letters The most common mistake when writing a cover letter is missing a cover letter. Two typical examples are shown in Fig. 1, 2 Yes, yes! These are the most common cover letter options. Moreover, in

From the author's book

Activating Push Emails It's much easier to achieve results together! The PushBooks team will be with you at all stages of implementing the ideas from the book. Personal Area or to the book page and click "Activate Push-letters". Now you will receive from us

From the author's book

From the author's book

Design of letters After we have decided what content we will fill the mailing list with on a regular basis, it is worth thinking about the design. Fiddling with the design of each issue is ineffective. It is more convenient to develop a typical template, on the basis of which it will be possible

From the author's book

Chapter 6 Setting Up Autoresponders ( universal method Implementation of automatic mailings) Let's focus on the goal: you need to write five automatic letters. Perhaps, this figure will frighten someone (as many as five letters!), While someone will displease (and that's all?). but

From the author's book

A series of letters In general, a series of letters works better than a single reminder. Therefore, if you are seriously determined to compete for a lost order, add a couple more to the first email. Let the second email be sent 24 hours after adding items.

From the author's book

Statistics of automatic mailings The collection and analysis of results for automatic mailings is very similar to the measurements in mass mailing... In the end, these are also letters - they are opened, and the links in them are clicked and targeted actions on the site are performed. However, there is

From the author's book

Appendix 6 Examples of automatic emails A: Subscription bonus B: Bonus reminder C: Welcome e-mail D: Feedback request E: Promotion of the 2nd