Ways to make money in a crisis. What activities are relevant in a crisis. Forex or binary options

For some, hard times are an excuse. Someone is looking for opportunities to make money during a crisis. It turns out that this is no more difficult and no easier than with a stable economic situation. Enough to know how.

You have already succumbed to the general trend of social panic, you are devoured by depression, and you are sure that making money during a crisis is an unrealistic task. You do not undertake the implementation of your ideas, do not look for ways to improve the quality of life. The main excuse: "Now it's hard for everyone."

It is both soothing and lowering at the same time. Because getting nervous and letting poverty creep into your life is easy. It is much harder to believe in earnings and not to believe the belief that this is impossible in 2019.

The crisis of 2018-2019 differs from previous crises only in its causes. The very concept of a crisis is as follows:

  • massive job cuts;
  • the collapse of Russian shares in the securities markets;
  • the collapse of the ruble against world reserve currencies by 40%;
  • prices for food, electronics, cars, utilities rise by 25% at a time;
  • a powerful increase in prices with a significant decrease in the incomes of average Russians.

During a crisis, as Robert Kiyosaki writes, the social gap widens: the rich get even richer (or go bankrupt), and the poor get poorer. The situation in Russia is reminiscent of an economic apocalypse, which indifferently absorbs all chances to make money.

But it provides just as many opportunities to succeed in shaping and replenishing your budget.

Crisis is a strong, obstinate horse. Saddle him up! Then you can "travel" any economic situation, remaining on top.

Earning strategies

Remember that the crisis in the country is not your personal crisis. You have not become spiritually poor, less talented in 2019. Do not concentrate on the idea of ​​earning a lot of money at once, otherwise you will fall into the world of money illusions.

Illusory ways to make money

Popular "money-making" programs that do not exist on legislative framework, and on the contract of several people, unfortunately, they catch birds frightened by the crisis. Their fraud is usually hidden behind slogans with strong emotional overtones that attract those who want to escape in a crisis.

An example of an illusory way of earning

How many financial pyramids, the founders of which allegedly know how to get rich in a crisis! And just as many people are deceived, losing money. Or losing not money, but time in an attempt to find naive investors.

If you think you can make a good amount of money out of MLM or network marketing, get rid of the idea. Those who have been earning in this area for a long time will continue to earn. The crisis is not the time to start working in network marketing from scratch and expect miracles.

Real ways to earn money

The rule that will work in times of crisis and beyond is to give people what they need. Even better - to provide at an affordable and affordable price. Then success is guaranteed to you.

This axiom is valid within the framework of any business, and in times of crisis its relevance is aggravated. What is not an object of primary needs for people will remain needed only seasonally, in influxes. And what people always need is already clear: food, clothing, housing. We have not discovered anything new, but if we develop this topic further, we can get the idea of ​​​​a profitable business.

Earnings in a crisis for everyone

So, we free our brain from panic and dull thoughts, fill it with creative energy, and go ahead, earn money!

Food is an eternal need

The crisis comes and goes, but you always want to eat. No matter how high the cost of food, they will always be bought up, in any conditions. A person can save on clothes, but on food he will not be able to due to physiological needs. Your task is to provide people with food, and there are several ways to do this.

If you live in a private house, you can grow some vegetables. For example, onions, carrots, greens, which are in demand in any season. By selling buns and cakes, many not only survive, but also make good money, especially home-made bakery and confectionery products are sweeter for taste buds.

It will be bought. There is also home preservation, which is so lacking for the residents of the metropolis, carrots in Korean, etc.

There is another option. It is more progressive and productive, but requires some investment. You can negotiate with food suppliers, rent a stall, and sell in it. Legal and beneficial.

The trouble is only in relation to the sanitary services to the merchants - they are picky, and an agreement with them can cost money. In addition, it is not known what other methods of oppression of spontaneous trade will come up with the authorities legislature in 2019.

Educational home-courses

In addition to physical hunger, there is spiritual hunger. External manifestations are that a person continues to study or take care of the education of his child. Typically, a crisis does not hinder this process, despite the fact that tuition prices cause resentment.

If you claim that you can't do anything that would be worth attention, most likely you are mistaken. Surely you have a hobby in which you can find an ally and income.


The crisis does not affect the constant desire of a person to look good. Therefore, clothing will always be in demand. Here you have several ways: you can sew and repair clothes yourself, or you can supply clothes. If you own a good living space, you can equip one of the rooms with a small home store. It does not require huge investments.

There is another option - to create a website and accept orders through it. Online stores have repeatedly demonstrated their survivability in emergency conditions. Everyone knows the quote from Bill Gates, they say, if you are not on the Internet, then you are not in business either. There are difficulties and subtleties in creating online stores, but with them you can really make money in a crisis.

Self-tailoring is leaving the service market, returning only in the season of graduations and weddings, so we do not recommend doing this troublesome business. But clothing repair is a hot topic, because not everyone can buy it.

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Income on deposits


This is a promising and long-term type of income. Straightaway big money you won't earn. It will take time to promote the blog. Whatever topic your blog covers, it should be clear. You also need to know your audience. That is, you must understand who needs your unique experience. And he needs it, believe me. Knowledge will always be in demand.

Bloggers make money by selling links and advertising. If you were into beading, for example, it would be great to do a master class using Toho beads that you bought on such and such a site. And the practical benefit for the audience, and advertising is unobtrusive, and people willingly use such offers.

Reseller and dropshipping

These concepts are not as relevant as they were a couple of years ago, but so much the better - you will not have competition. Dropshipping or dropshipping has remained a magnet that attracts the most controversial opinions. Someone believes that earnings on direct deliveries of goods from the manufacturer to the buyer are real, someone is skeptical about sales of “goods without goods”.

But our goal is to make money in a crisis, and dropshipping, like Internet trading in general, has proved to be a crisis-resistant phenomenon.

The main thing is not to “peck” on flashy, frankly promotional offers, where they call on you to open your own business as soon as possible, to become financially independent. The more inconspicuous the company is, the better for you - you can dictate some conditions to it.

AT simplified version the system looks like this: you find a supplier of some interesting product(it is better if it is a manufacturer), create a website, which you “stuff” with the corresponding lots, and deliver the goods to the client after full prepayment.

At the same time, the purchase price consists of the supplier's price and your markup, which will be your profit. You won't become a millionaire, but you won't lose anything either. This is the so-called "business without investments."

Attention, action!

What is the first reaction of the human brain to the word crisis? Intuitive desire to save. Save on food, clothes, household appliances. Therefore, sites that inform users about discounts, promotions, sales are in demand.

Many people have developed the habit of saving in this way even during the non-crisis period - if they plan to buy a refrigerator, they do not run to the nearest shopping center, but wait for profitable offers from other organizations.

Building a sales website brings a lot of benefits to the audience, to the merchants, and to you. In this case, you will earn on advertising. The more stores you cover, the more you earn.

Help online

The "profession" of a virtual assistant owes its appearance to the crisis. It becomes unprofitable for companies whose turnover is not measured in millions of rubles to maintain a large staff and rent an office. Therefore, many tasks of the company are given to employees outside the office - a virtual assistant.

The range of assigned tasks is very wide - from calling clients through the database to sending out e-mails.

Therefore, knowledge of networking skills is appropriate. Your professionalism, willingness to work and reliability will determine the amount of your income. If the amount obtained per month of work reaches 25,000 rubles. This is a good additional income in a crisis.

One of the ways to make money online is to do copywriting, compiling competent, unique, logically constructed texts. They can be advertising or informational in nature, the main thing is that the texts should be valuable from an informational point of view. They make money on this with varying degrees of success, and not at first, as a rule, but no one is left without bread.

Greetings, friends! Did you know that there is a category of people in times of crisis able to live no worse than before, or even better?

I'll even tell you more: they know how to squeeze out of the crisis (or from themselves in this unfavorable period) all the most delicious and creative.

They know how to find profit where the majority simply does not see it, namely, in the very heart of an unfavorable economic moment, they silently work when others are panicking, and then simply reap a rich harvest of their own efforts and successful ideas.

Who are they, these successful guys? Ordinary people, only with a slightly different program: they are programmed to succeed in any circumstances.

Program and motivate themselves. Perhaps you are even one of them, if instead of just complaining about significantly lower incomes and living standards, you are actively looking for where and how to make money in a crisis.

Want to know for sure where? For good earnings now it is not necessary to leave the house - it is always at hand. The Internet provides so many opportunities that one of them is definitely yours.

1. What is a good idea?

Maybe you have come across the theses of successful people about how and when they managed to earn their millions for short term if before that they had to work for a penny for a long time as pizza deliverymen or pool cleaners? Pay attention to what gave impetus to their ability to earn big money: times of crisis, when the usual work became less and pay, respectively, too.

Also pay attention to their advice on what to do in a crisis in order to earn money - there is not a single standard one related to physical labor, everything is original and intellectual. Therefore, the main condition good idea, which can become in demand among millions.

For example, I have already managed to create several of my products. And even though two of them don't sell at all, the others bring quite a big plus in my pocket. And there are a few more on the way. Why am I doing this? And besides, even if the first information product does not sell well, you should not be upset. Move on.

You might as well be selling tips on how to quickly clean up and keep your home tidy, or how to create ergonomic containers from scrap materials to store small items, or new way quick removal of seeds from berries. Every advice is needed by someone, every idea from someone will receive a warm response, the main thing is that it be useful to people.

Ideas on how to make money in the 2016 crisis can be based on anything - even directly on earning methods. Think about what knowledge or skill you possess so virtuoso that you can teach others, and act.

And if you don’t have any ideas, then don’t despair - it’s even better! It will be possible to create your own blog and gradually tell in it how you have learned something, and then, when you have already become a master from scratch, you can again create your own product. Although already only on one blog you will earn decent money.

2. Proven methods with minor amendments

The most ungrateful thing in the material sense is to run away from the crisis in the social network and waste your time there aimlessly (that is, for free). If the Internet is yours permanent place stay, then you cannot but know that a lot of money is spinning in the network and your task is to earn it. As the saying goes: you should not use the Internet, but use it.

Let's consider all the possibilities. What you can earn in the crisis of 2016 is the methods familiar to everyone that you may have been using for a long time. But today we will analyze them more deeply, and find not just earnings, but high and stable earnings with payment in dollar terms.

2.1. Copywriting, translation

A great way to make money, I even know who, for the sake of working on the network, left their main place of work, since the salary level there ceased to suit them. Journalists are retrained as bloggers, doctors write for thematic medical sites, competent foremen cover the nuances of repair and construction work on construction portals - and everyone is very pleased with the current level of income and dust-free work.

But when cooperating with Runet sites, the question of how to make money in a crisis does not lose its relevance even among the regulars. Another thing is to write for English-language sites. The job is suitable for people who have foreign languages: Translation and writing of texts are valued at times more expensive by Burzhnet exchanges and paid in hard currency, which, of course, is much more pleasant and preferable than even a very good ruble earnings.

Foreign freelancing includes not only copywriting work, here you can successfully find a highly paid job if you know how to create and promote websites, invent and draw logos, and create banners. By the way, I have a tutorial on my blog on how to .

2.2. Own English site

If you have experience in creating and promoting websites in Runet, then you have probably already decided how to make money during a crisis. under the bourgeois - the most profitable deal in troubled times. Western advertisers are not so affected by the crisis (and indeed, I suspect that crises happen only in our country), they are more solvent and generous. And as the ancient Jewish wisdom says: "A generous person is more reliable than a kind one." If, at least just to compare the cost per click, then in the subject of binary options, the average payment for 1 click is 1-2, and there is $ 15-30.

But with this way of earning, be prepared for some difficulties in promotion: you will need to hire competent English-speaking copywriters (see paragraph above), who are fluent not only in the language, but also in SEO.

2.3. Simple earnings on English-language sites

But if the desire for simple species your earnings in the bourgeois net are very high, and your knowledge of the language leaves much to be desired, I give you a hint on how to solve the problem: install an auto-translation program so that the language changes when loading web pages. You will not receive a clear translation, but in in general terms understand the content. By the way, this is one of the most affordable ways. And how to make money in the crisis of 2016 for ordinary people without great talents? Only by completing simple tasks! Although I must admit, I can't stand long reading of crooked translations.

2.4. To make money on microstocks

Choose the same foreign sites. Yes, if you don’t know what kind of income it is, I suggest: selling illustrations, photos and videos. You can sell one picture countless times for a small amount (in dollars) or one time for a solid amount.

If you know how to capture good angles and consider yourself not just a photographer, but a photo artist, then you don’t even need to think about what to do in a crisis to earn money - your income is in your hands. But not a problem, even if you are not a very lucky photographer or artist - after all, every amateur has one or two very cool photos or pictures, so put them up for long-term sale, they are able to feed you for several years (just before the end of the crisis).

I told you about safe methods earnings, although there are risks everywhere, even in copywriting through forums. But I must state the fact that Burzhnet customers and advertisers are decent people, accustomed to paying for someone else's work, no matter how ironic we may be about Western values. There are several times fewer scammers in the English-speaking segment of the Internet than in the Russian-speaking one. So try if before that you could not find how you can make money in a crisis.

3. How do I make money during a crisis?

Actually, above I have already mentioned earnings on the blog. Now I want to consider this opportunity in more detail and at the same time I will tell you why this particular method is one of the best for making money not only in a crisis, but also in any other period.

Evgeny Malyar

# Business ideas

Making money during the economic crisis

The Briton successfully sold the property he owned by playing it in a lottery with tickets costing only 50 pounds. Almost 14 thousand people became participants, and the bill of sale was honestly issued for the winner.

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  • How to make money during a recession
  • What to do in a crisis
  • How to make money on the economic crisis

Few people have not heard about the crisis that has been shaking the world economy for several years, although not everyone understands what it is and where this unpleasant phenomenon came from. With all the complexity of the origins and causes, there is no doubt about its existence. Both businessmen and ordinary people during this period it becomes much more difficult to earn money. Under the conditions of the crisis in Russia, as in other countries, trade turnover decreased, the volume of national production fell, and the standard of living of the population fell.

Definition. economic crisis called a phenomenon expressed in a large-scale deterioration in the prevailing conditions for doing business.

In other words, getting income in the usual ways becomes problematic. The main manifestation of the disastrous factors of the crisis is considered to be a sharp decline in sales of the generalized product. A seemingly insoluble contradiction arises:

  • Consumers buy fewer goods and services;
  • Producers reduce supply volumes and reduce their costs, including in terms of wages;
  • The consumer market is shrinking even more.

For all their seeming destructiveness, these periods are characterized by cyclicity and end sooner or later. In addition, even in the most difficult times there are always people who not only successfully survive them, but also increase their fortune. The article will give practical advice about how to make money on the crisis.

How to make money during a recession

The mistake of many entrepreneurs is to treat the crisis only as a problem. A defensive stance hinders the realization of many of the possibilities offered by this large-scale phenomenon. A business that offers:

  • A product characterized by low elasticity of demand, that is, one for which the consumer is forced to pay regardless of the price increase;
  • Goods produced in a country with the prevailing use of domestic raw materials. In this case, the cost in currency terms is significantly reduced, which creates competitive advantages in international markets;
  • Goods and services at affordable prices. In a crisis, a significant part of buyers reorient their needs to economical products, and manufacturers who are able to offer them at acceptable quality find themselves in an advantageous position;
  • New forms of cooperation. During a crisis, the demand for services and goods offered under special conditions for the provision and payment increases. Preferential consumer loans, outsourcing, external consulting and other ways to reduce operating costs, especially by enterprises, are becoming in demand. For example, instead of having to spend money monthly on the salary of their own lawyer, the manager may decide to involve an outside specialist as needed. Firms that offer these forms of collaboration appear to be viable.

The main condition for success commercial activities in times of crisis - the ability to provide a quality (preferably unique) product at an affordable price.

What to do in a crisis

Naturally, people are not interested in theoretical calculations (although one cannot do without them), but in quite practical recommendations on what to do in order to make money even in a crisis.

There are actually more options than it might seem at first glance. There are so many of them that it is difficult to even list them in one article. Most opportunities to use difficult conditions that arose as a result of the changed macroeconomic situation, among the owners of large businesses, but its representatives do not need advice due to their rich experience and powerful financial resources. The recommendations are addressed to medium and small entrepreneurs, as well as people who worked as employees before the crisis and lost their usual place of employment.

Some activities that generate income during a crisis:

Sale from stock. The peculiarity of the business is that the goods can be sold at a price lower than the usual retail price. This result can be achieved by acquiring a wholesale batch and saving in every possible way on trading costs. As a rule, the lease of space in the city periphery or beyond locality it is cheaper, and buyers have an incentive to come in their own cars and stock up on everything they need for future use, paying less than for the same goods in the nearest supermarket. Transportation costs dictate a larger amount of the average bill.

Internet trading. There are more than enough materials on this topic on the net. It is possible to partially combine with the above warehouse system, if the buyer is ready to come for his purchase himself. The variety of assortment is not limited by anything.

Creation of sites and their promotion. The expanses of the Internet are suitable for making money in a variety of ways, including through the creation of new information resources specializing in different areas. The main thing to remember is that traffic brings money. Achieving high attendance is difficult, but this task is relevant during the crisis, and without it.

Construction works. Also an eternal business, but its feature in this aspect should be anti-crisis prices. With such shortcomings of the new company as low fame and limited opportunities, you can always use an important trump card - the client's ability to save on construction, decoration and repair of premises.

Equipment repair. If in a normal prosperous time, in the event of a hardware breakdown, the consumer is often inclined to purchase a new item, then in a crisis, sometimes preferred option repairs. If you have certain skills, you can repair various equipment with considerable profit.

car service. Machines are damaged and require maintenance all the time, and the desire to save money on oil changes or repairs is heightened in times of crisis, when the services of licensed workshops and centers strive to make a hole in family budget. For starters, your own garage can also become a place of work. If we add tire fitting to the usual paid operations, the coverage " liquid rubber” or other possible “chips” technologically available in our time, then there are reasons to hope for a stable income.

Trucking. own car, as you know, is not a luxury, but it is probably not worth it in a crisis to limit its functions only to the movement of oneself. A car can become a means of earning money, and if it is a minibus, then the possibility of its commercial use is greatly expanded.

Manicure. There are a large number of beauty salons that provide this service, however competitive advantage may be the willingness of the performer to come to the client. This clever move solves two economic problems at once: firstly, there is no need to rent and maintain the premises, and secondly, price flexibility sometimes works wonders. It is not at all difficult to carry tools with you, and with skillful advertising, there will be no end to those who wish.

A haircut. Going to the hairdresser is a long process. A home visiting master will always be in demand for the reasons listed above (as applied to manicure). By the way, we should not forget about our smaller brothers. Grooming dogs is a useful skill that makes sense to master in times of crisis.

Organization of holidays. This particular market has always been fiercely competitive, so it seems to many that it is impossible to break into the entertainment business. Nevertheless, there are reserves for promoting the service, and mainly they again relate to the price side of the matter. It is always possible to create a good mood for guests at a lower cost.

In a crisis, the pathos of events ceases in most cases to be a criterion for a well-spent holiday. Nothing terrible will happen if instead of a "promoted" group musical accompaniment a lesser-known but well-playing band will perform, and the evening will do without lasers and fireworks, which no longer surprise anyone. You can attract customers with a high-quality and tasty menu, a pleasant unobtrusive presenter and comfortable conditions communication. And all this at a lower cost.

Options for business activity in a crisis period are countless. The main unifying principle is the ability of the entrepreneur to provide the consumer with the opportunity to solve an "expensive" problem in a low-budget way.

How to make money on the economic crisis

Historically, Russians and citizens of other post-Soviet countries are less accustomed to crises than residents of states in which capitalist relations have been established for a long time. Most of the examples of the successful use of the opportunities provided by the "great turning points" came to us from America and Europe. We can recall the financiers who successfully predicted the collapse of securities quotes and "made" billions on their prophecies (Paulson, Simons, Falcone, Griffin and others).

Noteworthy is the experience of inventing Spam sausage mince from meat products, which until 1937 were considered almost waste, resulting in the most popular canned food (Hormel Foods). There are more contemporary examples successful distribution of resources in conditions of their extreme scarcity, which led to good results during the last crisis in different countries Oh. Here is some of them:

  1. Lease of free pages of school manuals for advertising in the city of San Diego (California, USA) in order to support the financial support of the educational process.
  2. The Ukrainian city of Lviv is famous for the original design of the cafe. In one of them, Anti-Crisis Kneipp, all the waiters pretend to be bankrupt businessmen offering, in addition to coffee and snacks, to buy various inexpensive products in order to survive financial turmoil. Visitors liked the idea.
  3. In the Russian city of Novosibirsk, a new Promo-Dog service has been invented. The carriers of advertising information are dogs with colorful signs promoting various products. Animal owners are paid for the "exploitation" of their pets, which can only be walked.
  4. The campaign, which at first glance seems wasteful, led to an increase in sales of Renault cars. Test drive during the weekend plus a full tank of gasoline produces on potential buyers such a deep impression that it usually ends with the sale of the car.
  5. Another auto giant, the Korean Hyundai, initiated a program in 2008 under which the buyer of the car received the right to return it in case of loss of work (not because of his fault). Management came to the conclusion that the fear of being insolvent was a major barrier to buying a car. The action had a positive effect - sales increased significantly.
  6. Russian realtors take note! Briton Dave Mackie very successfully sold his property (for £765,000) by playing it in a lottery with tickets costing only fifty pounds. Nearly 14,000 people willing to take risks became participants, and the bill of sale was honestly drawn up for the winner.
  7. In the US, the mortgage crisis has resulted in a rapid fall in housing prices. The way out for many families was to short-term rent cheaper houses, which helped to keep the property.

How can you extract income from the crisis state of the economy? What should be done? What investment strategies allow you to make a profit during a period of financial difficulties, if at all possible?

Despite the fact that during the crisis capitals are reduced, and investments and other assets lose their profitability, there are chances to earn money. You can profit from small speculative activities - this is a less obvious form of income, but often used by experienced players on stock exchanges. But you can also buy potentially profitable securities when they are relatively cheap. This approach is less obvious, but in the future it can bring in much more money.

Playing for a fall is the simplest way to make money in a crisis

The first option is called "playing for a fall." Not more than a tenth of investors use this strategy of stock behavior. This option is most common in a crisis in margin trading.

This method is also called short selling or short selling. The operation allows you to sell securities, goods or currencies without having registered ownership of them. Quite a suitable anti-crisis solution.

It happens in the following way. First, a contract is concluded for a delayed execution of conditions or for margin trading. The latter allows you to sell goods taken on credit from a broker, and then sell it to the same broker in order to return the loan to the latter in kind. In this situation, the seller may hope that the loan can be repaid at a lower price than when it cost before.

This is quite complicated, so let's look at the situation in a different way using an example. A market participant buys gold from a broker on September 5th. The price index then is 1,902.8. After that, it is assumed that the investor will have to return the same asset. Suppose he sells it for money, gaining an amount equal to its value at that time. September of this year was a very strange month for the price of gold: it dropped unusually strongly.

So, three weeks pass, and by the end of the month, let's say September 24, our investor buys gold in order to return it in the same amount to his creditor. But on this day, the gold rate is 20% less, already equal to 1,648.2. Thus, he has the opportunity to earn about 20% of the value of the precious metal after the first sale.

Naturally, such behavior is impossible - on September 5, our investor could not know that it would decrease in price in a few days, just as on September 24, he could not know that fluctuations in the cost of the most expensive metal would begin. But, nevertheless, with certain skills in finding information from reliable sources and knowledge about price changes on the stock exchange, an investor can benefit from this. By the way, these investors are called bears - this is a metaphor: the bear usually crushes the victim he is hunting, which is similar to the desire of such investors to buy goods and shares when their value decreases.

Business in crisis

Popular blogger and successful businessman Ilya Varlamov believes that the crisis opens unique opportunities for a new income. Indeed, against the backdrop of the devaluation of the ruble and the fall in real incomes of the population, completely different goods and services will be in demand.

"Business on savings"

In the coming years, due to the crisis, Russians will be forced to save on literally everything: clothes and shoes, travel and entertainment, lunches in cafes and spas.

Therefore, everything that will help people to maintain their usual way of life for less money will be in demand. For example, cosmetology services at home, repair of clothes and shoes, home-cooked meals in the office, online services for selecting the best price offers for goods and services in the city.

In addition, the "economy epidemic" will affect not only ordinary Russians, but all companies without exception (especially in small businesses). Trying to optimize costs, business owners and managers will gradually abandon the services of old suppliers and look for cheaper, anti-crisis counterparts.

"Entertainment business"

Due to the sharp devaluation of the ruble, many Russians will stop buying tours to Greece, Turkey and Egypt for some time. But you still need to swim, sunbathe and have fun somewhere! And most likely - in the nearest hometown recreational area (in the park or on the beach).

This year, those who are accustomed to a higher level of service will come to the market of "domestic entertainment". And the demand for a budget, but high-quality vacation so far clearly exceeds supply.

Fresh ideas can be searched on foreign sites and adapted to suit Russian specifics. What can be offered target audience? For example, rental of bicycles and roller skates, organization of children's holidays on outdoors, selling fresh fruit on the beach, conducting one-day excursions, developing unique walking routes, “quests” in the forest, learning archery.

"Business on foreign tourists"

The crisis of the ruble has made tourist trips to Russia much more affordable for foreigners. There is only one conclusion: we need to open a travel agency focused on guests from abroad as soon as possible!

You can also create a high-quality travel blog on English language. And receive regular earnings for the recommendation of hotels, restaurants and tour agencies.

It is possible to develop new “unused” routes across Russia. Especially popular among foreigners now are "wild tours", which allow you to appreciate not the popular, but the real atmosphere of a particular country.

Such a "tour a la naturel" can be arranged in ordinary Russian villages. Beautiful nature, fishing and hunting, hiking in the forest, spending the night in rural houses, natural products, master classes in weaving baskets or painting clay plates. To organize such a business, it is enough to go around several villages, negotiate with adequate owners and post a bunch of colorful photos on the site.

If this idea seems too complicated - just make and sell souvenirs. By the way, today there are not so many high-quality souvenir products in Russia - great idea how not to make bad money during a crisis in the economy.

Placement of funds on bank deposits

Interest rates on bank deposits today are higher than ever. Some banks offer a yield in rubles up to 17% -18.5% per annum! Banks from the TOP-20 are no longer so “generous”, but the depositor can firmly count on 10% -15% per annum.

The same can be said about deposits in US dollars. On the market, you can find offers up to 7.6% per annum, and large banks "promise" a yield of 3% -6% per annum.

The reason is that the market is currently experiencing an acute shortage of liquidity. In other words, during a crisis, domestic banks really need cash, which they are ready to attract from the population at fairly high interest rates.

It is also worth taking a closer look at bank deposits because the amount of guaranteed payments from the DIA has already been increased from 700 thousand rubles to 1.4 million rubles.

Investments in securities


A crisis is a rare opportunity to buy shares of reliable companies with good growth prospects at a lower price. For example, the shares of the aluminum company Rusal quadrupled after restructuring debts and receiving additional income from the devaluation of the ruble.

Long-term investors are now "bundles" buying shares of companies with good growth prospects, temporarily fallen "below the plinth".

For example, Mechel shares have been trading at record lows for a long time. Investors began to “dump” them en masse, fearing a possible bankruptcy of the company. However, over time, Mechel emerged from the crisis, and its shares have seriously risen in price. And it is possible that in the near future the growth will be more than 100%.

Recall that four years ago, one ordinary share of Mechel was valued at the stock exchange at 968 rubles. By the end of September 2014, the price dropped to 15 rubles. Since the beginning of this year, Mechel shares have already managed to rise in price to 93.5 rubles and fall to 66.38 rubles.

Obviously, the investor will have to pay for the high potential return on the shares of this company with a high level of risk. If the banks do not restructure its loans, and the state refuses to support Mechel, most likely, it will be declared bankrupt.

However, many analysts believe that the likelihood of Mechel going bankrupt today is low. Moreover, the devaluation of the ruble only benefited the company, and the balance sheet finally had money to pay off debts.

In general, Russian market shares today looks clearly undervalued. The Russian P/E ratio (the ratio of the market price of a share to its earnings) in the MSCI Russia Index is four. For comparison, the P/E in the S&P500 is 18.1.

This means that if the economic situation in Russia improves, then, according to analysts, investors can expect an annual return of 16.9% over 10 years. And this is much more than the yield on the market of developing countries (not to mention developed countries).

Currency bonds

Another promising option for "crisis" investments is foreign currency bonds of Russian banks. Not all, of course, but such "giants" as VTB, Promsvyazbank or Russian Standard.

Today, large foreign banks (for example, Swiss ones) give their customers the opportunity to buy any financial asset. including debt securities Russian companies and banks.

The yield on bonds of state-owned banks in Russia at the end of 2014 exceeded 20% in dollars. And some private banks to this day offer 30% -40% per annum. At the same time, the maximum rate dollar deposits in the same banks does not exceed 7%.

Naturally, the reliability of such investments will either have to be checked by oneself, or to seek help from independent financial consultants.

What to pay attention to when assessing the reliability of bank bonds? On the amount of highly liquid funds, the dynamics of capital, the dynamics of assets and liabilities, as well as capital adequacy ratios. Another important point– the amount of funds raised for the purchase of securities.

Now one of the most highly profitable debt instruments are Eurobonds of Renaissance Credit Bank - with maturity in May 2016 and a yield of about 35% per annum. A good yield is offered by MCB (14%, redemption in 2018), Vneshprombank (22%, redemption in 2016) and Tinkoff Bank (15%, redemption in 2015).

Please note that the number of dollar-denominated debt instruments on the market is decreasing every month. Indeed, due to sanctions and the process of de-dollarization, Russian banks and companies have not issued new Eurobonds for almost a year now.

Of course, if the bank goes bankrupt during the crisis (from which no one is insured today), the investor will lose all the money earned and invested. On the other hand, right now such bonds can be bought at a good price, while counting on a really high income.

We buy cash dollars and euros

AT recent times the ruble noticeably strengthens against the US dollar and the euro. However, most experts are inclined to believe that this phenomenon is temporary.

A number of circumstances contributed to the strengthening of the ruble: an increase in oil prices to 50-60 rubles per barrel, a decrease in the degree of tension in Ukraine, the sale of currency by the population, the decision of the US Federal Reserve to postpone the increase in rates, a drop in imports by 30% -40%. In addition, high interest rates in Russia made it possible for traders to earn on the difference in rates in different countries (the so-called carry trade).

In other words, the demand for the ruble is created only by exporters and speculators. And this is clearly not enough to change the trend.

Unfortunately, the fundamental factors pushing the ruble down are still in force. These are both non-lifted sanctions and a general “weakness” Russian economy, and low oil prices, and a general strengthening of the dollar.

Therefore, now is the time to “shift” into foreign currency for those who did not have time to do this before the December “jump” in the exchange rate. Indeed, in the next couple of years, the dollar will strengthen against almost all world currencies (analysts and experts are unanimous in this).

In addition, it is possible that in the long run the same “trick” will be done by the euro. After all, the European crisis will end sooner or later, there will be a solution to the Greek debt problem, and the EU economy will finally get out of recession. And when the ECB's quantitative easing program ends, the euro will go up sharply.

So today the euro - a good option for those who are oriented to the long term. In the next year or two, the euro will most likely become cheaper against the dollar.

The financial crisis has affected almost every area of ​​our lives. Prices began to rise rapidly, and the national currency, on the contrary, depreciates, so many citizens of our country are forced to look for additional sources of income in order to improve their financial situation. In this article, we will look at several ways to make money in the 2018 crisis for ordinary people.


Food is an eternal human need. People buy products in any economic conditions, despite their high cost. Consumers can save on everything - clothing, entertainment, recreation, but not only on food. Therefore, if you cannot find something to make money on during the 2018 crisis, provide the citizens of our country with inexpensive food. This can be done in different ways:

  1. If you have your own private home with land plot, you can grow vegetable crops- potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, etc. This is a great option for how to make money in a crisis without large financial investments;
  2. Many enterprising people make money in a crisis on homemade cakes. Such a product is always in demand among the population, therefore, there are usually no problems with the sale of confectionery and bakery products. A small mini-bakery at home is quite promising, which can be implemented with a small financial investment;
  3. Another option is homemade pickles and canning. These can be various salads, preserves, jams, stew and so on, that is, any products that are bought by residents of megacities;
  4. Most - your own food stall or shop. Such a case will require certain financial investments and registration of permits from you. Rent a small space, find reliable suppliers who will regularly deliver inexpensive quality goods and get to work. If things go well, over time, you can open a large grocery store and significantly increase your income.

Educational courses

In a period of economic instability, people continue to make sure that their children get an education. As a rule, the crisis is not a serious obstacle to this process, but tuition prices are rising, so many young people cannot enter prestigious university. Therefore, the demand for short-term training courses begins to grow.

If you can sing, dance or play the guitar well, share your talents and skills with other people and get good money for it. This is a great option for making money in a crisis, for people who speak foreign languages ​​or have some professional skills.


Despite the fact that all people try to save money, they still buy shoes and clothes. Demand for such a product falls slightly, so if you are looking for an answer to the question of how you can make money during a crisis, try opening a small store or clothing repair shop.

Another option for how you can make money now in a crisis is your own online store. Recently, online trading has begun to develop at a rapid pace, so this line of activity opens up wide prospects for novice entrepreneurs.

Do-it-yourself tailoring is not the most best idea how to make money in a crisis. This service is gradually disappearing from the market. It is in demand only during the season of graduations and weddings, so experts do not recommend seriously engaging in such a business.

Real estate

During the crisis, housing prices begin to decline rapidly. Experts believe that real estate transactions are The best way earn to make money in a crisis. If you have additional living space, you can sell it and, in just a few months, buy a similar housing, but at a lower price.

Another option is the completion of unfinished buildings. During the crisis, many people are forced to sell unfinished houses, because financial opportunities do not allow them to complete the construction. If you have a certain start-up capital, invest it in such objects. Over time, you can complete the house and sell it for much more.

The easiest way to make money in a crisis is to rent out real estate. It is suitable for people who have additional housing and do not want to sell it. Such a business brings huge profits in resort towns during the holiday season.

Earnings on the Internet

The Internet is a real treasure trove. unlimited possibilities. Anyone can earn money online, regardless of their age and education. Let's take a closer look at a few ideas on how to make money in a crisis on the Internet:
  • Copywriting or writing articles on various topics. This is a great option for people who know how to correctly express their thoughts on paper. If you are looking for something to do to make money in a crisis, be sure to try your hand at copywriting. You can earn 800–1000 rubles or more daily by writing articles. Earnings depend on the number of orders, the professionalism of the performer and, of course, on your desire to work;
  • Advertising. This idea of ​​how to make money in a crisis is suitable for people who have their own website or blog. To get access to advertising, you need to register on a special resource. For each viewing of ads by users, site owners receive a certain amount. The more people visit your resource, the higher the earnings;
  • Social networks. Another popular way to make money online during the 2018 crisis is to complete various tasks in in social networks. This can be writing comments or reviews, maintaining groups, and so on. To find such a job, you need to register on freelance exchanges. Start by completing inexpensive, simple tasks. Over time, when your rating increases, regular customers will appear who will fully provide you with work;
  • Photobanks. If you are fond of photography, you don’t have to worry about how to make money in the crisis of 2018 from scratch. The Internet has special resources- photo stocks. They provide an opportunity for anyone to upload their pictures and sell them for a good price. If you take high-quality original photos, they will definitely interest the netizens.

business at home

Recently, many people have become interested, without major financial investments. The easiest and most affordable option is to open a small business in your own garage. There are many profitable garage business ideas that can be implemented literally from scratch. If you know how to repair cars and do not know, open your own car service in the garage. A small car repair shop will be a good financial help for you during the economic instability. Another idea for a profitable business during the crisis in 2018 is a computer and household appliance repair shop.

There are many ideas that allow you to open a small home business with minimal cost. You can organize a small smokehouse in the garage, a carpentry workshop, or engage in the production of ceramic products from clay. A good profit is brought by a glass cutting workshop, as well as the production of cinder blocks or paving slabs.


People who are fond of needlework can earn good money from the hobby. Handmade products give any home more comfort, so they are always in demand in the market. Before you get started, ask. Experts recommend offering consumers various souvenirs, figurines, inexpensive bedspreads and tablecloths, knitted items, and more. The most important thing is to develop your own unique style. In this case, you will definitely find buyers for your product.

Resale of goods

If you are attracted to trade, it is most profitable during a crisis to open your own online store. Before you do this, you need to find out. Start small, like reselling goods from China. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend focusing on:
  • Inexpensive shoes and clothes;
  • Children's products;
  • Hygiene items and household chemicals;
  • Unusual gifts;
  • Electronics and small household appliances.

Do not immediately open a large online store. At the stage of formation, offer customers 2-3 items of goods. If things go well, you can gradually expand the range.

What to do in a crisis in 2018?

Travel business

If you know well all the historical sights in your city, you can organize a small travel agency for foreigners. Offer your clients exclusive tours and private tours.

It is best to advertise your services on forums where travel lovers from around the world communicate. Along the way, offer potential customers useful information, such as train timetables or an overview of hostels. The most important thing is to draw the attention of tourists to traveling to Russia. Of course, many travel agencies have changed their activities and began to offer inexpensive, exciting tours with overnight stays in village houses, lunches in nature and transfers by shuttle buses. Such extreme trips attract tourists from different countries, so they are constantly in great demand.