Ways to make money in a crisis. What are working business ideas? Making money in times of crisis

How to make money in a crisis: 4 signs of a crisis + 10 ways to make money in a crisis + 3 tips to help you get rich.

All people dream of a rich and luxurious life, but it takes a lot of work to realize this dream. V Lately the global economic situation worsened. Many countries have been in crisis, which affects both ordinary citizens and businessmen.

How to make money in a crisis and increase your budget? You will find out by reading the article to the end.

Crisis and its signs

A crisis- this is a violation of the balance between supply and demand for various goods and services.

It is the crisis that is the reason for the increase in prices for food, utilities, clothing, household chemicals, real estate, etc. In turn, the income of ordinary citizens remains unchanged, because during the crisis, many companies and firms suffer losses, therefore they refuse to raise wages for their workers.

To recognize the crisis will help its clear signs:

  1. Decrease in prices on world markets.
  2. Mass layoffs.
  3. The collapse of the state currency against the world currency.
  4. Rising prices for utilities and other essential goods.

10 options how to make money on the crisis

All you need for this is to find a supplier and have a group on the social network. You will offer your subscribers things from the manufacturer, but with a small margin, which will be your income.

The main thing here is not to exaggerate. After all, the cost of goods should be an order of magnitude lower than in stores and on the market, but also slightly higher than wholesale, so that you can earn.

Selling online is not just about clothes. Many earn on household chemicals, cosmetics, toys, shoes and similar products.

No. 3. Earn from construction.

Despite the crisis, many wealthy families are still building houses. If you have experience working at a construction site, then you should think about how to make money in a crisis by creating your own team of professionals.

Assemble a team of 5-7 people. For starters, you can take simple orders (for example, make extensions, gazebos). When you prove yourself, then take on serious tasks, and recruit more people into the brigade.

No. 4. Repair.

You can make money on repairs in a crisis in several areas. Here you need to build on your knowledge and skills.

    If you understand cars, then open your workshop.

    It is not necessary to rent a large building for a service station. For starters, even your garage is suitable, because in a crisis people need not expensive car repairs, but at the same time high-quality ones.

    If you are close Appliances, then earn money by repairing it at home.

    There will be orders, because in a crisis, few people can afford to buy new refrigerator, washing machine or even a phone.

Another option for making money on repairs is working with furniture. Offer your services for upholstery, restoration of interior items.

No. 5. Manicure, cosmetology, hairdressing services.

Despite the crisis or other troubles in the country, women want to be beautiful: to have a haircut, well-groomed hands, to do cosmetic procedures. But the prices in beauty salons for many ladies are simply sky-high.

If you want to help your girlfriends and other women of the city in this matter, then at home. If you have not been trained in hairdressing, manicure or cosmetology, then you can take express courses in 3-4 months and quickly learn everything.

It is not necessary to provide services in all areas. Choose what appeals to you the most. Prices in a home studio should be lower than in beauty salons in the city. Start experimenting on your girlfriends, neighbors. If you have a soul for this, then the rumor about the new master will spread quickly.

No. 6. How to make money on a personal car?

In this case, everything will depend on the dimensions of your car. There are two ways to make money on a car during a crisis. If the car is a passenger car, then you can work as a taxi driver There is always a demand in this area. You can engage in private transportation or ask to take you to work in a taxi service.

If the car is a truck, for example, a gazelle, then offer your cargo transportation services. Everyone can earn money, because not everyone has their own car, and transporting things, furniture is necessary very often.

No. 7. How to make money on animals?

If you are a happy owner of a thoroughbred cat or dog, then you have the opportunity to earn big money in a crisis. We are talking about breeding purebred pets. Of course, this will require a large living space, animals must have a passport, all the necessary vaccinations, and be periodically observed by a veterinarian.

But you can earn big money. For example, an English Bulldog puppy costs from $3,000. Imagine if you have 3-4 of them for sale every year!

Someone might object “In a crisis, people don’t have enough money for food, and you are talking about thoroughbred puppies!”. But the reality is that the low-income and middle strata of the population suffer from this state of affairs. The so-called rich are also feeling the impact of the crisis, but their way of life is not changing much.

No. 8. Providing private lessons.

Workers are the most affected during a crisis. government organizations. In this case, we will talk about teachers, lecturers.

If you have a pedagogical education, then during a crisis you can make money with private lessons. It does not matter which subject is your profile, there will always be customers.

Especially the influx will be felt before passing the state exam. Most parents hire tutors for their children. Tell your friends, parents of students, etc. that you are ready to work with children.

Another option is writing control, term papers and theses for students. Here you will earn the most on your core subject, because you know all the correct answers about what you need to write about, so you will cope with the order in 1-2 days.

No. 9. You can make money on the crisis online.

We just can not help but talk about making money on the Internet. There are many varieties of part-time jobs on the World Wide Web, but it should be understood that not all of them bring large and fast income.

If your goal is to earn a lot of money, then we do not recommend spending time on a side job like surfing. Pay for this type of activity is low. To reach a high level, you need to work hard and for a long time.

Today, a promising option that will help you make money in a crisis is blogging or your YouTube channel.

But not everyone will be able to receive money for seemingly simple actions:

    First, you must have a creative idea for a blog.

    People should subscribe to your page, visit it daily. Only by gaining a sufficient number of visitors, you can earn on advertising.

    Secondly, you must be able to speak in a way that will be heard.

    Agree, not everyone has necessary qualities in order to be able to create your own page on the net and be popular.

There are other professions that will help you make money during a crisis. For example, SEO-optimizers are in demand today. These are people who have knowledge of how to promote the site and bring it to the first place in the search engine.

Content managers and web designers are also valued, but in this case, you won’t be able to make money without certain knowledge and skills. You can try to create your own website, but again, you need to have knowledge in this area, and most importantly, an original idea and theme for creating portal content.

No. 10. Work at home.

At the end, we would like to tell in general terms as much as possible. It all depends on your skills, profession, skills, knowledge.

if you have handicraft talent then be sure to use it.

Many women create a business from scratch on:

  • tailoring;
  • knitting and crocheting exclusive hats, sweaters, even swimsuits;
  • embroidery of pictures with beads, a cross;
  • creating jewelry self made etc.

Buy yourself a needlework magazine and try to create something with your own hands. If you succeed, then why not capitalize on your talent?

Another way to capitalize on a crisis is take orders for remote work. For example, you can be a freelance secretary for a company and perform small tasks for management: call customers, place ads, forward letters, etc.

If you have an accounting education, then take orders for the provision of reports for individual entrepreneurs to the tax service and the maintenance of other documentation for small firms.

Men can capitalize on the crisis by doing simple chores around the house for single women or the elderly: fix a faucet, change a lock, hang a chandelier, and so on. You won’t get a lot of money for such orders, but you will have enough for small expenses.

How to become rich in a crisis?

Is it possible to make money in a crisis? Increase
personal finance.

How to become richer during a crisis?

How to make money in a crisis? This question is faced by absolutely all people, regardless of their position in society.

We want to tell you about the main tips that will help you attract additional finance and not lose what you have:

  1. To make money in a crisis, you need to go through and evaluate all possible options. Think about what talents you have, what you are good at doing.

    For example, you can sing or dance.

    Why not take a chance and go to a talent show? Perhaps right now you will be lucky, and you will be able to earn your first million. If not, then at least they will find out about you, and they may invite you to speak at corporate parties, holidays.

    Try all the options, even if they seem unrealistic to you.

  2. Your education and profession will help you earn money.

The crisis leads some people to poverty, while others do not change their financial situation, and still others become even richer during the economic downturn. Of course, few people wish to be assigned to the first category. The bulk of people strive to be in the third or at least in the second group.

Crisis Definition

From time to time it happens that the harmony of our life begins to collapse under the influence of irresistible external forces. At the same time, the course of events and the way of things familiar to everyone are changing. Established views on the surrounding reality are also subject to revision. All this points to the onset of a crisis.

During such a period, it seems to many of us that life has come to an end, and the familiar world is sure to collapse. This state of affairs can cause shock to the business.

This is facilitated by:

  • currency fluctuations;
  • losses from broken transactions;
  • new rules and laws for entrepreneurs, etc.

In such a situation, it seems to many that all the effort, time and money spent on creating their own business were wasted.

Making the Right Decision

In a crisis? Maybe give up and put up with everything? After all, it seems to many that the collapse has come, everything is already lost. However, don't be discouraged!

Consider the crisis as the next stage of business, which is sure to be followed by a powerful impetus in development. The recession of the economy should not become for you sometimes despair, but a motivation for making extraordinary decisions and active actions. If you do not find the answer to the question of how to make money in a crisis, then you need to learn how to do things the right way, try to control all indicators and work processes, create a strong team of professionals and build a reliable management system. Only in this case, it will be possible to extract the maximum benefit from the misfortunes and troubles that have befallen your head.

What does the crisis lead to?

A recession in the economy of any state causes the following:

  • decrease in consumer demand;
  • tightening conditions for banks to issue loans;
  • savings on wages;
  • reduction in the number of employees and much more.

In this regard, sales in a crisis will certainly decline. Consumers are buying fewer products, which is hurting many small businesses. Survival in a crisis will require application non-standard methods, which we will discuss below.

Finding a new market niche

In a crisis, when there is a drop in consumer demand and fierce competition? One of the options for making the right decision can be finding a new market niche. Your business should become highly specialized, intended only for a small circle of consumers.

To determine the main areas of activity, it will be necessary to find in time the sphere of unsatisfied needs of people in the product or service they need.
How to make money during a crisis, taking advantage of this? Quite easy! First of all, you need to highlight special group consumers who need products that are not available on the mass market. Most profitable business will be able to start the one who will make his clients special offer. This will be the exit to a new niche. It should be borne in mind that you can create a unique business using unusual ways of working with consumers.

There are a huge number of options to start developing a new direction. At the same time, it is important to remember that in order to successfully conduct business, you cannot stop there. This is especially true during periods Working in a crisis requires a constant search for new market niches and ideas.

If you decide to start a new business...

Downturns in the economy at all times are a serious test for those who are representatives of medium or small businesses. The consequences of the crisis are different. The weakest during this period go bankrupt, and the strong survive. As far as far-sighted businessmen are concerned, they create new, most effective ways, allowing you to answer the question of how to make money in a crisis. These enterprising people waste no time developing strategic directions that help overcome the difficulties that have arisen with honor.

Many do not dare to open their own business in a difficult economic period, fearing failure and ruin. However, you need to start a business when you feel ready for it. At any time, this is not at all an easy task. There will always be something to interfere with. However, the good news is that you will become your own boss and master, and besides, you will stop working for "someone else's uncle."

Do not panic for those who planned to open their own franchise business. If we wait for the time when the crisis subsides, then the most promising niches will be occupied by other entrepreneurs. You risk being out of work.

Business ideas in a crisis should be well thought out. Of course, no one is immune from failure, but such a risk exists even in periods of stability. When choosing the direction of a new business that will be opened under a franchise, you will need to determine the sector in which a decline in sales is expected or there will be a demand for services that are not in demand during stable times.

One has only to carefully consider the first sector in order to understand which enterprises are not worth investing in. Their list during the crisis includes the construction and sale of gadgets, as well as expensive electronics, elite restaurants and much more. Survival in a crisis in these areas is possible only if there are powerful assets and there is no competition in the local market.

As for the second sector, it should attract the special attention of a novice entrepreneur. This is where you can earn a lot of money, despite the downturn in the economy. What are the crisis? These experts include:

  1. Outsourcing. This is a promising type of business, as many companies will seek to reduce their costs. To continue doing business successfully, they will have to outsource some non-core processes. There are quite interesting franchises that work with the offer of personnel outsourcing and outsourcing services.
  2. Consulting. This is work to forecast consumer demand for certain types of services, to increase the motivation of staff and to increase the efficiency of their work. This type activity feels great not only in times of a stable economy, but also in times of recession.
  3. Service. This is the most profitable business in a crisis. Promotion to repair various office and production equipment always occurs during periods of cash shortage.

These are the most current ideas business in crisis. The most worthy ways to earn money can be found by conducting a thorough analysis of the local market.

How to work in a crisis for an already open enterprise?

With the onset of a recession in the economy, running a franchise business will have to be somewhat reconsidered. It will take the maximum concentration of all efforts to keep things afloat. This is especially true for the sector in which the most risky types of business are located.

Managing an enterprise in a crisis will require the adoption of some unpopular measures for the team. Among them are the following:

  • Staff reduction. To save your own business, some specialists will need to be replaced by outsourcers. This will cut costs by up to fifty percent.
  • Reduction of current expenses. Save the company's money will reduce the cost of purchasing new equipment, organizing corporate parties, as well as the purchase of office supplies.
  • Keeping wages at one level, despite the growth of the dollar and the euro.
  • Investing only in property that will generate income. These can be securities, real estate, equipment, etc.

Sales during periods of decline in purchasing power

How to make money in a crisis, when there is a drop in consumer demand? What business will be the most profitable under these conditions? To answer this question, you need to ask yourself first of all: “What am I ready to spend my money on today?”.

Most likely, inexpensive goods, without which it is impossible to do without, such as shoes and clothing, will be in high demand among buyers. This is especially true for items of women's wardrobe. And this is not surprising. Every woman wants to be beautiful and elegant. That is why the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, let them not update, but certainly periodically replenish their wardrobe. During the crisis, sellers of fashionable, but at the same time inexpensive shoes and clothes are especially popular. This is the product that will answer the question: "How to make money in a crisis?".

Even during the economic downturn, children's shoes and clothing are in high demand. Kids are constantly growing, they just need to constantly change their wardrobe. Parents are unlikely to buy their child expensive models because they have to save on everything. But cheaper offers will be perceived by them with a bang.

If you have already decided how to make money in a crisis and have chosen to trade in shoes and clothes, then you will need to take into account some of the nuances. Fashion, elegance and sophistication must go hand in hand with an affordable price. For the cheapest and most inconspicuous models, demand may not appear at all.

Increasing profitability will be facilitated by the sale of inexpensive accessories along with clothing. It can be jewelry, belts, bags, ties, etc.

Providing services during economic downturns

How to make money during a crisis? Repairs are in high demand during this period. Everything in better times we would have thrown away to make room for the new, in times of crisis will continue to work. This applies to DVD players and furniture, televisions and washing machines, cars and coffee grinders, electric kettles, etc. During periods of economy, it is quite difficult to replace all this, and people begin to repair old things.

What kind of business can be opened in a crisis? What to do in order to earn money? An interesting option there will be a tire retreading workshop. Many car owners want to save on their purchase. They repair shoes for their car in workshops that use technology cold welding. Tires retreaded in this way are equal in quality to new ones. Such enterprises are quite common in the US, Europe and China. In Russia, this niche is not filled, despite the fact that this is a very profitable business in a crisis. What to do during a downturn in the economy? Start your own tire retreading business. The cost of this service is 20-25 percent of its cost. This allows you to get a fairly high profit.

A good income during periods of crisis brings the supply of auto cosmetics, auto parts and auto chemicals. This is due to the fact that car owners tend to keep their "iron horses" in good condition, as they cannot afford to purchase new models.

During times of economic hardship, pamphlets with tips on how to get money during a crisis will be in demand. Articles on this topic are especially popular in difficult times. You can not only earn money on this, but also help others to do it.

Network marketing

When a crisis hits, don't panic. Try to review all your talents and determine the directions for their use. For those who love live communication, it is recommended to try yourself in network marketing. During the crisis, this business has a particularly active development. Network companies, as a rule, offer goods of the highest demand.

These are medicines and cosmetics, household chemicals etc. Such products are always necessary for people. I am glad that the organization of this business does not require initial investments and rent. office space. You can do this business directly from home.

food business

This industry, as a rule, is not affected by the crisis. People need food even in times of economic downturn. In addition, fresh pastries, as well as wedding and holiday cakes, do not lose their popularity. Do not deny yourself the pleasure and sweet tooth. They will certainly buy chocolate to somehow decorate gray days.
The goal of organizing a business on products is to find a free niche and form a price for your product that would please a potential buyer.

home staging

The most vulnerable during the crisis is the real estate market. Finding a buyer for a house listed by realtors is not easy. And during this period, home staging experts are in high demand. This concept means pre-sale preparation at home. The main task of such experts is to arrange furniture, interior and landscape design, as well as other housework, up to the removal of an unpleasant smell from its premises.

It is worth saying that this business very resistant to crises. They can be dealt with by the entrepreneur who performs repair work and develops landscape and interior design.

Opening courses

Parents at all times considered it their immediate duty to give a child a good education. Despite the crisis, children continue to attend schools. For lagging behind, dads and moms will always find funds for additional classes with a teacher. The business of organizing courses for adults has a remarkable potential, where people can get a new profession that is most in demand on the labor market.

The conclusion from all of the above is clear. If you want to make money, there is always something to do. And crisis phenomena are unlikely to become an obstacle for an enterprising and courageous person.

Hello friends. Victor Samoilov is with you. Crisis ... many people associate the saddest memories in life with this word. Poverty, job loss, terrible depression and stress - all this occurs in a person when the next crisis comes. Perhaps, few people could avoid its harmful effects, because the rise in prices for absolutely all goods is a blow to everyone's wallets. Experts and analysts appear on TV screens, who allegedly know what to do for an ordinary Russian, but in practice it turns out that their forecasts turn out to be false, and in most cases they are so incomprehensible that it is impossible to derive practical benefit from them. But do all people lose money during a crisis? Is it really impossible to make a profit in a period of instability? How to make money in a crisis will be discussed further. I will share with you my own experiences of anti-crisis earnings and tell you how I turned from a simple hard worker at the Samara plant into a dollar millionaire.

The law of conservation of "dough" in nature!

What do you think: where does the money go during a crisis, in whose pockets does it end up? No one destroys money, no one steals more than usual, so where do the funds that people lose when they lose their jobs, get into a “debt hole” on a foreign currency loan, etc. go? Many will say: the money goes to the oligarchs and dishonest officials. In principle, there is some truth in this, but only a fraction, because oligarchs often go bankrupt during a crisis, they themselves become victims of an unstable economy. The oligarch in this regard is no different from the common man. They both lose money when instability sets in, they both make money when the economy is good.

So, then, only part of the lost money goes to the oligarchs, so where does the rest go? Are there really people who know how to make money in a crisis, and are actively doing it? So who are they then? Too many questions, it's time to answer them. There really are people who make money on a crisis, or rather, during a crisis. Do you think they are geniuses, financial tycoons, geeks? Some of them yes, but most of them no. Most of those who make a profit in unstable times are ordinary people, but in due time they learned a few secrets of a wealthy life, because of which they were able to live to the fullest, and regardless of the existing system. It cannot be said that they are making money on the crisis, because the crisis has nothing to do with it. A more accurate phrase - earn during a crisis, regardless of the situation. For such people, it does not matter what the exchange rate of the ruble is, how much you have to pay for utilities, and what is the price of bread at the market. They just do their job and earn enough money to pay no attention to all this. They are financially literate people, and now you have the opportunity to join their number. Next, you will learn how to make money in a crisis, and unlike analysts, I will give you advice in understandable words and based on personal experience. It is up to you to decide whether to use them or not, but I sincerely hope that you will make the right decision, live decent life and ensure a bright future for your children.

Choices for the Chosen Ones!

During a crisis, some people make really big money by building own business, investing in real estate, gold or shares of large foreign companies. It is during the crisis that purposeful and talented person the easiest way to take a place at the financial top. The thing is that conservative oligarchs, for the most part, cannot cope with the influx of problems and are losing their positions in the market. Any person who has the ability to conduct business can take these positions. Sounds good, agree. True, to implement all of the above, you need the following:

  1. Large initial capital (from a million dollars and more);
  2. Entrepreneurial skills and talents;
  3. Extensive connections among businessmen and in the government;
  4. High level of luck.

As you can see, the requirements are very solid, so this option not suitable for the vast majority of ordinary citizens. However, there is an option for them, which, by the way, allows you to get everything that is indicated in the list above. This option gives you the opportunity to earn up to a million dollars, allows you to gain a lot of experience and make connections in the business community, but luck always accompanies purposeful people.

How to make money in a crisis "mere mortal"?

20 years ago, I was a simple worker, plowed around the clock, first at the factory, then at home, while providing only a primitive existence for my family. But everything changed when I learned about financial exchanges. Then it was something new, unknown, and from that terribly frightening (however, the picture has not changed much even now). However, circumstances forced me to try a new way of earning money, and I succeeded. I have been working on financial exchanges for 20 years, first on Forex, now on a simpler binary options exchange, and during all this time I have never regretted my decision. Trading brings me everything I could ever dream of, and now I'm obsessed with teaching as many people as possible how to trade profitably on the stock exchange.

“This is all a scam! How is that even possible?” some of you will say. But don't be so conservative. Do not assume that you can only earn traditional ways. It was before, when we lived in the Soviet Union, and now it is time for change and great opportunities. Now a simple person, with due perseverance, can become wealthy, although for this he will need something.

Financial exchanges are, of course, a great opportunity to move up the social ladder, but still not a “Miracle of God”. Any work should be prepared, and trading is no exception. In order to make money here successfully, you need to study, clearly follow the rules, trade thoughtfully, according to a trading strategy.

What do you need to make money on financial exchanges?

  1. The first thing you need is motivation, because without it you will not be able to go all the way from a beginner to a professional trader. If you don’t want to succeed, if you don’t need money, if you don’t strive to secure a decent future for yourself, your family and children, don’t even try to make money on the stock exchange, you won’t succeed. To achieve a certain result in any business, you need motivation, the desire to do it. Ask any successful businessman if he likes his job. With a probability of 99%, he will answer yes. Now ask if an office clerk or, say, an ordinary employee of the passport office likes the job. With the same probability, all these people will answer no. And how can you like a job where you do the same thing day after day, and you don’t feel your own importance against the backdrop of a huge system? Only motivation contributes to success. It's not that hard to get it. It is enough just to want to earn money, to want to become wealthy, and to set yourself up for the fact that certain actions will be required to achieve all these goals.
  1. The most important component of making money on financial exchanges is competent training. This includes, above all, a trading strategy. Without it, you have very little chance of earning, but with it - almost guaranteed success. If you study and follow all the rules of any strategy from the table below, then with a probability of 99% you will start earning from the first day. At least I don't know of any trader who has lost money trading with the strategy. Only those who work thoughtlessly, frivolously, hoping for their luck, lose. You can go to the study of the binary options strategy from the table below, and if you want to work on Forex, I recommend that you read the article.

The best binary options strategies!

Strategy Trend Against the trend By selection scale Signals According to the news Martingale
Difficulty level (1-10) 2 4 3 1 4 1
Recommended deposit 200$+ 250$+ 200$+ 150$+ 300$+ 500$+
Type of analysis Technical Technical Psychological Technical Fundamental Technical
Accuracy (number of profitable trades out of the total number) 7/10 8/10 7/10 7,5/10 9/10 5/10
Profitability (% of the initial deposit per month) 50% 65% 55% 50% 60% 55%
  1. And the last component of your success is a reliable broker, i.e. the company you will be working with. The broker acts as an intermediary between you and the exchange, because only very large investors can trade directly. The more reliable the company and the better its conditions, the more your income. The choice of a broker should be taken carefully, but you should also not assume that your profit depends only on it. Most of the success still depends on you and on the thoroughness of your study of the trading strategy. For trading binary options, I recommend a broker with whom I have worked for more than 5 years. As for Forex, here one of the best companies is an .

Thus, it is possible to deduce a simple formula success for working on financial exchanges: Motivation + Training + Reliable broker = Money. You can get all the elements of this formula on this portal. If you have never encountered financial exchanges before and don’t understand what trading is at all, I recommend starting by reading the article. A few months ago, I created this site so that the person here could go from a teapot to a professional, and I can say with some pride that I managed to do it. Now it's up to you!

Forex or binary options?

You can earn on both exchanges, just using different strategies. For beginners, I recommend starting with a simpler binary options exchange, trading with strategies from the list above, or with a new TS on the portal and. As soon as you gain enough experience, you can use averaging and overclocking of the deposit, which will increase the profitability of trading up to 3 times and reduce the number of losses to the very minimum. However, you can start with the Forex currency exchange. In this case, I recommend a strategy either.

How much to start trading?

Some brokers allow all clients who have deposited at least $10 to trade. But you must understand that for serious work, which is what trading is, you need a serious amount. Firstly, the more funds you have on your account, the more positions you can open and earn more. Secondly, only a decent amount allows you to use highly profitable rules for overclocking and averaging the deposit, as well as the Martingale principle. And thirdly, a large deposit is your guarantee that you will not lose all your money with several unsuccessful transactions in a row. For beginners, this sometimes happens, and in the vast majority of cases, they win back all losses over the next day, but only if they have enough funds in their account to open new positions. So, at least you should have a deposit of $250, and ideally - $500 or more. This applies to both binary options and Forex.

Who has already earned on the stock exchange?

At the moment, I already have several successful students who I managed to train even before the PAMM-Trade portal was created. You can read about them in the site section. There are already quite a lot of successful traders among my readers, they constantly write to me on VKontakte and share their impressions about the new job. Of course, they have not yet become millionaires, because only 3 months have passed, but all this is in the future. Now it may seem to you that all these are unattainable goals, and believe me, it seemed so to me too when I plowed at the factory. Nevertheless, life was a pleasant surprise, and my story is more of a rule than an exception, because many traders on financial exchanges have gone this way, you can go this way too. You can find the most striking examples of successful traders in the article. Some names will seem familiar to you, because at the moment these people are representatives of the financial elite of their country and the world.

To the end!

How to make money in a crisis? Now you know the answer to this question, and unlike the next "sermon" of the analyst, you can use the material received today in practice. Start studying a trading strategy right now, choose a reliable broker, clearly and steadily follow step by step instructions in an article about your strategy - and guaranteed success awaits you. The main thing is not to be lazy, not to sit on the couch waiting for a miracle and not to think that you can earn money without even lifting a finger for this. Spend about 10 hours of your time preparing, take trading seriously - and you will start earning, regardless of whether it is a crisis now or a period of temporary stability. You can find out how to make money on the fall of the ruble

All success and great profit!

Sincerely yours, Victor Samoilov!

Many experts believe that the crisis that began in 2014 is the most protracted. First, the Russian currency depreciated. For 20-30 thousand rubles earlier, we could afford much more. Secondly, prices for goods, services and foodstuffs have risen sharply. An acute shortage of money is forcing people to look for an answer to the question of how to make money in a crisis. ordinary people in 2016-2017? It's not all that sad. Indeed, today there are much more opportunities for ordinary people in terms of organizing their own business.

Consider the main directions

No. 1. Production of quality and inexpensive products nutrition

Many believe that in a crisis it is impossible to produce cheap and quality products nutrition. Actually this is a delusion. In Russia, food production is more like a monopoly, when large companies try to capture the entire market by producing cheap and low-quality food products. I have personally noticed how the quality of food products has significantly decreased lately. I was especially struck by the Republic of Belarus, where there are really very high quality food products that are sold at low prices.

If you do not have money to open a business for the production of certain food products, then you can grow and market various crops. What can ordinary people earn during the crisis in 2016-2017? Many people have their own country cottage area which can be turned into a source of additional income.

The best food destinations for ordinary citizens:

  1. Cultivation and marketing of various crops: carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, cabbages, garlic, apples, etc.
  2. Mini bakery at home. For this, you do not need to purchase expensive equipment. Fresh and delicious bread can be made at home. Such an environmentally friendly product will be in demand among the population.
  3. Small food stall in major areas. I noticed that in many large areas there are no stalls. Today, new residential areas are being actively built, where there are no shops nearby. V major cities with a population of more than 600,000 people, many such areas have appeared.
  4. Home production of jams and various pickles. In the conditions of available information, each person, if desired, can master such a direction as the production of jam and pickles. It can be various jams, pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, stew, etc. All this is in great demand.

No. 2. Additional earnings on the Internet

Some believe that the most profitable business during the crisis in 2016-2017 can be started on the Internet. This type of income is not suitable for everyone. The disadvantages include sedentary and motionless work. How to earn the first money on the Internet? To do this, you have to spend a lot of time on the Internet, analyze information and apply all knowledge in practice. I will tell you about some of the easiest ways to make money on the Internet.

  1. Writing articles to order. There are various forums, blogs and sites on the global web that need quality articles. Usually, the owners of Internet sites order articles from copywriters or rewriters. I recommend starting with rewriting if you do not have knowledge in this direction. How to start making money on it? Register on one of the exchanges. The most popular are advego, textsale and many others. First, you must write correctly, without spelling and punctuation errors. Secondly, your task is to create high-quality and interesting materials.
  2. Social networks. The easiest way to earn your first money is to complete various tasks in in social networks: write comments, reviews, likes, etc. You can create and promote your own public or group in order to make money on advertising.
  3. Reselling things online. This is the most popular and profitable income on the Internet, as things can be bought at low prices from Chinese suppliers, and sold several times more expensive.

No. 3. Shoe and clothing repair

The crisis is forcing the population to save on various things: from food to leisure options. However, shoes and clothes are the things that are usually not saved on.

Not all people have the opportunity to regularly purchase new boots, shoes, jeans, etc. One of the most profitable types of business in the crisis of 2017 can be a shoe and clothing repair shop.

No. 4. Renting out real estate

It is not necessary to have several apartments to make money on rent. For example, if you live in two-room apartment, then one of the rooms can be rented by the day. If you have a dacha, then it can be rented out for various holidays, etc. With an initial capital of 2-3 million rubles, you can buy housing in the resort region and rent it out for decent money. For one holiday season, you can get a decent amount of money in such a business.

No. 5. Tourist business

The tourism business has suffered during the crisis. Recently, the demand for expensive destinations has fallen. Many people cannot do without rest. Great solution the crisis will be the opening of a travel agency with cheap tours. It can be both inexpensive foreign destinations and sightseeing tours in the cities of Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries. If you offer tourists cheap and interesting tours, then you will not end up with clients. For example, eco-tourism with accommodation in village houses near lakes, rivers, surrounded by beautiful nature is gaining popularity today. Such tours are in demand among residents of large cities who dream of spending a few days in the countryside.

How can you extract income from the crisis state of the economy? What should be done? What investment strategies allow you to make a profit during a period of financial difficulties, if at all possible?

Despite the fact that during the crisis capitals are reduced, and investments and other assets lose their profitability, there are chances to earn money. You can profit from small speculative activities - this is a less obvious form of income, but often used by experienced players on stock exchanges. But you can also buy potentially profitable securities when they are relatively cheap. This approach is less obvious, but in the future it can bring in much more money.

Playing for a fall is the simplest way to make money in a crisis

The first option is called "playing for a fall." Not more than a tenth of investors use this strategy of stock behavior. This option is most common in a crisis in margin trading.

This method is also called short selling or short selling. The operation allows you to sell securities, goods or currencies without having registered ownership of them. Quite a suitable anti-crisis solution.

It happens in the following way. First, a contract is concluded for a delayed execution of conditions or for margin trading. The latter allows you to sell goods taken on credit from a broker, and then sell it to the same broker in order to return the loan to the latter in kind. In this situation, the seller may hope that the loan can be repaid at a lower price than when it cost before.

This is quite complicated, so let's look at the situation in a different way using an example. A market participant buys gold from a broker on September 5th. The price index then is 1,902.8. After that, it is assumed that the investor will have to return the same asset. Suppose he sells it for money, gaining an amount equal to its value at that time. September of this year was a very strange month for the price of gold: it dropped unusually strongly.

So, three weeks pass, and by the end of the month, let's say September 24, our investor buys gold in order to return it in the same amount to his creditor. But on this day, the gold rate is 20% less, already equal to 1,648.2. Thus, he has the opportunity to earn about 20% of the value of the precious metal after the first sale.

Naturally, such behavior is impossible - on September 5, our investor could not know that it would decrease in price in a few days, just as on September 24, he could not know that fluctuations in the cost of the most expensive metal would begin. But, nevertheless, with certain skills in finding information from reliable sources and knowledge about price changes on the stock exchange, an investor can benefit from this. By the way, these investors are called bears - this is a metaphor: the bear usually crushes the victim he is hunting, which is similar to the desire of such investors to buy goods and shares when their value decreases.

Business in crisis

Popular blogger and successful businessman Ilya Varlamov believes that the crisis opens unique opportunities for a new income. Indeed, against the backdrop of the devaluation of the ruble and the fall in real incomes of the population, completely different goods and services will be in demand.

"Business on savings"

In the coming years, due to the crisis, Russians will be forced to save on literally everything: clothes and shoes, travel and entertainment, lunches in cafes and spas.

Therefore, everything that will help people to maintain their usual way of life for less money will be in demand. For example, cosmetology services at home, repair of clothes and shoes, home-cooked meals in the office, online services for selecting the best price offers for goods and services in the city.

In addition, the "economy epidemic" will affect not only ordinary Russians, but all companies without exception (especially in small businesses). Trying to optimize costs, business owners and managers will gradually abandon the services of old suppliers and look for cheaper, anti-crisis counterparts.

"Entertainment business"

Due to the sharp devaluation of the ruble, many Russians will stop buying tours to Greece, Turkey and Egypt for some time. But you still need to swim, sunbathe and have fun somewhere! And most likely - in the recreational area closest to your hometown (in a park or on a beach).

This year, those who are accustomed to a higher level of service will come to the market of "domestic entertainment". And the demand for a budget, but high-quality vacation so far clearly exceeds supply.

Fresh ideas can be searched on foreign sites and adapted to suit Russian specifics. What can be offered target audience? For example, rental of bicycles and roller skates, organization of children's holidays on outdoors, selling fresh fruit on the beach, conducting one-day excursions, developing unique walking routes, “quests” in the forest, learning archery.

"Business on foreign tourists"

The crisis of the ruble has made tourist trips to Russia much more affordable for foreigners. There is only one conclusion: we need to open a travel agency focused on guests from abroad as soon as possible!

You can also create a high-quality travel blog on English language. And receive regular earnings for the recommendation of hotels, restaurants and tour agencies.

It is possible to develop new “unused” routes across Russia. Especially popular among foreigners now are "wild tours", which allow you to appreciate not the popular, but the real atmosphere of a particular country.

Such a "tour a la naturel" can be arranged in ordinary Russian villages. Beautiful nature, fishing and hunting, hiking in the forest, spending the night in rural houses, natural products, master classes in weaving baskets or painting clay plates. To organize such a business, it is enough to go around several villages, negotiate with adequate owners and post a bunch of colorful photos on the site.

If this idea seems too complicated - just make and sell souvenirs. By the way, there are not so many high-quality souvenirs in Russia today - a great idea how not to make bad money during a crisis in the economy.

Placement of funds on bank deposits

Interest rates on bank deposits today are higher than ever. Some banks offer a yield in rubles up to 17% -18.5% per annum! Banks from the TOP-20 are no longer so “generous”, but the depositor can firmly count on 10% -15% per annum.

The same can be said about deposits in US dollars. On the market, you can find offers up to 7.6% per annum, and large banks "promise" a yield of 3% -6% per annum.

The reason is that the market is currently experiencing an acute shortage of liquidity. In other words, during a crisis, domestic banks really need cash, which they are ready to attract from the population at fairly high interest rates.

It is also worth taking a closer look at bank deposits because the amount of guaranteed payments from the DIA has already been increased from 700 thousand rubles to 1.4 million rubles.

Investments in securities


A crisis is a rare opportunity to buy shares of reliable companies with good growth prospects at a lower price. For example, the shares of the aluminum company Rusal quadrupled after restructuring debts and receiving additional income from the devaluation of the ruble.

Long-term investors are now "bundles" buying shares of companies with good growth prospects, temporarily fallen "below the plinth".

For example, Mechel shares for a long time trading at record lows. Investors began to “dump” them en masse, fearing a possible bankruptcy of the company. However, over time, Mechel emerged from the crisis, and its shares have seriously risen in price. And it is possible that in the near future the growth will be more than 100%.

Recall that four years ago, one ordinary share of Mechel was valued at the stock exchange at 968 rubles. By the end of September 2014, the price dropped to 15 rubles. Since the beginning of this year, Mechel shares have already managed to rise in price to 93.5 rubles and fall to 66.38 rubles.

Obviously, the investor will have to pay for the high potential return on the shares of this company with a high level of risk. If the banks do not restructure its loans, and the state refuses to support Mechel, most likely, it will be declared bankrupt.

However, many analysts believe that the likelihood of Mechel going bankrupt today is low. Moreover, the devaluation of the ruble only benefited the company, and the balance sheet finally had money to pay off debts.

In general, Russian market shares today looks clearly undervalued. The Russian P/E ratio (the ratio of the market price of a share to its earnings) in the MSCI Russia Index is four. For comparison, the P/E in the S&P500 is 18.1.

This means that if the economic situation in Russia improves, then, according to analysts, investors can expect an annual return of 16.9% over 10 years. And this is much more than the return on the market developing countries(not to mention developed countries).

Currency bonds

Another promising option for "crisis" investments is foreign currency bonds of Russian banks. Not all, of course, but such "giants" as VTB, Promsvyazbank or Russian Standard.

Today, large foreign banks (for example, Swiss ones) give their customers the opportunity to buy any financial asset. including debt securities Russian companies and banks.

The yield on bonds of state-owned banks in Russia at the end of 2014 exceeded 20% in dollars. And some private banks to this day offer 30% -40% per annum. At the same time, the maximum rate dollar deposits in the same banks does not exceed 7%.

Naturally, the reliability of such investments will either have to be checked by oneself, or to seek help from independent financial consultants.

What to pay attention to when assessing the reliability of bank bonds? On the amount of highly liquid funds, the dynamics of capital, the dynamics of assets and liabilities, as well as capital adequacy ratios. Another important point– the amount of funds raised for the purchase of securities.

Now, Eurobonds of Renaissance Credit Bank are considered to be among the most highly profitable debt instruments - with maturity in May 2016 and a yield of about 35% per annum. A good yield is offered by MCB (14%, redemption in 2018), Vneshprombank (22%, redemption in 2016) and Tinkoff Bank (15%, redemption in 2015).

Please note that the number of dollar-denominated debt instruments on the market is decreasing every month. Indeed, due to sanctions and the process of de-dollarization, Russian banks and companies have not issued new Eurobonds for almost a year now.

Of course, if the bank goes bankrupt during the crisis (from which no one is insured today), the investor will lose all the money earned and invested. On the other hand, right now such bonds can be bought at a good price, while counting on a really high income.

We buy cash dollars and euros

Recently, the ruble has been noticeably strengthening against the US dollar and the euro. However, most experts are inclined to believe that this phenomenon is temporary.

Contributed to the strengthening of the ruble whole line circumstances: an increase in oil prices to 50-60 rubles per barrel, a decrease in the degree of tension in Ukraine, the sale of foreign currency by the population, the decision of the US Federal Reserve to postpone the increase in rates, a drop in imports by 30% -40%. In addition, high interest rates in Russia made it possible for traders to earn on the difference in rates in different countries (the so-called carry trade).

In other words, the demand for the ruble is created only by exporters and speculators. And this is clearly not enough to change the trend.

Unfortunately, the fundamental factors pushing the ruble down are still in force. These are both non-lifted sanctions and a general “weakness” Russian economy, and low oil prices, and a general strengthening of the dollar.

Therefore, now is the time to “shift” into foreign currency for those who did not have time to do this before the December “jump” in the exchange rate. Indeed, in the next couple of years, the dollar will strengthen against almost all world currencies (analysts and experts are unanimous in this).

In addition, it is possible that in the long run the same “trick” will be done by the euro. After all, the European crisis will end sooner or later, there will be a solution to the Greek debt problem, and the EU economy will finally get out of recession. And when the ECB's quantitative easing program ends, the euro will go up sharply.

So today the euro is a good option for those who are oriented to the long term. In the next year or two, the euro will most likely become cheaper against the dollar.