How to write a unique selling proposition? Example. How to create a unique selling proposition

Do you want to create a killer USP and speed up your business?

As of 2013, there are about 10 billion brands registered in the world. And each of them wants you to be their client. Everyone is trying to sell something. How to remember them, how to distinguish between them?

Each of your potential customers faces such a problem. In every niche, whatever it is: selling car parts; production of building materials; beauty salons and hairdressers; private hospitals and so on and so forth, many different companies operate. And each offers identical or nearly identical goods or services. How to choose? How to distinguish? Who to contact? How to remember if you have almost decided?

Every company, no matter how big or small (especially!) needs to stand out from the competition. The logo and is only half the battle. You need to come up with some unique, special offer that will set you apart from the general background and help you shout to the client in the general noise.

Here's how to come up with and compose your unique selling proposition, or USP, and will be discussed in this article.

What is USP and how it is used in marketing and sales

A USP is a unique selling proposition. It implies some special characteristic of a brand or product, which is presented as an advantage or additional benefit for the client. USP is used by marketers when developing an advertising campaign - it is often built on this particular feature in order to distinguish a company from its own kind in the market.

This concept was introduced as such by the American advertising specialist Rosser Reeves. He developed this concept as an alternative to the eulogies in advertising, which ordinary consumers simply stopped believing. According to his concept, USP should:

  • translate real benefits for the client;
  • increase the loyalty of the target audience to;
  • be unique, special, one of a kind on the market.

If you peep a feature from a competitor and present it with your own sauce, it will not be a strong USP. It will be just a stolen idea, an imitation.

It seems to have a unique selling proposition, but 9 out of 10 competitors have the same

The USP is the reason consumers should choose you. And every company needs it. Only those who launch a new, innovative, revolutionary product, which simply has no analogues, can do without a USP. In this case, this very product is a unique offer.

In all other cases, tune in or die, to paraphrase a classic.

Why business USP?

  • to stand out from competitors;
  • to win the appreciation of the target audience;
  • to create strong promotional materials () and work out a marketing strategy;
  • to make your product stand out from the crowd.

Distinguish between true and false USP. The real thing is the real unique characteristics of the product that no one else has on the market in this niche. It's what's in the product itself. False benefits are made-up benefits, in the absence of a true difference. This is what and how it is said about this product. And in most cases, entrepreneurs resort to such USPs. But what if you offer the same product and service as the rest? If you have not invented something unique, some kind of exclusive product, you have to turn your head on and think carefully about how you can hook customers.

Detachment from competitors is the key to the success of an advertising company. A unique offer should clearly indicate the benefits for customers, on which the message will be built, which will later be broadcast in advertising, on social networks and other promotional materials.

How to create a unique selling proposition

Many business owners think that writing a USP is easy. The two obvious paths they take are:

"We have the lowest prices!"

Price races are a dubious advantage for two reasons. First, there will always be someone who is cheaper. The second is that by low prices you attract an appropriate contingent of customers - insolvent and overly economical, to say the least.

"We have a quality service!"

In fact, the concept of quality is completely different for everyone. And you can not always guarantee this very service - the human factor plays a lot. But even if so, you really work conscientiously, it is this phrase " quality services», « best service” have set the teeth on edge so that they just fly past the ears.

If you are just starting out - yes, for fast sales you can still somehow beat these two trump cards as part of some action. For example, the lowest price. But if you want to build a strong brand on for a long time- You need to take the development of the USP seriously.

In general, any unique selling proposition is built on three fundamental principles.

1. Advertising message must convey a specific benefit to the consumer. That's right, you need to submit a USP not in the light of your advantages, but in terms of benefits for the client. He's not that interested italian wallpaper by themselves, like the view of his room, pasted over with this wallpaper. So sell it to him. beautiful renovation, easy care wallpaper that is washable and does not fade, not the wallpaper itself. But this is all of the above, he can get only by buying these very wallpapers from you.

Only if it is profitable to cooperate with you, customers will choose your company.

2. Customer benefit must be unique compared to other products similar to yours. Everything is clear here - this principle is embedded in the definition itself. Want to be different? Come up with something that your competitors don't have. Only by being different, only by offering something that no one else offers, can you be different from everyone else. As a result, your product will be chosen (if the benefit is well described) and remembered.

3. The benefit must be significant, that is, attractive enough so that the client can make a choice in favor of your product without much thought. Benefits must be reasoned, and not invented or sucked from the finger. That is why you should perfectly study your target audience, know your customers, their pains and based on this.

When you know what problems your customers have, you can offer them a solution in the form of this unique benefit.

Examples of compiling USP

You can often find USPs that absolutely do not play into the hands of the business: they are too general and do not attract attention.

How to create such an offer that will become the heart and engine of your business success?

1. Tell something that your competitors are silent about.

If there are hundreds of businesses like yours, it is very difficult to find something truly unique. But maybe there is something that your customers are simply silent about?

Such a case was in my practice. The company is engaged in the production of granite monuments. For clients, a service is offered “by default” - the development of a 3D model of a future product, and free of charge. Other companies also provide this service, but they are modestly silent about it. We did not become silent. The benefit of seeing a full-fledged three-dimensional image of the future monument works well for many of the company's clients.

And chewing gum, "Orbit", which is sugar-free? Read the composition of other similar rubber bands - it is identical. And no sugar too. But Orbit presents it as a USP.

2. Point out novelty or innovation

If you invented new way solve a customer's problem, or upgrade your product, or add some new ingredient to it - don't be silent. You need to do your USP, and quickly, before someone else does it before you.

Think of an advertisement for any new shampoo or cream. Either they came up with a new formula, then they added keratin, then some kind of l-lipids, which no one had heard anything about, but if you believe the advertisement, shampoo makes hair stronger. And the cream just smooths out wrinkles for one or two. All thanks to the INNOVATIVE formula. Get armed.

3. Formula John Carlton

Using this formula, it is very easy to make a USP, especially if you provide services. The formula is built like this:

The product ___ helps ___ to solve a problem ___ indicate the benefit.

For example:

The new cream will help women overcome the first wrinkles and look younger.

When you meet some USPs, it breaks out: "Oops!".

Typical, no benefits, lackluster, too generic.

But it is the unique selling proposition that is the heart of any business. What the whole marketing strategy revolves around, which helps to profitably rebuild from competitors and occupy its part of the market.

Let's think of the USP as the core surrounded by hot marketing magma. It moves, mixing, positioning, characteristics of the target audience, competitive information, the benefits of a product or service, as well as the company's business objectives.

If the core is weak, then the magma spreads, smearing the outlines of the company throughout the sales market. And sooner or later the boundaries of business are erased, and then completely disappear.

Here is such a metaphor. And it’s easier to say this: a strong USP = a strong company.

John Carlton, in one of his speeches, says that in search of "the same UTP" It may take more than one sleepless night. But the result should be something special that puts your business in the buyer's mind.

To help you in this difficult task, we have collected 8 scenarios, using which you will create your competitive offer without much loss of time and nerve cells.

Scenario #1: Unique Feature

If there are a lot of analogues of your business on the market, then try to find some unique difference. Either find or create.

How the marketers of TM "Twix" acted in this situation: they divided an ordinary chocolate-wafer bar into two sticks. And on this they built the entire communication strategy.

Scenario #2

It is very difficult to come up with something original in a classic business. Then it's worth looking for what your competitors are missing.

For example, Claude Hopkins pointed out that toothpaste not only cleans teeth, but also removes unpleasant plaque (film). And so the slogan was born. "Gets Rid of Film on Teeth".

And when developing a USP for a beer brand, he noticed that at the factory bottles are not just washed, but doused with a powerful stream of steam. Mr. Hopkins has taken this workflow (which is used, in fact, by all beer makers) into a concept - "Our Bottles Are Washed With Live Steam!"

Of course, here you need to immerse yourself in all areas of business: from production to the work of secretaries and delivery services.

By the way, you probably remember the classic example of Domino Pizza delivery. It sounds like this: “Delivery in 30 minutes. If we're late - pizza as a gift".

There is a little military trick in this scenario: the business owner often blurs his eyes, and an experienced copywriter with the makings of a detective Maigret is able to pull out a hot and fresh USP.

Scenario #3: The John Carlton Formula

The formula is ideal for a service business. It doesn't even need to come up with anything revolutionary or creative. Substitute your data - and get a working USP.

“With ________ (service, product) we help _________ (ca) solve ______ (problem) with ____ (benefit).”


  • With the Slimming course, we will help women put on their favorite bikini by the summer.
  • The Self Copywriter training will help businessmen save hundreds of dollars on freelance services.
  • The Mary Poppins service will help mothers to go to the gym, movies and shopping while the baby is under the supervision of an experienced nanny.

The examples are not perfect, but they demonstrate the very principle of working with the Carlton formula. The main thing is that we explain to the target audience what benefits our product or service brings.

Scenario #4: Innovativeness

If the product solves the buyer's problems in a completely new way, then this must be stated in the USP. And "…do not be shy"- as Ivan Dorn sings in his hit.

What could it be:

  • innovative formula;
  • new product;
  • new packaging;
  • a new format of interaction with the buyer;
  • revolutionary way of delivery;
  • and so on...
  • Innovation! The first Nivea Q10 3 in 1 Roll-On Gel for wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness.
  • Vicks - We've combined healing ingredients and the mild flavor of Lemon Tea to help relieve 6 cold symptoms.

Scenario #5: USP with a problem

You can turn the problem of your audience into a unique selling proposition. Those. go not from the description of the service, but from the solution challenging task potential buyer.

  • Has a tooth? Ointment "Nebolin" will relieve pain in 5 minutes.
  • Bad mood? Invite a friend over for coffee at McDonald's.
  • Confused about finding cheap flights? Check out our offers of 183 airlines.

TV commercial example:

Got a cold? Flu? With Aflubin tablets, a tangible improvement in health comes much faster. (Translated from Ukrainian).

Scenario number 6. USP with a bow

So we call any advantage that is associated with gifts, bonuses, discounts, guarantees and other consumer "goodies".

  • Samsung phones are guaranteed for 5 years. Order a dessert, get coffee as a gift.
  • Buy 2 pizzas, the third one is free.
  • Make an order for 1000 rubles, and our taxi will take you home for free.

This is a successful scenario for a unique offering, but it is unlikely that such a USP will work with the same efficiency for a long time. Use this formula for seasonal promotions.

Scenario number 7. USP with muscles

Here you need to play with the muscles of your business, show all your friends and envious people the strengths of the company, product, service.

What could it be:

  • low price;
  • huge assortment;
  • free service;
  • goods of cool brands;
  • support for a bright personality;
  • hundreds of awards and diplomas;
  • offices throughout the country.

In general, all the characteristics to which you can add the word "most".

It is not enough just to declare one's "self" for the USP. We need facts, figures, evidence.

Offers like “the most interesting courses”, “the most useful webinars” have not caught on buyers for a long time. To attract your target audience on the Internet, you need to show what exactly you are better than others and why a person should contact you. Let's figure it out how to create a unique selling proposition that will hit the client in the heart!

What is a UTP?

American advertiser Rosser Reeves, author of the M&Ms slogan - "Melting in your mouth, not in your hands" - was sure that advertising should do only one thing - to sell. He formulated this idea in the book Reality in Advertising, which became a bestseller among marketers around the world. In it, he first outlined the concept of USP in order to forever rid buyers of meaningless words like “the best”, “best”, “outstanding”.

A unique selling proposition or USP is what customers will love about you, choosing you among many other companies. According to Reeves, a USP is an advertising message that articulates your main difference from competitors and main reason to buy goods from you. It is used on banners, in contextual advertising, in mailing list or on product cards, as well as in the description of the store on the site.

A well-written USP makes it easy to sell, because the client immediately sees why the offer is right for him. A good USP avoids price competition and increases repeat purchases.

However, do not forget that if irons from your online store are constantly returned with breakdowns, then no USP will keep dissatisfied customers.

Algorithm for creating USP?

So you've decided to create a unique selling proposition to sell your products online. Where to begin?

Step 1. Analyze your strengths

For clarity, make a table and mark in it all the competitive characteristics that your company has: extensive experience, price, qualified employees, etc. Write as many points as you can - indicate specific dates, numbers. Now cross out everything that your competitors have to offer. As a result, you will get a squeeze of unique benefits that only your company and your product can boast. Put them at the heart of your USP.

Analysis competitive environment will allow you to find your unique advantages - that's what you need to sell to potential customers.

You will gain a better understanding of your business if you simply answer these questions:

  • What are we doing?
  • What are our strengths?
  • What are our weak points?
  • How are we different from other companies?
  • What do competitors say about themselves?
  • Where are our growth areas, what else can be improved?

It is important to answer the questions as objectively as possible. Happened? Move on!

Step 2: Determine who you are working for

Imagine that you are going to a close friend's birthday party and decide to give him a sweater. How will you choose? You will choose the right size, remember his favorite color, do not forget that he loves thin woolen fabrics and thigh length. Knowing a person well, you will surely give him a really desired gift. Now imagine that you are congratulating a colleague with whom you work in different offices. It will be difficult to make a choice, because you are not familiar with his addictions.

A sincere understanding of who your client is will allow you to offer him exactly what he needs. Therefore, personalize the potential client as much as possible. To get started, answer these questions:

  • Is this a man or a woman?
  • What is the age of your buyer?
  • What is he interested in?
  • What pleases him?
  • What worries?

Complete the list of questions with topics that are relevant to your business so that you have a holistic character in front of you.

Open courses of English language? Then it is important for you to know how long the potential client has been studying the language and what is his level of Byron language proficiency.

You should end up with a description like this:

Our client is a housewife, mother of two who loves to cook and previously held a management position in a large company. She rests 2 times a year abroad, drives a luxury foreign car, is fond of yoga, and is allergic to cats.

The avatar will help to describe the client from three sides: based on the situation, focusing on the psychotype and belonging to the generation. So instead of a soulless target audience will appear real man with the peculiarities of perception, character and life circumstances.

Now you know exactly who you are offering your product to.

Residents of ACCEL, the founders of the school of relations "Happiness is" Ivan and Maria Lyashenko have collected a detailed feedback from their listeners and were able to create an accurate portrait of a potential client. So they managed to attract new students and make training materials more useful for a narrow audience.

Here is what the entrepreneurs themselves say about this: “We have significantly increased the share of educational content, reduced and made the selling part more understandable, justified pricing policy. We explain in detail why we offer this product and how it will help the needs of webinar attendees.”

Step 3: Tell us how you're willing to help

Swap places with your buyer. What do you pay attention to when choosing: price, guarantees, reliability, appearance? Would you personally buy what you are trying to sell?

Surely some of your potential customers for some reason go to competitors. Try to understand what they have, but you don't. Try to emphasize the strengths in your USP, work on "failing" places.

According to Vladimir Turman, an expert on the commercialization of innovations, in the USP it is worth talking about why you, as the owner, decided to start a business. He writes about this in his article “How to increase demand for your products without going to war with competitors”. It is likely that your problem, which you solved by starting a business, is also relevant for other people. The found solution should be emphasized in the USP.

Step 4: Formulate a USP

Now that you've studied your audience, their needs, and your competitors, it's time to formulate a USP.

To compose a not very creative, but working text, you can use the formula of copywriter John Carlton. Substitute the data of your company instead of spaces - and the USP is ready:

With _______ (service, product) we help ______ (target audience) solve ____ (problem) with __ (benefit).

For example: With online adult volleyball training, we will help all women over 18 learn how to play for the beach season.

The text of the USP can be approached more creatively. The main rule - write to the point. Common phrases, literary prettiness, approximate and generalized figures leave potential customers indifferent. Do you provide a 26% discount? Talk about exact numbers, and not about “huge discounts” and “great deals”.

Here are a few more important points worth paying attention to:

  • Write simply as for a friend. Your offer should be clear from the first time. Leave abstruse phrases and specific terms for scientific works. The customer must understand what he is buying and why.
  • Focus on your strengths. Mention in the USP something for which customers should want to come to you, and not to competitors. If your educational center employs doctors of sciences, you should not tell how convenient navigation on the site is for you - this way you will shift the focus of attention from the important to the secondary.
  • Write short. Your goal is to interest a potential client in a minute. USP - a short message, from one to three sentences.

Use our cheat sheet in order not to forget anything:

  • Who can benefit from this product/service?
  • What will a person get by becoming your client?
  • Why are you better than your competitors and why can't you buy an analogue of your product?

Mistakes in compiling USP

You can't lie about your unique selling proposition. If you promised a 50% discount and gave only 25%, the customer will feel cheated. You will lose your reputation, and with it your customers.

In addition, you should not include in the USP those benefits that the client receives by default, for example, the ability to return funds within 14 days (this is guaranteed by the Consumer Protection Law). Needless to say, that you have "professional masters of their craft." If this were not the case, would you be able to provide services?

Arguments must be supported by real facts. It is not enough to say that your service has no analogues on the market - tell us what is unique in your business, give more specifics.

Conclusion: How to test the effectiveness of your USP

So, you have studied your advantages, competitors, introduced the target audience and prepared the basis of your sales - the USP text. Now check its viability - make sure:

  • Your unique selling proposition cannot be used by competitors. They don't provide the same services, don't use the same materials, or can't compete on price. Only with you the client will be able to get these benefits.
  • Your USP can be formulated in reverse. For example, an entrepreneur who sells "women's shoes large sizes”, it is quite possible to imagine that there is a company that sells small shoes. Only such a USP is competitive. And here is an example of a bad USP: “There is only good music in our club.” It's hard to imagine that someone can offer customers bad music.
  • Your USP does not look absurd. It is unlikely that customers will believe that in the X online school you can learn English in 1 hour.
  • You have tested your USP on clients. Send by mail different variants suggestions and choose the one that gets the most responses.
  • Make sure that your USP is the answer to the question: “Why, among all similar offers, do I choose this one?”.

Drafting a USP is a painstaking analytical work that will take time. But once you invest time in it, you will end up with long-term access to the hearts of your target audience.

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On the modern market goods and services will not surprise anyone that you are the best. To compete with other companies, you need to be not just the best, but unique. Only then will it be possible to talk about an increase in the number of customers. A unique selling proposition is what marketers of many firms and companies are racking their brains over. Today we will consider this concept and learn how to create a USP on our own.

Above all

In every business, the USP (or Unique Selling Proposition) is the most important thing. No USP, no sales, no profit, no business. It may be a little exaggerated, but in general it is so.

A unique selling proposition (also called an offer, USP and USP) is distinguishing characteristic business. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what exactly a person does, there should be a distinctive characteristic. This term refers to a difference that competitors do not have. A unique offer gives the client a certain benefit and solves the problem. If the USP does not solve the client's problem, then this is just an extravagant name - it is remembered, it sounds beautiful, but it does not greatly affect the conversion rate.

The unique selling proposition should be based on the two most important words - “benefit” and “different”. This proposal should be so radically different from the competitive ones that no matter what input the client takes, he will choose exactly the firm that has a worthy USP.

USP and Russia

Before proceeding to the main dish, I would like to focus on domestic marketing. In Russia, the problem is immediately visible - everyone wants to be the best, but no one wants to be unique in their own way. This is where the main problem comes from - companies refuse to create unique selling propositions. When they try to outdo a competitor who created a USP, they end up with something between a fancy phrase and a feature of a product or service.

Take, for example, the unique selling proposition found in the portfolio of some copywriters:

  • The best author.
  • Ideal texts.
  • Master of pen and word, etc.

This is not a USP at all, but rather an example of how you can’t advertise yourself. Everyone has their own concept of an ideal text, the word “best” can be used if it is confirmed by numerical data and actual characteristics, and it seems that there was only one “master of the pen and the word”, Bulgakov. Working USPs look quite different:

  • Fast copywriting - any text within 3 hours after payment.
  • For every client free consultation for improvement (please enter as needed).
  • Free images for the article from commercial photo stocks, etc.

Here, behind each proposal is the benefit that the client acquires together with the author. The customer is guided by what he needs in addition to the article: images, consultation or high-quality and fast execution. But from the "best author" it is not known what to expect. In business, everything works the same way.


For the first time, the American advertiser Rosser Reeves spoke about creating a unique selling proposition. He introduced the concept of USP and noted this concept as more effective than advertising odes, where there were no specifics.

He said that a strong selling proposition helps:

  • Fence off your competitors.
  • Stand out among similar services and products.
  • Win the loyalty of the target audience.
  • Increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by creating effective messages.

It is customary to distinguish between 2 types of trade offers: true and false. The first is based on the actual characteristics of the product, which competitors cannot boast of. A false selling proposition is an invented uniqueness. For example, a customer is told unusual information about a product or presented obvious benefits from a different angle. It's kind of a play on words.

Today, it is difficult to endow a product with some unique characteristics, so a false USP is being used more and more often.

Quality business proposition. Main criteria

According to the concept of R. Reeves, the criteria for a quality trade offer are:

  • A message about the specific benefit that a person will receive by purchasing the company's product.
  • The offer is different from all available in this market segment.
  • The message is compelling and the target audience can easily remember it.

In advertising, the unique selling proposition is the basis, so it must fully meet the needs of customers. Each message should sound benefit, value and benefit, but, in addition, understandable arguments are needed so that the client clearly understands why he should buy the product of interest to him here, and not somewhere else.


So how do you create a unique selling proposition? If you don’t think too hard, this task seems creative and exciting, and also quite easy. But as practice has shown, USP is an example of exceptionally rational and analytical work. Inventing something intricate and presenting it as a unique offer is like looking for a black cat in dark room. It is impossible to guess which concept will work.

To get a worthy example of a unique selling proposition, you need to do a lot of research: in addition to the market, niche and competitors, study the product itself - from production technology to the watermark on the package. Development consists of several stages:

  1. Divide the target audience into subgroups according to certain parameters.
  2. Determine the needs of each of these groups.
  3. Highlight positioning attributes, that is, determine what exactly in the promoted product will help solve the problems of the target audience.
  4. Describe the benefits of the product. What will the consumer get if he buys it?
  5. Based on the received input data, create a USP.


As you can see, this is a rather painstaking process, where it is necessary to use all analytical skills. Only after a complete analysis is completed, you can start looking key idea and after that proceed to the creation of a trade offer.

This task can be simplified if you use scenarios that have already been tested by time and experience:

  1. Emphasis on uniqueness.
  2. New solution, innovation.
  3. Additional services.
  4. Turn weaknesses into strengths.
  5. Solve the problem of

Uniqueness + innovation

Now a little more about scripts. As for the first scenario "Uniqueness", it will only suit those products or services that are truly one of a kind and they have no competitors. In extreme cases, this feature can be created artificially. The option of a unique selling proposition (USP) can be completely unexpected. For example, a company that produces stockings and socks entered the market with an interesting offer - they were selling a set of three socks, and the USP promised to solve eternal problem missing sock.

With regard to innovation, here it is worth declaring a solution to a problem in a new way. For example, "Innovative freshener formula will kill 99% of germs and fill the room with a fresh scent."

"Goodies" and disadvantages

The third scenario focuses on additional privileges. If all products on the market are the same and have almost identical characteristics, then you need to pay attention to additional bonuses that will attract visitors. For example, a pet store may suggest that customers take kittens or puppies for 2 days to make sure they settle in with the family.

In your favor, you can turn the shortcomings of the product. If milk is stored for only 3 days, then from a practical point of view it is not profitable, and the buyer is unlikely to pay attention to it. Given this, it can be reported that it is stored so little due to 100% naturalness. The influx of customers is guaranteed.


But the easiest option is to solve the problems of potential consumers. This can be done by the formula (yes, like in mathematics):

  1. The need of the target audience + Result + Guarantee. In an ad, an example of a unique selling proposition might sound like this: “3000 subscribers in 1 month or we will refund the money.”
  2. TA + Problem + Solution. “We help novice copywriters find customers with the help of proven marketing strategies».
  3. Unique characteristic + Need. "Exclusive Jewelry emphasize the exclusivity of the style.
  4. Product + The target audience+ Problem + Benefit. “With Polyglot audio lessons, you can learn any language at a conversational level in a month and go to the country of your dreams without a doubt.”

Points not mentioned

In order for the USP to work, you need to pay attention to a few more nuances during its creation. First, the problem that the product solves must be understood by the client and he must want to solve it. Of course, you can offer a spray from "mindsniffs" (isn't it a problem ?!), but the buyer will spend much more actively on a regular cream against mosquitoes and ticks.

Secondly, the proposed solution must be better than that that CA used before. And, thirdly, each client must measure, feel and evaluate the result.

When creating a USP, it is most rational to use the advice of Ogilvy. He long years worked in advertising and knows exactly how to look for a USP. In his book On Advertising, he mentioned the following: great ideas come from the subconscious, so it must be filled with information. To fill the brain to the limit with everything that can relate to the product and turn off for a while. Genious idea will come at the most unexpected moment.

Of course, the article has already mentioned analytics, but this advice does not contradict what has already been suggested. It often happens that after conducting hundreds of analytical processes, a marketer cannot find a single and unique link that will promote a product on the market. It is at such moments when the brain processes information that you need to move away from reality. As practice shows, very soon a person will see that elusive USP that was on the very surface.

It is also very important to pay attention to those small nuances that competitors miss. At one time, Claude Hopkins noticed that toothpaste not only cleans teeth, but also removes plaque. So the first slogan appeared in the advertising community, that toothpaste removes plaque.

And there is no need to be afraid to take non-standard approaches to solving the problem. Marketers of TM "Twix" simply divided the chocolate bar into two sticks and, as they say, away we go.

Idea Defense

A unique selling proposition does not appear out of nowhere in the minds of marketers. This is the result of a long, focused and hard work, which, by the way, can be used by competitors.

Several decades ago, intellectual property was inextricably linked with its bearer. That is, if one company introduced a successful USP, the other did not even look in the direction of this advertisement. Today, things have changed somewhat: managers can simply use the idea of ​​​​competitors for their own purposes.

Therefore, there was a need to create patents. These are documents that confirm the right of the owner to the exclusive use of the results of their activities. Inventions here are understood to mean products or methods that make it possible to solve a specific task. In turn, the "unique selling proposition" itself is a powerful incentive for innovation. The subject of advertising here is an advantage unnoticed by competitors, but perceived by buyers. Patent protection for unique selling propositions in our country is practically not developed, but in more developed societies, every promotion is protected from plagiarism.

Thus, in order to achieve success, you need to be unique, one of a kind supplier of in-demand products that are in every store, but the best in this particular company.

USP (unique selling proposition, USP) is a unique selling proposition, one of the key marketing concepts.

USP - a concept developed by Rosser Reeves, co-founder of the advertising agency Ted Bates, which argues that advertising should provide the consumer with a rationale for purchasing a product that is clearly different from that of competitors.

Purpose of USP formulation. In accordance with R. Reeves' USP concept, all successful advertising campaigns were based on the uniqueness of the offer for the client. In addition, the concept of USP is important for every employee of the company, who must clearly understand what they are working for, where their efforts are directed, how the company's business is developing.

The concept of a unique selling proposition (USP) is based on three main principles:

  • each advertisement must offer a certain benefit to the consumer;
  • this benefit must be unique to the advertised product;
  • this benefit must be significant enough to force the consumer to turn to this product.

USP in marketing. In marketing, the USP strategy is considered one of the main rationalistic communication strategies with potential buyers, product advertising strategy.

The definition of USP indicates that R. Reeves emphasized a creative marketing strategy that cannot be outdated.

  1. USP is determined not only by what is inherent in the product itself;
  2. USP is determined by what and how it is said about this product in advertising.

In order to skillfully use the USP strategy in modern conditions, it is important for marketers to understand what claims about a product are perceived as unique, and to be able to predict the characteristics of the perception of such advertising.

The task of the marketer, in relation to USP, is necessary:

  • evaluating the conformity of the marketing offer with the consumer's established ideas about the complex quality of the product.
  • anticipate unwanted reactions of potential consumers and try to neutralize them;
  • evaluate the uniqueness of the competitors' offer and use a counter-offer in communication or disclose other uniqueness;

R. Reeves opposed the proposed concept of USP to traditional "showcase" advertising, in which, behind the abundance of beautifully formulated phrases about the product, there is absolutely no basis, nothing that could separate and elevate the advertised brand from a number of similar and goods with similar consumer properties.

I will try to give my own interpretation of the ideas of R. Reeves: uniqueness is not the same as saying that one product is better than another. A marketer who develops a product strategy based on USP must be able to talk about the product in such a way as to surprise the consumer so that he looks at it in a new way - in a way that he is not used to looking at products in the same category. The marketer must find out whether the consumer perceives this feature as important and useful. A marketer, formulating a strategy, must ensure recognition, memorability and trust in the formulated distinctive properties of the offer.

American advertising researcher Alfred Politz, founder of Alfred Politz Research, formulated: " Advertising campaign which emphasizes the microscopic difference of the product, which the consumer is unable to grasp, hastens the failure of the product. "In other words, if the utility unique property is not obvious, then the main advertising efforts should be aimed at explaining its importance, otherwise the failure of marketing communication and the product itself is inevitable.

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