How to make an old apartment beautiful without renovation. Darkness is a friend of youth, but light is still more important. Ergonomics in a box

The owners of rented apartments are divided into two categories. The first ones prefer to renovate their homes with high quality, equip them the right technique... They do not allow couples with small children, cats and smokers on the doorstep, they set the price higher than the market price, but it is pleasant to live in such rented apartments.

The owners of the second type rent out the killed apartments: inherited from their grandmothers, with repairs and furniture from the times of the Moscow Olympics. And the offer of tenants to make repairs at the expense of rent is met with a categorical refusal. It turns out that such an apartment can also be made pleasant for life, even if nothing in it can be repainted, re-glued and thrown away.

Hide things

The feeling of clutter is created primarily by the abundance of small items. We pack the master's inheritance in boxes and try to find a place for them on the mezzanine, under the bed, place it in a niche between the ceiling and the upper cabinets of the kitchen set.

Couldn't hide everything? We move the sofa half a meter away from the wall, flush with the backrest, install stacks of boxes along the entire length of the seat, cover the resulting structure with a wide board from the nearest construction market or a ready-made shelf from IKEA - we get a functional console. From boxes in a similar way, you can organize an extension of a computer desk or a column stand under a giant flower pot... To prevent the boxes from annoying with their appearance, they can be pasted over with a mirror film - let them dissolve in space.


Start with the wardrobe and the wall: they should be against the wall where the interior door is located. The fact is that voluminous objects make the space visually heavy, therefore it is better if they are not visible from the entrance.

Modify the furniture

Almost any wardrobe can be ennobled with beautiful fittings, visit the nearest Zara Home or one of the interior decor stores. A simple replacement of handles can sometimes save even a hopeless kitchen set... Just in case, do not throw out the old ones: if the owner does not like the update, you will return the furniture to its original state when parting with the apartment.

Spare some money - replace the shelves of the lower ones kitchen cabinets boxes. You will be surprised: there are many more items in the box, you can grasp them at a glance and use them easier and more convenient. The sizes of headsets, especially in old apartments, have a standard width of 40-60 centimeters, filling for them is sold in any modern salon kitchens.

The ugly kitchen table will be covered with an attractive tablecloth. A shabby computer desk can be refined with plexiglass: press with it what will please your eye - beautiful wallpaper, wrapping paper, or even a collection of trays from McDonald's trays.

Beautiful plaid and decorative pillowsRemovable seats on chairs will help hide ugly upholstery upholstered furniture... And the bright new bedding doesn't even need a blanket.

Decorate the window

Naturally, you can and should change the curtains. It is not necessary to buy any special designer textiles, it is enough just to replace the old Soviet tulle modern curtains... Be sure to place a few pots of lush greenery on the windowsill. There are a lot of unpretentious plants on sale: for especially forgetful flower growers and those who often go on business trips.

Change the light

Most often, apartments in the old fund have a single chandelier in the center of the room. It is uncomfortable to live with such lighting: it is either little or a lot, no matter what bulbs you screw in. Replace the pushbutton switch with a rotary rheostat: you can control the brightness of the luminaire.
Try to avoid overhead light in the evenings: it mercilessly emphasizes all the flaws of the apartment. Conversely, a bottom floor light will help create an intimate atmosphere. The more local lamps (floor lamps, table lamps), the better - just forget about the existence of a common light.

Set up a bathroom

Did you know that shower heads are sold as a separate item? To replace them, you don't even need to call a plumber: you unscrew the old one along with the hose - screwed on the new one. It would seem a trifle, but how nice it is to finally wash in the shower with a normal pressure.

Ragged walls and peeling paint can be distracting. For example, a mirror in an intricate frame, a curtain with an original print, bright rugs, high-quality towels, finally. It remains to put in the bathroom living plant... Bamboo shoots, for example, do not need natural light, and they tolerate immense moisture well.

Avoid placing furniture along walls; try to highlight areas. For example, the sofa in the living room can be turned across the room or the dining room can be selected by moving dinner table from the wall.
Walls with old wallpaper can always be masked with posters or paintings. large format... In general, you can hang anything on the walls: place a collection of hats mixed with mirrors in the corridor, and photographs from travels, old records and prints in the living room. The denser the hanging, the less visible the walls.

And the most important advice: do not relate to rented apartment as temporary housing. Decorate your house for the holidays, buy beautiful accessories, bring things from your travels - in a word, do whatever you would do in your own apartment.

Masha Yashina

interior designer

I myself have had to rent a house more than once, and I am not by hearsay familiar with the difficulties of settling in such an apartment. So, let's imagine that you were able to wash and clean everything that was possible as much as possible, got rid of what the owners agreed to part with, made a rational rearrangement. Now I advise you to go to the store and buy a bed with a normal mattress. Yes, it's not so easy to move a bed from apartment to apartment. But still, it is more pleasant to sleep on something really your own, and most importantly, solid and high-quality.

It is better to hang peeling walls and shabby wallpaper as much as possible. If the owners do not allow you to drill the walls, get a gallery mount system. Pictures, posters, cloths with your favorite pattern - what to hang is up to you. Intimidating drill holes will be covered with a thin metal profile under the very ceiling. In the end, the holes will be easier to seal when leaving, at a height the flaws are not so visible.
In general, textiles are your savior. Start with the windows, change the curtains. Once, instead of a sprawling organza, I hung a thick canvas on the windows, which the artists stretch on a stretcher. Thanks to its structure, it created architectural folds, and the windows in such a frame began to play.

The impression of the kitchen can be changed by lowering the lamp lower above the table. Such a light source will show only the most beautiful and cozy in the room - a table with a beautiful tablecloth. Even if there is only one lamp here and hangs in the center of the ceiling, this is easy to fix: change the native suspension for a long wire and fix it in the right place on the ceiling so that the lamp itself is exactly in the center of the dining area.

Do the hosts forbid you to re-paste the wallpaper? The most effective solution in such cases is to buy a lot of linen or cotton linen and hang the walls with it. Firstly, you will hide everything that is unpleasant to your eye, secondly, it is easy to hang personal decor and photographs on textiles, and thirdly, this will radically change the atmosphere of the room. The fabric can be fastened either with pins or by gently nailed to the upper plinth. Remember to vacuum as needed.

From acquisitions to a rented apartment, which you can take with you, I would recommend a screen. You can hide behind it what you don't want to look at, but you cannot throw it away. And also on it you can broadcast clothes that you do not want to put into your wardrobe yet or plan to wear tomorrow. The second item is a chest - an atmospheric object that you can hide in a lot.
An imperceptible but strong part of our perception of space is aromas. Remember the feeling after fresh wet cleaningwhen not only the eye is pleased with the absence of dust, but the nose also smells a pleasant light smell of the cleaning agent. With us, it is automatically associated with cleanliness. It is the same with the interior of the apartment: by choosing a pleasant scent for you personally, you can make your temporary place of stay much dearer.

No - old photographs and paintings, yes - personal decor! I have a 15 cm copper Buddha head from Thailand. She helps me to make each new place of residence mine, soulful. This is a symbolic thing. I highly recommend having at least one such object. Good luck with moving and settling. Remember that home is not a place, but a feeling.

Text: Svetlana Volina
Illustration: Nastya Yarovaya

    Arrangement of an apartment

    One of the simplest and effective ways to change the decor of the room is your own textiles: curtains, rugs, blankets, furniture covers. It is not so expensive, and these things do not take up much space when moving, so they are easy to take with you. This will help personalize the environment and create coziness.

    A beautiful high-quality bedding set is an excellent replacement for a bedspread. If the inhabitants of the apartment are in such a hurry in the morning that they do not even have time to make their bed, thanks to the beautiful linen, the room will not look unmade.

    Properly selected lighting will help make the room cozier. Each room has one central light source. Most often it is a banal chandelier. Additional light sources will help to transform the atmosphere. It is very convenient if the lamp or floor lamp is attached with clamps. So you can change lighting solutions depending on your needs and mood. Thanks to the presence of an unusual lamp, the room will become more comfortable and stylish.

    You can collect all decor items in one style solution using decorative pillows and poufs different colors and forms. The cushions on the chair or stool will help you sit more comfortably. If you came to visit big company friends - they can even be placed on the floor by spreading pillows. Poufs also create cozy atmosphere in room. Some models have drawers inside - additional storage space.

    Don't get rid of the beautiful glass jars... They can be used to store food: cereals, sugar, tea. Even if there is no kitchen kitchen furniture - a few will be enough open shelves of wide board, on which beautifully designed jars are neatly arranged. Such containers will also come in handy if there are no flower vases. This is the most cheap way decorate your home: in summer you can put flowers in them, and in winter - original dry twigs.

    Wall decoration

    An easy way to give your room a homely feel is to hang paintings, photographs or posters on the walls. A little trick: with their help, you can hide the imperfections of the wall or furniture. The room will look more neat and fashionable.

    As a rule, the walls in a rented apartment are old, faded and tasteless. If the owners allow, you can change the wallpaper or freshen up the paint. You can put a huge poster on one of the walls, and then pick up decorative pillows or sew pillowcases in the colors that prevail in the picture. By spreading them out on a bed or sofa, adding harmoniously selected curtains, a blanket or a rug, you can make the room very cozy and neat.

    A useful, functional decor element is a small slate board. With its help, you can not only hide some of the flaws of the walls, refrigerator, door or furniture, but also exchange messages with the rest of the tenants of the apartment, leave reminders for yourself, or draw up a list of responsibilities for each of the inhabitants.

    Flowers in the interior

    Beautiful home atmosphere creates the presence of greenery and fresh flowers. If the inhabitants of the apartment are busy people and cannot afford to have demanding plants, you can limit yourself to ordinary ficuses or even cacti. By placing several pots with these thorny balls in a wide container, you can achieve an original effect. A green island can even be created from sprouted cereal grains. By the way, this has a double benefit: some of them will definitely appeal to pets.

    To breed multiple flowers, you do not have to buy them from expensive flower shops or building supermarkets. You can ask your friends for the sprouts of the plants you like and plant them yourself in old dishes that you no longer want to use. These can be old tea cups, jars wrapped in beautiful paper, decorated with coarse twine. It is much prettier, more original and cheaper than those bought in the store. plastic pots... It all depends on the imagination of the inhabitants of the apartment.

    Unfurnished apartment

    It is very difficult to live in an unfurnished apartment. It is advisable to purchase the necessary furnishings if the tenants know for sure that they will stay in this apartment for a long time. Plus, transporting bulky furniture also costs money. And if you do not know how long you will be able to live in this room? A great way to solve this problem is to use modular furniture... It is multifunctional, because it is very easy to move it and thus bring new interior compositions to life.

    What you shouldn't save on is buying a high-quality bed, because a rather large part of a person's life passes in a dream. It is convenient to buy a bed with storage boxes for bedding, blankets, pillows or winter clothes.

    If two or three students have to film one-room apartment - a screen can be purchased. She perfectly divides the space into zones, allows you to design your own corner, hide the sleeping area. It is most convenient to use a dividing screen in the form of an accordion. This model is easy to move, store and fold if necessary. If girls live in the apartment, and there is no suitable wardrobe for clothes, then the screen can also be used as a partition, behind which a small dressing room will be located.

    Bedside tables and shelves for books may well be ordinary drawers, placed or hung on the walls. They can be repainted in the colors prevailing in the room, or simply varnished in a fashionable eco-style. Perhaps friends are ready to bring some unnecessary pieces of furniture from the dacha: a table, old chairs or vintage suitcases. By repainting them in bright colors, you can transform furniture beyond recognition. IN recent times there were many ideas for creating furniture from cardboard and even plastic bottles... Such furniture is quite durable and very lightweight.

    All of the interior items listed above are easy to take with you at the next move. If you create your own set of decor elements, you can quickly create a unique home atmosphere in any apartment you have to live in.

As a rule, rented apartments are not very welcoming comfortable interior, especially if you decide to rent a far inexpensive option, without modern technology and fresh repairs. Well, what if the soul requires a stylish environment, and personal aesthetic principles simply do not allow you to accept and live year after year in an atmosphere of monochromatic junk?

Do not underestimate the importance of the interior in everyday life... The mood of each person is influenced by his home.

A house with a pleasant atmosphere motivates you to return to it, get together with friends, take joint photos, and also gives you the opportunity to have a quality rest. Convenient organization of space saves your nerves and often saves personal time.

Renovation in a rented apartment is a matter of your priorities. If you intend to live in it all your life and start a family, the answer is obvious, but even if you know that you will only spend the next three years in this rented apartment, this is also a reason to think about transforming a boring interior. In any case, the question of saving money on repairs remains relevant, because sooner or later you will leave all this "good" to the owner of the home. Therefore, tenants often choose budget ideas to decorate the apartment.

There are some basic principleswhich are recommended by many designers. First, get rid of non-functional furniture as much as possible, as well as unnecessary items: old books, magazines, irrelevant dishes, carpets on the wall. Sweep out all unnecessary mercilessly. The more space you can free up, the brighter your updated environment will sparkle and the ability to add new things you need. Changing the old textile upholstery of the sofa, painting the furniture - all these can have a significant impact on the overall impression of the room.

1. A hint of furniture

Throwing away old furniture is easy, but buying a new one is expensive, because nice wardrobe worth a lot of money. In this case, weightless ones can become an alternative to high-quality furniture made of expensive types of wood. suspended structures or mobile clothes hangers.

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2. Change walls - change everything

It would seem that the walls are the background of the apartment, but how much is in their power. By changing the color, adding decorative shelves, photographs, paintings or geometric designs, you can completely turn everything upside down in good sense.

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3. We update home textiles according to the wardrobe principle

The method of changing textiles: blankets, curtains, pillow covers, carpets, tablecloths - is actively used not only to decorate a rented apartment, but also to update an interior that is boring to the eye.

Stores presented wide selection fabrics, there are online storefronts, as well as mass brands where you can pick up something inexpensive but very stylish, for example, Ikea, H&M, ZARA home.

We update our own wardrobe several times a year, why not take this principle into service. If you even buy or just sew something fresh from home textiles once every two years, then over time you will have your own collections: winter, spring, for parties, for children. Considering that a rented apartment is not ideal in all aspects, it always makes sense to attract attention with bright textile accents. Choose two or three colors and alternate them in textiles and other decorative items.

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4. Kitchen without top drawers

Why accumulate mountains of pots and other household utensils in a rented apartment, and then have problems with moving the acquired to another place? In fact, a person needs to have several high-quality items for cooking, a set of dishes for 6-10 people and 2-4 kitchen assistants (food processor, blender ...) at their discretion. To store all of the above, the lower ones may well be enough kitchen cabinets... Upper suspended structures old kitchen they do not add beauty to a room, they steal all the space and are a kind of manifesto of a typical layout. Bold fresh and budget solution - placement of stylish posters in frames, photographs, prints instead of upper cabinets... Low lighting looks gorgeous, in a trend - a number of open bulbs without shades hanging on thick, for example, bright, wires. The bulb in the socket looks deliberately simple, but at the same time stylish and cozy, creating a bar atmosphere.

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5. Refrigerator

Ready to experiment? Then start redesigning your old refrigerator. It can be painted with a special paint, turning it into gold or dark blue. There are also various stickers and transparencies that will prevent you from staining neighboring walls and furniture. Perhaps, we come across this household item every day and several times. By making your refrigerator stand out and unique, you will change the overall mood of your kitchen. The main thing is that such transformations do not require large funds.

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6. Furniture restoration

Another budget way decoration of a rented apartment - restoration of old furniture. This has its own flavor. From completely uninteresting furnishings, on which a cross has long been put, everyone has a chance to make an object of art. The only thing is to study the technology of painting, decoupage or other method on which you stop. You will also need your own imagination and some initial sketch. By the way, it's not scary if your plan does not work out or if a new old chest of drawers quickly get bored, because you have already prolonged this thing's life.

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7. Ergonomics in a box

There are a lot of rented apartments of Soviet buildings, into which people moved in for joy, not being particularly able to create their own interior. Moreover, they could not competently approach the issue of ergonomics, because in the next 15 years an unreal number of people burst into people's lives household appliances, which at the end of the 80s was almost non-existent. All this required a bunch of outlets and advance planning of equipment in the interior.

In fact, everything acquired gradually finds its place, several extension cords are connected and various wires lie throughout the apartment.

Proper organization of wires can save your corners from ugly black deposits, in which dust accumulates catastrophically.

A budget idea for decorating an apartment and smart organization is to create special stylish boxes with exit holes. They can be in a neutral color or any other color that supports the overall concept. Boxes can act as decorative elementsif, for example, they are stacked on top of each other or placed on a rack.

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8. Get closer to nature

Of course, beautiful healthy juicy home flowerpots are pleasing to the eye and, according to experts, have a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the apartment. Such "green spots" actually "revive" plain interiors... If there is no budget for a beautiful palm tree or a large ficus tree, try to remember or think of who you can ask for a sprout or an already grown plant. Literally in every entrance of the house there is a caring woman who will consider it an honor to give good hands your flower. Do you want to combine the beautiful with the useful? Try growing basil, lettuce, onions, or wheat on your kitchen windowsill. Eco-friendly products will retain the maximum useful properties, after all, from the moment of cutting to the moment of use, not even an hour will pass. And your windowsill will be green.

The Village launches a new rubric in which professional designers interiors and decorators will provide advice on how to transform typical rented apartments into livable spaces. In the first issue, Anna and Mikhail Koshelevs, the owners of the design project Happystation.ruand the authors of the material, told what and how exactly needs to be done in order to give a rented apartment a cozy and residential look.

Since the realtor assures that the apartment is clean (?!) And ready to move in, we fully admit that there will be those who find the apartment excellent and appreciate the presence of glass in the windows, the "antique" furniture and moderate stickiness of the kitchen apron. In the eyes of a more squeamish person, the apartment is in a sad state. We will give tips for improvement from minimum volume to an ever deeper modernization. Just pick the stage at which the changes seem irrational and say stop.

The owner, as we managed to find out from his representatives, is not in the city, and we did not find out how expensive it is for him to preserve the historical appearance of the apartment after you move out. So we decided to proceed from the most difficult option: everything is needed, every thing is dear as the age of the era, something can be changed, but at a minimum, all costs are on you.

First, we go to the hardware store and buy

Bucket of white paint (at more difficult stages we will learn how to color it);

Self-adhesive film;

A couple of boxes or containers for the master's junk;

Pillowcases in the kitchen (4 pieces), a few more for the living room and a couple of flat pillows on stools;

Two or three large plain cotton blankets - on the bed and on both sofas;

Tablecloth on the table (little advice from us: it is better to use a bath curtain made of impregnated polyester as a tablecloth; oilcloth is a stone age, and the fabric tablecloth will have to be washed often);

Shower hardware and white curtain;

Kitchen cabinet handles (those that are attached with one screw are also suitable), and also magnetic latches;

Floor lamps (minimum 3 pieces);

A small bathroom mirror and a new toilet seat of your choice.

Option 1. Beginner

Budget up to 15,000

Suitable for those who already like the "design", or those who have never held a roller in their hands.


The first desire that arises (immediately after the desire to simply leave the room) is to get rid of unsanitary conditions. Therefore, we put everything that is unevenly in the container and proceed to cleaning. Ceiling and upper part we paint the walls. After finishing the work, we hang a mirror over the sink (it seems that a protruding screw is visible just to the left of the sink) and change the light bulb to a brighter one.


In the kitchen, we glue the facades of the cabinets with foil, while wrapping the corners inward so that the foil lasts longer, and we change the handles. Choose a film to your taste: it can be pearlescent, under a stone, under expensive wood species. But if you don't want to wishful thinking, choose a solid color. For example, white will return the kitchen to cleanliness, and your appetite. We paint the walls right on top of the wallpaper, the result will amaze you. We remind you that this is an option for simple repair... We dress the pillows in new solid and printed pillowcases. Non-capricious white interior with any choice it will look good. But it is better to stick to neutral tones: beige, gray, pastel shades. Cheap and bright is a risky choice. Think of an interior in the style of Philippe Starck, but it will turn out kindergarten price Mytishchi | Let just a couple of details be bright - a vase on the table and a lamp on the refrigerator. We put a new tablecloth on the table, repaint the stools. If you have foreseen, we cover the sofa with a plain blanket, and the stools with pillows.

Living room

Here, too, we paint the walls and change the bedspreads. We do not touch the cabinets in this version: they will take a lot of films, but they will not get better. Remember when we advised you to buy floor lamps? Now the magic will begin. Forget about the overhead light, place floor lamps throughout the apartment where you will be doing something: in the kitchen, by the bed, next to the sofa. Decorators use spot lighting for zoning, we will use the lack of light to draw attention away from imperfections.

Option 2. Amateur

Budgetbefore30 000 rubles

People at this level already see the potential of the apartment: high ceilings, big windows... With due care, this will play into our hands.


In addition to the paint, we would buy a metal trowel and ready-made wall grout to cover the holes. You can hang a small sconce above the mirror. And if you buy a meter-long mirror and hang it behind the toilet, it will become much more spacious and lighter. The tile is also not hopeless. Using a nail or screwdriver, try to pick out the maximum amount of old grout, and insert a new one with a silicone spatula.


Instead of the white wrap-around film, you can use the one you write on with chalk. The refrigerator will work too good board for notes and drawings. The only place that stifled appetite was the tiled apron. It must be measured and everything is the same hardware store ask to cut the laminated MDF sheets. They cost about a thousand for a three-meter sheet. One will be more than enough. You can even glue on a wide double sided tape... The sheets will sit on the countertop, and the tape will remain to hold everything upright. If the owner is upset with the change, peel it off, and the apron will be as good as new (that is, old).

A slightly increased budget will allow you to buy a pair of new stools or even inexpensive folding chairs with seat cushions. The kitchen will no longer be a disaster, but the walls are asking for comfort - hang a couple of spice shelves, a clock and a small poster above the table. Whatever one may say, the kitchen area allows, and we will spend a lot of time there. To avoid annoying non-closing cabinet doors, attach magnetic catches to them.

I want to move the sofa close to the wall, and put a lamp on the floor by the window. The curtain seems to be synthetic, so it is better to get rid of it and replace it with a cotton one. On the windowsill, you can put a vase of flowers or some kind of plant in a long balcony box.

Living room

We advise you to simply peel off the wallpaper and paint the plaster with paint. The style will be quite a loft. The room will start to look acceptable, but it will look even better with large photographs and posters on the walls.

We are very annoyed by a terrible and stupid curbstone. What if you get lucky and it burns or thieves steal it? It is unlikely that the owner will demand more than 15 rubles from you for compensation. So it was decided - to the dump. The bed looks bearable, but if we talk about design claims, it is worth organizing the headboard (you can make it out of boards, books, oars, whatever). Place at least one curbstone next to the bed to place a lamp on it. Or screw the retractable sconce to the wall so you can read.

The only thing that does not beg for a landfill is the curtain. Add printed curtains to it. They will not be in harmony with the wardrobe, but it is so old that it is better to get rid of it and replace it with a rack or chest of drawers.

Option 3. Veteran

Budget about100,000 rubles

You yourself can re-rent such an apartment and for that kind of money, having beaten off the cost of repairs in a few months. At this stage, the changes for the owner of the apartment will already become noticeable and nothing will be returned. But you can minimize the risks if you take all the things that please you and do not deliver the owner with you when you check out.

When we rented an apartment, all the walls were decorated with signs and signs. From the US Post Office to Soviet warnings "From a bottle of vodka to an accident is one step." And guests at the entrance were greeted by a 20-year-old Vespa.

It's time to add personality to the home. You work as someone, right? Journalist - bring magazines and make them coffee table... Fashion designer? Surely you have an extra mannequin on the leg. Worse if you are a programmer or politician. But in the first case, you can afford a headboard made of old keyboards, but in the second, it's a disaster. We don't even know how to help.

In any large construction hypermarket, buy a leaf of wood (pine is cheaper, larch is more expensive, but more textured) and a jar of furniture wax (preferably oak, darker). Ask to cut the tree right in the store. Place the cut sheet soaked in wax on top of the kitchen counter and you have almost design table... The next step might be to look for prettier legs.

In the store, also cut boards or lining for a kitchen apron. Pine is a short-lived material for these purposes, but it will look great for a couple of years, and it costs only 180 rubles per square meter.

There is also a trick with a chandelier from our past: you buy a new one and change it for a while while you live in this apartment, and then you return everything back.

The sofa can be given a second chance by dragging it inexpensively thick cloth for curtains. You will need construction stapler, and then the matter is small, just take care of your fingers.

Living room

We would paint the bed frame black and cover it with a nice thick blanket, hanging three photo frames of the same size over our heads. But you really need to get rid of the cabinet. Please select cheap furniture in IKEA for a replacement and dilute this Scandinavian idyll with something personal: bring decor from trips in the same style or color (for example, photo frames or plates that can be hung on the wall), go to flea markets (in Moscow, by the way, in one nook in Izmailovo you can buy the most fashionable woolen retro carpets from Ossetia for 3 thousand rubles), catch interesting chairs and pedestals at Avito. Make sure that the decor is from natural materials... And beware of cluttering up with unnecessary things: let the decor be useful things - lamps, kitchenware, textiles.

Oh, those women! You always want to change something, decorate, clean up, bring to a proper look. At least once a month, each of us is visited by the thought: “What if ...?”. And this "if" is often transformed into hair dyeing, a new manicure, a haircut, another rearrangement of the sofa from the living room to the bedroom. Sometimes we decide to change the style - to transform from a business shark into a cute girl. Or eat at an expensive sushi bar. This is totally normal. But when we have changed, dressed up, changed the image of my husband, we look at our apartment and sigh. Something is wrong again. Close, ugly, inexpensive, uncomfortable. Sound familiar? Especially such thoughts and despondency visit before menstruation. And infuriates everything to horror.

There is not always money to carry out repairs or buy a new one. beautiful furniture... And so you want to change your boring green curtains or an old chair! And a new mirror in a chic frame would be so welcome. And bed linen scarlet diversifies family life... But all plans are broken when you open the wallet. You sadly put on an apron, gloves, wipe the dust, move the flower from the window sill to another window sill and sigh. And so I wanted a change!

Everything is real! Money is completely unnecessary in order to change the boring environment to a "new" home.

What is needed for a new interior

Examine the room carefully. What does not suit you about it? Furniture interfering with passage? Little room for your jars, creams, flowers and threads? Tired of bright curtainswho are already ten years old? Does the room seem to press on you? Come into the kitchen, and there is nowhere to turn around?

Think about how you would like to arrange the furniture. If you want to free up space, move everything to the walls and corners. When there is no furniture in the center, it is much more convenient to move around the room. Try to arrange furniture in a square. For example, we move the sofa under the wall with the window (s), put a chest of drawers on the side. It is desirable that everything be arranged in a "row". This will make the room visually larger.

Be patient. Find all your old curtains, tulles, duvet covers, fabrics, bows, satin ribbons, photos, napkins, toys, figurines, pillowcases, blankets, bags. Free shelves and tables from clutter.

On the way home, run into the store and buy decoupage napkins, glue, tape, buttons and hairpins. If you have money left, you can cut off half a meter of fabric.

We place accents

Sometimes a room or kitchen can be completely different if the focus is shifted correctly. For example, in my bedroom there were green curtains that annoyed me terribly. I do not like this color, although almost everyone insists on its beneficial effects. The bedroom seemed huge, bright, rich. The efficiency was really on high level... I bought curtains in soft beige. Since I have three windows, I had to spend money. My chest of drawers with a huge mirror is also brown - beige. She took out a light brown blanket, which she threw on the sofa. My bedroom has become a delicate room, soft and very cozy. It became very calm and easy for me to be in it.

So think about what's in your room that doesn't suit you. Examine the windows carefully. Do you have flowers on your windowsills? What kind of tulle or curtains? Do you have any blinds? How would you like to feel when you walk inside?

Pastel shades - beige, coffee, copper, brown shades soothe. Green, blue, orange, yellow tone up. If you are going to sleep or rest in this room, it will be quite difficult for you. Dark blue and purple heighten the atmosphere. They must be correctly combined with the interior and not cause aggression. Often, being in rooms with a similar color scheme, irritation and despondency begins. Although everything is very individual here, perhaps these colors will help you feel comfortable. Keep in mind that craving for blue is exacerbated when it is important for a woman to make some decision, calm down or relax. After a while, it can be annoying.
Black and dark gray are strongly discouraged. Such colors can only dilute the interior, but not attract attention in any way. A woman should rest and enjoy life, not strain.

The same applies to pink, scarlet and burgundy. By the way, if prints on curtains or blankets are with shades of burgundy or deep red, this will add appearance rooms for paints.

Put on small pillows (if you don't have one, buy) pillowcases. For example, a beige room. Pick up pillowcases burgundy, raspberry, coffee, golden color... Or anyone to whom you are internally drawn.
There should be several accents, maximum three.

If for this purpose you have chosen curtains or curtains, then dilute more saturated color no room needed. A flower, a bouquet, bright lace napkins, paintings, watches, toys can act as accents.

We clean up the room

Wipe off dust wherever your hand can reach. Go through all unnecessary pens, things, rags, cosmetics, figurines. Throw away the excess. If it's a pity, put it in boxes and send it to the mezzanine or attic. Arrange what seemed to you the most significant in a different way. For example, I made a family corner. I nailed a small wooden shelf on which I put frames with photos from a wedding or holiday. Since I love stones, I neatly laid out our tumbling with my husband near the frames. Malachite, cyositis, amethyst, garnet rosary mean a lot to us. And when I look at my corner, I immediately remember the pleasant moments of my life.

Scoop all pens and pencils into a glass and carefully lay out your makeup and jewelry. If the room has old furniture, which you cannot change or recolor now, there are also two options here. Take tulle or unnecessary curtains. Sew bows or fabric flowers onto them. You can tie the curtains satin ribbon... Cover unattractive places with original curtains. Or buy decoupage napkins. Stick them on furniture, carefully spreading the glue (be sure to familiarize yourself with this technique, it will help rehabilitate even an old watch).

And now your room began to resemble vintage 70s fashionistas apartments.
Remember when I asked you to prepare old blankets, pillowcases or fabric scraps? Sew yourself a colorful blanket or rug! Cut the shreds and sew them in the order you like. You can attach buttons or ribbon bows on top.

Pendants and hairpins

Are there old unnecessary beads? Secure them to the curtains. Remaining fabric - make thin ribbons out of it and attach it to the curtain in the shower. It will be very original and fresh.
Old hairpins can come in handy in decor. You can paint them with varnish and fix them on tulle in the kitchen. Or pin them on the curtains.

Cover and modify

If your refrigerator is old and ugly, buy duct tape and tape it over. Bright colors give the impression that you have acquired a new technique. Arrange flowers on the windowsills. The surface itself can be covered with decoupage napkins, cloth or colored oilcloth. Place figurines and / or small toys near the flowers. Decorate whatever you see. Let your fantasy play out.

Put household chemicals or shampoos on a dessert stand. Nail the carnations in the kitchen by decorating them with fabric, ribbons or gift bows. You can hang whatever you need on the carnations. Aprons, potholders, sachets, boards, saucepans. You can paint the glass and glue it to the wall. Put shovels, ladles, knives in it. These tricks will save you a lot of space.

Take curtain rods or pipes and hang over the bed. Tulles and curtains, even if they different color, you can hang on the cornices and make a canopy. Romance and chic will immediately come into your life.

Tint acrylic paints thin pipes in the kitchen or bathroom. Secure the wires that have always bothered you with bows. You can make switch frames out of cardboard or fabric. Or buy inexpensive wooden frames in the shop.

Draw pictures or make them yourself with their handy tools. Decorate the walls with items you make. So the room will be filled with comfort.

We change our reality

If there is a desire to change something in the house, be sure to embody it. This speaks of your willingness to let change and new emotions into your life. Or get rid of what brings you discomfort long time.

After you have modified your home, pay attention to yourself. After all, no matter how much you improve the interior, only you are the real decoration of your home. Dare, experiment and love yourself!