How to paint with acrylics on a wooden frame. Painting and decorative finishing of baguette for paintings. Frame style depending on the genre of the painting

Sometimes the style of the interior requires the use of certain items in it. For example, Provence, vintage, and shabby chic styles suggest interior decoration using various "antique" items. It can be aged furniture: tables, chairs, dressers. Or decor items:, candlesticks, wall Clock, mirror frames, etc. And you don't have to buy these things, you can transform those that are already in your home. We will analyze how to do this using aging as an example.

How to age a picture and photo frame

What is required to age a wooden frame:

- simple wooden frame;
- acrylic paint brown colorused as a basis;
- white acrylic paint;
- acrylic craquelure varnish;
- brush.

Step 1... Paint the frame with base paint.

The base paint is needed to clearly highlight the cracks, so you need to choose contrasting colors of the base paint and the paint that will crack. In our case, brown color is chosen as the base, that is, it is he who "looks out" at the place of cracks.

We put the frame on a newspaper or any other surface that you will not mind getting dirty with paint.

Paint the frame with brown acrylic paint in one layer.

In our case, just one layer is enough - the paint lays down in a completely dense layer. Even if there are "bald spots" somewhere, it is not scary, since the top will still be coated with crater varnish and white paint, which will cover any defects in the main dark coating.
Leave the paint to dry for 1-2 hours (acrylic paint dries very quickly).

Step 2... We paint the frame with crater varnish.

Crater varnish is the coating that creates cracks. But it is not he himself that cracks, but the paint that is applied to him.

It looks like a completely ordinary varnish.

We apply varnish to the frame. What will be the layer of varnish, it's up to you. The most important thing is that no matter what it is, there will still be cracks. That is, even a beginner will not be mistaken. If the layer is made thin, then the cracks will be small, if thicker, they will be pronounced.

We paint the frame and leave the varnish to dry for 2 tsp (at least).

Step 3... Apply a layer of white acrylic paint.

We paint the frame in white colorbrushing quickly across the surface.

Cracks appear instantly.

It is important to be able to paint over the entire width of the frame with just one stroke, without lifting the brush. It is better to pre-work this "operation" on any other surface. Why is it so important? Because when a brush passes over the same place, it breaks the pattern of cracks: they have already appeared, and we, passing again with a brush, apply another layer of paint, which no longer cracks.
In addition, by swiping over the same place again, you can literally smear the drawing.

It looks like this.

In this case, such a small smeared area even gives a greater decorative effect, but it is important that such a "decor" does not prevail over cracks, that is, there should be more of them than smeared areas.

The paint dries for 1-2 hours. After drying, the cracks become more distinct, the texture we need appears.

Ready option.

Now you know how to age a wooden frame for a picture and photo with your own hands. By the way, this way you can age any surface.


The photo. Choose what your soul and heart dictates. The success of the gift largely depends on the image that will be in the frame.

Select a frame. Before buying anything, buy the frame you like. Pay maximum attention to its size, material from which it is made, relief, etc. It should be noted that wood gives a special grace, and plastic looks more and simple.

Choose a drawing. If it is just some color, then you need to skip this point, if you plan to make a drawing, then first draw it on a piece of paper. Cut the paper to fit the purchased frame and sketch.

Pick a color. Start from photography. The color of the frame should emphasize it. Do not use too much at the same time. bright colors, because the frame should fit into the premises.

Buy paint and primer. Frames can be covered different kinds : from paints with colored shades to natural wood. Each in its own way, but it's up to you to decide. You can also buy and use silver and gold plating. This will additionally make the gift unusual. If you want to use it, then pay attention: if you want it - buy glossy, if on the contrary, you don't want it - buy matte.

Primer. This item is relevant only for a wooden frame. Use a brush or roller to prime the frame and let it dry for a couple of hours. After priming, the paint will adhere well and will not be absorbed into the wood.


Can't choose a frame. You can do it yourself. This will allow you to make it exactly the way you want it.

Antique items are usually associated with something expensive, noble, beautiful and sophisticated. Antiques in specialty stores sell for a lot of money, and finding something worthwhile in flea markets takes a long time. But you can make unique items with a touch of antiquity yourself. For example, a picture frame covered with a light patina will become a real work of art.

You will need

  • acrylic primer;
  • gray, blue, green, white and gold acrylic paints;
  • rice paper or napkin;
  • red brass;
  • glue for tombak;
  • brush;
  • stain;
  • umber;
  • liquid wax.


Wipe the frame well to remove dust and dirt. If it is a wooden frame, prime it acrylic primer... Polymer or plastic frames can be painted directly. Take a light gray acrylic paint and cover the frame with one coat. Wait for the layer to dry.

Take rough rice paper (this paper is used for decoupage on glass, you can find it in an art store), this structural materialwhich perfectly absorbs moisture. Make a small swab. You can also use a napkin, but it shouldn't leave any fibers on the frame. Using a swab, apply gold paint to the frame over the gray layer.

Prepare the icing - in a small jar, make a mixture of blue, green, and white acrylic paints. Better to start with white and pour colored ones into it. Mix, but not completely, to get an uneven color from several independent shades. Use a swab to glaze the frame. Before it dries, wipe it off in several places so that the gilding shows through. The first gray layer will acquire a patina tint.

Instead of acrylic paint, you can use a special gilding, for example, "pod" tombak sold in the form of sheets. It looks very impressive, gives the impression of real gilding, but it costs less. First, it is better to cover the frame with colored paint of any shade, you can take both dark and light. Paint over the curly sections of the frame well. Apply special tombac adhesive to ensure that the metal adheres to the surface. Let the glue dry a little, but it should stay sticky. Lay the tombac sheet by removing the backing. With a small brush, smooth and press it into the surface of the frame. Sweep away the remaining scales that have not adhered to the frame with a clean brush. Then rub the natural umber into the frame profile with a piece of fabric to achieve an antiqued effect.

You can frame without gilding, for this, cover it with stain, making a test smear from the wrong side. If it turned out too dark color, dilute with water. Dry the frame, run in several places with sandpaper. Cover the surface with white water-based paint, and until it dries, wipe with a soft cloth. If you like the result, dry the frame and cover it with liquid wax.


  • Frame gilding

The style of each person is individual and unique. But he has a habit of changing from time to time, depending on changes in the inner perception of the world or as a result of an immanent impulse. And what you prefer classic direction in clothes, does not completely exclude the possibility that one fine day you suddenly want something diametrically opposite. Something like the now fashionable scuff effect on brand new classic jeans.


Use sandpaper, a pumice stone, or a nail file to create a scuff plaque. Keep in mind that pumice stone can only give the appearance of some kind of negligence or slight wear. With sandpaper, you can achieve more than just visual effect, but the most real scuffs. Moreover, for more accurate scuffs, it is best to use the finest sandpaper. If you want the scuffs to look rough and very natural, sand the fabric with coarse sandpaper. As for the nail file, the final result also depends on the roughness of its surface, the more impressive it is, the more impressive the scuff effect.

Before starting the process, select the areas of the garment that you want to appear frayed. Circle them with dry remnants, chalk, or pencil. You should not stop your choice on the elbow and knee areas, because the fabric in those places is already quickly thinning and wearing out. If you scuff these areas, they will turn into holes pretty soon.

Prepare in advance any piece of plywood or a board, which you will place under the layer of the fabric to be processed (inside the sleeve or leg). Firstly, this way you will not ruin the fabric with back side, secondly, it will be more convenient for you to work.

Now take a pumice stone, nail file, or sandpaper and start rubbing the surface of the fabric over the pre-selected areas.

After the process is complete, wash your clothes in the usual way.

If suddenly it seems to you that the scuffs are not convincing enough, repeat the procedure again.

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The main thing in this business is not to overdo it! After all, from scuff to the real hole - just one step, so try to stop in time.

Helpful advice

In the process of work, a lot of cannon and other litter are formed, which immediately scatters and settles on the surrounding objects. Therefore, it is best to engage in creating scuffs on fabrics where there is no carpet, cabinets, foreign clothing, etc.

By the way, if you look at the scuffs on jeans bought in the store, you will see that there are only longitudinal threads and no transverse ones. To achieve such an effect at home, you will need a special raspreader. It can be purchased at any sewing supply store for a fairly decent price. With its help, you can painstakingly remove all the cross threads from the denim fading.


  • How to scuff jeans.
  • How to make holes and scuffs on jeans.
  • how to make holes in shorts

Old antiques have a special charm and charm, but not everyone has "grandmother's" furniture, and a real "antique" is very expensive. There is a fairly simple way out of this situation - you need your furniture artificially. It will not take much time and effort, and the purchase of materials that will be needed for work will not hit your wallet hard.

You will need

  • - emery cloth;
  • - soil;
  • - acrylic paint;
  • - candle;
  • - varnish for craquelure;
  • - metal brush.


For aging, things made of ceramics, brass, glass and forged metal are well suited. Give antique wood furniture. Take the item, dust it off and sand the paint and varnish. It is better to take a large emery cloth, you can work with it faster. Brush off all debris from the surface and clean workplaceso that the particles old paint did not stick to new layers.

Cover the item with a primer, a mixture of PVA glue with white acrylic enamel is suitable. Let the surface dry. Then paint the piece of furniture with brown acrylic paint. Apply two coats this tool... Leave it overnight to dry well.

Rub all the edges and corners of the garment with paraffin or wax. Choose the color of your future "antique" furniture. Looks good pale pink or ivory. Create your color by mixing white paint with color scheme. A few drops added to the jar should be sufficient.

The brown base should be completely hidden under the layers of new paint, these layers can be from two to four. Remember to dry each layer well.

Use an 800 grit sandpaper. Sand the areas you rubbed with the candle. The base paint will wear off and reveal brown. Rub gently so that there are no "burrs". For greater reliability, work unevenly, rub harder somewhere, in other places make only a hint of abrasion.

In every house you can find a huge variety plastic items: partitions, skirting boards, cabinet doors, photo frames, computer mice, vases, window sills, etc. All these products are not exclusive, as they are manufactured in huge volumes. To make something unique and original, you will have to use your maximum imagination. You can very easily decorate plastic products with a special one.

How to paint plastic

Plastic paint is used not only to change the color and decorate the product. With the help of paint, you can hide defects that have appeared on the product: scratches, scuffs. You can also achieve various effects on the plastic surface, such as a matte shade, velvety surface, mirror gloss. Wide selection paints for plastic will allow you to choose the material that suits you:

  1. Abrasion-resistant paint for plastic, which protects the plastic surface from scratches and abrasions. It contains acrylic-polyurethane resin, thanks to which the product gets additional shine.
  2. A paint that is endowed with the characteristic of enamel and primer.
  3. Structural paint on plastic, which allows you to hide defects and irregularities on the surface.
  4. Soft touch paint for a velvety surface on plastic. It is used most often for surfaces that are in constant contact with human hands.
  5. PVC paint that protects the material from negative impacts environment, including ultraviolet radiation, moisture, etc.
  6. and for plastics, suitable for creating designer pieces that glow in the dark.

How to paint plastic products

Before you start painting the plastic, it should be sanded, degreased and primed. Each process has its own nuances, and this must be done wisely so as not to damage the structure plastic product.

  1. Grinding. Plastic can be soft or hard. Soft plastics are more susceptible to damage and should not be sanded with coarse sandpaper. For grinding them, an abrasive cloth is selected, and for hard types of plastic, fine-grained sandpaper is selected.
  2. Degreasing plastic. Certain types of plastic products cannot be treated with aggressive solvents such as benzene or acetone. Most commonly, neutral mild degreasers, anti-silicone or anti-static washes are recommended. To avoid mistakes, apply a small amount of the compound to an inconspicuous part of the plastic and check the reaction of the material. The same should be done in the case of applying paint to plastic without a primer.
  3. Surface priming. Experts advise using a special primer for painting. For example, a one-component acrylic primer provides excellent adhesion of any paint to plastic surfaces.

Plastic painting

For different types plastic are matched different colors... For example, for soft plastics, elastic enamels with a high content of plasticizers are chosen. For hard plastics, general purpose paints, spray paints, etc. are suitable. We bring to your attention a step-by-step coloring of a plastic product using the example of a photo frame. To decorate the photo frame, decorative chrome paint in spray cans will be applied:

  • it is necessary to clean the frame from natural dirt;
  • apply a degreaser by spraying;
  • apply a primer to the product;
  • if you will not prime the surface, then try applying a little paint to the back of the frame to check the reaction of the plastic and not ruin the product;
  • after two minutes of shaking the can, the paint can be applied to the frame from a distance of 20 cm;
  • choose quick dry paint... After one side is dry, turn the piece over, and paint the back of the photo frame;
  • for embossed surfaces, it is preferable to use a spray can, since it is very difficult to walk in hard-to-reach places;
  • wait until the frame is completely dry, and feel free to hang it on the wall.

If you are a fan of vintage style, then surely there are already many interesting "semi-antique" things in the interior of your home. And if you used to buy all these little things for your home, now you can make them yourself! Frames for photos or embroidered paintings, placed in such "old" frames, will look simply gorgeous! In this master class "Cross" shares the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating a finished plastic frame from a mirror. In addition, we will teach you how to make panels with imitation of embroidery using simple technique Decoupage.

You will need:

  • plastic frame,
  • a piece of cloth (burlap),
  • napkin for decoupage,
  • acrylic paints,
  • several brushes: for varnish, thin brush - for painting, wide brush - for background,
  • a piece of sponge,
  • water-based acrylic paint,
  • pVA glue,
  • acrylic lacquer,
  • sandpaper,
  • cardboard.

Sand the plastic frame with coarse sandpaper. This is necessary in order for the paint to lay down well and adhere to the surface.

Then, brushing off the dust with a damp cloth, we wipe the entire front surface with nail polish remover. So we prepare the surface for decoration, remove excess shine.

Then we cover the entire frame with PVA glue. We repeat the primer 2-3 times with intermediate drying. The first time we go through the protruding parts, the second time we cover small parts and grooves, and in the third - with a thick layer we close the entire workpiece.

Now you can start painting. We paint over the frame with white acrylic paint (in several passes, as in the previous step). If the PVA layer has not yet completely dried, then cracks, the so-called craquelures, will appear on the surface of the paint as it dries.

Especially such an effect can be obtained by applying a layer of a special composition for crackle under the paint.

Gently sand the painted surface with sandpaper. Brush off the dust with a wide, clean brush.

On this preparatory stage DIY vintage frame creation is complete. Let's get down to.

Iron the burlap. Prime with liquid PVA glue and leave to dry.

Cut out an oval base from cardboard, on which we then glue the fabric.

You can fix the burlap on double-sided tape... Or glue it on and iron it through a sheet of newspaper with a hot iron.

Cut off the edges of the fabric. Cut out the motif from the napkin. With a pencil we outline the contour on the burlap.

We will paint over the shape inside the outline with white paint, so the image will remain bright. If you glue the drawing directly onto the fabric, then the colors will fade, and the image will merge with the background.

We apply a napkin to the painted outline. We put a drop of glue and, gently applying it with our fingers or a brush, we disperse the glue according to the motive. We go from the center to the edge, get rid of air bubbles and excess glue.

When the glue is dry, draw the details of the picture with an outline of a suitable color.

We trim the edges of the fabric and cut out the second piece from the cardboard - this will be the backdrop of the picture.

We glue the backdrop to the decoupled piece of fabric.

Now let's put everything in the frame.

At this stage, you can once again draw the details of the pattern on the fabric. In this case, the contours are additionally outlined in black.

With a stiff old brush, pick up black paint and go over the protruding parts of the frame, paint over the recesses in the relief.

In the wake of the fact that it is gaining more and more popularity, and wooden frames for pictures more and more associated with high, sometimes even very, cost - we want to remind, and maybe open (for someone) a wooden frame for painting.

This baguette is made of natural wood and has a wide variety of profile widths and textures. The surface of such a baguette is perfectly sanded and ready for painting. Any paint designed for woodworking can be used for painting. A large assortment of paints from various manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, is now available on the market.

During creation, for example, photo frames, in the baguette workshop we use wood stains various shades. Stains provide the most high level protection of the tree, even if it will be affected atmospheric phenomena... Also, we use spray paints. The main advantage of which is that they dry quickly and evenly apply color without smudges. In addition, they are relatively inexpensive, and there is enough balloon for several frames, even large ones.

However, this paint is convenient in the workshop, where dust and dirt are not an issue. Indeed, when applying paint from a spray can, it is necessary to keep it at a sufficient distance to avoid smudges.

It is also appropriate to use wood varnishes. They create an additional protective layer, and also very well emphasize the natural texture (pattern) on the wood. What may be appropriate for use in an interior decorated with lining, for example.

Where to buy ready-made frames

If you have no desire to make photo frames with your own hands, then you can order a ready-made frame from us. Suppose you already have a picture of beads - this type of picture looks gorgeous in a painted baguette, the width of which is selected depending on the size of the picture itself.

It really doesn't matter to us what kind of artwork you are going to design. We are ready to make any frame for you. Call us and we will solve all your problems related to the decoration of paintings in a frame.