How to paint walls with embossed paint. Decorative wall covering with textured paint. A simple technique for obtaining a decorative coating

For textured painting of walls with a smooth and flat surface, it is convenient to use this construction tool like a roller. There seems to be nothing complicated in using the tool. After all, we all saw rollers, we all had to use it or watch how others use it.

However, it should be taken into account that they are various types and issued for specific purposes. This can complicate his choice when buying. That is why this article will give practical advice to help you choose this instrument. And also find out what types of paint rollers exist, what to look for when buying, and what is the peculiarity of each of them. We will take a closer look the right tools for textured walls.

Some information about paint rollers

For all of us, this simple tool is not too abstruse. Its design is quite simple: the main part of the tool is a roller that rotates around an axis. The surface of the roller is sheathed with a material that absorbs paint, transferring it to the surface of the walls. In order to work it was simple and easy, a handle - a clasp is attached to the axis. And it is also practical that such a handle is not permanent, you can replace it for more convenient use.

Differences paint rollers basically consists of two things:

  1. Roller coating, which is called a fur coat.
  2. Roller width.

Quality, convenience, as well as the finished result of the work performed depend on such factors. That is why we will consider all its types, so that your work is not difficult, but brings you pleasure.

coat type

In our time, there are such types of this material:

  • thread;
  • fur;
  • foam;
  • velor;
  • flock and some with a flat surface;
  • textured and texture rollers for decorative painting.


When painting walls, such rollers are universal, since any kind of paint can be applied with a fur roller, even paint made on an organic basis.


  • the composition is qualitatively and evenly applied to the surface of the walls, which makes it easy to do the work with your own hands;
  • absorb enough paints;
  • when painting, the composition is not splashed;
  • excellent for uneven surfaces such as decorative plaster.

The materials from which the villi are made:

  1. Natural fur . Such material contributes to the good absorption of paint into the fibers and its distribution on the walls. The only drawback may be that the lint can fall out from time to time and be applied to the surface along with the paint. Often this happens with cheap, low-quality rollers.
  2. Polyacryl. The main advantages of such materials are relatively high price. Polyacryl is worthy replacement natural fur. However, it has a significant drawback - it is used for painting walls only on a water basis, and without any fillers with aggressive substances.
  3. Polyamide. Compared with the previous material, this type is more durable and wear-resistant. That is why you can use fur coats made of such materials for paints of any type. The disadvantage is that during the painting of the wall, the paint will splatter more.

Fur coats can have a pile of different lengths. If you need to paint a rough surface, choose a fur coat with a long pile, if you need to paint a glossy surface, use a fur coat with a small pile.

Advice! In order for your roller to last as long as possible, properly care for it. After each use of the roller, take the time to wash it well.

How to do it right? First, soak the roller in kerosene, and then in plain water. If you used a roller for painting walls with water-dispersion paint, then caring for the tool will be even easier. In order to wash it, simply use a hose with water pressure.


Such painting is pleasantly performed, as it is applied in a beautiful uniform layer. If the surface has been previously prepared with high quality, then the painted surface will look completely smooth.

Often in hardware stores, sellers say that such a tool is intended for specialists. Why? Because with careless work, all defective places will be visible on the surface. Another disadvantage is that the bristles of the fur coat do not absorb a large amount of paint, which will force you to regularly wet the roller.

Foam rubber

The main advantage of this material is its price. For example, foam products can cost from 30-40 rubles. Such rollers can be used for painting walls with water-dispersion paint. Among the shortcomings, the following points can be distinguished: it does not paint an uneven surface well, it is short-lived, it splashes paint. But, despite such minor flaws, this roller is not worst case especially when painting small area. For example, walls in the kitchen or bathroom.

Rollers for decorative wall painting

What does the concept of "decorative painting" imply? First of all, this is the application of patterns and drawings to the surface of the entire wall or to a specific place.

To perform this work, there are two types of rollers:

Such a structural roller is able to put a beautiful ornament on your wall. The photo shows what the finished result looks like.

Advantages of textured finish

When decorating walls in a room, it is worth imagining two varieties - the use of special textured paint or the use of different finishing technologies. In applying the first option, you will have to go to hardware store and choose special paint containing acrylic components. When finishing, such paint lays unevenly on the surface, so you can get the effect of granulation.

Textured wall painting has many advantages: you can do the work yourself, without having special building skills, such a finish masks all the irregularities well, the paint is non-toxic, prevents mold, and is resistant to mechanical damage.

There is another version of the decor - this is the painting of the walls using stencils. Carry out such coloring with a water-based substance. This finishing method has the following advantages:

  • low cost of work;
  • allows you to draw, in those places where you like;
  • big choice colors;
  • the ability to do the work with your own hands, etc.

Texture paint tools

So, what do you need to do decorative wall painting? These are the following tools:

It is clear that not all of this list you will use. But these are all devices that can do the job. However, it also happens that there is no way to spend your money on various expensive rollers. What to do in this case? Do not panic, because at the moment you can show your imagination and make your own. original design premises.

Using a homemade tool

To do textured roller, you need to impose or glue pieces of foam rubber, fabric or cellophane on a regular one. After performing such a procedure, you can use such a roller to apply them water-based composition on the surface of a wall or ceiling. This decor option will look very original and aesthetically pleasing. You can also use wire wound on a roller.

Today, people are increasingly striving to equip their homes in an original way, avoiding platitudes and clichés. In this sense, decorative wall painting is quite interesting solution: able to create incredible textures, artistic images and color combinations. Shops abound with goods for every taste. Therefore, without much hassle, you can decorate the interior in style, even without professional design training.

The work surface needs to be cleaned. Often there are marks on the walls old paint, whitewash, wallpaper glue. They all have different chemical composition, substances interact with each other in different ways, and if you still want to re-paint the walls, this may adversely affect the final result.

Preparing the surface for painting

In some cases, previously pasted wallpaper cannot be removed from the wall - then it is advisable to use an alkyd primer. It is recommended to dilute it with white spirit in a ratio of 1 to 3, mix thoroughly, apply to problematic areas of the walls.

Another important point concerns the removal of dirt, oil and grease stains, fungus (fungal infestation is typical for rooms in old buildings, as well as in conditions of high humidity). Treat oil stains with acetone or pure gasoline. Simply apply a little to a dry, lint-free cloth and wipe the areas where you see greasy dirt.

Examine the wall for old cracks. Most likely, they will also be found. Prime cracks with as dense a substance as possible, preferably finely dispersed and with high adhesion. The most common materials are cement or gypsum, or a mixture of both. Apply the solution after wetting the cracked areas with water (this way you maximize the adhesion of the “native” material old wall and primers).

What paint to choose

The choice of paint is useful to start long before you get into the process closely. It is not very reasonable to grab the first thing that comes to hand at the very last moment from the store counter. In addition, you must definitely try the properties of the purchased paint somewhere in a separate place.

What is it for:

  • see how it dries (does it leave cracks, quickly or slowly, does it change its original color);
  • find out if the paint will emit a pungent odor (sometimes manufacturers write that the paint is neutral, but in fact it turns out that the paint contains sharply smelling fractions - for living rooms this is unacceptable);
  • make sure that the paint consumption corresponds to that indicated on the package (this value is very arbitrary, because you can never determine with absolute accuracy how thick the layer you apply and how much substance will go per unit square area).

Attention! When buying a product in a store, do not forget to look at the expiration date and expiration date, so as not to buy expired paint with changed characteristics.

It should be noted that decoration through painting can be done in two ways:

  • using a special textured paint (the option is more expensive, since such paint has a high price, although it is worth it!);
  • using ordinary wall paint, but combining different colors (in the form of stencils, patterns).

The consistency of wall paints is quite liquid. When applied, there are no lumps, furrows or sagging. Painting is usually carried out in several layers. The exception is the use of a spray gun. With its help, it is possible to evenly paint over every centimeter, but in most cases it will be exactly handmade. The brush and roller are your tools.

Attention! Apply the paint only on a completely dry surface - after all cleanings, primers, etc. Otherwise, you will have defects after the new paint dries.

Observe uniformity in the speed and amount of paint applied. Start with those sections of the wall where it is planned to place wall furniture in the future, hang a panel or carpet, where there is minimal illumination.

This is necessary in order to possible defects were not as noticeable as in the most central places. Each next layer apply after the previous one is completely dry.

Attention! Apply the very last, final layer in the direction of the light rays falling on the surface.


Buy at the store or make your own stencils. Suitable material for:

  • thin sheet plastic;
  • a piece of thin linoleum;
  • thick oilcloth, etc.

The point is that the shape does not collapse after a few strokes with a roller or brush. If this is not taken care of in advance, the edges of the form will become uneven, and the applied pattern will have a blurry outline.

stardust effect

A simple and at the same time interesting design technique: “specks” are applied to the dried surface with paint of a different color. To do this, you need to take a rough brush with a hard bristle, dip it into the paint, wring it out carefully, and only then “splash” it in the right place: bend the bristle in the opposite direction, and then release it. Practice in advance somewhere else to achieve the desired quality.

The decoration turns out to be very original when you paint the walls in one color, but in different colourseparate sections or different walls the same premises. Perhaps it will be large rhombuses or squares, stripes, circles, stains. Draw a design on paper in advance and act based on the picture.

aging effect

Another name is stippling. On a plain surface, apply glaze in a contrasting color. Use a wide flat brush for this. Without waiting for it all to dry, repeatedly touch the surface with the same rough brush (or take a rough brush round shape). Spread the "touches" either completely over the entire surface, or zoned. As a result, an original texture is formed, and no traces of brush stains will be visible.

Attention! The same can be done not with a brush with a brush, but with a rough dry sponge. The main thing is that the mechanical intervention should be performed in a certain style (the same nature of the touches, their more or less uniform frequency).

Pattern effect chaos or abstraction

Make a simple roll with a "torn" coating. It will help you apply finely divided wall paint so that irregular shapes appear on the walls. Naturally, the applied layer should differ in color from the main one.

Video - Applying an abstract pattern with a "torn" roller

You will need:

  • acrylic primer;
  • vinyl paint in two shades;
  • mother-of-pearl azure;
  • decorative paper.

The procedure is priming and painting, applying paper and wrinkling it, painting again, removing excess paint from the folds of the “skin”.

Video - Decorative wall painting with wrinkled leather effect

Applying textured paint

In terms of characteristics, textured paint is very close to textured plaster. But the paint is more “thin”, and therefore more plastic. Its use gives a stunning effect - exquisite surfaces that will please the eye for a long time with an exclusive decor.

Due to what the relief is obtained:

Additionally, you can refine the coating as follows. After drying, apply to the base coat with a soft brush. regular paint contrasting shade, and not everywhere, but in some places - you get an original, chic decor. Some craftsmen use not even one, but two or three contrasting colors, applying them in a special cascading way. If you want the same, be sure to train in advance, because without skill it is unlikely to succeed.

Advantages of textured paints

Industry of modern finishing materials provides the widest field for bold experimentation. You are not limited in anything, and you do not need to be specially trained, to acquire any specific skills. Enough embossed painter and experimental courage in artistic decoration.

Textured paints, although they are more expensive than the usual "smooth", but have a number of undeniable advantages:

Such a wonderful product is ready to use, and even the most unprepared decorator can work with it.

In the past, the main types of wall decoration materials were wallpaper and almost indelible oil paints. Today's construction market offers a large selection of finishing materials.

One of the most popular is textured wall paint, due to its excellent characteristics. It can be painted on almost any surface, for example, brick, concrete, wood and other types. Thanks to special additives, it can be used both for internal and for external works.

Textured paint - a special material, which is a viscous homogeneous mass white color.

The presence of acrylic as a binder makes it resistant to mechanical and atmospheric influences, which makes it possible to use it for outdoor work.

By adding different colors, you can get any colors and shades. If desired, the color can be ordered from the manufacturer, then the resulting mixture can be immediately used for work. Depending on additional fillers, it is possible to imitate various surfaces.

Painting textured paint can be performed on surfaces with minor defects, recesses of no more than 2 mm are allowed. Much depends on the application method. If the differences in irregularities are large, then it is better to apply a layer of plaster.

There are such types of textured paints:

In addition, after applying textured paint, the surface can be additionally decorated by applying a transparent varnish to it, to which special creative pastes are added. With such a coating, the surface will change depending on the degree and angle of illumination, which can be used in the design of the premises.

If we talk about the merits of textured paints, they are in many ways superior in practicality to their counterparts, as they contain acrylic copolymers, which provide the following properties:

  • High moisture resistance allows the use of paints in wet areas, makes it possible to wash the surface.
  • Resistant to mold, do not absorb odors.
  • Ecological cleanliness, hypoallergenicity, do not contain harmful substances.
  • High temperature resistance, frost resistance.
  • Resistance to mechanical and atmospheric influences.
  • High vapor permeability for natural moisture regulation.
  • Can be applied to any type of surface.
  • Masking minor irregularities and filling gaps.
  • Resistant to sunlight.
  • Excellent decorative details.
  • Ease and ease of use.

The listed characteristics show that textured paints are great for interior finishing works and for facade decoration.

Application options and tools for the job

The use of textured paints in design makes it possible to express your imagination and make the interior of the room unique. Thanks to texture paints, you can imitate fabric, marble, create a floral ornament.

There are many options for creating surfaces with different patterns, you just need to know some secrets of application technology and use the appropriate tool.

To get a relief surface as a filler, you can add to the mixture sawdust, which will make the structure more rough.

If it is necessary that the structure is smoother, water is added. If the design requires sharp edges, quartz sand is used as a filler.

The tool chosen for the job helps to get different surfaces. You can use the following tools:

With a brush, after the material hardens, you can draw unusual paintings However, this requires the talent of an artist. If you apply paint in the usual way, then it is better to take a wide brush and apply paint in large strokes. In order for the wall texture to learn to be uniform, you must first apply horizontal stripes and then vertical.

To apply paint with a roller, you will need several rollers of different widths. The main layer is applied with a large roller.

When applied, vertical movements are performed. A small roller is used to touch up inaccuracies and for hard-to-reach places.

By wrapping the roller with a rope and moving upwards on the surface of the wall, you can create an imitation of stems. Various structural rollers with a ready-made pattern applied to them are widely used.

With a spatula, you can make a variety of stains that will add originality to the pattern. A rough spatula is more suitable for applying embossed paint with a coarse filler.

With a soft spatula, more delicate textures can be applied. Unique patterns can be obtained using a wet rag or paper crumpled and placed in cellophane.

Painting with the help of a pneumatic sprayer is possible. Apply the paint carefully, as it is difficult to control the layer of paint.

Before painting, it is better to practice on some surface. Using a sponge, various patterns can be applied to the surface using stencils.

To obtain a two-tone pattern on the walls using decorative painting, you can use the following methods:

  • Horizontal stripes are made with a pointed object on a solution that has not yet solidified. While the coating is not completely frozen, using a thin stencil, a solution of a different color is applied. Thus, a pattern appears on the surface, which looks spectacular on a relief surface.
  • You can make a pattern on the wall in the form of a geometric pattern. To do this, you can use masking or any other adhesive tape. It is glued to the surface in the form of some kind of geometric pattern. Then paint of a different color is applied to the surface. When it dries a little, the tape must be removed.
  • A wall with a two-color coating will look original if you draw a comb with large teeth in different directions along it. Wherein upper layer shouldn't dry out.

Wall preparation and application technology

Before decorative painting is carried out, the surface must be prepared.

First you need to remove the previous coating. Then the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust. Large gaps should be sealed with putty. Then the surface must be leveled and plastered. Irregularities should not exceed 2 mm.

At the last stage of wall preparation, an appropriate primer must be applied. It will ensure complete adhesion of the paint to the wall surface, even out irregularities and protect the wall from excess moisture. Thanks to the primer, the patterns will look more expressive.

The choice of primer must be approached responsibly. It must match the paint used and match the color. Stir primer before use construction mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. First, the wall is moistened with a damp sponge.

Then the mixture is applied in a thin layer so that there are no streaks and accumulation of material. The primer is applied with a roller and a small brush for hard-to-reach places.

The primer dries from 4 to 24 hours, the drying time is usually indicated on the package. In addition, the drying time is affected by the temperature and humidity in the room. Only after the final drying of the primer, a finishing decorative finish is applied.

The technology of painting with textured paint is somewhat different from the usual one, but mastering it is quite simple. The paint must be warm before use. room temperature. If you need to get the usual flat surface of the wall, then you should add a little water to the mixture.

1% of the total volume will be enough. If you need to get some effect, appropriate fillers are added. Then the mixture should be thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer.

The paint is applied in one layer. It must be necessarily thick, otherwise it will be impossible to create a textured pattern.

The application area should not be large, no more than two square meters. For creating decorative patterns you need to use the appropriate tool. Textured paint is fixed on the walls for 15 minutes, but finally dries out in a day.

The use of textured paints allows you to get unique surfaces and make interesting design rooms, making it attractive and unique.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

Textured paint is intended for decorative finishes different surfaces embossed coating. It can be used both indoors and outdoors on brick, concrete, plastered and non-plastered surfaces. Textured wall painting can be done with your own hands with paint, which at first glance looks like a white and viscous homogeneous mass. Due to the presence of acrylic in the paint, it is very durable and resistant to high and low temperatures, as well as high humidity.

Advantages and disadvantages of paint

A large number of advantages of textured paint explains its widespread use during finishing work:

  • The ability to hide minor wall imperfections, such as small cracks or chips.
  • Coating resistance to temperature changes.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Safe for human health.
  • Does not burn out under the influence of sunlight.
  • There is no need to remove the previous coating or level the surface, the main thing is that it is not greasy and washed from whitewash.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Despite the fact that textured painting is done in a thick layer, it has good vapor permeability without obstructing air circulation.
  • Various colors and textures.


Since embossed paint has an increased consumption, which is equal to 1 kg per square meter wall surfaces, the total cost of work increases significantly, which is associated with large quantity consumable.

Coloring technology

Surface preparation

Although textured paint can be used on any, even untreated, surfaces, for the best result of do-it-yourself finishing, all preparatory work must be done. This requires carefully and plaster large cracks. If necessary, the walls are aligned and.

After 5 hours, after the primer has dried, you can start applying textured paint with your own hands. First, it must be thoroughly mixed and add color. desired color. In order to facilitate the coating of the walls, add water to the mixture, the total volume of which should not exceed 1% of the total mass of the paint.

How to apply textured paint

Do-it-yourself wall covering with textured paint is similar to the puttying process and can be done different ways, depending on the desired decorative result. The general points include the fact that the mixture is applied to the wall with a wide spatula, which processes an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 2 m². Painting on the corners of the walls is done with a narrow spatula.

A small amount of textured mass is applied to the spatula, and then smeared onto the surface. Then, with the help of various devices, you can give the wall the necessary texture. After 2 hours, the paint will begin to stick to the wall, and after 48 hours it will dry completely. Only after that can any decorative coating be applied to the surface of the walls - varnish, acrylic or wax.

When decorating walls with texture paint, you can apply the pattern by hand or use a stencil.

Do-it-yourself painting of the facade of the building is carried out only in good, dry weather, since high humidity and rain can significantly reduce the final result of the work.

Surface coating with relief paint of the same color is carried out in the usual way. This requires tapping the surface with a stiff-bristled brush or rolling with a cloth.

With your own hands, you can make a drawing of two different colors. This option of painting walls with embossed paint is very popular. To do this, make various strokes with a sharp object on fresh paint. Then immediately, before hardening, with a solution of a different color and using a stencil, make a new pattern on the coating. The result obtained will greatly decorate appearance walls.

A geometric pattern with clear outlines will also look good. In order to do this with your own hands, you need to take a masking tape and attach it to a fresh solution so that it prints. Then you need to apply a solution of a different color to the tape, without waiting for the previous layer to dry.

The simplest and most effective example of a two-color coating can be called scratching a layer that has not yet dried with the teeth of a comb or stiff bristles. Best result it turns out precisely from the chaotic direction of the “scratches”.

Creating a decorative pattern

Since applying a decorative pattern with your own hands for an inexperienced person is somewhat difficult, so you first need to practice on small area surfaces. Thanks to this, it will be possible to acquire the necessary skill and avoid unnecessary expenses associated with redoing all the work.

With foam roller

The relief composition of white color is applied to the wall and leveled with a spatula. Then it is rolled along the wall, thereby creating the necessary texture, which is immediately smoothed with a trowel (construction trowel). After 24 hours, a pale blue enamel can be applied to the paint with a brush, and paint residues can be removed with a foam sponge. For final finishing its surface needs to be sanded with a grater, then remove the dust with a dry brush and then apply the final layer of mother-of-pearl enamel with a fine-haired roller.

Light brown mortar is applied to the wall in two layers, the first layer must be applied with a wide spatula, and the second with a trowel. A day later, after the surface has dried completely, it must be covered with matte white enamel using a fine-naped roller.

With rubber roller

Article about. Advantages, disadvantages, varieties and application technologies.

Texture paints for walls - differences and application rules

Today, texture paints for walls are gaining special popularity. This coating creates unique design. Textured paints with imitations different materials create harmony and comfort in the house.

Difference between texture paint and regular paint

The difference between textured paint and traditional acrylic and latex paint is the composition and appearance.

Thanks to the structuring filler, it is possible to reproduce relief patterns, imitate materials: under moire coating, velvet, leather and others.


The texture suspension has a lot of positive factors. main feature in the combination of a large number of functions aimed at maintaining the quality of the wall surface and material. Due positive properties used more often than other finishing materials.

Benefits of texture dyes:

  • do not absorb and do not transmit foreign odors;
  • resistant to UV rays;
  • differ in wear resistance;
  • safe for people and animals;
  • frost-resistant;
  • resistant to temperature extremes and fire;
  • certain types of paints (with an antifungal base) are not afraid of moisture;
  • are presented in assortment;
  • create unique designs.


  • Cost (a large expense pulls considerable costs).
  • Re-staining requires the complete removal of the previous layer.
  • Requires some application skills.

Characteristics and differences

Textured suspension is a dispersed mixture with the addition of acrylic. It is used both for external works, and for internal. Creates a resistant layer to damage. At proper preparation surfaces, the paint lays down well.

It has the following technical features:

  • water is used as a solvent;
  • in the composition of the coloring matter - acrylic latex;
  • 1.5 kg of material will be required per square meter;
  • stored in closed, at 5⁰С (not higher);
  • dries 2 hours at 23⁰С indoors.

The viscosity of the material allows you to create various decorations. All that is needed for this is to arm yourself with a special or spatula. Textured paint has the widest palette of colors, thanks to which it is possible to realize any design you like.

The material is suitable for surfaces that need protection from negative impacts(rain, snow, gusts of wind). Thanks to this, the surface of the walls after finishing serves faithfully for 5 years.

Varieties of texture paint

Textured suspension differs in type:

  • facade;
  • for interior work;
  • coarse-grained;
  • fine-grained.

Five types are distinguished depending on the composition and application.

  1. Mineral - is a dry mix, the base is lime and cement. Most often used for the facade.
  2. - Contains silicone resins that are extremely durable and versatile. Can be used on all surfaces except furniture.
  3. Acrylic - the mixture is sold ready-made and is suitable for all surfaces.
  4. Silicate - this type of paint is used only on a mineral surface with a silicate primer. Overpriced compared to others.
  5. Marseille wax - thanks to this type, it is possible to imitate stone, oak bark, wood. The material is resistant to moisture and harmful effects.

Embossed under the stone

This coating creates a complete illusion of stone. Perfectly lays down on walls, gives originality to design, is practical and convenient. This paint is resistant to negative external influences, and is suitable for interior and exterior use.

Concrete effect

The material imitates a concrete surface.


  • originality;
  • variety of interior solutions;
  • water resistance;
  • a wide range of shades;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of additional decoration.

The disadvantages include the high cost of the material and long drying.

After the concrete paint has dried, to make required holes, you need to use the diamond drilling method.

Roughness effect or "shagreen" texture

Popular with contemporary designers.


  • hides the smallest imperfections of the surface;
  • presented in the assortment;
  • easy to use and apply - does not require puttying and additional leveling of the surface;
  • resistant to sunlight;
  • durable;
  • The cover adds warmth and comfort.

The disadvantage of coverage is that if the result of the work is unsatisfactory, it cannot be corrected.

Bulky flake or flock paint

Flocks are inclusions in the consistency, resembling flakes or chips in shape. With the help of paint it is possible to achieve a different effect. Flock imitates suede, leather and velor.

Such interior solution looks modern and unusual.


  • resistant to sunlight;
  • protects against mold;
  • does not require special care;
  • presented in assortment;
  • fire resistant.

The disadvantages of flock coating include its high cost and the complexity of the work.

Smooth with the effect of wax, marble, granite

Looks impressive and noble in the design of an apartment or house. Perfect replacement for wallpaper.


  • durability;
  • strength;
  • does not require careful maintenance;

The disadvantages of coverage are the cost and complexity of the work.

Staged application technology

When working with a texture coloring matter, it is necessary to follow the correct application technology.


Textured suspension is applied in a thick layer.

Therefore, the surface should be carefully treated: make it dry, without deposits and dust, remove defects that violate adhesion ( old whitewash, paint layers).

If the surface has Oil paint- sand and for better adhesion make matte. From quality preparatory work not only the appearance of the finished surface depends, but also its service life.

When the old coating is removed, the wall should be puttied to eliminate irregularities. If there are large cracks, they can be reinforced with mesh. The surface to be painted must be dry, clean and free from mold.

What do you need

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • drill;
  • trowel or spatula;
  • rollers by preference: smooth, rubber, foam rubber;
  • flat brush;
  • masking tape.

The next step is to putty the walls. For this work, it is desirable to use a water-based acrylic mixture.

For coatings that crumble easily, special strengthening primers have been developed. Areas with mold, fungus are dried and treated with a special primer.

After the primer dries, a film forms on the surface, which fills and levels the pores at the base of the wall. This process improves the application of the finish coat and promotes durability. On average, the primer dries within 6 hours. After that, proceed to the finishing.

Is it possible with your own hands

With some skills, the surface for painting can be prepared independently. But, it is important to take into account the complexity of the work. Some surfaces can only be prepared with professional tools and means, as well as in the presence of relevant knowledge.

If you are not sure of your construction capabilities, trust the experts.

Applying paint: methods and techniques

When the surface is prepared, texture is applied. Depending on the desired result, different techniques are used.

  1. When using a brush. Suitable for dyes with fine filler. Not suitable for drawing. It is better to use a stiff brush or brush to form waves or stripes.
  2. With a sponge. You can use stencils and apply the pattern yourself. The layer of paint is processed with a sponge and patterns are obtained, depending on the direction and force of pressing.
  3. The spatula allows you to apply geometric patterns from lines. Perpendicular passages and the "bark beetle" pattern are popular. The spatula can be regular, serrated or even.
  4. Using a roller gives a unique pattern. For imitations, various rollers are used: leather for the effect of marble, rubber for imitation of masonry, pile for creating shagreen.

Step-by-step application of textured paint

  1. Via masking tape define clear boundaries for the top, bottom and width of the coverage area.
  2. Apply paint from the corner of the plane to the opposite corner.
  3. If necessary, apply two coats of paint. The second layer is applied when the first one dries. During breaks, the paint container must be tightly closed.
  4. To avoid joints, paint on the surface is applied in one go.
  5. Upon completion of work, the tools must be washed.
  6. The paint dries within 24 hours. It acquires hardness and uniform polymerization after 14 days.

Application features:

  • do not mix or add impurities to the paint for other purposes;
  • paint is not applied to the facade in rainy or hot weather;
  • When working indoors, ventilation must be ensured.

Painting walls with water-based or decorative paint

Present on the market today the widest selection colors and wallpapers.

For the decoration of apartments and houses, water-based paint is also used, which has a wide range of colors, dries quickly, is easy to apply, suitable for renovation and repainting.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to detergents;
  • ease of application.


  • expiration date - 24 months;
  • susceptible to mold and bacteria;
  • not suitable for all surfaces.

Textured suspension outperforms water-based. With the help of it, it is possible to create a variety of interior solutions that for a long time will decorate the house or apartment. Water based paint more suitable for temporary room design.

Worth considering

When deciding to use texture paint in the interior, you need to take into account the functionality of the room where it will be applied. For example, for the kitchen and nursery, such paint is not the best solution. Same for exterior finish special materials must be used.

In general, texture paint will complement and make the design of the room unique and cozy.

Thanks to textured paint, it is possible to create a unique interior of an apartment or house. The main thing is to approach this issue responsibly and study the nuances.

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