How to decorate a house with your own hands? The best ideas. Decorating the walls of the house: unusual ideas Posters and paintings

17 interesting examples use of the family album.

By the way, the idea with a heart from photos is especially good for. However, make sure that the photos are very securely attached, otherwise they may disturb your sleep or even injure you by falling.

Well, a few more bonus tips from our life experience. Firstly, it is more and more relevant every day and with every snowflake that has fallen - our unforgettable way.

The other two are great for the kitchen or dining room. Leave your memories below glassware or at ceramic tiles. As we know from meeting the creative hostess who tiled her bathroom in her own design, many companies and photo labs can now tile your photos and drawings. If you are not ready to lay out the walls or kitchen apron with their pictures, such tiles can be used, for example, as hot coasters. Well, only the lazy cannot hide photos under jars or bottles. The less lazy one will even collect small compositions by making souvenirs handmade with a little magical world inside.

Decorating a house - what could be more pleasant and entertaining for every hostess (or owner)? To do this, you can buy jewelry in the store. But one must take into account the fact that even the most expensive jewelry may be in someone else's house. But you want to decorate your house so that no one else has such beauty. You can make home decoration with your own hands.

Everything needs a norm. Decorating the house, you should not overload the interior with various figures or paintings, just one or two pieces are enough.

As you know, handmade is today very fashion trend. It is with the help of it that you can make such home decorations with your own hands that can create comfort. You don't need any professional skills to do this.

It should be borne in mind that the principle - the more decorations in the house, the better, has not been relevant for a long time. As they say experienced designers according to the interior, too much decoration in the house is in bad taste.

A flower pot can be pasted over with multi-colored pebbles or beads.

It is absolutely not necessary to put a large number of various figurines, figurines and trinkets on each shelf, which are made by hand. Photographs, paintings, decorative plates and carpets can look very beautiful on the walls, but there should not be many of them.

When decorating a house, one should not forget about the balcony. In no case should it be cluttered, since this is where you can enjoy fresh air. It is best to decorate the balcony with landscaping, for this, climbing and ampelous plants are used. You can use flower boxes or flowerpots as decorations, then the balcony will look like a cozy mini-garden, which looks very attractive.

DIY decorations: how to make flower pots?

One of the options to decorate the house yourself are the original flower pots. It's no secret that many homes have old, featureless flower pots that have been out of use for a long time. They can be given a second life. There are several options for this. You can simply cover the flower pots with spray paint. And it is better to wrap them with multi-colored, coarse threads, use fringe, braid or drape with ruffled fabric, which looks very attractive.

And also such pots can be decorated with applications, beautiful beads, and then varnished all this. Such a composition will great decoration for the home with their own hands.

How to decorate your home with homemade sofa cushions?

Sofa cushions can be decorated with original applications.

What can look more attractive than beautiful and original sofa cushions? Such decorations can be embroidered on long winter evenings.

And if there is not enough time, then you can buy a ready-made application in the store and stick it on the pillow with an iron. Such an application can be pasted on a pillowcase.

You can buy fabrics of 4 different colors. They should be in harmony with the shades in the room. 4 of these fabrics are sewn different pillows which will perfectly decorate the house.

How to make curtains on the door?

When making home decoration with your own hands, you should take care of decorating the door.

It can be done different ways, but it is best to use curtains. They make such curtains from jewelry, using beads large size. In addition to beads, you will need fishing line, which can be bought at any fishing store. Beads are put on a fishing line, and an original and stylish curtain is obtained.

How to make beautiful vases?

From bottles you can make beautiful vases that will decorate the interior of any room.

You can perfectly decorate the house with homemade flower vases. A very beautiful and original vase can be made from the most ordinary bottle. Better use a bottle unusual shape. The bottle is cleaned of glue and labels, a bunch of ikebana is inserted into it (immortelle or helichrysum is perfect).

At the end, this whole composition is carefully covered with silver or gold spray paint. You can take the paint and any other color, but it must be in harmony with the room. You can also wait until the paint dries and stick a bead or rhinestone in the center of each flower. Before applying the paint, the bottle can be coated transparent glue, sprinkle fine sand and roll it on it. Then the bottle vase will become embossed, which looks very attractive.

Decoupage in the interior

For decoration coffee tables And flower pots you can use a style called decoupage. To do this, you need to choose a pattern that matches the interior. Then the image is printed on thin paper (you need to use a color printer for this). Then the drawing is carefully cut out and glued to the surface of the object that needs to be decorated.

In order for everything to turn out beautifully, you need to use the following rule: the surface on which the application is pasted should be lighter than the picture. To do this, it is recommended to cover the surface with acrylic paint before gluing. light colors, and glue is applied to the drawing from above, and this must be done with great care. There should be no wrinkles or bubbles.

After the application has dried, it must be covered acrylic varnish. It is noteworthy that with the help of this method you can decorate anything - both the refrigerator and furniture.

If the room has small size, then you should not decorate it with multi-layered curtains. In this regard, Roman blinds or blinds are more appropriate, bamboo blinds look very cozy and harmonious. They let in more light and small space the room is not cluttered.

If there is a table in the room, it is recommended to hide its lower part from prying eyes. To do this, take a piece of fabric of the appropriate size. It needs to be overcast from all sides, and Velcro is sewn to the upper edge. The second side of the Velcro is glued to the edge of the table. In this case, the fabric can be chosen both straight and gathered. Thus, not only the space under the table is hidden, but the room also becomes cozy.

One of the walls in the room can be decorated with contrasting wallpaper.

In a square-shaped room, you can focus on one of the walls, which is decorated with wallpaper in a contrasting color.

If you want to combine space, you can use textiles or film. A small object (flower pot) is pasted over with a film.

If tables and chairs are chosen for a small and narrow room, then preference should be given to light models that are made of glass or plexiglass. Such furniture is good because it does not create the impression of clutter.

If the room is small, then the decor should also be small. Do not use for decorating fabrics with large pattern And large paintings that "eat up" space.

As one of the decor elements, you can use a board on which pictures, photographs, and various notes are attached.

If used on shelving small decor, then the accents should be at eye level.
When decorating a house with your own hands, you should think about lighting. It is better to save on furniture and purchase several lamps, which should be dispersed around the room in such a way that they divert attention from all the existing shortcomings.

When decorating a bathroom, you can replace a typical fleecy mat with a small rug that is made in oriental style. A plastic chandelier can be installed on the shelf, and the mirror is decorated with multi-colored mosaics.

Thus, you do not need to spend a lot of money on decorating your home, you just need to make a little effort. It is noteworthy that even children can make jewelry with their own hands.

Decorating the walls of a house, another building in the country will make it unique. This will help not only flowers, but also vegetables, buttons, stencils, appliqué.

The content of the article:

If someone thinks that wall decoration is the prerogative only professional designers, is wrong. Exist simple ways decorating the room. If you have a dacha, start by transforming the walls on the hacienda. Making sure that such work is pleasant and uncomplicated, you can decorate the walls in the apartment. Available materials help with this.

Decoration of the walls in the country with an applique and a figure of tights

You can decorate the building with:

  • stencils and paint;
  • paintings, panels, which are made by hand;
  • vertical gardening;
  • applications;
  • finishing materials, etc.
See how interesting wall decoration in the country can be.

For it you will need:
  • sheets of plastic;
  • construction knife;
  • marker;
  • ruler;
  • acrylic paints;
  • glue.
On sheets of plastic, draw animals (pig, cow, bird, or others). Also depict the sun, clouds, and, helping yourself with a ruler, a fence. Cut these items with a sharp construction knife, decorate acrylic paints. Let them dry, and glue some of the elements to the wall, and place others near it. Such wall decor will turn this outer part of the house into a beautiful cozy corner.

Place a figure of a person next to this picturesque picture. How to make a scarecrow, you already know. But such a cute one is created from:

  • wires;
  • fittings;
  • flesh-colored tights;
  • a synthetic bag (in such bags flour, sugar are transported and stored);
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • 3-core cable;
  • straw;
  • yarn;
  • thread;
  • fabrics.
Put the bag on the ground, stuff it with straw. Place the reinforcement vertically in its center, sticking one end into the soil. Tie the top of the bag with string. Put on a skirt right away. Tie it at a thin waist.

On the upper part scarecrow, wind the straw, securing it with a rope, wire. Determine where the shoulders will be. Attach a thick wire here.

For shoulders, arms, take the rest of a three-core cable, which consists of a winding of three thick wires. The desired piece can be easily cut with pliers.

Stuff the pantyhose legs with padding polyester, put them on this cable. In order not to tear the capron, round off its winding, then the wire will not stick out.

So, the lower panels of the tights have become hands, the middle part will be the neck, it is at the top of the armature, like the head. Stuff these parts with synthetic winterizer. Decorate the head - with stitches, a needle and thread, give it the desired shape - oval or round. It remains to embroider facial features with threads or cut them out of colored patches and sew them on. Make hair out of yarn, put a sweater on the figure. Here's how to decorate outer wall at home in the country.

How to decorate the house with vegetables and flowers?

We offer you an interesting and useful way house decoration outside.

Make a bed near the southern, southwestern or southeastern wall, turn it around with a side. Here you need to plant seedlings of tomatoes, climbing pumpkins. Mulch the soil with hay. As you grow, tie the whips higher and higher. To do this, you can drive in a few nails, tie the upper ends of the rope to them, and the lower ends to the lashes.

For a garter, use cellophane tape - they do not rot. Do not forget that the lashes increase in volume, so the loop must be with a margin so as not to overtighten this part of the stem.

Also, a trellis is used for vertical decoration, with your own hands it can be made from improvised materials. After all, many dachas have the remains of a picket fence, rails, bars, wire.

Wall decoration can also be made from other vegetables, such as cucumbers. Near the sunny wall, heat-loving vines will hide from the wind and will grow and develop beautifully.

Here's how to make a DIY trellis quickly and easily. From two long and as many short bars, knock down the box - the base. You need to attach slats to it - either horizontally and vertically, or along one and the second diagonal. In order for the distance between these elements to be the same, either mark up immediately, or lay a piece of board of the desired width, which will show the borders of the stuffing of adjacent rails.

Here's how to make your own trellis. For fastening elements, you can use a furniture stapler, nails or self-tapping screws.

So, for her you need:
  • 4 bars;
  • slats;
  • screws or nails;
  • saw or jigsaw;
  • hammer or screwdriver.
If you are interested in a simpler version of how to make a do-it-yourself trellis to decorate a wall, cottage, garden, then check it out.

Assemble a lined box from bars, wind a rope or wire around it along one and the second diagonal. If this is a do-it-yourself trellis for grapes, it is better to wind the wire so that it curls over this, more durable material.

wall decoration country house such climbing plants will bring undoubted benefits - closer to autumn you can enjoy ripe grapes. And if cucumbers are weaving along the trellis, they will bear fruit even earlier - in the summer.

The grapes on the south side of the house will winter well, you can even not remove it from the supports. Decorating the part of the building facing south, on a hot day, he will shade it, and the house will not overheat. This is how the decoration of the walls will give the coveted coolness in the hot summer. And cucumber lashes can bind in such a place, so it is better to place them in the southeast or southwest.

What else you can make trellis photos clearly show. You can place them not close, but at some distance from the wall of the building.

On the left photo - single trellises are attached with wire, and to the ground - metal studs. For a double support, a base is made of bars. On the right - a diagram is given that tells how to make a trellis for cucumbers.

If you have little space, make an ergonomic bed, and tie the whips to the armature that connects the 2 bicycle wheels - one lies on the ground, the other is fixed on the upper sides of the armature.

From an old umbrella without fabric, an excellent trellis for bush cucumbers is obtained.

Not only vegetables, but also flowers will decorate the walls. Plant climbers near the building, and let them trail along the trellis.

See how even such simple supports for flowers decorate the outer walls.

From the remnants of lumber, you can also make such trellises for flowers, in order to then place them near the house.

How to make a stencil for colorful painting?

If you have artistic inclinations, wall decoration can be like this.

If in doubt whether you will succeed, then use stencils. They are very easy to work with.

After learning how to make a stencil, you can draw it or print it, cut it out, and you will have a ready-made template.

Applying such birds to the wall, paint over it. When you remove the template, you will see that a bird has appeared under it. Paint it and watch it soar White dove. If the wall was painted before, then the bird does not need to be shaded.

In the same way, draw a couple of birds. To do this, enlarge the presented stencil. With your own hands it is fascinating to redraw its outlines on White list, and then cut along the contours, which you will do.

See how the stencil is attached to the wall with your own hands. To create such a pattern you will need:
  • dye;
  • stencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • construction tape;
  • brush.
You can buy these pattern stencils or make your own. For a free option, print the drawing you like, cut along the contours with a clerical knife, remove the excess.

Attach the stencil to the wall, attach to it with tape. Dip your brush into the paint and go over this sheet paper 1 time, let dry, then paint a second time in the same way. Move the stencil, fasten it, make the same pattern next to it. In the same technique, decorate the entire surface.

If the paint covers the surface well under it, then you can apply it not in 2, but in one layer.

Having practiced how to draw patterns using a stencil with your own hands, you can decorate the walls in the living room, in another room using this technique.

How to make a panel of plants, buttons, wood, stone?

These three-dimensional paintings will also perfectly fulfill the mission of decorating walls, not only external, but also internal. Put flower pots on wooden shelves, let them make a bright accent.

Can be used as a pot cans, old clay pots decorated with mosaics.

For the last stock up:

  • pots;
  • colored glass bottles, broken tiles;
  • paint;
  • burlap;
  • sand;
  • spatula;
  • hammer;
  • grout;
  • cement.
First you need to prepare glass fragments, tiles. To do this, wrap the bottle with burlap, hit it with a hammer several times. Also grind the tiles.

Prepare a mixture of three parts of sand and one of cement. Gradually pour water into it, stir vigorously. You should get a mass similar in appearance to sour cream.

Apply the solution to one side of the pot, fix glass fragments here, tiles in the form of a mosaic. Then, gradually, decorate all sides of the pot in the same way. Let the cement dry, apply grout. When it dries a little, remove the excess with a soft cloth.

You can make a panel of wood using the remaining saw cuts of the tree. They are glued to plywood, then framed.

From the remnants of the boards, you can make a shelf, put dishes, a samovar or your awards for winning competitions on it. Such decoration of the walls in the room will give them originality.

Helpful Hints

If you want to change something in your home or if you have just moved into new house, then you want to decorate it according to your preferences.

1.2 You can also use regular maps (geographical or administrative) by carefully cutting them for photo frames different sizes and hanging them on the walls.

You can make a collage from several frames and one card:

Try also to combine the map and the photo in one frame:

1.3 You can also print your favorite quotes on multi-colored sheets and insert the sheets into frames.

Use colors that complement each other to make everything look harmonious.

2. We decorate the house with the help of panels. DIY work (photo)

There are many options for how you can decorate the wall with beautiful and original panels. Even if you are not an artist, you will be able to create a beautiful decoration for the walls in your home.

Here are some options:

colorful panel

You will need:

Tablet covered in white paper (available at craft stores)

masking tape


Panel of buttons

You will need:

Buttons different colors and sizes

picture frame

Water based paint

Roller (if necessary)

Universal glue

You can find detailed instructions in the article How to decorate a wall with your own hands.

Panel of threads

You will need:

Wooden panel

Small nails and hammer

Matching thread colors

A drawing template or a simple pencil to create a drawing directly on the panel.

You can find detailed instructions in the article How to decorate a wall with your own hands.

3. How to decorate your home with unusual shelves

Shelves can be made with your own hands, purchased in a store or ordered from a designer.

There are a lot of different shelves and many of them you can do yourself.

You will need:

Old stairs (can be bought at a flea market)

All purpose glue or super glue

Paint in any suitable color

Saw (if necessary)

Sandpaper (if necessary).

Here are some more original shelf ideas:

3.2 Can be donebeautiful shoe storage shelvesdo it yourself

You will find more different shelves and instructions for making them in our article:

4. How to decorate a room with non-trivial lighting

4.1 There are a huge number of different lamps. It is not necessary to take the most expensive ones - you just need to competently approach the matter, purchase and arrange lamps, lamps, chandeliers, etc. so that everything looks harmonious.

Here are some interesting ideas:

4.2 Can do beautiful lamps with your own hands.

Many different ideas on creating lamps can be found in our article: 20 unusual lamps that can be made from ordinary materials.

5. How to decorate an apartment or house with pillows

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that pillows need to be selected so that they fit color scheme to the interior.

Pillows, like lamps, can be purchased or made by yourself.

DIY origami pillow

DIY appliqué pillow

Pencil pillow

Here are some more interesting pillow options for your home:

6. How to decorate an apartment with handmade vases

Vases can also tell others about your character. Can be placed in the house beautiful and original glass vases , which symbolize love of life.

If you have more wooden vases then you may be close constancy, and if plastic then you are pretty active man.

Vases can be placed not only on shelves and tables, but also on the floor, especially if they big size. But they can be combined - for example, put one low one between two tall vases. You can fill it with scented flowers, sea pebbles or multi-colored plastic decorative balls.

There are many ideas for making vases with your own hands, and here are a few of them:

Vase decorated with thread

You will need:

PVA glue

Bottle of any shape



Clothespin vase

You will need:

Tin can or other container


Colored cardboard and ribbon for additional decoration (if desired)

Detailed instructions for manufacturing can be found in the article:How to make a vase with your own hands .

Branch vase

You will need:



Jute thread or other strong thread/rope

Super glue

Detailed instructions for manufacturing can be found in the article:How to make a vase with your own hands .

7. Decorate your home with new curtains

Curtains are sometimes an underestimated element of decor, although they play into it. not the last role.

We still have a lot of time to prepare for the holiday! And preparation for the New Year 2019 includes decorating an apartment and a house, so you need to think not only about what to cook, what outfit to wear, where to go, choose gifts, but also come up with decorating ideas. Read the article, stock up on materials, get inspired by interesting ideas and let's create a magically beautiful environment in the house.

Features of home decoration for the New 2019 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig

Upcoming year by Eastern calendar- this is the year of the Pig, to be more precise, then - the Yellow Earth Pig. This means that in decorating the house for the New Year 2019 of the Pig the main colors will be yellow and its shades, as well as similar colors - orange, red, golden, terracotta, beige, sand, ocher.

You need to start decorating your home with cleaning up the space - sort through all the things, appliances, accessories, decor elements and throw away the unnecessary or give it to safe hands. The pig has a playful nature and loves fun, which means that your home should have a lot of spacious space for entertainment, games and fun. Therefore, rubbish should not linger in the house, besides, space will help to stylishly decorate the house for the New Year - because then nothing will distract from beautiful decorations.

If you bet Christmas tree then try to decorate it gold and red balloons. Gold will appeal to the symbol of the year, and red will attract money to the house.

To decorate on New Year the whole apartment or some separate room in the style of the main symbol, hang it indoors garland with yellow, red, white lights.

Hang on the door a beautiful wreath of spruce branches or twigs, decorated with gifts of nature: cones, acorns, chestnuts. To make the product match the symbol, you can partially cover it with gold paint. You can read more about how you can decorate doors.

And it is also desirable that in each of the crafts there is a symbol of the year - Pig. It can be cut from felt, sewn from denim, velvet or any other material.. It can be individual toys on a string or a whole garland.

If you don’t want to bother yourself too much, then you can easily decorate a room for the New Year with felt products. Use the simplest pattern to sew a felt pig. Such toys are sewn by hand, and use a contrasting thread color.

Incidentally, it is already known that yellow Earth Pig prefers natural, soft materials. For example, she likes wood, earthenware, natural fabrics(from cotton, linen), candles, soft plush, living elements of the forest (cones, acorns), so consider this feature when decorating your home. except yellow color, you can also use brown, chocolate, terracotta, ocher, sand, red.

General Tips:

  • If you have small apartment or room, and you want to decorate it festively for the New Year, but do not clutter up the room, then focus on windows and walls. Thus, you will save space and beautifully clean a small room. More detailed information about the design of windows and walls - and.
  • Do accents not only on decorative items, but also on goodies! Your family and guests will be delighted when they see original snacks and goodies in the New Year's style among the festive decorations. Compositions from food will help to decorate the house in an unusual way for the New Year!

  • Don't forget to involve the kids in decorating the house.. Firstly, for at least half an hour you will ensure peace and quiet, and secondly, such activities with children unite, bring together, develop imagination and cheer up.

  • If you are going to buy home decorations for the New Year, then choose quality products. Avoid suspiciously expensive and foul-smelling products. Useful tips for choosing an artificial and live Christmas tree are waiting for you and!
  • Decorate Recommended for New Years not only the hall, but also other rooms in the house. So, you can avoid sharp contrast and enhance the feeling of a holiday.

Video: we decorate the house and apartment for the New 2019 Year of the Yellow Pig.

When to Decorate

Many people are wondering when is the best time to decorate the house for the New Year, so as not to be late or decorate too early. As such, there are no rules regarding this issue.

There are only approximate recommendations when it is worth starting to decorate the house for the New Year. Usually this is done in the second half of December, that is, you can start two weeks before the festival. The most optimal time is one or one and a half weeks in advance. In general, you yourself can decide on what date it is more convenient for you to restore beauty in the house for the New Year.

How to decorate the house outside (facade) for the New Year

A beautiful decoration for the New Year of a private or country house, as well as cottages can give the feeling of a real fairy tale!

The yard is a space for a variety of creative ideas and solutions, so if you live in a private house, then you should not limit yourself to decorating only interior!


Of course, it is more interesting to decorate private house or even a small house in the country. The traditional outdoor decoration of the house for the New Year is considered to be a street garland or fiber optic garland. They are used to decorate homes, yards, fences, trees. For example, a garland can “outline” the contours of a house, decorate a window or an entrance.

To decorate the house for the New Year with garlands, use products designed for outdoor use. They are reliable and resistant to weather changes.

The light decoration of the house for the New Year is one of the most festive and elegant!

In addition, you can use laser projector for home decoration. If you turn it on for the New Year, it will turn the house into a fairytale castle. The disadvantage of such a device is that it is relatively expensive.


If you do not plan to decorate the house for the New Year on such a large scale, but want everything to look festive and beautiful, then decorate front door and the area near it with the help of snowmen. Put up a homemade snowman, attach a wreath to the street door, create a composition of branches.

More door decorating ideas.

The snowman who will guard the house can be completed from ordinary disposable cups. Connect them with a stapler, and make additional decor using colored cardboard, material or paints.

And you can decorate a private or Vacation home for the New Year the most ordinary snowman made of snow. Blind one or more snowmen in the yard, decorate them with bright details, for example, tinsel, beads, a colorful scarf, a hat. How to make a snowman you can read in.

With garlands from improvised means and natural materials, you can decorate the front door or street gate. To create interesting options home decorations for the New Year, use cones, clothespins, pasta, felt toys, ice cream sticks, acorns.

Photo: examples of decorating the facade and courtyard of the house with snowmen for the New Year


A traditional wreath is attached to the window and door. But if you have a desire, it would be great to hang it on those parts of the house where you especially want to.

Wood decor

very good in street decoration houses and yards look different for the New Year wooden Toys and crafts from this material. Moreover, the tree is one of the attributes of the coming year. You can use wooden rods to create charming deer.

Other ideas

There are other beautiful stylish ideas how you can decorate a house for the New Year 2019. We suggest you look photos for inspiration:

How to decorate the house inside for the New Year

You can find many ideas and options on how to decorate the inside of an apartment and a private house for the New Year. Each of them has its own charming features. So, you can choose any one style or combine several.

Interior items(cabinet, table, fireplace)

The furniture in the house also deserves attention, and it can also be beautifully finished with your own hands for the New Year. Cabinet mirrors can be decorated paints, glue the walls beautiful applications, on a chest of drawers or a fireplace it is worth putting New Year's compositions with candles and natural materials.

Even household appliances it will not be superfluous to give a picturesque look with the help of sticky paper.

In the New Year's compositions always look beautiful candelabra and various candlesticks.

Interesting and original ideas (crafts, candles, tinsel, goodies)

It is not necessary to create something large-scale, grandiose, because even the smallest, but original crafts fill the house with a fabulous atmosphere. There are many interesting and unexpected ideas for decorating your home for the New Year, for example:


Let's say you can create small New Year's bonsai. You will need:

  • small pot;
  • thick wooden stick;
  • foam base in the form of a ball;
  • glue gun;
  • decor.

Such crafts will help to stylishly and unusually decorate the apartment for the New Year!


Candles are a traditional item holiday decor- they have long been decorated with rooms and wreaths. And why don't you use such a decoration for your apartment for the New Year? In addition, you can buy them and make them yourself.

Important! Be careful when using candles! Do not leave them burning unattended and do not place near flammable things.

Not a banal idea: for each guest, prepare small candles as a gift. It will be both a table decoration and a useful souvenir. Here's what's required:

  • a jar of cream or baby food;
  • paraffin;
  • wick;
  • aroma oils.

Tinsel, rain

Tinsel and shiny rain are used not only to decorate the Christmas tree, but also to decorate a private house or apartment for the New Year. Fortunately, the variety of such products allows you to choose the perfect suitable option for each individual case.

Here's how to decorate a room with tinsel and rain for the New Year:

  • hang on a chandelier;
  • arrange windows;
  • perform an impromptu drawing with tinsel on the wall (for example, a Christmas tree, a snowman);
  • you can decorate the window of the room with rain by creating an impromptu curtain;
  • decorate the ceiling (by the way, you can study interesting and detailed information about the design of the ceiling in).


Outlandishly decorated trays of food on a table or on a windowsill compete with even the finest decor items. Create stylish food arrangements just before the holiday or before the arrival of guests.

Photos for inspiration on creating room decorations for the New Year using food:

Holiday crafts, accessories, souvenirs

New Year's table and the interior of the house also does not hurt to decorate for the New Year with cute crafts and souvenirs. For decoration, place them in prominent places so that they please the eye. And also put them near each guest (if you are going to invite) so that you can take a souvenir home.

It is important that the table decoration does not stand out from the general style of the design of the whole house.. In particular, if you are using natural materials, then create all crafts from natural objects.

Video: interesting crafts with your own hands to decorate the room for the New Year.

You can decorate the house for the New Year 2019 with pictures, photographs, postcards, drawings. Just put the thematic image in a prominent place and admire to cheer up.

And so that your family new year pictures turned out to be bright and unforgettable, you need to take care of accessories that will cheer up the household and guests, and create the right atmosphere.

As always, felt toys for the New Year in high esteem. Use them to decorate your home in a variety and fun way. For example, you can make a Yellow Pig, a snowman, Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, a New Year's sock. If you have your own ideas, it is advisable to bring them to life with felt.

From improvised means (and these can be ice cream sticks, clothespins, corks), very cute and touching New Year's souvenirs. From traffic jams you can make herringbone,from ice cream sticks- small Christmas decorations. Use a glue gun and paints to create beauty in just 20-30 minutes.

And from cardboard box and simple materials make original Christmas trees. A great option for decorating a room for the New Year for those who protect nature, do not buy natural Christmas trees, but prefer to give a second life to old items.

Christmas decorations from ordinary light bulbs you will be helped to create paints and a little imagination.

Here you can make such simple and beautiful decorations with your own hands to decorate a house and apartment for the New Year 2019. All you need is ordinary disposable plates, paints, cotton wool, colored paper, glue. And try to make fragrant Christmas tree crafts from dried citrus fruits. With such crafts, you can decorate your house in an original way for the New Year.

Photos of interesting ideas

On this interesting ideas don't end! You have the opportunity to come up with something of your own and decorate the house in an original way for the New Year. You can look at the photo for inspiration. unusual ideas room decoration:

We decorate the nursery

In principle, all of the above tips and ideas for decorating a house and apartment for the New Year 2019 can also be applied to a children's room. But still, there are some tricks that are recommended to pay attention to.

  • Remember safety! If the child is small (up to 6-7 years old), exclude the use of glass toys, easily breaking, prickly products so that the baby does not get hurt if the product accidentally breaks.
  • Also do not hang bright decorative elements too high. After all, children are often very curious, and in this case they may have a desire to touch a colorful object. Let everything hang "within reach" so that the child does not attempt to climb too high.

  • Don't be afraid of colorful decor, let the room sparkle bright colors ! Children will surely like it if there is a picturesque and bright decor. Let the baby feel like in a fairy tale.
  • Be sure to include your child in the design process.! He will get the sea positive emotions if it becomes a direct participant in the decoration.

  • Also, the child will be delighted if you teach him how to make decorations for the room for the New Year with your own hands. Show how to make snowflakes, crafts from natural materials.
  • The kids will love it if you paint the window with paints or toothpaste(you can find out how to do this in).

Photo: options beautiful decoration children's room for the new year

Decorating a house or apartment for the New Year can be both inexpensive and luxurious, costly. It all depends on your capabilities and desires. In any case, it's nice to once again not only save money, but get great result. Let's figure out how to do it.

To decorate a house or apartment for the New Year on a budget, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Handle decorative items (garlands, toys, etc.) with care. And then you will be able to use them on next year and not spend money on new purchases.
  • Often, high-quality, beautiful toys and decorative items have a high price, so we recommend making decorations for your house and apartment for the New Year with your own hands. Remember your skills, show your imagination, create knitted, wooden, rag, paper crafts.

  • If you do not want to spend money on buying a live Christmas tree, then build an improvised version of the Christmas tree from books, pillows, sticks, garlands, photographs. With this solution, you can decorate the room in an original way for the New Year (you can read other ideas for creating interesting Christmas trees and tips on decorating trees).
  • Decorate the room with lots of homemade snowflakes. All you need to make them is scissors and paper. They will help to decorate the house for the New Year as cheaply as possible. Even if you use them only for decoration, it will still turn out cute, atmospheric and very stylish (Nobody canceled the fashion for minimalism!).
  • To decorate a room on a budget for the New Year, hang a lot of garlands everywhere, and even with the most modest budget, the house will shine with a solemn and bright atmosphere.
  • It would also be nice to place cones, fir branches, chestnuts, acorns everywhere.

  • For crafts, you can not buy materials, but use everything that is in the house, for example, natural materials (cones, twigs, sticks, chestnuts, dried flowers, etc.), fabric, paper, various accessories, plasticine. Use unnecessary fabric - you can make flags, toys, bows out of it.

Photo: ideas on how to inexpensively decorate a room for the New Year

Decorating your home is important good mood involving all family members. To create small crafts, you need a good spacious place with bright lighting. Set aside a few hours for yourself with no distractions so you can relax and immerse yourself in work. Get inspired, inspire and create things filled with warmth and positive!

Video gallery

We offer you to watch a variety of video materials on how to decorate a room for the New Year. Each of them contains helpful tips and instructions, interesting ideas and tricks.

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