Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country - A beautiful way of modern decoration! (93 photos). What waterfalls will be in their place in the house

Garden ideas never run out for those who love their own paradise under the sun, official name which is a dacha. Work on the site in this case is a pleasure, an anticipation of the results.

Beginning with simple designs we are making things more and more difficult. Although the implementation of the majority only seems complicated. For example, many people think about how to make a beautiful waterfall in the country with their own hands, and do not even assume that this task is actually very simple.

  • Place for a waterfall in the garden
  • Above-ground rocky part of the structure
  • Waterfall plants

Place for a waterfall in the garden

We arrange the waterfall so that it is clearly visible, because it is illogical to hide such beauty in the thickets of the garden. Usually waterfalls are made in courtyards, not far from the house, next to a recreation area, etc. Inside the garden, in secluded quiet corners, waterfalls are also built, but more often these are small decorative structures.

Garden landscape with waterfall
We place a water structure, including a small pond and a waterfall, in an open area, which is clearly visible
A waterfall, no matter how big it is, attracts attention Little decorative waterfall Can be placed anywhere in the garden
Even on a small site you can place a water structure Compact design of water and stones in a small area

When arranging a waterfall, be guided by the size of the site. If the site is small, the water structure must be proportionate to it, otherwise harmony cannot be achieved, and what was supposed spectacular decor, will look like a heap of stones.

Having a slope makes it easier to grow plants near a waterfall, but if you only have a horizontal plot, drainage will be the way out.

The slope on the site facilitates the construction of a waterfall
Construction stones harmonize with the facade of the house Waterfall ladder - very effective
Jets fall vertically into a pool or pond near the house Corner of natural nature - stones, water, plants

The combination of rocks and plants will make your waterfall look natural. If you are going to decorate the waterfall with plants, choose an open area. If possible, "deploy" the structure in the direction of the south or southeast so that heat-loving plants feel comfortable and develop well.

Plants get enough sun
In summer, the water in the reservoir is warm
Beautiful do-it-yourself waterfall in the country with decorative figures
To create a waterfall on the terrace, you can use a ready-made artificial stone panel
DIY miniature waterfall in the country

We start with planning. First, the waterfall should appear on paper. If you are thinking about a large structure (more than 10 m2), the diagram should be drawn in as much detail as possible, taking into account the paths and platforms adjacent to the reservoir, bridges, large decor, plants, etc.

The base for the rocky part

  1. We outline on the ground a platform for the rocky part.
  2. We take out the soil to a depth of about 40 cm.
  3. 1/4 of the depth is filled with stones, rubble, pieces of broken brick, etc. We do not use silicate brick(pulls moisture) and wood waste (rots quickly).
  4. We fill the pit with a mixture of sand and gravel - as a result, we get an excellent drainage cushion.
  5. We install several large stones.
  6. We pour the earth, forming a hill. We add stones so that the earth does not crumble. It is advisable to pre-treat the soil with herbicides from weeds.
  7. Each layer of earth is watered and compacted.
stones different sizes- as in nature
Great combination of rocks and water
Such a water structure can become the pride of the garden
Water flows over flat rocks
Flat stones look favorably in the above-ground part of the waterfall Laying stones, creating the shape of a waterfall
Sheer waterfall - an interesting effect Stones do not have to be large

For the device of a rocky structure in which the waterfall will be built, we use any natural stones. You can pick up stones that are approximately the same in color and size, or completely different to get a mixed picture.

Porous limestone, shell rock, calcite actively absorb moisture, which is why they are destroyed. They can be used to decorate a waterfall, but it is desirable that they do not come into contact with water.

If you are making a waterfall cascade, use flat stones.

Construction of a reservoir for a waterfall. Master Class

  1. Mark on the ground the shape of the future reservoir. It is convenient to do this with spray paint, although you can simply mark with a shovel.
  2. Dig a hole.
  3. If you are making a small reservoir for a waterfall, you can put some kind of container in the pit. For example, an old basin or bath. Fill the voids around the container tightly with sand and gravel.
  4. When building a larger tank, you can simply line the bottom of the pit with a film. A more difficult option is to concrete the hole.
  5. Fill the reservoir with water.
  6. We decorate the bowl with stones, visually connecting it with a stone hill from which water will fall.

The film will protect the soil from washing out
A concrete bowl for a waterfall will allow you to create different rocky shapes
The shape of the future waterfall appears
This waterfall in the courtyard of the house is made in Japanese natural style.
Mosses on the stones - a spectacular move
Wonderful water structure on the site - a piece of nature

Base design for a small waterfall

You can buy such a base for the above-ground part of a small waterfall.
If you are going to make such a base yourself, use a dense material that will not collapse under the influence of moisture.
Stones can be fixed with a special moisture resistant glue or mounting foam
Small but beautiful garden waterfall
Stones for a small waterfall do not have to be bought - they can be found on the site

Installing pumping equipment for a waterfall

Focusing on the size of the water structure, we purchase pumping equipment for the waterfall. The larger the design, the more power the pump needs.

A set of equipment for a waterfall in the garden

We direct the hose upwards and hide it together with the nozzles between the stones.

Water nozzles can be different forms and sizes, with their help we form jets.
Waterfall equipment is best purchased with a water filter Waterfall Equipment Layout

Spectacular garden ponds with lighting. The best solution- solar-powered lanterns. To ensure their work, it is not necessary to lay an electric cable - the batteries are charged during the day and illuminate the reservoir with a waterfall at night.

The illumination of the water structure makes it especially beautiful in evening time Solar lights don't need electricity

Plants for planting around the waterfall should be chosen from those that are decorative in spring, summer and autumn. Very dwarf spruces, arborvitae, junipers, etc.

Harmony of man-made nature

Perennials will provide the base of the waterfall's vegetal décor and will delight the eye for several seasons.

Choosing moisture-loving and aquatic plants
Waterfall in the form of a peninsula in a garden pond

Alpine plants, ground covers form a decorative layer on the stones with the help of shoots.

In this article we will talk about how to make a waterfall on suburban area without spending a lot of effort, time and money.

Varieties of waterfalls for summer cottages

In nature, waterfalls are found mainly in mountainous areas, but no one interferes with adjusting the landscape. own site for your own needs. Create a small one here, work on an artificial elevation, equip the structure with a pump that will pump water to an impromptu mountain - a great waterfall is ready! Such artificial structures are distinguished according to the following criteria:

  • in height: small (up to 30 cm), medium (30-50 cm), large (from 50 cm);
  • across the width of the spillway section: jet, with a wide discharge line;
  • by the number of cascades: conventional, two- or more-stage;
  • according to the material for the manufacture of the structure: stone, glass, metal, etc.

Relatively appearance: the waterfall should harmoniously fit into environment, and turning it off should not violate the integrity of perception landscape design.

You can get some ideas for inspiration from the following video.

Can you imagine what should be the result? Then it's time to study the main stages of the construction of a decorative waterfall.

How to make a simple waterfall

It is believed that the appearance of a man-made waterfall largely determines the site on which it is planned to be erected. Therefore, even if you really liked the project you saw somewhere, do not rush to start work on its implementation - it is likely that it simply will not fit into the surroundings of your site.

Let's briefly describe the steps that you need to go through to obtain the desired result:

  1. Location selection. Carefully consider the composition, if necessary, invite a landscape designer for a consultation. A waterfall can act as a dominant or auxiliary element - in both cases, a reasonable balance must be struck.
  2. . Water must circulate through some kind of system: it must be pumped out from somewhere and fall somewhere. In our case, the starting point is any container in the ground: made of plastic, concrete, waterproofed with a special film.
  3. Elevation construction. Use the soil excavated when digging a pit under a pond to make a slide. Protect the ground elevation from water with a film, set the geometry of the water flow with the help of stones installed on the mountain. On the this stage you set the height from which the water will subsequently fall.
  4. Pump connection. Choose a pump based on the required head and volume of circulating water.
  5. Decor. With the help of stones and plants, wood, glass and metal, as well as other improvised materials, the structure adapts to various design trends. It might be authentic natural waterfall, building in hi-tech or country style. All linked to general direction landscape design on the site.

Now let's look at the construction of a specific structure.

The pictures above show a popular solution, which is decorated with available slabs from granite and large cobblestones. To make such a waterfall, you need to go through the following stages of work:

  • Find a free space. As a rule, 4 sq.m. is enough for these purposes. Keep in mind that it is better to place the waterfall on the leeward side, away from the house (at a distance of at least 3 m). Try to avoid choosing places near trees and large shrubs. Their foliage will clog the pond, and developed roots can violate the integrity of the waterproofing.
  • Prepare a place to work. Remove shrubs and stones from the site. Level the surface with a shovel. Check the horizontalness of the plane with a long bubble level.
  • Mark the contours of the reservoir and the future hill. This can be done with sand or a flexible hose. To fix the shape of the perimeter, remove the sod from the designated area.
  • Dig a pit and form a hill. For our purposes, the maximum depth of the reservoir will be 1 m, which will allow us to decorate its bottom with large stones. Place the excavated soil on the place of artificial elevation, compacting it tightly with a shovel ( rice. one).
  • Arrange the base for the stove. To achieve ideal stability of the slab, from which water will subsequently fall, build a stable base from blocks, bricks or tarred timber. When installing, use a level and make sure that the base is firmly planted in the ground.
  • Carry out waterproofing work. So that the impromptu hill is not washed away by precipitation, and the water does not leave through the reservoir bowl, use a pond film (made of PVC or butyl rubber - read more about materials).
  • Set the stove. Perfect option when one side of the slab is flat (it is placed on the base), and the other has a slight slope (it is placed towards the reservoir). But even if you have a stove at your disposal irregular shape, with the help of stones and sealant, creating an impenetrable barrier on several sides, you can direct the water in the way you need ( rice. 2).
  • Mount the pump. Install the submersible pump on the bricks, run a hose from it to the top of the waterfall. Connect the pump to the mains by running the power cable to the house.
  • Decorate the waterfall. Disguise the hose through which water will be supplied, the slide, the bottom and the coast of the reservoir. The aesthetics of the structure depends on how you lay them out. Fill the reservoir with water and turn on the pump. It is done!

You can see how such a waterfall looks like in the finished garden in the video below.

Choosing a waterfall pump

The heart of any artificial waterfall is the pump, which ensures the supply of liquid to the top of the structure. And almost half of the success depends on which pump you purchase.

Pumping equipment for waterfalls is submersible and surface. In the first case, the working unit is placed in a pond, in the second, it is placed outside the water, masked somewhere on the surface, or walled up in a waterfall slide. Submersible equipment, other things being equal, is cheaper than surface equipment. It is the one most often installed.

Considering that in our case, to create the desired effect, large volumes of supplied water are needed, one of the most important characteristics pumping equipment is its performance. It determines the maximum volume of water pumped by the pump per hour. The table below will help you navigate when buying a pump with suitable parameters.

Approximate data on the choice of pump performance for a waterfall * (Q max, m 3 / h)

Stream width, m

Waterfall height (H max), m

(*) - when choosing a pump, you should not rely solely on the data in the table. For any questions, please contact sellers.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about the decoration of the waterfall. After all, decor elements will not only give your building a complete look, but also mask some flaws and unaesthetic design elements.

To decorate the edges of the pond, large cobblestones are most often chosen, while the channel is filled with pebbles of small and medium fractions. Looks great next to the waterfall garden sculptures, alpine slides and rockeries, all kinds of flowers and swamp plants(for example, such as calamus and buzulnik).

And also in Lately It has become fashionable to install LED lighting and underwater lights at the bottom of the reservoir. Also, the backlight placed along the height of the entire waterfall looks very impressive. Another interesting solution is the use of floating lights powered by solar panels. There are no universal tips for decorating waterfalls, it all depends on your imagination, design and size of the site.

Performing these simple operations, you can build a wonderful waterfall with your own hands, which will become a real decoration of the garden!

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Almost every private house has a garden. It can be long alleys of trees or several acres of land, which is occupied by ornamental vegetation - bushes, flower beds, etc. And how can a garden do without a small pond?

To change the backyard and bring a touch of novelty to it, landscape design experts increasingly began to suggest using artificial ponds and waterfalls. After all, the quiet murmur and brilliance of the surface of the water always attracts the eye much more than any decorative statues and borders.

More than four and a half thousand years ago, the ancient Incas and Chinese began to decorate their gardens with ponds, and a little later they began to populate the reservoirs with living creatures and various decorations: a small aqueduct, a small waterfall or fountain gave the garden a special sophistication and novelty. aquatic plants were also not deprived of attention, they were used as the main element of a pond or lake. And all together - water, stones and plants - create that special corner of wildlife in the garden of a private house.

Elements of an artificial reservoir

Currently, garden ponds are becoming more and more, because modern technical innovations allow you to make the process of creating such a decor element much easier than it was before. And besides, it is quite possible to make such a waterfall with your own hands. A variety of accessories allow you to create a miniature pond in your garden. And if you launch animals, fish there or it is interesting to decorate the bottom of such a structure, then you can safely talk about a revived fairy tale.

If the garden needs a small pool, then this is also not a problem. But even here you can’t do without a waterfall. The murmur of water will help you relax and unwind after a hard day's work or hassle at work. personal plot. And the water in the waterfall itself will be much colder at any time of the day than in the reservoir itself, which will create additional coolness. This is possible because water is constantly circulating through pipes underground thanks to a special pump.

Most people, once seeing such a reservoir with relatives or friends, begin to wonder: is it possible to create such beauty on your site? If you are determined to make this dream a reality, then you can get to work. After all, the work on the construction of a waterfall is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Gallery: artificial waterfall (25 photos)

Necessary materials

Before you figure out how to make a waterfall with your own hands, you need to know what kind of tools and materials you may need:

Construction process

First you need to decide on the place where the future waterfall will be located. This must be done even if the site already has a pond. It is necessary to carefully plan where the decorative waterfall will be located - on open space or between trees, surrounded by flower beds or next to a wall. Here it is important select an inclined surface. However, if there is none on the site, and in all other respects a certain piece of the site is suitable for the construction of a waterfall, then you will have to make such an embankment yourself. Tubercles, bumps and pebbles will have to be removed from the surface.

At the base of the waterfall there will be two reservoirs. If there is no finished pond or pool on the site, then you will have to install two containers. It can be plastic molds or just a waterproof material that will serve as the basis for the pool. The main thing here is to keep the proportions: the upper bowl should be half the size of the lower one. The waterfall or stream itself will be laid out from improvised materials close to natural. It is recommended to use for this natural stones, but if they are not, then you can do without artificial stones from the store.

After the pits are prepared, you need to carefully level their bottom, removing all the pebbles, blades of grass and roots. If possible, the surface should be as even as possible.

Then the surface of the pit should be filled with sand or fiberglass. And the thickness of the layer in this case should be at least 4 cm. Now an insulating layer is being performed - synthetic rubber is poured. That is, you will combine the foundations of the foundation pit with each other into one solid reservoir-waterfall. On the waterproofing layer should be laid out cement base, to which the remaining elements of the mini-waterfall will be attached.

The next step will be laying holes for pipes through which water will be supplied. The structure should be left for a while so that it settles. This may take up to two days. The main descent of the waterfall should be done in several steps - it will look very impressive. To create a stepped base, you first need to make it out of wood and fix it on a cement base. The steps will be installed starting from the bottom row.

In order for the decorative waterfall to work as it should, need a pretty powerful pump. It should be placed under the lower tank and lay hoses from it to the upper one. The flow rate of water can be changed by changing the power of the pump.

Pay special attention to the power supply. It is not difficult to build a waterfall in the country with your own hands, but this element should be placed no closer than 1.5 m from the structure itself. It is especially important to cover it with waterproof material and protect it from accidental impacts. In addition, when making a waterfall in the country, you need to come up with the easiest way to remove the pump, because it will need to be removed for the winter. Otherwise, the accumulated water will simply tear its body.

waterfall decoration

The waterfall on the site needs to be decorated so that it is not only practical, but also beautiful. Most often steps spread tiles , and the reservoir itself is surrounded decorative stone. The bottom should be covered with pebbles. It can also fill the space between large stones, and for reliability, it can also be smeared with a waterproof solution.

If you make a cascading waterfall, it will be even more interesting and unusual. At the dacha, it looks very organic and impressive. It is worth remembering that the first time you start the waterfall, the flow from the cascade will be quite dirty and muddy, because you recently spent construction works. This should absolutely not be cause for concern. After a while, the water will become crystal clear. If everything suits you now, then you can cut off the edges of the waterproof material and carefully mask it.

Everyone knows that the best option to decorate the waterfall in the yard are natural materials . Therefore, you should not arrange too many artificial plantations around the reservoir. It is very important to show taste and imagination here. good option will be planting around the water of low-growing plants, mostly moisture-loving.

If you want to place living creatures in the waterfall, you will have to work on the filter settings. Then it will be quite possible to settle turtles, mollusks or small fish in an artificial reservoir. But here it is still worth consulting with a specialist.

Artificial mini waterfall for home

Today, all kinds of mini-waterfalls for the home are sold, but it’s still better to try to make it yourself. For this you will need:

For starters, you should cut the bottle, leaving only 10 cm in height. It must be glued to the tray and poured over the entire structure with mounting foam, which will become the basis of the future frame. After the foam dries, you need to form a small hill and a waterfall bed. The optimal height in this case will be no more than 25 cm.

A pump should be placed in the lower tank and pipes should be drawn from it to the top of the cascade, on which the second tank will be located. The slopes of the hill need to miss liquid nails and glue artificial stones. The same should be done with the channel. Now the structure can be installed in the pallet, after painting it with spray paint and drawing patterns. If desired, you can also install a backlight. The construction of the home waterfall is completed.

As you can see, building a waterfall on a site or in a house does not take much time and effort, and therefore with it even a beginner can handle it. And the cost of such a design will be much less than purchased. And how much originality and novelty such a pond will bring to your garden!

At the mention of the word dacha, many shudder. I immediately remember kilometers of unplowed beds, tons of fierce mosquitoes, and weekends spent in hellish and thankless work.

And what if you make not a slave plantation out of the dacha, but an oasis in which it will be pleasant to relax with the whole family?

One of the solutions for a piece of paradise is a mini waterfall in the country. Some will say that it is costly and difficult, but in reality it is far from the case. Moreover, you can do without the services of a designer, the main thing is the desire and some free time. I would like to talk about how to make a waterfall with your own hands.

Choosing a place for a waterfall in the country

Surprisingly, choosing a place for a reservoir is one of the most difficult stages of building a waterfall in a country house with your own hands. The wrong location can not only spoil the visual perception, but also create certain difficulties.

In addition to the elementary convenience of the location, it is necessary to take into account several important factors:

  1. A decorative waterfall in the country is, although small, a hydraulic structure. Trees and large shrubs should not grow near it. In hot weather, their roots will feel the reservoir and reach for it, destroying the hydroprotection. Sometimes it is better to sacrifice a tree than to make a new bowl later.
  2. Do not place a decorative waterfall near country house. Any accidental destruction or overflow can cause wetting and break the foundation, besides, the splashes inevitable for the waterfall will remain on the walls of the country house and cause the growth of fungus and mold.
  3. It is advisable to install a waterfall on a natural landscape hill. This will be a plus for both visual perception dacha reservoir, and will play a role in construction. But if there is no such place in the summer cottage, you can also place it on the plain, and artificially create a hill, the main thing is that it should not be a lowland. In this case, the wind will drive all the debris into the reservoir and constantly clog the pump.

And of course, an important factor is the view of the waterfall. Often it becomes a key element of the landscape design of the dacha, so the location is important. open space, and with a free approach.

When the choice of place is made, you can proceed to the selection of the size and material of the bowl of the future country reservoir itself.

Choosing a bowl for a waterfall

Today, you can make your work even easier and purchase a ready-made container in the store, but their main disadvantage is that they limit the design imagination to the choice of shapes and sizes of reservoirs. Therefore, we will not dwell on them in too much detail. The main thing you need to know about purchased bowls for ponds is their difference in the materials from which they are made. There are two types of containers for country reservoirs:

If there is a desire to make a decorative waterfall in the country with your own hands and give complete freedom to creativity and imagination, then you will have to make the bowl yourself. The process will be somewhat more complicated, but the result will be a truly original object of country landscape design.

Choosing the size of the waterfall

The size of the reservoir in the country depends entirely on the preferences of the owners and the landscape. But this will affect the choice of the pump, which we will discuss below. The main thing is the functional component, and here we can distinguish three main areas:

Important ! Higher safety requirements are imposed on a reservoir in a country house with a depth of more than a meter;

We create a waterfall with our own hands

In order for the waterfall in the country to become a real work of art, and bright element landscape design, which you can show off to friends and acquaintances, must be strictly followed step by step instructions paying close attention to every nuance.

Territory marking

Any construction with your own hands should begin with drawings and calculations, and the waterfall in the country is no exception. The selected place must be outlined, taking into account the thickness of the bowl, that is, we add about 20-30 cm more to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir.

Advice ! for clarity, you can transfer the site plan to paper with all the elements. This will visually show what is the best shape and size of the waterfall.

foundation pit

As well as the area, the depth of the pit should be 20-30 cm more than the planned depth of the reservoir. We will not describe the digging process in detail, but we will highlight a few important points:

Waterproofing and the bottom of the waterfall

The base for the waterfall in the country in the form of a pit and a slide is ready, which means that you need to move on to isolation. To do this, you can use a special geotextile or just a plastic film.

Advice ! using a film for waterproofing a reservoir in the country, you must choose the thickest one you can find. Perhaps she will never have to hold the water that has broken through, but, as they say, "God saves the safe."

If the size of the pit turned out to be over size film, it should be laid with an overlap of at least 50 cm. As a result, the bottom, walls and coastline should be under the film. Later, its unsightly appearance will hide behind decorative elements.

After laying the insulation, the bottom of the future country waterfall is covered with a small layer of fine gravel, it will serve as a kind of “cushion” and save the reservoir in case of ground movements.

The gravel layer is leveled and a reinforcing mesh with a mesh size of not more than 4 cm is laid on it.

Advice ! when choosing a reinforcing mesh for a waterfall in the country, it is better to give preference to the fiberglass version, it is resistant to the alkali contained in the cement and will not tear the film, as a metal mesh can do.

The bottom base of the country waterfall is ready and it can be poured with concrete mortar, after which it must be allowed to dry completely for several days.

bowl walls

After the bottom of the reservoir has completely solidified, a mesh is fixed to the walls with the help of plastic fasteners and a flexible formwork is installed, both of which can be bought at any hardware store and it is relatively inexpensive.

Concrete mortar is poured into the finished formwork, and several more days of tedious waiting come, after which you can remove the formwork and admire the result of your work.

Interesting ! If the walls of the reservoir turned out to be uneven and crooked, do not despair, this will only add naturalness to the waterfall. As you know, nature does not tolerate straight lines.

The video shows how in just a few minutes, a simple and unsightly pit turns into a real waterfall.

Pump installation

A waterfall pump in the country is a topic for a separate article. The most important thing is to correctly calculate its power, which depends on the height of the cascade and the volume of the bowl. For example, for decorative reservoirs, a power of 70 watts is enough, you can find out more from the seller in the store, telling him the volume of the tank and the height of the waterfall to which you need to raise the water.

Water pumps are of two types:

  1. Submersible. They are installed directly on the bottom, which means that they can only be used in reservoirs in which they will not swim.
  2. Surface. They are located near the waterfall and take water through submerged hoses, which can be decorated or immured into the walls when pouring concrete.

Important ! Hiding hoses in concrete, you need to buy the most expensive and high-quality ones, and also make additional protection. Damage to the hoses inside the walls of the reservoir will create huge problems and entail reworking the entire waterfall.

Any pump for a waterfall in the country is powered by a 220 V household network, so it will not need additional energy sources, but it may be necessary to increase the power cord with extension cords. In this case, you need to choose an extension cord with a special waterproofing that will not close when water gets on it.

DIY waterfall decoration

Technical nuances and difficulties are behind us, and you can finally give freedom to your imagination. There are no restrictions on decorating a waterfall in the country, and cannot be. The main thing is to make the pond look natural.

To help decide, consider some of the most popular design solutions for a waterfall in the country:

In addition to stones, for decorating a waterfall in a country house with their own hands, plants are often used that can grow both on the shore and in a pond. Of course, vegetation can decorate any body of water, but it is important to remember that there will be much more problems with such an element of country landscape decor.


As you can see, making a waterfall in the country with your own hands is not such a big deal. Everything depends only on desire. Even financial side The question is not so important, because to create it you do not need to buy any super-expensive materials.

And if there is a desire, then after spending only a few days off, then it will be possible long years enjoy the sounds of the shimmering waters and the views of your own little oasis in your country house.

home waterfalls- this is not only part of the interior and luxury. A waterfall or fountain will create a pleasant atmosphere and give freshness to your home. Such a "little thing" will delight the eye every day and cheer up. In addition, this element is very compact and does not take up much space.

There is nothing complicated in maintaining a home waterfall or fountain, and everyone can take care of it. A running stream of water means well-being and a successful career. Every resident big city experiencing constant psychological pressure. home waterfall relieve stress, calm the body, because you can look at the water endlessly. It can be installed both at home and in your work office.

The waterfall is suitable for any interior, because. There is a large selection of different modifications. The advantages of indoor waterfall/fountain include air ozonation (it has a beneficial effect on the body and skin).

There are many types of home waterfalls / fountains: wall-mounted, tabletop, corner, luminous, etc.

The most common:

  • Exotic. There are many elements in the decor of such a waterfall. It could be mirrors dwarf trees, living vegetation, various figurines and much more. Such elements give the waterfall spectacularity and a unique image.
  • Standard. This option is more decorative, “immured”, devoid of natural living creatures. For example, a waterfall under glass. Aesthetically, simply and nothing more. Such waterfalls can be rainfall (liquid comes in drops) and jet waterfalls (liquid comes in large streams).
  • Mixed. This waterfall combines both options.

After a general analysis of information about home waterfalls, we present to your attention the most beautiful options.

By glass.

Is the most common option. The most important thing is to determine its correct location. Such a waterfall is installed very close to the wall. Next, choose your finish. Waterfalls above two meters must be installed with special clamps that control the slope of the waterfall (they do not allow the structure to tip over).

It is recommended to cover the waterfall glass with a decorative film depicting vegetation or stones. This is necessary so that the wall decoration does not shine through the waterfall when it is turned off. You can also use frosted glass.

With acrylic panel.

Acrylic does not reduce strength indicators in almost any conditions, especially at home. For 30-40 years, acrylic material does not change its structure.

Built into the wall.

Perfect for any design idea. Such a waterfall is also a glass waterfall, but becomes part of the wall and merges with the overall interior.


The waterfall is made in several steps. Water gently flows from one stage to another.

In the form of a column.

Brilliant design decision. This form of waterfalls is a modern trend.

With bas-relief.

Stands out from the rest. The three-dimensional image gives mystery, and it seems that this particular source holds some kind of mystery. The waterfall bas-relief is an artistic engraving on glass that is illuminated LED backlight. The backlight can be various colors and with the help of a switch, you can completely change the image of the waterfall. As a rule, such engraving is carried out according to personal orders, on the subject you need, which will suit the design of the room.


The waterfalls are made of stone in the form of a natural landscape with all the elements of wildlife that will create an atmosphere of complete remoteness from modern world. However, this "living corner" requires much more space.


The principle of such a waterfall is that drops of water flow down transparent stretched strings. Such waterfalls are not only linear. They may also take the form of various geometric shapes or have absolutely indefinite form. String waterfalls emit a rustle that is favorable to human hearing.


The structure of this waterfall is similar to the jet. The difference is that instead of water, a certain solution is used here, allowing the water to gently roll down in the form of separate drops.


The appearance of the mirror waterfall is distinguished by its sophistication. The water running down the glass creates a unique landscape that fascinates with its beauty.

Now let's talk a little about home fountains.


Its main feature is compactness. This fountain is tiny. As a rule, such fountains are inexpensive. This decorative element can be easily installed directly on the table and enjoy its presence.


The floor fountain is similar to the tabletop fountain and differs only in size. Such a fountain can reach 80 cm in height.


The fountain is attached to the surface of the wall. Exists interesting options, such as a fountain-painting. Such a fountain is enclosed in heavy frames and is quite weighty.


A special receiving niche is installed on the floor, and a fountain in the form of a plafond that sprays water is installed on the ceiling.


An interesting specificity of such a fountain is the dissipating fog on its surface.

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