How to glue non-woven wallpaper - step by step instructions. How to glue non-woven vinyl wallpaper: step by step instructions

Domestic market there are more wallpapers now than large ones. A person who does not have much experience in repairs can very quickly get confused and buy something that he really needs.

After all, there are a huge number of types of wallpaper, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Vinyl or non-woven wallpaper has proven itself very well.

You shouldn't look for any dirty tricks here, because you can find a lot in them. positive qualities that are appreciated by the masters.

This type of wall covering simply owns unique qualities... Its basis is polyvinyl chloride, which is applied to non-woven fabric.

Such material is very good in operation, it has excellent characteristics:

  • Quite dense- it is ideal for gluing on walls with slight irregularities or bumps.
  • Does not shrink on the surface.
  • Easy to maintain- the non-woven base ensures reliability on any surface (it can be both putty and wood - the material has practically no effect on the quality of the wallpaper).
  • It adheres well both vertically and on a horizontal surface.
  • There is a large variety of textures, which allows the master to create an unforgettable atmosphere in the room.

Note. Such wallpaper material has a large number of advantages that are worth paying attention to. It is also important that such a wall covering is universal. It can be used both in a residential area and in an office, and is glued to both walls and ceilings.


  • But, for the sake of completeness, some disadvantages can be highlighted. And among them, one is not unimportant - air does not penetrate inside.
  • This is due to the high density of the material. But this problem has already been solved.
  • Modern manufacturers produce non-woven vinyl wallpaper that can be breathable.
  • This became possible due to the use of foamed raw materials in the production.

All other characteristics of the coating could not be changed.

How the material is used during work

Experienced craftsmen are eager to choose for repair. The difference between such coverage and the other is very large.

Due to the fact that non-woven fabric became the basis for them, they have a fairly strong base. This contributes to the fact that several balls of paints can be applied to them and, moreover, the material will not be damaged.

Note. They are ideal for old apartments and houses, where there is always the possibility of water flowing along the walls. This will not be visible under the coating, and the non-woven liner will not allow the wallpaper to sit down.

Features of pasting vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base

For pasting them, you don't even need to spread the wallpaper with glue - due to the fact that the non-woven fabric quickly absorbs glue, it can be smeared directly on the wall or ceiling (see). Such a system of gluing the premises is very convenient, because it allows you to do the work in the shortest possible time. You can also glue the wallpaper on the walls or ceiling and, moreover, do not be afraid to smear the whole room with it (the glue is already on the wall).

Non-woven vinyl wallpaper has two balls - vinyl and non-woven:

  • They are very easy to separate from each other, so it will not be difficult if they are worn out.
  • Peel off the first vinyl ball, and on the remaining (non-woven) one, stick other wallpaper. This will save you time and money.

But, if you take this factor into account, then, first of all, you need to competently prepare the wall covering.

Preparation for work


  • The first step is to be careful so that there are no pits or cracks left on them. The quality of the putty is of great importance, because the quality of the entire repair depends on how it sticks to the wall.
  • If the walls are extremely flat, then there is no need to apply putty. Such wallpapers adhere perfectly to any surface. You just need to close up the pits and bumps.

Note. Best result can be achieved if the glue is also non-woven. So the master will receive good result, and the wallpaper will serve for more than one year.

Tools that will be needed when gluing vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base:

Tool name What is it for
Roller (can have short or medium pile)They apply glue to the surface (walls or ceilings)
Rubber roller or plastic spatulaFor smoothing the wallpaper
BrushShe is smeared with joints and other surfaces to which the roller cannot reach
Small rubber rollerIt is used to swing the joints between the wallpaper
Container for glueShould be comfortable and durable
An item to help stir the glueEven a stick might fit
KnifeTo cut the wallpaper
PencilTo make marks on the wall

What technology should be used to glue

The instructions for this process are pretty simple:

  • Even beginners in the renovation business can handle it. Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base can be easily glued with your own hands without calling a professional master.
  • If you do everything according to the rules and advice, then it will turn out not worse at all.
  • Experts advise starting gluing from the window. With the help of a level, you need to make a straight line on the wall.
  • From this line, it will be necessary to carry out the wallpapering. After that, you need to smear the surface of the walls. The width of the first application of glue should be slightly wider than the width of the roll itself.
  • Most manufacturers design either narrow (just over half a meter wide) or wide (about a meter).
  • It is not necessary to unroll the entire roll at once. You can cut pieces from it to the extent of the work. If the wallpaper is without a pattern, then it's generally easy to work with them. You can cut the pieces one by one. If they have a drawing, then you will need to select so that everything fits together.

Note. Non-woven vinyl wallpaper can only be glued end to end. They practically do not settle, so they do not need to be glued on top of each other.

Nuances in work

Like any others, they cannot be glued there perfectly:

  • This almost always results in waves that spoil the whole picture.
  • To avoid such an outcome, you need to glue a sheet of wallpaper so that it fits a few centimeters (up to ten) onto the second wall. The second canvas needs to be glued with an overlap on the first. This will not show any traces.
  • The price of such wallpapers is fully consistent with their quality and durability. In addition to being very durable and reliable, non-woven vinyl wallpaper also regulates sound insulation in the room, which makes it even more comfortable and cozy.

The videos in this article will help the reader to better understand all the benefits of such a wall covering. Here you will find many additional information, which will be useful for a novice master.

Non-woven wallpaper is popular among modern wall decoration materials. The thick base successfully masks the defects of the glued surface and facilitates renovation works, and the possibility of multiple staining allows you to easily change the design of the room. Before gluing wallpaper on a non-woven base, you should read the recommendations of professionals, properly prepare the walls and choose the right adhesive.

What is non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is finishing material, used for pasting walls and ceilings and consisting of two layers. The bottom layer is made of non-woven, and the top layer can be paper, vinyl, textile.

Such wallpapers have excellent characteristics. They can be used for painting, easily let air and steam pass, hide cracks and irregularities in walls or ceilings, easily stick, as they do not stretch or shrink after drying. When working with non-woven wallpaper, the adhesive is applied only to the wall, after which the dry sheet is applied and pressed with a roller. This greatly facilitates the work, allowing you to carry out repairs of the premises alone.

The only drawback of this finishing material is the fragility of the topcoat, which is made of foamed vinyl. The embossed pattern can be damaged by touching the back of a sofa or chair, it is easy to scrape it off even with your hand. To do upper layer more durable, the canvas is painted with dispersion paint.

Preparation of the necessary material

Before starting the repair, you need to calculate the number of rolls. Finishing materials are not cheap today, so it is better to carefully calculate the required volume than to overpay for extra meters... When choosing wallpaper, you should pay attention to the length of the roll. It can be 10, 15 and 20 m. In addition, it is necessary to check that all packages bear the same batch number and the pattern is the same.

The walls of the room must be measured in length and height. For clarity, you can draw detailed plan rooms and size. By dividing the length of the roll by the height of the wall, the number of rolls required for finishing is obtained. In order for the wallpaper to be enough for pasting the space under the radiators, above the window openings and doors, they buy another roll. Canvases with large images should be taken with a margin necessary for the selection of a pattern.

In addition to wallpaper, you should stock up on:

  • primer for treating plastered surfaces;
  • two rollers: for applying glue and for rolling walls;
  • a soft brush for smearing corners and other hard-to-reach places;
  • scissors;
  • pencil or marker;
  • laser or conventional level;
  • plumb line and spatula;
  • a container for diluting glue;
  • glue.

Usually wallpaper is measured and cut on the floor. In order not to spoil the front side, this work is best done on plastic wrap.

How to prepare glue

For gluing wallpaper on a non-woven base, you should use only a special adhesive, developed specifically for this type of finishing materials. Glue for paper wallpaper will not work, since the non-woven base makes the wallpaper much heavier.

Special glue allows the sheet to glide freely on the plastered wall, providing a neat joint, does not react with paint, contains additives against fungus, and is safe for health. The following compounds possess these properties: Metylan, Quelyd, Kleo Extra.

Wall pretreatment

Before gluing wallpaper on a non-woven base, you need to properly prepare the walls. The first step is to remove old wallpaper, especially if it is brightly colored or has a very prominent pattern. To do this, moisten them with water, wait until they swell, and clean them off with a spatula.

Then, with the help of putty, pronounced irregularities and chips are eliminated. The non-woven base is transparent, so walls with an uneven or dark color should be covered with a uniform layer of putty before pasting. Plasterboard or concrete walls are primed with liquid wallpaper glue, and then left to dry.

Step-by-step instructions for carrying out work

Non-woven wallpaper gluing does not require professional skills. If all operations are done carefully in accordance with the recommendations of specialists, it will turn out excellent result and the renovated room will delight the eye with freshness and novelty of decoration for a long time.

How to properly paste the wallpaper, the author of the site figured out the site.

  1. All work should be carried out with closed windows and doors to completely eliminate the possibility of a draft.
  2. Where to start gluing the wallpaper does not really matter. However, experienced repairers prefer to start from the very center corner. As you know, vinyl and non-woven wallpapers have a strong border, so it is better to glue them back to back. The corners in the room are not always completely even. If the middle of the sheet hits the corner, and it turns out to be crooked, then ugly creases and wrinkles will turn out in this place, spoiling the appearance.
  3. Cut wallpaper sharp knife or with a metal spatula, having previously measured the length of the strip and leaving the bottom allowance of 4-5 cm. If a ceiling plinth is not provided, then the upper edge of the canvas should be cut off as evenly as possible. Some experts find it more convenient to cut the strips beforehand. Others recommend cutting one strip at a time just before sticking to the wall. The choice is up to the master, the main thing is to correctly fit the drawing and not be mistaken with the length.
  4. Using a laser level or a plumb line, mark a vertical line on the wall. The edge of the first sheet should be aligned with the drawn mark.
  5. The diluted and infused glue is applied with a soft roller to the wall surface, trying to avoid gaps and evenly distribute the composition. In the corners, under the ceiling and at the joints, they additionally pass with a brush. The wallpaper is processed adhesive composition only if it is very hot in the room and the glue dries instantly, or when it is necessary to glue the vinyl wallpaper.
  6. The upper edge of the canvas is applied to the wall and, focusing on the vertical mark, is pressed with a clean roller or piece of cloth, smoothing from the center to the edges. Not the slightest air bubble should remain under the wallpaper sheet.
  7. The next strip is glued end-to-end the same way. Special attention it is necessary to pay to the places of joining of sheets. If the edges come off, you will have to grease them with glue with a brush and press firmly with a roller.
  8. Often non-woven wallpaper is used as a base for painting. The manufacturer indicates the type and consumption of paint on the packaging. This is usually the paint used for internal works, which is given the necessary shade with the help of the color scheme.

After finishing work on pasting walls with non-woven wallpaper, you should not open windows and vents until the glue is completely dry. In the event of a draft, the wallpaper can move away from the walls.

After the wallpaper is glued, you can cut holes for sockets and switches, install the plinth.

How to glue uneven corners

The task of increased difficulty is pasting corners. This part of the wall can be reinforced with special corners. The work is carried out in advance, even at the stage of applying the putty. You can start gluing the wallpaper only after the corner structure has dried.

The first sheet in the corner is applied to the wall in such a way that 2-3 cm goes over the adjacent wall. The second sheet is pasted over the adjacent wall with a slight offset across the corner. Then the resulting excess is cut off with a sharp knife strictly along the inner line of the corner.

As a result, one panel will abut with its edge against the corner and cover 2-3 cm of the canvas, which is pasted over the adjacent wall.

Non-woven wallpaper is a modern and versatile finishing material that is easy to work with, so making repairs with your own hands is not difficult. A wide range of colors and textures of these products will allow the master to achieve complete harmony wall decoration with the general interior of the room.

Nowadays, almost all wallpaper is made from vinyl. This synthetic material has proven itself well: it is durable, resistant to damage, not hygroscopic, and easy to clean. Vinyl coverings can be used for more than ten years without losing excellent appearance and aesthetics.

Types of vinyl-coated wallpaper

To properly glue the wallpaper, you need to know everything about them. Vinyl coverings can be of two types:

  • on a paper backing;
  • based on non-woven fabric.

The first option is more affordable, other advantages paper base does not have. The non-woven backing has several characteristics:

  • transparency;
  • elasticity;
  • tensile strength;
  • good adhesion to many wall materials.

Non-woven vinyl wallpaper consists of three layers: vinyl, opaque dense synthetic material, and non-woven. This makes them thick and dense, the structure allows you to mask small cracks and irregularities in the walls. The coating on a non-woven backing will not tear so quickly in the corners due to cracks, because the fabric is elastic and can stretch.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the material, it is necessary to decide how to glue the vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base. This can be done in several ways.

Standard gluing method

To glue non-woven wallpaper, you need a minimum set of tools:

  • glue;
  • container for mixing glue;
  • wide brush or nap roller;
  • rubber spatula;
  • long metal ruler;
  • sharp knife and scissors.

Preparatory work

The correct adhesive is an important factor during installation. The composition is chosen in accordance with the type of wallpaper. Non-woven fabrics are heavy, so the glue for them should be thicker. The dry mixture is poured into a container with water, stirring constantly. After five minutes, the composition is ready to use.

Equally important is the condition of the surface of the walls and ceiling. At the preparation stage, it is necessary to remove the old coating, it is moistened with water or a weak glue solution. Swollen wallpaper is removed with a metal spatula.

The walls and ceiling are inspected for cracks, irregularities. All defects are repaired with starting putty. After drying, it is sanded with sandpaper. It is better to process all walls with a thin layer. finishing putty- the smoother the surface to be pasted, the neater the new coating will look.

Any moisture-absorbing wall material (concrete, plaster, drywall) must be covered with a primer.

Advice! As a primer, you can use the same glue with which the wallpaper will be glued.

It is dissolved in accordance with the instructions and applied to the walls with a fur roller. The surface must dry well before further gluing.

If wallpaper is selected for decoration light shades, it is better to paint the primer with a tint of the corresponding color. Non-woven vinyl coverings are transparent. Unlike paper ones, stains can appear on them.

The prepared room is left until the soil is completely dry.

Installation of non-woven wallpaper

The standard procedure for pasting surfaces with vinyl wallpaper involves the arrangement of strips without overlap - the correct gluing of such canvases is end-to-end. This is done due to the large thickness of the material, the overlaps will be too noticeable. Thanks to this feature, you can start work from anywhere in the room.

This will avoid possible unevenness and joints of the canvas in a conspicuous place.

At the zero point, a vertical line must be drawn along which the first strip will be aligned. This can be done using a plumb line or a building level. The width of the outlined strip should be 1.5-2 cm less than the width of the roll. This edge must be turned at a corner.

The wall is carefully coated with glue. Another feature of the non-woven backing is that it does not need to be treated with glue - it is enough to apply it to the wall. It is important not to allow gaps, in the corners and under the ceiling, glue is applied in a thick layer with a small brush.

Important! When the repair time was summer heat, it is better to glue not only the wall, but also the wallpaper.

While the strip is being measured and cut, the wall may dry out due to the high temperature.

A piece of the required length is cut from the roll (2-5 cm are added to the height of the walls). The upper edge of the canvas is aligned with the line under the ceiling and leveled relatively vertical line... With a rubber spatula or wallpaper roller, press the strip in the center, moving from top to bottom.

Now you need to expel excess glue and air. To do this, make movements with a spatula from the center to the edges. Remove excess glue with a clean cloth.

Advice! If the edges do not fit snugly against the wall, thin paper or special paper tape for wallpaper can be glued under the seam. So the canvas will stick more reliably, the seams will be less noticeable.

At the ceiling, the wallpaper is cut with a sharp knife. First, they are pressed against the corner with a metal spatula, without removing it, draw a straight line with a knife. If a skirting board is provided at the bottom, the lower edges can be trimmed with scissors. All the same, the skirting board will cover the cutting line.

IN vertical angle the wallpaper is pressed with a plastic spatula, preventing the accumulation of glue and air bubbles there.

Cut off the next strip from the roll. If the wallpaper is with a pattern, it is more convenient to work with several rolls at once - this will reduce the material consumption. The second strip must be glued, focusing on the edge of the previous one. The seam should be invisible, so the canvases are placed as close to each other as possible, but avoiding overlap. Non-woven wallpaper is very elastic, it will not be difficult to pull it up a couple of millimeters.

If the strip is crooked, you can tear it off the wall and stick it on again. However, this should not be abused, with each detachment, the glue will move, forming clots.

Pasting corners

It is quite difficult to glue the wallpaper in the corners correctly - you need skill:

Alternative method

There is no definite way how to install wallpaper correctly. For the option discussed above, you will need a horizontal surface for cutting the canvases. Given the height of the ceilings, you need long table or a specially constructed platform.

The article deals with how to glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base correctly, the advantages and disadvantages, the choice of glue for them, the varieties. The article is divided into three sections.

  • in the first section we consider the concept and classification, the difference in varieties;
  • the second part is devoted to gluing - how to prepare walls, choose glue;
  • The third part tells whether wall coverings are harmful to health and how to choose in a store so as not to be mistaken.
Vinyl in the interior

What is vinyl wallpaper

They represent a special kind of coating. The basis is both ordinary paper and non-woven, which is considered to be of higher quality and more expensive... The upper part is a layer of polyvinyl chloride with different volumes, thicknesses and structures. The material has the property of imitating various types of textures and patterns.

Disadvantages and advantages

In order to make a choice vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base, a few words about the pros and cons. Advantages:

In the interior of the bedroom

There are also certain disadvantages. The most frequently discussed issues affecting vinyl flooring- toxicity and high price. One is a direct disposal of the other: expensive certified canvases are not harmful, while cheap ones are harmful to health.

Differences from paper wallpaper

Choosing how to glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base or paper, you should understand their main differences from each other:

Manufacturing materialCellulosePaper or non-woven
Water resistanceNoYes
Life time5-10 yearsmore than 10 years
Is air permeableYesNo
Resistance to temperature extremesYesYes
Are they burningYesno (smolder)
Glue consumptionapplying glue only to the wallapplying glue to both the wall and wallpaper
What rooms are suitable forHall, bedroom, nurseryCorridors, halls, foyer, kitchen, bathroom

Since pvinyl chloride has moisture resistant properties, it becomes possible wet cleaning... The cloth is wiped with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water.

Selection depending on the room

Picked up wall covering in different rooms taking into account the needs that are inherent in the room.

Vinyl wallpaper - photo in the interior of the bedroom
  • The coating is not environmentally friendly, so refrain from gluing in the children's room or bedroom.
  • They are not afraid of moisture and do not fade due to fumes, ideal for kitchens or bathrooms (they do not compete with tiles or PVC panels).
  • Indispensable in the corridor - they wash and create a certain atmosphere for the apartment immediately at the entrance, depending on the pattern.


There are several main varieties, and each has its own characteristics. Distinguish:

  • with a layer of foamed vinyl;
  • hot stamping;
  • silk screen printing;
  • washable;
  • hard vinyl.

A few words about each option.

Foamed vinyl

They are created as a result of screen printing vinyl on the base. High temperatures cause an evaporation process, due to which the webs, when interacting with the vinyl, form pores and tears. This type of wallpaper is dense, which prevents mold.

There are many varieties: foamed profile (with a relief pattern), foamed with shiny splashes, foamed on non-woven, etc.

Pros and cons:

  • foamed vinyl is more environmentally friendly than other types, due to the porous structure - it allows air to pass through at times better. Another plus is considered resistance to fire.
  • The disadvantage is the insufficient strength of the material. We recommend handling the coating carefully, it is more susceptible to damage than other polyvinyl chloride samples.

IN country house

Hot Stamping Wallpaper

Standard two-component variety. Base - paper or non-woven. A layer of polyvinyl chloride foam was applied, on which the pattern was printed. The material is passed through a heating chamber, due to which the vinyl layer is softened, and when it is passed through the rollers, the desired relief and structure is imprinted on it.

Children's room

Wallpaper that is thicker is called “compact vinyl”. They are designed to imitate all kinds of structures - stone, brick, untreated wood. Inhibited vinyl wallpaper is entirely chemically embossed. They are durable, easily react to detergents.


Produced by the hot stamping method: polyvinyl chloride is applied to the base interspersed with silk or artificial threads, after which it is embossed under high pressure.

IN modern style

The silk-screened canvas consists of two layers, the lower one comes across both paper and non-woven. The upper is made of vinyl with silk thread. The variability of the structure differs - wallpapers are smooth as silk or with imitation of texture - plaster or leather.

Floral ornaments and paintings become the motives of the drawings, but if you wish, you can move away from the oriental theme and experiment with your own patterns.

Wall coverings are much more expensive than usual, and this must be taken into account when you are going to glue non-woven vinyl wallpaper in the interior.

Washable wallpaper

Wipe clean with a damp sponge without causing harm. They are found in the kitchen, where pollution occurs most often.

On the kitchen

When choosing such a coating, remember that there are several varieties of them, each has its own water resistance threshold.

Hard vinyl

Strength is several times higher than that of ordinary ones (rapport is about 60-100 cm), and the roll is 15 cm wider. Hard vinyl imitates “Venetian” plaster, painting with coarse brushes, leather, silk, gouache, paper, matting.

Beautiful design

The wall covering is reinforced with a quality glue for heavy-duty fabrics. It is necessary to glue them in a butt joint (the joints will not be visible after the surface has dried). The effect will be obtained only if the surface is perfectly flat.

By type of base

Vinyl canvases differ in the type of base, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • with paper;
  • with non-woven fabric.

With paper core

Paper-backed vinyl wallpaper is more environmentally friendly. The paper "breathes", the poet lets the air pass "more efficiently".

Red with a golden tint

They are preferred for rooms that are not ventilated as often as they should.

Non-woven fabric is more reliable - paper tears and deteriorates faster.

Non-woven base

He is called non-woven fabric made from cellulose fibers that are held together by a polymer. This is a kind of improved paper.

In the interior

The advantages are visible immediately - it is erased more slowly, the fire resistance is several times greater than that of ordinary paper. Disadvantage - paper base is preferable as a material that is an order of magnitude more environmentally friendly.

Table with decoding of designations on wallpaper rolls

A few words about the markings on the rolls:

Calculator for calculating the number of rolls for gluing

Using a calculator, you will quickly calculate how many rolls are required to paste over a room. To begin with, choose whether the selection of the picture is required - the main factor. Fill out the forms and get the result.

Is the selection required?

Select Not required Required

Enter side "A", m.

Enter side "B", m

Enter the width of the wallpaper strip

Enter side "C" (ceiling height)

Enter side "A", m

Enter side "B", m

Enter the width of the door, m (if there are more than 1 doors, then enter the total width)

Enter the width of the window, m (if there are more windows than 1, then enter the total width)

Enter the width of the wallpaper strip

Enter the length of your wallpaper roll

Select side "C" (ceiling height)

up to 2.5 2.51-3 3.01-3.14 3.15-3.3

Let's trace how to glue the vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing correctly. The technology is no different from the methods used for gluing other types. The only fact is that the coating is heavy, so there is a high probability that you will have difficulties in selecting glue and joining the canvases.

Preparing walls for gluing

Bonding requires initial surface preparation. It must be perfectly flat, otherwise the joints will be visible.

We remove the old coatings. Apply water with a spray and after 5-10 minutes, when the wallpaper is swollen, remove it with a spatula.

We clear the wall from old paint(if any).

We align with plaster. The drying process takes several hours.

Stick only on a dry and clean wall.

Choosing the right glue

When gluing, keep in mind that the wallpaper is heavy. It is advisable to use a special non-woven glue. Not bad and vinyl - it is adapted to the severity of the coating. Try to glue it with an ordinary solution, but in this case, take care of its concentration.

QUALITY - vinyl glue

If you want to paint your wall covering, then read the article here. It was disassembled paint for wallpaper for painting, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Initially do not smear the canvases themselves, but the surface: the likelihood that the coating will set more... It is allowed to spread canvases, but without fail, the walls are flavored with glue. Glue only end-to-end from bottom to top.

Drying time

Drying time depends on the climate in the room. Cloths dry for at least 24 hours.

In the living room

Close the room for a few days - the drying process will be faster.

How to remove vinyl wallpaper from walls correctly?

Plain paper canvases are removed when wet, vinyl is not afraid of moisture, and this creates problems. Use a spiked roller to damage and peel off the blades. It will perforate the wallpaper but will not damage the wall.


Wet them with water mixed with a special liquid (available in stores). Apply water with a roller or spray bottle. Remove wallpaper from bottom to top, prying with a spatula (preferably wide).

Harm to health

When buying, most people ask the question: "Is vinyl wallpaper harmful to human health?" This type is not toxic, but it is not recommended to hang it in low-ventilated rooms - paper coverings for such rooms are more preferred option.

What to look for when buying

Despite all the disadvantages and advantages, non-woven vinyl wallpaper is bought for money, so before buying, look at the following details:

  • Compound. Make sure that only approved materials are used in the manufacture;
  • Texture. Remember that wallpaper with a deep texture is not only an aesthetic addition to your room, but also hides surface irregularities during finishing, if any.

Catalog of interior solutions!

The catalog helps you choose an option for every taste. We wish you a pleasant choice!

In the children's room

Wallpaper "Germany"

Combination in different patterns

Rich drawing

In the bedroom

Combination in the interior

Dark shades

Wallpaper "Italy"

Blue colour

In the hall

In a big house

In the kitchen in modern design

With pattern

In the dining room

In the apartment

Interesting texture