Vertical or horizontal: which option is best? What does vertical mean and what does a vertical line look like

It would seem that every person should know what such terms as "vertically", "horizontally" mean. However, even adults are often confused whether this is up or not. In this article we will try to figure out what position is considered vertical, how and where it is customary to use this designation. Moreover, we will also talk about the importance given to the usual vertical line in some school sciences.

First, let's talk about what a person should represent when he hears the definition of "vertical line". First of all, this designation is used in ASCII. Does this abbreviation mean anything to you? And this is quite normal, since this encryption will be familiar only to people whose work is related to the encoded text.

For ordinary people, let's explain that ASCII is a fairly large table. It contains various codes. Each of these codes corresponds to printable and non-printable characters that are widely used.

ASCII table

Note! It's all about numeric codes. For the first time this table was developed by specialists from the United States of America in the 60s. Almost immediately after the development, it was standardized and after that it began to be actively used.

In the table, you can also find such a symbol as a vertical line. Her code is 0x7C (hex), 124 (dec).

Notably, users operating system called UNIX, they prefer to refer to this symbol as “pipe”. WITH in English the word "pipeline" can be translated as conveyor. But in the Soviet Union they could not understand and accept this terminology. Books by V. E. Figurnov, the first editions of which are Soviet, were full of an unusual comparison of a vertical line with a pipeline. That is why they began to refer to it as a symbol of the pipeline, thereby replacing the running name "pipe".

Application in mathematics

Surely, every schoolchild who did not skip classes and conscientiously did his homework knows what the vertical looks like. Indeed, in mathematics, the notation is used quite often. Moreover, there are many applications.

Let us consider in more detail each of them and thereby recall the school curriculum a little.

  1. |x| - a familiar designation to many. The value that is between the two vertical bars is the absolute value. Never heard of it either? Then let us recall another term, which is used to denote the absolute value. And this is a module. Therefore, the line going down denotes exactly
  2. m || n - separation by two vertical lines is considered to be the designation of a parallel. In other words, given lines (planes) will always be parallel if they are separated by a similar symbol.
  3. a|b - in such a formula, the vertical line is a separator. That is, the number a divides the number b.
  4. p(b|a) is a more complex formula. Separation in the form of a vertical bar says that some event b is possible only under the condition that event a occurs.

The above formulas and notation are not the only ones. There are many other examples of the use of the vertical bar in mathematics. It is worth mentioning that it is often used in another science, which is also taught at school.

Useful video: vertical bar

Application in computer science

Specialists who work with systems such as DOS and UNIX know what a vertical line is because they often work with it. This is explained by the fact that this designation is used for Stdout. But what is Stdout? Quite simply, it is a process that means redirecting the standard output of a certain program to another pipeline.

To make it clearer, consider this complex formula:cat fruits.txt | grev -v ^bad | sort. But we note right away that it is complicated only at first glance. In fact, the programmer has set a simple algorithm. With it, you can display a list of fruits, which is contained in a file called fruits.txt.

But at the same time, it will be possible to see only those fruits in the name of which there is no “bad” in the first 3 characters. Moreover, the displayed list will be immediately sorted alphabetically. It's simple, isn't it? But what formula prompted the programmers to think of comparing the vertical with a pipeline?

The one shown above. Using this formula as an example, one can understand why it occurred to Russian programmers to compare this symbol with a pipeline. The described method of information transfer directs the flow of data according to the same principle of operation as a conventional pipeline. That is why programmers Soviet Union considered that the term "pipe", which came from the West, can be replaced by another - "pipeline". After all, vertically means both down and down.

An example of a program in computer science using vertical lines

Just about complex

Almost every person who has read the above text is guaranteed to have the idea that it is difficult to figure out which line is vertical. But in reality this is not so. So, now let's try to explain in a simple and understandable language what a vertical is.

The vertical is the direction that is perpendicular to the horizontal plane. Now let's remember what a horizontal plane is. Imagine a horizon. Represented? Here is the horizontal plane. Therefore, a plane that will be perpendicular to the horizon should be considered a vertical line. That is, vertically, as already written, it is up and down at the same time.

Useful video: Draw straight lines (vertical and horizontal)

Imagine that you need to quickly choose a cupcake.

What do you think is the most attractive layout of the assortment on the screen?

Or vertical:

Each of us faces both on a daily basis. Everything around us, from supermarkets to online stores, is attacking us. different options product introductions:

But which one is better? And can this factor really be important and influence something?

Maybe. And in this article, you will learn about which product presentation is more effective and when.

First, we see the world horizontally. We have binocular vision, and the eyes are located horizontally, which is why we have access to a wide horizontal view- approximately 190 degrees.

This is why computers and monitors are made wider (rather than taller).

Secondly, horizontal scanning is physically easier.

Due to the peculiarities of the human muscle structure, it is easier to move the eyes horizontally. Our head naturally tilts slightly forward, which makes moving our eyes up and down more laborious.

In 2016, a study was conducted in which the subjects were offered two options for the location of lollipops. To study the nature of the participants' eye movements were used. It was possible to find out that the nature of eye movement corresponded to the type of presentation of products. The eyes made movements in the horizontal plane with the horizontal presentation of goods and in the vertical plane with the vertical one.

But more importantly, since horizontal movements are easier to make, people covered more objects per second exactly when viewed horizontally (3.26 when viewed horizontally and 2.77 when viewed vertically).

3. Horizontal Product Range Seems More Diverse

Since a person can see more items at a time, he erroneously concludes that the choice of goods is wider.

4. Horizontal display increases the likelihood of selection

In turn wide choose is a factor contributing to the transaction. Customers have a natural tendency to seek variety, which is why they prefer product ranges that meet this criterion.

In addition, viewing a more diverse assortment takes people more time. As a result, people browse more units and form a wider pool of options available to choose from (consider buying more options). Not surprisingly, the horizontal view ends up with more purchases (and more multi-item purchases).

A few caveats

1. Use vertical view on vertical screens

The presentation of goods on smartphones should not be horizontal. It's just smart. No other explanation is needed here.

2. Use vertical display when you need to reduce product variety

Horizontal presentation is effective because the range of products presented in this way seems to be wider.

But sometimes having a wide selection can be counterproductive.

If customers know exactly what they need, they are unlikely to want to browse too many products.

Let's take Amazon for example.

It is right. When people are "just watching," variety is helpful.

However, if you look at the search results - the area where people are looking for a particular product - you will notice that here the products are presented vertically.

If users are looking for a specific product, you should reduce the apparent variety and just help them find the right product. Therefore, a vertical representation is most preferred.


Horizontal presentation of products is good because it increases the breadth of choice, gives the impression that the product range is more diverse. However, if your goal is to shorten and speed up the selection, use the vertical view.

You can follow the example of Amazon or even Walmart. On the latter's website, if you search not for a specific model of a particular product, but give a query for all categories (for example, humidifiers), the proposed results will be presented horizontally.

And this is also correct. Walmart understands that a person searching for such a generic term is in the early stages of the sales funnel, where a wide selection is an advantage, and the horizontal presentation of products just contributes to this. But if you search for a specific product, the search results will be displayed vertically.

Vertical presentation focuses the buyer's attention on a specific product that is of interest to him. In addition, these products will occupy the most advantageous place on the page - the buyer's eye will fall there first.

What does horizontal and vertical mean? Horizontally it's up and vertically it's... right huh?

  1. vice versa
    and vertical is up
  2. no, the horizontal is the horizon, and the vertical is straight
  3. horizontal - and vertical up
  4. horizon earth line vertical from top to bottom
  5. ____________ is vertical

    It's horizontal.)

  6. horizontal-horizon (that is, the line lies __) vertical-up (the line stands I)
    - two inseparable components of culture. The vertical symbolizes the energy of moving forward, creativity. a breakthrough into the unknown, new and extraordinary, original and original, which is sometimes not recognized as such by contemporaries and is misunderstood due to stereotyping, traditional thinking, prevailing species preferences and evaluative norms. The development of culture in the vertical dimension embodies the infinity of perspective and the avant-garde beginning. Pioneers cause an ambiguous attitude among the Society, their ideas and actions are often rejected by the majority in all spheres of spiritual life. One from Egypt. pharaohs was ahead of his time, expressing the idea of ​​​​transition to monotheism, but did not receive wide support and understanding. Christ, preaching his creed, was betrayed and crucified. Brilliant artists, with rare exceptions, were not appreciated by their contemporaries, in accordance with their contribution to spiritual culture. Drama creative. fate is impressive and amazing. Bach received recognition after 100 years, representatives of the father. artistic the avant-garde at the beginning were also not spoiled by the attention of the public. These isolated examples from the history of culture, unfortunately, are not an exception to the rule, but rather their confirmation.
    The well-known thought of N. Bohr that an idea distinguished by indisputable novelty goes through three stages in the process of its implementation in public consciousness: a) it cannot be; b) perhaps there is something in it; c) is undeniably true.
    What is the horizontal in the development of cultural phenomena? In the triad "denial - doubt - affirmation" the vertical begins to turn into horizontal plane at the moment of rooting a new cultural form in the minds of the mass audience, i.e. at the stage of its full acceptance, when the cultural form becomes recognizable. The ratio of V. and G. in culture is a two-pronged process. The vertical is the discovery of new forms of culture, "riding into the unknown", the quintessence of a creative and productive beginning. The horizontal is a gradual process. mastering this new, turning it into the property of many, a recognizable form of culture based on the production of the known.
    In addition to the above interpretation of the relationship between V. and G. in culture, one more can be proposed, in which the vertical symbolizes the process of the temporary development of culture, its history. character, principle of continuity, transition of previous cultural forms or their elements into new ones cultural education. So classic. antiquity became a role model in the Renaissance, classicism, and cultural elements cf. centuries in the era of romanticism. The horizontal in this case can be understood as the spatial development of culture, the synchronous coexistence of decomp. local and national its forms, their interaction and mutual enrichment.
  8. Vertical is from bottom to top and horizontal is from left to right.
  9. vice versa
    horizontally is the horizon line. land
    and vertical is up
  10. V
  11. vertical horizontal ---
  12. Lies Stirlitz in a puddle. He looks past the men in harnesses, helmets ... Speleologists ... thought Stirlitz. You yourself are a dirty pig! climbers thought...

    Climbers go to the next conquest of Everest. They climb to the top with their last strength and suddenly see the following picture: there is a 600th Mercedes, all icy, and brothers are sitting in it .. the fingers are completely cramped from the cold. Climbers in complete bewilderment: Guys! And how did you get here then? How we got here is our business, but the bitch who killed us here will regret it a lot!!! "

    A climber is crawling on a rock, suddenly he sees on the top, clinging to a protruding stone with one hand, a yogi is hanging in a lotus position and reading a book. The climber was stunned and asked: Is it true that you yogis can do anything? The yogi takes his hand off the stone, flips the page: Lie!

    Thought is the process of thinking at the speed of light 300 thousand km/sec. The psyche is a mirror, reflecting everything at the speed of light.

  13. horizontal - from the word "horizon", that is, parallel to the edge of the earth, draw a line to it at 90 degrees (right angle), you will find the vertical)
  14. Vertical from top to bottom (or vice versa), and horizontal from left to right (or vice versa).
  15. Vertical up, horizontal right
  16. horizontally from the word horizon, it means vertical straight! Example:
    H O R I Z O N T A L

To the question What does it mean horizontally and vertically? Horizontally it's up and vertically it's... right huh? given by the author Your Mammy the best answer is vice versa

and vertical is up

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What does it mean horizontally and vertically? Horizontally it's up and vertically it's... right huh?

Answer from Olesya Ermolaeva[newbie]
horizontally from the word horizon, it means vertical straight! Example:

Answer from Nika Weber[newbie]
Vertical from top to bottom (or vice versa), and horizontal from left to right (or vice versa).

Answer from Yotepan Krasheninnikov[newbie]
Horizontal is the horizon line. land
Vertical is top to bottom

Answer from Yergey Minaev[newbie]
horizon divides earth and sky -_-

Answer from Ѐozalina[newbie]

Answer from Vlad Rybarchuk[newbie]
horizontal-horizon (that is, the line lies __) vertical-up (the line stands I)

Answer from Anna Denisova[active]
horizon earth line vertical from top to bottom

Answer from OlgaGo_[newbie]
Vertical up, horizontal right)

Answer from a guest[active]
Lies Stirlitz in a puddle. He looks past the men - in harnesses, helmets ... - Speleologists ... - thought Stirlitz. - You're a dirty pig! climbers thought...
Climbers go to the next conquest of Everest. They climb to the top with their last strength - and suddenly they see the following picture: there is a 600th Mercedes, all icy, and brothers are sitting in it .. the fingers are completely cramped from the cold. Climbers in complete bewilderment: - Guys! And how did you get here, then? - How we got here is our business, but the bitch who killed us here will regret it a lot !!! "
A climber is crawling on a rock, suddenly he sees - at the top, clinging to a protruding stone with one hand, a yogi is hanging in a lotus position and reading a book. The climber was stunned and asks: - Is it true that you yogis can do anything? The yogi takes his hand off the stone, flips through the page: - They're lying!
Thought is the process of thinking at the speed of light 300 thousand km/sec. The psyche is a mirror, reflecting everything at the speed of light.

Answer from Gulnaz Gusmanova[newbie]
horizontal - from the word "horizon", that is, parallel to the edge of the earth, draw a line to it at 90 degrees (right angle), you will find the vertical)

Answer from POINTS[guru]
vice versa
horizontally is the horizon line. land
and vertical is up

Answer from LIANA IVANOVNA[newbie]
horizontal - and vertical up

Answer from Alina Vodyanikova[newbie]
____________ is a vertical |
| is horizontal)

Answer from Alisa Morozova[newbie]
vertical | horizontal ---

Answer from Violetta Violetta[newbie]
Vertical is from bottom to top and horizontal is from left to right.

Answer from Ѝlbrus[newbie]
- two inseparable components of culture. The vertical symbolizes the energy of moving forward, creativity. a breakthrough into the unknown, new and extraordinary, original and original, which is sometimes not recognized as such by contemporaries and is misunderstood due to stereotyping, traditional thinking, prevailing species preferences and evaluative norms. The development of culture in the vertical dimension embodies the infinity of perspective and the avant-garde beginning. Pioneers cause an ambiguous attitude among the Society, their ideas and actions are often rejected by the majority in all spheres of spiritual life. One from Egypt. pharaohs was ahead of his time, expressing the idea of ​​​​transition to monotheism, but did not receive wide support and understanding. Christ, preaching his creed, was betrayed and crucified. Brilliant artists, with rare exceptions, were not appreciated by their contemporaries, in accordance with their contribution to spiritual culture. Drama creative. fate is impressive and amazing. Bach received recognition after 100 years, representatives of the father. artistic the avant-garde at the beginning were also not spoiled by the attention of the public. These isolated examples from the history of culture, unfortunately, are not an exception to the rule, but rather their confirmation.
N. Bohr's well-known thought is that an idea that is distinguished by undeniable novelty goes through three stages in the process of introducing it into the public consciousness: a) this cannot be; b) perhaps there is something in it; c) is undeniably true.
What is the horizontal in the development of cultural phenomena? In the triad "denial - doubt - affirmation" the vertical begins to turn into a horizontal plane at the moment when a new cultural form takes root in the minds of the mass audience, i.e. at the stage of its complete acceptance, when the cultural form becomes recognizable. The ratio of V. and G. in culture is a two-pronged process. The vertical is the discovery of new forms of culture, "riding into the unknown", the quintessence of a creative and productive beginning. The horizontal is a gradual process. mastering this new, turning it into the property of many, a recognizable form of culture based on the production of the known.
In addition to the above interpretation of the relationship between V. and G. in culture, one more can be proposed, in which the vertical symbolizes the process of the temporary development of culture, its history. character, the principle of continuity, the transition of previous cultural forms or their elements into new cultural formations. So classic. antiquity became a role model in the Renaissance, classicism, and cultural elements cf. centuries in the era of romanticism. The horizontal in this case can be understood as the spatial development of culture, the synchronous coexistence of decomp. local and national its forms, their interaction and mutual enrichment.

Two inseparable components of culture. The vertical symbolizes the energy of moving forward, creativity. a breakthrough into the unknown, new and extraordinary, original and original, which is sometimes not recognized as such by contemporaries and is misunderstood due to stereotyping, traditional thinking, prevailing species preferences and evaluative norms. The development of culture in the vertical dimension embodies the infinity of perspective and the avant-garde beginning. Pioneers cause an ambiguous attitude among the Society, their ideas and actions are often rejected by the majority in all spheres of spiritual life. One from Egypt. pharaohs was ahead of his time, expressing the idea of ​​​​transition to monotheism, but did not receive wide support and understanding. Christ, preaching his creed, was betrayed and crucified. Brilliant artists, with rare exceptions, were not appreciated by their contemporaries, in accordance with their contribution to spiritual culture. Drama creative. fate is impressive and amazing. Bach received recognition after 100 years, representatives of the father. artistic the avant-garde at the beginning were also not spoiled by the attention of the public. These isolated examples from the history of culture, unfortunately, are not an exception to the rule, but rather their confirmation.

N. Bohr's well-known thought is that an idea that is distinguished by undeniable novelty goes through three stages in the process of introducing it into the public consciousness: a) this cannot be; b) perhaps there is something in it; c) is undeniably true.

What is the horizontal in the development of cultural phenomena? In the triad "denial - doubt - affirmation" the vertical begins to turn into a horizontal plane at the moment of rooting a new cultural form in the minds of the mass audience, i.e. at the stage of its full acceptance, when the cultural form becomes recognizable. The ratio of V. and G. in culture is a two-pronged process. The vertical is the discovery of new forms of culture, "riding into the unknown", the quintessence of a creative and productive beginning. The horizontal is a gradual process. mastering this new, turning it into the property of many, a recognizable form of culture based on the production of the known.

In addition to the above interpretation of the relationship between V. and G. in culture, one more can be proposed, in which the vertical symbolizes the process of the temporary development of culture, its history. character, the principle of continuity, the transition of previous cultural forms or their elements into new cultural formations. So classic. antiquity became a role model in the Renaissance, classicism, and elements of the culture of the Middle Ages in the era of romanticism. The horizontal in this case can be understood as the spatial development of culture, the synchronous coexistence of decomp. local and national its forms, their interaction and mutual enrichment.

Lit .: Unknown E. Catacomb culture and official art // Sowing. Fr./M., 1979, no. 11; Berdyaev N.A. Philosophy of inequality. & M., 1990; Centaur: Ernst Neizvestny about art, literature, philosophy. M., 1992.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Vertical and horizontal

two inseparable components of culture. The vertical symbolizes the energy of moving forward, creativity. a breakthrough into the unknown, new and extraordinary, original and original, which is sometimes not recognized as such by contemporaries and is misunderstood due to stereotyping, traditional thinking, prevailing species preferences and evaluative norms. The development of culture in the vertical dimension embodies the infinity of perspective and the avant-garde beginning. Pioneers cause an ambiguous attitude among the Society, their ideas and actions are often rejected by the majority in all spheres of spiritual life. One from Egypt. pharaohs was ahead of his time, expressing the idea of ​​​​transition to monotheism, but did not receive wide support and understanding. Christ, preaching his creed, was betrayed and crucified. Brilliant artists, with rare exceptions, were not appreciated by their contemporaries, in accordance with their contribution to spiritual culture. Drama creative. fate is impressive and amazing. Bach received recognition after 100 years, representatives of the father. artistic the avant-garde at the beginning were also not spoiled by the attention of the public. These isolated examples from the history of culture, unfortunately, are not an exception to the rule, but rather their confirmation. N. Bohr's well-known thought is that an idea that is distinguished by undeniable novelty goes through three stages in the process of introducing it into the public consciousness: a) this cannot be; b) perhaps there is something in it; c) is undeniably true. What is the horizontal in the development of cultural phenomena? In the triad “denial - doubt - affirmation”, the vertical begins to turn into a horizontal plane at the moment of rooting a new cultural form in the minds of the mass audience, i.e. at the stage of its full acceptance, when the cultural form becomes recognizable. The ratio of V. and G. in culture is a two-pronged process. Vertical - the discovery of new forms of culture, "riding into the unknown", the quintessence of a creative and productive beginning. The horizontal is a gradual process. mastering this new, turning it into the property of many, a recognizable form of culture based on the production of the known. In addition to the above interpretation of the relationship between V. and G. in culture, one more can be proposed, in which the vertical symbolizes the process of the temporary development of culture, its history. character, the principle of continuity, the transition of previous cultural forms or their elements into new cultural formations. So classic. antiquity became a role model in the Renaissance, classicism, and elements of the culture of the Middle Ages in the era of romanticism. The horizontal in this case can be understood as the spatial development of culture, the synchronous coexistence of decomp. local and national its forms, their interaction and mutual enrichment. Lit.: Unknown E. Catacomb culture and official art // Sowing. Fr./M., 1979, no. 11; Berdyaev N.A. Philosophy of inequality.´M., 1990; Centaur: Ernst Neizvestny about art, literature, philosophy. M., 1992. I. G. Khangeldieva. Cultural studies of the twentieth century. Encyclopedia. M.1996