Polystyrene foam - facade insulation. Polystyrene foam slabs as an affordable insulation for roofing and building as a whole polystyrene insulation

Among the insulation, polystyrene insulation are widely distributed due to the combination of thermal insulation properties, affordable price, moderate thickness and ease. The material is a solid polymer belonging to the group of thermoplastics. Polystyrene is produced in the form of granules, the diameter of which varies from 2 to 5 mm.

Production is based on polymerization of oil synthesis (styrene). Since the finite product granules have a linear structure, you can get an arbitrarily complicated form PPS. This causes the extensity of the applications, because modern life It is difficult to imagine without material. Disposable dishes, packaging objects, outdoor advertising, insulation, medical equipment - Only a small part of examples of its use.

Polystyrene after manufacture can be produced in various shape.

In order to insulate buildings, sheets are most in demand (extruded material), thanks to which the complexity of work on the skin is reduced.

The largest distribution in construction was the solid derivative of polystyrene - polystyrene foam. About his varieties - Next.

Classification of construction polystyrene foam

Materials using polystyrene-based materials depend on the appearance, dimensions and physical properties. Accordingly, the following PPP groups distinguish:

  • Block (Marking PSB-C).

More famous as a foam. Cancelled noise, heat, waterproofing characteristics allow it primarily as a heater, and often without additional protection against steam, wind or moisture. It is realized by plates of various widths and length, has supporters among buyers and competitors among manufacturers (especially mineral wool).

  • The polystyrene foam formwork is non-removable.

Almost half a century, the construction technology provides such a formwork. To date, there are more than one hundred reliable systems based on it. In Russia, two directions of work on this technology are known:

  1. The method of reinforced PPS-plates (liquid concrete is applied on top of polystyrene, turning out inside the wall).
  2. The method of block shells (concrete is poured inside the wall, turning to be between two layers of the insulation).
  • Extruded PPP.

Externally resembles block, but radically differs from it the coefficient of water absorption. Famous manufacturers of insulation in the Russian Federation - Concern "Ttechnonikol", "Pesoplex", "Ursa", "Technoplex". Production is based on European technologies, but the Russian analogue of the extruded material has existed since 1995.

A variety of lightweight concrete, which is a mixture of cement, foamed polystyrene and mineral elements. Durability, frost resistance, chemical inertness, low density, low thermal conductivity coefficient - these properties allow you to warm up with any type of buildings, and the correct geometric shape Significantly simplifies the masonry of the plates and saves the time of work. Refers to a group of G1 for fire sustainability (difficult to ignite).

In addition to those listed, there are other modifications of polystyrene, which are applied to the arrangement of non-ventilated facade systems, installation of plastic windows (polystyrene tabs for improving thermoregulation and condensing prevention), as well as finishing ceilings of residential buildings.

Domestic classification of expanded polystyrene

Since the scope of applying material is extensive, manufacturers label products with a special way. So, distinguish:

  • the material obtained by the prestickable method (PSB) differs from the analogues with large granules, softness; has modifications with the addition of flame retardants (additives that reduce the likelihood of fire);
  • extruded (EPPS) - increased compression strength, fine-grained structure, high density;
  • press PPP (denoted by PS) and autoclave - both types did not get distribution, since their production is unprofitable.

Speaking of the initial product (polystyrene), it is worth mentioning and its classification:

  • PSM - general-purpose polystyrene;
  • PSV-C is a foaming self-tapping.

Physical properties of insulation

The main indicator of any thermal insulation material is thermal conductivity. The extruded polystyrene used in the construction business has a lower coefficient (0.035-0.045 W / (M * K)), rather than mineral wool. Other characteristics include:

  • water absorption in volume per day - 0.2%;
  • parry permeability - 0.018 mg / m * h * pa;
  • the tensile strength of the bending is 1 MPa;
  • compressive strength during deformation by 10% of the volume - 0.5 n / sq.m. mm;
  • sheet density (plates) - 25-45 kg / cubic meters;
  • range of operating temperatures - from -50 to + 75 degrees.

The thickness of the insulation for the same degree of thermal insulation

In addition to non-obvious properties from the list above, users will discover the following advantages of polystyrene insulation:

  • resistance to mechanical effects;
  • environmental purity when complying with the temperature range;
  • harmlessness for human health;
  • ease of work with the material - for cutting the plate to the desired size of a fairly stationery or conventional knife, hand saw;
  • the possibility of insulation of minimum holes / cracks, as well as complex elements of buildings;
  • the material is easy, almost does not load the design, so it will not be needed, for example, the strengthening of the foundation;
  • polystyrene running plate thickness nearly noticeably increase the volume of the building - it is not necessary to expand the roofing system when outdoor trim walls;
  • work is allowed without special protective equipment (respirator, gloves, overalls) - the builder will not arise allergies, irritation, etc., which sometimes happens when the mineral wool is mounted.

Polystyrene applications

In addition to using as a non-removable formwork for the subsequent construction of walls, the insulation is useful in the following construction issues:

  • the thermal insulation of the foundations - the freezing, the formation of microcracks is excluded, the resource of the building increases;
  • floor insulation (especially "warm") - reduces heat treatment to Earth or basement;
  • outdoor sheathing either inland walls buildings of any destination;
  • insulation of a scope / flat roof and attic;
  • thermal insulation of engineering communications.

The coincided brand of polystyrene is PSB-C 25, because it is suitable for almost any insulation.

In addition to construction, a number of spheres human life You can not imagine without insulation. Among them:

  • medicine (release of disposable tools);
  • advertising (signs / signs / signs);
  • printing products (polystyrene - screen printing base);
  • food industry (packaging);
  • country and garden (manufacture of greenhouses);
  • plumbing (elements of shower or bathrooms).

Being relatively new insulating material, Polystyrene in all its forms is used less often than Minvata. However, a small percentage of consumers made a choice in favor of the PS and did not lose - positive characteristics Together with excellent operational qualities will come up by one to those who appreciate high-quality construction products.

Polystyrene foam (he is the foamed polystyrene, he is a foam) - insulation, which has been widely used in construction work related to the heat insulation device.

Polystyrene foam and its types

The material is prepared by the foaming of the synthetic polystyrene with water vapor and natural gas. Frozen foam balls by 98% consist of air and only 2% of them polystyrene. The finished material is cut on the sheets of standard sizes.

Extrusion polystyrene foam has increased strength. Other its names are SPENONOLOCOM polystyrene foam (from the name of the manufacturer), and. It is made by foaming under pressure, increased strength allows the use of extruded insulation in carrier structures. In the manufacture of material balls, not bonded to a flat sheet, a granular polystyrene was obtained - a mound from foam balls with a diameter of up to 8 mm.

The high popularity of the material is associated with its cheap, combined with excellent thermal insulation properties and easy in circulation (delivery, installation). According to statistics, 80% of insulation work is performed using two types of synthetic insulation - ordinary and extruded polystyrene foam.

How big is the polystyrene characteristics and what effect can be achieved when insulated with this material?

How does heat losses occur

The fact that houses emit warmly was known for a long time. In the spring path along the walls earlier freed from snow, the attic space of the house is always the warmer of outdoor air. However, it became possible to see the size of heat losses only in the middle of the 20th century. The emerging devices for measuring thermal flows - - began to determine and show the size of the thermal. Raising prices on, the rise in price of the heating cost was complemented by stunning pictures on which the houses were photographed in infrared radiation, where the contours of a warm background around buildings were cleared.

The American heat transmission of the territory of the USSR from space showed the universal thermal glow of residential buildings, which against the background of the isolated houses of Europe made an impression of heating air.

According to thermal imagers, about 40-50% occurs through the windows of windows and 20-30% lost through the walls and construction seams. The remaining losses fall on the roof and ventilation.

Warming of buildings

Reducing heat loss through the walls of the house is achieved by their insulation. The layer of the insulation is better to install from the outside of the heated room, so that the zero point is shifted from the supporting wall into the heat insulator.

The list of applicable contains natural and synthetic materials. Felt, batting and palaper (natural), glass gamble and foam (artificial). Among the materials available in the market, the insulation for the walls of the polystyrene foam is the greatest popularity. What are the advantages of insulation with this material?

Advantages of insulation

Thermal conductivity of expanded polystyrene (0.037-0.043 W / m * C °) provides thermal insulation higher than that of mineral wool (0.046 W / m * C °), 4 times better than that of the tree (0.18 W / m * s °), in 8 times the dry foam concrete and 20 times - a brick wall.

Availability. Polyfoam, at a price is available to almost every homeowner. The cost of sheets depends on the thickness, the best characteristics of the extruded expanded polystyrene are belonging to the sheets of a large thickness (8 - 10 cm).

Manufacturability. The plates of the heat-insulator weigh so little that they can be carried by the wind. Therefore, the installation of the insulation can do one person. With high-altitude work, the small weight of the heat insulating material makes it possible to warm up at the height of the 7th, 9th or 14th floor. The stove is easily cut with a saw, it is possible a curly sawing of the desired form. To strengthen the insulation, the wall is used on the wall for polystyrene and additional clamps - "umbrellas". All listed operations are technologically simple, do not require expensive equipment or highly qualified employee and, if necessary, can be performed independently.

Scope of application


Walling. Unavailable opal Of the polystyrene accelerates construction. Molds for pouring concrete (blocks) are made of insulation material. The resulting design is characterized by good thermal insulation, technologically, and convenient to work, which allows the use of polystyrene blocks as an insulated non-coordinate form. Valid formwork warmer wood, stronger brick wall and cheaper aerated concrete.

Thermal insulation foundations - It avoids the freezing of the base, this does not allow the appearance of microcracks and increases the durability of the building.

Heat insulation. Frequently used "warm" floors, where the surface of the flooring serves as a radiator emitting the heat and heating room. Polystyrene foam for warm sex gives you the opportunity to reduce the maintenance of heat into the ground or in the basement. Floor insulation Polystyrethyrene additionally works as vibro - and noise insulation of the floor of the heating system of the floor, for this, plates are used with recesses for laying heating elements.

Heat insulation of walls and facades. It is made both outside and inside the building. Wall insulation outside (facade) is preferable than from the inside. The result is a multilayer design consisting of carrier wall (Brick, shell, concrete, saman), layer of insulation and protective coating (plaster or facing). The insulation of the facade of polystyoltol will require additional costs. Mandatory defense The insulation is made by siding, facing brick or "fur coat". Warming roof. Ceiling tile From polystyrene foam due to low weight it is easily installed on rafters under the sheets of the roof, does not allow the walls on the walls.

- water supply, sewage, cable, - allows you to reduce the depth of their styling, thereby reduce the cost of water supply or cable work.

Automobile roads, railways, take-off stripes - polystyrene plates are mounted under the coating, separated from the freezing soil than the durability of the laid paths.

The most versatile, suitable for any insulation is "PSB from 25".

Industry and Economic Industry

Beekeeping. Hives from expanded polystyrene
There are a number of advantages: heat capacity (protection against winter cold and summer heat), lightweight design (important for mobile apartments), an acceptable cost (they are cheaper than wooden). Some enterprises organized the production of foam hives. An interesting combination solution will be wooden hive with foam insulation, which is located between the outer and inner layers. wooden boards. Such evidence has a natural surface of the tree and at the same time protects the bee from frost -30 -40˚c.

Packaging. Practically any modern packaging contains foam parts. Glass and ceramic dishes, Medicinal ampoules, Boxes with appliances (laptop, washer, television). Packaging foam is performed with recesses that repeat the form of the subject. The sealer does not give the product to move along the packaging container, protects it from a possible hit. Also, the foam isolastic isolate perishable products during transportation.

Depreciation. The foam plastic is placed in the inner surface of construction caskens, cycling, ski helmets, etc.

Filler. Insulation granules are used as soft toys and furniture fillers.

The efficiency of using foam for insulation is confirmed by many positive feedback. When applying extruded foam spokes for reviews, more reliable and durable thermal insulation is formed, which in general pays for its overestimated price. The presence of disputes about the utility and breathability of the foamed synthetic material only confirms the fact of widespread the spread of foams. They insulate everything that requires isolation, the location of the insulation is almost any available location.

When a new insulation appears in the building materials market, it is natural to advertise it, comparing with the materials already tested in practice. And most often this comparison is not in favor of the "old" insulation. And about it positive properties It is rarely mentioned, but negative exaggerate, convincing consumers that this material is generally better not to insulate a residential building. Such fate touched the polystyrene foam materials that began to hay on all the frets. Meanwhile, the insulation of polystyrene foam in separate parts of the house is much more efficient than other materials, it costs cheaply and does not require additional costs for vaporizolation. The main thing is to know where it is best to sharpen it.

Video on the use of polystyrene foam for insulation at home

Characteristics of polystyrene materials: moisture resistance + thermal insulation

Of the polystyrene materials today are used in insulation two varieties: foam and penplex. Both are created by foaming polystyrene, but with different additives. As a result, some technical characteristics do not coincide.

Due to the large amount of air in the foamed structure, the foam is not inferior in thermal insulation more expensive insulation

General properties Polyfoam and Polymphax:

  • Both insulation are characterized by low moisture absorption. They do not absorb pairs like basalt materials, so they cannot lose heat insulation properties during wetting. True, the PESEROPLEX is absolutely impenetrable for water, and the foam - a little permeable, but still capable of drinking moisture.
  • Heat level high level. It is believed that such a low thermal conductivity is practically impossible to provide other material.
  • Polystyrethyrene belongs to flammable materials. Without a doubt if they set fire to them, they will burn. But for the finish finish to protect the insulation from possible ignition. The tree also flammives easily, but about this owners are rarely worried.
  • Long service life. This parameter is really high when the insulation is isolated from sun rays, high temperatures, winds, etc. If you give expanded avenue with a week, then its "eternal" properties will come to no. Those. When buying a insulation, it is necessary to immediately mount it and hide under the finish coating, and not to leave unprotected for a couple of months until the finish is performed.
  • Sustainability for compression. The insulation is not so easy to sell with your finger, if only try hard. And in the designs of the house, it perfectly withstands the pressure of the finish on the floor or soil on the walls of the foundation.

What is the difference between foam and penplex

As a result of foaming, the foam (it is the usual polystyrene foam) acquires a light granular structure that permeates air. But it also acquires fragility, which causes certain difficulties in cutting sheets: the angles are easily clouded.

Penoplex (it is also an extrusion expanded polystyrene) differs from the "fellow" softer structure, so it is easier to fasten it on uneven surfaces. The dense material is absolutely moisture.

Elasticity and complete moisture resistance of fasteners make it indispensable when insulating uneven structures

Fundament Warming: Material Benefits

In the foundation part of the house, insulation expanded polystyrene foam is very effective, because such a cake successfully resists the pressure of the soil and protects the basement and the basement from the freezing. If you choose how to disconnect the foundation, then the insulation of extruded expanded polystyrene is expensive. But its elastic structure will withstand the pumped ground with a high level of freezing. When expanding the volume of frozen land can shift the foundation plates, and the penplex will become a barrier between the soil and concrete, softening strong pressure. But if there are no harsh winters in your area, then there is enough cheap foam for the foundation. True, you will need to protect it from moisture from the soil, covering the waterproof film from above.

When the foundation is insulated with extruded polystyrene foam, its waterproofing from the soil is not required

Insulation floors: better not invent

Another structural element, which is 100% suited by polystyrene insulation - floors. Due to the waterproof plates, you get rid of the house from damp, rising from the basement. This is especially profitable to the owners whose buildings stand on soils with a close level groundwater. Both materials can be kept both on the concrete basis and on the draft floor from the boards, if the system is conceived warm floors. Only in the case of wooden base In the subfield, ventilation must be qualitatively, so that the moisture does not impregnate the boards. Without it, the tree rotates quickly, because on top there will be a waterproof material.

On flat concrete screed Installation of polystyrene foam plates is carried out very quickly, and the effect of insulation is high

Walls: insulation polystyrene foam from within and outside

But with the walls the situation is ambiguous. The effectiveness of insulation in this case will depend on the wall material. Immediately throw it away the possibility of using these insulation in a wooden wall, as insulate the house of polystyrene foam - it means to deprive the house of the healing microclimate, which the tree is famous for. Bar or log must "breathe", i.e. To ventilate. In the case of styling fasteners, this feature is lost completely, and with foam boils up to a minimum. In addition, the tree closed by a polystyrene will not be able to regulate the level of humidity, and excess moisture settles inner side Walls (between it and insulation) in the form of fungus and mold. You can, of course, make a vapor or hydrobarier to protect the timber, but all beneficial features Woods are lost.

But for brick, block walls, for filling frame structures It is used sufficiently successfully. But, again, with some reservations. So, for walls that weakly hold heat (block, brick, stone, etc.) these insulation are better to apply outside. Moreover, foam plastic turns out to be more profitable because it does not overlap natural ventilation.

Why exactly outside? In a displeasted wall, the border between the cold and heat is obtained about in the middle of the wall material. Those. Part of the heat from the premises is still held. If you close the blocks inside the insulation, the border will move from the middle to internal surface Walls and it turns out somewhere between the insulation and the wall material. So, the whole wall you will have cold and will not be able to keep at least a bit of heat reaching from the inside. In addition, you are completely insulated with insulating it, which itself does not heat up. It only blocks the outlet of the heat.

The outer walls of the brick house is better to warm the foam, fixing it with a dowel-umbrella or putting on glue

If the foam is mounted outside, then in this case the wall itself becomes an additional source of heating. Those. If the window decreases the temperature, the blocks of this "will not feel", since the border of the cold will remain in the insulation. To the touch, such walls are warm. They do not need to pick warmly from the rooms to warm themselves.

Prof. external insulation Walls are especially noticeable when the heating is turned off. Despite the cold on the street, a stable temperature will be maintained in the house, because the insulation will block heat leakage from the walls.

Ceiling thermal insulation: polystyrene is suitable for ventilated rooms

When the ceiling insulation, it is important to remember not only about the thermal insulation properties of polystyreters, but also about moisture resistance. After all, the upwards will also strive for hot air, and couples from the kitchen, bathtubs, etc. If you need these insulation, it will not go further ceiling floors, but it can settle on them as condensate. But if natural and forced ventilation works well in the house, then it's warming any of the options boldly. Thermal insulation will be on summit.

In disgraced premises (balconies, summer verandas), polystyrene foam ceiling will be an excellent insulator from moisture

If you choose between the pitched and flat roof, it is definitely flat for polystyreters. It is smooth, then the insulation will be better than it. True, it is necessary to make waterproofing the foundations for which the polystyrene will be treated, and on top to cover it with a thick layer of bitumen or other protective coating so that the insulation does not collapse under the influence natural factors.

On the flat roofing it is more profitable to carry a penurex, as it will protect the premises from precipitation as much as possible

Polystyrenes are practically not used in the pitched roofs due to the complexity of the installation. No one wants to complicate construction works And align the surface under the insulation, so soft or sprayed insulation is better to use in the pitched structures.

If planning insulation scope roof foam, then it is necessary to adjust the step of the rafted to the size of sheets

Polystyrene materials can be an excellent addition to the design of the house if they are competent. And the perfect insulation was not yet invented!

September 6, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction work (bookmark the foundation, construction of walls, roof design, etc.). Domestic construction work (laying internal communications, roughing and finishing). Hobbies: Mobile Communication, high tech, Computer equipment, programming.

It is unlikely that I get to count how many times I performed insulation with polystyrene foam walls, floors, ceilings, partitions and other structures. This material has the optimal price-quality ratio and therefore enjoys high popularity from lovers to work with their own hands.

Today I want to tell about existing species and the characteristics of polystyrene foaming so that you can choose correctly and use this particular material, and not by Minvatu, for example, which, although it has excellent properties, but it is expensive!

Basic concepts

Polystyrene foam is a porous material consisting of gas filled with gas, the walls of which are made of polystyrene and styrene polymers. The latter granules dissolve in the original polymer mass and mix with gas. In the process of subsequent heating, the grain of the substance is strongly increased in size, filling the prescribed mold.

For the manufacture of traditional expanded polystyrene is used natural gas, and varieties that have fire prevention properties are manufactured with carbon dioxide.

Polystyrethillets are often called foam. However, this is not entirely true. The foam defects in direct understanding of this term also include porous materials, polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene.

After foaming, the material acquires a structure consisting of thin-walled individual cells glued together. The cells are practically sealed, but inside them there are micropores, and in space between granules - microscopic emptiness, the amount and the magnitude of which depends on the density. Consequently, the physico-mechanical parameters of the product change.

But before talking about them, I would like to dwell on the description of the species of polystyrene foam, which are used in modern construction.

Varieties of building expanded polystyrene

Here I will describe only those species that are more or less used for insulation. But I will immediately say that this unique material is used for other purposes.

So, a small scheme:

Now about each variety in more detail:

  1. Block expanded polystyrene (with fire protection properties). It is usually marked with PSB-C letters, followed by a number indicating the density of the plates. It is this material that builders are called "foam". It has the highest thermal insulation properties, however, has several drawbacks, due to which some experts prefer more technological mineral wool.

  1. This technology of the simultaneous erection of buildings and their thermal insulation is known for about 40 years. Currently used more than a hundred various systems Construction based on this principle. In my practice, I used two different ways:
    • reinforcement of polystyrene foam plates with concrete solution - in this case, the insulation is placed inside the wall, and a concrete with mineral filler is applied outside;
    • the fill of concrete into the shell of polystyrene - from blocks (as from the children's designer) is laid out a single design, after which the reinforcing grille is constructed inside, which is poured with concrete, turning to be between two layers of the insulation.

  1. Extruded polystyrene foam.Playing three roles at once: insulation, noise and waterproofer. It differs from the block polystyrene with a practically zero capillary between cells and the minimum water absorption coefficient.
    From here and features: extruded polystyrene foam often insulate the foundation outside, since, among other things, it is able to withstand significant external loads. Moreover, the instruction on its installation does not require subsequent application cement plaster.

  1. Polystyrevbeton.A variety of concrete solution in which individual polystyrene granules are used as aggregate. The material has sufficient strength, it is well tolerating freezing and thawing cycles, does not enter into chemical reactions With other substances, there is a low density and thermal conductivity coefficient.
    It is used for filling in the formwork or manufacture of wall blocks for the construction of buildings. Unlike other species, refers to the class of weakly manifest materials of the category G1.

  1. Unclean facade systems. Under this term means polystyrene foam plates and other materials (grid, dowels, cement mortar) Used in the complex for thermal insulation of facades in the "wet" technology. They differ less costs, as the price of all materials included in the system is lower than ventilated structures.

  1. Inserts in finished building details. Very often, polystyrene foams are used for insulation finished structuresused in construction. For example, multilayer walls from reinforced concrete or metal products, plastic windows and so on.

Block polystyrene is most popular in individual construction used as self insulation for walls. Therefore, I will tell about its characteristics below.

Technical characteristics of polystyrene foam

I do not want to tell about the pros and cons of the material, since the characteristics of the material can be considered bicon. I'll just list and describe them, and you have the right to evaluate from your own point of view that it is better to use polystyrene foam or minvatu!

Cause 1 - thermal conductivity

Described heat insulation materialmanufactured by foaming the initial polystyrene, by 98% consists of a gas filling it, which is known, is very poorly carried out. It happens because the air or carbon dioxide, which is inside, is not subject to convection (there is no movement).

If compared with the common construction mineral Vata., then polystyrene foam has a smaller coefficient of thermal conductivity. Depending on the density, it takes a value from 0.028 to 0.034 W / (M * K). Extruded polystyrene foam, as the most dense, has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.03.

The material retains the above characteristics at ambient air temperature from - 50 to + 75 degrees Celsius.

Cause 2 - Strength

Immediately I can say that the polystyrene foam obtained by the extrusion method is more durable than its classic fellow. And all because as a result of its processing, the relationships between molecules are reinforced. The static bending strength of the EPPS lies in the gap 0.4-1 kg per cm2, while the strength of the usual polystyrene was 0.02 -0.2.

However, the strength directly depends on the density, and the latter affects the thermal conductivity. Therefore, in construction, depending on the tasks facing a specialist, either durable, but less warm foams, or vice versa.

Cause 3- Chemical Resistance

Polystyrene from which polystyrene is made, perfectly transfers the impact of such substances:

  • soda;
  • soap solutions;
  • mineral agricultural fertilizers;
  • bitumen I. construction Materialsit contains;
  • cement and plaster, as well as solutions containing these binders;
  • lime and solutions with it;
  • asphalt emulsions.

However, the described insulation loses its integrity and operational properties when contact with acetone, turpentine, many varnishes and olifami, alcohols and substances obtained by distillation of oil.

But the most important, from my point of view, it is bad portability of direct ultraviolet rays . Regardless of the type of polystyrene and how to use it, it is necessary to protect the heat insulator layer from the sun rays using the finish.

Otherwise, irradiation will make polystyrene foams loose, and rain affecting it, snow or wind will complete the destruction of the external thermal insulation layer.

Cause 4 - Sound absorption

Independently classic expanded polystyrene is not used as sound insulation material. The fact is that it is able to neutralize only the shock noise, and the sound waves spread through the air are not absorbed.

This feature of the insulation is associated with the fact that the air inside the rigidly fixed cells is isolated from the external environment. Therefore, if you are going to equip a very quiet shelter from outdoor noise, it is necessary to combine expanded polystyrene foam with other materials. However, if you do not live near railwayThis indicator should not be the reason for the abandonment of expanded polystyrene!

Cause 5 - water absorption and vapor permeability

The classic block foam ceases air infiltration through the enclosing structures. Extrusion polystyrene foam is slightly performed on another technology, so the vapor permeability coefficient of this material is 0.019-0.015 kg / (m * h * pa). This is due to the fact that the forming of extrusion plates is made by cutting, and the steam permeates through the material just through these cuts.

The exact opposite situation consists of water absorption. The heat-insulating block foam with a direct long-term contact with water absorbs an average of 4% of the fluid from its own volume. As for the extruded, it absorbs no more than 0.4%, that is, exactly 10 times less.

Cause 6 - Antiseptic

The tests conducted by the leading laboratories of Europe and the New World show that no microorganisms can multiply on the surface of polystyrene foam - ordinary and extruded. A constructed insulation layer does not require special processing of fungicides during installation or during use.

However, there is one nuance here. The fact is that for some reason the foam is very loved. And it is not, but to make minks in it and shut down the nests. It is necessary to take into account when choosing a method of insulation and finishing the heat insulating layer.

Cause 7 - Ecology

I will start with production technology. Modern faults for the manufacture of insulation do not use for this dangerous for the ozone layer of the planet GAZ Freon. Therefore, the production process itself is fully safe for ecology.

However, with improper operation, the material is able to oxidize. Moreover, the extrusion makes it slower than block. In order for this process to be activated, not very high temperatures. Enough so that the air is warmed up to 30 degrees Celsius above zero.

The oxidation process is accompanied by the emission of a large number of harmful substances:

  • ethylbenzene;
  • formaldehyde;
  • toluene;
  • acetoneneon;
  • methyl alcohol.

Special danger is a polystyrene foam when heated over 80 degrees. In this case, phosgene, blue acid and hydrobromide, which are extremely poisonous are formed with smoke.

Cause 8 - Fireproof

Polystyrene foam is a very combustible material. According to the current building standards, it is assigned to the category G3 and G4, that is, the most combustible.

Some manufacturers are trying to challenge this fact, saying that wood, which is widely used to build houses, is even more fuel. However, it is necessary to keep not about the ability to light up here, but about the possibility to stop the further spread of the fire and reduce the toxicity of the smoke allocated during combustion.

As an experiment, you can put a piece of wood and a plate of foam, after which it is briefly affected by a burner on them. The tree if it ignores, then in the absence of third-party factors go out, and the heat-insulator plate is completely grid, highlighting the black smoke.

The situation is ambiguous and with insulation containers containing antipyrenes. The smoke-forming coefficient in classical expanded polystyrene is 1048 m2 per kilogram. And the material with the effect of self-effect it is already 1219 m2.

For comparison, I will give the indicators on rubber - 85 m2 and a tree - 23 m2. In order for you to understand, when smoking the room more than 500 m2, a person cannot see the fingers on an elongated hand.

I note again, the polystyrene foam with the flame is also quickly flammed, but acquires the ability to self-concealed. And the larger the life of the insulation layer, the smaller the amount of antipyrin remains in it.

Cause 9 - service life

Properly installed polystyrene insulation layer retains its operational properties for at least 30 years. But only under the condition of its protection with the help of cement plaster or mounted decorative material.

It is very important to the thickness for the walls outside and from the inside. If the insulation is not enough, the house will not be energy efficient. But too thick layer can be swollen and come into disrepair.

Scope of expansion of polystyrene foam

As you understand, say what better polystyrene foam Use for insulation housing is impossible. It all depends on the scope of its application.


The polystyrene foam is very widely used for insulation of walls from the inside and outside. I always tend to the latest technology, since in this case the ability to move the point of the freezing of enclosing structures as far as possible from the residential premises.

If the insulation is installed outside, the wall of mineral blocks or wood accumulates thermal energy from heating devices in the room. And with a short-term reduction in the temperature of the street air, it is able to give heat, while maintaining a comfortable microclimate indoor without using the heating system.

When the thermal insulating layer of expanded polystyrene is placed inside the room, the moisture condensation point is shifted between the insulation and the enclosing structure. As a result, the moisture accumulating there contributes to the development of mold and fungus, and in a heavy frost freezes, disturbing heat exchange.

Most often I use polystyrene foam as a heater for the "wet" facade, protecting its surface with a layer of cement plaster. As a result, thermal insulation material acquires increased strength and increases its service life.


Another insulation technology - floors and inter-storey floors is equally popular. The polystyrene foam helps not only reduce ill-rise heat losses, but also performs other functions:

  • substrate under the heating system;
  • soundproofing layer, reducing noise from walking and moving furniture.

As in other cases, the thickness is very important here - for the floor, I recommend using a 50mm plate. And it is better to do this by extruded expanded polystyrene: the insulation of the floor will be more reliable and durable. Especially if there is such a layer on top with a screed for lighthouses. By the way, I talked about a similar solution to the question in one of my articles in this blog.


The polystyrene foam with some reservations is suitable for the insulation of roofs and attic due to its small weight and low price.

If we talk about the roofs, it is used in two ways:

  1. Unbeatable flat roof. In this case, the entire surface is covered with dense insulation plates, which is protected by waterproofing mastic or membranes.
  2. Ventilated scope roof (and attic). The material is installed in the rafting gaps. From above, the layer will be protected by roofing material, and from the inside - decorative facing.

Minus such a method in a large flammability of the insulation. In case of ignition, the evacuation of people from the attic floor will be difficult due to smoke.


Special requirements are presented to thermal insulation materials for these designs, as they must withstand a significant external influence from the surrounding soil, underwater and so on.

In this case, the thickness is not so important - it is better for the foundation to pay attention to the strength. Therefore, it is not a classic, but extruded polystyrene foam. From above, the material is protected by masonry, waterproofing membranes or cement plaster.

Engineering systems

IN lately Polystyrene foam began to be used for thermal insulation of pipelines. For this, it is not a common sheet material, but products made in the form of hollow shells that are put on insulated parts and fixed with a sticky tape.

The material can be used independently or complete with a heating cable, which is installed on the surface of the pipe under the layer of polystyrene foam.

Polystyoltilol TechnoNikol

Restained polystyrene insulation, manufactured by Technonikol, is very popular among domestic builders. The assortment of this company has different product names, each of which has its own scope.

To help you deal with them, I made a small table.

Name Properties
Technoplex Extrusion polystyrene foam, which is specifically designed for the insulation of apartments in apartment houses and the arrangement of warm floors. With this material you can warm the balconies and inner partitions. In the production of polystyrene foaming, a nanographic is used, which reduces the thermal conductivity of the material and gives plates a specific silver color.
Carbon Eco. Polystyrene foam, which is used in the construction of private houses and low-rise multiofright buildings. Suitable for the insulation of the foundation, inter-storey floors, roofs and facades. In the manufacture of material, a nanocarbon is used that improves the energy efficiency indicators of the plates.
Carbon Eco Sp. Specialized insulation, which is used when designing foundations of buildings using the "Swedish plate" method right on the ground, without basement and basement. It is often used to build houses on sand, clay and water-saturated soils.
Carbon Eco Fas. Specialized material with milled steep edges for a more dense docking plates with each other. Used for insulation of facades and surfaces social Floors With the subsequent decoration of thin-layer cement plaster.
Carbon Eco Drain. The polystyrene foam plates with the milling grooves surface to arrange drainage around the walls of the house and the thermal insulation of the foundation. Also used in flat roofs, providing more effective removal Water and microventilation of the underwear space.
Carbon Prof. Effective insulation designed for commercial construction. Used for thermal insulation bases of buildings, roofs, including exploited, floors, facades and bases. Due to increased strength, it is capable of withstanding significant external mechanical loads.
CARBON PROF SLOPE Polystyrene foam for designing and insulation of flat roofs, followed by waterproofing by membranes or bitumen mastic. One of the surfaces of the material has a bias (different value), which makes it easier to remove water with roofing material, eliminating the formation of water stations.
CARBON SOLID. Polystyrene foam with extremely high compressive strength (about 1000 kPa) used for heat insulation of floors with intensive operation, insulation of iron and car highways, airfields and cosmodromes. In addition to the strength, this insulation perfectly transfers the impact of moisture, chemical substances And opposes biocorrosion.
Carbon Sand Mon. A highly specialized thermal insulation material used as a core when pouring ready reinforced concrete panelsused for high-rise construction. The material has a special structure that avoids the effect of "pass-through translucent" and reduce the consumption of glue to the glueting of parts.
Carbon Sand Pvc. Professional insulation used for thermal insulation of finished structures from polyvinyl chloride. For example, insulated window blocks or wall multilayer panels.


Now you are familiar with all necessary informationconcerning the concepts, species and methods of using expanded polystyrene. If the insulation process itself is interested, you can watch the video in this article, where the technology is described - the insulation of the facade of polystyrene foam.

Your opinion on the information set out in the material you can leave in the comments.

September 6, 2016.

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Extruded polystyrene foam What is it? - nothing but some special dense foam. In our century, this synthetic thermal insulation material, most often orange colorRadically won universal popularity.

Designed in the distant 50s of the last century by the American company "The Dow Chemical Company" The extruded polystyrene foam was widely used as thermal insulation of foundations, basements, and probably not enough paper to list all places where this bright modern material can be laid.

Material is manufactured according to the perfect method of foaming of polymer compositions in the extrusion process. That is why we can hear the name of the material as an extrusion polystyrene foam. After putting the material through a special high-strength form, it turns out very durable reliable material with practically unique thermal insulation properties.

Before it was found that gas Freon destructively affects the ozone layer of the planet, it was used as a foaming agent.

Starting from the current 21 century, the so-called "imprection" method of manufacturing thermal insulation material is used throughout the world.

Extruded polystyrene foam, or rather the technical characteristics of which it possesses, not the same and differ depending on manufacturers. In the Russian market on hearing brands, who have the largest sales:

If there are no above-mentioned brands on the market, expire to the technical instructions. Records of the EPP begins with two digits. Refuse to purchase if the marking value is less than index 28, such a polymer is not suitable for construction and insulation work. The seller does not benefit about it, and most likely, he modestly prolitic. With facade works on thermal insulation, the brand PSB-C-40 is perfect, in addition, it is self-fading material.

Quick quality check can be held a small piece of polystyrene foam. A smooth fence indicates that before you EPP. Otherwise, if the line is uneven, there are many small balls, most likely, in your hands the usual foam, which is suitable only as a packaging of home utensils.

It should be understood that the manufacture of EPS is a complex process, and different manufacturers Do it on different technologies. Some of them are completely safe to health, others are not harmful to man.

By stopping the choice on extruded polystyrene foaming, see large firms that have long proven themselves as decent manufacturers. In this case, it is safe to talk about the undoubtedly high-quality product. Not well-known brands with loud names are possible and will be originally more profitable, but the risks associated with the subsequent alteration will cost you much more expensive!

Remember that the weak quality of polystyrene foam not only will not serve as a good thermal insulator, but also will affect not best side On the health of your loved ones.

Heat insulating plates from extruded polystyrene foam

During the construction and repair of the building, the question of its insulation necessarily arises. Warm house - This is the guarantee of your family health, as well as the opportunity to save on utility bills. As soon as you wondered by this question, the need for solving: and what material is better to choose as insulation? Currently, the market offers several options for insulation: glass gamble, stone Vata., extruded polystyrene foam or foam.

You need to choose one of these materials, depending on the features of your home and a specific area of \u200b\u200bwork: Paul, Balcony, Walls, etc. There are certain rules that need to follow when choosing a heater.

Practically universal material for insulation of the room and building outside are plates from extruded polystyrene foam. It possesses the following positive qualities: moisture resistance, durability, high heat-stash, durability and safety for the health of residents at home. Why these properties of the material are important, we will understand more.

Moisture resistance.

The material for insulation of the building should be resistant to the flow of moisture from the environment, as well as to prevent the accumulation of condensate inside the insulated surface. If the insulation will scatter water during operation, it will lose its heat shielding properties, and your home will be cold in winter and hot summer.

In addition, the mold will begin to accumulate in the wet insulation; She will gradually destroy it and harm the health of residents who will have to breathe disputes mold fungus. The polystyrene foam is resistant to moisture and is ideal for insulation of walls, foundation, roofing, floor.


With floor insulation, the foundation or base is needed especially durable material capable of withstanding a large pressure. Such material and are plates from extruded polystyrene foam, because They do not settle over time, do not destroy long, not known. The same qualities are useful and when the walls are insulation, which will increase their strength and prevent shrinkage.

Heat shield.

Heat shield is the main property that we wanted to get when the material is selected. Heat shield is determined by the thermal conductivity coefficient. This component is always indicated by the manufacturer's factory in the accompanying documents for the product. The lower the thermal conductivity coefficient, the higher the heat insulating properties of the insulation. The coefficient of thermal conductivity in expanded polystyrene varies in the range of 0.030. This is a good indicator that will allow you to save on the amount of material when calculating the thickness of the heat insulating layer.


The estimated service life of plates from extruded polystyrene is from 40 to 50 years.

Health Cases.

The extruded polystyrene foam for heat-insulating plates is mainly used by the same brands as children's toys, disposable dishes, medical supplies. When the temperature drops, this insulation does not distinguish any dangerous substances into the external environment.

But there are polystyrene foam slabs and its drawbacks. Some consider such a lack of low vapor permeability, as the walls do not breathe. But the same "disadvantage" is a great advantage in the insulation of the foundation and gender, as it ensures reliable waterproofing. But the flammability of extrusion polystyrene is really somewhat limiting the scope of its use.

And although some manufacturers have learned to add special substances that increase the material resistance to the effect of fire, but it is yet rare. More often on sale there are extruded polystyrene foam in the form of a plate of the combustible group G3-G4. In any case, you will not use such plates without a protective coating, they will be inside the design. With high fire safety requirements, it is allowed to use the heat insulating material of the flammability group not lower than g3.

The largest manufacturer of plates from extruded polystyrene foam in Russia is Penoplex. Plants companies are equipped with modern European equipment and produce materials high Quality. The choice of goods for the purpose is also great. You can pick up the plates: for roof, for walls, for foundation, etc.

When you choose the insulation, pay attention to its purpose, specifications, appearance. If the insulation is high quality, it will have a homogeneous structure, smooth and smooth edge and resistance to mechanical pressure.