Exit from the attic to the roof. Properties of mansard windows. Output to the pitched roof through mansard windows

  • Modern building materials and the latest technologists that are used in the construction of the roofs allow you to drastically convert it - get it out of it working area, open gym either place for leisure and leisure organization. In any case, this requires not only a solid base, but also a convenient approach to it.

    Floor output, which will be distinguished by reliability and convenience, is needed not only for lifting to the operated roof, but also for regular inspection, as well as maintenance. The options for its device are due to the assignment of the attic and the slope of the roof. Accordingly, you can exit different ways, for example,

    • exit the outer staircase on the roof of the tree or metal;
    • take advantage of the ladder passing within the house or
    • Mansard window , through which it is possible to extend to the roof directly from the attic.

    It is also possible to enter the roof from the staircase or the fire exit via the balcony.

    This is an incomplete list possible methods roof exit multi-storey house Either any other house with a roof exit. The main thing is to choose from them as safe as possible. And they should also be convenient to use.

    Roof outputs: what they need

    Roofing is required on the roofs, where the technical or technological inspection is regularly carried out. For example, we can talk about such structures as

    • mansions or residential high-rise buildings;
    • children's institutions of different age groups;
    • Non-residential structures miscellaneous destination, including public;
    • vintage houses With reconstruction.

    Such outputs allow you to simplify the fulfillment as much as possible. different work:

    • repair;
    • on cleansing the roof from the accumulated snow or branches and the other;
    • By fire extinguishing.

    That is practically anyone, which involves the operation of the roof.

    You can go to the roof in various ways: through

    • stairs installed outside;
    • Folding or sliding;
    • Steps attached directly to the wall;
    • hatch outdoor roofing;
    • mansard windows;
    • Toothes.

    Varieties of outputs


    Of course, the simplest way to lift is the usual stepder. For a device such a way out there is no need for any additional structures. However, the use of a ladder is not always practical, moreover, it is unsafe, especially for children. By virtue of this, the lower edge of the stepladder should be located at a height of about 100 cm from the surface of the Earth.

    The optimal variant of the stepladder is considered sectional. It consists of the upper and lower part. The second is the gear and has a height of about 150 cm. It is used as needed.

    The steps should not be slippery, so for commemorable, special materials of the type of corrugated steel or reinforcement of the periodic profile, which is easy to distinguish with sickle protrusions.

    The safest is considered a stepladder that is fixed to the wall last floorconnecting the roof with a terrace, loggia or balcony. Such a design is perhaps the only inconvenience - passing to the exit runs through interior. Anticorrosive coatings must be applied to the details of the stirrelic of metal.

    Outdoor staircase

    The stepladder on a flat roof usually replaces the outer staircase. Most often for the manufacture of such a design, the pipes are best suited. The brackets are welded as steps to them.

    For commenced, a corrugated steel or wood, which has passed special processing. For such a staircase, a polished or polished stainless steel is also suitable.

    As a safety measure, the outer stairs are equipped with railings that are securely attached to the walls of the house.

    On flat roofs of buildings having two or more floors, such stairs are mandatory. They are used by firemanship calculations to enter the roof.

    High hatches at home: distinctive features

    This decision is considered universal, since almost on each roofing structure can be equipped to the roof through the hatch. Luke exit to flat either scope roof It is usually equipped on the last floor of the last floor, we will place it in the uppermost overlap. Standard dimensions Roof hatches - 450x450 mm or 1200x1200 mm.

    On a note

    The size of the hatch may also be non-standard. As a rule, they are made to order. Accordingly, such an output to the roof costs up to 30% more expensive than the finished hatches of industrial production.

    The place of installation of the exit in the form of a hatch on the rods of the roofs is chosen by taking the step of the rafter. The hatch box and the neighboring rafters according to the SNiP will take apart from each other at a distance of no more than 70 mm. If the gap has a greater value, then it is necessary between the rafters to install a pair of transverse bars and another vertical to them. It is to him and attach a box of one of the parties.

    If there is a hatch, the width of which is more than the step of the rafter, then from stropile foot The fragment is cut and the transverse frontal crossbar is sewn to the cropped edges. Through it, the load is transferred to the nearest rafters.

    For scanty roofs with a large area, a device of several roofing hatches is more appropriate. Their number is regulated by the SNiP concerning fire safetyAnd also dictates aesthetics of the appearance of the house.

    On a note

    The hatch on the roof, located next to the chimney, is considered one of the best options for the device of such structures, since in this case there is no need for additional running tracts that are usually used when servicing the chimney.

    Opening various designs In two sides: up and sideways. For fixing the cover in open state, servomotors or gas springs are used. Many manufacturers equip their products with special devices, thanks to which you can completely exclude spontaneous slamming of the lid.

    The roof looks aesthetically if the roofing carpet is homogeneous, so many prefer the cover covering the hatch, and the roof itself is made in one style. The transparent covers having a glass or polycarbonate filling are also quite popular.

    The hatches installed above the residential premises require insulation. As for cold attics, the hatches above them are installed without the use of thermal insulation materials.

    Registration of the exit to the flat roof has its own characteristics. This is a special superstructure, located above the stairs, the so-called booths. Their sizes are limited to building standards. As a rule, the booth is built from bricks. They may differ in design, but they are all covered with the roof. In the booth from the house fall through the hatch, rising by the stairs to the opposite. As for the exit directly to the roof, then in the wall of the booth, there is a special opening under the door.

    Mansard hatches

    In the process of arrangement of the attic to the roof, windows are embedded, which in addition to its direct destination can be used as an operating output. Such windows are more convenient to install on scanty roofing structures.

    • Mansard window on flat roof with a slight bias mounted on wooden frame. Its upper plane is located at an angle of 10-19˚. The sizes must exceed the window by 50-70 mm. In particular, it makes it possible to better lay thermal insulation.

    • Window exit you need to seal well. For these purposes, sealing cuffs are used. The plastic mass, which is applied to the lower portion of the cuff, completely prevents the penetration of moisture into possible cracks and at the same time improves the heat-insulating characteristics of the hatch. For the manufacture of the sealing element, copper, aluminum or titanium alloy with zinc are usually used.
    • Whatever the form of the window is important - competently and thoughtfully arrange the approach to the window.
    • If the attic window is above the floor at an altitude of up to 100 cm, then it is quite possible to do with the withdrawal ladder. It is very important to fix it reliably. There are many options: - on the loop, self-tapping bolts or just weld.
    • For highly located windows, the approach is organized by installing standard steps. They must be provided with railings (you can only with one of the parties).

    In order to ensure safety, an additional descent must be provided on any operated roof. This staircase leads either immediately to the street, or on the roof of another building.

    Folding stairs

    Luke of the folding structure, exiting the attic, has an outer cover and inner. The latter actually covers the folded staircase. It resembles a sandwich consisting of a wooden frame that is saved on both sides of the Fiberboard, and the sheet of polystyrene passes between them. Its thickness is 30-60 mm. The thickness of the lid itself varies within 36-66 mm and depends on the heat insulation layer.

To monitor the condition of the roof and carrying out repair work, it is necessary to provide a convenient and safe access to the roof. There are several ways to solve this task, of which the most suitable option Given the angle of inclination of the roof and purpose of the space attic room. To ensure access to roofs, the bottom stairs are used, installed outside the house, or vertical stepladders. Inside cottages apply folding stairs equipped with a folding lid.

In addition, in the design of the roof you can embed insulated and not insulated hatches that provide reliable access to all elements of the roof. Also access to the roof can be provided with a attic through the attic and hearing windows. The number of outputs on the roof depends on its area and is regulated by the construction norms. On the single-storey buildings With roofs, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 100 square meters. m, you can not equip the outdoor outlet at all.


The easiest way to build an exit to a flat roof using a ladder fixed on outdoor wall at home. In this case, the lower step is located in the meter from the surface of the Earth. This will prevent the attempts of young children to easily climb on the roof. Adults as needed to substitute to the fixed stepladder, the withdrawal staircase and easily rose upstairs.

or another building, each of them needs access from the inside to the top, that is, on the roof.

It can be done like this:

  • entry to the roof of the staircase
  • with the help of ladder-ladder, which is attached to the wall outside
  • by ordinary stairsbut from the outside of the building
  • on a sliding stairs
  • not heated or insulated openings such as hatch
  • nonstationary stairs (folding)
  • trap "roofing"
  • by the type of mansard

First of all, any building or construction in such an output is back.

After all, a residential, production facility, a private, communal house, etc.

All of them require the exit to the roof.

The most important thing is to be access to the top of the building.

In this case, it will not be necessary (and no one will require) to do or equip a special ladder. It is not worth making any other adaptation that has its goal to access the roof area to maintain the chimney.

So, if there is a question about choosing a ladder for organizing a passage to the roof, then you should remember a few always remaining important moments. First, the reinforcement steel, which is used for the manufacture or strengthening such a staircase should be strong.

Her thickness is obliged to withstand even a person set larger than the average or several people immediately. And the second point: fasteners must be high quality.

In some, especially large private houses (in mansions), with a large central open staircase, in the middle of the house there are several different outputs.

Such "doors" are created on the roof not only for preventive work, but also for the sake of entertainment (after all, in mansions, pools, spa and other rides on the top of the buildings may be adjusted).

Used as classic Methods Organization of lifting on the roof from the staircase and original or alternative.

The latter includes folding stationary stepladders. Such a device is possible only when there is a special hatch and space for a folded staircase.

The lid must have a wall thickness of at least six and a half, seven centimeters, judging by general recommendations For the construction and maintenance of buildings and in particular their exits on the roof. This applies to both hatches - outdoor and internal, because when arranging a straight hatch, it is a design of two caps.

In addition to the thickness, the requirement for sound insulation and thermal insulation is also made, as well as to the tightness of such a hatch designed to hide and hold the staircase in the folded state.

The inner component is usually made so-called sandwich, that is, double coating. It is made of wood or plates and boards, which are located close to the central, uniform homogeneous plate - the hatch cover. Between these layers, the layer of polystyrene is placed or similar to the purpose of the material with a thickness of three to six and a half centimeters, as well as the "layers".

For flat roofs The thickness of the insulating "level" increases. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the universal sizes. The most important landmark in this matter is the difference in the temperature difference between interior environment In the house and external.

In turn, the staircase for organizing the described roof exit may also be at least two types. These are the following varieties. Scissor, which are folded in half, and sectional, having several sequencing sections near each other.

The first of them are combined as. They are made of steel or steel alloys mixed type. Folding with great difficulties, rather than when spreading or jogging a strive (as a "stepladder") of structures.

All exits on the roof, roofing from the stairs (staircase) make for preventive, fire, repair and mounting work. Also - when organizing additional equipment, equipment and leisure devices at the top of the building.

Roof Passage Sizes

The output to the roof of the staircase, the height of which is regulated by regulatory acts, the rules of construction, must also comply with the requirements of the personal comfort of residents of the private house or the requirements of the fire and other security for public houses.

To determine this magnitude, an appeal to official sources is required.

What is essentially for such a document with an access to the roof?

Reply to the question: Evacuation (or fire) exit.

Such holes for force majeure situations or repair and construction, conducted at the top of the building are also at the same time emergency and are made not only for decorative or other entertainment purposes. What suggests the presence of the last mentioned sign?

Compliance with the standards or mines mentioned above is the answer to this question. So, according to the specified document, the exit to the roof from the staircase is simultaneously an emergency exit from the building during unforeseen situations and the actions of irresistible natural, technogenic and other types of factors ambient. What implies the specified norms about the sizes of the holes to penetrate the top of the building?

Specifically, for buildings with a height of more than ten meters to the very top of the walls of the last floor, the exits on the roof immediately from the staircase. Each yield is calculated in this ratio. One opening at one hundred square meters Buildings without a attic, which are considered in this context.

If the structure has only one floor (not base) and the area of \u200b\u200bcoatings - less than 100 square meters. m, then at all it is not necessary to specify the rule of rules to make a similar way out. According to the description, placed in the same act, there are the following remarks.

In the presence of roof drops (more precisely its surface) with transitions more than up, it must be done with the installation of a typical fire hatch.

Right output

According to the rules fire safety for different types Buildings among the provisions of the prescriptions are points concerning the roof of the roof from the staircase, the dimensions of which should correspond to the sudden needs of the people to go to the roof.

If we are talking about evacuation outputs, the minimum distance between these two important objects can be calculated according to the following formula:

L \u003d (1.5 * SQRT (P)) / (n - 1) if the staircase is located in the room without the selection of "mines" or l \u003d 0.33 * d / (n-1) in the case of a separate staircase emerging in the corridor with a length d (m).

What do letters mean in these formulas? L is the distance between any outlets located next to each other, is measured in meters and is the minimum permissible value. P is the perimeter of the entire room for which it is done (the perimeter is calculated by multiplying the length of the room on its width in the case of its rectangular or square smooth shapes).

SQRT - This latin letter set is calculated square root From among that it is further in brackets. The height of the exits on the roof for possible evacuation should be at least 1.9 m. Width - more than seventy nine centimeters.

It is always worth it regardless of the calculation of the formulas for the number of these passes upstairs to remember the presence of permissible minimum boundaries. According to its size in the width, this is a number in ninety centimeters and more. And in the case of the second-type fire platform device, it is seventy-five - one hundred fifty centimeters.

Such structural elements necessarily make steel. In the case of a slope, its proportional value should be like this: two to one. If this occurs in relation to the buildings of a certain type (there is in mind F 1-4), then these sizes are allowed to be reduced.

Namely: if the output is carried out through the hatch again, the passage of the passage will become sixty centimeters. Recommended - eighty. This applies to the lumen leading to the roof along the stepladder.

The exits to the roof directly from the stairs can be equipped in of different types houses, facilities and buildings, both manufacturing and intended for household everyday life. The design rules are subject to the attention of controlling services, therefore must be made according to the rules.

About the roof terrace is represented by video:

Whatever beautiful, durable and reliable was not your roof, it will still need inspection and maintenance. It is possible to make such work if it provides a special output to the roof through the hatch. The most important thing is that it is convenient, reliable and ensured the safety of people on the roof. This article will talk about different options Roof access with hatches and other systems and passing elements.

The exit device will be determined by the assignment of the attic room and the inclination of the roof plane. It can be done in several ways - climb on familiar to all wooden or metal stairs, located outside the building. You can make it using a staircase that is arranged inside the house. A to achieve the goal will help the palter staircase or the stepladder, which inside the house put to the hatch attic overlap. From the attic to get to the roof using a hearing or attic window.

When they talk about the complete configuration of the roof, it is meant not only the design, which includes the base, the material of the finish coating and drain system. If you carefully look at it from the side, then, not even having professional knowledge, you can see the antennas and ventilation outputs located on it. In addition to them, they are placed on the roof:

  • roofing hatches;
  • valves and fans;
  • passing elements;
  • anti-aircraft lights;
  • chimney pipes and so on.

The existing elements of the outputs on the surface of the roof have high quality and are modern products. Among their advantages can be noted:

  • attractive appearance;
  • reliability and durability;
  • ease of use;
  • harmonious combination with finishing coating;
  • easy installation.

Applying roofing outlets

Apply various elements of outputs is necessary on the roofs that need technological and technical inspection of this important design of the house.

In the technological outlet of the roof need the following construction objects:

  • mansions;
  • residential high-rise buildings;
  • children's preschool and school institutions;
  • houses of belt building;
  • public buildings;
  • non-residential buildings and structures;
  • old houses during reconstruction.

Technical outlook on the roof provided for antennas and elements ventilation system, It is necessary on all exploited buildings, regardless of the type and type of roofing. Currently, thanks to a wide range of products, you can choose component elements for technical outputs for the desired finish coating.

The presence and number of outputs on the roof is determined during design work on the roof device.

Methods for carrying out roof

The above listed objects that need technological outputs. They must have when you need to implement the following actions:

  • produce repair work on the roof;
  • clean the coating of the roof from snow, branches, etc.;
  • produce work on fire extinguishing;
  • do all that is connected with the operation of the roof.

Methods for entering the surface of the roof to perform these actions will depend, first of all, from the appointment of the attic space, as well as the angle of inclination of the roofing slope. You can go to it using some devices and objects:

  • a stepladder set vertically to the wall;
  • vertical outdoor stairs;
  • insulated and cold hatches;
  • folding stairs;
  • roofing trap;
  • mansard windows;
  • sliding stairs.

Distinctive features of the hatches

Luke for accessing the roof in multi-storey residential buildings It is suitable on the top floor in the overlap over the last staircase. IN this variant Running a metal vertical staircase attached to the floor staircase, the edge of the hatch and the railing, which enclosing the platform.

When the output device, the hatch is placed, taking into account the magnitude of the step of the rafter legs.

Roofs having large areas need to install several hatches. Traditionally, manufacturers offer such dimensions of these structures - 45x45 cm and 120x120 cm.

The surface of the roofing hatch cover is processed by primer and paint and varnish compositions. The roofing carpet should have the same view on the whole surface, so the hatch cover is facing the material that is used for the finish coating. In some cases, the hatch lids can represent the translucent design.

It should be borne in mind that designing such an outlet on the roof, the SNiP requires compliance with a certain distance between the hatch box and the rapid beams. The lunka strapping and the nearest rafter must be from each other at a distance of about 7 cm.

Hutches must be opened in two directions - up and to the side. With the help of gas springs, the lid fixation is performed in open position. For the purpose of safety of residents at home, hatches can be equipped with a lock or have a metal grid with a shutter.

If the mounting of the hatch is performed in a heated room, then it is necessary to pay attention to its thermal insulation properties. Going through the hole of the hatch, using the fixed metal structure.

In the case when during the installation of the hatch is not possible to accurately comply with the design conditions, then its other option will additionally require the conclusion's conclusion.

In terms of fire safety, the number of outputs on the roof is regulated by the bottom. TO better option You can include an option in which the exit hatch is located next to the chimney pipe. In this case, it will not be necessary to mount additional ladders for the purpose of servicing chimneys.

When the attic is turned into a mansard residential room, then the hatch, in this case, is combined with the window. Non-residential attic spaces have simple not insulated hatches.

Output to the roof through a mansard window

In the case when the attic is used as residential premisesYou can easily use the attic window to go to the roof. Today, the production of mansard windows is established, both for pitched roofs and flat. They are used to emergency exit to the roof, as well as ventilating rooms located on the attic space.

With flat roofs before the mansard window is put, a box is made under it. In relation to the roof, it has a bias of 10-20 degrees.

The size of standard windows that can serve as a roof yield in attic heated rooms may be different. In most cases, they have dimensions - 66x118 cm, 94x140 cm. All are equipped with sealing elements (cuffs) that prevent moisture from entering the interior. Seals simultaneously perform the role of heat insulating material.

Provide the best heat insulating properties An attic window can be if you make the opening windows by 6 centimeters more than the box. This will also make it better to put the sealer.

Entry to the roof using a stepladder

To one of the most simple wayswhich can be reached on the roof is the use of a stepladder. It is located vertically along the outer wall. Such an outlet on the roof, the norms of which prohibit the rise of children, has limitations. The bottom of the design should be raised above the ground to a height of 1 meter.

The stepladder should have a surface of steps, which would not be slippery, but, it means, safely during the lifting of people. They are made of materials such as:

  • corrugated steel;
  • armature having a sick-shaped protrusion.

Since the stepladder is often on open air, to extend its service life anti-corrosion coating. It is done with powder compositions or paints and varnishes.

Outdoor roofing on the outer stairs

To exit a flat roof instead of a ladder, often use the outer staircase. In most cases, its design consists of metal and wooden elementsthat need to be appropriate antiseptic and anti-corrosion processing.

External stairs used to enter the roof are manufactured from such materials:

  • corrugated steel;
  • of stainless steel;
  • polished steel;
  • impregnated wood wood (oak, ash, beech).

All stairs in order to ensure security should be equipped with railing and have a reliable mounting to the walls of the building. Fire stairs made of metal corner or corrugated steel, are mandatory in buildings above 2 floors.

Staircases must be subjected to periodic inspection. The strength test is reflected in the documents of the organization serving this or that building. Such stairs serve to enter the flat roof of fire calculations.

Rise on the roof on the folding staircase

The use of folding stairs to exit the roof is possible when in the hatch there is an inner cover capable of hiding the staircase design. It has a thickness of up to 66 mm with a dense layer of thermal insulation. With the help of folding stairs fall on the roof of interior.

Among the types of folding stairs can be allocated

  • scissor
  • sectional.

Using sectional roofing stairs You can safely climb the hatch and make a descent. They include several segments. They are more popular than reminiscent of "harmonic" scissor structures.

Hatches with an inner lid and folding stairs that provide access to the roof, GOST recommends use to communicate with rooms having different temperature. Residential and non-residential.

Using roofing gears

Roofing ladder is used to exit the roof. According to it, you can move in the same way as along the stepladder. The only difference is that the ladder is located on the roofing surface.

The ladder can be made in the form of single steps, as well as in the form of a single design, which includes several steps. The ladder placed along the skate leads, as a rule, towards the chimney. Such a location facilitates access to chimneys during their cleaning and other maintenance.

When the inclination of the roof is small, the skate step is set in increments of 70 centimeters. With angle of inclination of the roof over 30 degrees, this distance decreases to 35 centimeters.

Steel ladders are not always in harmony with roofing. For this reason, they are mainly manufactured from wooden bars.

Roofing ladders made to move a person on the pitched roof, have such dimensions - width 25-30 cm, length 40-300 centimeters. In order to avoid the appearance of the roof will deteriorate from the placement of such additional elementsTheir color is produced in the tone of the existing finish coating.

If you mount the roof output one of the above options, you can do everything on the roof necessary workthat will provide her long-term service and comfortable accommodation of residents.

It is difficult to imagine the care of the roof, cleaning the drainage gutters, repair of antenna devices, maintenance solar collectors Or the work of the pipeline without access to the roof. The choice of a way out of it depends on the angle of inclination of its rods and the use of space under it. The roof access can be provided with a vertical ladder or staircase installed outside, an internal folding staircase with a folding lid, as well as a variety of hatches - insulated and displeasted. Conveniently moving around the roof, steps and running landscaped on the roof are helping. The path to the roof should be reliable. Therefore, it is not so important as it is carried out, the main thing is that he guarantees the fast and safe rise in the roof.

Step out on the wall

(Option for flat roofs)

Most. simple decision It is vertical, reinforced on the outer wall. The lower edge of the stepladder must be at an altitude of about 1 m from the ground, it will not give children to rise to the roof, and adults can take advantage of the usual potted staircase. Such a solution is a sectional stepladder consisting of two parts. Its lower, the downtime has a height of about 1.5 m, use it if necessary.

It is important that the surface of the stepladder steps is not a slippery. For this, they are performed from corrugated steel or reinforcement of a periodic profile (with sickle protrusions).

The stepladder installed on the wall of the upper floor, leading to the roof from the balcony or terrace. The only inconvenience is that it is necessary to go through the indoor houses at home. Metal constructions Step should have an anti-corrosion coating with paint and varnish or polymer powder compositions.

Outdoor staircase

(For flat roofs)

More convenient and attractive externally, compared with the vertical larger, is a cool outdoor staircase, leading from the lower floor to the terrace (or platform) located in the roof level. The design of such a staircase is performed from steel pipe With a welded brackets - to install steps. Their nozzles are performed from corrugated sheet steel or from the treated impregnation of wood (oak, beech, ash). A railing can be made of pipes, rods, cables, etc. Usually the surface of all steel elements of the stairs are protected from corrosion paint coatings. But such a staircase can be made of polished or polished stainless steel.

Elements metal stairs Output to the roof can be coated with polymer powder compositions or stainless steel

Luke in the roof

Typically, the hatches of the exit to the roof are placed above the top platform of the staircase. The installation site of the hatches in the pitched roofs depends on the step of the rafter. The distance between the hatch box and the neighboring rafters, to which it is attached, should not exceed 7 cm. If this gap is obtained more, you have to install two transverse timber between rafters and one vertical (one of the sides of the hatch box is fixed). When the hatch is wider than the distances between the rafters, you will have to cut a fragment of one rafter foot, and its cropped edges strengthen to the transverse frontal beams transmitting the load on the adjacent rafyled. If such a decision project is not provided, it is necessary to obtain the conclusion of the designer, the architect about the possibility of doing this work. On a pitched roof big Square With several chimneys, it is better to install two hatches. Then there will be a need for a trapper for a pipeline. Hutches must be located next to the chimney. The market offers hatches of several sizes: the smallest - 45 x 55 cm, the largest - 120 x 120 cm. You can also order a hatch non-standard size. But the price of such a hatch will be 20-30% higher than the cost of serial production with similar dimensions. The lid of the hatch is separated by roofing galvanized steel, its surface is ground and covered with paint and varnish compositions or powder varnish.

So that the hatch cover on the surface of the roofing is not stuck in the eye, it is littered with the material applied in roofing. The finish of the hatch cover on the roof from the bituminous shingle or steel sheet is easier. But it is better to trust a professional roofer, which will work better. The lid can be transparent, with filling from glass or polycarbonate. Luke opens up or aside. In the open position, the lid can be fixed with two servomotors (gas springs). Serially manufactured hatches are equipped with devices that exclude uncontrolled cover closing. If the hatch is mounted above the heated room (staircase, wardrobe, economic room), its thermal insulation properties are of great importance. Some manufacturers offer insulated hatches, the design of which can have the heat transfer resistance R \u003d 1.5 m2 * K / W (polycarbonate lid has R \u003d 0.45 m2 * k / W). Cuffs, which completed hatches, allow you to install them in roofs coated from different materialssuch as flat and wavy, having a wave of both ordinary and high profile.

Sometimes hatches equip the protection against hacking, their deaf cover is additionally amplified from the inside, and the hinge axis will not allow them to remove them with a closed lid. Luke can be equipped with a lattice with a lock placed at the bottom of the hatch box. You can order a hatch with a lock having a three-vargel boss, or with a lock equipped with a certified castle insert.

Folding ladder with lid

(for both flat roofs)

Typically, the folding staircase is set to exit the attic or flat roof.

In the second case, the ladder hatch has two covers: the outer and inner (covered folded stairs).

The inner lid is a sandwich: wooden Rama From two sides, it is saved by wood-fibrous plates, between which a sheet of polystyrene foam 3-6 cm thick is placed.

The thickness of the inner caps is 3.6-6.6 cm. Inner caps having a thicker thermal insulation layer are recommended to be installed in flat roofing and overlaps between rooms with a large temperature difference (between the residential and non-residential room).
The resistance of the heat transfer of such a cover R is 1.54 m * k / W (with polystyrene foam 3 cm thick, in which R \u003d 0.91m * k / bt).

The tightness of the insulsion of the inner cover provides a laying of a circular cross section located in the milling groove of the box.

There are stairs of two species - sectional and scissor. Sectional staircases consisting of three or four folding or shifting sections are more popular. The stairs have a different length, they are chosen depending on the height of the room. Steel mounting corners of marches of stairs allow you to clearly fix the sections in the unfolded state and adjust the angle of inclination of the stairs. Stability staircase provides a mechanism for opening a cover, it fixes it in the open position.

Sectional staircases are made of steel or wood. The staircase on both sides may have a railing or handle, providing a safe and convenient rise or descent.

Scissor staircases are made of steel, they add up "accordion". Eliminate them more difficult than sectional. The surface of the steps, regardless of the type of stairs, should not be slippery - for this, it is enough to make grooves on the surface of the wooden arid steps.

Attention! The heat insulation of the hatch of the exit from the residential in the non-residential room can be increased, additionally putting a polystyrene sheet with a thickness of 10 cm on the inner cover.

Foldable sectional staircase withstands load up to 160 kg

Steel scissor staircase is very convenient, but it is harder to decompose and fold

Roofing steps and ladders

(Suitable for pitched roofs)

Free movement of people on the surface scope roof Provide the steps and running strategies installed on the roof. On the roofs with a slope tilt of less than 30 ° stage, it is necessary to mount with a distance between them 70 cm (in each second row of the tiles). If the slope of the roof slope is more than 30 °, the steps are set after 35-40 cm (in each row of tiles). The running gears usually has a width of 25 cm and a length from 40 to 300 cm.

The base of the steps is made of strip steel (40 x 4 mm), and the handle is made of sheet steel with a thickness of 2 mm. On the steps, located in each second row of the tiles, move, as on the stepladder. Long ladder along the skate performs the function of the horizontal track leading from the hatch to the chims. Stacks of steps and running pads are made of galvanized steel sheet, the surface of which is covered with varnish or painted by powder composition roofing material.

Steel lads are visually not always combined with roof coating, such as a bitumen genth. An alternative to typical metal ladder will be a ladder with a platform made of wooden bars with a cross section of 40 mm, impregnated under pressure. These bars are fixed above the brackets brackets. The base of the traps and steps can rely on the bars attached to the rafaling screws. The base brackets are chosen depending on the type of roofing material: ceramic and cement tiles, metal tiles, flat, or profile roofing steel, rubberoid or bitumen gone.

The distance between the brand brackets should not exceed 80 cm. If the chimney is high, it is installed on it for lifting to its mouth.

Steps and running landscapes must have a corrugated or perforated surface that eliminates sliding

For installation of steps on the roof, special tiles elements with an aluminum or concrete lining are used. These elements are chosen depending on the type of tile applied in the roof. The element of the tiles with a step is fixed to the bar two bolts (for example, 4.5 x 45 mm), and the bar is attached to the rafters of nails

Route, platforms and roofing steps provide convenient movement on the roof during operational work.

Roof window

And for pitfall and flat roofs

It can be installed in any indoor attic. Until recently, there were windows only for scanty roofs, but now manufacturers of these products offer windows and for flat roofs. Both types of windows can perform an emergency roof function (according to their size compliance with the requirements of norms). Setting the window-out in a flat roof, on it carrier structures Mount the wooden window case, top part which has a slope of 19 °. This case establishes the window itself.

Usually, such windows have dimensions 66 x 98 (or 118) cm or 78 (or 94, 114) x 140 cm and are designed for installation in heated rooms. Therefore, on their edges, adjacent to roofing, fasten special sealing cuffs. The plastic mass, applied to the lower side of the cuff, contributes to a dense cuff compound with the surface of the coating material, ensures the necessary heat insulation and eliminates the seeping of water. Some firms offer universal cuffs designed for any type roofingOther - two types of cuffs designed for installation over wavy and flat roofing materials.

Cuffs, as a rule, are made of aluminum and copper, but can be ordered cuffs made of titanium and zinc alloy.

Attention! To properly lay thermal insulation around the perimeter of the hatch box, the size of the opening for it in the roof should be 5-7 cm more box box.

The output window for the pitched roof is chosen depending on the angle of its slope. The market offers windows intended for installation in roofs with inclination angles of 5-85 °, 20-65 °, 20-85 °.

The output window can be swollen or fold up. Some of them are equipped with gas servomotors that facilitate opening. The emergency exit windows can be equipped with a device that automatically lifting the window sash. Usually boxes I. window Rama They are made of layers of glued wood (more often than pine) and are covered with several layers of varnish. Outdoor glazing is performed from tempered glass. The heat-insulating glass should guarantee small heat loss. If window glass The heat transfer resistance r \u003d 0.91 m2 * K / W, then R windows will be about 0.67 m2 * K / W.

The window-exit to the roof must meet the requirements for evacuation output, and have dimensions of at least 60 x 80 cm