Own business: how to develop and make a profit. How to start your business - a step-by-step plan from scratch

V modern conditions market, the company can stay afloat only on condition of constant business development and striving for self-improvement.

You will learn:

  • How to develop your business from scratch.
  • What are the options for business development.
  • How to develop an effective strategy.
  • What mistakes should not be made.
  • How to get government funding to develop your business.

The company will be able to achieve financial prosperity only if it has a business development plan and financial success is determined; it will be possible for the company to answer the question: what level of business development and profit growth is expected in the foreseeable future (for example, in a year or six months). If you hope to grow, moving with the flow in a measured way and not turning to the founders for help, then such expectations may not justify themselves.

Business development from scratch: the order of actions

One of the main conditions for business development is a clear understanding of the activities being carried out. Finding an idea for your business is perhaps the most difficult thing in business activity. Only after thorough marketing research of the market has been carried out, you can begin to work on the organization of the process itself.

Ideally, a completely new idea should be found for a business, with which no one has worked before. In this case, the chances of successful business development increase many times over.

There is another option: to develop and improve an existing product. For example, start selling something at lower prices than competitors, or try to improve the quality characteristics of the product. When choosing ideas for a business, questions can help:

  1. Do you have any knowledge and skills that could be useful in starting a business?
  2. Are you aware of market niches that are not yet very developed, in which there is very low competition?
  3. Do you have large-scale ideas at the level of solving the problems of the state or large business representatives?
  1. design(an abstract idea turns into a concrete product);
  2. creation of a test version, development of a layout;
  3. protection of rights, if necessary, registration of a patent for an idea or development;
  4. financing;
  5. organizational issues: the number of employees in the staff, the location of production areas, premises for warehouses, etc.
  6. marketing strategy how exactly to develop a business, how to sell a product or service.

After the business development plan has been created, you should move on to deciding the question of the sources of financing for your business. Depending on the direction of activity and goals of the business, there are several financing options: for example, government sources, innovation and venture funds, large enterprises, special organizations that support start-up projects and contribute to the development of new businesses. There is also an opportunity to take out a loan for business development or to pledge any valuables as collateral. In order for an organization or fund to understand what they are investing in and what prospects your project has, they should definitely be familiarized with the business plan, which should reflect the following aspects:

  • ideas;
  • goals;
  • marketing strategy;
  • expense items for which it is planned to use the received investments or loan funds;
  • justification of the financial benefit of the investor or lender;
  • at the expense of which the borrowed loan will be covered.

A self-developed business development plan should be given a professional assessment. Here you should think over in advance a way to protect yourself from possible plagiarism of your idea and insure yourself with an agreement that would include a clause prohibiting the dissemination of confidential data.

Next, you need to test the market and test the idea. To do this, you can release a test version of the product or interview the target audience. These actions are necessary in order to identify what requirements may be imposed on products, determine the timing of implementation and foresee possible problems.

  • Staff formation. You must be personally responsible for this process. A clear testing system should be created, questionnaires prepared, and a plan for interviewing applicants should be developed. If necessary, the specialists who are suitable for the company should undergo additional training in trainings or relevant courses.
  • After the staff is formed and the employees have begun to fulfill their job duties should be organized careful control over the quality of their work and organization of working hours... You can enter regular reports on the work done during the week.
  • Advertising campaign... First of all, it is worth taking care of the presence in a wide information field: information about the company should appear both on various Internet resources and in various media. In addition, promotional flyers should be distributed. Your main goal at this stage: everyone possible ways promote your brand and stimulate business development. In the Internet space, both social media and free classifieds sites should be covered. When working with advertising agencies, do not invest all your funds at once. First, check the effectiveness of any one ad campaign.
  • Creation of a motivation system for clients... For example, one of the ways to attract customers can be a free delivery service. You can also think over a system of discounts, set special prices depending on the number of purchased goods. The main task: to create a wide range of regular customers.

Business development according to the Ansoff matrix

Igor Ansoffa showed: any company has only four development paths - market penetration, market development, product development and diversification . The matrix helps any organization choose the easiest path, taking into account the costs and risks, the situation in the company and the market.

Use the matrix to grow your business and be able to objectively assess its capabilities. The article in the electronic journal "Commercial Director" contains a calculation algorithm that will be useful to any company.

Business development: 6 options

Option 1.Increase volumes

Increasing volumes is a proven and most optimal method of promoting and developing a business. It consists in the development of a network of retail outlets, production of a wide range of products, optimization and expansion of the services provided, etc.

The advantage of this method is that it does not require the search for new specialists or partners: the company interacts with already proven professionals who meet its requirements and requests. However, as volumes grow, the company will still have to face additional costs: working with new suppliers, new purchases and organizing sales of products. In addition, expanding your business and increasing volumes is beneficial from the point of view that your company already occupies a stable position in a certain market segment, which is an advantage and creates the preconditions for further business development. At the same time, you minimize the risk of losing your own funds and investments, since the increase in volumes is not associated for you with solving substantially new problems.

The controversial point of this method is that when increasing volumes, the company does not go beyond its segment in the market, which can be called a fairly unidirectional investment of funds. On the other hand, this can be seen as an advantage, since specialists of a narrow profile are always highly valued.

Option 2.Enlarge the company

The market economy always presupposes the presence of competition. This phenomenon not only stimulates the intensive development of business to strive to constantly improve the quality of goods and the level of service provision, but also leads to the fact that the founders of the company want to occupy a certain segment of the market, which implies the process of monopolization and unauthorized setting of prices. To control this behavior of large market players, there is antitrust legislation. Laws that suppress monopolization are adopted in the interests of the state: they do not allow the monopolist to completely take over the entire market. In countries with stable capitalism, many companies have already passed a certain phase of their development by strengthening the structure and increasing profits through monopolization.

About forty years ago, two principles of competition policy were successfully applied at the state level in developed countries. One principle was that the main factor of a company for taking a monopoly position in the market was its ability to play the role of a monopoly, while the size of the company played a secondary role. The second principle did not allow one company to maintain a monopoly in the same niche. long time because competitors, as they develop, using their own methods, will be able to change the market situation and break the monopoly of one company better and more efficiently than the state will do.

Today, the theory of competition is still important and relevant for the development of the market, but it is customary to consider it from a slightly different angle than before. Namely: earlier, the company's actions to monopolize the market were assessed in a negative way due to their possible unlimited power over prices, but today completely different factors play an important role. Strong overpricing does not always meet the interests of the monopoly itself. The owners of the companies realize that the increase in prices attracts new competitors to the market segment, because of which the position in the market of the monopolist company itself may be shaken. It is more reasonable not to allow competitive struggle without raising the price level above the affordable level for the mass consumer.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that it is much more profitable for modern companies to develop their business through strengthening their positions through cooperation and mergers with other companies on mutually beneficial terms, and not by monopolizing their market segment.

For example, one of the options for a mutually beneficial merger of several companies can be the creation of a joint-stock company, in which there is a common capital and blocks of shares of a certain value. Each member company becomes the owner of a block of shares and ceases to be an independent legal entity. Another option for cooperation of several companies can be a form in which they come under the control of one company to which they join.

The processes of merger of companies and the formation of joint stock companies are regulated by the relevant legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

Option 3.Don't invest in monotony

A fairly common mistake of many businessmen is investing large sums of money in one type of business, production of monotonous products or services. Such entrepreneurs do not take into account the risks associated with changes in market conditions and market conditions or with a possible decrease in demand for certain services and goods. Risks increase when a businessman does not invest his personal savings, but funds attracted from outside. Demand is a fickle phenomenon, but responsibility to creditors remains.

The world business practice has developed a way of business development that helps to avoid such dangers. This method is to diversify capital. For example, consider the enterprises specializing in the production of meat products. An investment in the fish business can be a profitable investment for them. Real estate companies can invest in a business related to the provision of construction or renovation services. Enterprises working in the field of mobile communications can invest their funds additionally in the production of related products: various accessories, care products, etc.

This business development strategy is that, in parallel with the development of its core business, the company invests in related or opposite directions. The question of where exactly the funds will be invested is decided by the board of directors of the enterprise or a meeting of shareholders. An important factor in this is the company's competitiveness. It should be borne in mind that the risks of losing capital become significantly lower when funds are “distributed” across different market segments. Under normal market conditions, there is little likelihood that there will be a decrease in demand in all market segments at the same time. If there is a decline in demand in one of the market sectors, investors have an urgent opportunity to redirect money from one segment to another.

Thanks to the diversification of capital, the company acquires more chances to stay afloat in a difficult market situation, sometimes even to increase production volumes, and with it profit.

Option 4.Capitalization of income

Capitalizing on income can be a good way to build your financial standing. It consists in the fact that every month (quarter or year) to put on the bank's deposit account some part of the entire profit of the company. After some time, interest on the invested amount will accumulate, which can be spent in accordance with existing needs.

There is another option: an agreement is concluded with the bank in order to receive accruals from the amount of your deposit every month. Thus, the first month of the deposit gives interest on the original amount, in the second month this amount becomes the result of the merger of two amounts: the principal and those interests that have accumulated. These actions are, in fact, the capitalization of income.

In a similar way, some manage the profits generated by the business. With interest on a bank deposit, you can engage in business development: increase production volumes and develop certain areas. Capitalization of income is necessary in the very first phases of entrepreneurial activity, because it is it that guarantees intensive business development.

Option 5.Attraction of additional investments

Attracting investors who are ready to invest in business development is a very correct move for entrepreneurs aimed at success. The inflow of additional funds is the key to effective business development. Investments from outside should be attracted even when the company is doing well and there is a steady increase in income. But in the event that a company is trying to survive in market conditions, attracting investment becomes an especially important and necessary step for business development. It is important to understand: in business, you need to constantly take care of maintaining a stable state of affairs. In the absence of targeted actions to maintain the level of business and without investing funds in its development, this level will gradually decrease. Additional expenses are necessary for the purchase of new equipment, training of specialists working in the company, and a qualitative improvement of the services provided. There are different ways to attract third-party investments. In those countries where business and economy are at a high level of development, three methods are truly effective:

  • Loans... Credit funds are attracted, as a rule, for the implementation of any commercial projects. This method has its advantages: clarity in the paperwork, obtaining a cash loan in a short time, the ability to spend borrowed funds at your own discretion, without any interference from the loan issuer. The creditor bank regulates the costs of processing a loan agreement, they do not amount to a large amount.
  • Direct investments... Business development can be carried out with the help of additional issues of company shares or by transferring a previously issued block of shares to an investor. Investors can be people who want to increase the resources that have been entrusted to them and make a profit through investing personal funds in profitable assets. Often these are legal entities that invest in mutual funds.
  • Portfolio investments... The meaning of such investments is to awaken the investor's interest in receiving securities of the issuing company. The use of financial investments occurs due to additional issues of shares or bonds. In this case, the simultaneous participation of several investors is required. It is in their interests, since they do not carry high risks, making their feasible contributions. In the case of a bond issue, the investor receives his invested funds, but this does not always happen with the issue of shares. An investment project should not be formalized as an independent legal entity.

Option 6.Ensuring the successful implementation of the investment program

In the modern exchange industry, annual global investment volumes reach one trillion dollars. At the same time, the share of Russia in this volume is only 0.3 - 0.5%. Telecommunications, as well as the oil and gas sector are in modern Russia the most attractive in terms of investment. In addition, the financing of Russian Internet projects attracts foreign investors, since there are practically no industries in the West, in the development of which one could invest. Western Internet projects are so expensive that it is unprofitable to deal with them, while in Russia it remains possible to buy companies relatively cheaply. In addition, along with the rapid growth of Internet users, one of the factors of attractiveness of Russia for investors is the fact that the Russian language is used by a huge number of people on the planet.

Leading Russian businessmen note that the Russian market is currently not ready for massive financial injections from foreign investors. Russian companies strive to maintain their monopoly positions in the domestic market and control money turnover. They also show no interest in attracting investments from outside. However, for effective implementation any investment project and its development financial resources alone are not enough. You must have:

  • a clear, reasonable and adapted business development strategy;
  • high commercial potential;
  • a team of highly professional specialists;
  • the ability to predict and calculate risks, the ability to cope with force majeure circumstances;
  • financial and legal "transparency" of the company for investors;
  • understanding and ability to apply the laws of the investment market, the ability to adapt to their changes;
  • open, respectful and trusting relationships between participants in financial transactions, access to information about their activities.

How is a business development strategy developed

Some of the most famous and actively used planning models for the company's activities are basic, or reference, business development strategies, which are aimed at highlighting the main advantages and developing them, getting rid of everything unnecessary. For almost all entrepreneurs, it is extremely important thing is the development of a business that takes place purposefully and continuously. A wisely chosen strategy can really help a company reach a qualitatively new level in its development, cope with difficulties and get closer to its main goals.

There are nine main elements on which the strategic planning of the company's activities is based and which stimulate the strategic development of the business and bring the company closer to realizing its potential. These elements include:

  • business mission: a set of values ​​that determine the foundations of the successful functioning of a company (main goals and ways to achieve them);
  • structural and organizational features of the company: division of the company into departments and divisions, clear differentiation of job responsibilities (work performed);
  • competitiveness: advantages over competitors of a technical, intellectual or financial nature;
  • products that meet consumer demand and thanks to which the company's position is strengthened;
  • sales market, which is limited geographically and socio-economically;
  • resources of a material and non-material plan, thanks to which it is possible to produce high-quality products and attract investments for business development;
  • mergers and acquisitions: the ability to restructure the company and modernize production;
  • business development strategy, thanks to which you can effectively and quickly achieve your goals;
  • corporate culture - the system of values ​​of the company's employees; compliance of the personal qualities of employees with the strategic goals of the company.

When developing a strategy, you should adhere to a certain order... This will help you achieve your goals and objectives faster and more efficiently. High-quality business development involves the implementation of the following actions:

  1. conducting research on the external environment: analyzing supply and demand markets, identifying potential competitors;
  2. researching internal environment companies: advantages and disadvantages, opportunities, resources;
  3. mission definition - the formulation of the main idea of ​​the company's existence;
  4. choosing a business development strategy - defining methods and methods that will help in achieving the set goals;
  5. direct implementation of the business development strategy;
  6. continuous monitoring of the adherence to the chosen strategy, its improvement through the introduction of disciplinary rules for employees.

As a rule, development strategies are developed by managers and employees, or the work on them is entrusted to consulting agencies. When the head of the company deals with the strategy, he descends from the "top" instructions and decisions on the implementation of the strategy in the form of a concrete plan for execution by employees. When employees are responsible for developing a business development strategy, they draw up relevant proposals and send them for consideration to the manager. Then the proposals are discussed at a general meeting of employees, after which a final decision is made on how to implement the strategy. In the case of contacting a consulting company for help in developing a development strategy, a thorough analysis of how the enterprise operates, after which a specific plan (or several possible options) is proposed on how to achieve the desired goals.

Allocate four main types of strategies business development. In reality, there are many more. According to some, there are as many of them as there are companies on the market. Depending on the situation, the basic strategies can be changed, supplemented and combined with each other. They help to combat the weaknesses of the company and develop its strengths. Below are considered the reference, or basic, types of business development strategies, each of which is subdivided into types of strategies that can effectively solve various problems of enterprises. The basic types of development strategies are:

1. Concentrated Growth Strategy

This type of strategy allows you to adapt a product or service to the demands and needs of the market. Within the framework of strategies of this type, products are analyzed, their qualities are improved, or a new product is created. The market is tested for the possibility of strengthening the market position of a company or an entrepreneur. Plus, within this strategy, a transition from one market to another is possible. This type includes the following strategies:

  • strengthening market positions - the implementation of various actions that contribute to strengthening the position taken in the market; large-scale marketing efforts are spent to promote positions and consolidate the levels already achieved; steps are taken to help control the activities of competitors and to dominate as much as possible in their market segment;
  • market development - an in-depth analysis of existing markets is carried out for the implementation of a product manufactured by a company (or a proposed service); the market is analyzed in terms of the sale of the product that is produced or the service that is offered;
  • product development - a product is developed from the very initial stage with subsequent sale in a market in which the company has a strong position; these actions help to achieve maximum growth of the company.

2. Integrated growth strategy

This type of strategy is used, as a rule, by companies with strong market positions. For such companies, concentrated growth is not possible, and the implementation of integrated growth strategies does not impede the achievement of goals in the long term. Here we can talk about two types of business development strategies:

  • reverse vertical integration - subsidiaries are created that specialize in procurement; increased control over supplying companies; this strategy helps to reduce dependence on suppliers and on changes in the cost of raw materials or components;
  • direct vertical integration - made possible by the growth of the company by strengthening control over the sales and distribution system, as well as over intermediaries between the company and consumers.

3. Diversified growth strategy

The application of this business development strategy is assumed in those situations when the company is unable to move further along the path of development in the selected market with a specific product and within a specific market segment. The diversified growth strategy includes the following types of diversification:

  • centered, which is to monitor and search for new business opportunities to launch the production of new products; the existing production is preserved at the same time; new production is organized in accordance with the needs of the developed market, working technologies are involved and the advantages of the company are used;
  • horizontal, which is carried out through the development of technologies for the release of a new product; the emphasis is on the production of products that are technologically independent from each other (old and new); the level of competence in the manufacture of a new product plays a very important role in this process;
  • conglomerative, which involves the production of new technologically unrelated products; sales are carried out in new markets; this is the most complex strategy presented, since it requires a large number of factors to be taken into account for its effective application.

4. Reduction strategy

There are situations when an enterprise needs to regroup its forces. In that case will fit application of business development strategies such as reduction strategies. The regrouping of forces may be the need to improve efficiency or change course after a long period of growth. Strategies of this type are quite painful. If management makes a choice in favor of such strategies, then a reduction in production capacity and a reduction in the number of employees is inevitable.

Strategies imply business restructuring and renewal. This type includes:

  • elimination strategy- a decision when everyone else stops working and it is impossible to carry out further business actions;
  • harvest strategy- short-term intermediate goals are preferred over long-term ones; this strategy is useful for enterprises, from the sale of which it is impossible to make a profit or it is not possible to carry out their modernization; the strategy implies a gradual reduction of activities down to zero, getting the maximum profit;
  • reduction strategy- involves the sale of one or some of the divisions; this strategy is relevant when the combination of two industries is unprofitable or when more promising production is developed (the ineffective is sold, and the money goes to actual projects);
  • cost reduction strategy, which consists in getting rid of potential sources of expenses; it can be spending on production, on employees; this strategy is being implemented by reducing production capacity and by reducing the number of employees.

In the field of business development management, up to several development strategies can be applied simultaneously. Business includes different stages work with specific tasks and goals. Each of the stages has its own ways of achieving results and its own development strategies. It is also possible to use a combined strategy: when several different types of strategies are applied simultaneously. Combined strategies are most commonly used in diversified enterprises.

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Expert opinion

How to develop a service business

Alexander Ostrovsky,

founder of the company "Independent laboratory" Invitro ", Moscow

The implementation of the strategy for the development of private business in the provision of services is facilitated by:

1. Loyalty program

In my opinion, this is one of the foundations of the strategy. We have created a loyalty program for different groups of people with whom we interact, namely:

  • In relation to customers: various service offers (for example, calling a procedural team at home), special discount offers.
  • In relation to employees: in our company during the last year, more than 50 trainings have been held for managers, doctors of the technological department, as well as employees of the medical departments of the laboratory. And 12 more employees of the company took part in international programs for the exchange of experience.
  • In relation to the franchisee: we provide comprehensive support to our franchisees: consulting, educational, in terms of registration, etc.
  • In relation to colleagues: we strive to improve the level of professional training of our fellow doctors, for which we regularly conduct seminars for them.

We use a multi-level error protection system: for example, a system for applying individual codes to tubes and other methods.

3. Personnel policy

Today, on the labor market, it is quite rare for applicants to find specialists with the qualifications we need and the appropriate ethical understanding: from an employee of our company, not only an appropriate level of education, knowledge and experience is required, but also skills in handling complex laboratory equipment, as well as a high level of loyalty work with clients. Therefore, we ourselves are raising personnel. Over the 12 years of the company's existence, the staff has increased more than 100 times. Today our team has over 500 employees. We are convinced that the main competitive advantage of our company is our highly qualified specialists.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the development of private business in the provision of services is influenced by such parameters as technology, quality, exclusive offers in terms of service, an effective and well-chosen marketing strategy: analysis of market demand and timely integration of new products.

We can confidently say that in our segment we have established an industry standard and influenced the formation of the market. At the moment, the company has reached the level of a medium-sized business. In the future, we plan to expand our presence in the geographic area and work on diversifying and increasing the range of services offered. I am convinced that only strategic business development can help to survive in the market conditions. Only by moving forward and developing can a company have a future.

Original ideas and examples of business development

Idea 1.Attract a famous person

Puma's advertising department has been the creator of one of the most creative advertising videos for its products, which was released back in 1970. The plot is based on the final match of the World Cup. The whistle is about to sound, signaling the start of the game. The great Pele bends down to tie the laces on his boots - and here, in close-up, the world becomes famous for the shoe brand of an outstanding athlete: Puma.

This advertisement has brought 10 times more value and effect than any other. Even if the company covered the entire stadium with its banners, the effect would not be so powerful. One interesting and creative idea was the impetus for a number of advertising campaigns featuring prominent athletes and famous people in the media space.

Today, the well-known brands Adidas, Nike, Reebok, Fila, and with them many others spend a lot of money to attract celebrities to their commercials. They strive to constantly surprise their clients with non-standard solutions and an unusual approach. Naturally, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses cannot afford to pay for the participation of a star in their advertising. However, the way out for a small company from this situation may be cooperation with famous personalities within a region: this will also work very effectively.

Idea 2.Buy all

It was in the USA in the 70s. The protagonist of our story is Robert Taylor, at that time he was the only seller of liquid soap. He developed this idea entirely himself. He saw that this product has great prospects for the future. However, Taylor faced a problem: he could not file a patent for his invention. The idea of ​​liquid soap was not new, and the pumping system was even more so. Larger and more serious companies could easily steal Taylor's concept, introduce it into the production process and ruin a developing business.

However, the development of this story took a different path. Taylor decides on a bold and risky action: to buy out absolutely all plastic pumps for dispensing liquid soap. In the United States at that time, there were two factories producing such devices. Taylor placed an order unprecedented by its standards: for almost $ 12 million - so the factories were loaded with work for many years to come. The rest of the companies were thus left without the ability to produce liquid soap: without special pumps, the development of this business was impossible. They could only watch with envy the success of Taylor's small company: it quickly became a real monopolist. Thanks to this extremely risky decision, Taylor achieved incredible success and after 2 years managed to sell his production for $ 61 million.

Idea 3.Be smarter

Qualities such as cunning and ingenuity are incredibly important to the development of a business. They can help you survive and maintain your profit level even in the most severe competitive conditions.

We will tell you about Herbert Dow, the founder of the Dow Chemical Company, which produced various chemicals for the US industrial sector. A pound of such a product was inexpensive: 35 cents. The company grew rapidly, its ambitions increased, so that soon Herbert Dow decided to integrate his company into the world market. Almost immediately, there was a problem with a competitor from Germany: it produced a similar product, selling it at higher prices, but had control over a significant share of the market. Herbert Dow took the risk and entered an English company with a cheaper offer. The German company did not keep waiting long for a reciprocal step on its part and lowered the price to 15 cents in order to prevent Dow Chemical from gaining a foothold in the European space.

And then Dau showed ingenuity and cunning: he decided not to fight the Germans, shut down his production in America and began to secretly buy products from a German company, repackage them and sell them further at a higher price: 27 cents per pound. Profits were secured and production and shipping costs were virtually nil. Today the Dow Chemical company is one of the world's largest chemical concerns.

This story teaches us that there are no desperate situations or unsolvable problems. Moreover, if you use creativity in finding problems that have arisen, you can find a solution that is not only useful, but also as profitable as possible.

Idea 4.There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped

In August 2010, an accident occurred in a Chilean mine near the city of San Jose. 33 miners were imprisoned. They had to wait for salvation for 3 months, and all this time they were underground. Fortunately, water and food could be delivered to them so that they could keep their lives normal. Uniform Oakley decided to use this situation to their advantage: among other necessary items, they gave the miners and their branded sunglasses. After the miners spent such long time, when reaching the surface, it was extremely necessary for them to protect their eyes from the sun's rays.

The company's advertisers hoped that on the day of their liberation the attention of millions of people would be riveted to the miners, they would be shown on television and become the heroes of all serious media reports. And so it happened: the happy and liberated miners were seen by millions of people: they also saw the glasses from the Oakley company, which were in front of the happy survivors.

Idea 5.Don't arouse suspicion

Until recently, a small company from Taiwan was engaged in the production of motherboards for Dell electronic devices. After some time, the Taiwanese company offered to take over the complete assembly of computers from Dell, and although it was not completely clear to Dell's specialists what was the benefit for the Taiwanese themselves in such a scheme, they agreed. Then from the side of the Taiwanese company the following proposal followed: to deal with the supply and complete production of equipment. Dell's advantages from such a deal were obvious: reduced costs for the supply of parts, full delegation of the entire production process under the responsibility of one company. A few years later, the leaders of the Taiwanese company offered their computers to the American retail chain BestBuy: excellent quality comparable in level to Dell, but at lower prices. The name of this Taiwanese company is ASUS.

Idea 6.Listen to consumers' opinions

Previously, tubes of toothpaste had very small holes. It was not very convenient, but no one paid attention to it. As a result of one of marketing surveys from Colgate, conducted with the aim of collecting ideas for opportunities to increase sales, specialists were interested in one proposal: to enlarge the opening in the tube. Despite its simplicity, this proposal turned out to be brilliant idea: the large hole makes the pasta run out faster, which means people are forced to buy toothpaste more often. As a result, sales really increased.

Idea 7.Act according to the situation

This story is about Richard Branson: after a vacation in the British Virgin Islands, he had to fly to Puerto Rico, where an important meeting with his participation was to take place. The flight was canceled and Richard had to book a charter that was supposed to cost him $ 1,000. Richard Branson was not taken aback and found an excellent way out of this situation: he divided the entire amount by the number of seats on the plane and wrote on the sign: "Flight to Puerto Rico for $ 50". Those who wished did not have to wait long, and after 30 minutes the plane was filled with passengers and ready to take off: thus, Richard Branson not only made it to his important meeting on time, reimbursed his unforeseen flight costs, but also made an excellent advertisement for Virgin Airways. This story, by the way, prompted Branson to think about creating his own airline.

Idea 8.Play on image

BlackBerry's advertising folks have come up with a clever way to make their company name famous. Whenever the user of this mobile phone sent a message or letter by e-mail, then at the end the inscription appeared: "Sent from my BlackBerry." The phone of this company was not cheap at that time, it was used, as a rule, by top managers of reputable companies, senior executives, successful business people. Thus, by sending letters to their partners and colleagues, they took part in promoting the BlackBerry brand.

Idea 9.Exploit competitors' mistakes

In the early 90s, a massive marketing campaign was launched to promote the AT&T brand and services. Every day on TV and radio, customers were encouraged to call 1-800-OPERATOR in order to get access to cheaper long distance tariffs. Advertisers of one of the most serious competitors AT & T have guessed that people will not always be able to clearly hear the word OPERATOR, so they registered a number with a similar name 1-800-OPERETOR. With the help of this, they managed to get some part of the customers without spending absolutely nothing on advertising.

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Problems and typical mistakes of business development during a crisis

A business crisis is understood as a position of a company in which the traditional approach to management does not contribute to positive dynamics in business development. In most cases, the cause of a crisis situation is external factors that do not depend on the company itself. At the same time, however, one should work with internal problems that reduce business activity and hinder business development.

Below are actions that can adequately help during a crisis. In order to maintain the level of business development and not lose profits, one should, firstly, not panic, and secondly, pursue a competent internal policy to reduce costs.

So, during a crisis, you can use the following 3 strategies for business support:

  1. Ask for help. The most passive way. Supported by something like the following reasoning: “We tried very hard and did our best, but luck was not on our side. Some external factors turned against us, but, in general, we are great, we do everything right and benefit society, so everyone around should appreciate this and provide us with help and support. "
  2. Survival as a strategy. This is not the best choice. Employees acquire a negative and pessimistic attitude, and this cannot but reflect on customers. It should be understood that any crisis brings with it new opportunities, even if the situation seems incorrigible and dire. It is very important to be able to catch global trends and be able to find opportunities to adapt to them. As a result, the company will find itself in an uptrend, even if the markets themselves contract.
  3. Market capture. Aggressive business development strategy, which is the most effective of all. It implies the takeover of its competitors while maintaining their best qualities and proposals, as well as key specialists and client base.

The most common mistakes in business development in times of crisis:

Error 1.Fear of change... Each of us is afraid of change, the usual ways of action always seem safer and easier. However, a businessman is a leader who not only must always be ready for changes, but also boldly act as their initiators.

Mistake 2. Live old habits... Many successful companies left the market due to a development strategy focused only on a growing market. However, at the first signs of a crisis and market decline, changes in the way of thinking and mentality should be made.

Mistake 3.Illiterate approach to financial management... Mistakes related to finance are quite common in the activities of many companies. Most generally have a single principle: the maximum reduction in all costs. This is not a completely correct approach, since while reducing costs, you should also work on increasing profits.

Error4. Excessive spending... One of the gravest mistakes of top managers is to be in the euphoria of the past years, when there was a steady growth in the company's revenues. But in times of crisis, it is important to improve financial stability and increase the internal efficiency of the company. It is important to be able to find approaches that meet the new conditions and work in a tougher regime.

Error5. Shortsighted planning... Few businessmen pay attention to working with risks even before the onset of the crisis. Talented businessmen must constantly monitor the market, understand the danger of risks, take into account the factors influencing the situation, pay attention to the opportunities for strategic business development, non-standard development scenarios and be able to quickly and effectively respond to market changes. It is very important to anticipate all potential risks while trying to take steps to combat them.

Expert opinion

Ilya Sachkov,

general manager and founder of Group-IB, Moscow

  1. Using measures that worked well during the crisis period 2008-2009. At that time, there was widespread layoff of workers. Optimizing costs is an important step. Employees at such times have to work harder in order to maintain the level of their salaries.
  2. An important measure in a crisis period: converting at least some part of the income into foreign currency and storing it in a bank account.
  3. Work not with foreign companies, but with Russian ones. This means that the company is looking for cooperation with domestic suppliers and business partners, which can lower costs. As a rule, it is easier to agree on the terms of cooperation with Russian partners.
  4. Try to experiment with management. The Russian economy is still at a developmental stage and is relatively young, which is a unique experience for many leaders. Do not forget that there is no market without competition. One possible measure: empowerment of employees. In crisis situations, people are often able to show their best best qualities and generate creative ideas.
  5. Think over your actions during a possible bankruptcy of the company. The moment of liquidation of a company is best met in a prepared state.
  • How to manage people in crisis: advice from practitioners and psychologists

Business development through government support

For a year already, an economically unstable situation has been observed on the territory of Russia, leading to the reduction of workers and the loss of stable sources of income. Alternative sources of income for these people can be found in the development of small and medium-sized businesses. But many have problems at the very initial stage of business development: to start a business, you need to invest a lot of money, which people simply do not have. This explains the fact that the state is taking steps to support the development of small businesses.

A subsidy is a special financial support that does not require a return and is aimed at targeted use for the development and support of small businesses. It can be issued to entrepreneurs taking into account the following purposes:

  • purchase of premises;
  • purchase of equipment, goods for subsequent sale;
  • acquisition of intangible assets.

Subsidized money must certainly be spent for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Verifying authorities may require confirmation from the recipient in the form of invoices indicating the amount, checks, etc. If the money has not been fully disbursed, the rest should be returned.

Financial assistance and support for the development of small businesses in Russia can exist in several forms:

  1. Grants for novice businessmen. Since 2017, this subsidy is up to RUB 500,000. To be able to apply for a grant, an entrepreneur must be registered as a SPD for at least two years. The recipient of the business development grant is determined through a competition. In addition to starting entrepreneurs, the grant can also be issued to the unemployed, families with small children who do not have sufficient support, children with disabilities, former civil servants and the military.
  2. State program in support of small business. Since 2017, within the framework of such a program, you can receive up to 5,000,000 rubles for purposes related to business development. This program is aimed at increasing the number of employed citizens and tax payments to the budget, making small business socially significant. Such support is provided to businessmen doing business in the social, industrial, economic or housing and communal sectors. To participate in the program, they need:
  • develop and prove the viability of your business project;
  • collect and submit all the necessary documents required by the commission.
  1. Cash subsidies for the development of private business is provided by the Employment Center. For 2017, it is planned to issue subsidies in the amount of up to 58,800 rubles to open and develop a small private business.
  2. Loan compensation that were taken earlier for business development. The Russian government for financial and property support proposed this program for 2017. Under this program, you can receive an amount of up to 15,000,000 rubles. To do this, you need to provide ready plan business development and all relevant documents.
  3. Financial state support, provided to citizens belonging to socially weak categories of the population: single fathers and mothers, people with disabilities, graduates of orphanages and boarding schools, former prisoners, etc. This program allows you to receive funds in the amount of up to 1,500,000 rubles for action aimed at organizing and developing business.
  4. Education and internships funded by public funds. Implies professional retraining. This program offers full or partial reimbursement of training costs.
  5. Business incubators(usually created on the basis of Small Business Development Support Funds) - courses are offered on the basics of running and developing a business, assistance in renting warehouses, work premises, as well as support in developing a business plan in accordance with special requirements.
  6. Assistance in bookkeeping and tax accounting- carried out free of charge (outsourcing).
  7. Promoting the development of innovative technologies 2017 - the state proposes to reimburse the costs of developing new business and new products, registration of a patent and license. This program allows you to receive an amount of up to 2,500,000 rubles.

Information about experts

Alexander Ostrovsky, founder of the company "Independent laboratory" Invitro ", Moscow. Alexander Ostrovsky graduated from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute. ON. Semashko, then residency in anesthesiology and resuscitation. In 2004, he studied at the Higher School of Management of the State University - Higher School of Economics in the Executive MBA profile. In 1980-2003 he worked as a resuscitator at the N.N. N.N. Burdenko. In 1991 he completed an internship in the United States. Since 1998 - General Director of LLC Independent Laboratory Invitro. LLC "Independent laboratory" Invitro "has been operating in the market of services in the field of laboratory diagnostics for 12 years. "Invitro" offers over 1000 types of laboratory tests. The company was one of the first in the medical services market to use the principle of network business in its work. In 2006, the company's turnover amounted to about 500 million rubles; income from the sale of franchises and the activities of franchising enterprises - 35 million rubles. More than 500 employees work in the laboratory; in Moscow "Invitro" is represented by 37 offices, in the regions - 12.

Ilya Sachkov, CEO and founder of Group-IB, Moscow. Graduated from Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman. The author of the technology for investigating distributed denial of service attacks "DDoS attacks". Member of the expert committees of the State Duma, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Council of Europe and the OSCE in the field of cybercrime. Member of the Association for Information Systems Computer Forensics (IISFA), the Association of Certified Anti-Fraud Professionals (ACFE), the Association of Information Security Professionals (RISSPA) and others. Co-chairman of the Cybercrime Commission of the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC). In 2003 he founded Group-IB (engaged in the prevention and investigation of cybercrimes and fraud).

Developing a business successfully is not an easy task. It requires absolute dedication and concentration, certain knowledge and skills in a specific area. However, these experiences are very rewarding both personally and professionally. Below are some tips and related examples for starting and promoting a business.

We build a business plan

Business development is possible only when there is an interesting idea that differs from the proposals already established on the market by potential competitors. Any business starts with an idea. That is why it is first necessary to study the market in order to be well oriented in the situation. You need to choose the activity that you like, because the business will require certain investments. Do you really want to invest in an unloved business ?!

How to develop your business? In the process of working out ideas for a future lesson, you need to concentrate on those products or services for which people are currently willing to pay. To do this, you need to take into account many factors, including geographic location, financial component, and so on. The winning option is commercial products and services that are not available in the region where you plan to start a business, or those with which you will work more efficiently than competitors.

If you still haven't decided what kind of business you can develop, you can arrange a meeting, during which you and 3-5 of your friends will write down actual ideas in a notebook. It is also helpful to chat about your interests and ambitions. If you really don't want to do this, you can look for sources of inspiration.

The recommendation to draw up a business plan and develop a business that you really like is given for a reason. It is much easier to do something in which you have a genuine interest. A topic in which you are a professional and well versed will also do. So, if you are fond of fiddling with toys for children, you don't need to start selling auto parts just because of illusory profitability.


How to come up with an idea and how to develop your business? It is advisable to do a little research and find out which structures are already involved in the selected market segment. This is how your potential acquaintance with potential competitors should go. Moreover, this approach will be extremely beneficial, because you will be able to find out what products and services are currently on the market.

Final version

You can develop your business only after the idea is invented. That is why it is important to shorten the list of ideas as much as possible and try to determine the final version. It should be remembered that in the selection process, you should focus not only on the range of products and services that you plan to offer to customers or customers, but also on price, location, or a combination of a number of factors.

Tell about your idea

How to develop a business from scratch? If you make every effort to achieve this goal, everything will work out. However, the opinion of the people closest to you is also important, because they will never lie and will be honest with you like no one else. That is why it is advisable to listen to their suggestions and advice. However, it is not always necessary to do as they suggest, because you have your own head on your shoulders. Listen, but draw your own conclusions.

How feasible the idea is

Before wondering how to grow your business, you should consider how feasible your idea is. Are people today ready to pay for the product or service that you want to offer them? Can you get enough cash in return to spend valuable time on this idea?

Is your idea unique?

How to develop a business correctly? It is worth noting that the first steps are very important. That is why it is necessary to carefully work out all the points. Whatever idea you choose for yourself, you need to make sure that it has no analogues. This is the only way you will be able to bypass or completely eliminate competitors, which will certainly affect your business positively. Make minor changes to existing products - and it's in the bag? No! It's not enough to build successful business... That is why experts recommend to show imagination and in no case be afraid to step outside the usual boundaries. You will be able to outperform the competition if your idea has a number of obvious advantages. Beyond that, come up with a name that suits your case, and check the availability of the domain on the Internet and its applicability in your country.

Business plan development

How to develop a small business? If you have an idea and a name, it is advisable to start developing a business plan that can be shown to investors in the future. First, you should estimate your operating costs. Only in this way will you be able to make a forecast of the costs of producing a marketable product or providing a selected service. At the same time, it is important to include production costs, tax payments, transportation, storage, salary fund, rent for premises, and so on in the calculations.

By being aware of all the operating costs, you will determine whether your business will be successful. In order to stay afloat, your costs must be much lower than your income. It is quite difficult to develop a business in Russia today. This is why your plan needs to be perfectly aligned. Naturally, it is impossible to calculate the costs as accurately as possible, but it is worth approaching this issue in as much detail as possible.

Market definition

You have to be realistic. How many people will buy your product or use the service you offer? How much are they willing to pay? If one of these numbers turns out to be much less than your forecasts, you need to arrange for a revision of the business plan. You need to do a little calculation. For example, multiply the average check by the number of visitors who want to visit your cafe per day. This is how you calculate your own income, at least approximately.

Promotion plan

How to develop your business correctly? To do this, you need to formulate a plan for its promotion. The first step is to plan a budget and then come up with ideas that fit that budget. Today there are many tools for marketing promotion. Among them are the shooting of a commercial, the use of social networks, contextual or targeted advertising, and so on. It is necessary to think not only how, but also when it is better to contact the target audience. For example, social media is not the best place to launch cruise ads for people over 55.

Sources of financing

How to develop a business so that your competitors are afraid of you and your customers love you? To do this, you need to work very hard and have sources of funding for your business. You can use both personal savings (it is important to note that this option is a priority), and loans, which are actively issued by banking institutions today. In addition, to develop an interesting business, you can attract local investors, as well as find business partners. It is very possible that a person who has more than enough money will be interested in an outstanding idea. It is worth paying attention to large businessmen and popular companies that have been investing in risky projects for several years for the opportunity to become partners (to have a share in a business or receive a certain percentage of sales).

Infrastructure of your business

Today, an important factor in the success of a business is its infrastructure. Even the office space in which you work plays an exceptional role. Naturally, for a start, it is advisable to consider more budget options, but when the opportunity arises, it is worth moving to a comfortable office where you are not ashamed to invite partners or clients.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase modern equipment, everything that is needed for work. These can be computers, mechanical tools, and so on. You need to create an effective system of documentation in order to calculate tax payments without much hassle, track your own expenses, pay bills, and more.

Client base and other aspects of doing business

Today, the use of PR and marketing is of particular importance in the successful operation of a business. Your main task is to attract the attention of potential buyers or clients. One way or another, they should be interested in your product or service, especially if the company has been on the market for no more than a year, is a beginner, because this indicates the lack of a wide customer base.

It is necessary to organize the launch of effective advertising, which will not only attract attention, but also become an incentive to action from each potential client. That is why a good result is given by the manifestation of imagination and emphasizing those qualitative characteristics of the business that are appreciated by your potential buyers.

It is advisable to start distributing free product samples to your target audience. Indeed, in this way, such a tool as word of mouth is attracted to your business, and this is the most effective way to attract customers today. By the way, you need to respond positively to negative reviews. You need to try to cope with the problem that caused consumer dissatisfaction, because people are much more loyal to the mistakes that you are ready to fix.

The traditional method can also be used to establish public relations. For this, it is advisable to attend targeted exhibitions, conferences and events held by structures whose activities are similar to yours. In other words, go where your potential buyers, customers, come. You can also act on the principle of acquaintances: ask friends and family to introduce you to people who are potentially useful for your business. Interaction of this kind is especially important for startups, because business development is impossible in a vacuum.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of service, because today competition is high in almost any area, and consumers choose the best. So, it is necessary to master the art of establishing contact with people. When communicating with clients, it is important to “read between the lines” and be able to satisfy their whims, maybe even those of the existence of which they did not know before. You need to be able to sell yourself and, of course, a product or service. One should learn to bring joy and satisfaction to people. Courtesy and courtesy are your helpers in this difficult matter.

However, one should not forget about such a concept as modesty. The client is not always right, but your task is to reinforce his belief in the opposite. It is necessary to work as much as possible on loyalty. If the client is satisfied with you and your business, product, service, then he will tell his environment about you. Thus, his friends, relatives, acquaintances will also come to you.

Finally, it’s about the website. Nowadays everything can be found on the Internet. The diversity of the website means that your resource should be distinguished by structure, brightness and, of course, a user-friendly interface. Of course, if you wish your business success and long-term existence. Through the site, people will contact you, be interested in your products or services, express opinions and buy your goods, use the services. As a result, your offer may become available not only in a particular city, but throughout the region, and maybe in the world.

Sample business plan

To consolidate information on business planning, consider the topic using the example of opening a shooting gallery. So, the business plan in this case includes the following points:

  • The main aspect is the choice of premises in a place where there are a lot of people, it is better - not far from shopping and entertainment centers. The dimensions of the room should be as follows: width - from 6 to 7 meters, length - about 10 meters.
  • Purchase of pneumatic weapons (several pistols and rifles). Costs - 3.5 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of thousands of paper targets and one mechanical target. Costs - 21,000 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of souvenirs for those who shoot accurately; applying a logo to these souvenirs. Expenses - about 7 thousand rubles.
  • Manufacturing of a special rack, tax payments, re-equipment of a building for a shooting gallery. Expenses - from 60 thousand rubles.

What is Small Business? What are the origins of entrepreneurship in Russia? How to start a small business on your own for a beginner?

Hello dear readers! Eduard Stembolsky is in touch!

This article will help you start your own business from scratch: I will provide you with step-by-step instructions on starting your own business and explain how to avoid common beginner mistakes.

Read the article to the end, and you will not have a single question or doubt on this topic.

Let's start friends!

1. What is small business and entrepreneurship in general

Small business is synonymous with private enterprise. In the special economic literature, the definition of this concept is as follows:

Is a set of legal structures and individuals engaged in entrepreneurship and not part of monopolies and large corporations.

Small businesses are characterized by limited production volumes and a small number of full-time employees. Sometimes you can find such a definition:

- business activities carried out by a limited group of persons or a company managed by one owner.

Economics experts classify small business as a high-risk financial and commercial activity.

The ultimate goal of entrepreneurship is to obtain constant profit from the production or sale of goods (services).

The efficiency of a small business is determined by the growth of income over a certain period. Business profitability (economic benefit) - the ratio of the costs of organizing business activities to the profit received.

Practical example

For clarity, I will give as an example the calculation of the profitability of an apartment that is rented out. To do this, you need to divide the income from renting an apartment by its cost and multiply by 100%.

Suppose you rent an apartment worth 3 000 000 rubles for 20 000 rubles per month.

Then the profitability per month will be: 20,000 / 3,000,000 * 100% = 0,6% per month or 8% in year.

The amount of the initial cash investment in the company is calculated on an individual basis: small costs against the backdrop of solid profits testify to the company's success and efficiency.

According to a law passed by the State Duma in 2007, micro and small businesses are considered organizations with up to 100 employees. If there are more staffing units, such companies are classified as medium-sized businesses. Business owners can be legal entities and private entrepreneurs.

Small business is a creative force economic relations... It was small businesses that were the first commercial structures in human history. At the end of the last century, small business gained a rebirth: such organizations began to play a crucial role in the emergence of new goods and services and job creation.

In the Russian Federation, small business was born in the late 1980s. A prerequisite for the development of independent structures, independent of the state, was the formation in those years of numerous Komsomol and industrial associations, scientific and technical centers.

Many well-known today leaders and founders of the largest domestic corporations began as representatives of the now forgotten structures of the late Soviet period - cooperatives, Komsomol and youth associations.

In those days, there was no legislative framework regulating the activities of small businesses. Representatives of commercial structures were forced to unite their efforts, seeking legality and recognition by the state.

The beginning of the 90s is considered the time of the "shadow" economy and the complete reorientation of the state towards private capital. The main activity of enterprises of that time was trade - with most of the goods supplied from abroad.

In the mid-1990s, a certain rise in production activity among representatives of small businesses began, but the general development of private entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation in subsequent years had a wave-like character.

The current state economic policy in the Russian Federation assumes (in theory) support for small businesses.

The following steps were taken in this direction:

  • some programs of support and development of entrepreneurship have been introduced;
  • there are special rules for regulating the activities of small businesses;
  • there is a preferential tax regime.

Despite the indulgences from the state, the organization of a small business is a rather complex and multi-stage process. Entrepreneurship requires some theoretical and practical training.

2. Main characteristics of small business

In different states, the defining criteria for small business are somewhat different. Nevertheless, the most indicative characteristics of small business can be singled out.

These include:

  • number of staff;
  • the amount of the authorized capital;
  • financial indicators - the amount of net profit, total income, working capital;
  • type of entrepreneurial activity.

The main reason why modern Russian entrepreneurs are striving to get into the small business category is a simplified taxation system.

The current law of 2007 "On support of small and medium-sized businesses" defines small business as an activity with an annual income of up to 400 million rubles.

The importance of small business in the modern economy is great, since large business does not always contribute to the creation of new jobs. Rather, on the contrary, due to the automation, optimization and computerization of production, jobs in the staff of large corporations are being cut, while medium and small enterprises constantly require new employees.

Thus, small private enterprises help to reduce unemployment. In addition, small business is focused primarily on meeting mass demand and is engaged in the production and sale of consumer goods / services.

This partly solves the inflation problem. That is why the state favors small and medium-sized enterprises and creates favorable conditions for their development.

However, in comparison with the share of the working-age population employed in small business in European countries, the percentage of participation of Russian citizens in such structures is much lower.

This fact can be easily explained: the law was adopted at the state level, while local and regional authorities often do not show interest in the development of free commerce.

Rather, on the contrary: any small enterprise (MP), especially one created from scratch, has no protection against bureaucratic arbitrariness. Local officials can create obstacles at all stages of an MP's existence - from registration to tax payments.

But do not despair - the law is still on the side of small business representatives. Next, we will tell you how to start and run such a business with the least investment of time, nervous energy and money.

3. How to start a small business - 7 simple steps on the example of a fictional aspiring entrepreneur Vasya Pupkin

Before moving on to the story about Vasya Pupkin, I recommend that you consider the option of starting a small business using the example of selling goods from China with a large margin (200-500%).

How it works: You can buy wholesale goods in China or from a supplier in a major city and start selling them online. Often this scheme is also called "Business with China" - the activity is in demand and promising.

The team of our site is personally familiar with a successful entrepreneur in this topic. He has been successfully running his business for a long time, while teaching other guys.

If you want to launch your own profitable project for the sale of Chinese goods in the near future and start earning 100-200 or even 500 thousand rubles in a few months, contact Eugene and he will lead you by the hand on all issues of creating a successful small business.

What is a small business in Russia, can only be understood by those who were engaged in this very business. Since I am a practitioner in this matter, not a theoretician, I can tell our readers how everything actually works in Russian small business.

I present step-by-step instructions on how to minimize losses and correctly organize the production process.

I drew up the instruction on the example of a fictional entrepreneur - Vasya Pupkin, who started a business selling jeans in the market of the city of Stavropol.

This is a kind of fictional story that could well have actually happened, but it contains facts, figures and stages of the correct organization of your business and its further development.

Step 1. Determine our capabilities

Vasily Pupkin is the hero of our story and a novice entrepreneur who worked as an ordinary seller-distributor in the market.

He is 29 years old, and his income left much to be desired. In his years, Vasya earned 25 thousand rubles in the best months.

He traded in clothes and footwear at the Yuzhny market in the city of Stavropol. He worked for Sergei Bogaty, a local entrepreneur who owned 12 retail outlets in different parts of the city.

Vasya understood that Sergei earns in the region of a million rubles in net profit per month, while he only controls the process of his small business and is engaged in opening new points of sale.

Our future entrepreneur did not have good grades in school and did not have start-up capital. Having objectively assessed his capabilities, he realized that it was better to go the beaten track, because he had already been in trade for 4 years at that time.

What resources did Vasya have:

  • knowledge of retail sales technology;
  • understanding the range and seasonality of items sold;
  • ambition to become an independent entrepreneur;
  • small savings in the bank in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

Is it possible with such resources to open your own small business? Definitely yes! Move on. As far as possible, my colleague has already written earlier.

Step 2. Analyzing the market and choosing a niche

More than half of the success of a future project depends on the correct choice of a niche.

Market niche is the line of business that you plan to do.

Vasya did not reinvent the wheel and decided to open his own retail outlet selling jeans and accessories for men.

He sold similar goods while working for the uncle of Sergei Bogaty.

Vasily himself was an intelligent guy, at the same time attentive and thought in numbers. Indeed, there is nowhere in business without analytical thinking - you need to understand the cause and effect of profit.


If you have already done something in your previous place of work, then the first thing to start with is to consider the option of opening your own business. in the same market niche.

Now more responsibility will be required from you, but financial results can also increase significantly.

Step 3. Drawing up a business plan

A business plan is not just a formality with abstruse numbers and schedules.

Drawing up a competent business plan is a mandatory preparatory stage for any business, including small ones. We have already written on the topic in one of our articles.

Business plan- this is your entrepreneurial idea (recorded in writing), which is divided into semantic groups, described in numbers with a step-by-step plan for further actions.

Vasily is a practical person and did not neglect the preparation of a business plan.

Our future entrepreneur calculated that he needed about 500,000 rubles to open his own small business selling jeans.

This amount includes:

  • purchase of goods - 350,000 rubles;
  • lease of a retail outlet for 3 months at 30 thousand per month - 90,000 rubles;
  • purchase shop equipment- 25,000 rubles;
  • organizational costs (registration of activities, transportation costs) - 35,000 rubles.

Vasya calculated that he would recoup these funds in 8 months of trading, if he does not hire a seller, but he himself will stay at the point.

But he had no money other than his own savings of 100,000 rubles.

Then Vasily turned to his current employer Sergei Bogaty with a request to borrow the required amount.

Sergei did not refuse, because for 4 years Vasya worked steadily and conscientiously for him and made a profit. Sergei was an experienced entrepreneur of 42 years and saw the burning eyes of Vasya, who was improving last month and then he planned to start his own business.


By the way, here is a real opportunity for you to start your own business with a high income, even if you have no experience!

This is a franchise for the services of loaders and handymen - an income of 150,000 rubles a month in 28 days! You don't need goods, expensive office and equipment. Payback from 2 to 5 months.

Experience in business is not needed: they will teach, prompt, support -!

Step 5. Opening your small business

Vasily rented a retail space, purchased goods, registered an individual entrepreneur. The rest was already familiar to him.

This is how Vasily started a business in the market. The only thing he had to do in terms of advertising was to order a pavement sign * and an attractive sign for his store.

Step 6. Analyzing the results

Vasya summed up the first results a month later and calculated his

In total, goods were sold in the amount of 250,000 rubles, the average markup in this amount was 40%, which means Vasya's "dirty" profit was 300,000 / 100 * 40% = 120,000 rubles. With it, our already operating entrepreneur paid taxes, rent and other expenses.

As a result, he became 70,000 rubles- profit for the first month of operation of his small business selling jeans and accessories.

A few more months showed the profitability of Vasily's outlet in the region of 65,000 rubles a month.

For 4 months of his activity, Vasily earned 265,000 rubles. It turns out that the average net profit per month was 66 250 rubles... Vasya realized that it was time to think about expanding his business. Read about how Vasya managed to "scale" in step 7.

Step 7. Scale up the activity

Sergey Bogaty - Vasya's former employer asked about his success 4 months later. I saw the numbers and realized that the guy was not a mistake. In addition, Vasya gave part of the debt to Sergei, do you remember that Vasya borrowed money to open his own business ?!

Then Sergei offered Vasya assistance in opening another retail outlet, because our young man understood that large incomes require large sales volumes, and this requires additional sales points.

Vasily, a month later, opened another outlet in the same market, only in a different part of it. It turned out to be a little less profitable, since I had to hire a salesperson. Now Vasya earned 60,000 rubles from the second outlet, of which 15-20 thousand was spent on the salary of the salesman.

But Vasily did not complain, because now he earned on average 4 times more than during his work "for an uncle."

A couple of years later, Vasya already owned 7 outlets, and his assortment now included women's clothing, and the geography of the business expanded: 2 of Vasily's 7 outlets were located in the neighboring town of Mikhailovsk.

A year later, his former employer Sergei Bogatyi offered Vasya to become his business partner. At that time, Sergei already owned 18 retail outlets. Vasily agreed and became the managing partner of a joint company with Sergei, which they named "Vaser" after the first letters of their names Wah silly and Ser gay.

Here's the story.

Let's take another look at what needs to be done to start a small business.

In the form of a table below, I presented the main steps and revealed their essence:

StepWhat should be doneTarget
1 Identifying OpportunitiesAssess your financial, intellectual and other resourcesMinimizing risk
2 Niche selectionFind the most promising business lineIncreased chances of enterprise success
3 Drawing up a business planWrite down your idea with numbers and an implementation planImproving the efficiency of spent resources: time, money, etc.
4 Registration of activities (firms)Register an individual entrepreneur or LLCLegalization of commercial activities
5 Starting a businessStart a business according to a business planReceiving a profit
6 Analysis of the resultsSummarize and highlight quantitative and qualitative indicatorsHave data for further decision-making and adjusting the action plan
7 Scaling the projectOpen additional business units, making profit from new sales marketsEarning higher income over time

4. Buying a franchise - a business with minimal risks

In this section, I want to offer an alternative option for small business: buying a franchise - a ready-made commercial model with working technologies and thoughtful implementation. I even have a specific option - a franchise

Think globally, start locally. Most people decide to start their own entrepreneurial activity initially apply their own strategies based on experience in business at the most primitive level. This is evidenced by statistics, unfortunately, it is inexorable. Every year 90% of new firms go bankrupt. We offer 7 universal strategic development tactics that you can apply today and quickly succeed in small business development. Here we will talk about ways to help develop your small business in the face of modern competition:

  1. Implementation of customer incentive programs without lowering prices for goods or services.
  2. Correct allocation of resources aimed at serving and attracting customers.
  3. Formation of the image of an expert for business and a leader in the media.
  4. Increasing local popularity in order to promote the brand.
  5. Outline and clear vision of the boundaries of your niche in the market for goods and services.
  6. Analysis of a large business as a competitor, identifying the benefits and benefits for a small business.
  7. Raising the standards of entrepreneurial excellence.

These 7 strategies do not require specialized investments, you just have to invest your desire to develop and act. Results are guaranteed! You can emphasize a lot of related useful information from this article. And also quotes from successful strategists of the modern business world await you.

1 Develop standard management skills in business

Intuition, emotions and advice from acquaintances are better tested in personal life than in business. Therefore, the first thing a budding entrepreneur needs is to improve their organizational standards in three steps:

  1. Strategic thinking and cold calculation must be embedded in the quality of an entrepreneur even before starting a company. Basic knowledge of marketing strategies, which uses tools to promote goods, set prices, search for new customers, develops a practical way of doing business. It is like a stone embedded in the foundation of a house, so your strategy must be ready before you build a foundation for business development.
  2. Write down your goals and remember to be real, they should be measured in time and investment, and also have their own localization. When making a decision on any topic, think about your primary goal: this decision brings you closer or rather alienates you from it. Success is the sum of small, deliberate decisions.
  3. Always take the time to choose the direction in which to move. Otherwise, how to know where to strive?
  4. Your strategy should include a reward system. Regularly reward yourself for new, even small, achievements in order to be always motivated.

The tactics of raising one's own standards of managerial qualities should be applied to all types of strategies, so it comes first. If the level of the manager's quality standard is higher than that of the competitor, you have a huge advantage. Develop self-discipline and defeat your competitors by working on yourself. In any strategy, it is important to manage resources, and the only question everyone has is: how are they managed? All four of the above rules will work if there is a created image of the manager and mutual support of employees according to the principle of synergy. Remember, the product itself is not everything! Firms very often focus on the product, motivating it with the old stereotype that is irrelevant in the competitive market: “a good product will protect itself”. The product itself cannot be formed apart from the three marketing tools: sales, distribution and price. These elements are mutual and are born only together, creating a coherent integrity.

2 Along with your business, strategically develop its popularity

How easy is it to find you? Think globally, but act locally, start being visible on your street, in your neighborhood, in your city. Expand the local popularity of your business with step-by-step strategies. Use the possibilities of the Internet and get interested in geo-targeting for your site. Test modern approaches to doing business, make friends with Google Analytics, check the statistics of your site. Remember your website is not just a business card, but also a strategic tool, you only have a few seconds to attract a client so that he or she decides to take advantage of your offer. Think of visual design as an investment in attracting additional customers. Your brand logo should not be a work of art, its task is to convey a thematic message to target consumers. Be in a good hurry with the goods, regularly update the nomenclature in the price lists and prices. Fill in the contact information as much as possible, add the service: "Order a free call". Check the correctness of the website display in different browsers on different devices (PCs, tablets, mobile phones). Customers meet your apparel business. Plan a small project to develop the company's image and local popularity.

3 Only 20% of customers grow your business

The Pareto principle says about the 80/20 imbalance, which shows that 80% of the effort brings only 20% of customers, and vice versa, the same 20% will bring the business 80% of the income. All efforts cannot be equally calculated for all buyers: firstly, it is unrealistic, and secondly, it is unprofitable. Look only at your target customer group, that is, the main market segment to which your proposal is directed. Think of the market as a cake. Your task is to carve out the most beautiful piece of the market for your own business. This does not mean that the big chunk is the best. Think about whether you know your customers not only from a demographic profile angle, but also from a psychological and behavioral one. What are your consumers' lifestyles, what do they like, what do they expect, what unites them? Only in this way can you find the connecting thread of the proposal with the target audience of interest. In your advertising slogans, unleash the clientele problem, control the language of usefulness. Keep an eye on your promotional materials. Are they presented in an accessible language? Have you forgotten to note the benefits for the buyer? It is important for the client to get information from advertising: reliability, experience, safety. If you don't know your consumer well yet, use the customer pleasure method. Use the mystery shopping method, that is, the person who will check the quality of customer service in the company on the principle of observation. Do not be lazy to apply marketing analysis, their benefits can be objective, which you may miss. In practice, marketing tools are fairly easy to apply, and the results can be overwhelming.

4 A narrow specialization strategy gives a dominant advantage to the business

Good means a lot, but a lot is not good overall. If you are a beginner entrepreneur, first learn how to compete in a narrow industry. Typical mistakes made by restaurateurs are too large a list of dishes on the menu and, as a result, colossal chaos in the kitchen. The client waits for his order for a long time, after which he receives it in not the best quality. Of course, according to statistics, more purchases are made where there is more choice, but first of all, you should think about your money associated with the development of the assortment, as well as about the barriers to entry of new investments. Naturally, this does not mean that he should not expand his activities. Just do it gradually as your business opportunities grow. One of the most important problems is the leftovers of goods that lie on the shelves. Most often, they bring losses, since they cannot be sold even at cost. The wider the assortment, the more sales, but also the more unprofitable balances. On the other hand, if a wide assortment has an insufficient stock of goods, then many customers will be unhappy with the frequent lack of availability of previously purchased goods. With a wide range of products, it is more difficult to maintain a balance of surplus and shortage of goods in stock on shelves and warehouses. Be consistent throughout your time.

5 Do not use price discounts in business strategies

Jeff Bezos, an Amazon bookstore executive, said, "I'm not worried about who offers prices 5% below my prices, I'm worried about who can offer better service and customer experience than me." Run your business with a higher level of service and quality than your competitors. Do not risk low prices, it is absolutely unjustified. The rivalry strategy implemented on price competition can only work for a short time, because someone can always appear cheaper. In addition, there is a group of clients who are convinced that it is cheap - of poor quality or of criminal origin. The dumping price strategy is more likely to cause losses to the business than profit. Remember, people today are not buying products, but brands. A purchase decision is not just a transaction, but a whole process that begins on an emotional level. The product can be seen, touched, it has a physical character, and the brand is born in thinking thanks to the combination of imagination and beliefs that have arisen in consciousness. The character of the brand is emotional. Think about distinctive features of your brand, how your offer will benefit your customers. What reason do you give to believe you? Don't let it be just a low price.

6 Cultivate the image of the industry expert in the media

What do local media write about you or your business? Are you recognized as an expert in your field who provides important insights and industry commentary. Take care of your professional image in the media, as well as on the Internet. You must take the initiative yourself by contacting the traditional editorial office in your area and information Internet sites. Create a conscious personal image of yourself as an expert, build a story that will be a serious argument for you on the battlefield for a client. Collaborate with bloggers. If there is an advanced blogger in the region who blogs on a topic related to your craft, offer him cooperation. But just attention: first, think about whether these actions really enhance your image or whether you just decided to take this step, because everyone does it. Don't blindly follow trends, use the available marketing tools effectively, especially news. The main thing is to remember the purpose of your activity, about the issues specified in the first paragraph. Don't just focus on finding new clients. Reward your customers not with low prices, but with a comfortable emotional state, because customers love to feel safe and protected. Prepare your marketing newsletters that not only generate the desire to make purchases, but also carry valuable information for the customer. Watch how large networks work, subscribe to their mailing lists. If you decide to create a Facebook page for your brand, then update your news feed regularly. But don't spam one ad, add valuable information for your readers. Look closely and even ask what customers are interested in, reply to all messages, comments and emails. They are tools that keep you going, but can be harmful if not attended to.

7 Explore the strategic tactics of large networks

You cannot always know everything, be ready to learn all the time. All business books lose their relevance by one fraction every hour. Be flexible, react responsively to market changes and innovations. The CEO of General Electric said: "If the pace of change that occurs in the external field of a firm's activities is faster than within the same firm, then its end is approaching." Large companies have huge advertising budgets to keep up with today's market conditions. Of course, this is not yet available to you, but this fact does not exempt from the responsibility to spy on and adopt skills and experience. Learns practical benchmarking better from leaders. But don't confuse observation with copying. You have a colossal source of training material, 10 examples especially for you:

  1. Read the site.
  2. Look for proven turnkey solutions in other industries.
  3. Look for information on the internet.
  4. Visit competitors' showrooms as a mystery shopper.
  5. Collect auction materials.
  6. Conduct a survey concerning the opinion of the client.
  7. Implement discounting to create old customers.
  8. Compare other people's brochures with yours and ask several people what they think.
  9. Connect with industry experts.
  10. Attend conferences, exhibitions, presentations.

In the modern world, there are many opportunities available to you and most of them you can start using right now. Learn to identify opportunities for you. And most importantly, take action!

Lack of strategy constantly leads to the influence of someone else's tactics.

Most start-up entrepreneurs want to start their own business from scratch without financial investment. What business can be opened with minimal investment, what small home business business ideas are relevant in 2019 and other answers to similar questions, read this article.

After all, I really want to open my own business, learn how to run it correctly, gather a friendly team and manage financial flows, developing the intended direction. Only the first obstacle on the way destroys the plans.

A person is always clearly aware that the lack of start-up capital (initial investment) - a big problem which becomes very difficult to solve. Sometimes there is no opportunity or borrow a decent amount from your friends.

And even all attempts to save money lead to the fact that money is spent on the most necessary or accidentally arisen troubles. Realizing this, there is a feeling of deep disappointment, but if you think wisely, it is not so gloomily .

Even if you have money, then here you need to use it wisely, otherwise you can lose all your savings and savings. We wrote about this in the article - "".

Actually there are business ideas without investment or so let's say business ideas from scratch which will not only help you start making money, but will also save you some cash for your bigger dream.

Going through various business ideas with minimal investment, try to choose for yourself the one that will become the closest and favorite thing.

It is important to understand that only business that brings you pleasure does not cause fatigue, gives rise to a lot of new opportunities and gives a start to successful development.

So, from this article you will learn:

  • What kind of business to open, what to look for at the stage of creation and what kind of business you can do with minimal investment;
  • How to open (where to start) your business from scratch (no money) - necessary qualities+ step-by-step guide to starting your own business;
  • List of business ideas from scratch for beginners;
  • 2019 home business ideas, small business ideas, etc.

How to start your own business from scratch: 15 small business ideas without investment (with minimal investment)

1. How to choose a business idea: what to look for before starting your own business

First, you need to understand yourself and determine how clearly you are able to meet the given parameters. Try to write them down on a piece of paper and, with a high degree of candor, put down the pluses where the coincidence gives 100% ... Based on this, it will become clear which areas will be vulnerable and you will have the opportunity to work in this direction.

1. Psychology

Any start- this is a huge effort associated with the cost of time, labor and nerves. Realize whether you are ready to sacrifice good family relationships, financial stability from the wages you receive, friendly contacts, personal connections for your own business.

After all, you will have to look not only for an office, personnel, delivery channels, and sales of products, but also to debug everything to automatic actions. It's also important to work on your own stress tolerance. It is she who will allow you to take steps forward, regardless of prejudice.

2. Choosing a field of activity

Conduct a preliminary analysis of the area or settlement in which you plan to start your business. Figure out which direction is poorly developed, and where, on the contrary, there is very high competition. Define whether you have a real desire to work in it, achieve results and expect a profitable period.

An incorrectly selected sphere for you will lead to the fact that over time interest will fade, management will become mediocre, and the invested effort will be in vain. In addition, it will be important to learn to understand all the nuances, to exercise full control over specialists in order to understand the real state of affairs.

3. Start-up capital

As stated earlier, before how to make (create) your business, you should not abandon your plans in the absence of the required amount of money. Start small. Of course, this will lead to a lot of time costs, but it will allow you without huge loans, high interest and urgent returns to start a small business.

It should be understood that it is very difficult to get it, moreover, a large amount of the monthly payment will need to be taken from the profit received, and at the start, any business is not smooth. By the way, in one of the articles of our magazine you can read the article "".

In addition, do not attract the money that was postponed for kids, for treatment, education, strategic goals. Try to be reasonable even when you are offered a large-scale business that “pays for itself” in 2 months or a franchise (we have already covered it in a separate article). Such virtually profitable projects entail high costs and do not always meet the expectations of businessmen.

4. Purpose

Be honest with yourself about the end result you expect. Maybe this is an opportunity for enrichment or a desire to manage people, but most likely an attempt to prove to others their abilities by becoming a successful entrepreneur. If you are guided by a specific goal of these three, then most likely it will lead to a negative result.

Business- this is a complex of actions, where it is important to invest yourself in the business, uniting goals. You must be initially sure of a successful result. Only a positive-minded person is able to perceive the situation correctly, choosing the most optimal solutions.

5. Quality

Determine how willing you are to fight for the quality of your services or products. It should be understood that many modern entrepreneurs, for a quick return on their invested capital, rely on quantity, not wanting to work in the future with the claims and complaints of the end consumer.

That is why the buyer chooses the service that was provided to him in the best way. In this way, sales channels are developed, long partnerships are built and a positive reputation appears. Answer yourself sincerely, what is the quality of the product you are selling?

One of the myths of novice businessmen is that the easiest start will be with a substantial amount of money. Seems that problems are so easily solved, positive results are achieved and the preparatory period is painless.

In fact it is not true... It is very easy to draw up many documents on your own, you just need to understand them.

You can always successfully register an enterprise, develop primary documentation, select premises, test personnel, create minimum operating conditions, just a little more effort will be spent in the absence of financial resources.

It may be easier to register or to optimize the tax burden. How to do this, what are offshores for, what offshore zones exist, we have already written in our last issue.

How to create, start your business from scratch in 6 steps

2. How to start your business from scratch and practically without investing money - 6 simple steps what is the best way to start a small business

There are main areas of activity that make it possible to start a business practically without raising funds... It is enough to formalize your business activity. But even here you can save a lot if you register a company yourself.

Read more about registering your business in the following articles:

Firstly , providing services you can earn a lot. Your skill to knit, sew, to cut, bake, to do hair, makeup, manicure, massage, perseverance and affection for children will become the basis for their own development.

Secondly, this is intermediary services... Sales skills play a decisive role here. The business is based on the purchase of products at reduced prices and their further sale, taking into account the profit.

Third realm can I call your successful possession of information... That is, keeping extra classes, tutoring, preparation for entrance exams and even assistance in writing term papers, provides additional income.

AND, fourthly, business introduction partnerships... For example, your unique vision of the situation, awareness of ways out of the crisis for the organization or the introduction of new significant proposals for the further development of the company, helping to create a conceived business on a partnership basis.

To start your own business, it is important to correctly build the first steps.... This path will be easier if you delve into all the moments on your own.

Step # 1. Defining the idea

We look through and choose the direction that interests us. Be sure to define what you are ultimately willing to provide to the consumer and what makes your offer unique.

Check the availability of your closest competitors and the level of free access to this market.

Step # 2. We draw up a business plan

For the implementation of such work, experience is, of course, important, so try to find a person with the necessary skills in the team and gradually, with an increase in the number of orders, comprehend all the nuances.

Modern technologies make it possible to select the highest quality material, find accurate colors and textures at affordable prices. This will save the customer money and build the right reputation for you. A job well done will be the basis for further cooperation.

Business idea number 5. Baking cakes

This direction is widespread and pays for itself very profitably. The difficulty lies in maintaining the required proportions of the recipe, oven temperature and dessert preparation time.

Important, the resulting product to create lush and tasty. This result can only be achieved with experience. Therefore, it is worth trying to make baked goods for home events, as a gift to your friends and just for your own pleasure.

In addition, confectioners have recently begun to use mastic very actively in their own products. This material allows you to make beautiful cakes, pastries, cookies, and gives a flight for imagination. You can time your product to coincide with a specific day or an upcoming event.

Business idea number 5. Baking cakes

So, on discharge of the baby easy to blind booties, rattles, cap or even stork, a on the girl's birthdaybasket of tulips, a string of pearls, the shape of your favorite car.

You can not only take the proposed options as a basis, but also come up with your own unique masterpieces. Each baked cake, ready to be handed over to the customer, costs be sure to take a photo and place v photo album for the convenience of further discussion of the work.

Pick up 2-3 the most optimal recipe for yourself, deduce the correct composition of the ingredients by constant testing and baking will not give you any difficulties in the future.

Determine the cost of your products based on the prices offered by your competitors. Many novice chefs offer to pay only for the work, and the customer provides the products himself.

Business idea number 6. Realization (sale) of caviar

This direction also does not have any particular difficulties in its implementation; it is enough to simply organize the supply channel correctly. We know that the final cost of caviar is always very high, so it can be difficult to buy it for the holiday.

The bottom line is that not every seller is able to bring high-quality goods, but I really want the money given to give us the opportunity to enjoy fresh, tasty caviar. So why not create an offer when there is such a demand for it, especially since the product itself does not require special storage conditions.

For example, you can analyze the average purchase price of a product based on prices offered on the Internet, then determine the places of sale of caviar. Think about how you will get there.

Taste the product by tasting each type. Taking a sample, you can agree with the sellers in advance about the channels for further delivery and discounts on the purchase of the batch. Offer the brought copies to your family for testing, choosing the best optimal options. Determine for yourself the methods of packaging and containers, which can later be made individual.

Spread information about sales to acquaintances, relatives, colleagues on the main job. Do not skimp on delivery, organize it yourself, working first for a business. As you gradually increase the number of orders, think about expanding your business.

Dried fish sells very well in summer, you can buy it in parallel.

Business idea number 7. Vending business

These are special machines that carry out sales on their own. Of course, it would be wrong to say that this direction can be started from scratch, it requires investments, but not as significant as it might seem at first glance.

The whole point is that an automatic machine is purchased that is capable of dispensing products at the moment when the buyer puts money into it. It requires a small area for its placement and one point of electrical supply.

The ideal way to develop such a business requires a status. individual entrepreneur and a contract for the installation of the device. You can service it yourself. It is enough to fill in the consumables, collect the proceeds, leaving money for change. It is easy to sell in this way coffee, candies, crisps, peanut, video films.

Vending business with minimal investment - idea number 7

You can study all the nuances of work, analyze your own expenses, determine the income part by the calculation method, as well as using the information located on the Internet sites. In more detail about what vending is, what types exist and where to start this business, we wrote in the last article.

There are special portals where discussions are held, situations are dealt with, advice is given by more experienced people who have organized a vending business.

Talk to them, determine what is the difference between the cost of such devices, what your monthly costs will be and where is the best place to place the purchased equipment.

Business idea number 8. Corporate events management

Here you need to have organizational skills. It is only from the very beginning that it seems that it is easy for the leader to communicate with the team without effort and labor. Actually required composure, coherence, self-confidence, skill draw attention to yourself and bring together the people who came to the event.

Own business from scratch - business idea - organization of holidays and corporate events

Only with time comes experience, which makes it possible to quickly navigate the situation, find easy solutions, change the program in accordance with the wishes of the customer. Variants of scenarios, songs, ideas are offered in a huge amount on the Internet, you just need to thoroughly think over the concept of the holiday itself, the time of its holding and the interest of each person.

Try to organize a family holiday for a start. 10 people... Determine its direction, properly prepare music, contests, attributes for them.

Try to take into account all the details and nuances. If there is a need to stage a fairy tale, think over for it costumes, masks, even stage background... List each participant's words in large letters and learn to create an atmosphere. As soon as you understand that there is no difficulty in communicating with the team, actively offer your services to customers.

Place ads on websites, in newspapers, magazines, create flyers and try to design small brochures. You can create your own resource on the Internet, supplementing it not only with a description, but also with photographs taken.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that your repertoire should be varied ... It happens, especially in small towns, that people attending events fall into the same scenario, and this negatively affects the general opinion.

Business idea number 9. Fast food outlet

This is the direction that offers for sale the products of its own production in the points of the greatest concentration of people. Such a business has its relevance next to schools, shopping centers, hospitals, educational institutions. Its essence is that a menu is created that is developed individually for a specific place.

So you can sell sandwiches, hot dogs, fried potatoes and even prepackaged salads in small, convenient containers. In addition to this assortment, tea, coffee, juices are offered. This enterprise must be officially registered, having received the status of an individual entrepreneur. Next, a room is looked for that can meet the conditions for the sale of products.

As a rule, if the business is formalized as finishing shop, then the territory is required is small, and the registration conditions are simplified. In addition, the dishes you sell can be plastic, and this reduces the cost of purchasing consumables, chemicals and fight.

The fast food outlet does not require seating, a long stay and involves the release of freshly produced products. Shawarma, gyro, pieces of meat in pita bread are now gaining special popularity. You will need fridge, Desktop, kettle, microwave and small showcase.

Business idea number 10. YouTube video channel

This video hosting is now becoming the most popular on the network and allows you not only to view the uploaded videos, but also to make money on their creation. The scheme of work is very simple.

For example, you create your own video that is of particular relevance to the consumer and post it by connecting to the affiliate program of the advertising service Google adsense... Before viewing, a window pops up offering to go to the advertiser's website and each click made on request is paid to you in monetary terms.

Now you need to follow 6 steps:

  1. Create a Mailbox on the Gmail service
  2. Register on Youtube
  3. We organize our own channel in the account
  4. We assign an original name that will reflect the direction of further activities
  5. We shoot video using the camera
  6. Place it on the created channel.

To connect an affiliate program, you must meet several conditions:

  • First, confirm the authorship and type at least 20 artworks.
  • Secondly, each of them must have at least 1000 views.
  • And thirdly, collect yourself 1000 subscribers.

Now we look at the number of visits and get the money earned. It is worth not forgetting to constantly replenish the archive, creating ratings for yourself. With minimal calculations, the cost of 1 click on an advertisement gives you 4 cents, when you execute 1000 such movements, you earn 40 dollars.

This is no longer a bad start. Moreover, this direction does not require special investments.

You can read more about the profitability of this type of earnings in the article - "".

You can put this activity on stream. Having recruited the appropriate personnel, record video, edit and upload videos on an ongoing basis.

If you constantly upload videos, then your income will grow from geometric progression(provided that you record a training video, i.e. videos that will be constantly relevant and will always be interesting to watch)

Business idea number 11. Real estate services

Recently, this type of labor is increasingly being carried out without the organization of an official status, registration of an enterprise, working for oneself. The task is to choose the most optimal options for premises that have a real cost and suitable conditions for the consumer from the huge number of ads posted on network resources and in newspapers.

Real estate services - your business from scratch

For starters, you can try your hand at rental housing ... If your city has several educational institutions, large organizations, the need for temporary accommodation will always be. View information, analyze new offers, negotiate with the owner for a convenient viewing time and place ads with your services in the same newspapers that you read yourself.

Constantly study the sites, adding information about the selected options there. You need a connection of several operators, a notebook and the Internet. Even if you don't have a personal car, public transport will help you get to any part of the city.

It is important to be constantly in touch and actively respond to calls from apartment seekers. Further, a standard form of the contract is developed, which will be convenient for both parties and the cost of services is calculated.

For the most part, the premium for the work of a realtor is 50 % from renting premises. Later, you can consider options for finding buyers when selling apartments or buying them.

It is legally determined that an intermediary may be present at the time of the transaction and registration of ownership, but does not affix any signatures. It should be understood that information about housing is being updated daily, that is why you need to regularly analyze the market, monitor the movement of objects, so that the data transmitted to the client is up-to-date.

Business idea number 12. Repair of equipment

This direction requires only the acquisition of the necessary tools and experience. Modern technology tends to break down regularly, which is why repair shops are constantly overloaded. Accepting your order, they assign a repair time of 2 weeks, and most of them even for a month.

Therefore, the provision of services by you will become in demand, especially if you can prove the quality own work... You can also make repairs at home, defining a small room for this. The main thing is to set the deadlines correctly, without forcing people to constantly seek your attention.

Ability to "resurrect" liquid crystal tv screen or microwave oven, "Give a second life" refrigerator, iron, teapot, is paid very decently, and there will be no limit to gratitude for the quality work performed.

Business idea number 13. Organization of dates

Another area that is gaining relevance at the present time. Making every meeting memorable will give you the chance to develop by offering new ideas. It is worth considering initially what you will offer your client.

Perhaps it will be a romantic event with beautiful candles, classical music and roses, or an extreme visit that includes a parachute jump. Your task is not only to listen to your wishes, but also to offer the best option, complementing your ideas. Browse sites, take notes, study videos, try to add creativity.

Take pictures of the event you are creating by posting these frames in your portfolio. Describe for yourself each of the invented directions, confirming it with phone numbers, current addresses and discount cards.

Calculate the cost of your services taking into account the proposed event. It is worth understanding that the customer pays in this case not only for your work, but also for the services of the main contractor.

Business idea number 14. Food delivery

This type of business will be most acceptable for those who know how to offer their services and cook deliciously. Here you need not only find your future customers, but also maintain constant contact with them.

The challenge is to create a small menu, make it more homey, and purchase a minimum set of products. Every day, delivering ready-made meals, you collect applications for the next day, and then, by the set deadline, start again delivering them to the specified addresses.

Business idea number 15. Carriage of goods

This direction is from the service sector. Having a truck at your disposal, you can place an ad and, having arrived at a convenient time for the customer, perform the agreed scope of work.

By the way, if you do not have a car for transporting goods, you can use the services of leasing companies to buy a car on lease. We have already talked about what and what are the features of a leasing transaction for individuals and legal entities in one of our previous issues.

Try to find movers to help you who are ready to work on your terms. The payment system is simple here. The calculation is carried out either for the floor or for the number of hours worked.

TOP 15 home business options. Trending, new, popular home business ideas

4. Home business ideas - 15 most popular types of home business

Home business attracts people of different ages... Isn't this a perfect job? You make your own work schedule and choose a business to your liking. There are a lot of business ideas at home, where minimal investment is required.

Here are some of the most popular small (home) business ideas to help you choose the ones that are right for you.

Home business # 1. Growing vegetables, fruits, flowers in greenhouses

There are two ways to organize such a business: produce greenhouses or grow vegetables, fruits or flowers yourself... Any of the options is considered successful. Those who have country cottage area, are happy to cultivate their own land.

Food grown without the use of harmful chemicals people will buying with pleasure all year round, and without flowers it is impossible to imagine any holiday, because this is the decoration of any family celebration.

It is important to take care of the product market in advance and establish contacts with farmers' markets, grocery and flower shops.

Home business # 2. Production of preserves, pickles and marinades

Open your own production for sale preserves, jams, marmalades, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes or sauerkraut maybe anyone familiar with cooking .

If there is a summer cottage, then investment in production at the initial stage will be minimal. The manufacture of products can be done in the kitchen from raw materials grown with your own hands: berries, vegetables and fruit.

In a couple of years, by expanding your home business, you will be making good profits for your culinary skills. The profitability of making jam in the cold season is 30% , and in summer the indicator decreases.

Important! At first, you can sell home-canned products to your friends.

Home business - soap production self made at home for aspiring entrepreneurs

Home business # 3. Soap making is a business suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs

If you choose a business for yourself that requires not only strict calculations, but also creativity, then this is an interesting niche.

It is better to rent a room with an area of ​​40 m2 outside the city: this will save you money. It can be divided using an internal divider. One part will be used as a place to make soap, and the other as a warehouse.

Having registered the business with the tax office, you can start working. You will need the following materials: soap base, base oils, ethers, dyes, fillers, perfume; and from special equipment you will need shape, scales and capacities.

The technological process does not present any difficulties:

  • grind and melt the base;
  • add base oils;
  • add dyes to the mass;
  • add abrasives and aromatic additives;
  • grease molds and pour soap;
  • extract the finished product.

Packaging can be custom designed in the same way as custom labels. All that remains is to sell the products you need in everyday life and calculate the profit. It is easy to find buyers, in stores where they sell handmade goods, they will willingly accept products in demand for sale.

Important! High-quality fragrant soap with an original appearance will quickly find regular customers.

Home business # 4. Making original jewelry from polymer clay

There are a lot of bijouterie and jewelry on the market today, which you can buy in almost any store. And the girls so want to emphasize their individuality. You can help them do this with the available polymer clay.

A person who makes jewelry from this material can realize various ideas: the occupation is very interesting and profitable. Children and teenagers will quickly become fans of the exclusive brand.

Home business # 5. Fishing

For those who live in the countryside, there are favorable conditions for fishing.

There are 2 ways to make money on this:

  • grow and sell live fish;
  • smoke or salt fish and sell handmade products.

Such fishing can be a profitable business if approached correctly. For fish farming it is required to rent a reservoir and purchase fry.

Other factors need to be taken into account, because live fish can quickly deteriorate ... To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to establish a sales market.

Home business # 6. Breeding ostriches

The ostrich farm is considered profitable business: profitability exceeds 100% ... Today, there are already about 300 farms on the territory of the Russian Federation, from which the owners receive live poultry, meat and eggs.

In addition, excursions are organized to the farms, which also brings a decent income.

Home business # 7. Making unusual paintings

It is not at all necessary to study at a university to become an artist in order to paint pictures. If you have dreamed of learning this all your life, then take action. Professional design artists can be hired.

To make custom-made modular paintings, you will need a computer, a printer and expendable materials... They look great in modern interior and are ideal for realizing fantasies on a space theme.

Real works of art are created by the skillful hands of the beadworkers. Shopping will allow you to save money canvases, beads and schemes wholesale.

Oil painting Is a job for real artists. An entrepreneur can learn to draw on canvas himself, but then he will need to take lessons.

Home business # 8. Photo studio at home

If a businessman is engaged in photography himself, then it is enough for him to hire an assistant, and he can start his own business. Photo services for the population Is a demanded service. No celebration is complete without a snapshot.

Initially, you will need to rent a small room and high-quality equipment, which can be purchased through an online store, so that the purchase is cheaper. One family holiday can bring from 10.000 r.

If your beloved baby turns 1 year old, parents will want to capture this significant event. For newlyweds, a wedding means joining new life that's why they are so happy and want to keep an extraordinary feeling, and of course the high-quality photos in the album will be able to give them such memories.

Additionally, photo studios offer services for restoration, design of photographs, photocopies.

Home business # 9. Sale of boiled corn

Selling boiled corn is considered an attractive type of seasonal business. Many citizens do not mind eating outside, especially when it comes to tasty and healthy food.

Business investments are minimal, and income is excellent: boiled corn is 3 times higher than the cost of raw materials.

Home business # 9. Knitted items for sale

Home business idea - selling handmade knitted items

If a woman knows how to knit or crochet, then she can sell ready-made things if she wants.

Machine knitting Is a great opportunity to quickly produce stylish and warm garments. Due to the variety of patterns, all products will be unique. Who doesn't want to dress differently? Clients can be people of any age. If desired, the knitting needles are made to order. It is better to take a good knitting machine right away with extended functionality.

The computer model opens up endless creative possibilities for the knitter. Various patterns will help to decorate any work of authorship.

Knitting will bring financial profit if the entrepreneur there is a clearly defined goal and a desire to make money.

Home business # 10. Curd production

Fermented milk products must be eaten. Curd is a product that is easy to digest. It contains amino acids, calcium and phosphorus necessary for the body. To produce cottage cheese, you will need an equipped room and trained personnel.

The product is intended for sale to the public. In addition to ordinary cottage cheese, you can set up production curds, cakes, creams, pastes and cottage cheese with fillings... It is important to find bona fide milk suppliers and establish contacts with stores to sell products.

Home business # 11. Delivery of plastic bottles

Today, plastic as a material for packaging successfully competes with glass. But if glass bottles people give up, then the plastic is basically just thrown away or burned.

Discarded container- it is rubbish, of inorganic origin, which does not decompose for a long time. And when plastic is burned, harmful substances are released that can cause cancer in humans.

If you organize the collection of plastic bottles and the delivery of containers to the collection point, you can give the used products a second life. The recycled material is again used to make the necessary things: buckets, basins, boxes, plastic bottles(food containers cannot be made from processed raw materials).

Home business # 12. Small pet food production

People who have brought animals should take care of smaller brothers. A quality diet can increase the lifespan of rodents, aquarium fish and birds. This business is considered cost-effective , the main thing is that the feed is in accordance with GOST. All of the ingredients that make up the nutritional formula are available.

Cereals with the addition of dried fruits form the basis of nutrition for rodents and birds; and for fish - algae, fish meal, proteins, fat, proteins, starch, plankton, insects.

Important! A truly high-quality and healthy food can be obtained if you consult with a veterinarian: he will tell you what the correct ratio of the individual components should be.

Home business # 13. Milk production and sale

Highly profitable production requires capital investment. Consumers willingly buy a popular product, demand for high-quality milk has increased.

Equipment is purchased depending on the assortment of the enterprise. This is the most significant expense item.

Home business # 14. Manufacturing of semi-finished meat products

To one of the most profitable directions in the field of food production. Meat semi-finished products are very popular among consumers, so this profitable business.

To make dumplings at home, you will need to purchase special equipment. Before buying it, you will have to do it yourself. You will need to find a meat supplier and consumers who want to enjoy delicious dumplings.

If a businessman himself keeps livestock, then for business it is huge plus : you don't have to worry about how high quality raw materials were used.

Home business # 15. Seasonal sale before New Year

If there is a desire to make good money for the New Year, then this is not difficult to implement. The first business option is the sale of New Year's costumes and clothing. As a rule, matinees are held at this time in kindergartens, and parents will like the idea of ​​buying a new thing for their son or daughter.

Sweaters embroidered with New Year's patterns - a wonderful holiday gift for relatives. If an entrepreneur puts on a Santa Claus costume, then his products will be bought up willingly.

The second option is to organize a seasonal sale - this is selling Christmas trees: many parents are convinced that without a Christmas tree, a child will not feel the holiday. The best option would be to open several retail outlets in different parts of the city.

ATTENTION! To trade live trees, a permit to sell forest beauties is required.

Another interesting idea that can be adopted is this is the opening of a gift shop... Such a project allows you to make good profits not only before the New Year, but on other holidays as well.

Renting out New Year's dresses Is a great business. Corporate parties are organized, at which ladies should shine. However, not everyone can afford to buy a new dress. If you rent a product, it will cost many times less.

And one more post-New Year idea - destruction of trees... As you know, if you decorate a living spruce or a Christmas tree at home, then the coniferous aroma will create a truly festive atmosphere. In addition, inhaling it is good for your health.

Usually, a forest beauty stands in an apartment or house until they meet the Old New Year, and then they have to part with the tree. A resourceful entrepreneur will help parents to take out a spruce or a Christmas tree. And wood can be used to heat the stove in winter.

What business to open with in a small town? Read more business ideas in a village (small town, village)

5. What business can be opened with minimal investment in a small town - 6 business ideas for a small town

If you live in a small town, this does not mean that you cannot do business here. You need to competently choose a business for yourself that will allow you to earn good money.

The following small town business ideas can help you choose what you want to do.

1. Private kindergarten

The problem with finding a kindergarten for a young family often arises precisely in small settlements, where the choice Preschool small. All that is needed is to create a favorable environment for the child and offer the parents an acceptable price tag. You can start with a small amount of starting capital.

Correctly selected personnel will allow you to fully recoup your business project in a short time. You may not even have to spend money on advertising. Satisfied parents will bring you their relatives and friends who also have small children.

ATTENTION! People who love children and know how to treat them should work in a private kindergarten.

2. Solution for household problems

An agency offering services for elimination of everyday problems Is a win-win idea. The firm helps the population to cope with those tasks that need to be solved in a timely manner. Everyone who needs help with household chores will need your company.

Agency staff will perform a wide variety of functions: prepare meals to order, wash and iron, assemble or disassemble pieces of furniture, change burnt out light bulbs, etc.

At the first stage, you need to register an individual entrepreneur, buy necessary tools, pick up staff.

In this case, you do not need to rent a room. Advertising may be needed. Tell everyone you know about your services to find your first customers.

3. Bakery

Small manufacturing enterprise baking fresh bread and baked goods is a lucrative business. Fresh baked goods are always in great demand. It should be borne in mind that here you cannot do without capital investments.

The purchase of the necessary equipment will take about 1.5 million rubles A long-term project will be able to fully pay off only in a year. Here you need to be patient and not bet on momentary profit.

IMPORTANT! Consistently high-quality products will be sold out and attract new consumers.

4. An organization that repairs things or makes keys

This business does not require expert knowledge from its owner. The main thing- to purchase modern high-precision equipment. So, you can arrange a home workshop for yourself.

It is better for the hostess to contact the repair service to fix the iron than to buy a new one. The same can be said for umbrellas and kitchen appliances.

5. Online store for the release of handmade goods

Creative people with skills different types handicrafts, a huge scope for activity opens up. By giving preference to such a business, you can get a lot of money and do what you love.

In a small town, there may be a problem : there won't be enough customers willing to buy finished products. However, today there is an optimal solution for this. Create an online store and take orders from all over the world.

Exclusive items from the so-called Hand-made category are incredibly popular: after all, each of them is really unique. Orders can be sent to other cities and countries by mail.

Website creation takes little time. If you wish, you can quickly create the necessary Internet resource, knowledge in the field of programming and SEO in this area provides enormous advantages.

A businessman can create an online store on his own and if he himself manages to promote the resource in search engines and ensure a constant flow of visitors to the site, then we can safely say that the money invested in the project will soon return.

6. Opening courses (foreign languages, dance, yoga, martial arts)

Parents want to see their child fully developed. They are ready to give it to vocals, choreography and karate simultaneously. When there is an opportunity to arrange a favorite child in a small group, why not use it?

If you know well English then you can take up tutoring ... Use Skype in your work to conduct classes with your student.

Sign a contract with a client and work from the comfort of your home. Online you can teach people useful and practical things (online courses, languages, how-to guides, etc.) for which there will always be a demand.

TOP-5 business ideas for production

6. What kind of business to do in the field of production - 5 business ideas for production

Entrepreneurial activities related to the organization of small production are considered both difficult and promising. Everyone who wants to try their hand at the manufacturing business will be able to occupy their own niche.

1. Business idea: production of furniture items

To implement this idea, you will need special equipment:

  • band saw - wood and metal are cut on these machines;
  • drying - it will be needed if it is planned to produce wood products;
  • woodworking - this includes milling machines and wood aging machines;
  • glass processing - for sandblasting;
  • metalworking - for cutting, polishing, drilling or welding;
  • sewing - for sewing parts for pieces of furniture;
  • additional tools - drills, screwdrivers, screwdrivers and others.

Where to start the production of furniture and what to focus on?

As for the organizational and legal level, registration of an LLC is required. In this case, the number of potential clients will include large institutions: government and legal.

You can specialize in making kitchen, corpus, office and other furniture.

  1. You need to offer your services to the public and furniture stores... The additional service needs to include assembly and installation.
  2. Analyze the furniture market in your city, taking into account the shortcomings in the work of competitors... If you eliminate the shortcomings of someone else's business, then you can bring your own company to a leading position.
  3. It is necessary to draw up a production plan... You need to rent or buy 2 premises: an office and a production workshop. The office should be located in a location convenient for potential clients. The workshop can be located anywhere. Often, an office is combined with a store where products are sold and a workshop in one place.
  4. You will need to equip the workshop... There are many options here. The machines are selected depending on the financial capabilities and materials from which the pieces of furniture will be made. The necessary equipment includes milling, panel saws, lathes and jigsaws.
  5. Recruiting is an important task for an entrepreneur. You should be hired for work.

IMPORTANT! Execute correct calculations otherwise, the enterprise may turn out to be unprofitable.

2. Production of building materials - polystyrene

Small production with a rational approach cannot fail to bring consistently high income ... The current business involves the creation of our own production line, the establishment of cooperation with construction companies to supply a product at a low price. The material is widely used to strengthen the facades of buildings.

To create a production line, you need foaming section, aging bins, plot where the foam is cut, additional equipment.

ATTENTION! The line capacity reaches up to 40 cubic meters. meters per shift.

3. Business idea - recycling used tires

Looking for a respectable business to invest in? Recycle tires to get crumb rubber or fuel oil... The first product consists of special fractions that are used in road works, for covering various sites, in construction.

Fuel oil is used for heating, in agriculture, housing and communal services.

The equipment is purchased taking into account the final product. You can rent a small room.

4. Business idea - production of souvenirs

Gifts for colleagues and business partners Is a current niche. If you just give people stationery, then they will be perceived just like that.

At the same time, a notebook with the name of a company or a pen engraved with the name of an organization acquire a special value for their owners... These items remind of memorable events in a person's life, so he often uses them for a long time.

On average, you need 5 thousand dollars to start., such investments will pay off after a year, provided that the entrepreneur manages to find regular customers quickly. T-shirts, mugs, file folders can be used as souvenirs.

To reduce rental costs, you can use your garage for production. In detail about, as well as what ideas for production in the garage are relevant at the moment, we wrote in the last issue.

5. Business idea - a mini-plant for hardware production

If a businessman needs, first of all, constant workload with new orders, then the manufacture of fasteners contributes to this in the best possible way.

These products are always required on the construction site. No repairs can be done without these products. You need to purchase equipment and supplies. Buyers can be found both among professional companies and among home improvement stores.

Products do not deteriorate for a long time if they are properly stored in a warehouse.

What business to do for a novice entrepreneur, what business is relevant now - 5 trendy business ideas

7. What business is relevant now - 5 examples of relevant business in 2019

Any novice businessman (entrepreneur) at the initial stage asks the question of what kind of business is currently relevant in Russia. Let's take a look at some of them.

Example # 1. Cryptocurrency business
