Which organization should draw up plans for current repairs in the management company of the HOA? Who does the maintenance

Inhabitants apartment buildings can significantly overpay for the Maintenance or not receiving the required repair services.

Knowing the list of works included in the current repair, you can demand their implementation and control where the money paid by the tenants goes.

When receiving a utility bill, many noted that there was a line for current repairs. We are talking about works that are carried out according to plan and periodically. Usually - quarterly, part is planned only once a year.

This does not include the elimination of accidents, the consequences of vandalism or natural disasters. In fact, this is a check of the state of common property apartment building, elimination of minor faults, if necessary - replacement of parts of the equipment.

Such activities have nothing to do with personal living space. The repair service will help to fix the leak or check the meter after calling its employees to the house. It is useless to expect help in carrying out ongoing work.

Fall under the concept of common property:

  • Foundation, facade and roof of the building;
  • Risers with cold and hot water;
  • Equipment for electricity and gas supply, heating, etc.;
  • Equipment related to the elevator and its shaft;
  • Basement and all the equipment located there.

First, the repair service employees evaluate the condition of all the above equipment and structures of an apartment building, then they fix the problems. It is possible to carry out a small upgrade if the building management has decided to do so and has submitted a corresponding request. This may be replacing the video surveillance system with a more modern one or installing a new elevator.

It is important that representatives of the owners are present when diagnosing problems.

A defective statement should be drawn up, where a list of work to be performed is entered. Since current repairs are not paid separately (unlike capital repairs), the list of necessary services may be slightly underestimated.

After the start of work, it is almost impossible to achieve what you want. Therefore, problems need to be solved at the diagnostic stage. All work must be included in the indicated statement. For work on such a statement, the contractor must provide guarantees.

Who makes the decision to carry out the work

There is a relevant Government Decree, according to which a decision must be made at a general meeting of all owners by a majority vote in order to carry out current repairs.

Not only the list of all necessary services is approved, but also their cost, as well as special conditions for implementation.

Naturally, it is rather troublesome to hold such meetings quarterly. The house will crumble rather than begin to change its equipment.

Who does the work

There are several possible options:

  1. Owners can carry out all the necessary work or part of it themselves;
  2. Conclude an agreement with the managing organization, which will deal with repair and restoration issues;
  3. Enter into an agreement with individuals or legal entities who are licensed to perform the necessary work.

When concluding contracts for repairs, the text of the document should include not only a list of problems that need to be solved by repairmen, but also the conditions for performing work, the reasons for making possible adjustments, the amount and method of payment for each of them. The contract, as well as the actions of the owners, must not contradict the current legislation.

At the end of the repairers fulfilling the terms of the contract, the responsible person accepts the completed work, after which an appropriate act is drawn up.

This was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 26, 2015 N 761. It records the quality of the work performed and all the shortcomings, and the repaired places are photographed for entering into the database.

Documentary case management allows you to control the actions of both parties and reduces the possibility of incompetent behavior and becomes evidence in the conduct of legal proceedings.

The purpose of the

Common property must be maintained in accordance with a number of rules established by the Russian government.

Among them:

  • Compliance of the characteristics of the house with the principles of reliability and safety;
  • Safety of life and health of citizens who live in the house or visit it, as well as maintaining the safety of their property;
  • Accessibility in the use of common property (entrances, elevators, basements and utility rooms, land near the house, etc.);
  • Maintenance of all types of communications in working and safe condition;
  • Support for architectural designs high-rise building in accordance with the approved documentation for construction and reconstruction;
  • Bringing energy-saving structures to maximum efficiency.

Maintenance helps keep the home in good condition.

List of works during current repairs

For each architectural structure or equipment, a number of works are envisaged.

In particular:

  1. Foundation inspection. If necessary, its strengthening, elimination of damage and deformation. ventilation restoration, repair work to restore the entrance to the basement;
  2. Painting of walls and facades. If necessary, with a preliminary change of skin, sealing of joints, restoration work to restore individual architectural elements;
  3. Elimination of seams and cracks in the ceiling. It is possible to replace some parts, strengthen and paint;
  4. The roof requires not only the restoration of individual elements. Wooden parts are checked and replaced if necessary. This also includes the repair of downpipes and ventilation, partial replacement or additional hydro- and thermal insulation. Antiseptic measures are being taken;
  5. Making adjustments to window and door structures;
  6. Restorative measures in case of reducing the efficiency of the structures of balconies and loggias, canopies, entrances to the house and basements, stairs and inter-apartment partitions;
  7. Repair of flooring areas and replacement of some parts;
  8. Internal work in entrances, utility rooms and basements is carried out on separate sections. This also includes service apartments. We are talking about restoring the outer layer of ceilings, walls, floor coverings, but not about their complete replacement;
  9. Central heating may not only be subject to partial repair, but also the complete replacement of some parts. Applies to all structures, including domestic boiler rooms;
  10. Change of parts of plumbing systems and sewer pipes, their restoration or installation. This includes pumping units;
  11. Similar work with electrical communications. The exception is the parts of the system located in the premises of residential apartments;
  12. Reconstruction or replacement of parts ventilation system, including electric drives and fans themselves;
  13. Troubleshooting or poor condition of parts of the garbage chute, including ventilation and flushing, as well as garbage hatches;
  14. Special technical devices may also be subject to restoration or replacement, but the work must be carried out by enterprises that specialize in such work, have the appropriate permits from the competent authorities and have signed an agreement with the responsible persons of this apartment building.

To necessary work includes external landscaping. Partial repairs of blind areas, fences, children's and sports grounds, paths and alleys, utility sheds and playgrounds are possible.

Payment for ongoing repairs

In some cases, house management may adopt a different cost allocation scheme.

Most often this happens according to the following algorithm:

  1. Repairmen carefully diagnose equipment at home, determine the condition of equipment and structures. At the same time, the presence of responsible persons from the House Council is necessary;
  2. Based on the data received, they draw up an estimate, which includes payment for services and the cost of materials that must be spent, as well as the payment of taxes;
  3. Upcoming work is documented, then carried out and accepted;
  4. The managing organization distributes the amount depending on the area of ​​each apartment. By breaking the total amount of repairs into the total amount of meters of living space at home, we get the amount payable for 1 sq. m. Further, the number is multiplied by the number of meters of the apartment and a check with the amount indicated for payment comes to its residents.

Sometimes the payment is divided equally among all apartments. However, this practice is extremely rare.

At the same time, according to statistics, repairs that the owners perform on their own are approximately 7-9 times cheaper than those carried out by specialists.

The fact is that the bulk of the funds have to be paid for the work of employees, as well as in the form of taxes. This is especially true for painting and plastering work. Resident communities are increasingly turning away from the services of WHEs.

If current repair is denied

Residents at the general meeting determine how often current repairs are carried out. If the management company does not provide the necessary services, it is possible to take effective measures.

The owners at the general meeting draw up a letter of application on the need for current repair measures, include a list of services in the text of the document, indicate the exact date when such repairs were carried out earlier.

Further, the document is referred to the company with mandatory registration with the secretary. The state provides 15 days for consideration of the document. After that, the tenants must be officially notified whether they will have the desired repairs for the house.

In case of refusal or no response, the next letter of application of similar content is sent to the State Housing Inspectorate. The document indicates the date the application was submitted to the management company and the absence of a response (negative response).

The last body that can consider the situation is the court. And here the application is already submitted with a request for material compensation. Often the case does not reach the court, management companies give up faster.

The fact is that the chances of winning in such a case among the owners are very high and for management company cheaper to agree to fulfill the requirements of the owners.

Important: non-payment for utilities cannot be the reason for the lack of ongoing repair activities. The management company must resolve this issue separately, through the court with the non-payer.

Properly carried out current repairs become not only the key to a pleasant appearance.Most importantly, it is a guarantee of the safety of the people who live in this apartment building.

Only regular inspection of equipment and structures, their timely replacement or restoration will help to achieve a comfortable stay in a warm, clean house.

If the necessary conditions missing, action needs to be taken. Malfunctions can lead to tragedy and only the owners themselves are able to defend their rights to the safety of their homes. The legislation provides for all the possibilities for obtaining the necessary. The main thing is to use them.

general meeting owners of premises in an apartment building
house on current repairs in an apartment building

"__"___________ ____ G.

(For an extraordinary meeting: Initiator of convening the meeting: _____________.)

Meeting start time _________________.
Meeting end time ______________.

1. Owners of the premises of an apartment building, indicated in the attached list.
2. Representatives of the managing organization ... (full name, position, name of the managing organization)

Proposals for candidates for the Chairman of the Meeting.
Voted: for the owner ... (full name)
for the owner ... Full name
for the owner ... Full name
Decided: to elect the Chairman of the Meeting of the owner F.I.O.

Proposals for candidates for the Secretary of the Meeting.
Voted: for the owner F.I.O.
for the owner F.I.O.
for the owner F.I.O.
Decided: to elect the secretary of the Meeting of the owner F.I.O.


1. Information about current repairs apartment building.
2. Making a decision on the current repair of an apartment building.
3. Approval of the content and composition, scope of work for the current repair of an apartment building.
4. Approval of the planned cost of the current repair of an apartment building, including the cost of developing estimate documentation.
5. Determination of the method and procedure for financing the current repair of an apartment building.

1. On the first question agenda on the current repair of an apartment building listened to the information ... Full name.

2. On the second question agenda on the decision to carry out the current repair of an apartment building listened to F.I.Oh.

Voted: for the decision to carry out the current repair of an apartment building.
For _____ votes.
Against ______ votes.
_____ votes abstained.
Decided: to carry out the current repair of an apartment building.

3. On the third question agendas on the content and composition, scope of work on the current repair of an apartment building listened to F.I.O.

It was decided: taking into account the changes and additions, to approve the composition and scope of work attached to the protocol.

4. On the fourth question agenda on the planned cost of the current repair of an apartment building, including the cost of developing estimate documentation, listened to F.I.O.

Voted: for the approval of the planned cost of the current repair of an apartment building, including the cost of developing estimate documentation.
For _____ votes.
Against ______ votes.
_____ votes abstained.
Decided: to approve the planned cost of current repairs
apartment building, including the cost of developing estimate documentation in
within _____ (__________) rubles.

5. On the fifth question agendas on the methods and procedure for financing the current repair of an apartment building listened to F.I.O.

Voted: for choosing the method and procedure for financing the current repair of an apartment building
For _____ votes.
Against ______ votes.
_____ votes abstained.
We decided: to determine the following method and procedure for financing the current repair of an apartment building - ___________.

Chairman of the Meeting ___________ /signature, full name

Secretary of the Meeting ___________/signature, full name


Decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on issues put to a vote are taken by a majority vote of the total number of votes of the owners of premises in an apartment building participating in this meeting ()

The general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is competent (has a quorum) if the owners of premises in this building or their representatives, who have more than fifty percent of the votes of the total number of votes, took part in it (clause 3, article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

An approximate list of works related to current repairs is given in Appendix N 7 to Rules N 170. In addition, see para. 2 clause 5.4.6 and clause 5.9.11 of Rules No. 170.

The method and procedure for financing the current repair of an apartment building are selected taking into account the requirements of paragraphs 28 - 36 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the rules for changing the amount of maintenance and repair fees living quarters in the case of the provision of services and performance of work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491.

For links to other sample documents, see the article "Minutes of the general meeting of owners of an apartment building. Samples of protocols, messages, bulletins, comments"

Most of the residents of apartment buildings do not really know anything about what is meant by the concept of current repairs. And this is not surprising since the representatives of the housing and communal services themselves are often confused in the details regarding their work.

This is due to insufficient coverage in the legislation of many issues from the housing and communal services sector - there are many white spots or legal vacuums, and this fact allows the development of all sorts of bureaucratic schemes that are unpleasant for residents.

Insert your text here
Therefore, it would be useful for tenants who rent apartments or who own them in an apartment building to at least superficially familiarize themselves with their rights.

All repairs are conditionally divided into two types:

  • capital;
  • and current.

The former are carried out for the purpose of capital restoration of the building, the latter maintain it in a residential condition and are carried out regularly. For example, every three or twelve months. That is, the second type of repair work is necessarily planned by public utilities and does not depend on whether the building needs serious restoration.

For full participation and control of the progress of the repair, you need to know about.

Usually current repair works are limited to diagnostics of the building and elimination of minor faults (for example, in the equipment of the boiler room). They concern only common property.

It is impossible to require repairmen to carry out internal work - they do not apply to the current repair of the whole house

Types of jobs

To determine the type of work included in the current repair, it is necessary to clarify what exactly belongs to the common property.

This list includes:

  • equipment related to security system– intercoms, entrance doors, video cameras;
  • mailboxes;
  • elevators, including shafts;
  • heating networks and electrical networks located in the entrances;
  • risers of the water supply system (cold and hot);
  • basement areas, their equipment;
  • roof;
  • the entire facade;
  • foundation.

That is, in common use there is everything that does not belong to individual individuals. And this property must be put in order according to plan and regularly. Funds for such repairs are also collected from the residents on a regular basis. If you look at utility bills, you can find the corresponding line in them.

The list of works should include:

  • diagnostics;
  • budgeting and distribution of the amount received between residents (this issue is usually dealt with housing cooperative);
  • repairs, including, first of all, the elimination of all minor problems, and then the modernization of the house (at the request of the residents).

Modernization includes, for example:

  • CCTV installation,
  • replacement of elevators or old building structures.

Eliminating minor problems includes: replacing light bulbs, wiring, eliminating problems in the ventilation system, sewerage, water supply (this can be the replacement of individual nodes or sections, seals, taps, etc.), insulation of the heating system and its repair, Painting works, plastering, floor replacement, repair of stairs, elevator shaft equipment, roof, foundation and facade - the list is quite large.

The entire list of works can be seen in signed with the management company. These activities should be carried out on a regular basis. If something is not reflected in the contract, the tenants are not entitled to demand it during the repair.

The cost of repairs for each tenant will be determined by the housing cooperative according to the footage of the apartment. The entire amount calculated according to the estimate is divided into total square meters in the house, and then multiplied by the footage of each individual apartment. There is a second way to distribute the total amount - it is divided by the number of apartments and the payment for each apartment is the same. But this method is used extremely rarely.

Who does the repair

The management company is in charge of the repair. For example, a leaking roof cannot be repaired by one tenant - for this it is necessary to obtain permission from Stroynadzor and the management company itself.

The management company independently attracts contractors, concludes contracts with them and monitors their implementation

Also, a housing cooperative can act as a customer of work (Article 740 of the Civil Code).

If there is no repair

The unscrupulousness of repairmen and the topic of offended tenants has long become a "talk of the town." To deal with the troubles and solve the problem with the repair, the tenants need to take the following actions:

  • Contact the management company directly - its representative is obliged to draw up an appropriate act, on the basis of which work should be carried out (or defects eliminated).
  • In case of non-completion of repairs, residents file a complaint first with the company itself, and then with the municipality (housing and communal services department of the city administration). The highest authority for appeal is the Main Directorate of Housing Inspection.
  • Residents can demand the elimination of all problems or a comprehensive repair in accordance with an agreement with the management company, and in case of refusal, go to court.
  • Also, tenants have the right to unilaterally change the management company that has not coped with its duties.

The decision is made at the general meeting of owners at the end current year(Article 162 of the LCD). All documents must be transferred to a new management company or one of the owners (if direct management is chosen).