Minor repairs to liquid wallpaper on the ceiling. How to apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling with your own hands. Workflow Description

A rich color palette makes it possible to implement any design idea, as well as your own ideas.


Visually increases the space and makes the ceiling higher. It is universal and suitable for various interior styles, improves room illumination and does not cause irritation. Great alternative whitewashing, since this option is much simpler and cleaner.


The most natural and natural, like the color of skin or sand on the beach. Although beige will not become a bright detail, it will certainly act as a noble background for any experiments. The beauty of this coating is its perfect compatibility with almost any tones, both bright and pastel.


Green looks especially beautiful in the interior, and although such a solution is rare, it is a great opportunity to create a unique uniqueness for the room.

The photo shows a ceiling made with liquid green wallpaper.


This is a classic shade. An excellent choice for a calm and unobtrusive design. Gray will breathe stability and harmony into the room.


They bring sea freshness to the room, making it spacious and bright. Blue will give you the feeling of the limitless sky above your head.

The photo shows a living room with blue liquid wallpaper on the ceiling.

Photo ideas in the interior of rooms

You can decorate any room in your apartment with liquid wallpaper, doing the renovation yourself or turning to professionals.

In the kitchen

This coating fits here in all respects. After all, it is resistant to moisture and steam evaporation, and also retains sound and heat. This material is non-flammable, does not absorb odors and is non-toxic, which is important for the kitchen.

In the living room

It is interesting to use silk wallpaper as a basis; they will add a touch of luxury to the living room with their softness. The area around the chandelier can be played with a different color or a pattern can be applied to create a bright accent.

The photo shows a living room with liquid wallpaper on the walls and ceiling.

In bathroom

The interior will immediately be transformed, even if there are ordinary tiles on the floor. If you properly coat the dried base with varnish, this will allow you to make the ceiling waterproof.

In the toilet

Even in such a small room it is possible to come up with a large number of design options. If you correctly combine liquid wallpaper with floor covering, plumbing and lighting you can create a stylish interior.

In the bedroom

In this room you can relax your body and soul. Liquid wallpaper is perfect for this room, as it is hypoallergenic and does not collect dust. And let this ceiling covering not be a strong departure from the rules and allow you to make the ordinary more modern.

The photo shows a bedroom decorated with liquid wallpaper.

Design examples

With imagination and inventiveness, you can successfully add bright and interesting accents to your interior.

Drawings and patterns

A pattern can express the character of a room. Favorite cartoon characters or animals will suit your child's room. For a low-key living room, this could be a geometric composition. The bedroom will be complemented by delicate floral designs or stars in the night sky.

With glitter

They will give the ceiling covering an even greater effect and make the decoration of the apartment original.

Combination of several colors

Allows you to create not only simple compositions, but also entire paintings. Visually enlarges the space and moves the ceiling back, as if lifting it up. Using shades of color can be applied to separate areas surface mosaic pattern.

The photo shows a bedroom with a combination of several colors on the ceiling.


They emit soft light in the dark, creating a cozy atmosphere. This unusual decoration the room will become its real highlight.

The photo shows a bedroom with glowing liquid wallpaper on the ceiling.

With rustications

They can be wide or thin, colorless or colored. All this together will create the effect of a cracked ceiling. Relevant in shabby chic or shabby chic style.

How to apply to the ceiling?

Many people classify liquid wallpaper as an exotic finishing material. However, they are great for finishing ceilings.

What is the best way to apply it?

For application, it is best to use tools such as a spatula, rollers, a brush and a drill with pads.

Ceiling preparation

Liquid wallpaper is compatible with drywall, fiberboard, concrete, wood, plaster, plywood, paint and even metal. First you need to get rid of the old ceiling covering. Using a spatula, remove any looseness and clean the damaged areas. Gaps and cracks should be covered with putty. For strong layer bonding liquid wallpaper The ceiling must first be primed. And only after this should you proceed to the next stage.

Step-by-step application instructions

Applying the finished mixture to the ceiling will provide a continuous coating without seams or joints.


Photo gallery

New trends in construction and renovation never stand still; more and more interesting and unusual materials are created every day. This type of design has become a new and simple procedure that anyone can handle.

Many experts call liquid wallpaper for the ceiling an ideal finishing material. It allows you to create beautiful seamless surfaces that delight the eye with their impeccable appearance.

Ceiling surfaces in residential areas can be finished using various materials. Considerable popularity in Lately They use liquid wallpaper; they look very attractive on the ceiling. And from a purely practical point of view, such a coating has many advantages, it:

  • is antistatic (liquid wallpaper does not attract dust and does not accumulate static electricity) and non-flammable;
  • has no seams;
  • belongs to the group of environmentally friendly materials;
  • does not absorb foreign odors;
  • has excellent adhesion to the ceiling base;
  • not afraid of moisture;
  • ideal for decorating curved and wavy ceilings;
  • easy to clean with a rag soaked in water, and also cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle;
  • can be restored without problems (if any part of the surface is damaged during the use of the wallpaper, you can always replace it using new material);
  • allows you to mask small imperfections (cracks, unevenness) of the ceiling;
  • characterized by a high rate of heat and sound insulation (due to the fibrous structure of the material);
  • doesn't lose his original form under the influence of sunlight (does not fade).

Ceiling finished with liquid wallpaper

A huge variety of shades and textures allows you to choose liquid wallpaper for any ceilings, organically fitting them into general style finishing of a specific room. It is also important that the decorative cladding material in question House master, who does not have special skills, is quite capable of applying it to the surface on his own. To do this, it is enough to understand some of the features of such a procedure, and then immediately get down to business.

The disadvantage of liquid wallpaper is that it high cost. But, given the long service life of such products, this disadvantage can be ignored. In addition, it is necessary to remember one more feature of the described finishing material. According to its characteristics, as we noted, it is moisture resistant. But under no circumstances should you wash it with water.

We are interested in finishing material is produced in the form of a dry mixture. It usually includes the following components:

  • cellulose, cotton natural fibers;
  • wood impurities;
  • mineral particles;
  • silk;
  • natural dyes;
  • decorative additives (glitters, sticks, flocks);
  • seaweed;
  • harmless glue.

Preparation of the composition for application

Liquid wallpaper for ceiling surfaces is usually divided into several types. The first includes mixtures consisting of silk fibers. This finishing material has a high price and truly ideal aesthetic characteristics. Silk liquid ceilings are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation. They allow you to create exclusive interiors, striking in their originality. More affordable are combined wallpaper(silk-cellulose).

Price for similar finishing mixtures depends on percentage they contain cellulose and silk threads. The more silk there is in a product, the more expensive it is.

Wallpaper of the third type - cellulose, is considered the most budget-friendly. They are recommended for finishing glazed balconies, hallways, corridors. In bedrooms and living rooms, such cladding may not look the most in the best possible way. When choosing liquid plaster for ceilings, you must take into account the geometric features of the rooms in which it will be used, as well as take into account the decorative style of the entire room. Light wallpaper classified as universal. In principle, they can be used in any premises. And here dark wallpaper It is undesirable to use in small rooms and low height rooms.

Before applying the wallpaper in question to the ceiling, you should take care of preparing it for finishing, as well as understand the technology for preparing liquid plaster. You need to remove all bulky objects from the room and cover the floors with any dense material or plastic film. After this, clean the ceiling surface. If it has been whitewashed, wash the ceiling with water. Old wallpaper can be easily removed with a spatula. With painted ceilings, everything is generally simple - just clean off the flaking areas of acrylic, oil or.

Preparing the ceiling for liquid wallpaper

Next, you need to fill large gaps and cracks in the ceiling with putty. Wait for the applied compound to set, and then carefully smooth it out with a float. If there are fasteners on the ceiling surface, old plaster mesh, other hardware, paint over them with enamel or remove them. Then you should apply a primer to the base treated as described above. This procedure is easily performed with a wide brush or.

While the primer composition sets and dries, you can begin to obtain ready-to-use wallpaper from the dry mixture. All rules for performing this procedure are available in the liquid plaster manufacturer’s instructions. In most cases, the operation is performed as follows:

  1. Pour clean water(not cold, but not hot either) into a 10-liter container (see the required volume of liquid on the mixture packaging).
  2. Pour the dry composition into the water and mix (as thoroughly as possible). Mix liquid plaster only by hand. Using construction mixer or a similar device, there is a high risk of damage to the elements that make up the wallpaper.
  3. Wait until the adhesive components included in the mixture swell well (read the instructions).
  4. Mix the resulting composition, add (if necessary) texturizing impurities and pigments to it.

Liquid wallpaper is ready for use. They should be applied immediately. If the composition dries out, it can theoretically be re-diluted with water. But the quality of such plaster will be low. Its performance indicators will deteriorate significantly. And it will be very difficult for the wallpaper to adhere to the ceiling. If the plaster turns out to be too thick, add a small amount of water to the prepared composition and stir it. There is one caveat here. You cannot add more than 800–1000 g of liquid to one serving of the composition. If adding water in the specified volumes does not correct the situation (the solution remains too thick), you will have to wait until the excess moisture evaporates on its own.

Finishing activities are carried out in rooms with a temperature within +20–26 °C. Application of liquid wallpaper to the ceiling is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Take a small part of the mixture with your hands and form a lump out of it. The latter must be placed on a plastic grater.
  2. Apply the plaster to the surface to be decorated using a back-and-forth motion.
  3. Form the next lump. Apply it to the ceiling. Don't forget to periodically moisten the plastic grater with water. Then surface treatment will be much easier.
  4. Smooth out all the lumps on the ceiling.
  5. Leave the surface treated with liquid decorative plaster to dry for about three days.

Spraying a liquid ceiling

To speed up drying, it is allowed to use heaters and ventilate the room. The coating described in the article is not afraid of drafts! Many home craftsmen are interested in whether it is possible to apply liquid wallpaper to ceiling surfaces in rooms with high, constant humidity. Experts say it is possible. But with one condition. Be sure to treat the wallpaper with a good waterproof varnish. It should be noted that it does not need to be used for rooms with normal humidity levels.

And one last thing. Finishing the ceiling with liquid wallpaper is sometimes done not manually, but using a spray gun (spray gun). Such a tool must have a capacity of at least 200 l/min and a pressure of about 3.5 atmospheres. The possibility of applying liquid plaster using a sprayer is specified separately by the manufacturer of the decorative composition. Carefully read the instructions for the wallpaper. At the same time, decorative compositions with fibrous rough structure never applied with a spray gun. Remember this.

Liquid wallpaper has recently been increasingly used in indoor renovations. They do not look like ordinary roll wallpaper; most likely, from a distance they can be confused with a stone coating. Liquid wallpaper feels more like thick felt.

This coating is sold dry and applied to the wall in the same way as plaster. According to experts, they are considered ideal material, which can easily be applied both to the wall and to the ceiling.

Liquid wallpaper appeared in Russia not so long ago and immediately became a popular material. The main component of this coating is natural cellulose. Classic liquid wallpaper is made from cellulose, cotton or silk fibers, safe dye and glue.

In addition, liquid wallpaper may contain marble chips or sparkles to give an even greater effect. Most often, mica glitter is added to liquid wallpaper.

This component is not expensive, and besides, it adds a special sophistication to ordinary liquid wallpaper. Mica glitter can be purchased in a separate bag and added to the dry wallpaper mixture if desired.

Liquid wallpaper is intended only for interior decoration. The material is completely natural, so it will not be able to withstand moisture. According to designers, liquid wallpaper is perfect for the living room, bedroom, and children's room.

The material gives a special warmth to the room, making it cozy. Liquid wallpaper perfectly absorbs noise, so most often experts recommend applying it in the room where the TV will be placed.

In addition, wallpaper can increase the acoustics in a room. The material is plastic and pliable, so you can create any wallpaper pattern on the ceiling.

Liquid wallpaper is produced in Turkey, Russia, France, Germany, they all differ in their type, composition, and their service life also varies.

Experts advise taking a closer look at photo projects; thanks to a visual representation, as a rule, Beautiful design ceiling with liquid wallpaper.

Pros and cons of liquid wallpaper

If we compare such a coating with plaster or with ordinary wallpaper, then liquid wallpaper differs in that it does not require much space at all when used. They are not cut, not measured, and the wall or ceiling is not coated with glue.

When applying such a coating to the ceiling, the remaining material will not fall down, since the mixture is thick and reliably holds its shape. This is how beautiful, original and stylish finished ceilings look in the interior - our photo selection at the end of the article is due confirmation of this.

It is a pleasure to work with the material, it is quite pliable and does not stand out bad smell or dust. Wallpaper is well applied to the ceiling, without creating joints, filling the gaps that arise in the places where the ceiling connects to the wall or baseboards on the ceiling.

Liquid wallpaper is flexible, so you can easily decorate a column, arch or bay window with it. After the coating dries, it will become a little elastic, this is a big plus, since it will not crack when the house shrinks.

Another advantage of liquid wallpaper is its porous structure. This, in turn, is good at absorbing sound, retaining heat in the room, while the material breathes.

In a room where the walls are covered with such wallpaper, mold does not appear on the ceiling or walls, there is no dampness, unlike the use of vinyl-based wallpaper.

The material is not able to absorb foreign odors, and also does not absorb dust. If the wallpaper somehow gets dirty or has a crack, this area You need to carefully cut it out, dilute the wallpaper mixture again and apply it to this place.

Unfortunately, liquid wallpaper has a main drawback - it is a high price compared to classic wallpaper in rolls or sheets for stretch ceilings.

Also another drawback is the low selection of shades, while there are regular wallpaper sometimes there is not enough time.

In the case of a small selection of colors, designers advise combining liquid wallpaper with other materials, for example, in the case of a ceiling, applying stucco.

How to apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling?

First you need to properly prepare the surface. The mixture can be applied to concrete, brick, drywall, metal or wood. Liquid wallpaper clings well to any surface, so it does not fall off.

The surface must be smooth and durable, there should be no protruding nails or reinforcement. There should be no moisture in the room where the material will be used.

Possible cracks can be covered with putty or the same liquid wallpaper. Before applying the material, the surface should be primed, this will give strength to the ceiling. By following all the technology for applying such material, you can make beautiful ceiling with your own hands.

The prepared mixture must be applied to the surface with a plastic or metal spatula with a nasty surface. Hand movements should be light, moving from left to right.

The angle of inclination of the spatula to the surface should be small so that the wallpaper mixture is evenly distributed over the surface.

The coating should remain slightly loose immediately after application; compaction is not allowed. When applying liquid wallpaper, you must not press on the spatula, otherwise the mass will become compacted, you will not get a relief, and the consumption of the mixture will become large.

Below are photos of liquid wallpaper on the ceiling, technology correct application, as well as room finishing options.

Photo of liquid wallpaper on the ceiling

Also excellent for decoration. However, installation of the latter is carried out by specialists. And finishing the ceiling with liquid wallpaper can be done independently. After traditional whitewashing, this is the most economical way to decorate a room. Next we will learn more about this material. The article will also talk about how to make a ceiling with liquid wallpaper.

What is the reason for the popularity of the material?

What is good about liquid wallpaper on the ceiling? Customer reviews indicate that one of the main advantages of the material is its cost. Despite the cost-effectiveness, the coating looks very original. Applying liquid wallpaper to the ceiling is easy. As the owners themselves say residential premises, the process of decorating with this material is even easier than with plaster or paint. What other advantages do liquid wallpaper on the ceiling have? Consumer reviews also contain information about the environmental friendliness of the material. After all, it contains natural ingredients. These include, in particular, silk and cotton fibers, which are components pulp and paper base. The material also includes acrylic components intended for binding, glue, dyes and special decorative elements.

Features of application

The material is usually used to decorate rooms with low humidity. Liquid wallpaper is applied to the ceiling of the kitchen, bedroom, hallway, and living room. Surfaces such as drywall, plaster, and concrete are suitable for decoration. Liquid wallpaper will fit perfectly on the ceiling even after painting. It is not recommended to decorate wood, plastic, metal surfaces, not pre-treated with a primer. Liquid wallpaper on the ceiling can be applied in plain colors or to create a fabric effect. If the room is decorated in a classic style, the material may look like stucco. At the same time, the addition of bronze or silver threads allows you to obtain a very original coating. It will go perfectly with fragments of a plain surface. In addition, you can create original designs on the ceiling using liquid wallpaper. For this, stencils and simple tools will be useful.

Historical reference

Back in the 15th century, Charles VII ordered the restoration of the captured castle. Only three days were allocated for decoration. In the city where this castle was located, silk was produced. However, due to hostilities, all equipment was destroyed and further production became impossible. The craftsmen decided to use the remaining silk in decoration. The canvases were crushed, and flour was added as a binding component. The resulting mass was mixed well and diluted with water. This mixture was used to decorate the entire castle. The originality of the solution and the beauty of the decor amazed Charles VII. There were no people indifferent to such finishing, but the knowledge and technology were preserved. This is how the original textile covering began to exist, which subsequently became widespread in Europe. It should be noted that, for example, in Moscow the Bolshoi Theater is decorated with liquid wallpaper.

Some material properties

Liquid wallpaper got its name due to its manufacturing method. In the factory, the produced material is packaged dry in bags. Before application, liquid wallpaper is diluted with water. Laying is carried out according to the technology used decorative plaster. Because of this, the material is considered one of the varieties of this coating. Liquid wallpaper on the ceiling is a great way to economically decorate the surface. The plane looks smooth and solid, without joints or seams. Decorative silk plaster is considered a material without an expiration date. The period of operation of the coating is more than 10 years. If any area has been damaged, it can be easily restored. The repair site will be almost invisible. Surfaces that are most often subject to contamination can be additionally treated with colorless aqualac. This will reliably protect the liquid wallpaper. Application to the ceiling can be carried out by one person without additional assistance. The material is odorless. The elasticity of the coating protects against cracks when the house shrinks. This is especially true in new buildings. If, nevertheless, breaks appear on the surface, then it is enough to moisten the area (preferably with a spray bottle) with water, and then smooth out the damaged area. You can maintain the uniformity of the pattern by using wallpaper from the same batch and batch.


To work you will need:

  • A container in which the material will swell.
  • Spatula or trowel. This tool will directly lay the material. You can make a trowel yourself. To do this you will need a piece of plexiglass. An equilateral triangle is cut out of it, the side length of which is 5-6 cm. A handle is screwed to the plexiglass.
  • Rubber or foam roller.
  • Plastic graters.
  • Spray.
  • Relief roller.

The quantity of wallpaper is calculated in accordance with the recommendations on the packaging. As a rule, one package weighing 1.7 kg is enough for 5 m2. In this case, the layer thickness will be 1.5 mm.

Surface preparation

Before laying liquid wallpaper on the ceiling, you should cover non-woven material or polyethylene for indoor furniture and floors. It is advisable to completely empty the room of all objects so that they do not interfere with the work. The old coating from the ceiling surface must be removed. The whitewash and tiles, if any, are removed. Liquid wallpaper can be applied to a surface previously painted with oil or water-dispersion compositions. You should first clean off any existing peeling areas. If there large cracks, they should be sealed with putty and leveled with a float.

Primer composition

The surface is covered before laying the material special mixture. If the ceiling was previously treated with bright oil paint, then using a regular primer the color may be noticeable. In this regard, a special composition (waterproof) should be used. In this case, the process of coating with a primer must be carried out in two layers. Plastic surfaces must be treated with compounds based on water-dispersed components (PVA glue in particular). Oil paint or enamel is used for priming metal elements. This treatment will prevent the formation of rust. Do not apply ST-17 primer. This composition may cause yellow spots to appear. After applying the primer, allow it to dry. Only after this they begin to lay liquid wallpaper. Application to the ceiling is carried out under normal conditions. room temperature and humidity.

Preparing material for installation

To dilute liquid wallpaper, it is best to use a plastic container. The dry mixture is poured into warm water in small portions. Its temperature should be approximately 25 degrees. If it is necessary to give a tint to the coating, dye is also added to the container. The mass is mixed until the consistency of thick sour cream. After this, the solution is left to swell. The infusion time is usually indicated on the packaging. Before laying, the mass is thoroughly mixed again. To ensure uniform shade, it is recommended to combine material from different packages. Also on sale ready-made mixtures. They are for those who have never decorated in this way and doubt their abilities. If there is any residue after applying the material, it can be tightly capped and stored for several months.

Types of material laying

There are two ways to apply liquid wallpaper: manual and mechanical. Briefly, the first method involves throwing the solution onto the surface and then leveling it using a trowel, grater or roller. Professionals often use a spray gun in their work. This method also smoothes out the mixture. Textured finishing can be done using relief roller, and the usual one - with a tool with a hard fur coat. The rolling of the pattern is done seven hours after laying the coating. Next, we will consider in more detail the methods of applying liquid wallpaper.

Manual laying

  • A small part of the swollen mass should be taken from the container and applied to the ceiling. The layer should be evenly distributed. Its thickness is 1-4 mm.
  • The surface is leveled with a smooth grater. After this, the next portion of material is applied. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the boundaries between the areas are not visible.
  • Depending on the direction of smoothing, the position of the fibers will be formed. By changing the trajectory of movement, you can achieve the desired decorative effect.
  • Polymerization will occur within 24 hours after laying the material. adhesive composition. In this regard, the coating should not be subjected to mechanical stress.

Mechanical placement of material

The work is carried out using a spray gun. Professionals also use a compressor with a working pressure of 0.5 MPa. The productivity of the unit must be more than 400 l/min. In a spray bottle, the nozzle should have a diameter of 5 to 10 mm. The size will depend on the texture of the coating. Controlling the coating flow is accomplished by varying the volume of water added to the mixture. First apply a 1.5 mm layer with a spray bottle to the entire surface of the ceiling. After it dries, the material is sprayed again. This gives the coating the required thickness. If you spray in one thick layer at once, the material will likely slide off the surface.


The ceiling covered with liquid wallpaper looks original and aesthetically pleasing. The material is fireproof and tolerates well temperature changes. The mixture contains antifungal components that prevent the formation of mold when the humidity in the room increases. Another undoubted advantage of the material is that it does not fade due to prolonged use. All components are hypoallergenic. Therefore, people prone to allergies do not have to worry about their health. You can work with the material without protective equipment (bare hands without gloves). There is no dirt or dust after installation. This allows the home's occupants to remain indoors during the entire process. Liquid wallpaper is considered a universal material. With their help you can decorate the room in the most different styles. When laying, there is no need to additionally press the material against the base for a tighter fixation. It is enough to smooth out the composition with the available tools. The remainder of the material can be used at least 4 times. Liquid wallpaper can act as additional noise and heat insulation for a room. This is achieved due to the fibrous composition of the material. After drying, dust does not accumulate on the coating throughout the entire period of operation. In addition, liquid wallpaper has antistatic properties. The surface coated with the material does not require special care. It is enough to carry out regular wet cleaning. To keep the coating clean, you can vacuum it.

The topic of today's article is liquid wallpaper on the ceiling, live photos in the interior, as well as a description of the material and instructions for applying it yourself.

What is liquid wallpaper made of?

Some people believe that liquid wallpaper is plaster, it’s just quite non-standard type. In fact, this is almost true, but this “plaster” does not contain the main component – ​​sand.

Liquid wallpaper is a mixture of binders, adhesive substances and plasticizers (mainly cellulose) and decorative filler, mainly of natural origin. For example: silk fibers, glitter powder, mica particles, and dyes.

In dry form it is ordinary mortar, which must be diluted with water until the required consistency is obtained. Then the mixture is applied to the walls using a spatula. Almost anyone can cope with this, since, unlike natural plaster, this fibrous mixture is more pliable and less capricious.

The result is a coating that feels like fabric wallpaper, has a structure, but is completely devoid of seams.

What types of liquid wallpaper are there?

There are two main types: professional mixtures and amateur ones. The first ones are without dye, but they are much more affordable. But the master needs to know exactly how much paint to add to the mixture.

The second option is completely ready for use, has a specified color. That is, just add water.

In addition to this division, liquid wallpaper differs in the types of main filler:

  • Cotton
  • Cellulose
  • Blend of silk and cellulose

That is, than more natural material, the more expensive these coatings are. Silk ones are the most expensive, but they are worth spending money on. This is a fairly durable coating and the cotton version is much inferior to it.

Cellulose mixed with silk - Alternative option, is more affordable, has all the advantages natural fillers, but is not a completely natural substance. However, this option is no worse and can also be considered an environmentally friendly solution.

What are the advantages of liquid wallpaper for the ceiling over paper wallpaper?

Liquid wallpaper has many advantages over conventional coatings, such as wallpaper and simple putty.

Firstly, they look much more interesting, and secondly, finishing the ceiling with liquid wallpaper is possible on any plane, even convex. They are very suitable for multi-tiered ceilings and places with corners that are very difficult to trim with paper without getting bends, distortions and other defects.

The coating looks solid, cast and completely smooth.

But these are all only external advantages. There are also practical ones.

But that's not all. Liquid wallpaper good from an environmental point of view. They are hypoallergenic and suitable for people who have reactions to chemicals and dust.

What can you say about the cons? Yes, they don’t exist; in fact, it’s difficult to come up with something. The only thing is that the colors are very much for everyone. But, if you are satisfied with just such effects, then don’t look for shortcomings, there are none.

With a lot of creaking, the disadvantages include a long hardening time, about two days. But... What's the difference? What's the hurry?

Options for using liquid wallpaper on the ceiling

Now, let's move on to the practical part and see how you can use this material on the ceiling. The scope for imagination here is simply unlimited. Not only can you play with the difference in textures, you can also make drawings with them! Look at this photo, this is how it looks in the interior.

The rose is made from one type of mixture, and the background is made from another. And most importantly, almost everyone can do it all with their own hands.

It also looks interesting when liquid wallpaper is combined with a smooth, painted surface. Let's say you can decorate the box around the perimeter of the room smooth, but inner part make it textured.

It looks no worse than suspended ceiling! And what’s good is that the application technology is simple, but the appearance is very solid. The main thing here is to choose the color well.

You don’t have to mix textures, but create contrasts only with liquid wallpaper.

I would like to note that it would be very nice to duplicate the volumetric texture of the ceiling somewhere on the walls. For example, decorate columns or arches with liquid wallpaper. Then the ceiling will look very organic.

Technology of applying liquid wallpaper step by step

You already know what liquid wallpaper is and what it looks like. Now let's look at how exactly to use them and where to start finishing.

1. The ceiling needs to be prepared. There is no need to heavily smooth the surface of the putty, but the level must be leveled as well as possible. Although, it must be admitted that the colorful and variegated colors of liquid wallpaper visually even out minor defects.

2. Buy a primer and go over the ceiling. This is a mandatory step that cannot be avoided. If you do not use a primer mixture, then the putty particles will not allow the liquid wallpaper to adhere well to the surface.

You can dilute the primer, or you can apply it straight. It all depends on the volume of your ceiling. If one container is enough for the entire surface, then you don’t have to dilute it, but if not, then it’s better to dilute it with water in order to save money.

But here, again, everything depends on the initial layer of putty. If he is fat then better soil Do not dilute, because otherwise there will be a slight absorption.

Do not use Ceresit ST17 primer, as it produces a slight yellow tint that may appear on a colored background.

3. Place liquid wallpaper as written in the instructions. In general, in principle, it is better not to rely on the instructions, but to add water gradually stirring. The consistency should be approximately the same as thick plaster.

An important point: first pour the dry mixture into the container, and then add water. Once the mixture reaches the desired consistency, add a little more and set aside to swell for 15-20 minutes.

4. Take large spatula, made of plexiglass or stainless steel. Apply the mixture onto it with a second spatula. Then treat the surface of the ceiling, being sure not to press too hard.
The layer should not be excessively thin, let it be voluminous and at least 2 mm thick.

5. Try to immediately avoid unevenness between the new portion of liquid wallpaper and the previously applied mixture. Smooth out these places immediately, do not leave them for later.

6. When you completely cover the ceiling, look critically and find differences and shortcomings. The mixture will still be quite plastic, so it needs to be leveled right away.

7. Leave the ceiling to dry for approximately 48 hours. It is advisable not to create drafts, because this can cause cracking of the surface.

That's all the technology is. As you can see, it is elementary, but the design of the ceiling at the exit is very original.

In conclusion, we can say one thing: the material is good, the reviews online are positive, so take it boldly and act!