How to accept plastering work. Plastering and finishing works. Making a mixture for plaster

Plastering work is one of the main stages of repair, and the comfort in the house directly depends on them. Therefore, it is necessary to check not only the final result, but also the consistent implementation of the technological process.

Before plastering work, it is necessary to carry out a complete cleaning of the room and preparation of surfaces. The walls should be free of dust, dirt and stains of various origins. In addition, it is necessary to observe temperature regime and control the humidity of the room.

The application of the mortar should be uniform, and the layer thickness should be up to 50 mm.

Acceptance of works

Acceptance of the work performed must begin with an inspection of the corners. This is the most prominent indicator by which the quality can be easily assessed. plastering works... The resulting surfaces should be perfectly flat and smooth, with clear edges. All cracks, bumps, potholes and gaps are the main sign of poorly executed plastering work.

To check the strength of the connection of the plaster to the surface, you need to apply several blows with your palm to the sides of the corners and in arbitrary places. No delamination and booming sounds from voids are allowed.

In addition to visual inspection, it is necessary to take a rule-line, 2.5 meters in size, and attach it to the plastered surface. If for such a length the clearance to the surface does not exceed 5 mm, then the result is excellent. To check the verticality of the walls, a level or plumb line is required. The quality criterion is the same - the gap is no more than 5 mm by 2.5 meters in length.

Quality control

Plaster is divided into simple, improved and high quality. Simple plaster perform in basements and attic spaces residential and public buildings, in non-capital buildings, in buildings of a temporary nature, in warehouses and non-residential premises where careful surface treatment is not required. Simple plastering is performed under the "falcon", i.e. ground layer

(except for spattering) level with the edge of the falcon. Basting is usually applied in two layers - spray and soil, without hanging and checking with the rule, the covering layer is not applied, but the surface of the soil is rubbed. Window corners and door slopes, pilasters, pillars are carefully leveled with a trowel. The average total thickness of the plaster batten does not exceed 12 mm. Improved plaster is usually done in residential and public buildings(schools, hospitals, kindergartens, etc.), as well as in special cases in industrial buildings and in the back rooms of high-class buildings, for plastering the facades of buildings without special architectural design. Improved plaster is carried out as follows: a spray layer with a thickness of not more than 9 mm is applied wood surfaces and 5 mm on stone, concrete and brick; one or more layers of soil 5 mm thick with cement mortar and 7 mm with lime and lime-gypsum mortars; Covering layer 2 mm with surface check as a rule, without hanging the surfaces. The average thickness of the basting is 15 mm. The cover layer 2 mm thick is trowelled with plastic, wood or felt trowels and smoothed with rubber or steel trowels. High-quality plaster is carried out in buildings and structures, the decoration of which is subject to increased requirements: theaters, museums, exhibition halls, hotels, residential buildings advanced class, etc. The surfaces of walls, ceilings and slopes must be strictly vertical or horizontal planes. High-quality plaster is made from a spray layer, one or several layers of soil and a cover with hanging surfaces and installing beacons, the height of which above the plastering surface determines required thickness basting of plaster. Lighthouses and stamps are made of fast-hardening solutions. The average total thickness of the high quality plaster basting is 20 mm. Quality control is responsible for all these plasters (table 1).

Plastering defects

Inexperienced preparation of solutions and improper work lead to various defects. Defects are:

  • 1. Quilts are formed because uncured lime was used, small particles of which, once in the plaster, begin to extinguish after a while, forming quilts - small bumps with a white speck in the middle. They can be extinguished long time... The rendered plaster should be cut down and reapplied. Freshly slaked lime should be filtered through a sieve with openings not larger than 0.6 X 0.6 mm.
  • 2. Large or small cracks may be due to the fact that for plastering either fatty solutions were used (with big amount binders), or poorly mixed solutions, in which in some places there are a lot of binders or aggregates. Cracks can also be from fast drying plasters - through winds, high temperatures. Cracks can also be from the use of rejuvenated lime-gypsum mortars or the application of lime, cement-lime or cement mortars in thick layers on a previously applied mortar that has not set. The cracks above the cells of the packed shingle can be from the use of a thicker shit than intended, or from insufficiently thick layers of solution above the shredding surface.

Table 1 "Quality control of plaster"


Simple plaster

Improved plaster

High quality plaster

Surface irregularities

No more than 3 irregularities, depth or height up to 15mm per 1m.

No more than 2 irregularities, up to 3 mm deep per 1m.

No more than 2 irregularities, depth or height up to 2mm per 1m.

Surface deviation:

from the vertical

15mm full height.

2mm for 1m of height, but no more than 10mm for the height of the room.

1mm for 1m of height, but not more than 5mm for the height of the room.

from the horizontal

15 mm for the whole room.

2mm per 1m of length, but not more than 10mm for the entire length of the room.

1mm for 1m of length, but not more than 7mm for the length of the entire room.

Husk, usionok, window and door slopes

10mm for the whole element.

2mm for 1m of height or length, but not more than 5mm for the entire element.

1mm for 1m of height, but not more than 3mm for the entire element.

Radius curved surfaces from design value

Width of the plastered slope from the design

Not tested.

Pulls from a straight line in the aisles between the angles of intersection and bracing

  • 3. Peeling of the plaster can be due to the fact that the solution was applied to an excessively dry surface, on dried layers of a previously applied solution, or because a stronger solution was applied to a weak solution, for example, a cement solution was applied to a lime solution.
  • 4. Swelling of the plaster occurs because the solution was applied to excessively damp surfaces or from constant moistening of the plastered surfaces with lime or lime-gypsum mortar.
  • 5. Lack and knocking occurs when plastering damp rooms. In order to avoid slips and knocking of the plaster, damp places must be dried and only then plastered.

Often, a project, estimate, technical assignment and other documentation related to the repair of a house or apartment contains such a concept as "high-quality wall plaster". As a rule, documents do not have a decoding of a term meaning a certain set of operations.

This often leads to a misunderstanding of the essence of the work and, as a result, to further conflicts between the customer and the manufacturer of the work. Only an accurate understanding of the quality of future work will allow you to avoid problems when renovating your home. This article will help you with this.

Finishing classes

Russian SNiP №3.04.01 / 87 "Finishing and insulating coatings" defines three types of plaster finishing according to its quality:

  • simple;
  • improved;
  • high quality.

Note! The norms and requirements for the quality of plastering work, voiced in the document, are applicable both for self made, and mechanized. Each of the classes of plaster implies compliance with certain rules.

They regulate the permissible maximum deviations from the design values ​​or conditions that are accepted between the parties in the relationship, by default.

Plaster layers

Before we move on to describing the types of plaster in terms of quality, let's talk a little about the finishing layers. This is important for understanding the essence of the topic.

First, the base is sprayed.

  1. Its purpose is to provide reliable adhesion to the wall surface next layers ... For spraying, a solution is used that has a liquid consistency. This makes it possible to hammer in the unevenness of the base, to provide a strong adhesion, to hold all layers of plaster. Layer thickness 0.3 / 0.5 cm.
  2. At the second stage of work, soil is applied... It is necessary for the basic alignment of the plane of the walls. When priming, a solution is used that has a pasty consistency. Its thickness can be 1/2 centimeter.
  3. Third layer - cover... It is needed to smooth out small defects and smooth out the coating. For it, use a solution of a creamy consistency. The layer thickness should be 0.2 / 0.5 centimeters.

Note! With any type of plaster, if the aggregate of all its layers exceeds 2 centimeters, the base surface must be pre-reinforced. This can be done using a metal or polymer mesh.

Types of plaster by quality

  1. A simple type of decoration is used in basements, utility rooms, warehouses, and attic rooms. In other words - in all non-residential rooms, where an absolutely flat surface of the walls is not required.
  2. Improved plaster is needed in rooms that are directly used by humans. It can be residential buildings and apartments, medical, public, educational institutions etc.

  1. High-quality class of plaster is used for works in public, residential, medical, educational, office buildings, with increased requirements for the coating. In other words, when the project documentation directly indicates a similar nature of the rough cladding.

SNiP defines the following features of the classes of plaster coating.

  1. A simple type of finish should consist of two mortar layers - spray and soil. Their total thickness should be 2 centimeters.
  2. The improved coating is applied in three layers and consists of a spray, a primer and a top coat. The total thickness of the finish should be about 5 centimeters.
  3. The high-quality class of plaster consists of four layers - spray, two primer layers and a cover. Total thickness such a finish should be close to 2 centimeters.

Note! The instruction says that the application of an improved and high-quality plaster must necessarily be carried out along the guide beacons. They are installed on the walls before the main work and can be made from mortar or be ready-made metal profiles.

The high-quality class of plaster is intended for leveling and smoothing the bases, for their further finishing:

  • various paints and varnishes;
  • pasting with wallpaper;
  • facing with ceramic, porcelain stoneware, clinker, plastic tiles.

Quality control of plastering works of this type, carried out according to the minimum permissible SNiP deviations, makes it possible to carry out finishing work at the highest level.

It should be remembered that the optimal order of performing the described operations is as follows.

  1. First of all, the ceiling is plastered. Next, the walls are processed, in the direction of the top / bottom. Floors must be leveled last.
  2. Plastering mortar can be applied to the surface of the base in two ways: by spreading it over or by throwing it on.

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Requirements for the quality of finishing

Deviations that are permissible in terms of the quality of plastering work are given in tables No. 9 and 10, SNiP No. 3.04.01 / 87.

Permissible deviations in the implementation of work

  1. Differences in the plane of the walls from the vertical by 1 meter of their length - 1 millimeter. For the entire height of the room - no more than 5 millimeters. The planes of the walls from the horizontal, for 1 meter of their length - 1 millimeter
  2. Carrying out work with your own hands, keep in mind that the surface of the finish can have no more than two irregularities of smooth outlines by 4 square meters... Their depth or height should not exceed 2 millimeters.
  3. Deviations of door and window slopes, arches, pillars, pilasters from the horizontal and vertical should not be more than 1 millimeter.
  4. The radii of curved elements and surfaces should not deviate from the design value by more than 5 millimeters. The question arises - how to check the quality of plastering work in this case? This must be done using a pattern template.
  5. The width of the slopes from the design value should not deviate by more than 2 millimeters.
  6. The deviations of the rods from the straight axis, between the angles of their intersection and ripping, cannot be more than 2 millimeters.

Coating and substrate characteristics

The moisture level of stone, concrete and brick walls during plastering should not exceed 8%. Strength of adhesion (adhesion) of plaster mixtures (in MPa), at internal works, must be at least 0.1. When performing external plastering work, this value cannot be less than 0.4.

Below is the permissible thickness of each of the finishing layers when laying multi-layer coatings (without the use of polymer modifiers).

  1. The thickness of the spray on concrete, stone and brick substrates is no more than 5 millimeters.
  2. The amount of spray on wood surfaces (together with the thickness of the shingles) is no more than 9 millimeters.
  3. Soil consisting of cement-sand mixture, should be no more than 1/2 centimeters thick.
  4. The priming layer, laid from lime, gypsum or lime-gypsum mortar, should not exceed 0.7 / 1 centimeter in thickness.
  5. The coverage of the rough plaster finish should be 0.2 / 0.5 millimeters.
  6. Covering layer decorative coating should not be more than 7 centimeters.

Note! Important information how to check the quality of wall plaster. After completing the work, the surfaces should be inspected. They should not have any peeling of the coating, cracks, deep scratches, efflorescence, cavities, obvious traces of grouting tools.

Requirements for the quality of materials

These provisions are announced in GOST # 28013/98. "Mortars", in the "General tech. conditions".

Also, the requirements for materials for high-quality plastering are given in table No. 8 of SNiPa No. 3.04.01 / 87.

Prepared independently or purchased at a concrete plant, ready-made plaster mix must meet the following specifications.

  1. The solution intended for spraying and priming must pass through a sieve with a mesh size of 3 millimeters. The mixture for coating or single-layer plaster should pass through the cells measuring 1.5 millimeters.
  2. The solution should have a mobility in the corridor of 5 to 12 centimeters.
  3. Its level of delamination should not exceed 15%.
  4. The value of the water-holding capacity of the mixture must be at least 90%.
  5. The strength of the coating must correspond to the value laid down in the project.

The plaster mixture must be mixed on sand with a fractional modulus of 1/2. Spray and primer solutions should not contain grains larger than 2.5 millimeters.

The sand for covering must have a fractionality of not more than 1.25 millimeters.

The plaster mix purchased at the plant must be accompanied by a document certifying its quality.

It states the following:

  • the number of the year and the time (in hours and minutes) of preparation of the solution;
  • mixture brand;
  • type of binder;
  • scope of delivery;
  • solution mobility;
  • the state standard is given;
  • the price of a cubic meter of solution and its specific delivery is indicated.

Performance of works in accordance with the normative document

Requirements for the implementation of high-quality plastering works are announced in paragraphs No. 3.1 / 3.17 of SNiP No. 3.04.01 / 87.

Surface preparation

Before the start of plastering, such operations must be carried out.

  1. The premises to be finished must be protected from atmospheric influences and precipitation.
  2. Equipped with hydro, heat and sound insulation of surfaces, as well as a leveling floor screed.
  3. Sealed joints and seams between panels and blocks.
  4. Sections of door and window interfaces, as well as balcony blocks have been closed up and carefully insulated.
  5. Installed windows.
  6. Installed embedded elements.
  7. Test runs of the heating and water supply system were carried out.

Main works

  1. Plastering should be carried out at a temperature of air and the treated surfaces not lower than + 10 °. Air humidity should be no more than 60%. This temperature must be maintained in the premises at all times not less than two days before the start and twelve days after the completion of the work.
  2. Plastering should be carried out on the basis of the PPR - the project for the production of work for the construction of a building or structure.

Note! To apply plaster finish on surfaces that have areas with efflorescence, rust, bitumen and grease stains, it is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to dedust the base before laying each of the layers of plaster.

  1. The strength of the treated surfaces should not be less than the same amount of finish.
  2. Protruding beyond the plane of the base architectural elements, areas of interfacing of wooden surfaces with stone, brick and concrete structures should be plastered along the reinforcing mesh fixed on them. Fully wooden bases you need to trim on shingles shields.
  3. Brick, concrete and stone walls, built using the freezing method, must be plastered only after they have thawed from the inside, not less than half their thickness.
  4. When working on brick walls if the air temperature is + 24 ° and more, their surface should be moistened before plastering.
  5. When covering the surface with a single layer of plaster, it must be smoothed out immediately after application. When using trowels - after the mixture has set.
  6. When laying a multi-layer coating, apply each of the layers only after preliminary hardening of the previous one. The soil must be leveled before it begins to set.


High-quality plaster according to SNiP guarantees that during subsequent installation finishing and its operation will not be a problem. Having studied regulations, you can carry out the finishing yourself or effectively control the work of hired plasterers. By watching the videos in this article, you will gain even more useful knowledge.

Topic # 42: “Quality control of plastering works. Plaster defects. Causes and their elimination "


Currently, there are a large number of methods for the engineering survey of buildings for various purposes, issued by various organizations. Despite such a variety, they all have one common property- in them, as a rule, only the issues of full-scale inspections of building structures of buildings are considered. This is due to the fact that in the period of the 70-90s of the last century, the customers of such works were various manufacturing enterprises and the task of field surveys was mainly to determine the state of the bearing and enclosing structures of buildings. The results of such work were used, as a rule, by the operational services to carry out the elimination of the emergency state of building structures.

V last years the volume of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises, buildings and structures has grown significantly. At the same time, one of the main tasks is to save material and energy resources. One of the features of modern field surveys has become closer cooperation with technologists, designers and specialists in engineering equipment of buildings, and investors and design organizations have become the main customers and consumers of the results of the work. In this case, the required amount of information can be obtained by conducting only complex surveys covering a wider range of issues.

In some cases, the reconstruction of buildings is associated with their conversion. At the same time, new technological equipment is placed in the existing volume of the building, which has its own characteristics. In this case, in addition to work on determining the bearing capacity of the frame for new loads, it is required to determine the actual fire safety building. Carrying out such work is also necessary due to significant changes in the regulatory framework, which requires the identification of compliance with space-planning and constructive solutions buildings, as well as fire extinguishing systems to these new standards.

Reconstruction of a building with its superstructure or other changes in space-planning solutions also requires obtaining information about existing systems of engineering equipment. This is an assessment of the state of communications, inspection of heat and energy inputs to the building, identification of the compliance of existing heat and power facilities with the proposed changes in the building.

The emergence of another new type of survey work is associated with the problem of economical consumption of heat and energy resources. When renovating an existing building, this problem is solved mainly in two ways.

First- increase heat engineering properties enclosing structures that meet new, higher regulatory requirements.

Second- improvement of building engineering equipment systems.

Choice optimal solution reconstruction of a building with the lowest energy consumption during its operation is achieved by an energy audit - conducting thermal technical examinations of enclosing structures and engineering systems and a technical and economic comparison of their effectiveness.

Comprehensive surveys of reconstructed buildings should include the following sections:

Survey of the operational environment;

Inspection of the state of supporting and enclosing structures;

Inspection of engineering equipment systems and energy audit;

Evaluation fire safety the reconstructed building.

Proceeding from such a wide range of issues that are resolved in a comprehensive survey of buildings being reconstructed, the composition of survey participants also changes significantly. In this case, the survey team should also become complex, i.e. it should include specialists in the study of the microclimate of premises, engineers for assessing the condition of load-bearing and enclosing structures, specialists in the survey of engineering equipment systems and in fire safety of buildings.

1. Plaster. Appointment. A kind of plaster. Quality control of plastering works

Plaster is a finishing layer on the surface of various structural elements of buildings, walls, partitions, ceilings, columns, etc., leveling these surfaces or giving them a certain shape or texture. For surface finishing use different kinds plasters, depending on the purpose, the material from which the structural elements are made, and the conditions in which they will be during operation.

Appointment of plaster.

The plaster has a sanitary-technical, protective-constructive and decorative purpose. Sanitary-technical purpose plaster consists in obtaining even and smooth surfaces of building structures, prepared for painting and cladding, to eliminate the possibility of dust settling on them and to facilitate cleaning from pollution.

Prefabricated prefabricated concrete elements with a clean, smooth surface must not be plastering. Protective and constructive purpose enclosing plaster and load-bearing structures buildings is to protect structures from harmful effects dampness, increasing resistance to heat transfer, reducing sound conductivity, protection from actions chemical substances... The plaster must meet the climatic conditions of the construction area, fire safety requirements, temperature and humidity conditions of the room, technological requirements productions, as well as to protect building construction from the action of aggressive environments. Accordingly, a number of plasters are applied. special purpose- waterproofing, acoustic, etc. Decorativeness plastering consists in creating a special texture on the surface of the plaster layer by selecting the composition of the solution according to the material (aggregate and binder) and color, the method of its application and subsequent processing of the finishing layer various instruments and fixtures.

The most commonly used plaster types are:

- colored- on lime-sand mortars with the addition of pigments for their coloring; their surface is processed in a semi-plastic state for a rough and embossed texture of stones;

- stone - decorative plasters on cement mortars with stone chips;

- terrazitic- with a surface treated in a semi-dry state for a smooth or slightly embossed structure;

Sgraffito is a two-, three- or multi-colored ornamental pattern on a plastered surface, obtained by scratching and scraping off thin colored layers of plaster.

Varieties of plaster depending on the type of surface to be plastered.

Plastering various types of surfaces requires various materials and methods of preliminary preparation of these surfaces. Wet plaster on stone is usually done with a lime or complex mortar when finishing internal brick surfaces and cement mortar on concrete surfaces with a preliminary cut with insufficient surface roughness. In either case, the solutions include various fillers and additives, depending on the purpose and operating conditions of the surfaces to be plastered. Dry plaster on the stone is fixed by gluing the back of the sheets with special mastics, which are applied to the base in the form of separate adhesive marks and beacons, as well as nails to the previously arranged wooden frame or on screws to special aluminum structures. Wet plaster for wood is made from lime-gypsum mortar with additives. Dry plaster sheets are fastened to wooden surfaces with screws or thin nails with wide heads embedded in the sheet. Plaster on a metal mesh or reinforced plaster is used if it is necessary to create a plaster layer on the slope of the finished structure and is made on the basis of a rigid metal frame on partitions, walls, metal beams, etc. Such a frame is also performed when sealing grooves for hidden laying of pipelines, when creating thickened plans over 20 mm, when finishing with plaster of protruding concrete, brick and wooden architectural parts (cornices, rods, belts, etc.) when plastering the joints of surfaces of structures made of dissimilar materials (wooden with brick, concrete, etc.), joints door frames with walls and partitions. The metal mesh reinforces the plaster, which prevents the appearance of cracks on it along the line of such joints.

Varieties of plaster according to the method of execution.

All types of plaster can be divided into two groups that are fundamentally different from each other in terms of work. The first, main and most common, group includes wet, or monolithic plaster, the second - dry plaster. Wet the plaster is created by applying a plaster solution to the surface to be treated, dry- facing of the treated surfaces with separate sheets, manufactured at special factories.

1. To test the strength old plaster dry and damp, rub it with a wire brush.

2. To check the hardness of the old coating, slide the flat side of the screwdriver over the surface, pressing firmly on the screwdriver.

3. If the surface remains deep scratches then the old plaster must be removed.

How to determine if there are voids under an old plaster coating?

4. The entire surface should be carefully checked, especially where cracked.

5. Tap the surface with a hammer or metal rod, in places of voids the sound will be muffled.

6. In places of voids, beat off the old plaster

How to determine the type of old plaster coating? How to determine what the walls are plastered with?

7. In order to understand whether the old coating is compatible with the new one, it is necessary to determine its nature - mineral or polymer.

8. Under the influence of flame: (for example, blowtorch) polymer coatings soften or crack, and polymer binders emit a specific odor.

9. Mineral plasters (lime - cement, cement) do not react to flame.

How to check the adhesion strength of polymer plaster or paint?

10. If the old coating (plaster or paint) is not supposed to be removed, it is necessary to check the strength of its adhesion to the substrate.

12. The adhesion strength of paints or polymer plasters to rough surfaces can be checked with a spatula or knife.

11. On a 10x10 cm area, apply horizontal and vertical scratches in 2 mm increments. If> 80% of the paint remains, the bond strength is considered sufficient.

How to find out the adhesion strength of a new plaster with an old coating (paint or plaster)?

When the surface is covered with polymer paint or plaster, you need to know what is the strength of their adhesion to the new plaster.

13. Cement-lime plaster may not adhere sufficiently to polymer plaster or paint (saponification).

14. Apply a plaster layer to the surface of the old coating and sink a 50x50 cm mesh into it so that the edge of the mesh is not covered with mortar. Let dry for 3-4 days.

15. If, when the mesh is torn off, the solution remains on the surface, the adhesion strength is sufficient. If a fresh solution or an old coating is removed together with the mesh, then the adhesion is fragile, the old coating must be removed.

How to determine the absorbency of a substrate?

16. This must be done to determine:
... what primer should be used.
... whether it is necessary to use a special solution with increased adhesion.

17. Moisten the base with water from a bottle.
1) water is quickly absorbed, the stain grows quickly. Treat the base with a primer at least 2 times.
2) water is absorbed, the stain grows slowly. Treat the base with a primer.


3) water, slightly absorbed, wets the surface. It is necessary to treat the base with a primer.
4) water flows freely from the surface without wetting it. It is necessary to treat the base with a primer.

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