What to put in the city for 1 weaving. Plan of landing in the garden. The best methods of land planning under the garden

In this selection, I propose to your attention at first to disassemble one plot in detail, and then introduce you to a selection of ideas. So, at first, the analysis of the example. This garden on the square is very small - just two with a little weaving, but such was the task of a landscape designer - to enter into this miniature plot everything is necessary for rest.

True, in the end, all the necessary details of the "Garden held" were fit here: reservoir, flower beds and ramks, decorative shrubs and tall trees, and even barbecue.

Owners cozy apartment In the townhouse, there were also a small plot in front of the house, which wanted to equip and then turned to the landscape company. Them the main wishes were - the creation of a cozy garden space, with the meaning to make it the most private, if possible, closing the neighbors from the neighbors around Townhouse.

According to the author of the author for the center of the composition conditionally adopted sundial. It is around them and unfolds the whole theater garden action: From them comes retaining wallThe edge of the water of a small decorative pond is adjacent to them from three sides, a garden path is somewhat radially.

One side along the boundary of the site built pergolawhich allows you to hide from potholes patio with a barbecue where it is located garden furniture and brazier. Pergola is covered with polycarbonate - after all, in our climate you need a shelter from the rain.

Location on conacted thin artificial stream who have fun rummate, falling into decorative pond. The sound of water is pleasantly relaxing the nervous system.

To give a section of the feeling of greater volume, artificial creation of relief was applied - along one side, the pond was built a high retaining wall.

For creating alpine Gorki Used the land that was dug when the pond device.

Selecting plants for the site Landscape designer sought to create garden continuous blossom . Rhododendrons, lilac, peonies, loyal, roses, hydrangea, astilbies are bloody on the plot.

Annual in the garden are absent, the emphasis was done by perennial plants To reduce the garden care to a minimum. In the garden a lot decorative shrubs and conifers. The far part of the garden designer brought the most closely to the natural - pine, spruce and thickets of shrubs make it looking like a forest.

More ideas of small plots design

At the end of the article, I would like to show you some more ideas on small sites. Maybe it will inspire you for some thoughts on the organization of your space.

A small space is paveled with a tile, you can set a table and chairs, and you can drive the car.

And here everyone has dismissed a terrace board, with stone edging and plants in the tub.

Even on the site, two weaves there is a place for the patio and for the lawn.

And here is already a strict geometry, everything is restrained, minimalist, but at the same time natural.

Power in the center and raised flower beds around the perimeter of the site.

And on this tiny site there was a place for the pond, and for the flower beds, and for the patio.

Interesting reception is a diagonal geometry on a small, elongated plot.

Beautiful solution - terraced board and gravel frustration. Plus, raised flower beds around the plot perimeter.

Billing, ponds and lawn - everything is extremely simple, but stylish.

When I look at such ideas, my soul rejoices! I hope that you are interested in all the proposed options.

Here's very original solution - Raised lawn.

And this idea has caused an insurmountable desire to reformat the space in front of the sister's home. Just suitable proportions!

Well, in the final - probably the most the best way small plot. Just a fairy tale! Hope you enjoyed it! You all are kind 🙂

Video on the topic

Some more ideas on the organization of a small country space.

Hello, my dear readers! Today I would like to touch on the problem of the little land plot. This problem often faces residents of private houses located within the city. As well as residents of fashionable Townhouses, which also do not boast the abundance of the earth near the house. If you want to arrange a full-fledged garden and a garden, do not be discouraged - on two weaves it is also really done. Just need to apply some tricks.

Planning location landing

Right now you can take a sheet of paper and a simple pencil and try to sketch a plan for the upcoming season. First divide the sheet exactly in half. Sketch the location of the house. The back of the whole will leave the whole under the garden. The front will be divided into two parts - in the middle the berries will grow, and the front will leave for flowers and greens. Sketch is ready. Now let's look at each section separately and think about such a small area to accommodate more plants.


There are several techniques that will help rationally use this space.

Device stationary beds

First, make high stationary beds. Square allocated for vegetables, break on the bed one meter width with 40 centimeters. If they are located strictly parallel to each other, then you contain several large beds. Each of these beds need to raise a bit, that is, to build sides and shove the earth to the land. Then she will take a little. Bursts can be, for example, from slate. What are these beds? First, you do not have every spring and autumn to drag the whole area. The land in them will not be compacted if you use the advice of adherents of natural agriculture, and will regularly mulch the landing. Mulching is the soil coating between the plants with various organic waste - grass, husks from seeds, overwhelmed sawdust, compost. In this case, you don't even have to pull them out, just break a little before planting plants.

Combined landing

What are aligned landings? This is when several different vegetable crops grow together on one bed. For example, the Corn Corn can be put on a sufficient distance. There is cucumbers between the corn stems. In this case, strong corn stems will serve as a natural support for cucumbers. But corn needs to be planted a little earlier. You still have enough space on the garden, so you can plant low-spirited plants around the edges. For example, on the one hand, compact bushes, on the other, a pair of rows of green lettuce or beets.

Options for combining vegetables on the beds set. Just before planted, ask how they get along with each other.

Creating greenhouses from stationary beds

If the street is still cool, and you are worried about your plants or want to speed up their growth - high stationary beds are easy to turn into a compact greenhouse. It is enough to put homemade arcs and throw polyethylene on them, securing it with ordinary clothespins. Then it can also be easily removed.

Thus, on several beds you can accommodate almost all your favorite vegetables - and cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, and corn, and zucchini and much more. In addition to potatoes, naturally. Planting potatoes requires a larger area.


Now let's talk about creating a garden. Here, too, have his tricks.

Landing raspberry

On the edge of one side of the site (preferably, the longest) leave the free band literally half the meter. Similarly, it is wearing her slate, knocking it as deeper as possible. It is necessary so that the crop of the raspberry does not climb on the track. Next, this strip is planted with grinders of raspberries. It is possible to plant more often than gardeners are usually recommended - just then during trimming to leave only the strongest stroke, which will give the most best harvest. And mine little advice - Sale large varieties repairing raspberry.

Strawberry landing

Strawberry usually requires quite a lot of space. Experts recommend leaving between bushes in 30 centimeters of free space. But we will do differently. We use the vertical method of planting this berry. Have you heard about this? To do this, you need a chain grid, a dense black polyethylene and a pipe with a diameter of 5 centimeters, in which you will first need to chop sufficiently many holes with a diameter of about 5 millimeters. And, of course, the nutritious soil, that is, the ground mixed with humus.

From the Rabita you need to make a pipe with a diameter near the meter and thoroughly copold the ends. Inner surface Pipes lined with polyethylene. What it is stronger, the better. Now in the intended location, dig a hole on the diameter of the pipe, a depth of about half a meter and put there ready design. In the center, place the prepared pipe. By the way, it should a little, centimeters for ten rise above the design. Now all this is fill in the nutrient mixture. We have such a vertical bed.

You can start landing. First, we moisturize the earth. To do this, it is necessary to gradually pour water into the pipe, through the water holes will penetrate into all the sections of the bed. Now we take the mustache of strawberries, in one of the openings of the chain the challenges in polyethylene, cross-piece incisions, check the degree of soil moisture. If the soil is sufficiently moistened - we sit in this hole of the mustache, press and cover the steels of polyethylene. Also we do with the rest of the plants. The only minus of such a bed - the Earth in it quickly dry up and you will have to water it quite often. But in general, you can get this beauty. Two or three such beds will provide you not only with fresh berries, but also jam for the whole winter.

Near the house landing grapes and actinidia

Yes, even such plants can delight you on your two hundred. Grapes plant need from a sunny side of the house. He will come through it, performing two functions at once - harvest and beauty. Beautiful alternative to Maiden decorative grapes. But the bushes should not be given greatly - leave only the strongest vines.

A actinidium is very small kiwi, tasty and helpful. This plant is better to plant near the porch. By the way, it is very beautiful. You need only two cooks - two female and one men. The plant is clinging, so take care of the support for it. And the most important. Cats are completely not indifferent to young actinidia plants, so in every way to protect the rapid plants. Tensioning the grids or from actinidia will not remain and roots. Cats will be eaten. For them it is better than Valerian J

In front of the house

Only one part remained unfilled - in front of the house. Here you can accommodate a small gazebo, crawling clematis or curly roses, put flowers and make a flowerbed. By the way, the flowerbed can be very useful if instead of flowers put on it St. John's wort, soul, mint, nine, lavender, pharmacy chamomile and other useful healing plants. But your favorite flowers too.

Arbor can be placed around the bush of each variety of currant and gooseberry, and under them sow a small strawberry.

This space is completely trusted by your imagination and preferences. Of course, you can do everything differently. I just gave you a few tips on a small square to plant everything you need.

The main thing is before the start of planting to make an exact plan that, where and how you will plant, then not to wear in the garden with some plant in your hands, thinking where to joke him. Is it?

Most of us garden sites just six acres. Yes, and those, or by tradition, whether the need is mostly occupied by vegetables. Vegetable beds by the end of summer do not always decorate our site.

But our trade is developing every year, fresh vegetables and fruits can be bought in winter. Therefore, heels itself disappears the need to plant all its own plot of cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Increasingly, we want something for the soul: a gazebo, I was sprayed, open terrace with potted garden beautiful flower gardenThat would please from spring to autumn, lawn for which I want to run barefoot, a small pond with a fountainic, or even a real pool. All this has become feasible, there would be a desire!

Only here is how to be with a garden? It seems to me that it is impossible to completely abandon your vegetables, because the cucumbers or tomatoes with their own beds do not go to any comparison with those that are sold in the store.

After calculating before everything on paper, weighing everything "for" and "against", you can even on a small area of \u200b\u200b10-12 square meters to arrange a real garden.

Plot allotted under the garden can be divided into four beds. Why? Simply, on four beds it is easier to observe crop rotation. Crop rotation is needed in order to alternate vegetable crops. So vegetables grow better, are less affected by diseases.

Every year the garden is simply shifted, well, let's say, from left to right, thus, the vegetables will be returned to their place only four years later.

What beds do in our small garden? Of course, you can make a bed, which you want - square, triangular, round. This is a matter of taste and your imagination! But I can offer you narrow long beds 2 m and 80 cm wide, leaving between the beds 60 cm passages. Why do I stop on such beds?

First, the beds are preferably made raised. On the high beds The earth warm up faster, the water is not stored in them, which is very important for plants. And if you still make a small bias on the south, then plants on such beds equally get solar warm and light. All this is easier to organize on rectangular beds.

Secondly, narrow Grokes Very convenient to handle. In the spring, the mineral fertilizers can be made by humus, it is possible to make mineral fertilizers for the full development of plants, and that's it. With further processing of the beds, you will not step on the beds, the soil on them will remain until the autumn is the same loose as in the spring. They are very easy to spin. Raised narrow beds are easily viewed on both sides, and it is not necessary to stretch, any blade can be removed in a timely manner. If you are very tired or sick, thanks to a wide passage you can lay a trowel, and sitting so far (I think that not everyone boasts excellent health). And even in the morning, bypassing his favorite beds, you, seeing Kravinka, tearing her with pleasure.

Thirdly, on such beds it is very easy to make a drip watering. Drip watering has a lot of advantages. One of the most important things: frees you from Leek. While the neighbors from all sides are choking water, which in summer and so lacks, you are sitting in a gazebo or on the terrace, drink tea with dryers, enjoy the aroma plenty roses, Listen to buzzing bees and dream of eternal. :)

It was a slight digression, and now back to our small garden.

We divide the vegetables in this way:

Groke 1 - Plants, strongly depleting soil: curly parsley, high-speed tomatoes, cauliflower, red cabbage, radish, kohlrabi, radishes, broccoli, onions on greens, fennel, endive, salad.

We choose those vegetables from the list that we certainly eat in food, and plant long rows on the first bed. But high-speed tomatoes we will find another place.

Groke 2 - plants, in the average degree of depleting soil: Ice salad, beets, pepper, Chinese cabbage, leaf beet, basil, disruptive salad, fleshy tomatoes, spinach, carrots and onions in mixed culture, white cabbage.

Groke 3 - plants, weakly depleting soil: Estragon, fine-forming tomatoes, turnips, early beans, dill.

Groke 4 - Plants restoring the soil: Charker garden, polka dot, brush beans. For decorative, you can choose varieties with blue, yellow, green fruits.

Plants with beds No. 1, which require a lot of nutrients, on next year We will move to Grokebook No. 4, where legumes grow this year. As you already know, legumes are capable of accumulating with their roots in soil nitrogen than the soil nutrition restore.

On each garden, it is possible to plant stramborm forms of the gooseberry, currant. They not only do not interfere with vegetables, but also will be very decorated our small garden. Green is better to plant a garden with the edge to get it easier to get it.

We have left awesome tall tomatoes, cucumbers, plenty zucchini. For them there is a place along the wall (fence, house, shed). Along the wall, where our giants will grow, you can put the grille (or grid-slave). Vertical landing along the wall Let us allow us to get a big harvest with minimal use.

The grid or grille is very convenient because the cucumbers or Turkish beans themselves will be able to climb her without assistance. And you will have to tie only long-resistant tomatoes, zucchini or somewhat "kurtny" potatoes, carefully planted with you. At the foot of the climb, put the velvets and nasturtium. These flowers will be planted not just like this: both the velvets, and the nasturtium scare away ground and underground pests from vegetables, heal the soil, protect plants from mushroom diseases.

Even with this little Tietary You can print greens for the whole winter. And the planted vegetables are quite enough to feed the family of four.

And garden for 10 square meters You will not be in goodness, but in pleasure.

It is worth only to get a plot of land, and the head will go around from all sorts of projects.

This article gives an answer to the difficult question as correctly to plant a garden. After all, so I want to get practical and aesthetic benefits even with a small bar of the earth.

How to deal with harmful insects

Plant a full-fledged garden for 2 acres and correctly distribute the ground under the garden of 4 weaves - the task is though complex, but quite perfect.

Passed those times when it was believed that panstone Only pensioners should work. Having dippeding with his head in summer concerns, anyone is able to get great pleasure from staying on fresh air, healthy, fruitful work and results from country concerns.

A rich harvest directly depends on the proper plantation project.

How to plant a garden: We begin to prepare in winter

Even, being a hype-free dachanik, to object to the planning of the garden is better in the winter months. Long, dark evenings will help in a relaxing atmosphere to evaluate the experience of past years and read useful recommendations. There are several points that need to be considered primarily:

  • sequence of location of the bed;
  • the optimal system of crop rotation;
  • system of rational fertilizer;
  • effective pest protection.

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The best methods of land planning under the garden

Below you will find factors affecting the planning system.

Geographical approach. top scores Give the beds, broken in a simple order from the northern side to South or Northeast to South-West.

Soil composition. Making the necessary fertilizers depending on the species and the structure of the soil.

Lighting intensity. Place the light-loving plants in the illuminated places and reduce the shadow area by thinning the crowns of trees.

The structure of the surface of the earth. Determination of the elevations of the site and lowland. In low places, plant plants requiring high humidity.

Determine the compatibility of plants among themselves

Having determined the general moments of the project decision, it is necessary to understand the compatibility of representatives of the plant world.

Original heat distribution

Any garden involves the close neighborhood of several types of garden crops. Not everyone can get along with each other. So asparagus is the most unpretentious plantBut it feels better feeling near tomatoes, parsley and basilica. Potatoes for the benefit will go to the neighborhood with beans, corn, cucumbers and strawberries. Onions, beets and carrots feel great together.

Talking the land distribution under the garden or garden, it is important not to forget about the unfavorable neighborhood. It is necessary to exclude the joint grieving of the sage and onions, pyrms and cabbage, swans and potatoes.

High-threshold vegetable garden for 2 acres

Of course, it is easy to engage effective planninghaving at its disposal a plot big Square. It is more difficult to deal with when everything you need to be required to fit on 2 acres and get a good harvest.

In such a plot, the landing is better to implement in a strict order. The area needs to be divided into smooth areas with small tracks between them. The beds are organized stationary, elevated with sides around the perimeter. Such a system will give many advantages, easily turning in early spring In an excellent greenhouse.

Vegetable garden at home

Example of planning a garden area for 4 acres

The summer cottage in 4 weave carries many functions, because the indispensable and harvest is also harvesting and put the house. Project preparation will require not little time and strength. It is necessary to divide the entire area into four zones:

  • recreation;
  • economic buildings;
  • garden and garden;
  • residential building.

No more than 10% of the total area must be left to all sorts of construction, the area for rest should take up to 15%, the rest is a place for garden crops. Optimal option The location of the house will be the ground near the border of the site. Economic buildings are planned so as to attract to themselves as possible less attention. Recreation areas are equipped depending on personal preferences. The most open I. sunny side Distributed for planting vegetables and fruits.

Such. optimal scheme cottage plotwhich must be followed in order to extract the maximum benefit from the minimum area.


"I constantly participate in garden exhibitions and every time I hear the question:" How can you grow so much and a variety of vegetables that affect your sizes and unusual species, on one weave? " - says Gardener from Kaluga Igor Dunkin. As an answer to this question, he tried to tell in detail about his experience ...

Vegetable garden in the middle big City I got into inheritance from my parents who worked on it did not bother hands. And now I have already had to think how to use it rationally. Finished recipes I did not find it because I began to look for my approaches and technologies that take into account the uniqueness of the situation.
The first thing took up soil, increasing her fertility. For me, the extremes are unacceptable: neither the former beggars with mineral fertilizers, which roared the soil, nor the current orthodox organists, with difficulty looking under the layer of mulch cute and painful fruits of their labor. Truth, as it is most often happens, turned out to be in the middle.
Before this conclusion had to go long, through experiments and experiments. First of all, planted on three beds the same cultures. Only one applied mineral fertilizers, on the second - organic, and on the third - both those and others. The results were struck by me. The yield on the last garden was higher than on the first 1.8 times, above the second, in two more than one. But even more surprising results of analyzes. The lowest nutrient content and vitamins turned out to be in vegetables, grown exclusively on the organic. And the leaders were obtained on mixed nutrition.

And now I am a scaffold of your wards by humus, compost and complex mineral fertilizer with trace elements and humats. And here from pesticides to protect plants from pests and diseases. Yes, and there is no need for them. Plants strong healthy with high immunity. If they have any difficulties, then I help them with biological preparations, perfectly inscribed in the ecosystem.

What should be grown on such a small garden? This question is one of the most important. Does it make sense to raise potatoes, coarse, cabbage, which can always be bought, and cheap? I think that it is useful and more correct to engage in cultures, the possibility of acquiring koi even in supermarkets is unlikely. Or very expensive, brought from abroad, and even often do not have any quality, no taste.
Important I will give largeness of vegetables, especially those that lay for storage. The dismissive attitude of many to this is based on the delusion that such vegetables are revealed by nitric fertilizers, it is harmful, and therefore, we do not need this. Here the fables and grapes comes to mind. Redhead rod really wanted to taste delicious berriesBut I could not get them. "And not very much, they need me, very green, just ask you to ask."

Carefully studied how long and how efficiently the roots can be stored depending on their size. It came to the conclusion that large fruits lie better, preserving the taste and juiciness longer. It had to be shown at the exhibition of root celery a year after cleaning. And visitors could not distinguish him from just torn. Not in vain in the people they say: "While the thick dry is dried - thin will die."
It is important to create a kind of conveyor to fresh vegetables round year Not translated on the table. It is in them that contains the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. Canning, freezing is minimized. And why? After all, we have on the table not only in the season, but also in the late autumn, in winter and even at the beginning of the summer, fresh fruits of kivalan and pumpkins, carrots and parsnips, root celery Both Dike, Nakon and Batat, Luke Soon and root parsley from their garden. How much delicious I. useful dishes Can be prepared from them! What is the ingitamination in the spring there! About the abundant summer and autumn and I will not speak.

Methods and techniques

About them quite short. Primarily, constantly leading crops and varieties, updating them annually by 30-40%. Leave the most damned, beautiful and stable. Already at the stage of seedlings, which we always grow, I spend a strict screening. The right to go to a miracle garden receive only the best of the best. In advance throwing a culture accommodation scheme, I calculate not only the number of seats for each of them, but also a specific neighborhood, taking into account the timing of vegetation. It is important that my plants live "in love and friendship" without interfering with each other. Yakak, for example, land in the greenhouse on the ridges with watermelons and melons. In June-July, they coexist peacefully. In early August, early watermelons and melons ripen, go to the table, freeing the scope for huge nakon plants, which have been growing for another two months.

From one bed can be collected and two crops of different crops. In early May I land sweet Salad Salads on Luka , and in two months in his aisle sow daikon. At first their relationships like parents and children. Dad-bow carefully protects small dike shoots from the scorching of the July Sun, creating a sparse lighting, and with its specific smell, distinguishing the pests of the cross-teles. And after the cleaning of Luke in August already, Daikon becomes a full-awake owner. Everything like in life - kids grew up. At the end of the season, they are similar to dimensions: bow-giant and daikon giant.
Half of the section I have greenhouses, More precisely, unheated film shelter. Here is the type of film. It should be durable, skip the necessary spectrum of sunlight. Torches of greenhouses closed nonwoven material (He also keeps warm, and the air skips). In hot weather, they can be easily discovered by creating comfortable conditions, for example, for powerful thermal-loving lien, like luffy, tea, lagenarium, kivalan. Their roots are always in the greenhouse, and the Liana themselves are released from it, where they are spacious and freely. Almost on Suvorov: "Feet warm, and head on the street."
To the greenhouses from polycarbonate and to put it mildly, cool. The same-type models presented in the market and do not allow winter snow to reliably cover the soil inside the greenhouse. As a result, it is deeply freezing, microorganisms die, the structure of the fertile layer is destroyed. Lazhen Mother delivered summer houses from some problems (to cover the greenhouse every year), creating new, much more complex and deep. And it is economically unwise, there it is necessary to grow and low-spirited, low-cycle cultures, which is quite a low tunnel.
The use of the entire volume of the greenhouse is possible only with the vertical formation of plants with garter to the grinder. I arrange them on three levels. In the middle of the ridge, creating a carpet from green leaves, go sweet potato (1st floor), right, a number of high tomatoesfucked by the fruits (2nd floor), left, lianas triogozantov and Vigna from osin waist The stems rushed under the very dome of the greenhouse, rare elegant leaves decorating a living pyramid (3rd floor). Similar painting and on the street. PumpkinAs if climbers, climbed onto the chain grid, closing the violent wall from an extraneous eye of the violent kingdom.

This emerald carpet is decorated with gigantic lards, as if suspended on threads.
Here is another know-how. Growing as on roofing roots dicon Already half the meter was shuffled out of the ground and, that and looked, bent the wheel under the weight of the legs of the leaves and himself. I come to the aid. Japanese heroes attaching to a rush rush. The garter of rootepodes is a new word in agrotechnology.

Once upon a time, in his youth, I could not think that hobbies of her life would be hobbies. And now I can not imagine yourself without your loved one. The garden taught me to be a real owner on Earth, able to feed the seven delicious and healthy vegetables all year round. He forced and taught to think, analyze, take independent solutions. And most importantly, allowed to see the beauty and uniqueness of the nature around us. He led to an understanding that, only by investing the soul, one could achieve from land reciprocity.

Igor Dunkin,gardening experienced, Kaluga.

ATTENTION: Listen to the Lecture of Igor Dinner and ask him questions you can on August 14, in Moscow, at VDNH ().