How beautiful to make flower beds in the country. Making a flower bed and a flower garden near the house with your own hands - beautiful photos of flowers in a private courtyard. Faces and figures of people


Owners land plots, trying to rationally use the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200byour territory and decorate it, flower beds are most often equipped in front of the house. If they are properly broken down and arranged, they will delight the eyes of the owners of the garden and delight neighbors and guests throughout the warm season, and will also serve as an additional decor for the building, emphasizing its style.

What to consider when arranging a flower bed near the house?

At first glance, it may seem that making a flower bed on your site with your own hands is a simple and easy task. It is only necessary to reproduce the creation of someone's hands that you like, seen at some dacha or in a photograph. Alas, it is not. Before you arrange a flower garden, especially in front of the house, you need to take into account many factors and nuances. And during the work with your own hands, some knowledge and skills may be required.

Any unaccounted for trifle or mistake will lead to very unprepossessing and hurting self-esteem results. The most important thing is to choose a flower garden right place. Of course, there may not be many options near the house to sort through. Somewhere there are already paths, a platform for a car, extensions or other plantings. And yet we must try to find the most suitable place.

It is desirable to break a flower bed in front of the southern wall of the house. This will protect the flower garden plants from the north wind.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that most plants for a flower bed are completely unsuitable for places under the scorching rays of the sun all day and in a draft. And in the soil where it is supposed to make a flower bed with your own hands, moisture should not stagnate. This also applies to melt and rain water. In tubers, rhizomes or bulbs of perennials, most likely, putrefactive processes will begin. In addition, with an excess of moisture, the root respiration of any plants is blocked or hindered.

Then, at the chosen place near the house, you need to decide on the type of available natural light. This will help you choose the right one in the future. suitable plants. The following types are conditionally distinguished:

  • bright light - during the day the plants will be under the direct rays of the sun for at least 7 hours;
  • diffused light - direct rays will illuminate the flower bed in front of the house in the morning or evening for 2-3 hours, or there is a slight shading from branches growing near trees or shrubs;
  • penumbra - bright lighting, but without direct sunlight;
  • shadow.

Then it should be determined at the chosen place near the house and its acidity. If the characteristics of the soil turn out to be unsuitable, they can be corrected or changed, and if necessary, it will be necessary to make a complete replacement of the top layer of the earth. Again, what kind of soil will end up in the place of the future flower bed (“native” or modified composition) will affect the choice of plants. But any type of soil or substrate should be further enriched with organic ( bird droppings, manure, compost) and mineral (complex) fertilizers.

Planning - the basics of designing a flower bed at home

After determining the main characteristics of the chosen place, you should proceed to planning the future flower garden in front of the house. It is necessary to decide what size and shape it will have. It should be borne in mind that large flower beds look better than several small ones. And in general, if space allows, it is advisable to make 1 large flower garden, as in the photo, occupying all the free space in front of the house.

If there is little experience in gardening, then for a start it is better to make a simple-shaped flower bed with a not very complex design with your own hands. The main thing is that it harmoniously fits into the landscape and is designed taking into account the architectural style of the house. By by and large There is no need to "reinvent the wheel" - it already exists turnkey solutions, all are known.

In any case, and when using ready-made solutions, and relying on your own taste and imagination, we recommend that you follow one important rule: the more saturated the architecture of the house is with a variety of decorative details and frills, the more modest the flower bed should be in terms of color and variety of plant species (as in the photo). And vice versa, when the structure is rather concise, then a bright (even if in a regular style), and even better, a motley (rich in different colors) flower garden will be very out of place.

Then it is recommended to draw up a plan for placing plants in a flower bed, the correct choice of which will be discussed below. To do this, we mark on paper where and which plants will be planted. They must be grouped by seasonality, height, variety, color. At the same time, you need to try to imagine as clearly as possible how the flower bed, decorated with your own hands according to the plan, will look like. It should be an integral composition, as in the photographs, despite its variegated composition. Thoughtlessly and haphazardly planted flowers, without creating harmony with the surrounding exterior, will not decorate either the house or the plot.

When planning a flower bed, you need to decide in advance how to decorate its edges with your own hands, and if you wish, how to additionally decorate the flower garden with decorative elements. For this, any materials at hand can be used. In this regard, there are also many ready-made solutions, accompanied by photographs. Using them and your own imagination, you can make a very original flower garden.

The main criteria for the selection of plants

When selecting plants, first of all, one should take into account how suitable the conditions are for them in the chosen place (discussed above), whether or not there is watering. Another important criterion is the mutual tolerance of colors. Some people can't "get along" with each other.

You shouldn't choose the most beautiful plants, for which, as a rule, the most difficult care. It is unlikely that there will be an opportunity and enough ability to give them the proper look with their own hands. The more unpretentious the selected plants are, the more best result can be counted.

Plant selection should also be based on the following aspects:

  • flowering period - if you plant varieties with different terms flowering, then the flower bed will delight the eye from spring until the heat ends in late autumn;
  • perennials do not have to be planted every year;
  • colors - cold tones (blue, cyan, purple and green) are ideal for the background of the flower bed, hot shades (red, yellow, orange) are ideal for the accent details of the composition, white flowers are needed to smooth out contrasts and as a neutral element, and black flowers are used for underlining the picture;
  • the highest ones are for the center of the flower garden, and towards its borders, more and more undersized ones are planted, as shown in the photo.

How to break a flower bed with your own hands?

First, if necessary, we clean the area allocated for the flower garden. Then we mark the borders of the flower bed. If the soil is fertile, then at the site of the future flower garden, it is enough just to remove all the weeds, and then dig and loosen the soil. But this must be done very carefully.

If the soil in front of the house is unimportant, then inside the area marked for the flower bed should be removed upper layer soil to a depth of 15–20 cm. After that, we dig in or install decorative elements flower garden and its borders (sides). When the soil is fertile, we perform this part of the work after loosening the soil. Then we level and tamp the surface of the open "pit", and then, if necessary, lay drainage on its bottom. Expanded clay, crushed stone and even broken bricks are suitable for these purposes.

Then we fall asleep in the "pit", and on the weeded loosened place under the flower bed we fill up fertile soil, which must be prepared in advance by adding to it organic fertilizers. Chernozem and sand can also be used to improve the quality of the soil. We fill the soil a little above the desired level, and then level it, if necessary, forming a hill in the center of the flower garden and a slope to its edges. Then we take a break in work for 10–15 days in order to allow the earth to settle in the future flower bed before planting.

On the eve of the day of planting, it is desirable to moisten the soil abundantly. The density of planting and/or sowing of selected plants should be selected taking into account their characteristics. Special attention this should be given when sowing flowers in groups. It is necessary to leave such a distance between the plants so that later they do not have to be seated, saving them from overgrown "neighbors".

The decorated flower bed must be constantly monitored. In order for it to bloom longer, it is necessary to regularly cut off already faded flowers. This will provoke the repeated flowering of some of them, primarily perennials, such as, for example, bluebells, carnations, delphinium, lupins. And, of course, the flower bed must be watered in a timely manner, fertilized and not allowed to overgrow with weeds.

Decorate your dacha with a flower bed "like in a magazine" - why not? But before you go shopping for expensive materials, take a look around. In any country house, there are definitely items that should have been landfilled for a long time. Here they are for you.

Old furniture, shoes, drawers, and even sawn wood can be a great base for a future flower bed. You just need to connect your imagination, and the result will be brilliant! In any case, a neighbor in the country will definitely not have this.

We invite you to look for a suitable option among our tips.

1. Use tapeworm plants

Many summer residents prefer to use the so-called tapeworm to decorate their plots - solitary plant, which sets the tone for the entire flower bed. If we are talking about a large area, whether it is a square or a park, then a tree or shrub usually acts as a tapeworm there. As for the flower bed, in this case it would be appropriate to use plants that take the form of a dense bush (socket). The tapeworm should look good from all sides, because in most cases it is planted in the center of the flower bed, at the entrance to the house, at the turn of the garden path. An excellent backdrop for a tapeworm will be a lawn or other well-groomed area.

As a tapeworm, you can use marsh iris, Rogersia, peonies, daylilies, park roses. On a large plot, the role of a tapeworm will be perfectly played by hawthorn or lilac. In flowerbeds, tapeworms should not be tall, so mallows or delphiniums are rarely used in landscape design for this role - in an open area, these tall plants may look disproportionate.

It is important that the tapeworm should please the eye throughout the season. Therefore, when choosing a plant, it is important to consider not only the flowering time, but also the decorative effect of the leaves. For example, irises and daylilies, even after flowering, are able to decorate a flower bed thanks to their long beautiful leaves.

2. Try to create a flower arrangement

If you are a happy owner of a large plot, you can try to create an array on it - a large flower arrangement. It will become a real highlight of your garden. As a rule, flowers are planted in large clearings, away from the paths. Often, such landings are appropriate where it is necessary to decorate a corner or wall zone.

As a rule, plants of one, two or three colors are used in arrays.

When creating an array, landscape designers recommend observing tiering - starting with tall plants (they will be in the background) and gradually reducing their height. For the first (highest) tier, mallow, delphinium, tall lilies are brilliant. For low plants, cosmea or lily of the valley loosestrife will be a suitable background. The lowest tier should stand out with something - either its graphics or color.

3. Car tires - a classic country fashion

A good service in the design of the site can be done by old car tires, which seem to be not needed, but it’s a pity to throw them away. With a certain amount of imagination, with their help, you can create original flower beds to the envy of your neighbors.

Car tires are good because they can be placed anywhere on the site, in a different order. You can paint them either in one or in different colours, hang tires on trees or put one on top of the other, beat it differently. But before you begin to form a flower bed, wash the tires from dirt, degrease with acetone, and only then start painting.

4. Flower beds made of stones - a durable and budget option

Homemade flower beds made of stones are very popular. Probably because this "good" in the country is always enough. In addition, if you lay the stones correctly, such flower beds will be durable and stylish.

5. A flower bed of bottles - an old idea in a new way

In many dachas, you can also see flower beds built from plastic and glass bottles. Maybe it's not fashionable anymore. But why should the good go to waste? And even if such a flower bed does not look as chic as, for example, made of stone, it has other advantages. Such a flower bed, if necessary, is easy to repair. And when you get bored, you can generally remove it or redo it. And you can create an original vertical composition.

You need to form a flower bed from bottles filled with earth (not empty). So they will be more stable.

6. Wooden flower beds - what is now in trend

good solution in country design there will be wooden flower beds, and they can be both horizontal and vertical. You can also organize a flower bed in the trunk of an old dry tree, if you have one on the site. If there is no tree, but a good stump remains from it, then you can use it.

And if you have a lot of wooden bars left from construction or finishing work, you can make a wonderful fence for a flower garden from them.

7. Do you always follow the rules? Round flower bed - your option

Round flower beds are a real decoration of any gardens and plots. True, there is one nuance here: in order for your flower bed to really decorate, and not look like an incomprehensible spot, you need to plant flowers according to certain rules: high - in the center, then medium, and at the edges - undersized.

If you possess good taste, then you can try to plant flowers of the same height, but it is important to pay attention to their color.

8. Don't like when the land is empty? Break the flower beds under the trees

As for the flower bed around the tree, making it is not as easy as it seems at first glance. First, you need to consider how compatible (if any) the tree and the plants that you plan to plant under it are. There are trees - birch, willow, Walnut, maple, pine, which can not stand any vegetation next to them. They will fight to the end with the "aliens" for nutrients and moisture, and then the plants will not have a chance to grow in this flower bed. But under such trees you can sow lawn grass.

But fruit trees- apple and pear, as well as mountain ash, linden and oak - will always be glad to new "neighbors". Under them, you can safely create a flower bed. True, only those plants that love shade are suitable for her - lily of the valley, lungwort, snowdrop, fern, violet, bulbous. Lovers of the sun run the risk of withering under wide crowns.

A flower bed in the trunk circle is done like this. Carefully, so as not to damage the root system of the tree, remove the top layer of soil. The bottom of the dug groove is covered with a non-woven material that will protect the root system of plants and restrain its growth. Coming from suitable material(pebbles, broken bricks and crushed stone) form a drainage layer 10 cm thick. Instead of soil around the tree trunk, a mixture of compost, soddy soil and peat is laid with the addition of complex mineral fertilizers.

Before planting flowers, the flower bed must be moistened. Free areas are covered with sawdust or chips. Stones (bricks) are laid out along the edges of the flower bed or a border made of other materials is arranged. It will not only protect the soil from leaching during watering, but also give the flower bed an additional zest.

It is not at all necessary that the flower bed under the tree be round. If you want, you can make it asymmetrical. And there are no strict requirements for the arrangement of flowers. The only thing to consider is that tall flowers are planted closer to the tree trunk.

9. Rabatka - for lovers of clarity and order

Most often, flowers in such flower beds have approximately the same height. And if, when making a rabatka, you need to strictly adhere to the rule of the same height, then you can easily experiment with the color of plants.

Among all the flower beds, the rabatka is distinguished precisely by geometric rigor. Such is the decorative specificity of the flower bed. In the discount, you can notice the repetition of colors, shades and shapes. How complex the composition will be depends on the designer's imagination, as well as on the area allotted for creating a flower bed. The easiest option is to make a bed with a couple of stripes of flowers. bright flowers can be staggered. In order to create amazing visual effect, you can plant flowers in whole sections of various shapes.

Mixborders are often called discounts, but this is wrong. On the one hand, they are really similar - mixborders are also long and narrow, like ridges, they are often used to decorate paths. But on the other hand, the discount is a more strict flower bed. It was created to emphasize with its clarity and accuracy how well-groomed the garden is. As for mixborders, they are very close to nature and therefore ideal for creating landscape style, thanks to its smooth lines and colorful shades.

Flower beds and flower beds on the plot are intended primarily for aesthetic pleasure. But besides this, they play another important role: acting as a continuation of the house, flower arrangements allow you to visually combine into a single whole appearance buildings with garden vegetation. Knowing the secrets of landscape designers how to arrange a flower bed will allow any gardener to form on his own suburban area flower arrangements, which, in addition to aesthetic appeal, will create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort.

Thinking through the design of a flower bed with your own hands, it is advisable to be guided by the basic rules landscape design.

Rule # 1 - the integrity of the picture

The garden is a painting that comes together from a collection landscape compositions. The task of the gardener: to bring each of the elements of the landscape to perfection. Senseless planting of plants around the site will not give the desired result. Therefore, not being able to green the entire territory, for a start it is worth ennobling only a small part of it, but making it complete.

Beautiful harmonious flower beds are created by combining mixed landings, in which there are both annuals and perennials, both flowering and ornamental plants

Rule # 2 - placing plants by height

The principle of multi-tiering provides for the placement of ground cover and low-growing plants in the foreground, which act as a frame for beautifully flowering medium-sized flowers.

Medium-sized perennials, acting as flower garden soloists, will become the center of attention. Tapeworms look most impressive against the background of tall plants with decorative foliage or flowers in contrasting shades. Combinations of both tall perennials and their medium-tall accompanists, harmonizing in color and shape, are also successful.

Quite unpretentious and at the same time having an expressive texture of leaves and a variety of colors, ground covers that can quickly fill empty spaces are ideal for decorating flower beds in the country.

Rule #3 - flower garden architecture

Depending on the landscape features of the site and its size, the design of flower beds can be made both in the form of flat compositions, and slightly raised and framed decorative tiles or stones.

The forms of flower beds can be very diverse, starting with free ones that do not have pronounced borders and ending with original curly and wavy

In order to give unusual shape flower garden, you can use any household items: barrels and baskets, old cars, boats and even beds

In order to arrange a flower bed in front of the house, which will become an expressive decoration of the garden and will delight with blooming splendor throughout the season, you must first draw its plan on paper. This creative work will allow not only to organize thoughts in the head, but also to visualize the images of flower arrangements, creating the most successful combinations.

For work, it is desirable to use colored pencils: bright colors spots of schematic representations of group and point solitary plantings in a flower garden will allow you to correctly distribute plants with different colors and flowering periods

According to the plan, terry mallows (1) will be placed in the background next to the ornamental sunflower Mishka (2), in front of it are poppy bushes (3) and St. John's wort (4). Lobelia ribbon (5) will add dynamism to the composition. Lilac-blue accents will be placed by catnip (6), bell (7) and Kalanchoe (8). The foreground will be occupied by gravel (9), stonecrop (10) and aquilegia (11)

The drawn up scheme is only a kind of rough sketch: the final decision on the optimal placement of flowers will come in the process of planting.

Schemes of the original design of flower beds

Carefully selecting and combining flowering plants, you can create many variations of flower beds in which beauty will reign from the first days of spring until frost. Significantly facilitate the process of creating a flower bed will allow finished projects flower beds.

Option #1 - central flower bed

The scheme of the central flower bed is one of the simplest.

The shape of the flower garden has the form of concentric circles: the center is filled with dark-leaved cannes (1), which act as soloists of the composition, then green-leaved cannes (2), decorative leafy gnafalium (3) and Snapdragon (4)

Option # 2 - "Viennese flower"

One of the options for how to beautifully arrange a round flower bed is to create a composition in the shape of a flower. A flower bed, decorated in the form of a six-leaf flower, looks especially elegant and festive, and therefore it is desirable to take a central place in the garden for its arrangement.

The center of the composition is the most beautiful white levkoy (1), the frame is the curb planting of the Alpine forget-me-not (2) against the background lawn grass(3). The outer contour of the ornament is created by violas (4), primroses (5), zinnias (6), framed by decorative leafy variegated beauties alternatera (7) and achirantes (8)

Option #3 - "Fancy Pattern"

A round flower bed, decorated with many repeating undulating elements, which are decorated with a colorful company of sun-loving perennials, allows you to create a real parade of flowers on a sunny stage.

In the center of the flower bed there is a squat chamerops (1) with a chic crown of fan leaves, dahlia-colored zinnia (2) hiding in its shadow, the contrasting background of which was coleus (3). Solitary plantings of dracaena (4) in combination with group plantings of pelargonium (5) and begonia (6) create a bizarre pattern of curls that looks spectacular against the backdrop of lawn grass (7)

Option # 4 - "Piece of cake" in the corner of the garden

A flower garden of this form will find a place in any corner of the garden.

A plant composition in burgundy-red tones, bordered by a silver edge, occupying only a couple of meters of area, will become an elegant decoration for the garden.

The corner of the flower bed is filled with three daylily bushes with maroon flowers (1), silvery leaves of wormwood (2) act as a contrasting background for them. The center of the composition is the bushes of bright red geyhera (3), corner elements the bushes of the Macedonian korostavnik (4) protrude, the silvery edge - chistets (5)

The proposed schemes are only a guideline: in the absence of a desire or opportunity to purchase a particular plant, it can always be replaced with a more pleasant flower, presented in the same color scheme and having similar flowering times.

Beautiful pebble flower garden in the country

The idea of ​​a flower garden in the country in the form of a jug

Each suburban area is unique, and no doubt beautiful precisely for its flower beds and flower beds. Many of us spend a lot of time looking for ideas for our flower garden in the country, and so, to make your work easier, I suggest looking at ready-made solutions for inspiration. In this collection, I have collected quite interesting non-standard solutions flowerbeds that might interest you.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating a flower garden with jugs of succulents

Decorate especially dry and sunny areas in your dacha with pebbles and jugs with succulents, then watering and caring for such a flower bed will turn from difficulty into pleasure. In general, the theme of spilled flower beds like a flower stream is good for the introduction of succulents and various kinds of ground cover plants.

Wild flowerbed of ground cover plants

Great idea - pour out old container flowering ground cover plants, planting spectacular tussocks of cereal crops in the background.

High flower garden in the country near the fence

By the way, you can hide from neighbors with the help of a high flower garden, instead of a fence. Having broken such a high flower bed, you will enjoy the flowers and hide from the neighbor's eyes.

Flowerbed with a decorative cart in the country

Potted flowers can be placed in decorative containers such as large boxes or stylized carts. Of course, here you should take into account the general style of your site.

Arch of a climbing rose in front of the entrance to the summer cottage

The idea of ​​decorating the entrance with an arch with climbing rose will require you to pay regular attention to it, as the plant needs to be cut and growth regulated in a certain direction.

High wild flower bed at their summer cottage

From perennials in remote corners of the garden, you can form dense tall wild flower beds. They are very cute to me, and care for them is simple and they are incredible beauty.

Flower bed with pebble decor

Using curbstones and pebbles as mulch will create a permanently beautiful flower bed, without any weeds. Of course, in this case, it will be necessary to take into account that not all plants will be able to feel good in such a stone setting.

Beautiful flower bed of perennials at their summer cottage

The advantages of perennial flower beds are easy care, associated only with the adjustment and cleaning of faded plants.

Vertical stand flower bed with petunias

No one, I think, will argue that petunia is the most versatile flowering plant for a country flower garden. I myself like to buy petunias from seedlings, but there are those who prefer to grow them from seeds on their own.

The idea of ​​​​decorating the entrance to the cottage with the help of ampelous flowers

Here's another interesting idea registration of the entrance to the cottage with the help of ampelous plants in tubs. It turned out very nice, in my opinion!

Ideas for decorating the porch and veranda with tub plants in the country

Here's another one nice idea decorating a country veranda with petunias in tubs. Using just one plant, you can get a great design in the country. The fact is that there are an extremely large number of colors of petunias and the overall picture will be very interesting.

An example of using tree cuts for a flower bed

If you have a lot of tree cuts in your country house, then you can try to implement this decorative idea. Flowerbed - your child will like the train, by the way, you can color this flowerbed with it!

Tire swans in a flowerbed

Disputes about beauty or the imperfection of the use of handicrafts from car tires in the country. I will not accept any of the positions, I will only note that the painted oil paint tires no longer emit a toxic smell, and if you want to use tires in the country, then be sure to paint them on all sides.

Decorative well flower garden in the country

Another great idea is to create a decorative flower garden well in the country. The ideal option there will be a tub with ampelous flowers around the perimeter of the well.

The idea of ​​a flower bed in wooden tubs

If you have some old wooden tubs left in your country house, then you can use them for such decorative flower beds.

Ideas for decorating a summer house with ampelous flowers

Ideas for using ampels are especially good because they can be placed anywhere - in the front garden near the house, and in the garden, and on the fence, and even on the gate, as was shown earlier.

The idea of ​​a flower bed in an old stump

Even an old tree stump can be used either as a base for a flower bed, or as a stand for a tub or container. Additionally, you can plant a figurine of an animal or a gnome in a flower bed.

Using a tree stump as a flower pot stand

An example of how a stump can be used to create beautiful flower garden at the cottage in the corner of relaxation.

Tire container flowerbed

A beautiful flower bed container made of car tires, as already mentioned, the tires should be painted with oil paint to prevent toxic fumes.

flower vase

Well, at the end of the selection, I propose to go to the page with materials on ideas with flower beds, vases and jugs -

Flowerbed with interesting design able to decorate any household plot, even if heavy and not very attractive buildings are located on it. Properly filled with various decorative cultures, the flower garden adds bright shades to the appearance of the territory.

The simplest house, immersed in a riot of plant colors, seems interesting and not boring. Making a beautiful flower bed with your own hands is not difficult, but this task requires some preparation: right choice places, soil processing and composition thinking.

Flowerbed in front of the house - a common landscape design technique

Location selection

The first stage of planning a flower garden is choosing a place for it. It is especially important to consciously approach this step if the personal plot is small. In this matter, two aspects must be taken into account: the location in relation to the sun and personal preferences.

For the most part, outdoor flowers are sun-loving. In order not to limit yourself in the future in the choice of plants, it is better to immediately allocate a sunny area for the flower bed, protected from drafts.

However, due to territorial limitations, or individual desires, the flower garden may have to be broken right under the window, under the wall of the house and in other shaded places. In this case, it will be necessary to select plants that live comfortably in such conditions.

Soil preparation and planting features

It is with the preparation of the soil that it is worth starting the practical implementation of the plan for the design of the flower garden. In the process of soil cultivation, it is possible to study the composition of the soil and make adjustments to the planned list of plants. The best time for this is spring.

High-quality soil is the key to the successful "prosperity" of the flower bed

You can make a flower bed with your own hands even on not very fertile ground, by taking certain measures. Key recommendations:

  • clay soil will become lighter if sand is added to it;
  • clay and stone flour will help to weight the soil;
  • to improve the characteristics of any type of soil, compost and peat are suitable; these fertilizers increase air exchange and moisture transfer of the soil, positively affecting its fertility.

It is possible to enrich the earth with oxygen and distribute all the additives made so that the soil is homogeneous by digging. For this, it is advisable to use a garden pitchfork. The ideal working depth is 25cm. As a result, the root system of plants will receive the most favorable conditions for your development.

Planting perennials is best done in the fall. Depending on the species, a day should be selected between early September and mid-October. Autumn planting allows perennials to more easily adapt to cold weather and harden in winter.

When using seedlings in pots (with closed roots), planting can be carried out during all summer months. However, it is important to actively water the plants and cover them from the scorching sun at first.

Rules for arranging a mixborder

Mixborder includes many plants that form in three to five tiers

A flower bed looks very impressive, where plants are located, the flowering periods of which follow each other, without interruption. With proper care, it will decorate the territory with bright shades in spring, summer, late autumn and even winter.

One of the options for clubs with continuous flowering is a mixborder. Its feature is the landing various plants in several rows and tiers, while symmetry is optional.

A mixborder is a rather complex engineering and artistic structure that requires a well-thought-out composition and precise calculation. It can be based on flowering perennials, which can be supplemented with herbaceous and small tree species, as well as conifers and plants with decorative foliage. As a rule, at least 5-6 different types are used. With them correct selection you can create a unique element of landscape design.

Plantings are located in 3-4 tiers. In the foreground there should be plants up to 40 cm high, in the middle - 40-70 cm, in the back - 80-150 cm. The stems of the rear layer are covered with flowers and foliage of the front one.

When planning a mixborder, it is very important to consider the flowering time of plants. Species that bloom in the same period should be evenly distributed over the site and combined with each other so that the overall picture is harmonious.

In most cases, the flowering time is about two weeks. Boundary moments, when some buds wither, while others are just beginning to bloom, cannot be avoided. To smooth them out, it is necessary to plant species with beautiful decorative leaves.

Detailed planning will help bring together disparate ideas and take into account all the nuances. It is worth compiling a calendar of flowering plants, and then draw on paper a sketch of a future flower bed indicating the names of plant species. background for a mixborder and can be a fence, a wall of a house, a hedge or an arbor.

Flowering periods

What flowers can be planted on different tiers of a mixborder in the yard, taking into account the flowering period? In the last plan, it is worth placing tall plant species that bloom in recent weeks summer and autumn. We are talking about chrysanthemums (Indian and Korean), hybrid delphinium, sunflower, irises (Siberian and garden), peony, perennial lupine, echinacea, astilbes (Thunberg and hybrid), panicled phlox, aquilegia, asparagus, mullein, hybrid helenium, oriental poppy , aconite klobuchkov and others.

The central strip of the flower bed should be decorated with medium plants, the flowers on which bloom from late June to early August. These include lilies and daylilies different varieties, low dahlias, astilbes (Japanese and Arendsa), phlox and so on.

In front of them, on the first tier, low species can grow that bloom in spring, including: hare ears, pansies, forget-me-nots, primroses, arabis, creeping gypsophila, coreopsis, phlox, alpine aster, stonecrop and others. It should be borne in mind that some plants bloom twice during the summer, for example, daisies, lupins, delphiniums, primroses.

Flowers on the mixborder should bloom alternately

Mixborder options

When thinking about how to equip a mixborder near the house, it is advisable to see a photo of the flower beds. It is not necessary to copy them completely, you just need to learn some decorating techniques.

Mixborder #1:

  • back row - in the center - a beautiful white hellebore, on the sides of it - asters, along the edges - mallow;
  • middle row - lush roses, irises and daffodils;
  • the first row is a pretty carnation.

Mixborder No. 2 (design suitable for location near the fence):

  • back row - morning glory and clematis, winding along the support;
  • middle row - blue delphinium and echinacea;
  • front row - urban lily of the valley.

Option for planting plants in a mixborder

Flower beds in front of the house and under the window

In front of the house, an oval or round shape with an area of ​​1 × 1.5 m. What plants to choose, so that immediately after leaving the room into the yard, you will be immersed in wonderful aromas and bright colors? It all depends on individual taste preferences. For example, you can place a large plant in the center - a phlox, a rosebush, a peony, and from it "start" circles of smaller flowers:

  • the first circle (from the center) - Siberian irises, fassen catnip and sage;
  • the second - daffodils, tulips;
  • the third - crocuses, muscari, blueberries.

Flower garden in front of the house is always near

When arranging a flower bed with your own hands in front of a window in a private courtyard, it is worth considering not only the appearance of the flowers, but also their aromas. In the summer, when the sun sets and the night cools down, it is incredibly pleasant to inhale the delicate smells that acquire a special saturation. One of options- place low plants (up to 20 cm) around the perimeter of the flower bed, increasing their height as they move towards the center, where there may be flowers reaching 40-70 cm in length. The optimal set is fragrant violet, panicled phlox, daylily, peonies.

Another way to organize a flower bed in front of a window is simple and sophisticated. You can plant lavender with a soothing aroma on the periphery, and bright yellow echinacea in the center.

Tall flowers should be planted in the center or in the background of the flower bed

In the shadow of the fence

When planning a flower bed in the shade near a fence or a wall of a private house, it is worthwhile to find out in advance whether there is always no sun in this place. The fact is that there are more rocks that tolerate penumbra well than those that do not like sunlight at all. Second important point- soil moisture. Some plants are suitable for dry soil in the shade, and others for wet soil. Perennial species that do not need the sun include sedges, lilies, hosts, crows, Goryankas, ferns, Rogers, martagons, arizema and others.

You can make such a composition. Plant a tall mock orange near the fence itself. Foxglove flowers will look great against the background of mock orange. Their cups Pink colour collected in inflorescence in the form of a brush up to 85 cm long. Digitalis grows for two years and can reach 150 cm in height, it blooms from June to July.

Next, it is worth placing several small groups of perennial lupine. It has very distinctive palmate foliage on elongated petioles, but the pale yellow flowers look unappealing when they wilt. They should be planted behind other plants in the depths.

The sun's rays in the shade will replace the narrow curved leaves of the Golden Zebra daylily, which are decorated with stripes of yellow and green. The buds of the plant are also painted in yellow. Unfortunately, they are not very beautiful, they can be removed immediately.

Shade-loving plants are planted in places with limited illumination.

In the foreground, a cuff should be planted in company with bergenia. The latter has leathery, lacquered, dark green, large leaves that pair well with the drooping, rounded cuff foliage. Her flowers are pale, yellow-green in color, they are collected in small inflorescences of an indistinct shape. The cuff blooms all summer.

Another way to design a flower bed in the shade is to use conifers, including fir, spruce, some types of juniper, tuevikov, Canadian hemlock. They can be supplemented deciduous shrubs who don't need the sun. These include hawthorn, deren, elderberry and others.

A flowerbed of conifers is an excellent option for a private house, in which, unlike a summer cottage, people live permanently. Such an element of landscape design will decorate the territory all year round. You can find ideas for decorating by looking at the photo.

Complex composition

When decorating a fence or wall over a large area, you can break up a complex plant combination, consisting of five strips of trees and bushes. The rocks should be placed symmetrically, adjusting the density and quantity, in accordance with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site.

A flowerbed of conifers - an uninhabited island on the lawn


  • the first (far) line - the middle juniper in the center, on the sides of it with an indent of 1 m - the western Holmstrup arborvitae, then the tenberg barberries and rocky junipers;
  • the second is horizontal Juniper Blue chip;
  • the third - opposite the thuja from the first line - thuja Europe Gold, the rest of the space - Japanese spirea;
  • fourth - western thuja Globos and juniper Prince of Wales;
  • the fifth - the same plants as in the fourth line, as well as Morrow's sedge and similar cereal species.

Compact options

If it is necessary to delimit the site, you can make a cascade hedge from conifers, consisting of two rows. It will decorate and ennoble even a not very large area. Sequence:

  • behind - prickly spruce and Chinese juniper;
  • in front - eastern thuja, juniper medium and coastal, undersized spruce.

A few conifers near the house will provide a unique aroma

If there is a small free area, it is worth organizing a compact green flower bed with coniferous aroma. It will require only three types of plants - coastal juniper, western thuja and mountain pine. Pine and thuja can be located in the center, framing them with juniper bushes.