How to make a good impression: important rules. How to leave a good impression in an interview

It is believed that it is impossible to good impression if you feel negative about yourself. So millions of people on the planet are doomed to make a disgusting first impression because of low self-esteem? Not if they resort to one trick. As soon as behavior changes, attitudes change as well. In other words, if you pretend that you are not afraid, the fear will actually go away.

Start smiling and you will gradually feel the confidence come.

Don't strive for perfection. It is not at all necessary to become a charismatic leader or the soul of a company in order to communicate and feel the joy of communication. The ideal is the enemy of the good.

Dress comfortably, but according to the occasion

The desire to stand out with an unusual appearance or, conversely, not to cheat on yourself and your favorite deer sweater can spoil the first impression. If you decide to join the masses and make acquaintances, try to dress like everyone else. An informal outfit or cozy stretched sweatpants at an IT conference will attract the attention of the public, but they will not do you any good. Save your favorite look for the afterparty.

Don't force yourself to love people

A common psychological misconception is that to make a good first impression, you have to be positive towards others. But most of them have a negative experience of interacting with Homo sapiens. “The more I know people, the more I love dogs” - a good half of the inhabitants of the planet are ready to subscribe to this phrase.

Don't force yourself to truly love those around you. To make a good impression, it is enough to be positive towards the one with whom you are communicating at the moment. This does not mean hot hugs and long handshakes. Imagine that you are playing the role of a person who likes these people.

Don't be the first to start a conversation if you don't want to

Another standard advice is to start the conversation first. But if it's difficult for you, forget it. Just show openness: a slight smile on the lips, the body in a relaxed (but not cheeky) pose, a benevolent look. Non-verbal signs show others that you are ready to talk.

Tips for non-verbal communication:

  • Stand or sit, leaning slightly towards the interlocutor.
  • Mirror the speed of speech and posture.
  • Touch the elbow of the interlocutor at the right time. American psychologist and author of the book "First Impression" Ann Demarais (Ann Demarais) suggests touching the elbow of a person, pointing to something.

If the conversation is started by another person, and not you, then the principle of obligation is triggered and the initiator of the conversation subconsciously feels the need to “invest” in dialogue and acquaintance.

Let the interlocutor understand that he is important and valuable

An easy way to please another person is to show them their worth. And it's not just flattery and praise. Usually advised when meeting to demonstrate their strengths. Try it differently: don't show off.

The more modest you look against the background of others, the better others feel and the better they begin to relate to you.

Many in a conversation want to immediately show their knowledge and experience. But to start a conversation, another option is suitable: ask the interlocutor's opinion on some issue and do not suppress with your knowledge. Just do not overdo it: no one likes humiliation and groveling.

Look for like-minded people

Finding out if a person is your like-minded person is simple. Start with gentle questions about work or the political situation in the country. Did the answer resonate with you? Continue communication. If not, change the subject or interlocutor. Do not try to convince a person - this will spoil the first impression of you.

Practice More

It's not just formal events that make an impression. Practice your communication skills by talking to people in different places more often.

practical minimum. Where to begin?

Listen and pay attention to the emotional message of the interlocutor. It is advisable to address people by name, but not too often. It is possible with a remark on a general topic - about the event, speakers, participants, and so on. End it with a question, for example: “This is my first time at such a large-scale conference. Do you know who the organizer is?

Listen carefully to the answer. If there were no questions addressed to you, briefly tell us about yourself (no more than 30 seconds). Or ask a question that is supposed to be answered personally by the interlocutor. For example: "Where are you from?" You can ask something about work. After exchanging a couple of remarks, you can move on to communicating with other people.

Many people get lost when meeting a new person. Numerous questions arise: what to say, how to behave, etc. Below are 12 basic rules for how to behave in such a situation. They will help you overcome embarrassment and create the best possible impression of yourself.

1. First you need to relax. Get rid of internal stress and stiffness. Try to strike up a conversation.

2. Smile. A sullen or serious look will not make you more attractive.

3. In a conversation, use the name of the interlocutor. This will help make the conversation more personal.

4. Don't take your eyes off the other person. Proper eye contact plays a huge role in communication.

5. Don't slouch. You will not be able to make a good impression on others if you shrink or slouch. By the way, bad posture is also considered one of the signs of an insecure person.

6. Be yourself. Don't try to portray yourself best light with the help of lies. For example, you don't have to lie that you are on a diet, because it's fashionable if in fact you raid your refrigerator every night.

7. Learn not only to speak, but also to listen. Of course, in order to impress an interesting interlocutor, you need to be able to maintain a conversation. However, do not talk incessantly. It is more important to demonstrate that you are also a good listener.

8. Be careful with humor. It will be a pity if one stupid joke ruins all the good impression about you.

9. Do not interrupt the interlocutor but check the details from time to time. If you are not interested in a topic, then try switching to another one no earlier than after 5 minutes.

10. Appearance matters a lot. Remember this.

11. Speak confidently and persuasively, but in moderation. Don't let your conversation turn into your monologue.

12. And the last tip: never start an acquaintance with a discussion of your personal problems. In no case do not start complaining to a new acquaintance.

Now you know how to make a good impression, it remains only to use these tips.

Sometimes, it seems to us that it is very difficult to make a good impression on a person. But it is not so. We will share with you tips on how to do it.

Many people assume that first impressions are usually wrong. Yes, it happens that at the first meeting it seems to us that a person is not very interesting or slightly arrogant, but then the realization comes that he is a very kind, sympathetic and extremely entertaining interlocutor. Why does it come out like this? Often, this is due to the fact that a person simply does not know how to behave correctly at the first meeting, and there are reasons for this. Someone is too shy, someone is nervous, and someone just had a bad day. Be that as it may, we will give you 9 tips that will help you avoid this situation and immediately make a good impression when meeting new people.

1. Talk about something good

2. Be friendly

It happens that before meeting a person, they described him in all “colors”, along with a bunch of his shortcomings and a not very good past. In a conversation, you should not get hung up only on this, having made conclusions about the interlocutor in advance. If you are deliberately unfriendly, the person will immediately feel it, which will make the conversation tense and uncomfortable. Moreover, a person will create a bad impression about you, and not by hearsay, not from other people, but directly from you.

3. Don't mention the names of people you know

It often happens that you and your interlocutor somehow end up with a whole bunch of mutual acquaintances. It's best not to call your relatives or friends by their first names when you first meet, whether it's a business meeting or a casual conversation. A person can draw false conclusions about you, judging by your acquaintances, and sometimes this situation can be extremely unpleasant. Many people believe that people attract their own kind, so all the bad antics of your friends or relatives can be immediately attributed to you.

4. Don't talk about your plans

At the first meeting, you should not share with your interlocutor about your dreams, desires and plans for the future. Even if you have succeeded in almost everything, for example, create your own business, go to live abroad, build a house - do not dedicate a person to this at the first meeting. You can, quite simply, be considered an arrogant and boastful interlocutor.

5. Omit serious topics

At the first meeting, conversations on narrow topics are best omitted. For example, you should not raise a conversation about politics, war, interracial conflicts. Also, there is no need to move on to discussing people, condemning them behind their backs. You cannot know what past your interlocutor has. Therefore, such topics are best left for the future. In our world, tolerance and loyalty are highly valued, so show yourself to be just such a person.

6. Keep emotions under control

Even if your interlocutor is unpleasant to you, you are angry or offended by someone - never transfer your emotions to a conversation. Try to control your behavior, and not seem rude and impolite. Whatever mood you are in, no matter how you like the interlocutor, be educated, polite, and never give in to negative emotions.

7. Don't brag

Maybe in life you have succeeded more than your interlocutor, however, you should never show off. Even if you have achieved more in your career, you have a prosperous family, a dog, a house, a car and a lot of money, you should not mention this, and even 15 times. Believe me, there is no need to show yourself as a braggart at the first meeting and underestimate the self-esteem of the interlocutor with your achievements.

8. Don't ask for anything

In no case should you ask a person for something at the first meeting. Do not put pressure on pity, do not blame anyone for your troubles and misfortunes, and even more so, do not cry at the first meeting with a person. Whatever troubles occur in your life, you should not dedicate your interlocutor to them.

9. Ask questions

Of course, talking about yourself is always very exciting, but do not forget about your interlocutor. Show your interest in him, be interested in his life, hobbies. Try to ask him more questions, but not too personal, so as not to accidentally hurt his feelings.

Whoever says what, do not try to remember all the names of the interlocutors. It is much more important to listen to a person, not to interrupt and not “turn off” during a conversation for something extraneous. Keep in mind not the names of people, but a good impression of them.

It is not so difficult to create a great impression about yourself at the first meeting, if you just simply be yourself, control your emotions, be polite and not close yourself in a shell, being afraid to stick your head out. Keep a casual conversation, smile, joke and just enjoy the conversation with the interlocutor. We wish you happiness, as many joyful days as possible in your life,and don't forget to press the buttons and

With any acquaintance, it is extremely important to make a good impression on the interlocutor, because, as you know, it is very difficult to change him. Success in personal life depends on it and professional activity. In this article, we will look at a few rules that will help you get in touch with a new person for you and leave a good impression.

There is a so-called This is an opinion about a person that was formed by the subject in the first minutes of the meeting and influences the further assessment of his activities and personality. When you are in a company unfamiliar to you, you involuntarily pay attention to someone who confidently holds himself and talks, who owns his own and his body. Such behavior causes respect and a desire to enter into a conversation with him.

The first impression depends on the following factors:

  • The ability to control the body - gestures, look, gait, posture, facial expressions.
  • Voice and intonation - timbre, confidence in the voice or excitement.
  • The meaning of the spoken words. This factor matters not in the first minutes of acquaintance, but after some time.

There are several rules to follow.

Don't try to make a good impression

Yes exactly. Everything goes completely wrong if you're trying to make a good impression. You will not be able to relax, because instead of having a pleasant conversation, you will think about how not to lose face. You will stop paying attention to the interlocutor if you are absorbed in yourself, your reactions, facial expressions, gestures and behavior.

Be yourself

Perhaps the most significant impression of another person will be something along the lines of "He was himself." Of course, this does not negate the fact that you need to learn skills and techniques and develop in order to become even better.

Hypocrisy is noticed by people instantly, even if they cannot explain it in words. The interlocutor will feel embarrassed if your words are at odds with your demeanor or when your sad mood is combined with a forced smile. In the latter case, you need to learn how to cheer yourself up.

Not all events that you are invited to are worth going to if you feel uncomfortable there. To be present in order to please people is not entirely correct, because hypocrisy is inherent in this very action. Go to activities that you yourself enjoy, because there you can be yourself.

Learn to enjoy communication

Things can go wrong if you don't love people and interacting with them. What to do? Study, learn to find the inner, because this is what you need first of all. As already mentioned, people feel false and hypocrisy, so you need to learn not to fake emotions, but to actually experience them. To be friendlier, more smiling, more fun.

Social networks have brought up a lot of introverts, to fix this, work on yourself. After some time, you will realize that you enjoy the very process of communication and understanding people. Learn to listen and tell interesting stories.

If you get sincere pleasure from communication, everything will work out by itself. You will no longer need to artificially try to make a good impression, it will be formed without your participation. However, this requires a lot of work on yourself.

It doesn't mean that you have to be able to show the good side, which in fact do not exist. You just need to make sure that the person perceives you as real. Many, perhaps, can recall a situation when they did not mean at all what was perceived. Our words and facial expressions in these seconds may not be combined, so the interlocutor may misunderstand you.

Think about how other people see you as a person. If you consider yourself cheerful, but others do not, then how to make them see you as the soul of the company and a positive person? How to harmonize internal and external factors? How to learn to dress in such a way that it fully meets your opinion of yourself? When you answer all these questions, you will begin to understand how you look in the eyes of other people and there will no longer be a situation in which you are misunderstood and evaluated.

Think about why people should communicate with you

This is also quite natural. People appreciate those who are interesting to them. And if, when meeting you, you don’t even understand how to arrange and how to attract a person, difficulties begin. When you think about what you can give to other people, it does not make you a hypocrite. This allows you to at least sometimes stop being an egoist and not demand a good attitude towards yourself from scratch.

People appreciate unobtrusiveness, friendly disposition,. They do not like to argue (although they argue), they cannot stand criticism that hurts their pride. These moments only intensify when it comes to getting to know each other. Therefore, thinking about the comfort of your interlocutor is a completely normal process, and this is what it means to be able to communicate with people. Do not wait for the moment when your interlocutor will offer you interesting topic- suggest it yourself.

What are some ways to make a good first impression? Share it with us in the comments.

The first impression is very important in various areas of life. It is formed unconsciously and ten seconds is enough for an impression to be formed about a person. What do you need to know to make a good impression?

By what criteria is a person evaluated? In order to make a good impression, you need to know the main markers of evaluation by other people, consider them:

  1. Of course, the very first criterion by which a person is judged is his appearance. It can be not only clothes and how well they fit and harmonize with something, but also how athletic a person is, in what condition his skin, teeth, nails, etc. We can say that the assessment of appearance is made in general. To make a good impression, you need to look good.
  2. What a person says, how well-read he is, how he can support a conversation and develop new theme to talk and be interesting interlocutor.
  3. Voice, its timbre, intonation can also help to make a good impression. There are people who are interesting to listen to, who can say complete nonsense, but it is interesting and fascinating. It will be quite difficult to make a good impression on a person who confuses and distorts words, constantly stammers and mumbles. It is necessary to communicate with people in such a way that they hear perfectly and unambiguously understand what is said.
  4. The extent to which an individual is confident in himself, if he believes in what he says, then people believe him and take everything he says for granted, because it comes from within. You can always make a good impression with this factor.
  5. At what step of the social ladder is a person, his status.

Charisma is the law of attraction

In many sources, charisma is defined as a divine gift or a gift from above. A kind of hypnotic gift that can convince, charm, inspire anyone. It is impossible to see it, but you can immediately understand that it is there. Charismatic people have a powerful energy, they are attractive, impress and are remembered after the first meeting. Such people, as a rule, are leaders in life, and a leader is a generator of a comfortable state. During communication with charismatic people, sympathy is shown to them because in their company people themselves feel good. Make a good impression charismatic person is not difficult.

Yes, of course, nature rewarded people who have such a quality as charisma from birth. But is it possible to develop this quality? It turns out that it can be done with some effort.

In order to increase your charisma and make a good impression, to give positive influence on people, it is important to remember one of the most important things - this is that charisma is based on how people perceive you, and in order for this perception to happen the best way, you need to learn some rules described below.

Let's look at a few tips that will help you make a good impression and increase your appreciation in the eyes of others.

Look neat and stylish

To make a good first impression, you need to put your appearance in order. This applies to both clothing and physical condition. As they say, "they meet by their clothes."

Treat yourself with respect

The way a person feels is manifested verbally and non-verbally, he may not say anything, but by facial expressions, gestures, posture it will be clear that a person underestimates himself or, conversely, is overly self-confident. Such moments will not help to make a good first impression. Confidence is an internal state, and self-confidence is what is shown to others. A person who is self-confident at the same time shows that he is not completely confident in others. The way he treats himself affects the attitude of the interlocutor towards him.

Be real. To be youreself

It may be too simple, but important factor, since it is he who affects how people treat a person, whether they trust him. Not everyone wants to deal with a person who does not inspire confidence. To make a good impression, you need to inspire confidence in the interlocutor.


To be individual, to find personal unique features in oneself, everyone certainly has them.

Listening skills

IN modern world in a huge flow of information, a person adapts to filter it, and if he hears information that does not interest him, he is distracted by something else. The ability to listen arouses in the interlocutor a sense of interest in him, a sense of his importance and significance. Such a psychological moment greatly helps to make a good impression. And if everything is done correctly, he has a feeling of acceptance, and this is the most important factor in human communication.

Sincere interest in the interlocutor

In most cases, people are arranged in such a way that during a conversation with an interlocutor they focus only on themselves, on their interests, on their goals, on what to say and what to answer, or on what they heard useful from a conversation with a partner, and just the same at this time, the essential circumstances of interaction with each other are missed, namely what the interlocutor experiences during the conversation, and not what he says, therefore it is important to direct all your attention not only to information, but also to the feelings of the interlocutor.

Associate with something good

Always remember that people seek to experience pleasure, and not vice versa. You can become a source of good news, and the unfavorable ones will not keep you waiting - people will find out about them themselves or let someone else tell about them. We need to become a source for people positive emotions and learn to relate events that are interesting to them.

Giving more than expected

When doing something for a person, you need to give him a little more than what was promised or more than he himself expected.

To compliment

When making compliments, the most important thing is not to overdo it and prevent compliments from turning into flattery, they must be sincere.

When all these qualities become personal and when they become natural, only then they begin to work really effectively and help to make a good impression.