Effective planning and organization of the working day: methods, rules and why it is important. How to learn to plan your working day: useful tips

In my working practice, I have repeatedly encountered managers who have one important ability. This is the ability to do a lot of things during the day, correctly prioritizing and without experiencing stress. Such a person simply cannot be overwhelmed with deeds. No matter how many projects are being implemented at the moment, he will quickly, calmly and correctly prioritize, group tasks and begin to perform them one by one. I thought about it quite a lot, talked with colleagues and realized that in most cases this ability is not innate, but acquired.

When I was in high school, my favorite uncle gave me good advice: "Keep track of what you do during the day and summarize at the end." Uncle worked for the International Labor Organization and knew what he was talking about. I am still grateful to him for his advice, and to myself for following that advice. When I graduated from school, I had a clear schedule, most of my tasks and tasks for each day were planned in advance and this did not cause me any protest or discomfort.

Later I kept this rule for the rest of my life. Plans and tasks changed, and the habit of doing several different things during the day only grew stronger, and with it the efficiency and effectiveness of my work. After all, if you think about it, high fatigue, apathy, low productivity are for the most part the result of our vision of ourselves, our work, and last but not least, the lack of the habit of planning and prioritization. Probably, for some creative workers and specialists of a narrow profile, this is not a significant drawback, but it will not work to be a good manager without the ability to plan activities, prioritize and group tasks.

So if you have not accustomed yourself to planning things at school or college, it is best to do this as soon as possible. First, find out what you actually do during the day. Just make a note every half an hour of what you have devoted this time to. When you review your weekly notes, you'll be surprised at how much time is wasted on unimportant, overlapping, or simply irrelevant activities and tasks. Accordingly, the next step is to discard all unnecessary. This will also take a long time to follow, some habits or rituals are very difficult to get rid of. The third step is to group the main tasks and types of work and deal with them sequentially, not in an arbitrary order. This will greatly increase your ability to concentrate. At first glance, this is very simple, no more difficult than doing exercises in the morning. But not everyone is engaged in charging.

As for planning my day, even now I devote a lot of time to this (although my assistants do a lot of preparatory and organizational work). Perhaps later I will write a post about the role of a personal assistant in the work of a leader. The basis of proper time management is. For me, this is a strategy, relationships with key clients and partners, the largest deals, a team, appointments and motivation of employees. If a problem occurs in one of these directions, then this is my problem, which I must solve first.

Another fundamental point is the presence in the timeline for unplanned activities. They always happen, and it is important to have some slack, because there is nothing worse than when one meeting creeps into another or you have to do something in a hurry.

Do not forget that all people are different, which means that planning should be individual. I built my optimal schedule a long time ago. Usually at 9 am I finalize the schedule with the team and look through the briefs describing the meetings that I have to do today. Preparing briefs is a separate issue: they clearly describe the goals, objectives, participants. It also saves me time. After about ten meetings, I go home and spend time with my family, go to yoga or fitness regularly. And closer to the night I still work electronically. This routine allows me not to switch once again between types of work and it is easier to enter the desired mode. However, in order to build and stick to it, I needed to start planning my time from school.


Do the work not randomly, but in an organized manner. Form work blocks and distribute the tasks that you set for yourself for the next worker day. Distribute tasks according to their nature, complexity, and other parameters.

While working, do not interrupt or be distracted. If you do not get distracted by trifles, you will complete this or that task much faster and better, so get used to not having short breaks, after which you will again have to join the working atmosphere, which takes time.

Combine tasks of a similar nature into one common block and set yourself the task of completing this block in its entirety, and only after that take a short break.

In order to complete the block of the most important and responsible tasks, set non-work hours in advance if you communicate with people at work. Set a certain period of the working day when no one should distract you, and no one should talk to you. At this time, the doors of your office should be closed, and you can perform important work in silence and loneliness, turning off the Internet.

In the case when negotiation is necessary in the work, plan the negotiation schedule so that they are as effective as possible with minimal energy consumption. All aspects that need to be discussed should fit in an hour of time - a tight time frame will help you avoid long conversations about nothing.

As you get the job done, set priorities. Determine what needs to be done as soon as possible and what tasks can wait. It is impossible to do all the things that lie in front of you at once, so learn to distribute them according to their importance and urgency. If you manage to do worker day the most important tasks, and leave the rest, you will not experience stress due to the fact that day went to waste, and remained undone.

If you have a task that is too voluminous that cannot be completed at one time, divide its execution into stages and work sequentially. Set the deadlines for yourself, as only you can decide which term will be optimal for you.

Do the most important work tasks early in the morning so that from the first minutes of the working day you feel like a self-confident person. In addition, it is important to know which hours of the day you experience an increase in performance, and which - a decline. Organize your worker day in accordance with these cycles and at the time of the decline of the labor force, do not engage in too serious and complex tasks.

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If you never manage to get everything done on time, work at night and forgot when you last rested, then you need to know a few rules that will return you to full life.


Plan no more than 5, maximum 7 cases per day. If you have many tasks to complete, highlight the most important ones, and move the rest to other days.

Don't plan for one day 5 major tasks. There should be only two or even one. Let the remaining 3-4 tasks be small.

Start your day with the most difficult tasks. In the morning you will do them faster, and do the easy ones last.

You can only successfully plan your career if you do everything right. The secret is in regular work on your plans (according to statistics, people change the direction of their activities several times). It's not just about the workplace, but about the field of work in general. If you don't adapt to your living conditions and your preferences, you won't be able to enjoy your work and your quality of life will be greatly reduced. So, if you want your career to be fulfilling and fulfilling, consider these tips. They are verified by the experience of specialists.

Try to analyze your plans every year

Many people regularly try to undergo health checks and visit the dentist. Why not take your career planning more seriously? Try to carefully consider your prospects, do not get distracted by anything. If you regularly adjust your plans, you will be more confident in your life decisions. This will help you deal with feelings of instability. Everyday life. Pick a moment and spend time each year thinking about change so you don't go in the wrong direction.

Map out the path you will follow once you have decided on the plan.

So you've decided what you want to aim for. After that, you need to consider what steps you want to take. It is not necessary to focus on the past, however, take it into account - think about what may be useful to you in the future. So you can analyze the chosen direction and take into account all the nuances. After that, think about whether you are satisfied decision. Can anything be done better? What do you want to change? If you think carefully about all these questions, your career path will become clearer for you. That is why it is so important to pay attention to this step.

Evaluate what you like, what you don't like, think about needs and preferences

Change is part of life, it's completely normal. Your preferences may also change. What you liked two years ago may now disgust you. Be sure to take the time to understand yourself (and not only from a professional point of view). Make lists of what you like and don't like. Then use them to analyze your work. If the direction of your career includes items on the list of what you like, you have chosen everything correctly. If many work-related activities are on the list of dislikes, you need to think about a change in career direction. Be sure to analyze what you expect from work, and try to ensure that you get what you want.

Analyze your hobbies

When planning a career, it is important to consider the activities that you enjoy in your free time. It may seem like a strange recommendation, but hobbies can tell you something about your potential work path. People regularly turn their hobbies into careers, so consider this. Perhaps you also have a hobby that can bring you professional success.

Reflect on past accomplishments

Many people do not think at all about keeping a list of professional achievements. Nevertheless, this is important - at the right time, you can analyze this list and understand where you want to go next. Appreciate what inspired you the most and do everything so that you have the opportunity to repeat such successes.

Define your skills

Some people absolutely cannot imagine that there could be several different career paths ahead of them. Each job requires certain skills, you just need to analyze this and think about what skills you have. You will surely understand that you can prove yourself in different areas and not just in one place.

Learn about labor market trends

Every area of ​​a career can suddenly change. It is important to monitor the state of affairs and take into account trends. This will help you take action and adapt to the new situation faster. Experienced specialists always monitor such changes and act accordingly to the information received.

Determine what your professional goals are

Try to decide what steps you need to professional success. Can you succeed without reaching specific goals? Yes. However, having goals helps you feel like you're truly successful. Set goals for this year, next and for a further career. This will give your actions a certain structure that can help you a lot.

Think about education

It may sound like a cliché, but information is indeed the key to success and achievement. Never miss an opportunity to learn something new and develop professionally and personally. Give yourself time to identify what educational advances can be beneficial to you. Consult with others, look for educational courses on the Internet. This will help you understand what to do and take the necessary steps.

Assess professional development opportunities

One of best results thoughtful career planning - getting a professional portfolio that will come in handy more than once in the future. Where do you see yourself in a year? In five years? An important element a successful future is the desire to develop professionally. Without it, it will be difficult for you to enjoy life and feel that you have realized your full potential.

Hello dear blog readers!

With this article, I begin a series of articles about planning. After all, everyone understands the importance of planning in modern world. No, of course, you can do things at random, out of the blue, so to speak, but you will lose much more time than you spend on planning this business.

Planning plays a significant role in the success of the upcoming event. And no matter what you want to get. You can, for example, pump biceps just like that without a plan, without logic, when to succeed. But you will get a much greater effect when you study the recommendations of experienced trainers, draw up a training plan based on effective methods and follow it. The result will be much higher.

So, let's consider the main types of planning, which in the future I will consider in separate articles.

Let's divide planning into two different categories:

  1. Chronological planning
  2. General planning

Horological planning includes:

Now in more detail about each of their types of chronological planning.

Planning for the day, week, month

It is recommended to plan a day for everyone without exception, yes, in principle, we plan everything, it's just that most people do it in their minds, so to speak, without writing down, without prioritizing. how to plan a day so that your performance grows by leaps and bounds.

It is also necessary to plan personal work for the day in organizations, in this case I also have a really working one.

Having spent ten minutes of the evening time planning the next day, you will have a clear goal in front of your eyes, you will know which tasks are most important to you, and which can be transferred to next days weeks.

Thus, a smooth transition to the planning of the week is carried out. If you learn how to properly allocate your time by day of the week, set tasks according to the best option then things will start to take shape.

And when you see the prospect of further development of your dream, and this dream is not so far away, then, undoubtedly, you yourself will want to make a plan for a month, or even several.

Planning things for a month is, on the one hand, a lot of work, but on the other hand, you will spend only one evening a month on the plan, let's say the 20th of each month. And you will be able to see when it is better for you to go on vacation, on what days it is most convenient to meet with friends.

Event planning

Deserves a separate story. I attributed them to chronological planning, since without compiling good plan nothing good will come of the holiday, everything must be included in the plan, food, drinks, music, the order of competitions, toasts, etc.

What happens without a plan? Right! - banal booze! Chronology in this type of planning appears in the order of the event.

Now you can go to general content planning, I included here the types of planning in which there is no sequential execution of tasks in a certain time period.

  1. Business Planning
  2. Budget planning

Business Planning

Business Planning, organizing the execution of the case, planning the execution of the task, these are quite difficult tasks. But after spending three hours planning tasks, you will get a clear picture of the overall performance of the case.

See planning this site as an example. Two planning maps were drawn up.

Look at the plan for filling this site, it is made in the form of a mental map

Article planning

Plans for articles I also do in the form of mental maps. Then I structure the sections of the article, and put them in the most digestible order. You can see the map of this article in the first figure.

Budget planning

Budget planning. A very important planning in the life of every person who strives for success. Without correct distribution finance, it is simply impossible to capture cash flows.

Planning family budget, planning the budget of the enterprise, planning the movement of investments, planning investments and purchases - all this can be combined into financial planning.

If you do not know how to control your income and expenses, you cannot distinguish between assets and liabilities, then you do not plan your budget. Planning the distribution and movement of funds is what you need to learn on the path to success and financial freedom.

Shopping planning

- this is a separate story in which you will probably see yourself when you go to the store and buy all kinds of garbage.

Carry it in a bag 20 by 20 centimeters, and all the time you think: Well, how could 700 rubles fit in here? And then you come home and realize that you went to the store for salt and did not buy it.

I almost always plan purchases before going to the store, with the exception of purchases in which there are less than three points, there is nothing to plan, so you remember everything.

In the near future I will write articles about the above types of planning, and about the methods of drawing up plans. I will talk about all types of planning using my own example. In order not to miss the most important, subscribe to updates!

And remember! A properly drawn up plan is a guarantee of the successful implementation and completion of any undertaking!

All the best!!!

PS. Damn really half an hour sat watching! I am delighted! Nostalgia kicks in!

Think back to your biggest failures in life. Quarrels, misunderstandings that changed your whole life in a negative way. Failed exams, job interviews, etc. The reasons for such failures are similar, as a rule, they are the result of poor preparation and rash actions, below we will look at how to do everything and plan your day / week.

What will happen if an athlete stops training a month before the Olympics - skills and muscle strength will significantly weaken and he will take one of the last places. As in sports, in any business you need good preparation, without which the chances of success are greatly reduced.

The key factor in preparation is planning. There is "Rule 6 P": Properly undertaken planning prevents performance degradation.

Below I will give 7 ways to do everything with the help of proper planning of the day, week.

Method 1: Make a to-do list for the day

What is a task list for?

First, let's take a look at how our brain works. It has been found that we can keep under control no more than 7+-2 cases or important thoughts in our heads. To verify this, count how many circles are shown in the pictures:

Rice. one Rice. 2 Rice. 3
Rice. 4 Rice. 5

Most likely, in order to determine the number of objects in Figures 1, 3 and 4, one glance is enough.

And for figures 2 and 5, one glance was not enough, it was necessary to count separately. The smaller the objects, the easier it is to manage them. The limit of the brain comes when the number Becomes more than 7+-2.

The same is the case with thoughts, at the same time in our head we can store no more than 7 + -2 tasks, the rest is forgotten.

Imagine a real life situation

You get up in the morning and go to work, on the way you remember that:

You need to buy a gift for the birthday of a loved one;
- Pay for the Internet, until it is turned off.

When you arrived at work:

Find out that you need to prepare a report today;
- I went in, a colleague asked to throw off the contract template;
- After the morning planning meeting, the boss asked me to do 3 things.

The head is already full, but time does not stop, a client may call you, close person, colleague, an unforeseen situation may happen, etc. What happens in such a case? We forget something. If we forget to buy food in the store, then nothing terrible will happen, of course, but you can forget something more important: Do not come to an important meeting, take medicine, etc.

In addition, the more things we have in our heads, the worse our analytic skills, since energy is spent on remembering information.

Benefits of a notebook

Notebook - removes all the problems described above and has the following advantages compared to working from memory:

1) Writing down is always faster than memorizing. For example, writing down a cell phone is 10-100 times faster than memorizing. Also with business.

2) Energy saving. In order not to forget the important, we often remember, energy is spent on this. Notebook solves this problem.

3) Reliability. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax. Any business can be forgotten, against the background of fatigue, emotions or other things. But if tasks are written down, then forgetting is much more difficult.

You can keep a list of tasks on a regular sheet, notepad, but it is better if it is a notebook, because it has a calendar. The list of tasks for the day can be on a computer or paper. The most important thing is that you have it, because it is the basis for planning, like the foundation of a house. If the house does not have a foundation, then the maximum that can be built is a small one-story structure without heating made of plastic or plywood. Also, in planning, of course, you can do without a list of tasks for the day or a notebook, but you will be severely limited in your capabilities.

The most important thing on a to-do list or notebook is a list of things to do during the day. The second most important part is the calendar, in which you can see the tasks that need to be completed on a given day. Therefore, a notebook is preferable to a regular list, because there is a calendar there.

Method 2: Work with the to-do list every day

The most important thing when working with a time organizer or a notebook is to work according to a previously drawn up plan. To do this, review your notebook regularly to find out if you have done everything that you have planned for today. You can view the list after you complete the current task. It is very important to put in your organizer important things that you must do today.

Method 3: First write, then do

If a new task arrives and it is not urgent, then first write it down in a notebook and proceed only when it comes to it. Any new tasks seem very important and we start to take on everything: check mail, make phone calls, etc. But as soon as you start first writing down all incoming tasks in a notebook, you will find that next to this entry there are more important tasks.

All movements of the right side of the body are controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic. When we write a new task right hand, then activate left hemisphere our brain responsible for logic. Activating logic when writing with the right hand will help us make better decisions.

By writing everything down in a notebook before you start work, you will be able to complete the most important tasks during the day and will be able to resist secondary tasks that constantly distract you.

4 way. First important, then urgent tasks

All planned tasks should be carried out in order of their importance, and then by the time of execution. Starting with the most important ones and gradually move on to the less important ones. Write down the tasks in your plan for today in order of their importance, then sort by urgency and start working with the highest priority.

For example, a friend called you to chat. Phone call, urgent matter, because the phone is ringing right now, but it may not be important. If you have more significant tasks, for example, to prepare a report on work, then it is better to first do all the more important tasks, in particular a report, and then, if there is time, call back and talk with a friend. But not vice versa, otherwise, due to an insignificant call, you may not have time to do more important things.

Importance over urgency. Urgent tasks should be taken on only if you are in control of the situation and are sure that you will have time for all the more important ones.

5 way: Electronic organizer

There are a huge number of electronic notebooks. An electronic diary has undeniable advantages over paper ones:

A. Save time. On the electronic diary, you do not need to rewrite tasks from the previous day to the current one, and you can also work with it both on a computer and on a phone or tablet, synchronizing data on all devices.

B. Volumes and speed: In the electronic diary, you can very quickly copy a large amount of information for further work. For example: You want to bake a banana pie in the evening and you need to write down the necessary ingredients in advance before you go to the store. If you have an electronic organizer, then you can quickly copy the entire recipe from the Internet into a diary, in just a matter of seconds. At the same time, to write down only the ingredients by hand on a piece of paper, you will need more time than for the entire recipe in in electronic format. And in the store, it will be enough to turn on the diary on your phone to quickly understand what to buy.

B. Convenience. It is inconvenient to use an ordinary notebook in transport, in a store, on vacation, in these places it is difficult to write down and look at notes, because the paper diary is large and you need 2 hands to open it. But the electronic notebook on the phone will always be with you, wherever you are: Transport, shop, street. You can quickly take notes on your computer and then sync to have those notes on your phone in seconds.

Method 6: Plan the next day in the evening

Make a plan of action for the next day in advance, the best time is the end of the working day before you go home. This simple action will help you sleep better, because often the cause of insomnia is that in the evening we go over in our memory all the important things that need to be done tomorrow so as not to forget them in the morning. And it is these thoughts that prevent us from relaxing and falling asleep peacefully, but if you write down all your plans, you will provide not only restful sleep but also in the evening.

In addition, when you make a plan in advance, your subconscious mind will constantly work all night on how best to do the planned. The solution to complex problems can come to you at breakfast, on the way to work, or even in the middle of the night. It is in the morning that new ideas most often come and you will use this time with maximum benefit, it is enough just to write a to-do list for the next day in advance.

By the way, if you have questions that you want to get an answer to, then before falling asleep and closing your eyes, ask them to yourself, preferably out loud and immediately fall asleep. And in the morning, get ready to immediately write down all the thoughts that may appear at the moment when you wake up or later.

Method 7: Schedule complex tasks for the peak of your activity

Make a plan for the day so that the work that requires a lot of energy falls on the peak of your activity, when you have a lot of energy and you are as productive as possible. As a rule, the peak of activity begins in the morning, because after sleep you have a lot of strength and a fresh head, but it happens that the peak of activity can also occur during the daytime and even evening hours.

The most energy-consuming activities are things for which there is no talent. Typically, these are the things you don't want to do the most. These tasks in time management are called frogs, because these tasks are unpleasant to start doing. There is a rule in time management - start the day with a frog, i.e., from an unpleasant affair. This rule will allow you to work more efficiently, because it is usually in the morning that you have the most strength, and these forces are extremely important to do the most unpleasant work.

I will give an example from life, I have a technical mindset, so exact sciences such as: Physics and mathematics are easy for me, but with humanitarian subjects it’s harder, so when I was at school, I often prepared for a test English language in the morning. I got up 1-2 hours before school and studied English. It was in the morning that I had the most energy, so at this time it was easier for me to do difficult task for which I had the least talent. The results of the preparation exceeded all my expectations, I got excellent or good in a subject that I did not like.

Plan the most unpleasant tasks for the peak of activity, for example, in the morning, and you will see how you will get more done and your personal efficiency will increase.

P.S. If you have any difficulties or questions about the article you read, as well as on the topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc., ask me, I will try to help. Skype consultation is also possible.

P.P.S. You can also take an online training "How to get 1 hour extra time". Write comments, your additions;)

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