Modern problems of science and education. Help to solve difficult life problems

Throughout life, each of us may encounter obstacles that need to be overcome. But how to do it so as not to lose the human form? Classic literature ignored this problem. And such writers of the nineteenth century as Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and many others, each tried to answer the question in his own way.

So, F.M. Dostoevsky in the novel "Crime and Punishment" shows us a poor young man Rodion Raskolnikov, who committed a terrible sin. He kills an old pawnbroker and, by coincidence, her innocent sister. The murder occurs due to the fact that the hero of the novel decides to test one theory on himself, according to which all people are divided into two categories: some - “having the right” to send to kill or kill themselves, and others, the lowest grade, are “trembling creatures” , which are the majority.

Raskolnikov values ​​himself highly enough and therefore, considering himself to be entitled, takes an ax in his hands. To kill something, he killed a malicious, according to him, and useless old woman. This also manifests such a trait of Raskolnikov as courage. But after the crime for Rodion, a “black” streak of life begins - punishment. Who is to blame for what happened? How now to live with such a burden? Napoleon, when he sent his soldiers to their deaths, did he think about the morality of his act? Such thoughts visit Raskolnikov during a period of mental torment and life difficulties. At this difficult moment, he meets with Sonya Marmeladova, who herself is going through hard times. She is forced to go “on a yellow ticket” to sell her body in order to save her family from starvation. This girl not only did not become hardened herself, but also helped Raskolnikov to understand that the cause of adversity must be sought, first of all, in oneself. To do this, you need to realize that you are wrong, go and repent of what you have done. This will be the first step towards finding yourself, a person.

Another example of revealing the problem of overcoming life's difficulties and preserving a person in oneself can be the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Indicative in this respect is the Rostov family. The writer tells throughout the story that Count Rostov - good man and a family man, but a poor host. Manages his property Mitenka (as all Rostovs affectionately call him), the manager of the estates, is a rogue and a swindler. The wealth of the Rostovs is melting before our eyes. And Nikolai Rostov, called up by the countess from the army, is also unable to help. Despite the shaky situation, the Rostovs do not refuse home to anyone. Everyone continues to live with them (tutors, nannies, teachers and others) who believed that they would live better with the Rostovs than anywhere else.

During the period of severe trials of the war of 1812, after the battle of Borodino, the wounded stretched past the Rostovs' house, who needed shelter and help. Natasha, as a true representative of her family, not only does not refuse to help the soldiers, but also insists to her parents that they give carts to the wounded. And on these carts lies, as the mother countess said, “childish”, that is, everything that remains from the dowry for children. The Rostovs will overcome their difficulties in the future, but they will never lose their human appearance anywhere.

Thus, literature gives us, readers, examples of correct behavior in difficult circumstances of life and shows that under any circumstances one cannot lose face and one must always remain a Human.

Life can be wonderful and terrible. There are periods of ups and downs. It is very difficult to keep yourself whole when you lose your love, money, safety or health. Often your bank accounts go up in smoke when you need money to get through a difficult situation.

It hurts to realize that your life or marriage has been full of lies. It is necessary to survive the darkest moments of your life. Life's ups and downs help you grow and change. You have no choice, but you can take your courage and go forward. I hope this article will help you get through the time when your personal strength is tested by life's troubles and problems.

Tell me about a life problem.

Focus on the present moment.

When you're surrounded by upheaval and negativity, it's hard to deal with emotional overload. It is advisable to avoid thinking about the past, because they make you feel anxious about what you cannot change. Focus on the present moment, what you can really do to make a difference. Try to get rid of intrusive thoughts that come crashing down on you and make you feel miserable.

Let go of the negative.

At present, various areas of life and conditions make you repress your feelings. It is extremely detrimental to your physical and mental well being, keeping your emotions to yourself can lead to pain and other illnesses. I understand that you cannot tell your boss that he is wrong, but you can release your emotions when you are in a private place. You can break plates or cry into your pillow. Try to do things that will help you let go of the negativity in your mind.

Unfortunately, when I face a life crisis, I tend to criticize myself. My inner voice helps me recover. I always try to follow the advice I give myself. I imagine what advice I can give to my friend if he faced the same situation. It is much easier to advise other people what to do in certain situation how to act on your own. That's why you have to give yourself a hint what to do. Reach out to yourself for the help you desperately need and I hope you find all the answers.

Keep moving.

You must always remember that life is movement. Follow your schedule, get regular exercise, and set new goals. It will increase your productivity and clear your mind of negative thoughts. Busy people tend to focus more on the future than the past. If you walk in this way, then you can avoid depression and achieve certain goals.

Gratitude heals.

When your head is a mess, you will notice nothing but negativity, you have to stop and remember everything that you are grateful for. Each person has a huge number of advantages and positive traits character. Also, you may think of your friends, children, or family. This strategy will help you boost your self-confidence. Therefore, you will easily find the strength and inspiration to fight for your happiness along with your dear people.

Experience helps you grow.

Experience will help you grow in various areas of life. Bram Stoker once said, "We learn from failure, not from success." It often happens that you can turn your past negative experience into a productive and positive one in the future. Plus, it will make you well-rounded and mature man ready to deal with all sorts of problems.

Moments of instability the best time to start something new in your life. The main secrets to avoid depression are constant movement and the ability to find opportunities in all difficulties. Whatever happens, you must be strong enough to deal with the harsh realities of life.

This article will focus on the problems in human life and how to solve these problems.

Of course, problems exist in the life of every person: these are material problems, health problems, loneliness and many others. All the difficulties of the dual and material world exist so that a person develops and does not stand still.

Even when it seems to a person that he is developing, improving and studying in theological schools, it is still the occurrence of real problems in his life that allows him to understand what he has achieved in his development and how easily he can solve his life problems.

Problems in a person's life

In essence, all the difficulties and life problems are not given to a person so that he suffers and suffers. A person goes through certain lessons on planet Earth, and each lesson has its own value, because nothing just happens.

A person develops through his problems, and all obstacles, like a mirror, reflect the inner imperfection of the person himself. And this is an opportunity to make the inner world more pure, more perfect.

When a person solves his problem in the right way, his life changes, and a similar problem will not happen again. And this can be called the healing of your Soul.

No one from Above wishes suffering and problems to a person, because such problems and difficult life situations considers its suffering limited human thinking, built on the ego and serving him.

In fact, it was the Soul that created a person with his body, consciousness, personality and ego for his tasks and his evolution. For a person to develop and become closer to God, to Light and Love.

Problems and difficulties in a person's life indicate that he needs to change. And this is not suffering, but a gift that allows you to go beyond ordinary human thinking, beyond the three-dimensional dual world.

Having solved his problems in a positive way, on analysis, on Love, a person connects with his Soul, and such a person no longer looks for easy ways, leaving his family, does not go into alcoholism and drugs. All that is needed is to perceive life as it is and look for the causes of problems within yourself. Thus, the problems in a person's life make him move forward, and the solution of his problems makes us better.

How to solve problems in your life

Sooner or later, most people are faced with the question: “How to solve the problems in your life?”

It often happens that negative situations, quarrels and misunderstandings arise in families. And sometimes a person even wants to give up everything and leave such a family.

In fact, you can’t get away from fate, besides, other family members simply help such a person see their imperfections, internal fears, resentments, disharmony that need to be cleared and worked out.

Close people do not really want pain and suffering native person and therefore one should not be offended by the words and actions of other family members. You need to look into yourself, find your inner pain, what causes irritation, and heal your inner problems.

Having healed his inner pain, a person will stop attracting such problems, hurtful words and family conflicts. If the inner world is pure and full unconditional love, a person is no longer interested in playing with the illusion of this world: conflicts, quarrels, scandals, and they will not be attracted to the life of such a person.

The main problem in people's lives is not the problems themselves, but attachment to them, attachment to one's desires and attachment to the joys of worldly desires.

Already the very birth in this world is a problem, because everything ends and is destroyed. Many desires are not fulfilled, and sometimes you have to lose what you have.

Separation, illness, old age, death... This world is impermanent and is suffering. This is the truth of this imperfect world. When a person has desires and he gets joy from desires, attachment to such desires naturally arises and suffering arises. When a person is not attached to his desires, not attached to this world, then there are practically no problems.

Even if there is a situation that is unsolvable at first glance and there is no relief, then most likely the solution to such a problem is beyond the limits of human consciousness. How to solve the problems that arise in life?

Probably, it is worth letting go of such a situation and giving it to the Creator with the words: “Dear God, I did everything I could in this situation, but nothing has changed, so please take this situation and resolve it.”

In a person's life there may be severe illness and difficult life situations. That is why there is such a thing as humility, and this is the most powerful mechanism of purification.

Humility has always been revered by holy people, and they became saints thanks to humility. When a person humbles himself, he leaves the Creator or God to solve life situations and purify the person himself.

We must agree that it is sometimes difficult for a person with his narrow outlook on life to even live, what to speak of solving any problems. Humility and repentance are the first steps of trusting your life to God, and these are the first steps of striving for God. When a person aspires to God, his desires and problems decrease, and the suffering of this world is almost not perceived.

In essence, suffering and problems arose when a person alienated himself from his Soul, from God, who is inside him and began to serve his personality, his ego. There is freedom of choice, but God's Choice is always Light, it is following.

If a person chooses his life path himself, regardless of the choice of his Soul, the choice of God, then he will travel through the worlds of illusion, through the worlds of suffering and all sorts of problems - this is the separation from the Creator, God.

Man is always chasing the illusory things of this material world, but the main treasure is this, this is God, and this is the true and indestructible state of the essence of each person. And therefore, each person can entrust his choice to God and become his choice.

Saints or hermits ceased to choose in their lives, completely trusting in the choice of God. And every person can do it. It is not at all necessary to become a recluse in order to answer the question of how to solve the problems in your life.

When a person aspires to God, he ceases to think in ordinary human thinking, and ceases to evaluate in his life. What does it mean not to evaluate? This means that suffering and problems do not affect such a person - there is no longer the concept of the absence of something and there is no comparison of oneself with someone or something.

This is communion with God, a return to God. In this world, a person lives in his illusions, experiences many problems, sufferings and misfortunes, not realizing that this is just a dream. When a person trusts God's choice, many things become clear, problems disappear, and true meaning is found.


Problems in a person's life show that he must change. Problems simply indicate the imperfection of a person, his inner peace. The Creator wants each person to develop, and therefore the various problems that arise in the process of life are a kind of gifts through which everyone must realize their Unity with the world and God.

In this chapter...

■S Developing an actionable problem solving plan

■S Applying problem-solving skills to our lives

If you are depressed, every difficulty you face feels bigger and more difficult than it really is. What everyone around (and you yourself in a normal mood) seems like a small hill, is now perceived by you as a huge mountain. It is about this approach to problems that they say: "Make an elephant out of a fly."

And then what can we say about really serious difficulties that literally paralyze you and deepen the state of hopelessness. Negative feelings, thoughts and emotions caused by your inability to cope with the challenges, in turn, increase depression and deprive you of the ability to find a way out of life's conflicts.

And now for the good news: By learning strategies to deal effectively with problems, you'll be more likely to beat depression overall. Many studies have confirmed that overcoming difficulties really helps to get rid of depression! We assure you that these strategies are not difficult. With their help, you can easily learn how to find ways out of a variety of problematic situations that you encounter in your daily life.

In this chapter, we present to you effective plan with which you will learn to unravel the tangles of a wide variety of problems.

We understand that getting started is always easier when you have an example in front of you. Therefore, we present to you the story of Adele and we will follow the development of events in her life throughout this chapter so that you understand and assimilate the mechanism of the strategy we have proposed.

We make a plan for solving problems

The approach that effective solution life problems for the treatment of depression, recent times gained great popularity. We can highlight the following main goals of this approach.

■S Identification of life problems that contribute to the onset of depression or deepen it.

■S Recognizing that depression reduces your natural ability to deal constructively with challenges.

■S Training effective techniques problem solution.

■S Prevention re-occurrence depression due to improved coping skills.

Our plan has six steps to help you find effective ways solutions to your problems and help put those solutions into practice.

S The first stage is awareness. You will need to comprehensively consider your situation or the problem itself, reflect on the reasons for its occurrence, your feelings in connection with the current situation and evaluate your own intentions, proposed further actions. For example, if you sincerely believe that a problem is insurmountable, that view is also part of the problem (or problem situation).

■S The second stage is the search for solutions. In the second step, you have to find everything possible ways solutions to problems, including the most improbable and unrealistic ones.

■S The third stage is the analysis of solutions. You will have to predict all the consequences that accompany each of possible solutions, and assess the likelihood of their occurrence.

■S The fourth stage is the choice. At this stage, the final choice of a strategy for solving the problem should be made.

■S The fifth stage is the dress rehearsal. In other words, this is your emotional support plan for your chosen decision. Preparation is necessary because some decisions require courage to carry out.

■S The sixth stage - action and evaluation of the result. Having worked through the previous steps of the plan for solving life's problems, you will no doubt be ready for its final part - the direct implementation of the decision you have chosen. You also have to evaluate the result and, in case of failure, outline a plan for your further actions.

Our six-step plan for dealing with life's problems does not guarantee unconditional success. However qualitative analysis situation significantly increases your chances of finding and applying optimal solution. In the following sections, we will go through each of the steps in our plan together. As always, try to have paper and a pen (or computer keyboard) handy. So let's get to work!

If you constantly feel that the problems in your life are completely unsolvable, please seek the help of a professional before using our proposed problem solving plan. Perhaps our approach will be useful for you, but do not refuse the participation of a competent assistant.

Life's obstacles and problems often prevent us from thinking clearly, instead plunging us into inaction or anxiety. On a subconscious level, we try to avoid everything that brings us psychological discomfort. As a result, we put off solving problems until the moment when the situation either escalates to the limit, and we can no longer ignore it, or it “falls apart” itself (often not in our favor).

If you feel like you are losing control of a situation or getting stuck on a problem, you need to focus not on emotions, but on finding constructive solution. Moreover, this does not require any titanic efforts.

Get right into the problem

The first thing to understand is that no one will solve the problem for us, and it will not disappear simply because we close our eyes to it. To solve a problem situation faster, do not give up and do not wind yourself up. The solution is always on the surface - you just need to find it.

Before you gather your will into a fist and start doing something, clearly understand the essence of your problem.

Perceive life's difficulties not as problems, but as tasks necessary for further professional and personal growth, or as levels in computer game, passing which you become "pumped", more experienced and stronger.

Try not to drown in negative emotions. Fear, anxiety, seal, resentment or anger will not help solve the problem. Just identify your state by answering the question: how do I feel now?

You are now ready to move into action. Not only to find The best decision, but also to benefit from a difficult situation, we suggest using an effective algorithm developed by Anthony Robbins, a successful American entrepreneur and personal development coach.

Way out of the problem: 7 steps to overcome

1. Voice your problem, what it is for you.

2. Find positive aspects problematic situation, no matter how difficult it may seem. What could be useful for you in the current problem? Any difficult life periods and difficulties are a hidden source of growth or an indicator that you have already achieved something, since life offers you more difficult “levels”. For example, you do not have time to process all customer orders. No doubt it's wonderful that you have so many clients. But at the same time, this means that you clearly need to rethink your time management skills.

3. Think about how to use the current situation to your advantage. After all, if you learned something useful for yourself from the problem, by all means use it.

4. What result do you want to come to instead of the existing state of affairs? Be as specific and positive as possible in your answer. For example: “I want to better organize my work time and give my clients the opportunity to feel my care for them.

5. What actions can and want to take to achieve the desired result? It happens that the actions necessary to resolve the situation do not correspond to our beliefs or desires. Planning and putting into practice what we don't really want is simply pointless.

6. What do I want and can stop doing so that it will allow me to correct the situation? Most often, problems arise because of our bad decisions or ineffective actions in the past. For example: “I want to stop answering unimportant emails, but I can't ignore my clients. So, I need to hire an assistant who will solve this problem instead of me.

7. How can I enjoy the process of achieving the desired result? Every person's life is filled with difficulties and obstacles. And if we still have to solve our life problems, then it is better to learn how to do it with benefit and pleasure!