Subordination - what is it? Is subordination important at work? What is subordination and what does it mean

Subordination is a necessary element of corporate ethics. This is a set of rules of conduct, an important element of which are all the subtleties of the relationship between the boss and the subordinate. These are not just rules of good tone and manners. Subordination allows for respectful attitude and productive work. For example, many leaders face the following problem: they treat their subordinates very gently, as a result of which the latter begin to miss deadlines and perform their work poorly. It is difficult for a manager who does not observe subordination to point out the shortcomings of the work of his subordinate, who has become almost a friend to him. Rules allow you to save nerves and avoid conflicts.

Normative base

The rules of subordination are established by the internal papers of the company, such as:

  • Collective agreement. They are established basic principles interactions.
  • Inner order rules. They indicate the work schedule, the rules of conduct in the workplace.
  • Job description. It indicates the specific duties of the employee, as well as his status in the hierarchy of the company.
  • Contract of employment. It specifies individual rules for a particular employee.

Each company has the right to independently develop subordination rules that are relevant for a particular space. However, they are all based on basic ethical standards.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Within the framework of the law, the rules of subordination are regulated by Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Here is the liability for failure to comply established norms.

Basic rules of interaction between company representatives

Subordination norms depend on the type of hierarchy:

  • Vertical. Assumes that the higher level gives instructions to the lower one. For example, a manager gives tasks to his subordinate. The latter is obliged to fulfill them.
  • Horizontal. It involves interaction between employees of equal status.

Submissive relationships are traditionally considered complex. Hidden conflicts often arise between the leader and subordinates, which complicate the work. Subordination helps prevent problems. Its features depend on what kind of relations are regulated.

Between subordinate and leader

Within the vertical hierarchy, the main role belongs to the manager. He has a great responsibility for healthy communication. Consider the basic rules within the framework of such relationships:

  • Lack of familiarity. If the leader makes the subordinate his friend, it will be very difficult to give tasks, to criticize the work. The sharpness of the boss in such a situation can lead to hidden conflicts and dislike. An example of familiarity is talking about personal life over a cup of tea. Naturally, the boss can communicate with the subordinate. However, you should focus on topics that are not too personal.
  • Correct attitude. The employee, in turn, should not talk about the boss in a negative tone. This does not mean complete submission. If the leader is a tyrant, the problem should be solved legally.
  • Politeness. If a subordinate wishes to propose an idea to the manager, he should do it as politely as possible. You must enter the chief's office only after knocking first.
  • Hierarchy. You need to contact only your leader, and not the head of this leader. Such jumping over a step can offend the manager.
  • No insults. Disputes may well arise between the leader and the subordinate. And it is very important to lead them correctly. In this case, the difference of opinion will only enrich the work. In conflicts, one cannot insult a person on religious, political opinions. It is strictly forbidden to point out flaws in appearance.

The leader needs to remember that it is he who sets the main tone in the relationship.

Between bosses

Leadership relationships can be both horizontal and vertical. In the first case, the status of chiefs is general. In the second case, a hierarchy is assumed. For example, there is a head of the company, and there is a project manager. The former is higher in the hierarchy than the latter. Consider the rules of subordination within the given situation:

  • Saving time. Most conversations should be strictly business. Do not allow endless idle talk. You can talk about personal and joke after the work shift.
  • Lack of subjectivity. When arguing, you should not be based on your personal views, but on facts that are documented.
  • Correct attitude. It is strictly forbidden for the higher authorities to scold the head of the lower level in front of the subordinates of the latter. This is a serious violation of subordination. In fact, in this way a person creates a situation in which the subordinates of the manager cease to respect him. This will negatively affect all work processes. If an employee needs to point out his mistakes, you need to do it face to face.

The respectful attitude of managers to each other allows you to create a favorable climate in the company. It must be remembered that the fish rots from the head. If the bosses have conflicts, then ordinary employees will inevitably have them.

Between subordinates

Less stringent requirements are imposed on subordinates. Consider the basic rules:

  • You can not allow squabbles and gossip.
  • It is good if the atmosphere in the company is family, but it is not recommended to get too close. An employee can become a leader, and friendly relations with the staff will interfere with giving instructions.
  • You should not intercept clients from your colleague. There will be many clients, and you will have to “enjoy” every day a broken relationship with a colleague.
  • You should not make those promises in which a person is not sure. A colleague may hope that will lead to adverse consequences.

The subordination between subordinates is determined purely by the specifics of the company. For example, a friendly environment has been adopted in young creative companies.

Responsibility for non-compliance with the rules of subordination

Responsibility for non-compliance with the rules is stipulated in article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, these are the following measures:

  • Comment. Represents a verbal indication of an employee's error. It is necessary to prevent incorrect actions in the future.
  • Rebuke. It is a written expression of your comment. An appropriate mark is put on the employee's personal card. Reprimand is a measure that is used after a comment is made. If the employee did not understand the oral remark, it is also expressed in writing.
  • Dismissal. This is the most severe form of disciplinary action. Can only be used if the employee has received multiple reprimands. All of them must be properly formatted. You cannot be fired for the violation of subordination itself. However, you can terminate the employment agreement if there are repeated reprimands. In this case, the dismissal is carried out on the basis that the employee has repeatedly violated his job duties.

IMPORTANT! It is possible to dismiss an employee only in case of repeated gross violations of subordination. For example, an employee spreads gossip that discredits the manager's business reputation, insults, and uses physical violence.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! insubordination involves Negative consequences. In particular, the work of the company is disrupted.

Under such a concept as subordination at work, they understand a set of rules business etiquette whose function is to establish relationships among the employees of the team. This concept refers to the rules of communication both with superiors and among subordinates. Subordination is associated with respect for superior authority, following orders, culture and manifestations of personal initiative, as well as the occupation of each employee in a certain niche.

Who is obliged to comply

It is peculiar not only to subordinates. The duties of any manager involve similar adherence to the principles of business ethics, issuance of orders that have the correct form, and the absence of attempts to humiliate juniors in positions and criticize their personal qualities.

There is always a certain order in the matter of giving orders to subordinates. At the same time, each employee must have an idea of ​​the acceptable forms adopted in this organization, in which the management is reported on how the work has been done. IN certain situations an employee of a lower level has the right to appeal against the actions of the one who is his immediate superior.

Why is subordination at work so important?

These days there is a lot of talk about business partnerships, which allow any employee to become a single member of the team. This ultimately strengthens the corporate culture and helps to solve common problems. The function of the partnership is to work out important goals and ways to achieve them. Thanks to subordination, the situation in the team remains healthy, manifestations of familiarity, conflicts, insults and dismissive treatment are excluded.

What are the rules of subordination? If there are no such officially established norms at the enterprise, the workflow can be disorganized. Any of the employees has the right to information about who is able (moreover, obliged) to give him needed advice from whom to wait for orders, and whose duty is to obey. If the structure is large enough, clear regulation is indispensable. In such cases, as a rule, the principles of subordination of some units to others are prescribed. Documents regulating the principles of subordination - specific orders and instructions, as well as the charter of the organization.

Where is it written about

The service hierarchy is also built according to the principles set forth in specific documents - job descriptions, internal regulations, paragraphs collective agreement. They are also contained in the text of the labor agreement concluded between the employer and the employee.

Certain structures (for example, the army) require the wearing of special insignia in the form of a uniform, etc., but in small companies, the main core around which the subordination in the team is built is boss authority.

A new employee should be familiarized with the basic principles of corporate ethics immediately upon hiring. This happens in the process of negotiations about its functionality, official powers and responsibilities.

What is she like

Service relationships can be vertical or horizontal. What is meant? The names speak for themselves. The first (vertical) relationships are top-down (boss-subordinate) and bottom-up (employee-manager). Speaking of them, by default they mean obedience to the orders of higher management.

A real boss who sticks to the rules corporate culture, will never allow familiarity towards those who occupy lower positions. In order to avoid work troubles, the distance must always be observed, and in a mutual way. After all, there are situations of incorrect behavior on the part of employees in relation to the manager. This can be expressed in a banter or an inappropriate categorical tone.

Such familiarity goes sideways to the workers. Regularly violating the principles of subordination are usually the first candidates for layoffs. For his part, a leader who delve into the personal problems of his subordinates, who is able to share with them experiences of a private nature, who forgives non-obligation and indiscipline, behaves short-sightedly and ultimately loses his authority.

Is the boss always right?

But, of course, everything is in moderation. Many modern leaders suffer from just the opposite qualities - they do not hesitate to behave arrogantly or treat subordinates with undisguised contempt. Of course, all these extremes do not contribute to the improvement of the working environment.

An excessively authoritarian leadership style is accompanied by a reduced level of employee initiative. When only a constant stream of commands, instructions and orders comes from the authorities, subordinates automatically cease to be interested in the essence of the production process and are focused only on the blind (sometimes formal) implementation of instructions. In the event of emergency situations, one cannot expect responsibility from them, as well as right decision not supported by the order of the leadership.

A flexible style of interaction with subordinates is much more productive. The leader may well afford some deviations from the rules in situations where listening to an independent point of view is required. It is for this case that meetings and brainstorming sessions are held, when a decision is made through the application of joint efforts, and a plan for further operations is optimally worked out.

How to communicate with peers

Horizontal relationships are understood as those that are typical for the communication of colleagues of the same level in their own environment. This also includes those that are formed between leaders who are equal in position. This is subordination between colleagues of the same "weight category". Horizontal relations are built on the principles of partnership and equality. The postulates of corporate ethics are based on benevolent interactions in working environment, fair load distribution.

Attempts to belittle and constantly pointless criticism of colleagues are unacceptable. Any employee professing this line of behavior runs the risk of irretrievably spoiling relations in the team. And not every leader will tolerate a squabbler in the working environment.

It is no secret that in any team there are sometimes cases of attempts by employees to shift their own responsibilities onto the shoulders of colleagues, using, for example, friendly relations. But an idler in the workplace, sooner or later, is still calculated and punished both in a disciplinary and monetary sense.

When the Deputy Director is out of work

What are the most common mistakes that can be cited as typical examples of violations of the principles of subordination? One of them - the most common one - issuing orders to a subordinate by higher management, bypassing the one who is the immediate superior of the latter. For example, the foreman tries to give instructions to the workers, bypassing the foreman or foreman. Thus, the authority of the head of the department can be significantly reduced, and employees stop taking him seriously.

Such a mistake leads to an imbalance in the controllability of the entire corporate system. The director should not include in the scope of his many duties the additional burden of managing personnel. The task of monitoring the implementation of his instructions is the business of another employee.

Another danger is that very controlling link (immediate supervisor or deputy director) sometimes sins with arbitrariness and requires the organization of the work process to its own taste. In order to avoid misunderstandings, its powers should be clearly specified at once. The danger is that the chief executive may not know all the intricacies of the situation. In the example mentioned above, the head of the workshop entrusts the foreman of the site with only clearly specified and fixed by the service instruction functionality.

Other errors

The third point is that two people are appointed as executors of the same order. different people. In this case, the workflow can be disoriented, as there is a serious risk of shifting responsibility between performers.

Very often there are cases of appealing to senior management, bypassing the immediate superior. First of all, it is customary to notify the head of the unit directly about the problem that has arisen.

The inability to prioritize also refers to the manifestations of broken subordination at work. The task of the performer is to clearly imagine what of the planned needs to be done immediately, and what can be postponed for the coming days.

About rudeness and tactlessness

If you criticize the boss behind his back, such behavior not only violates the chain of command, but is also downright unethical. Such criticism will sooner or later reach the ears of the leadership. And those who are “smart enough” to emphasize the incompetence of the boss in the event of a public conflict are most at risk. Management, as a rule, does not forgive anyone for undermining their own authority.

Among the most tactless and gross violations of subordination are attempts to criticize not official, but personal qualities of employees. There is also a rude tone in the expressed negative assessments of the work done, which in all cases without exception produces a painful impression.

When criticizing an employee or subordinate, it is important to adhere to the desire to improve the work of both him personally and the entire organization. In attempts to discuss behavior, there should be no desire to humiliate or demonstrate power.

Sometimes in large and small teams, subordination at work, as well as ethics business communication, are completely absent. Small structures, where everyone knows each other quite well, are especially guilty of this. Addressing "you" is not always appropriate in a business environment, blurring the lines between superiors and subordinates, and it is difficult for a junior in position to perceive leadership in its true light in such an atmosphere. He is less motivated to follow instructions unconditionally.

What should be feared

What are the consequences of non-compliance with subordination at work? All manifestations of familiarity with the authorities, the lack of implementation of his instructions, incorrect criticism, one way or another, affect the business foundations of the enterprise and significantly reduce the authority of the management. As a consequence in such corporations one can observe revelry disciplinary action influence in the form of reprimands, remarks, deprivation of bonuses, etc. Well, as an extreme measure of retribution for errors against subordination is dismissal.

Subordination is a system that regulates the relationship not only between a boss and a subordinate, but also between a senior and a junior, meaning the position held.

The attitude of a subordinate boss was formulated by Peter I, who issued a decree on the attitude towards superiors on December 9, 1708, where he formulated the requirements for a person who is subordinate: “A subordinate in the face of a superior must look dashing and silly, so as not to embarrass the authorities with his understanding” . More than 300 years have passed, but some leaders still understand subordination in this way.

But if the leader wants to achieve really high-quality work and high results, subordination will be the mechanism that will achieve this goal. After all, in fact, subordination is a clearly regulated system of business relations that allows you to achieve well-coordinated work of the entire team, united by the implementation of a common task.

Many people can work on this task. Each of them at his workplace must clearly know with which of the other employees he interacts, with whom he has the right to ask, and who has the right to ask him. Only in this case, the team will work like a well-oiled clockwork.

Subordination - a system of subordination in the service, determined by the measure of responsibility. The measure of responsibility, as a rule, is determined by the position held or temporarily assigned powers.

What is a violation of subordination

Subordination is based on established rules labor discipline, it implies that all relations between employees are subject to this discipline and are strictly within the framework of work. The actions of each employee and, accordingly, his responsibility for them, are limited by job description Nobody has the right to demand more from you.

Each employee has his own direct supervisor, whose instructions he must carry out. In case of disagreement with the actions or orders of your management, you must appeal them in the manner established by the working regulations, without violating subordination and without acting over his head. The same applies to cases when you have suggestions for improving the quality of work and work. Compliance with subordination greatly simplifies and facilitates relationships in the team, excluding the possibility of non-fulfillment of management decisions.

Subordination or subordination plays an important role in the relationship of people in any team: the military, in various organizations and between family members. Subordination is built on respect for seniors, senior colleagues, in the family - this is the recognition of the husband as the head.

Subordination - what is it?

Subordination is, translated from Latin, subordination. Subordination as a phenomenon was initially characteristic of the military system, where strict adherence to discipline and submission to the commander was a matter of life and death. Today, subordination is also a set of rules, laws, corporate ethics in small and large organizations. Violation of subordination entails a collapse and, as a consequence, a violation of discipline as a whole.

Subordination rules

Strict adherence to the rules and regulations of relations helps to observe subordination in organizations:

  1. The task is assigned by the head of the department in which the subordinate works.
  2. For errors in execution, both the employee and the immediate supervisor are punished.
  3. For the assigned work, the responsibility is entirely on the one who performs it.
  4. The possibility of contacting the higher authorities is agreed with the head of the department.
  5. The senior manager, when interacting with the middle manager and his subordinates, discusses only the results of the work of the team as a whole, without criticism of the head of the department.
  6. A single form of address among employees of different status (for example, by name and patronymic).

Subordination at work

The observance of subordination in the team promotes discipline and business relations based on respect. What is subordination at work? Sociology distinguishes 2 types of subordination, with the peculiarities of subordination inherent in each:

  1. vertical subordination. The leader is the subordinate. Hierarchy from top to bottom. Execution of orders from higher management.
  2. horizontal subordination. Relationships between colleagues of the same rank. Here partnership and equality. Assumes benevolence and even distribution of work among employees.

How to force a subordinate to observe subordination?

Respect for people, their work and the contribution that employees make to the functioning of the organization causes reciprocal respect for leaders, and then the observance of subordination at work is a natural process. Any activity of the organization is regulated, the relationship between the boss and the subordinate is also based on the rules and specific traditions of the company. In order for the employee to observe subordination, there are the following recommendations:

  1. When hiring a new employee, they are introduced to the rules of corporate ethics and culture.
  2. A leader for whom authority among subordinates is important strives for flexible relationships, without authoritarianism and humiliation.
  3. Following the subordination by the leaders themselves. All orders are issued in the following order: superior manager - immediate head of the department - employee. Violation of subordination often occurs through the fault of the leaders themselves, when the scheme is violated: a higher manager gives an order to an employee, bypassing the immediate supervisor, whose authority in front of subordinates after several such situations falls.

How to punish staff for not subordination?

What entails non-compliance with subordination in the work team? Chaos, discord and confusion among the workers themselves, and undermining the authority of superiors. The reason for non-compliance with submission lies more often in poor education and. People who are prone to intrigue and conflict put themselves above others. What to do if the discipline is already violated? Penalties for non-observance of subordination at the initial stages:

  1. Remark, and later - a reprimand.
  2. Cash recovery. system of monetary penalties.
  3. Dismissal. An extremely rare form of punishment (in some organizations, insubordination is equated with false information).

Subordination in the army

Military subordination is based on the centuries-old tradition of subordinating warriors to their commander. Degrees, ranks, all this is reflected in military ammunition, the knowledge of which allows the military of different ranks to greet each other in a certain way and pay honor or tribute. Subordination in the army is necessary and important element without which chaos and lawlessness would reign. Subordination includes:

  • unquestioning subordination of the junior in rank to the senior;
  • when performing a task or order, this is immediately reported to the management;
  • failure to comply with the order - criminal liability;
  • following the army charter and established traditions;
  • clear execution of commands and greetings.

Subordination in the family

The concept of subordination in family relationships is based on the criteria of "senior - junior". Traditionally, the husband is the head of the family. Since the time of patriarchy, the leadership of men has been strengthened, echoes of this can be seen in many families where the principles of house building have been preserved and great importance is attached to Christian morality. Subordination in the family is based on the following principles:

  1. Clear division of responsibilities between spouses: maintenance household completely lies with the woman, the man provides money and makes decisions regarding the upbringing of children.
  2. The wife recognizes the authority of her husband. This does not mean, as they used to say: “Let the wife of her husband be afraid!”, But the fact that a man, as the eldest in the house, he is a protector and breadwinner, therefore he is worthy of respect and reverence.

In a modern family, roles are often mixed up, a woman earns more than a man, works for two, so the concept of subordination is vague. A man in such a family no longer feels like an authority, this is also facilitated by his wife, who constantly emphasizes her superiority. In families where respect reigns, subordination is observed regardless of who earns how much.

Eleonora Brik

Creating a favorable atmosphere in the workplace that is conducive to work is the main goal of a prudent manager who wants to increase the productivity of the company's employees. and the method of illusory bonuses become inappropriate decisions of the boss, because subordinates can hold a grudge against him, having learned the true intentions of the boss. In this situation, the worker is disturbed, in whose mind negative thoughts appear and flourish. Such factors negatively affect the profitability of the company, so it is important to hold an internal meeting on time, defining the rules of conduct for all team members.

Subordination at work

First, let's find out what subordination at work is? By definition, this means business relationship between the boss and the subordinate, which are built according to the principle of a hierarchical ladder. Compliance with subordination required condition for the relationship "subordinate - boss" or "senior - junior". Such a system contributes to maintaining the working atmosphere in the workplace or in the office. Moreover, observance of subordination prevents the emergence and development of conflicts in the enterprise.

Compliance with subordination is a prerequisite for the relationship "subordinate - boss"

How is subordination established?

Any enterprise should have documentation that is designed to determine the labor hierarchy, as we are talking about the following documents:

  • labor agreements between employers and employees at the time of hiring the latter;
  • job descriptions designed to regulate the behavior of an employee in a team in accordance with his position;
  • treaty, which is concluded by the team;
  • rules associated with the definition of internal labor regulations.

It should be noted that observance of official subordination at work is mandatory for all employees of any enterprise.

Distinguish two types of subordination: vertical and horizontal.

Vertical subordination

Vertical subordination is a model of the relationship between superiors and subordinates, that is, according to the principle "top down". We are talking about the fact that, for example, the head of a department should not allow familiar relations with his employees. Employees should not allow themselves to make fun of people in higher positions, that is, with vertical subordination, a clear hierarchy is observed.

If to speak about the pros vertical subordination, then we are talking about:

  • about the absence of the need to spend extra time on sorting out relations with superiors;
  • about establishing a healthy working environment in the team, since all employees are satisfied with their position, without suffering from infringement of their rights, without comparing themselves with those who in another team could receive a more favorable attitude from superiors, etc.

However vertical subordination has some disadvantages:

  • the existence of real risks associated with the fact that the method of government in the company will very soon become totalitarian;
  • stopping employees from showing their potential, since the authoritarianism of their bosses will simply frighten them.

In a word, with the type of subordination under discussion, bosses often “go too far”, and as a result, everyone loses: bosses, employees and the company as a whole - in connection with which it is necessary to subordinate, as they say, wisely.

Vertical subordination is a model of the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Horizontal subordination

They talk about horizontal subordination when they mean it communication between people in equal positions. These may be heads of different departments or employees of the same structural unit businesses or companies.

With horizontal subordination, other rules of communication come to the fore, under which mutual respect, equality, and mutually beneficial partnership are welcomed. The advantages of such a model of relations in any team are obvious, since with a proper attitude to work, joint cooperation will be fruitful and long-term.

Only when employees respect each other's ideas are real prerequisites for the possibility of long-term collaboration, the result of which can be the creation of something truly worthwhile.

However, horizontal subordination has its own minuses related to the need:

  • maintaining distance even with employees occupying positions of the same level;
  • the presence of the risk of employees using each other for personal gain, which often happens when their relationship becomes friendly.

Horizontal subordination involves communication between people occupying equal positions

How to maintain subordination at work?

Is it possible to punish an employee for violating the rules of subordination at work? Perhaps, therefore, all members of the work team must comply with a number of rules that will help maintain subordination at work.

  1. Contribute in every possible way creating psychological comfort in contacts between management and employees that do not involve familiarity.
  2. Any orders must be given link, which is one rank below. Stepping over the hierarchical levels, avoiding communication with the liaison department, is unacceptable.
  3. Establishing emotional neutrality, implying equal treatment of superiors to all employees. The management should not have favorites and enemies - all subordinates should be in the same working conditions.
  4. The availability of communication between subordinates and the boss should be limited to a certain time frame or a specific day of the week. This will help to minimize the number of pointless conversations aimed at drawing the attention of superiors to their own person.

Features of subordination in the workplace

Subordination at work involves specific language gestures that employees and management of the company should be familiar with

Business communication becomes more detailed, and the hierarchical position of a person can be easily determined by a number of behavioral signs.

  1. Welcome words should be spoken first by an employee of the enterprise, and the boss gives his hand at the meeting, independently determining the appropriateness of such a gesture.
  2. You can sit in the manager's office without a special invitation when you are in a closed space alone. When other employees are in the office of the boss, you can sit on a chair after the invitation of the boss or the boss of a higher rank.
  3. Getting up from the table when the leader passes by you is necessary in three common cases: at the beginning of the working day; to greet guests who are next to him; when meeting a delegation or other high-ranking guests.
  4. Knocking on the "boss" door reflects the employee's suspicion or self-doubt. Nowadays, to visit the head's office, it is enough to coordinate the reception hours with his secretary, and there is no need to knock on the office door at all.

Subordination at work requires the presence of a certain sign language

What to do if the subordinate does not observe subordination in the team?

Subordination must be observed, otherwise there will be no order at work. However, what to do if the subordinate does not observe subordination in the team? In general, such behavior of a subordinate worker indicates that the boss failed to build the right relationships in the team. Sometimes the disrespectful attitude of employees towards their boss is due to his incompetence.

In addition, it should be noted that the subordinate must respect the boss, however, the boss should not neglect the rules of good manners, since the “supervisory position” does not give him the right to raise his voice to his subordinates, much less insult them. By by and large, the boss is simply obliged to be a role model for subordinates, including in the issue of observance of subordination and respectful attitude towards employees.

What to do in case of a conflict with a colleague? Who should yield to whom? Who should listen to whom? It all depends on your human qualities. When people understand that they go to the office to work, and not to sort things out, then the work goes on much better. By the way, non-compliance with subordination at work under Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation "A set of penalties for violation of subordination at the workplace" involves the following types of punishments:

  • verbal remark;
  • rebuke;
  • dismissal.

The main components of subordination in working conditions are tact and respect, they must be adhered to by all employees of the enterprise, including the head

On the principle of subordination in the family

Now let's talk about what the principle of subordination in the family is. The concept of subordination in family relationships is based on the criteria of "senior - junior". In traditional families, the head of the family is the husband. The strengthening of the leadership of a man took place back in the era of patriarchy, echoes of this can be seen in many families in which the principles of house building are respected and Christian morality is of great importance.

Subordination in the family is built on two main principles, so it goes:

  • on a clear division of responsibilities between spouses: housekeeping lies entirely with the woman, and the man provides the family with money and makes decisions regarding the upbringing of children;
  • on the recognition by the wife and children of the authority of the husband in the sense that he is a protector and earner, and therefore worthy of respect and reverence.

However, it should be noted that in modern families the roles are often mixed up: a woman earns more than a man, works for two, etc. In this regard, the concept of family subordination seems to be blurred. Men in such families no longer feel like an authority, which is largely facilitated by women who permanently emphasize their superiority. In families where respect reigns, subordination is observed regardless of who earns how much.

In traditional families, the husband is the head of the family.

Subordination at school

In general, subordination is following the principle “the younger ones should respect the elders, and the subordinates should respect the authorities.” In this regard, it is not at all surprising that the concept of subordination in the school is very relevant, especially taking into account the fact that in our time the word “subordination” means not just direct subordination, but also behavior that demonstrates respect for seniors, status or position. Observance of subordination is an obligatory part of relations in the format "senior - junior".

The teacher must build trusting relationships with all students, but at the same time keep an appropriate distance from them.

It is unacceptable to equip a teacher with pets, as, however, there should not be outcast students. At all observance in the school of subordination is extremely important, since the emergence of respect between teachers and students depends on this, maintaining discipline in the classroom, which directly affects the quality of teaching and the assimilation of knowledge by children.

In addition, subordination in the school must also be observed between teachers, so, for example, it is completely unacceptable for one teacher to refer to another using a diminutive name - something like “Verunchik or Valyushka”. Teachers should not demonstrate romantic relationships in the presence of children, even if they exist, etc. Subordination at school is, first of all, a respectful attitude of teachers and students towards each other.

March 3, 2014