How to decorate the summer kitchen inside. Finishing the summer kitchen inside with your own hands. How to find the right solution for your summer kitchen

Are you tired of cooking, preserving vegetables, preparing for noisy and plentiful feasts with barbecue or barbecue inside country house where is all the kitchen equipment?

It is quite possible to avoid being in a stuffy room and transfer all these processes to fresh air or to a separate, well-ventilated room. It is enough to build a summer kitchen in the country. The features of this process will be discussed in the material below.

Varieties of designs

Before embarking on the realization of your dream, it is advisable to consider all existing projects. summer kitchen in the country: with your own hands it is advisable to build not too expensive and complex structures, otherwise you can not finish the construction at all.

All buildings for cooking on suburban area are divided into two main groups:

  1. Open kitchen. Her hallmark- the complete absence of walls. This allows you to achieve a feeling of spaciousness and freedom, as well as provide excellent air circulation. At the same time, everything necessary equipment- stove, table, sink, and so on - must be present without fail.

Some cottage owners, wanting to get as close to nature as possible, get rid of not only walls, but also.
It's not the best the best solution, as you will lose protection from both the sun and the rain.

  1. Closed kitchen. Often this is not only a place for cooking. small light structure can serve as a guest or hunting lodge, pantry or workshop for those who like to do something with their own hands.
    For construction, you can use plywood, lining or other materials, the price of which is low. And summer kitchens for summer cottages, built of brick, foam or gas blocks, can be successfully operated for a long time throughout the year.
    Combining certain materials and summer kitchen projects in the country - with your own hands you can create original and original buildings that will become a highlight landscape design your suburban area.

In any case, do not forget to equip the summer kitchen with amenities:

  • plumbing;
  • sewerage;
  • stove or grill;
  • lighting and electrical outlets.

If you do not have the opportunity to bring electricity to the summer kitchen, renting a diesel generator to give will help out.
This device will provide power to all kitchen equipment.


The construction of a summer kitchen in the country begins with the search for a place where it will be installed.

This site must meet the following requirements:

  1. Convenient connection engineering networks. It must be possible to supply water, sewerage and electricity.
  2. Remoteness from economic and household buildings. Pets, publish bad smell which is out of place in the kitchen. Therefore, it is desirable to make sure that it is removed from economic zone giving as far away as possible.
  3. The presence of a cellar. It’s good when the summer kitchen plan in the country includes a cellar under it or nearby. This provides access to products during cooking and the possibility of quick storage of homemade preparations.

If before building capital house for housing you use country houses from block containers, a place for building a kitchen must be chosen so that free and convenient access is subsequently provided to it.

Construction order

Step 1. Preparing the base

Exists various projects summer kitchens for summer cottages. Depending on the shape, materials and size of the building, the foundation is selected. The most common are strip and column bases.

The first type is used when it is planned to build a closed summer kitchen from brick or other artificial stone. Open country summer kitchens or wooden houses can also be built on columnar supports. They can be made from cinder blocks or cast from cement mortar.

If you intend to install only a light canopy, then you can simply concrete the site of the desired size, reinforcing it with a metal mesh or rods.

In any case, the sequence of actions for arranging the foundation is as follows:

  1. Excavation. According to a pre-made marking, a continuous excavation of the soil is carried out or holes are dug with dimensions of 30x30 and a depth of 70-80 cm.
  2. Pillow arrangement. For this, a sand-gravel mixture is used, which is poured onto the bottom of the pit with a layer 20 cm thick and carefully compacted.
  3. Pouring the foundation, platform or pillars. Depending on the type of structure and its dimensions, as well as the ambient temperature, it will take from a week to a month for the concrete to fully harden.
  4. Floor arrangement. In some cases, additional filling of the subfloor may be required. To do this, a layer of soil is removed from the site, then a layer of sand 15 cm thick is poured. Crushed stone is laid on top of it, after which the cement mortar is poured.

If the floor is subsequently tiled ceramic tiles, take care of a smooth surface by doing cement screed and grinding.

The floor of the open summer kitchen should rise 5-7 cm above the ground.
Otherwise, a heavy summer downpour will flood the site.

Step 2. Building walls

The presence or absence of walls depends on which design of the summer kitchen in the country you have chosen. In any case, you will need to install and properly secure the support posts that will support the roof or canopy.

The walls of the summer house for cooking can be made of various materials:

  1. Wood. All structural elements are fastened together with self-tapping screws or metal corners. material for outer skin it can be a board or siding, internal - drywall, grooved board or lining.
  2. Fake diamond. Given the purpose of the building, it is enough to build walls one brick thick (cinder block). If you intend, despite the name, to operate the kitchen in winter, you should take extra care of insulation and heating.

Step 3. Arrangement of the roof

The simplest and most inexpensive option is a flat pitched roof. It is easy to install, and the cost of construction is minimal. However, most summer residents prefer the gable version, considering it more attractive.

If you expect round-the-clock operation of the summer kitchen, you need to lay thermal insulation from basalt fiber, glass wool or polystyrene between the roof joists.

To prevent water from flooding the walls, it is necessary to provide for a long visor. This will extend the life of the structure.

Step 4. Interior decoration

The flooring in the summer kitchen can be made of ceramic tiles or decking ( terrace board). In the latter case, the surface is painted with one or another shade of paint or varnished.

It is advisable to cover the ceilings and walls with drying oil, which will protect the wood from the effects of negative environmental factors.

Original accessories made of ceramics, wood or other materials that organically fit into the dacha concept will help to give the kitchen interior an individuality.


When choosing a summer kitchen project, consider combining this space with a dining room or barbecue area. So, you can not only cook food, but also eat it in the fresh air, enjoying being in nature.

You can learn more about the arrangement of suburban areas from the video in this article.

A favorite place to relax after everyday troubles can be a summer kitchen in a private area. Even our grandmothers actively used the advantages of the outbuilding, turning it into a mini-cannery. Functionality and the design of modern summer kitchens have expanded significantly. The proposed methods of arranging a practical structure will help you choose suitable option for a private area.

Summer kitchen: arrangement options

The variety of architectural solutions allows you to build a summer kitchen in any suburban area. They are attached to a private house or set apart, made open and closed type. Each idea has undoubted advantages and some disadvantages. List of requested arrangements:

Comment! The choice of a suitable project for a private house depends not only on the construction estimate, the availability of free space on the site also plays a role.

Original ideas for arranging separate and attached summer kitchens in private estates are presented in the photo gallery.

Characteristics of open areas

When building a separate summer kitchen open type for arranging pillars using stone or wooden beam, sometimes found combined option. The design of the site is carried out with natural or artificial stone, there is no foundation here. Protection from scorching rays or precipitation will be a canopy or roof. Any appliance for cooking on an open fire will help you feel all the delights of culinary masterpieces. The stove, lined with stone, is distinguished by the sophistication of design.

If you attach a summer kitchen to a private house, you should take care of the compatibility of the materials used. This is especially true for roofing.

The advantages of open isolated areas are as follows:

  • minimum consumption of building materials;
  • lack of earthworks for arranging the foundation;
  • installation of a summer kitchen is simple and in a short time;
  • comfortable conditions for cooking and conservation;
  • the presence of a barbecue, grill or barbecue in the summer kitchen expands the menu of the owners of a private house;
  • great place to relax big company outdoors.
  • a summer kitchen away from a private home is optimal in terms of fire safety;

The operation of an open summer playground is accompanied by some inconveniences:

  • complete dependence on weather conditions. Rain, wind and cold forced to relocate to a private house.
  • The work area is not protected from dust and provides an additional amount of work to maintain cleanliness.
  • Evening pastime in the summer kitchen is accompanied by insect attacks.
  • Products need good protection from bird or animal encroachment.
  • Leaving equipment unattended is possible only in the case of reliable protection of private territory.
  • Additional hassle with seasonal rearrangements of equipment and furniture.
  • The summer open kitchen serves exclusively for preparing and eating food in the open air.

Successful design projects of private buildings in the photo:

Features of enclosed spaces

The closed design of the summer kitchen can stand separately from a private house or be an extension to the building.

Comment! Apart from living quarters, the kitchen is combined with a bathhouse or other household facility.

Preference is given to a closed-type project during the construction of a summer building in regions with an unfavorable climate. Frequent rains, strong winds or early frosts make outdoor recreation uncomfortable. Therefore, the summer kitchen needs protection. Subject to installation heater this will allow you to have a good time on it even in winter period.

Main advantages closed building:

  • No dependency on weather conditions.
  • Insect protection in evening time, food supplies are hidden from night hunters, and equipment is hidden from prying eyes.
  • The summer kitchen can serve as a guest house, especially if the main private housing construction does not have enough free space.
  • Combining the building with other economic facilities will reduce the cost of arrangement.

Achieving the goal of becoming the owner of a closed summer kitchen is accompanied by certain difficulties:

  • The drafting of the project requires the presence of special knowledge, the help of a professional may be required.
  • The need for earthworks to build a foundation, even if an extension to a private house is planned.
  • The consumption of building materials is increasing significantly.
  • The construction process is much longer and more complicated compared to open option arrangement of the summer kitchen.
  • The final figure of the construction estimate is much higher than the projects of open structures.

Advice! To achieve design harmony, a summer kitchen in a private house implies a careful selection of building materials for exterior decoration.

The photo gallery shows the attractive interiors of indoor areas in private properties:

The nuances of choosing a place

Comfortable operation of the kitchen in the summer version is largely determined by a well-chosen location. When choosing a site in a private area, they are guided by the following recommendations:

  • It is important to determine optimal distance between private housing construction and a cooking area. When installing a barbecue, a gap is maintained to comply with fire safety. But excessive remoteness from a private house creates inconvenience during frequent movements.
  • A separate closed-type kitchen requires a careful study of the characteristics of the soil.
  • Try to place the summer building away from places with unpleasant amber ( cesspool, toilet or animal pen), the prevailing wind direction must be taken into account.
  • It is better to put the kitchen away from the roadway, the excess of dust and noise will break the idyll of a summer holiday.
  • A comfortable stay is ensured by the availability of lighting, water and sewerage. Therefore, the supply of communications to a private building should be available.
  • Trees and climbing plants will be an excellent backdrop for contemplating the natural landscape and create a pleasant shade on hot days.

The following photos will give you an idea of harmonious design summer kitchen on private property.

Construction stages

The implementation of the closed building project is accompanied by the following main stages:

  • Determining the location of the summer facility.
  • Preparation of the foundation for the kitchen.
  • Walling.
  • Roof arrangement.
  • Interior decoration.

The type of foundation is selected depending on the overall severity of the summer building and the properties of the soil. For lightweight structures, a columnar base is sufficient. Massive buildings need the arrangement of a strip foundation.

Attention! If the kitchen is attached to a private house, the level of foundation penetration is guided by the indicators of the main structure.

For the construction of walls or supporting pillars, the following types of building materials are used:

  • A rock. Pillars made of granite, marble or slate can impress others with their spectacular design. Durability and presentability are the main advantages of the material.
  • For walls fit traditional bricks or blocks. When installing heating and the presence of a heat-insulating layer, it is possible comfortable rest during the cold season.
  • The tree is more relevant when arranging an open-type summer kitchen. Simplicity and elegance are attractive in terms of budget savings. Timely treatment with protective equipment will help to extend the period of operation.
  • The erection of walls from wood material is usually accompanied by additional finishing in the form of siding.
  • Lightweight constructions from panoramic double-glazed windows open a spacious overview of the beauties of private property. The high cost and impossibility of operating the kitchen in the winter can stop lovers of year-round outdoor recreation.

The choice of roofing determines the design of private housing construction. Regardless of whether the summer kitchen will be attached to the main building or stand at a distance, the combination of color and texture will create a harmonious background for the perception of the entire private area as a whole. Examples of arranging a summer kitchen various types in private ownership in the photo:

Selection of finishing materials and interior items

So that the operation of the summer building does not bring much trouble, materials for interior decoration must meet the following criteria:

  • Show resistance to aggressive environments. High humidity, temperature fluctuations, soot and drops of fat should not be the cause of premature damage to the finishing surfaces.
  • Ease of maintenance and usability chemicals to clean up contaminants.

Let's take a closer look at finishing options various surfaces for summer buildings. With open-type kitchens, everything is extremely simple. Stone is suitable for arranging the site or paving slabs. Installation of a deck board is possible. It is important to take care that there is no sliding effect when it hits the surface of the water.

The closed kitchen provides a greater choice of materials. decorative design floor surfaces are possible:

  • laminate;
  • linoleum;
  • tiles;
  • ordinary board;
  • wood-polymer composite (WPC).

It is allowed to use "planken" or "decking" even in open private summer kitchens.

Wall decoration is selected taking into account the planned interior. It is unlikely that in nature you will want to contemplate laconic high-tech. All directions look organic in the summer kitchen rustic style- Country, Provence and more. Accordingly, the presence natural wood or artificial materials imitating natural textures, best option summer kitchen interior design.

TO budget options can be attributed to the painting of the walls private building for pre-plating with plasterboard.

It is difficult to imagine a comfortable stay in the summer kitchen without functional appliances. Among the main items is a stove for cooking and a refrigerator, the rest is at the discretion of the owners of a private building. Naturally, the presence of a sink is not disputed. The stove can be connected to the central gas pipeline, equipped with a cylinder or belong to electric type equipment. Options are determined individually in each specific situation.

Furnishing of the summer kitchen is carried out taking into account the operating conditions. Among the main requirements is resistance to high humidity. well-maintained private area looks harmonious when decorated with rattan furniture. It does not matter if the material is of natural or artificial origin.

Attention! Do not forget about high-quality lighting. Fixtures on solar panels- practical modern solution improvement of the summer kitchen.

As you can see, there are innumerable forms of private construction and ways to design a summer kitchen. A thorough analysis of all the factors affecting the arrangement of the kitchen with comfortable conditions operation on private property.

Today, the summer kitchen has become a desirable building in a private house or country house. Let's discuss the topic of how to finish the summer kitchen. It all depends on the location of the building, the functions that you want to give it, except for cooking.

Summer kitchens by type of location are:

  • Separate building;
  • Attached to the house- These are, as a rule, canopies connected to the building.

By way of construction:

  • closed typesmall building kitchens made of stone, wood and other materials.
  • open type- a platform under a shed canopy or made in the form of a gazebo. You can leave one wall open, and lay the rest, for example, with bricks and finish it. To improve the interior, one of the walls can be made of glass blocks - an additional source of daylight.

In addition, it should be noted that if the kitchen is intended only for cooking, then it should not be located far from the house. Otherwise, you will only “wind” kilometers, carrying groceries and ready-made meals to the house.

In case you provide dining area in the summer kitchen, then your family will gather here for a meal. In the summer you want to be more in the air, so it would be nice to attach a terrace or a canopy to the kitchen to dine outdoors.

In addition to these considerations, there is also the issue of providing the kitchen with energy resources - electricity, gas, water, sewage supply. Therefore, the distance from the house should be small.

If this is a dacha, then gas may not be supplied, then they use cylinders if you have gas stove. The cylinder should be taken out of the kitchen area to the street, provide a special metal box - a cabinet with holes for ventilation and lock it.

In the presence of electricity, you can not deal with gas, but an electrician must connect the electric stove, as there are their own tolerances, calculation of the cable cross-section and other points.

Considering all of the above, the question arises - how to finish the summer kitchen, so that in the end it turns out not very expensive, and at the same time the building is in harmony with the general ensemble of the house, cottage.

Consider, as an example, a closed summer kitchen. It is more practical, since all furniture, kitchen utensils have permanent places. But the open summer kitchen is a camping option, since every time you have to take kitchen utensils into the house. In winter, just “preserve” the object until next summer.

Finishing options for the summer kitchen

Let's start with the exterior

The interior of the main building - a private house, cottages should be in tune with the decoration of the kitchen. Starting from the blind area of ​​buildings and ending roofing. If you want to have an impeccable interior, then we take into account the design of the fence, the improvement of the site and other outbuildings.

The most common materials for facade decoration:

  • Brickwork for jointing, brick cladding;
  • all sorts of decorative plasters- bark beetle, fur coat and others;
  • Just plastering with subsequent painting of the surface with facade paints;
  • Wooden wall cladding;
  • Tiling (ceramic, porcelain stoneware, etc.);
  • Facing with artificial stone.

This is an incomplete list of how to finish the summer kitchen, I will not continue it, since you decide for yourself with finishing materials according to your taste preference and the size of your wallet.

The summer kitchen is identical in functionality to any kitchen in a house or apartment. Therefore, when choosing materials for its design, one should proceed from this. Besides tasty food cooking on the stove, there is still the same fatty coating, odors eat into the surface of the walls and ceiling.

Probably the biggest plus is that the summer kitchen unloads the main kitchen from these problems for a warm period of time. And morning coffee can be drunk in country house and do not breathe in the vapors of fried foods.

Materials for interior decoration:

Ceiling any one will do - painted, wallpapered, lined plastic panels, decorated with expanded polystyrene tiles, sheathed with plasterboard and other materials.

floors it is preferable to perform from tiles. Lay out a pattern, use a tile different colors, just colored tiles with a pattern, and your summer kitchen will not yield to the kitchen in the apartment. Porcelain stoneware is also good - it even surpasses ceramic tiles in its characteristics in some respects. We will not discount linoleum - a floor covering that has been proven over the years.

The main options for finishing a summer kitchen of a closed type are considered. depending on location, size, constructive solution and the functionality of the kitchen, you will decide on the most acceptable type of finish.

I suggest watching a very beautiful video with examples of interestingly designed open summer kitchens, their interior and arrangement.

Cooking in the summer in a hot and cramped kitchen is a very dubious pleasure. And if the residents of high-rise buildings are deprived of a choice, then the owners of private houses or summer cottages can take the cooking process outside the house in the summer - into the summer kitchen. And the house will get rid of excess fumes during the season of active conservation. Well, food cooked outdoors is always tastier than at home. In addition, summer kitchen, without much cost, you can make it roomy enough to turn it into a place for evening gatherings and meetings with friends.

There are many options for a summer kitchen for a summer residence:

  • With veranda adjoining the house
  • with barbecue area
  • With pergola
  • with a separate gazebo (pavilion)

In general, summer kitchens are usually divided into two types:

  • open - canopy, open on one or more sides, can be used as wind protection sliding structures, tarpaulin (fabric), roller blinds or removable partitions. Comfortable in such a kitchen will be the whole summer season - from late spring to early autumn
  • a closed kitchen is actually a “kitchen house” that reliably hides from all the vagaries of nature, but at the same time a significant part of the unique charm of the summer kitchen is lost.

Since structurally this is a fairly simple structure, it will not be excessive effort to build a summer kitchen with your own hands.

We select a place

An important stage in the creation of a summer kitchen project is the choice of a place, from right choice which depends on both the simplicity and speed of construction, and the convenience of further operation.

There are several factors to consider here:

  • availability of communications - proximity and ease of supply of water, electricity, gas, organization of drainage
  • distance from the roads - exhaust gases, dust and noise are not the best background for a relaxing holiday and cooking
  • distance from toilets, cesspools and compost pits, barnyards and other places with a characteristic pungent odor
  • fire safety - if the kitchen is supposed to use an open fire ( brazier, barbecue), at least within a radius of 10 m there should be no flammable buildings
  • the presence of trees - crowns will give shade and keep cool, limiting the ingress of the scorching rays of the sun. Cooking food on a hot stove and even under the hot sun is a dubious pleasure.
  • remoteness from home - the construction of a summer kitchen, which has common wall with a house (in the form of a veranda or extension) will significantly reduce the cost of the project. But on the other hand, smoke and fumes from the stove will enter the house, and the main idea of ​​​​the summer kitchen is to rid the house of side effects cooking. At the same time, if you move the kitchen away from home, in bad weather there will be problems with the delivery of food to the house.

Laying the foundation

Quite often, on thematic sites, the option is considered when the interior of the kitchen has its own cellar. The option is quite controversial, because in this case the cost of construction increases dramatically. In addition, if the kitchen is open, then in winter such a cellar will require additional insulation. And to get to it, you will have to additionally rake snowdrifts. So, we will still consider the cellar as an attribute of the house, and we can safely proceed to marking and laying the foundation.

If the construction of capital (brick, stone, foam concrete) walls is not foreseen, then there is no need to lay a full-fledged foundation. To do this, a pit (depression) of 10-15 cm is torn off in the ground over the total area, which is covered with screenings or sand and rammed. From above, you can lay tiles or boards for the future floor of the summer kitchen. In this case, the floor should be raised 15-20 cm above the ground to avoid rainwater flows.

In the presence of a foundation, the foundation is laid wooden frame from a bar, in places of attachment to the foundation, it is fixed with metal corners. In the future, the construction of the frame repeats the process described above.

When building a closed kitchen, brick, foam blocks or stone are used to build walls. In this case, the thickness of the wall in half a brick will be quite enough. Inside, the walls can be sheathed with drywall, plastic, clapboard or plastered - only the frost resistance of the selected material can be a limitation, because in winter the room will not be heated regularly.

For the summer kitchen, the arrangement of a shed will be justified. roofs, for which it will be enough to build one wall of the beam structure a little higher than the opposite. Choosing roofing material, it is important to consider the strength of the frame. If there are practically no restrictions for a closed kitchen (slate, metal tiles, composite tiles, shingles, corrugated board, seam roofing, polycarbonate), then for open kitchen you need to choose a lighter material, for example, polycarbonate or shingles.

Summer kitchen in the country: design and decoration

The main thing that fate follows when choosing a summer kitchen project for a summer residence is its compliance overall design and style of the entire site. To create a unique bright kitchen, especially if the kitchen is visually close to the house - the decision on its design and interior should be made in the same way so that common stylistic touches can be traced.

A few finishing tips:

  • bake- the main element in the interior, but do not forget about the main purpose of the kitchen - cooking. Brazier or barbecue, of course, is good, bright and aesthetically pleasing, but for daily needs you can not do without a gas, electric or wood stove. And also without a sink, countertops, all kinds of drawers and other kitchen utensils not enough

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V it is inconvenient to cook in the house on a hot day: it is hot and stuffy. But it is at this time that the hostess spends more time at the stove, because in addition to the usual cooking, she is also waiting for the seaming of home canned food. Light construction, a summer kitchen in the country will help to facilitate the task and turn duty into pleasure. Projects, photos and a variety of design ideas for this cozy corner will help home master turn your dream into reality.

For a seasonal structure, a canopy and a concrete platform are enough

It is not difficult to build a temporary dining room on your own, the main thing is to reasonably approach its location on the site and the choice building materials.

We are preparing a project

The first step is to study the site plan and determine a place for optimal location buildings. This site must meet the following requirements:

  • be close to the main house so that you can bring dishes and food;
  • have convenient access routes so that there is no obstacle to moving from home to building;
  • it is desirable to provide for the proximity of the site to the main communications: water, sewerage and electricity.

Helpful information! The ideal option would be to have a natural or artificial reservoir near the construction.

Having decided on the construction site, you need to measure its area. The size of the temporary structure is a separate issue. If it will additionally carry the function of a dining room, you will have to provide additional space for setting a table and placing chairs or benches. The presence of a stove or barbecue in the dining room also dictates the need to add square meters to separate the hot shop from the dining group.

Even with a complete lack of artistic skills, it is easy to draw a plan for the future kitchen using a ruler and checkered paper. On a scale, you need to depict all the main items that will be located in the building: a sink, work surfaces, a stove or oven, a table. If the hostess has assistants, it is better to make the room elongated so that it is convenient for several cooks to work at once.

Placement at the dining table should be comfortable, chairs need enough space to move back.

Useful advice! If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site does not allow you to place a temporary kitchen with a dining room, you can abandon this idea and move the dining group to or into the gazebo.

Open or closed summer kitchen in the country? Projects, photos, advantages and disadvantages

A light building can be with or without walls, have a roof or be located in the open air - it all depends on the wishes and imagination of the owner.

Important! It is better to refuse the option of open-air cuisine in the conditions of Russian latitudes. Hot sun, rain and hail can bring unpleasant surprises.

The walls of the country dining room, in principle, are not needed. Its main task is to enable cooking on outdoors, so there is enough canopy and supports. Another thing is if the building will be used in the autumn-winter period. In this case, walls and glazing will have to be provided to protect against bad weather and cold. Advantages open building:

  • access to fresh air;
  • ease of movement;
  • the possibility of cooking not only on a stationary, but also on a portable grill;
  • low construction costs.

There are also disadvantages:

  • inconvenience of cooking and eating in windy weather and cool time of day;
  • availability of a place to store dishes and products for domestic and wild animals.

closed building


  • the ability to use the kitchen in any weather;
  • in a closed area it is possible to place equipment that is sensitive to atmospheric moisture.


Open summer kitchen in the country: projects, photos, materials

The open dining option can be temporary or permanent. The temporary building is more mobile, it can be put up every year in a new place and cleaned for the winter in. All equipment will also have to be dismantled each time and look for a place to store it.

Closed and open summer kitchens in the country: projects, photos - all these materials give a reason to roll up your sleeves. In such a building, a Russian stove, barbecue or cauldron can be freely accommodated.

Building materials for such a project, you can choose a variety of:

  • forged openwork elements are expensive, but will please the eye for a long time.

Examples of closed structures

Glass and wood are the most popular materials for building closed summer kitchens in the country. Projects, photos of similar buildings created by professionals and amateurs are available to everyone. Brick in combination with which can be opened wide is a practical and durable solution. Such a structure will reliably protect from bad weather. It can be operated all year round.

For your information! Fully appreciate the merits of a closed dacha building with a barbecue or stove, you can new year holidays. A fabulous view of a snow-covered garden and a fire in the barbecue - what could be better for a Christmas evening?

Related article:

Over the past decade, log buildings have been breaking demand records. The summer dining room in the Slavic style, with a stove and matching furniture, will be a favorite place for parties with close friends.

The list of building materials for such projects is very wide: OSB boards, lining, stone. Photos and projects closed kitchens in the country they demonstrate the imagination of home craftsmen. They suggest using an assistant, waste material- glass containers plastic bottles and even firewood.

Video: photo ideas for summer kitchens

Do-it-yourself phased construction of a summer kitchen in the country house

  • Drawing preparation. You can do it yourself or take it ready.

  • Site preparation. The site is cleared of debris and vegetation, markings are made.

  • Foundation arrangement. The base for the summer building must comply with the project. For an open structure, it is enough to fill it with sand, reinforce with a metal mesh and fill the site with concrete with a layer of 10 centimeters. Before pouring the base, canopy racks are installed. A closed dining room made of brick or stone requires a bookmark. Under the construction of a bar or log is installed.

  • Frame installation. For an open dining room or you will need to install vertical supports. Their location depends on the project. The main thing is that the pillars are sufficiently reliable and can withstand the weight of the roof and the wind load.

  • Wall construction. In variants of closed dining rooms, the walls are laid out from different material. Having no experience, it is better not to take on yourself. Laying timber and logs requires less building skills, but also has its own characteristics. If the seasonal structure is purchased as ready product from the manufacturer, you can try to assemble it yourself. Frame walls mastered even by a novice master.

  • For a stationary stove, a solid foundation is required. The masonry is made of refractory bricks. To avoid accidental ignition, the space around the barbecue is laid out with ceramic tiles. for the furnace it is better to order from the master. He will tell you what height the pipe needs to be installed for good traction.

Photo projects of a summer kitchen in the country with a barbecue grill:

  • Accessories and space design. Each kitchen is a visiting card of the hostess. For a summer building, any fantasies and experiments are acceptable.
  • In order for the seasonal building to become a favorite pastime place not only for the hostess, but for all household members, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

    What type of summer kitchen building to choose?

    Do-it-yourself kitchen in the country, photo examples of which could be seen in this review- cause for inspiration. It is not difficult to choose for yourself any format. Closed or open design with a barbecue or a cauldron, it will be both a place for cooking and a favorite corner of the garden for friends and relatives. You can build a dining room yourself or invite professional craftsmen. In the first case, you can save a lot, in the second - to achieve a guaranteed result.