Curly parsley, the benefits of parsley and contraindications

You can grow unpretentious parsley in the garden, in the greenhouse and even on the windowsill of the house. Every gardener will surely find a favorite variety of fragrant seasoning. Seeding and grooming secrets will help you get a rich harvest of delicious roots and juicy greens.

There are two main varieties of parsley - root and leaf. There are a huge number of varieties of each type. All of them differ in terms of sowing and harvesting, the size of the roots and the abundance of greenery.

Root parsley

In this type of parsley, the root is of primary importance, all the strength of the plant goes to the development of this particular part of the plant. In this case, greens can also be used, the taste does not suffer. The root usually grows fleshy cylindrical in shape. It is good to use it for further preparation of dry additives in dishes and medicinal tinctures.


Refers to late-ripening varieties. Harvesting begins after 150-180 days. The creamy root, 4 cm in diameter, has a conical shape with a sharp tip. The length can reach 20 cm or more. Gardeners describe the pulp as incredibly tender and delicious. Spreading leaf rosette with long stems and dark greenery. Harvesting can be done from June to September, depending on climatic conditions and planting dates. The roots perfectly complement salads and pickles.


Belongs to one of the most delicious varieties. As the name suggests, the root has a sweet taste, but not sugary. The yellow core and white-gray peel form a conical root crop no more than 30 cm long. A distinctive feature is a high content of vitamin C, carotene, calcium salts. Refers to early ripening varieties, harvesting can be done as early as 76-100 days from sowing. Spreading leaves in the amount of 20-40 pieces form a powerful rosette. Under favorable growing conditions, it gives a bountiful harvest of up to 6 kg per 1 sq. m landing.


Great for adding to soups, borscht and cabbage soup. The leaves of the plant are of a rich emerald color, below they have a matte texture. Distinctive features:

  • special aroma of white cylindrical root;
  • good keeping quality;
  • resistance to pests and diseases.

The root of Bordeaux parsley reaches 120-160 grams, the succulent leaves are successfully used for food.

Mid-season Yielding

It ripens in 130-140 days after sowing. Semi-spreading rosette with 20-25 leaves. Up to 7 kg of crop can be harvested from one square meter of soil. Loves lighting, but will give good results in semi-shaded areas.

Leaf parsley

This parsley is ideal for greens in salads. Shoot growth is fast and abundant. Different varieties have their own unique aroma and taste. It is divided into two types - smooth and curly. The latter also has decorative qualities.

Such greens have smooth leaves without curls, but with characteristic ragged edges. Fluffy rosettes with many dark green shoots. One bush can grow up to 100 leaves. The roots of these varieties are not suitable for human consumption.

Yielding ordinary

Fragrant greens with excellent yields. An early variety becomes ripe 70 days after germination. The rosette is characterized by the presence of up to 100 dark green leaves. The root crop is not eaten.

Green crystal

High-yielding parsley for universal use. Greens grow vigorously and abundantly. Large leaves grow back after cutting in a short time. This variety is good for any use, especially for freezing. Suitable for canning and drying for the winter.


From the moment of the first shoots to ripeness, it takes 55-60 days. The strong bush has 30 to 60 dark green leaves. The variety is frost resistant. Optimal height bunch for cutting 10-14 cm, if greens are needed for consumption in fresh... For drying, it is better to start harvesting at the time of bud formation.


Ripens in 55-60 days and gives a high yield. The bush is powerful green. The leaves are large, emerald, juicy. It has a high aroma and a complex of essential oils, vitamins and mineral salts. Valued for high yield leaves, resistance to disease and cold, rapid growth after cutting. Recommended for use in any form: fresh, dried and frozen. In the kitchen, it is used as a seasoning for pickles and first courses.

Curly varieties of leaf parsley

Curly parsley is not only excellent taste, but also an opportunity to decorate the dish. The aroma is persistent and well expressed. The advantage is the rapid growth of new shoots after harvesting. The freshness of the harvested greens lasts up to 7 days.


One plant can harvest 50 grams of greens. There are 30-40 leaves in a bunch. After cutting, the plant quickly regains its green mass. Up to 1-1.5 kg of crops can be obtained per square meter of land.


The German visitor is known for its beautiful swirling leaves. Greens are good both dry and fresh. The variety belongs to the early ripening, and therefore fell in love with gardeners.


Early maturing and high-yielding variety. It is suitable for growing both in the greenhouse and in the open field. The bush grows low with large leaves... Excellent long-distance travel and refrigerator storage.


The variety was bred by Russian breeders. The plant has long, vertical petioles. The leaves are strongly curled and brightly colored. Strong aroma is characteristic.


Refers to a late-ripening variety. It has the best taste when fresh. The popularity of this parsley has brought high yields. After the first leaves are cut, new bunches grow quickly.


The peculiarity of this parsley is the ability to tolerate low temperatures well and long-term lack of watering. The bush is quite compact, the stems are low and spreading, the leaves are curled and have a rich emerald color. In one season, the bush can be pruned several times. Gardeners fell in love with Slavic parsley because of its ability to maintain freshness for a long time after cutting.

Growing parsley on a windowsill

Parsley grown in an apartment is able to supply vitamins in winter and spring. The culture is unpretentious, and anyone, even a novice gardener, will be able to grow fragrant and juicy greens on the windowsill. For this to happen for sure, you must be guided by the tips and rules for care.

Parsley bought in the store cannot be compared in terms of usefulness and taste with those greens that are grown independently with caring hands.

Soil preparation and planting

For planting a mini-garden on the windowsill, store soil for violets is suitable. The composition of this soil is good for any greenery, parsley is no exception. If there is no trust in purchased mixtures, then it will not be difficult to prepare the soil yourself. Need to connect fertile land, double superphosphate and potassium salt. A slightly acidic soil enriched with minerals and humus is preferred. Parsley will grow well in a mixture of peat, humus and garden soil in the following proportion: 1-1-2. Phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

The volume of the container for planting is limited, so it is important that the plant receives nutrients throughout its growth. Containers will be needed with a depth of 20-30 cm. These can be boxes, pots, trays. Small drain holes are required.

At the bottom of any container, a layer of stones of 1.5-2 cm is laid. Peat pots also suitable for sowing, but after that you will need to transplant the seedlings into a more spacious container or open ground.

There are two ways to grow parsley at home:

  • from seeds;
  • from the roots.

In the first method, the crop is harvested 40-60 days after sowing. The right seeds are half the battle. Experienced gardeners, when growing greenery at home, prefer early varieties.

The curly variety of greens perfectly tolerates dry air and short-term lack of watering. Just such conditions are often found on window sills during the heating period.

To speed up the spitting of seeds, they are soaked for 24 hours in water at a temperature of 37-40, which must be changed every 3-4 hours. Then it is necessary to disinfect the planting material in a manganese solution.

Sequence of actions for landing:

  • make holes with a distance of 50 mm from each other, 6-15 mm deep;
  • spill every hole with water;
  • spread the seeds and sprinkle with soil;
  • water the entire planting again with water;
  • cover the sowing with a film and put it on the windowsill, it is desirable to maintain the temperature in the region of 17-20 degrees.

Until the first sprouts hatch, you need to moisten the earth as it dries. Mold on the soil in damp conditions is also undesirable, therefore ventilation is also needed. The first shoots grow quickly and the film is no longer needed. During this period, it is again necessary to monitor watering. Irrigation is recommended 2-3 times a week.

The second method of planting with roots is easier. The first leaves are harvested in 15 days. Large and healthy roots weighing 65-70 grams for planting are the key to a plentiful and healthy harvest.

Before planting, long roots are not tucked, but cut with a sharp blade so that 12-16 cm remain to the top. The cuts are sprinkled with ash or crushed coal.

For fast rooting, use Kornevin.

The order of disembarkation in containers or pots is as follows:

  • gaps of 3 cm are left between the roots;
  • the top must necessarily stick out of the soil;
  • containers with landing are placed in a darkened place with a temperature of 11-16 degrees. This is needed to root system started to grow.

The first leaves are a sign of rooting, which means you can put a mini-garden on the windowsill at a temperature of 20 degrees. The parsley can now be fed and watered.

Caring for parsley at home

How to care for parsley on the window while it is growing intensively? Juicy, spreading and bright green will definitely succeed at a home gardener if he applies the following rules of care:

  • watering is carried out with settled warm water, raw - contains impurities undesirable for the growth of greens;
  • in the heat from the sun or heating, spray the plantings;
  • if a crust has formed on the surface of the earth, then it must be carefully loosened.

Parsley needs a 13 hour light regime for the growth of a sprawling bush. With a lack of lighting, LEDs or white fluorescent lamps are used. It is important to follow this recommendation during the leaf formation stage.

The first crop from planting in this way is harvested with a shoot length of 10-18 cm, when there are already young low shoots. The cut is made from the lowest leaves, leaving the stems 3-6 cm.

Careful care and proper collection will allow you to get a harvest of greenery all year round.

Growing parsley outdoors from seeds

Parsley is great for outdoor cultivation. Sowing can be done several times per season. The seeds of this spicy greenery germinate in 20-25 days, but there is a way to speed up this process by special treatment before planting.

Seed preparation for sowing

It is better to take the planting material not fresh, but with a collection period last year before last - they have more growth energy.

In order for the parsley to sprout faster, the seeds are pre-prepared for sowing. To do this, they are soaked in warm water, which is changed every 4-5 hours. After two or three days, the seeds are placed in a growth stimulator for 24 hours.

There are other ways to accelerate germination:

  1. 2-3 weeks before planting, the seeds are placed in a cotton bag and buried in the ground to a depth of 20-30 cm. Before sowing, they are dried on paper until they begin to crumble in the hands. This method will allow you to get the first shoots on the fifth day;
  2. soaking in vodka. Ethyl dissolves well the esters on the seeds, which prevent moisture penetration. For this method, you need to pour vodka into a saucer and place the seeds there, previously wrapped in gauze. Necessarily after 15-20 minutes, the planting material is taken out and washed well in running water... Otherwise, the seeds may burn. After drying, you can start planting;
  3. soaking using ash. In a 1 liter jar, place 2 tablespoons of ash and fill it with water just above room temperature. From time to time the solution is stirred, after 2 days the seeds are placed inside the jar in a gauze bundle for 5 hours.

If parsley is needed for sale in large quantities, it is recommended to force germination.

This is done like this:

  • seeds are soaked in milk 2 hours before planting;
  • quicklime is introduced into the furrow in moderation;
  • the moistened seeds are laid in a garden bed, sprinkled with water;
  • the furrows fill up and slightly compact the soil.

Seedlings may appear already on next day.

Planting scheme

It is convenient to plant parsley in grooves, no more than 2 cm deep. Sowing can be done in a solid line, then thinning will be needed. This can be avoided by immediately planting the seed 7-18 cm apart, depending on the variety.

Before filling the seeds, the grooves are shed with water. Then, they are covered with soil and watered again.

After the first leaves, seedlings are thinned out. At the same time, the gaps are left at 3 cm. After 10-16 days, the parsley is pulled out, leaving a gap of 10-15 cm. At the same time, all the greens removed from the beds are successfully eaten.

Seed planting dates

For the germination of greens, a temperature of 20-24 degrees is needed. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the soil with foil after sowing. In this case, you need to ventilate the landing, raise the shelter for a short time.

You can sow parsley before winter. Then the seeds are laid in the beds in the second half of October and before the first frost, warming the crops from above with peat. Additionally, later planting is covered with snow. With the arrival of spring, already at a temperature of 4 degrees, the sprouts begin to get under way. At this time, you can cover the future harvest with foil.

Care during cultivation

After the first appearance of greenery on the surface of the soil, the film must be removed to give more light to the seedlings. At the same time, the greens will not freeze, because they can withstand up to 9 degrees of frost.

For a bountiful harvest, perform simple rules leaving:

  1. thin out the first shoots so that 18 cm remain between leaf varieties, 7-15 cm between root varieties.
  2. for uninterrupted harvest, seeds are sown every 1-2 weeks;
  3. be sure to loosen heavy soil;
  4. weed control will help your crop grow strong and healthy.

It has been noticed that the taste of parsley depends on the timeliness of watering. Bright and juicy leaves of a culture if it received enough water throughout its growth. To grow greens for further drying, you need to limit watering. Thus, the seasoning will be more aromatic, although the leaves will become stiff.

Watering and feeding

Top dressing is carried out in conjunction with watering. It is enough to apply fertilizers once or twice a season. Saltpeter is suitable (5-7 grams per 1 square meter). A nitrogen supplement can be added in the same amount.

At the beginning of growth, root parsley needs complex fertilizers, closer to autumn, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are ideal. They are prepared according to this recipe: 7 grams of superphosphate is mixed with 5 grams of potassium salt. The mixture is enough for 1 sq. meter of soil.

Growing parsley in the open field from root crops

Fast and reliable method that does not require time to germinate the seed. For the growth of the roots, it is necessary to create favorable conditions and proper care.

Planting parsley in the ground

The strongest and healthiest roots are selected for planting. Their thickness is from 2 to 5 cm, the permissible length is no more than 8 cm. Too long specimens can be shortened with a knife blade. In this case, the cut is processed with coal. Root crops should be smooth without haulm. Before planting, they are kept at a temperature of +2 degrees in the sand.

When to plant parsley

You can start planting in open ground from April to June.

How to plant parsley

For planting, it is better to choose sunny places with shading. The soil must be sufficiently drained, if this is not the case, then sand must be added to it.

In the selected area, narrow grooves are made at intervals of 15-16 cm, they are watered with water. The roots are removed from the sand and placed on the beds in rows at an angle of 45 degrees. A distance of 5 cm should remain between the crops. When falling asleep on the surface, the tip of the root should stick out by 2 cm. After that, the earth is compacted and spilled abundantly with water.

Caring for parsley in the ground

In order for the disembarkation to take root, the temperature must be kept at least 15 degrees. After emergence, the leaves are regularly sprayed with water. Ripe greens 25 cm high can be cut. The soil must be constantly loosened for oxygen to reach the roots. Weeds that take away nutrients from the culture must be destroyed in a timely manner.

Watering and feeding

Root parsley loves watering, they need to be done before the end of August. If the summer is hot, then essential oils accumulate under the heat. The greens give off a more intense aroma, but the taste suffers and the shoots are rough. Therefore, special attention should be paid to irrigation in drought. In a rainy summer, parsley may have a faint aroma, but the leaves are tender and soft.

When correct technique planting and leaving the first crop is harvested after 30 days.

Collecting and storing parsley

For fresh consumption, parsley is collected from the beds as needed. For short-term storage, use a refrigerator and special bags for vegetables. After cutting the greens from the outlet, after a while a new seasoning grows. The roots of the culture are harvested before the onset of frost, when the temperature is below 5 degrees. Harvested crop less storage at higher temperatures.

In order for the leaves of the plant to be more fragrant, it is necessary to sharply reduce watering in 8-15 days.

For long-term storage, greens can be dried. For this, the leaves are collected in dry weather during the period of the day when the dew has just disappeared. It is desirable that the plant has not bloomed yet.

Choose only strong and green shoots. After washing, the leaves are laid out on paper.

To dry the roots, they are first washed well, peeled off the upper thin skin and cut into thin circles or strips. Parsley is dried in the air, in the oven or in special apparatus. Whole root vegetables are stored in the sand in basements.

Salt serves as a good preservative for parsley as well. Greens are cut or torn into pieces, poured together with salt in jars. The workpiece is tamped well. It turns out to be an excellent addition to salads, the main thing is not to add salt to the dishes.

You can also freeze the green seasoning. For this, strong shoots are washed, dried a little and placed in bags or containers for freezing.

You can get a great salad dressing by chopping the herbs and tamping them into a jar. Then, on top, pour refined oil over everything so that it covers all the greens. You need to store such a dressing in the refrigerator.

Getting parsley seeds yourself

The culture that is grown for the sake of seeds is called the seed plant. The soil for growing them does not need to be very fertile. So, the growing period will increase, and the seeds will not have time to ripen. The testes must be healthy, free from defects and deformities.

To avoid cross-pollination, leaf and root parsley should be planted away from each other.

In autumn, the healthiest and most beautiful roots are chosen and stored at a temperature of 0-2 degrees in a container with sand. In the spring, planting material is well inspected and rotten or withered specimens are thrown away. The remaining roots are transferred to a warmer room, where after a while shoots form on them. Then the testes are planted in the beds. All summer long they are looked after like ordinary parsley. Flowering will come in 40-43 days. Further, it will take 120-130 days for the seeds to ripen.

The collected seeds are sorted out and stored in a ventilated, shaded place, out of sunlight. It is unacceptable to dry the planting material in the oven.

After that, the seeds are placed in jars or paper bags. Store in a room with an air temperature of no more than 5 degrees. A good place is a cellar or refrigerator door. You should monitor the humidity, with its high germination rates planting material will go down.

With the correct storage rates, seeds can remain viable for two to four years.

What to plant after parsley

After the parsley, it is good to plant vegetables in the soil - cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers. Soil is not recommended for any other greenery.

It is undesirable to sow parsley itself in place of the previous growth of dill, sorrel, lettuce, cilantro, wild garlic.

Pests and diseases of parsley

Parsley greens and roots are rarely infested with diseases and pests. It's all about insect repellent essential oils.

There are such diseases that affect the plant:

  1. powdery mildew is false. The fungus is recognized by white spots that grow together after a certain time. Only leaves are affected, but at the same time, in root varieties, the root crop will be small and underdeveloped;
  2. white rot destroys the root, gradually eats away;
  3. rust - visible on the underside of the leaves in the form of brown or yellow spots. Most often, the bushes of greenery are infected in the summer;
  4. white spot is a fungal disease that manifests itself on the leaves as numerous rounded spots of a blurred shape. Color - yellow with dark brown edging. In a neglected form, the leaves turn yellow and dry;
  5. a disease caused by a fungus - leaf cercospora. Symptoms are brown or yellow elongated, depressed spots on the shoots of the plant.

Parsley is rare, but such insects can attack:

  1. Carrot fly. In the roots, the insect makes passages. The leaves turn red with a purple tint, then turn yellow and dry.
  2. Stem nematode. Adults and their larvae feed on sap. As a result, the plant stagnates and becomes disfigured.
  3. Melon aphid. Occupies the underside of leaves, settling on a plant with a whole colony. Insects feed on parsley juices, causing the leaves to shrivel and dry out.
  4. The beetle is a light green insect, the larvae are yellow. They feed on plant juices.

Protective measures will prevent disease and insect attacks. One of the most environmentally friendly ways is the correct selection of the variety of parsley. It is important that it is resistant to diseases, these include: Moskrause, Element, Natalka, Fresco, Titan, Fakir, Darke, Novas.

The following measures will enhance disease resistance:

  • sowing in early dates;
  • avoiding the presence of conifers nearby;
  • it is preferable to choose dry and light soil;
  • acidic soils need to be limed.

The most whole and strongest seeds collected from a healthy plant should be used as planting material. It is recommended to calibrate in this way:

  • prepare a solution of salt and 2% ammonium nitrate;
  • immerse the seeds in a glass with the prepared liquid and mix;
  • after 3-5 minutes, select the seeds at the bottom and use them for planting.

Seed on the surface is not suitable for sowing.

Heat treatment is used for disinfection and disinfection. To do this, the seeds are placed in water with a temperature of 50-52 degrees and removed from there after 25 minutes.

You can also disinfect with such a solution: one part of formalin is taken for 300 parts of water. In the resulting liquid, the seeds are dipped in gauze for 5 minutes. After, it is placed for 2 hours under a tarp or film. This procedure is recommended to be done 1-2 days before the planned planting, not later - otherwise germination will decrease.

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There are few varieties of parsley, in this article I will give several varieties suitable for the middle lane.

The seeds must be soaked for a day in water or 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate. Then place them in cheesecloth and germinate until white sprouts appear. If you urgently need to get seedlings, then soak the seeds for 4 hours in milk and then in a solution of potassium permanganate.

What does curly parsley look like in the photo?

Parsley prefers loose, fertile, neutral or slightly acidic soil. It grows successfully both in sunny and light shaded places.

Excessive soil density leads to deformities of root crops, the seeds germinate worse and slower.

We can apply to the cultivation of leafy parsley and the seedling method. Germinated seeds first grow in peat cups or tablets, and in April, at the age of 30–40 days, they are transplanted into open ground. As a result of using this technique, you can get early greens and spend up to six collections in the summer season.

Therefore, the cultivation of parsley in the open field is carried out with two goals:

  • Curly parsley is excellent for decorating dishes, due to its decorative appearance, and in addition has a pleasant strong aroma and delicate taste. After cutting, the greens grow back very quickly - another crop can be harvested before the end of the season. The cut leaves do not turn yellow for about a week, retaining their taste and persistent aroma.
  • Before choosing the best varieties of parsley for your garden, you should decide for what purposes you are going to grow it. If you need roots for cooking and medicinal concoctions, plant root parsley, or leaf parsley for aromatic, lush greens. Among gardeners, root parsley is more popular, since not only roots can be obtained from it, but also a certain amount of greenery, however, it is worth considering that with frequent foliage breaking, the root part remains small and frail. So choose what is more important to you - tops or roots?

Before planting parsley, a place for future beds is being prepared in the fall. In order for the harvest of spectacular greens in the next season to be friendly and abundant, it is better to set up a plantation for parsley in an area where cabbage, cucumbers or other types of pumpkins, potatoes, eggplants or tomatoes were previously grown. If you sow curly parsley in the place of related plants, you can involuntarily reduce the yield, since pathogens of diseases dangerous for the culture and larvae of pests can remain in the soil.

  • The history of a person's acquaintance with this culture begins in the Mediterranean countries and dates back to the era of the construction of the pyramids and ancient Greece. Parsley earned the greatest recognition later, among the Romans, who introduced the other Europeans to the spicy herb. The Latin name for parsley, Petroselinum crispum, can most likely be translated as curly celery growing on rocks. This speaks of the similarity of cultures, but does not mean at all that already in Ancient Rome one could see the modern curly parsley, which is well known to gardeners all over the world.
  • I.e.


How to plant and grow curly parsley outdoors?

In the ridge, we make grooves 1-2 cm deep with a distance of about 15 cm from each other. Sprinkle the grooves with fine quicklime at intervals of about 15 minutes several times.

For sowing, a garden bed for parsley is recommended to be prepared in the fall. For autumn digging, 6-8 kg of rotted manure or compost and 20-30 g of potassium salt and double superphosphate per 1 sq.m. In the spring, the same amount of potash and phosphorus fertilizers and 40-50 g of ammonium nitrate or urea are applied.

  • In the fall, when they prepare a plot for parsley, when digging for square meter bring from 3 to 5 kg of rotted manure or humus. After the snow melts, the beds are fertilized in a complex manner. In this case, there are 4 kg of compost, 15 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium chloride and 20 grams of nitrate per square meter.
  • Due to the frost resistance of parsley seeds, this crop is sown starting in early spring. Is it possible to plant parsley in July, will the plant have time to give greens? Until the end of July or the first decade of August, leafy varieties can be sown. If parsley is intended for root crops, then you will hardly have to wait for a good result from the plants sown after mid-May.

To obtain root crops and greens, for which the crop is planted with seeds;


How, growing parsley, prepare the beds for this culture?

Wild plants still found throughout Europe, European Russia and the North Caucasus have flat, jagged leaves. This variety is still called Italian parsley, and neapolitanum is added to the main name of the species. The youngest parsley, root, has the prefix tuberosum, and Europeans prefer to call these varieties Hamburg.

Growing parsley at home

Growing on stone

(Root) - medium early variety, consumed in summer and autumn. Root crops are shortened, conical, have a grayish-white color

After planting, compact the soil by patting it lightly and mulch the soil with humus. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Sow parsley in early spring, usually in the second half of April. It is recommended to sow with presoaked seeds. They are soaked in cloth or gauze for 3-4 days. Seeds are sown in grooves to a depth of 1-1.5 cm with row spacing of 10-12 cm. For the constant production of young greens, parsley is sown at several times - every 2-3 weeks.

Until shoots appear above the surface of the soil, the care and cultivation of parsley consists in careful watering and ventilation of the crops under the film. The emerging weeds are removed, and after germination, not only weeding, but also loosening of the soil, feeding and thinning of seedlings, which is carried out at the stage of 2-3 cut true leaves, is added to the measures for the care of parsley planted in the open field.

Secrets of growing parsley - video

The best varieties of parsley root and leaf - curly, sugar, fruitful

The July crops of green varieties can produce foliage in the second half of summer, then leave before winter and yield the next year.

The most popular varieties of root parsley

For forcing fresh foliage obtained when planting the roots of the previous year.

An early ripe curly-leaved variety - 65 days after germination, the greens are suitable for eating. The rosette grows dense, half-raised, with large, strongly corrugated leaves. The leaf mass grows actively after cutting.

The peculiarity of the root parsley is that it forms a conical, thickened or cylindrical root of a light shade. Greens grow a little, compared to leafy varieties, it is less aromatic and more harsh. In the early variety type of root parsley, the roots are shortened and rather thick, best suited for drying, and in the late variety type, they are long (up to 40 cm), well suited for long-term storage. Before winter, the site is dug up, while introducing humus, rotted compost or manure.

Curly parsley, with a characteristic leaf shape forming dense green caps above the beds, 15 to 40 cm high, is called Petroselinium Crispum var. Crispum.

... IN Ancient Greece and Rome parsley long time grown as ornamental plant, often dwellings were decorated with greenery, the leaves were used to weave wreaths, which crowned the winners of the Istle and Pythian Games. Hercules himself decorated himself with parsley in solemn moments. For a long time, parsley was considered a sacred plant symbolizing glory and joy. In the Middle Ages, noble ladies necessarily complemented their luxurious outfits with parsley and dill boutonnieres.


Seedlings will appear in a period of 9 to 15 days, they can withstand frosts down to -10 ° C. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Caring for parsley is reduced to thinning, top dressing, loosening, weeding and watering. During the summer, the soil is periodically loosened by pulling out the weeds. To obtain larger root crops, the plants are thinned twice. At the first thinning after parsley shoots, the distance between the plants is brought to 2.5 cm.The second thinning is carried out two weeks later, bringing the distance between the plants to 4-7 cm.

Until a full-fledged leaf outlet is formed, parsley is fed twice with infusion of mullein or compost. For 8-10 liters of water, take 1 kg of organic matter, about 15 grams of superphosphate and the same amount of potassium sulfate. In August, plants, especially those grown for root crops, should no longer receive nitrogen-containing fertilizers so that this element does not accumulate in the roots and aboveground parts of the plant.

Without preliminary preparation, parsley seeds hatch extremely slowly. How much does parsley grow? This usually happens no earlier than 2-3 weeks later. Sowing material collected no earlier than a year ago possesses higher growth energy and germination, but in this case germination can be accelerated:

The peculiarity of parsley is that in the first season all the forces of the plant go to the growth of both foliage and root. If the root crop is planted in the second year or left to winter, a rosette of leaves will appear in April, and parsley will bloom in summer. For growing parsley in the open field, several techniques are used that allow you to get the earliest and most abundant harvest of greens.

Leaf parsley, the best varieties

Video about growing different varieties of parsley

And in the spring, when the snow melts, the soil is necessarily loosened, combining this process with the introduction of mineral additives.

In Russia, this variety appeared relatively recently, but in European countries it is curly parsley that holds the palm among the listed related species.

Due to its decorative effect, curly parsley is good both in the parterre garden and in the spicy bed, and leafy varieties - as a border with subsequent repeated cutting; for seeds it is better to plant it in a variegated lawn. You should not only choose fennel, dill and leafy celery in its neighbors.

(Root) - medium late variety with elongated roots, excellent storage. It is eaten in autumn and winter.

Dry seeds can also be used for sowing. However, such seeds will sprout 7 days later than previously soaked ones. Also, dry seeds are used for sowing before winter, in frozen ground. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Small parsley roots can be planted in pots or small boxes at home in November and grow fresh herbs at home in winter. To do this, it is better to use varieties of root parsley, since its roots are less susceptible to diseases, are easier to store and allow you to get the first greens faster.

Parsley planted in open ground with seeds responds well to foliar feeding with microelements, which are also arranged twice during the growing season.

Before spring or summer sowing in open ground, the seed is soaked in water with a temperature of 18-22 ° C.

If in the spring parsley was planted in open ground with seeds, then the grown plants can be left in the winter. In order for the parsley to have time to prepare for the end of the growing season, it is better to cut the leaves from it no later than September, and with the arrival of cold weather, the plants are spud and covered with a layer of mulch from foliage, straw or needles. Ordinary leaf


Tightly emerging curly parsley seeds are washed in warm water before spring planting and left to swell for 18 hours. Since the culture has good frost resistance, it is possible to sow seeds in open ground from the second half of April. You can sow curly parsley until August. And before winter, dry seeds are buried in the ground until November, with the expectation that shoots and juicy greens will appear in early spring.

Interestingly, the spread of curly spicy herbs, for example, in the UK was not at all spectacular foliage or great taste. Even in the Middle Ages, planting plants with smooth foliage in beds was primarily feared because of their resemblance to the dangerous weed Aethusa Cynapium or dog parsley, which grew in abundance everywhere.

Planting and caring for parsley in the open field in the country

Lyudmila, you always have such interesting and meaningful posts and comments! Now I am absolutely convinced that my curls are really root!


Breeding parsley

Parsley is planted in boxes at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other in a row, with a distance between rows of 8-10 cm. When growing parsley in flower pots, 2-3 root crops are planted in a medium-sized pot. Boxes or pots are placed on a light windowsill and watered once a week, avoiding waterlogging. At an air temperature of about + 22 ° C, greens are ready for cutting in 15-20 days.

  • Parsley tolerates hot days well, but greens devoid of moisture become noticeably coarser and tougher, but accumulate aromas and essential oils better:
  • The water in the seed container is changed every 3-4 hours.

Planting and caring for parsley outdoors

With the onset of spring and the melting of the snow, the mulch is removed, and a film shelter is made over the beds. How long to wait for the leaves to appear, and how much parsley sprout in this case? Fresh parsley will go to the table in April, and the leaves can be cut off until the flower stem rises above the outlet.

The variety is prized for its lush, aromatic greenery and high yield. Parsley reaches technical ripeness in 70 days, as the seedlings look. The highly developed rosette consists of a large number of smooth dark green leaves with a strong dissection. One outlet can contain from 30 to 100 leaves. The roots are not used for food.

After 95-100 days from the time the first plants emerge, the variety is ready for use. In a spreading rosette, there are from 20 to 40 leaves, the root crop grows up to 30 cm long, has a conical, pointed shape and a grayish-white color. Inside, the roots of Sugar Parsley are white, with a light yellow heart. It is widely distributed due to its excellent taste.

Furrows 0.6–1.2 cm deep are made at a distance of 7–10 cm from each other, and seeds are lowered into the ground at the same distance. In open ground in one hole, you can sow 2-3 seeds in order to thin out the plantings later and choose the strongest shoots. After the parsley is planted, the beds are carefully watered so as not to erode the soil, and mulch. If the spring is prolonged, and the danger of frost has not passed, it is better to cover the beds with foil.

  • To understand what curly parsley looks like, you just need to glance at the photo depicting both leafy species side by side. Such a plant cannot be confused with any cultivated or wild-growing relative. In ordinary garden parsley, the lower leaves, forming a basal rosette, have a triangular shape, blunt toothed ends and a smooth leaf plate of a dark green hue.
  • Parsley is a good herb, but you have to be careful with it, it still has contraindications!
  • (Root) - mid-ripening variety, lying, root crop length 20-30 cm, yellowish-white flesh.
  • Parsley is propagated by seeds. At the beginning of full ripeness in the second year, the seeds are harvested. To do this, leave the heads with seeds on the parsley. Mow or cut the parsley and put to dry in rows, after a few days thresh the dry plants, then dry the seeds and remove unnecessary husks.

Parsley is consumed fresh, dried and salted, for salads (leaves), as an addition to side dishes and soups (leaves and roots). Freshly frozen (crushed with a small amount of water in the form) parsley completely retains its nutritional and healing properties throughout the year.

If the parsley is to be eaten fresh, the plant needs watering to provide 60–70% soil moisture.

After 2-3 days, it is left in a solution of a growth stimulator or microelements for another 18 hours. It is better if oxygen is passed through the liquid at this time, which will speed up the process of pecking the seed.

If the parsley is not left in the soil for the winter, then the roots stored in the basement in early spring:


Planting parsley seeds outdoors


Dry seeds will sprout only after 2-3 weeks, and germinated ones will please with sprouts a week earlier.

Curly parsley greens are more rounded and cut. The denticles, which is clearly visible on young plants, are also rounded, and the leaf blade acquires a pronounced wavy shape as it grows. The rest of the features of related forms are almost identical. True, the disputes between culinary specialists and gardeners about the merits and weaknesses of curly and Italian parsley have not subsided for several centuries.

  • And I decided to grow parsley on the balcony, in a box. I bought seeds, soaked them, sowed them in a box the next day. I waited for a long time, after 18 days thin sprouts appeared, but a few days after sprouting, the sprouts withered and disappeared, although I watered the seedlings and illuminated them with a lamp. So I had to go to the market and buy parsley.
  • Common leaf
  • Caring for parsley is extremely simple, for this water the greens in the evening (root parsley loves the August watering, at this time the roots are gaining useful substances), thin out, free the greens from weeds, loosen the soil.
  • Parsley is the most famous herb-seasoning in our latitudes, an indispensable attribute of many dishes. When cooking, both parsley leaves and its root are used. Carved, spicy leaves adorn the dish and add flavor, while the root gives unique taste broths and marinades. Did you know that parsley contains more vitamin C than lemon, and more vitamin A than carrots? Of course, such a useful plant is a permanent inhabitant of my garden!

To get a more flavorful raw material for drying, a couple of weeks before harvesting, parsley is limited to watering.

Seedlings from the hatched seeds appear within a week.

  • Shorten to 12-15 cm;
  • Curly parsley of medium ripeness. The mass of the plant reaches 50 g, about 25-30 leaves with short petioles are formed in the rosette. Grows well after harvest.

Mid-season root variety with ripeness up to 130 days from the moment the first greens peeped out. A plant weighing about 100 g forms a semi-spreading rosette with 11-20 leaves and a pointed root crop from 20 cm in length with good taste.

Leafy varieties of parsley can be sown during the summer until the end of July. For the formation of green mass, curly parsley is fed twice during the summer with a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. For example, nitrate per square meter should be from 50 to 60 grams. We must not forget about watering the plantings. To prevent the foliage from being burned, it is better to water the beds in the evening.

Outdoor parsley care

Those who prefer varieties with a wavy leaf shape talk about the greater decorativeness of the plant and its unpretentiousness:

Thanks for the article.

(Leaf) - spicy leaves, strongly dissected, powerful rosette. The variety is early maturing.

If you constantly take greens from the garden (which you can eat at any time the plant develops), the bushes naturally thin out as they grow. If you planted root parsley, be sure to thin it out, regardless of whether you need greens. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Parsley can be root and leaf. Leaf parsley is the familiar parsley or curly parsley. Leaf parsley is eaten only on leaves, roots are not consumed. Root parsley is distinguished by its large, thick root vegetable, it is used in sauces and for salting. Root parsley greens can also be eaten, but they taste rougher and should not be plucked until the root vegetable is fully ripe, otherwise it will turn out to be small and frail.

Cold-resistant parsley can be harvested until late autumn, until frost begins.

When planting parsley in open ground with seeds, about 1 gram of prepared seeds is required per square meter of the ridge. If the culture is sown in the summer, then before planting in the soil, the ridges are watered abundantly, and the number of seeds per square meter is increased by a third.

  • Cleaned of dried and rotten foliage and petioles;
  • Video about the secrets of growing parsley

The first greens can be cut in July and harvested until the coldest days. The photo shows what parsley looks like next year. This season, curly parsley will delight you with a thick head of foliage already in April or early May.

How to grow parsley - video

Growing parsley

Curly parsley grows great outdoors and in greenhouses.Guys, in the paragraph where it is said about preparing parsley seeds for planting, there is a photo with cilantro seeds, but not parsley, of course, if this is important for you

Good, useful, tasty information. Our parsley does not freeze in winter, I cover it with spunbond and that's it))) I can't collect my seeds, the eldest daughter first of all eats out juicy young shoots with peduncles, and only then goes to leaves)

The first thinning - about 3 cm is left between the plants.

The soil for parsley should be normal or slightly acidic and have a loose structure. For planting, you can choose a sunny place or partial shade.

Sowing parsley

At the same time, the roots are harvested for storage. Plants that remain to winter in the ground are carefully spud and mulched.

Growing parsley in the open field provides for the preservation of a small interval between individual plants, from 4 to 12 cm, depending on the species and variety:

Treated with a stimulant for better root formation;

Parsley care

Parsley on the windowsill


You can use fresh greens for food not only in the warm season, but all year round, if you plant curly parsley in an apartment, on a windowsill, on a balcony or loggia. In this case, sowing is carried out in February, so that the emerging sprouts grow stronger with lengthening daylight hours.

Due to the corrugated leaf plate, the culture loses less moisture on hot dry days.


You have a photo of coriander on your parsley root page, i.e. kinza

And I love curly parsley more than others)) Her greens, however, are somewhat tougher, rougher than ordinary leafy ones, but much more decorative - an excellent decoration of the garden :) And it is guaranteed not to shoot, even if the conditions are not the most favorable (ordinary leafy, it happens, in heat and drought, blooms in the first year).

Planting parsley

After a couple of weeks, we thin out again, the final distance between adjacent plants should be 5-10 cm.

Parsley can be planted in the soil where cabbage, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes grew last season. After parsley, the same crops (carrots, cilantro, cumin, dill) are best planted after 3-4 years.


Root parsley is sown with an interval of 1–4 cm, while the seeds are lowered into the groove one by one.

Planted under a film, leaving a gap of 8-10 cm between the plants.

A leafy variety with a ripeness of about 80 days. One plant has a mass of 60 g. The rosette grows up to 75 cm in height, the greens are tender, after cutting, they preserve their freshness for a long time.

Technical ripeness occurs in about 135 days, as you saw the first shoots. A highly developed rosette consists of 28-30 leaves, the root crop is elongated (about 35 cm), cylindrical, weighing 170 g.

The seeds are pre-soaked and sown in the soil, consisting of two parts of garden soil and one part of sand, peat and humus taken. Further cultivation of parsley at home practically coincides with agricultural technicians in the open field. Special attention should be given to watering, because in a limited amount, the soil loses moisture faster.

Therefore, when growing parsley at home experienced gardeners it is advised to choose exactly curly varieties:

Yes, that's exactly it! I screwed up with the second photo!) In 2013, the leaves of parsley and coriander were the same for me. Now, with my eyes closed, I can distinguish one from the other) although even a beginner can navigate only by one smell! Thank you for being attentive to my work and reading the article!

I also love curly hair, but I have it root, although I was assured that this could not be

Make sure that the parsley leaves are healthy, free from signs of disease and damage by insects, so that you can take action in time and not lose your harvest. Parsley is susceptible to the following diseases and pests: rust, white rot, carrot flies, carrot flies, melon aphids, onion and garlic stem nematodes, white spot.

Sowing parsley

Parsley care

- one- and two-year herbaceous plant cross-pollinated, Umbrella family, vegetable crop... The plant is moisture-loving and cold-resistant, the seeds germinate at 2-3 ° C, the seedlings tolerate frosts down to -7 ° C. In the first year, it forms a rosette of leaves and a root crop, in the second year the plant blooms.

Common parsley is sown at a distance of 10–12 cm, and curly parsley at an interval of 8–10 cm. This crop is sown 3 or 4 seeds per nest, followed by thinning.

This will give parsley three early harvests of greens.

The following varieties of leaf parsley are zoned: Bogatyr, Breeze, Astra, Gloria, Magician, Triplex, Sandwich, Titan, Ordinary leaf, Borodinskaya. Curly parsley has zoned varieties: Kucheryavets, Bravo, Mazina, Petra, Curly Leaf.


You can simplify the production of curly greens by using annual parsley roots for forcing. How to plant parsley in this way? In the fall, annual rhizomes are dug up and transplanted into deep pots with a 2-centimeter drainage layer and a loose nutritious soil mixture. Before planting parsley, the roots can be treated with a growth stimulant, which activates their growth and speeds up the appearance of greenery.

Garden parsley with smooth foliage can delight you with a bright aroma inherent in the foliage of the culture and its roots.

I heard that parsley can be perennial, and I also learned that in fact, root parsley is a biennial, and on next years plants grow from seeds ... in general, your opinion is interesting ...

Parsley varieties

Good day! I also like curly parsley - it is a truly versatile spicy, medicinal, ornamental plant. The specific, delicate, pleasant aroma and spicy-sweet taste of this seasoning for all dishes, except for sweet ones, are loved by many. For therapeutic purposes, the roots are used for kidney diseases, as a mild laxative, the seeds are a strong diuretic, the leaves are used to treat wounds, reduce inflammation and pain, fruits - for inflammation of the prostate gland, menstrual irregularities, renal colic, to improve digestion; they are not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Collecting and storing parsleyParsley is a biennial plant. Parsley seeds are stored for about 2-3 years after harvest. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Parsley has two varieties: root parsley (thickened non-branching conical or fusiform root vegetable) and leaf parsley. Leaf parsley, in turn, is divided into ordinary leafy (with smooth leaves) and curly leafy (curly slightly corrugated leaves.) The seeding depth of parsley during spring or summer sowing is 6-10 mm, in autumn the grooves are made twice as deep. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

The main method is planting parsley seeds in open ground. It is important to take into account that the culture is not fast germinating. Therefore, parsley is often sown with sprouted seeds from early spring to July. In this case, the culture has time to give one harvest and can successfully overwinter.Without parsley, it is difficult to imagine a small gardener's garden and the fields of a modern farm. Parsley, which became a valuable agricultural crop in ancient times, gradually spread from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea to almost all continents.

A late-ripening variety of root parsley with ripeness from 150 days to 180. The plant has a spreading rosette and a conical root crop with a pointed tip. The diameter of the Berlin parsley root reaches 4 cm, the length is up to 20 cm. For growing on the windowsill, even large roots with healthy apical buds are chosen, which, when backfilled, remain above the soil level.

Svetlana, Russia

The smell of parsley persists after heat treatment, which is not typical for the curly variety.

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

My parsley stably gives greens on the windowsill for two years all year round, I feed it only three times a year, every time in spring and autumn I remove a little topsoil and add more fresh soil with vermicompost. I plant different varieties in one box. I plant fresh every year, so I always have two boxes: with last year's old parsley and freshly planted fresh, this is very convenient. the same with celery. these are the most hassle-free greens to grow on the windowsill!

Vera, Eagle

By the way, wild parsley was first discovered by the inhabitants of Ancient Greece on the rocky spurs of the Morea Peninsula (Peloponnese) and from here got its Latin name

Lyudmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

Root parsley is harvested in the fall, before frost, the leaves are cut, stored in a cool place, sprinkled with sand (like carrots). You do not need to dig up the root parsley, then in early spring, when the snow melts, you will get fresh greens. Parsley root vegetables can be used in winter for forcing greens in pots by the window.

Parsley is a very hardy plant, so fresh greens can be obtained from the garden from early spring to late autumn, until it snows. To obtain young greenery, many gardeners use the so-called conveyor method, in which the seeds are sown at intervals of 2-3 weeks and can continue until late autumn (suitable for leaf parsley). In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” Fig. Growing parsleyAfter planting parsley in open ground with seeds and dusting the furrows, the soil is slightly compacted, watering of the plantings is carried out, which are mulched on top or covered with a film.Root varieties are sown no later than mid-May so that the parsley has time to form a full-fledged root crop. In Russia, both leaf and root parsley are planted, and both varieties with the usual leaf shape and with curly ones are grown on greens.The roots of parsley, although edible, look unappetizing, remain thin and harsh. They grow leafy parsley for the sake of greenery. There are two varieties of it: parsley with ordinary leaves and curly parsley, the corrugated leaves of which resemble curls.

Sometimes it is advised to plant parsley roots very close. This will produce a lot of foliage, but will quickly deplete both the rhizomes and the soil. Therefore, in this case, you cannot do without regular feeding. Home-grown curly parsley, if watered and sometimes fertilized on time, gives a dense head of foliage within a month and a half, ready to be cut and consumed.

Vera, Eagle

Curly foliage, with sufficient watering, has a softer and more juicy consistency, is used fresh. Chopped foliage is good as a seasoning for many dishes, it is used to make juices, purees and sauces, and it is also dried.

Irina, Bender

Tell me. how to care for root parsley? which year I plant and not very successful, I have to either buy or ask someone. In the fall, it is the root one that is needed.

Vera, Eagle


Eleanor, Russia

The parsley leaf is cut at any time of development and dried darkened, but not dark place or it freezes. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Arina, Saratov

The beds for planting are best prepared in the fall, at the same time organic and mineral fertilizers... In the spring, additional potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are added, urea and ammonium nitrate can be added.

Shevchenko Larisa, Russia

Root parsley is the most widespread crop in our country. She uses both the root crop and the leaves for food. In leafy parsley, only the leaves are edible; the roots have no food consumption.

When choosing a site for planting and caring for parsley in the open field, it is better to give preference to the beds where zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers or tomatoes used to grow. Re-sowing after parsley or other umbellates is carried out after three to four years. For parsley, especially root varieties, you need a loose, cultivated soil rich in organic matter.

Dry seeds fall into the soil before winter. In this case, they are buried in the ground from the second half of October until the very frost, and when the snow cover is established, they are additionally covered with snow. In the spring, such crops begin to develop already at 4 ° C, can be grown under a film or in the open field, since parsley grown in the open field is not afraid of even frosts down to -9 ° C.

You can distinguish a root crop from a leaf one by a dense, conical, even root crop, like the leaves, rich in vitamins, sugars, aromatic substances and trace elements. Leaf parsley has thinner and more branched roots. Greens are produced by both types of plants.

In order for curly parsley to give fresh greens throughout the season, it is sown at several times. If you cannot allocate a large garden bed for parsley, you can sow varieties with different terms ripeness. Early varieties the parsley will be ready in two months from the moment of sowing, two weeks later the mid-season varieties will turn green, and at the end of summer it will be possible to harvest the late varieties of parsley.

Parsley growing at home Zozulya cucumber growing


What is parsley?

What is parsley, the benefits and harms to human health, what is medicinal properties in parsley, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods treatment, including with the help of vegetables. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Curly parsley, or curly parsley (Petroselinum crispum), is the most famous species of the genus Parsley (Petroselinum) of the Apiaceae family.

Parsley leaf, both dried and fresh, is a popular culinary condiment.

Parsley is a herbaceous biennial plant belonging to the umbrella family. It grows wild in the Mediterranean. As a garden crop, it is widespread almost everywhere, including in the northern regions with harsh climatic conditions. In culture, there are 2 types of parsley: leaf and root.

Parsley has double or triple dissected feathery leaves.

Small flowers forming a complex umbrella-shaped inflorescence are yellowish-green or white. The height of the erect stem reaches 1 m. The root is white or grayish, it can be branched. The fruit is a two-seed egg-shaped. It is slightly flattened laterally and has a greenish brown coloration.

Parsley - garden plant, characterized by a fairly high resistance to low temperatures. This is a cold-resistant crop, the seedlings of which are able to withstand a drop in air temperature to -8 ° C. The roots left before winter are preserved even during severe frosts.

Flowering occurs in the second year of the plant's life. Flowers form between June and August. Seed ripening begins in August and lasts until October. They remain viable for 3-4 years, germinate at temperatures from 2-3 ° C.

Parsley contains a high content of substances such as carotene and vitamin C. In addition, all parts of the plant are rich in minerals and essential oils, which give it a specific aroma and taste.

Parsley roots are shown to people suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as a violation of intestinal motility. The infusion and decoction made from parsley seeds have a significant diuretic effect and help to improve digestion.

Fresh parsley is often used to heal wounds and insect bites as an inflammatory suppressant. It is also known for its ability to whiten the skin. In this regard, preparations based on parsley leaves are prescribed to remove freckles. The crushed seeds of this garden plant can be used to treat alopecia areata.

In cooking, parsley is used mainly as a seasoning for the main course. It is used both fresh and boiled, stewed, dried, frozen and salted.

This garden plant is able to improve the taste of the most different dishes - meat, fish, egg, as well as side dishes, soups, sauces, pastries, etc. It is a traditional ingredient in meat and fish semi-finished products and home canned food. Parsley seeds, essential oil and roots are found in popular spice blends.

Useful properties of parsley:

A sprig of parsley is not only a decoration on a plate. Parsley contains a lot of nutrients. The content of vitamin C in 150 g of its leaves is not less than in the same amount of black currant or orange fruits. 2 tablespoons of parsley containing 9.97 mg of ascorbic acid will provide 16.6% of its daily requirement. Being a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals, vitamin C helps prevent the development and progression of atherosclerosis, diabetes, asthma. Vitamin C is required by the body for healthy functioning immune system... Its powerful anti-inflammatory properties are shown not only in the fight against colds, recurrent ear infections, but also in rheumatoid arthritis.

Another important antioxidant that gives the beneficial properties of parsley is beta-carotene, which is converted in the body to vitamin A. The need for vitamin A to strengthen and normalize the immune system is so great that doctors sometimes call it "anti-infectious vitamin."

Among other plant foods, parsley stands out for its high content of vitamin K: in 30 g of fresh herbs it contains 123 mcg, or 153.8% of the daily value. Vitamin K not only ensures normal blood clotting, but also helps the body in the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for healthy bones, so the beneficial properties of parsley in the fight against osteoporosis are undeniable.

The unusual ingredients that make parsley a unique source of health are essential oils (myristicin, limonene, eugenol, alpha-thujone) and flavonoids (apiin, apigenin, luteolin, crisoeriol). Apigenin in parsley stops the development of cancer cells that cause leukemia. The anti-carcinogenic benefits of parsley are known.


Parsley has practically no contraindications. However, the harm of parsley can be felt by people with kidney and bladder diseases. After all, parsley is a strong diuretic.

It is believed that parsley can cause some complications during pregnancy, and moreover, it can even provoke a miscarriage. Such discussions can be seen many times on the forums. It is difficult to agree with this fact, since no harmful substances that have a negative effect on the body of the expectant mother have been identified. Most likely in these cases there is simply poor-quality greens, stuffed with nitrates and other "chemistry".

It is worth remembering that the harm of parsley can manifest itself when it is not grown properly. It is strictly forbidden to eat greens grown on roadside plots, and rinse thoroughly before adding to soup or salad.

For the manufacture of drugs use all parts of the plant. The intake of nutrients in the body contained in greens, seeds and parsley root, normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins from the body, has a beneficial effect on sexual function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves psycho-emotional state... Parsley preparations are used in medical cosmetology.

Parsley is indicated for such diseases:

hypertension, atherosclerosis, stool retention, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, age spots, acne, erectile dysfunction, frigidity, bruises, insect bites.


Treatment for depression and chronic fatigue syndrome with parsley:

Take 1 tablespoon of parsley juice 4 times a day for chronic fatigue syndrome. The course of treatment is 28 days.

Mix 50 ml of parsley juice with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Take 2 tablespoons of the drug at night. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Parsley for age spots and freckles:

Lubricate problem areas of the skin 2-3 times a day with parsley juice. At night, wash with a decoction of parsley root.

Cut the parsley root lengthwise, rub the problem areas of the skin with a cut 2-3 times a day.

Relief of pain from bruises and insect bites:

Mix parsley juice with lemon juice in a 2: 1 ratio. Rub the bruises and bites 4 times a day.

2 teaspoons of parsley seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, drain. Wipe bruises and bites with infusion 5-7 times a day.

When bitten by a wasp or bee, tie parsley leaves to the affected skin area for 1 hour.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases:

Chop 50 g of parsley, add 2 teaspoons of crushed walnut kernels and 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of prevention is 14 days. Prevention should be carried out 3 times a year.

Cut 50 g of parsley root, pour 1 liter of water, add 100 g of prunes, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and mix with grated parsley root and prunes, add 1 teaspoon of parsley juice and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Take 100 ml 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach. The course of prevention is 28 days. Prevention should be carried out 2 times a year.

Recipes from the book by D. Nesterova “We are treated with vegetables. Healers from the Gardens ”.

How is parsley useful for men?

For potency:

Mix parsley juice with lovage juice in a 2: 1 ratio, add 3 beaten egg yolks quail eggs... Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 28 days, prevention is 7 days.

Chop 100 g of parsley root, add 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, strain, mix with 1 tablespoon of parsley juice and 1 teaspoon of lovage juice. Take 50 ml 3 times a day 1 hour before meals, drink 100 ml of the drug at night. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Mix in equal parts by volume chopped fresh parsley and coriander. Consume with food 1 tbsp. spoon constantly with impotence (sexual weakness).

Infusion of parsley roots is the most effective remedy in the treatment of prostatitis: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of chopped root with half a glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped (or in a thermos), 10 hours, drain. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

How is parsley useful for women?

With a delay in menstruation:

- 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped parsley leaves pour 0.5 liters of water and cook in a sealed container over low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain, add lemon juice and honey to taste. Drink during the day instead of water for amenorrhea (no menses).

- 2 g of parsley seeds and 1 g of dry chopped rue herb pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, insist in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature 45 minutes, drain. Take to regulate menstruation, with urolithiasis, dropsy, as an antipyretic agent, 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

We treat cystitis:

- Mix in parts by weight parsley seeds - 2, lovage roots - 2, birch leaves - 5, common juniper fruits - 5.

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the chopped mixture with 1 glass of cold water, leave for 6 hours, then bring to a boil, cook in a sealed container over low heat for 15 minutes, drain. Take for cystitis with an alkaline urine reaction, 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.

- Mix in parts by weight parsley seeds - 2, bearberry leaves - 3.

- Mix in parts by weight parsley seeds - 1, celandine herb - 1, bearberry leaves - 2.

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the chopped mixture with 1 glass of cold water, leave for 6 hours, then bring to a boil, cook in a sealed container over low heat for 7-10 minutes, drain. Drink in small sips throughout the day. Normalizes the alkaline reaction of urine with cystitis.

Recipes from the book "Healing spices for health" by Nikolai Danikov.

Cooking Applications:

Parsley goes well with a wide variety of dishes. The only exceptions are sweet dishes.

Fresh it is added to salads, vegetable, fish and meat dishes, sauces, and is also used as an independent snack. It also goes well with game dishes, eggs and cereals.

This spice can be used in offal dishes to give the latter a pleasant aroma.

Since the taste of parsley is enhanced by heat treatment, it is widely used in its fresh and dried form in broths, cabbage soup, borscht, soups, and goulash.

The root is used raw or dried in first courses, gravies and sauces.

Seeds (whole or crushed) together with herbs are used in home canning of vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, sweet bell peppers, eggplants, etc.). Leafy parsley is also excellent for decorating a variety of dishes. Dried parsley is often included in various dry spice mixtures, which in food Industry used for the preparation of soup concentrates.

It is widely used in the canning industry in the manufacture of canned meat, fish and vegetable preserves, ketchups, sauces, etc. The norms for the use of parsley depend on traditions and taste. On average, fresh herbs are added at the rate of 3-5 g per serving. Dried leaves are used as a spice in all dishes at 0.3 - 0.5 g per serving.

Parsley is often added to ready-to-eat meals before serving. The root of the plant is introduced at the beginning of the preparation of the dish.

The benefits and harms of parsley. Interesting video!

Application in weight loss diets:

It is noteworthy that you can eat parsley in any form. It can be added in large quantities not only to salads, but also to appetizers and first courses. Parsley contains a minimum number of calories and stimulates fat metabolism in the tissues. Thanks to these properties, modern nutritionists consider parsley not only as a delicious seasoning for dishes, but also as a weight loss drug.

Decoctions, tinctures and tea for weight loss are prepared from parsley. But don't rely only on parsley. For weight loss, you must adhere to integrated approach... This complex includes a balanced diet, physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle. Parsley will not give the desired result if, taking it, you continue to eat improperly and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

What did Rospotrebnadzor find dangerous in curly parsley and cumin?

Russia, unlike many european countries, a variety of edible spicy herbs cannot boast. Our own reserves can be easily counted: parsley, dill, green onions, cilantro (and even then, not everywhere), basil. Perhaps that's all.

Therefore, when on June 6 Rospotrebnadzor ranked curled parsley to the list of plants containing potent narcotic and poisonous substances (not all parsley is included in the list, but its fruits, from which, as it turned out, it is possible to prepare oil that is dangerous to human health), not only gardeners were thoughtful but also chefs.

Moreover, along with curly parsley, the list of dangerous plants was supplemented by another 17 representatives of the flora, including Persian bunium - a popular spice, also known as zira. All parts of the plant are listed. And, as you know, Central Asian pilaf, for example, is unthinkable without cumin.

The list of prohibited plants also includes the mint quinoa, articulated barnacle, wrinkled multicolor, colocynth and two types of calamus: cereal and marsh. There are currently 352 plant species on this list. Changes were made to SanPiN "Hygienic Requirements for Safety and Nutritional Value of Food products in 2011."

The head of the State Drug Control Service, Viktor Ivanov, said in an interview with RBC that parsley could disappear from store shelves after a government decree. He noted that banned plants are included in a special list, which is approved by the relevant decree, and as soon as the decree "includes a plant in the lists, it will not be able to be in civil circulation."

Let's see what is dangerous in curled parsley.

The harmful substance in question is an essential oil derived from parsley seeds. It has been used in mainstream medicine for a long time. The oil has a diuretic property, therefore it is used for renal and cardiovascular diseases, for urolithiasis, cystitis, urethritis. Seeds are prescribed for certain menstrual irregularities, prostate inflammation and as a diaphoretic.

In the comments, generously scattered across the Runet, questions are asked, thunderous laughter is heard and there is not even a hint of answers:

Can the AIF.RU.Kitchen resource publish recipes containing curly parsley and zira as ingredients?

Can our readers add and use recipes with new "drugs"?

What punishment awaits us if we still continue to eat them, popularize and recommend

to others?

Where can I see the regulatory documents regarding curly parsley and other sufferers and their use without punishment?

The editors of AIF.RU.Kitchen sent a letter to Control

The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in Moscow with a request to explain to us what awaits everyone who loves parsley and cumin in the near culinary future. Then they tried to get an answer over the phone for two days ...

Finally, the head of the press center of the Federal Drug Control Service in Moscow Maria Lutsenko explained to AIF.RU.Kukhnya: “While there is no Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on the inclusion of parsley, cumin and other plants in the list of narcotic substances, we have no action

we do not undertake ".

In general, dear readers, while we continue to enjoy the Central Asian pilaf with cumin and salads with curly parsley - with pleasure and with impunity. Enjoy your meal!

About parsley and laws

Arthur Basistov

Lawyer, partner of the Bar Association

First of all, neither Mr. Onishchenko himself nor the department headed by him have the authority to determine the status of a substance or plant as a drug or psychotropic, actions with which have a consequence criminal liability... This, by virtue of the law, falls within the competence of the federal government, with an eye to the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and UN INCB documents. In turn, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted and then repeatedly amended / supplemented Decree No. 681 of 30.06.1998 “On Approving the List of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors Subject to Control in the Russian Federation”. This is what is on the government-approved list refers to substances that are restricted or prohibited from circulation and which require extra care when handling them. Parsley is not on the list, even in the latest edition of this year's list. Neither curly, nor smooth-haired, nor bald, not at all. Therefore, regardless of the degree of curliness, you can safely grow and buy it. There is also a reference to a regulation, the content of which was regarded by some hotheads as equalizing the status of curly parsley and cannabis. Search not long: this document. Therefore, changes to SanPin "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products." A simple analysis of the letters leads to the conclusion that in section 1 of Appendix 5B to this SanPin, "Plants containing potent, narcotic or poisonous substances" was supplemented, inter alia, with item number 352: Curly parsley ..... Petroselinum crispuma A.W. Hill ...... Fruit (essential oil). By the way, in this list of terrible narcotic plants there are, for example, quite unambiguous poisonous dope and cicuta, but there are also barberry and nutmeg. What does the appearance of this or that position in Appendix 5b with a creepy name mean? We read SanPin and find out that the part of the plant mentioned in this appendix or the result of its processing (in our case, the essential oil obtained from the fruit) is not allowed to be used in the manufacture of biologically active food additives (see p. 3.30 SanPin). And that's all. SanPin does not contain any more restrictions on the content of Appendix 5b. That's about it, that's all. Parsley is in the law.

Curly or garden parsley, sowing, field parsley is a biennial herb that comes from the Umbrella family. In the first year of life of sown curly parsley, a leaf rosette and a fusiform root with a thickening from above are formed. The stem of parsley is smooth, branched, erect. Only in the second year of the plant's life does the parsley stem branch out in the middle. Parsley branches are opposite. The plant can reach a height of one hundred centimeters.

Parsley leaves are dark green, shiny, triangular... The leaves in the root part of the stem grow on long petioles and are double pinnately dissected. The leaves at the top of the stem grow on shorter petioles and are trifoliate.

Curly parsley blooms bisexual small flowershaving five petals and a greenish-yellow tint. All flowers are collected in umbrella-type inflorescences. The flowering period of curly parsley falls on the first two summer months. And at the end of summer, the fruits ripen.

The fruit of curly parsley is a gray-brown two-seed. It (fruit) consists of two decaying half-fruits.

All aerial parts of the cockerel have a pleasant smell, which is lost during the drying of the raw material.

Curly parsley is cultivated throughout Europe, America and Asia. Its homeland is the Mediterranean Region.

Curly parsley reproduces by seed method... Grows well on loose sandy loam or loamy soils rich in humus. Parsley does not tolerate dry periods well.

For pharmacological purposes, all parts of the plant are used, from roots to fruits. Parsley leaves are harvested in the first year of plant life throughout the summer. They are cut off, laid out on paper in one layer, dried in shady places.

Juice is also squeezed out of fresh leaves of curly parsley, and they are used for culinary purposes, as a seasoning for various dishes.

The roots of curly parsley are harvested in the fall, along with the fruits, in the first growing year. They are dug up, ground off from them, dried and put in cellars or basements for storage.

The fruits are harvested when they reach wax ripeness. Umbrellas are cut with scissors, bunches are made, dried and threshed.

Pharmacological properties

Curly parsley contains essential oil, quercetin, flavonoids, verbioside, kaempferol, naringenin, beta-carotene, B vitamins (one and two), C, PP, A, K, chlorophyll, folic acid, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, iron ... In addition, curly parsley leaves contain a large percentage of vitamin C, proteins, sugar and tocopherols. The roots contain nicotinic acid and pyridoxine. And the essential oil contains apiolic acid, pinene and myristicin.

Curly parsley, as a medicinal plant, has a diaphoretic, antispasmodic, diuretic, choleretic, lactogonic, bactericidal effect on the body. Preparations with parsley are prescribed in cases of need to stimulate appetite, improve the digestive process. These drugs are able to inhibit the processes of intestinal fermentation, increase the tone of smooth intestinal muscles, uterus, and bladder. With the help of parsley, stones in the genitourinary system are dissolved, regulate the menstrual cycle, stimulate lactation, treat dropsy, cardiac edema, inflammation of the genitourinary system, urolithiasis, intestinal colic, prostatitis, flatulence, postpartum bleeding.

Juice from fresh curly parsley herb is also used externally, to lubricate the bites of various insects, as an anesthetic, and to remove age spots from the skin, including freckles on the face.

The ointment is prepared from the fruits of curly parsley. It is used as a drug for head lice.

The root decoction is applied both internally and externally. This is an excellent remedy for lightening the skin after sunburn, eliminating unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth.


Tincture of curly parsley leaves.

We take a tablespoon of dry raw materials, pour two glasses of boiling water. It is necessary to infuse parsley leaves for two hours. Take half a glass at least four times a day, twenty minutes before meals.

Root tincture of curly parsley.

We take a tablespoon of dry chopped parsley roots, pour two glasses of boiling water. Also, for infusion, we leave in a dark place, under the lid, for two hours. Take half a glass of tincture four times a day, half an hour before meals.

Fruit tincture of curly parsley.

We take a teaspoon of dried parsley fruits, pour two glasses of boiling water, leave at room temperature for two hours. Take 0.5 cups, four times a day, before meals.

Decoction of fruits of curly parsley.

We take three teaspoons of dried parsley fruits, pour a glass of water, boil over low heat for eight minutes. We remove from the stove, leave in the room to cool, filter, squeeze the raw materials. Take the broth should be one tablespoon up to five times a day. This decoction is very effective for hypomenorrhea.

Curly parsley juice.

Collect fresh parsley herb, chop and mince. Squeeze out the juice. Juice is taken in a dessert spoon three times a day, half an hour before eating. To enhance the healing effect of the juice, it must be diluted with fresh carrot juice in a ratio of one to three.

Curly parsley fruit powder.

We take dry parsley fruits and grind them on a coffee grinder. Can be rubbed by hand in a wooden mortar. Parsley powder is taken half a teaspoon up to three times a day, washed down with two tablespoons of water, half an hour before eating.

Root decoction of curly parsley for external use.

We take chopped dry parsley roots (two tablespoons), pour a glass of water, cook over low heat for no more than eight minutes. After cooling, filter the broth. It is used externally, as a face wipe to lighten tan, from age spots, freckles.

Fruit ointment of curly parsley.

Take one part of dry parsley root powder, mix it with four parts butter... Store the ointment in the refrigerator. Use as a rub into hair for head lice.

Tincture of parsley roots for prostate adenoma.

Take a tablespoon of grated parsley roots, pour boiling water (300 ml), insist for ten hours. Take one tablespoon at a time so that the entire serving is gone in one day.

Tincture of parsley roots for gastritis with low acidity.

We take three teaspoons of dry parsley roots, pour a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for ten hours. Take one tablespoon up to four times daily before each meal.

To increase hemoglobin, it is necessary to eat fresh leaves of curly parsley.


Curly parsley is contraindicated during pregnancy, with chronic nephritis.