Datura - is it worth growing a beautiful, useful in folk medicine, but poisonous flower in the country. Garden dope (datura): description and how to care

Datura is a plant with an ambiguous characteristic. Its beautiful large, trumpet-shaped flowers captivate with their beauty. However, the toxicity of the plant scares off many gardeners. The history of the dope is very old, it is even impossible to establish exactly where his homeland is. In mythology and legends of the peoples of various continents, dope grass, datura, angelic trumpets, henbane, moonflower or the devil's herb. The plant was used by shamans to communicate with spirits and healers to get rid of terrible diseases. A flower can serve and great decoration landscape. With these precautions, you can easily grow Datura in your own garden.

Description of the plant

Datura is a herbaceous evergreen perennial. Most often found in tropical and subtropical regions, preferring steppe or mountainous areas. Datura is grown as an annual crop in the vastness of the temperate climate. The plant has erect or lodging stems. The length of the shoot can be 50-120 cm. It is fed by a long rod rhizome, painted in white or cream color.

The tubular, hollow stem is covered with smooth dark green or reddish bark on the outside. Over the years, the base becomes lignified and becomes reddish-brown in color. Lateral processes with large serrated or oblong leaves are formed on the trunk. Each grows on a long stalk. Dark green foliage is next. The length of the leaf plate is about 15 cm, and the width is 10 cm. The surface of the dense leathery leaf is smooth, below it is painted in lighter colors. There is a light stripe along the central vein.

From June until the first frost, the dope pleases with large beautiful flowers. Single buds are formed in the axils of the leaves or at the forks of the stems. The length of the funnel, consisting of five sectors, can reach 25 cm, but more often it is 10-15 cm. Flowers are painted in white, yellow, pink, lilac or purple... They can have a simple bell shape with fused petals, or a more complex spiral structure of the petals. Some types of flowers are completely odorless, while others exude an intense, pleasant aroma. Datura is a nocturnal flower, its buds open at sunset and close in the morning. Flowering can be observed during the day in cloudy weather.

The fruits are in large oblong seed pods. They are covered with a dense dark green skin with long spines. Inside, the raft is divided into 4 compartments, which contain round or kidney-shaped black seeds 3-3.5 mm long. Fruiting begins in July.

Types of dope

Datura genus is represented by 13 species. In culture, 3 of them are most often used.

A viable plant, which in many countries is considered a weed, it grows up to 1.2 m in height. The herbaceous erect stem is covered with large cut leaves. The bush produces few flowers. From the end of June, it is covered with beautiful white corollas up to 10 cm long. garden variety tatula can delight flower growers with bright blue funnels.

Very poisonous plant with gray-green ovoid foliage. The flowers are white, simple or double, 10-12 cm long. The variety was used by residents of Central and North America as a hallucinogenic and soporific agent.

This type is considered the most decorative. It is most commonly found in culture. Plants form branched bushes about 1 m high. Large leaves on long petioles have an oblong shape and are colored dark green. Popular varieties:

  • Ballerina - double flowers from several rows of fused funnels of light purple or yellow color;
  • Medea - dissolves simple snow-white flowers 15-20 cm long.
  • Flore Pleno - double purple flowers covered with white specks.

Reproduction methods

Datura, which is grown as an annual, is propagated by seeds. To receive as early as possible flowering plants, it is pre-planted for seedlings. For this, the seeds collected last summer are dried and stored in a cool place in a paper bag. In February, the seeds are soaked for 1-2 days in warm water, and then planted in containers with sandy-peat soil to a depth of 5 mm. During the germination period, the containers are kept at a temperature of 15 ° C. Seedlings appear in 2-3 weeks. When 2 true leaves bloom on the seedlings, they are dived into separate pots or disposable cups. Seedlings are grown in a room with bright, diffused light at a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 ° C. Water it sparingly, but regularly. Plants are planted in open ground with a height of 15 cm.

In the southern regions, dope can be sown directly into open ground. This is done at the end of May, when the soil warms up enough and the probability of frost will recede completely. Seeds are planted in holes at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other, to a depth of 5 cm. Entrances appear slowly. Grown plants are thinned out, keeping a distance of about 1 m. Flowering is expected 3-4 weeks after germination.

In the fall, cuttings can be cut from an adult dope bush. Apical shoots about 10 cm long are cut and rooted in garden soil with the addition of moss. It is recommended to process the lower cut with Kornevin. For the winter, the seedlings are brought indoors, and in the spring they are transplanted into open ground or grown in large tubs.

Plant care

Datura can be called unpretentious plant, however, some care rules must be followed. Seedlings are planted in the ground in late May or early June. A distance of 1 m is required between plants, since datura develops poorly in crowded conditions. When planting, it is important to keep an earthen ball, as the rhizome is easily damaged.

The planting site should be sunny, dry and calm (stems break easily from strong gusts). The soil should be nutritious and loose. Suitable soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction, in acidic soils lime is added before planting.

Datura loves regular watering. Its large leaves evaporate a lot of moisture. With insufficient watering, they quickly wither and lose turgor. In the summer heat, the plant is watered daily or at least every other day. In this case, the water in no case should stagnate at the roots. To preserve the decorative effect of the leaves, periodic spraying with clean water is necessary.

During the growing season and flowering, the dope is in great need of feeding. Fertilizers are applied 2-4 times a month. Overfeeding this rapidly growing plant is almost impossible. Diluted mineral and organic complexes are introduced into the soil. To make the flowering more abundant, the datura is watered with hard water. Occasionally you can sprinkle it with milk of lime. Lack of watering and fertilization can lead to a decrease in flowering or complete shedding of unopened buds.

So that in the lower part the shoots are not exposed and the bush retains its decorative effect, it must be cut off. As a result of pruning, more colors... The procedure is carried out at the end of flowering or in early spring. If the plants are grown as perennials in open ground, in late autumn, all the shoots are removed to the ground. Fresh seedlings are planted in the spring.

In central Russia, dope does not hibernate in the open field. To beautiful bushes suffered frosts, they should be grown in tubs. Or, annually in the fall, transplant from open ground into deep pots. Plants do not tolerate temperatures below + 6… + 8 ° C. In winter, Datura should be kept at + 10 ... + 12 ° C. In a hotter room, the stems will stretch out and become even more exposed. It is very rarely watered. Lighting can be moderate. In early spring, the bushes are transplanted and taken out into lighter and warmer rooms.

Due to long and abundant flowering, as well as large unusual corollas, Datura is a welcome guest in any garden. It is used in mixborders, flower beds and single landings... Fragrant varieties will serve not only as a visual decoration, but also disguise bad smell from the compost heap. The lateral shoots fall to the ground, forming a spherical bush. In this case, it is necessary to limit access to the plant for children and animals.

Herb in medicine

Datura is a poisonous, hallucinogenic plant. Its juice contains alkaloids, especially atropine and scopolamine, as well as tannins, fats, carotene and essential oils. The largest amount of trace elements is found in seeds. Under the influence of the components of dope, a person experiences hallucinations, amnesia, mental discomfort and loses coordination. The action can take several hours. In case of an overdose, irreversible processes in the brain are also possible.

For all its danger, dope is used not only in folk medicine and religious practices, but also in pharmacology. As you know, many poisons in small quantities serve as a medicine. With the help of preparations containing dope extract, they fight the following diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • tachycardia;
  • colitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • neuralgia;
  • seasickness.

Traditional medicine uses decoctions and tinctures with dope to remove nervous tension, relaxation of muscles, reduction of coughing attacks, asthma and seizure reduction. Datura is also used to treat abdominal cramps, peptic ulcer disease and is used to prevent thrombosis. Leaves are harvested at the beginning of flowering. They are dried on fresh air under a canopy. Dry raw materials are ground into powder and stored in paper bags for a year. The roots can be harvested throughout the year.

Known use in the cosmetic industry of depilatory oil from the leaves and roots of dope. With regular rubbing into the skin, the hair becomes thinner and grows more slowly, and eventually disappears completely.

Datura is also used in animal husbandry. Fresh leaves are added to pig feed to speed up fat production. Herbal preparations help relieve spasms in cattle.


Despite all positive propertiesDatura remains one of the most poisonous plants in the world. Signs of an overdose are:

  • dilated pupils;
  • rapid pulse;
  • redness of the skin;
  • headache attack;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes.

If you find such symptoms, you should immediately rinse the stomach, take adsorbents and go to the hospital.

As soon as people hear the word - dope, cute flowers in the form of a pipe emerge in their minds, exuding a pleasant aroma. Looking at them from the outside, it is unlikely that the fact that the plant is poisonous will come to mind. Despite this, its majestic buds simply fascinate true nature lovers. But what if you lift the veil of misunderstanding and look at the flower from the objective side? Probably worth a try.

Practice shows that the use or close contact with dope leads to the appearance of vivid hallucinations. That is why shamans and witches used it for their magical rites to deceive people.

Lift the Veil of the Mysterious Flower

Datura is an evergreen herbaceous perennial. It grows in the tropical and subtropical zones of our planet. Feels comfortable in the steppe regions and hilly areas. In a cool climate, the flower is grown as an annual option. It is often found on wastelands and on roadsides. Loves moist soil, so it appears in the shade of buildings like a weed. On the Crimean peninsula, it is grown for medicinal purposes.

In accordance with various folk legends, the plant is called differently. Here is some of them:

  • angelic trumpets;
  • henbane;
  • devil's grass;
  • moonflower;
  • crazy grass;
  • foolish drunk;
  • thymus;
  • grass of sorcerers;
  • mad potion;
  • stupor grass.

Of course, the names are not very nice. In addition, the flower was used in pagan cults to communicate with demons. And ancient healers treated serious diseases with the plant. Be that as it may, if you follow the safety rules, dope can easily be grown in a summer cottage.

The flower is considered a representative of the Solanaceae genus. Its close relatives are quite pleasant plants. This is everyone's favorite potato juicy tomatoes or purple. Basically, Datura is a large grass that is distinguished by lodging or erect tubular shoots. They can reach a height of about 120 cm. Outside, the stems are covered with a glossy dark green or reddish bark. When the Datura grass ages, the basal shoots become lignified, acquiring a brownish color.

From the main trunk branches off, on which the next leaves are located large sizes (length about 15 cm, width about 10). They are either scalloped or oblong. The outside color is dark green. The back is usually more light colors... Interestingly, along the vein located in the center of the leaf, a strip is visible light tonewhich gives it a stylish look.

If you carefully consider the photo of a dope flower, you will notice that the buds originate in the axils of the leaf plate or at the forks of the shoots. The magnificent tubular inflorescences are composed of five delicate sectors. The depth of the funnel reaches about 15 cm.Some species can boast of bells 25 cm long. Buds appear with the arrival of the first summer days... The last inflorescences are pleasing to the eye in autumn, with the onset of frost. Datura flower can be painted in bright colors:

The original shape of the bud is in the form of a simple large bell with fused petals. Some species are distinguished by spiral-shaped complex inflorescences. It has been observed that the Datura plant does not always exude a pleasant aroma. Some varieties practically do not smell, but have an unsurpassed beauty of the buds.

Since the flower belongs to nocturnal plant species, you can admire its buds only after sunset or on cloudy days. When landing in a summer cottage, this fact should be taken into account.

When lush bloom passes, fruits are formed on the bushes in the form of large oblong bolls filled with seeds.
Outside they are covered with skin dark green with original spikes. Inner part the fetus is divided into 4 sectors.

In each of them are seeds of black color, round or kidney-shaped. The first boxes appear in July.

Enchanting views of the mysterious flower

Despite the fact that Datura is a poisonous plant, there are about 13 different types of it. But only a few of them are cultivated in summer cottages.

When symptoms such as redness occur skin, rapid heartbeat, sharp headache, dry mouth and dilated pupils, seek help.

Datura ordinary

An incredibly resilient plant, often mistaken for a weed, it can grow up to 120 cm in height. Its tubular erect shoots are covered with large leaves with cut edges. When Datura blooms, very few bell-shaped buds appear on it. white... But this does not prevent him from exuding an intoxicating aroma.

In its natural environment, the flower grows in wastelands, near low bushes, on forest edges and river meadows. As a medicinal plant, it is grown in the Kuban, as well as in the southern regions of Ukraine. The photo shows the common dope in its natural environment.

The dried leaves of the plant, which are harvested in sunny dry weather, are considered medicinal. Seeds are no less valuable. They are suitable after the fruit pods are fully ripe. It is necessary to store medicinal raw materials in a dry room for no more than 2 years.

Datura indian

This species can be found in the flower beds of summer cottages. The plant is a one meter high branched bush. Its large dark green foliage rests on long petioles. The shape of the plate is oblong. Datura Indian buds are different colors... Much depends on the species. Here is some of them:

Datura indian

This species is very poisonous. The inhabitants of the American continent used it as a sedative. Shamans of Indian tribes used in their rituals as a magic drug that causes hallucinations.

The leaves of the Indian dope are ovoid. The color is gray-green. The buds are of a simple or terry character. The maximum length of the inflorescence is about 13 cm.

Simple rules for flower care

Detailed description Datura herbs and photos show that the plant does not require much maintenance. It is enough to adhere to the basic rules, and mysterious flower will stay for a long time at their summer cottage.

If there is an opportunity to grow seedlings on your own, you can safely do this business. The best way - purchase it ready-made. Datura grass is planted in flower beds in early summer. The distance between the bushes is approximately 100 cm, so that each seedling has enough air, light and moisture.

In order not to damage the root of the plant when planting a flower, it is important to keep a small earthen lump on the seedlings.

The soil in the flower bed should be of a loose character with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. If the soil is acidic, you can add a little lime. The most suitable place is a sunny, windless area of \u200b\u200bthe yard.

Since Datura loves moderate humidity, it needs to be watered regularly. In this case, the water should not stagnate under the bush. The wide leaves of the plant need refreshing, so they should be sprayed periodically.

When the period of ejection of buds comes, it is advisable to feed the dope. Mineral fertilizers are diluted in water and then carefully applied to the soil. To stimulate the flowering of the bush, it is better to water it with hard water. And cut off the lower part of the plant. The procedure is performed in early spring or at the final stage of flowering.

With the onset of cold weather, perennial varieties of grass are completely cut off at the root.

The majestic dope flower, the photo and description of which attracts many fans, tolerates quite well various diseases.
The only problem is gray mold. It occurs when the plants are very densely planted. In rare cases, it can settle on the crown spider mite, bugs or weevils. Pest control is easy with insecticides.

In mid-latitudes, where severe winters prevail, Datura is grown in tubs. Some gardeners in the fall transplant the flower from open ground into deep containers. They are placed in a room where the maximum temperature is maintained at about 13 degrees. In wet weather, they are rarely watered. With the arrival of spring, the plant is taken out to warmer places, creating comfortable conditions... Thanks to the fulfillment of such simple rules, it is possible to contemplate the beauty of the "Angelic Trumpets" at your summer cottage throughout the season.

Want to surprise your friends? Plant datura - a large monumental annual with huge (up to 25 cm in diameter) bell-shaped flowers. The hybrid datura, despite its original appearance, is rather unpretentious, although it will not refuse good care. It can be grown by planting seedlings directly in the ground, or as a container plant, placing it on outdoor terrace or patio.

Growing datura

Datura is not difficult to grow, in general it has a long flowering period, although individual flowers wither rather quickly, but this is compensated by the abundance of buds on one plant. Since datura gives abundant self-seeding, the process of seed formation must be carefully monitored, cutting off the faded heads. If you want to leave the seeds for planting, then for this purpose, choose the fruits formed in the place of the very first flowers. And put the gauze bags over the seed heads so that they don't fall off. However, any online seed store has in its assortment planting material for every taste.

The splendor of the flowering of the datura is affected by the hardness of the irrigation water, it is recommended to shed the plant at least once a season lime mortar (1 g / 1 liter).

A powerful plant needs abundant feeding. You can use any complex mineral fertilizer (20 g / 10 l) and water it every week during the summer.

Reproduction of datura

Seed breeding method for datura Planting is carried out in early March in shallow plastic containers. A thin layer of peat is poured at the bottom, and then any fertile loose soil. The seeds are “covered” on top with a layer of compost no more than 5 mm thick, and on top it would still be nice to powder it with ash, cover the container with glass. The seeds germinate unevenly, the first ones appear on the 10-12th day, and the rest can germinate for about a month more. The ground should be constantly moderately moist. Seedling is useful for day and night temperature drops, with their help the plants are hardened. Seedlings dive once, deepening them to the level of cotyledon leaves. The plant is planted in the garden in late spring - early summer.

Reproduction of datura by cuttings is not difficult. They root both in the ground and in the water, after which they are planted in separate pots.

Soil mix for container culture datura

In the fall, a soil mixture is prepared for planting datura in containers. To do this, take humus, well-sifted garden soil and coarse river sand (2: 2: 1). Store the mixture in plastic bags under a canopy.

In the garden, it is better to plant datura in solitary plantings, where it will perform in all its glory. Do not forget that the datura is known under a different name - dope, which means that it has no place in the playground, and indeed where there are young children, since all parts of the plant are very poisonous.

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One of the most mysterious and legendary plants with amazingly beautiful tubular flowers is called Datura, which fully reflects its reputation as a powerful hallucinogen. The scientific classification is called datura (lat. Dature). Expressive, spreading and fragrant shrubs can bring southern, tropical notes to any planting. The pharmacological properties of the plant are still used today in classical and folk medicine, homeopathic practice. It is traditionally a popular source of various manipulations and legends in religious teachings and rituals, occultism.


Datura or Datura is a genus of plants in the Solanaceae family. These are tall grasses, in their natural habitat they grow like evergreen shrubs, are distinguished by large leaves, decorative fragrant flowers with a bell at the end. Due to cold winters, a perennial plant is grown in the gardens of the middle lane as a seasonal annual. It grows as a beautiful spreading bush, distinguished by large velvet leaves and spectacular tubular bell flowers.

Stem glabrous, erect, branched, hollow, triple-forked configuration. Sometimes it becomes reddish-violet at the base. It has a tap-branched root. The leaves are alternate, on long petioles, oval-pointed in shape. Top part dark green, lower lighter. Their size differs significantly on the same plant. Basal leaves are narrow, long, lanceolate, and have a shorter petiole.

Shoots can grow up to one and a half meters in length. The first powerful shoot bifurcates when it reaches a height of 30 cm, giving way to a conical bud, from which a tightly rolled flower is formed. It gradually grows in length, at the end unfolding into a large single funnel with a diameter of about 20 cm. The colors range from white to various shades of purple, yellow, cream. After the first flower, you need to wait for the next 1-2 weeks, they appear in the branching nodes, their number constantly increases and reaches a maximum by autumn, when several flowers bloom at the same time every night.

Flowers are single, large. The corolla is funnel-shaped. The calyx is pentahedral, toothed, long-tubular. Each of them blooms only one night, but the total bloom is very abundant before frost. Long funnels open only at dusk, filling the night air with an exotic scent.

The fruit is a large, four-celled, multi-seeded egg-shaped capsule with thorns. Datura bears fruit in August and September. Seeds are rounded, irregularly reniform, compressed, with a large, punctate surface, black in color. They have amazing endurance, do not lose germination for decades.

Datura structure

Types and varieties

There are many ordinary, double and semi-double forms - their classification is not quite well established, and until now is difficult. In ornamental plantations, there are mainly two species of plants of the genus datura.

Datura ordinary - in natural conditions at home, a weed, a powerful herb, an annual, reaches a height of 1.5 m. It is characterized by a smaller size of flowers, due to its weak decorativeness, it is rarely grown in cultivated plantings.

Datura indian - a very ornamental plant, a perennial that is grown as an annual. The bush is highly branched, the trunk is lignified at the very bottom, the petiole leaves are relatively large.

Indian datura varieties are represented by numerous hybrids.

Very popular variety series "Ballerina" with spectacular flowers of white, yellow, white-violet, purple color. Plants are relatively cold hardy.

Datature of the variety series "Ballerina"

A popular hybrid "Medea" with large white flowers of a simple shape, with bent edges, up to 15-20 cm long.

Datura indian or harmless occurs in the middle lane, is distinguished by single white flowers, is very poisonous, grown for medicinal purposes, has two subspecies.

Photo gallery of views

Growing and care

Datura is an unpretentious plant, it grows more in breadth than upward. In bright light, a beautiful lush bush, blooms profusely, at good care - until late autumn. In partial shade it looks much more modest, in deep shade it can lose leaves and even die.

During active growth large leaves evaporate a large amount of moisture, so the plant requires abundant regular watering. With a lack of moisture, the plant can shed all the leaves and buds, so you need to maintain the humidity of the surrounding air. It is especially important to keep the soil evenly moist. It should be well-drained, nutritious, rich in organic matter. Acidic soils are excluded.

Datura indian

The datura plant is so powerful that it is difficult to overfeed. Until the end of summer, top dressing should be a weekly full mineral fertilizer (20 g per 10 l), you can alternate mineral and organic fertilizers... For flowering, watering with hard water is recommended, as an option, let's say a single watering with milk of lime at a concentration of 1 g / l. From time to time, in order to avoid corrosion of the foliage, the leaves should be sprayed with warm water without admixtures of lime.

With a lack of water and nutrition, the folded tubules of the datura flowers may not bloom. Faded flowers must be removed. In place of flowers, by the fall, thorny fruits appear, resembling a nut. Seeds fully ripen for 1-2 months.

Datura plantings should not be thickened, the distance between individual bushes should be at least a meter. When growing and caring for datura, care should be taken - the plant is poisonous.

Semi-double form of datura


Datura is grown from seeds or cuttings.

  • Cuttings root in warm water or substrate in a couple of weeks. Healthy mature shoots with 2-3 nodes are suitable for propagation of datura by cuttings, an incision is made right under the node, the leaves are removed, the leaves that have withered during rooting are cut off by half. A clear bag and a warm place will ensure fast rooting. After the first leaves appear, after 10 days, you can remove the bag and let the plants acclimate. The substrate is prepared from a combination of vermiculite, peat, sphagnum and perlite. To accelerate the growth of cuttings, growth stimulants are used. When planting, moisten the substrate and slightly crush it. Cuttings are placed in a small depression up to the first leaf.
  • The seeds are quite large, of various shapes, sown on seedlings in spring, 10 weeks before the last frost. Special attention deserves preparation planting material... The seeds are placed in a container of a suitable size, poured with warm water, left for half an hour, the emerging specimens are discarded, the water is drained, the seeds are dried. If desired, the seeds are soaked in a growth promoter.

Ripe fruit with seeds

To grow datura from seeds, they can be harvested on their own - the achenes are tied with gauze so as not to miss the moment of opening the fruits and raining the seeds.

How to plant dope seedlings? A little peat is added to the container at the bottom, and soil mixture is added on top. Seeds spread out on the surface are sprinkled with a thin layer of compost. At first, they exclude the access of light by covering the crops, or by moving them into dark place... Seedlings are expected after 2-4 weeks. Germination temperature from 10-12, optimal 25 C. After the first shoots appear, the container is transferred to a sufficiently lighted place. Water the seedlings, cover with glass. Crops are often ventilated, glass is wiped. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, the seedlings dive, planting them in separate pots, and buried in the ground.

In early June, the plant is transferred to the ground, before which the seedlings are gradually hardened. By the time of planting in an open place, the seedlings should reach 15 cm in height. It is important to preserve the roots when transplanting.

Young plants obtained in any way, from cuttings, all the more, bloom in the first year, with early spring sowing - from the second half of summer. Autumn seedlings do not hibernate in the ground. Once planted, Datura is easily self-seeding. Hybrid varieties lose their characteristics during self-sowing.

Seedling datura


In the middle lane, datura is considered a tub plant, so it spends summer outdoors, and winter in a cool room, with good lighting, high humidity, protected from drafts. If there is no suitable space, you can restrict planting with ordinary white dope, which grows successfully by self-seeding.

The plant successfully hibernates in a light room with a temperature not higher than 16 C, optimally 10-12 C. With a warmer content, the shoots of the datura stretch out and weaken. In winter, water is rarely watered, slightly maintaining the moisture content of the substrate. A certain amount of leaves may fall off, but under optimal conditions, the plant will not only completely retain the leaves, but may even bloom. During the winter, shoots grow from awakening buds. Winter buds weaken the plant and are best removed immediately. Losing part of the leaves in winter, plants in the spring definitely need pruning.

Datura can be grown in a tub as a perennial plant

The overwintered plant in February-March, before the beginning of the growing season, is transferred to a fresh substrate, shortening the shoots. A substrate of greenhouse, clay-soddy soil, sand, proportion 2: 4: 1, is recommended, humus, peat, sand can be combined equally. It is important to provide a drain and a drainage hole. Large plants change upper layer land.

Diseases, pests

Datura is quite resistant to diseases and pests. Unfavorable conditions increase the likelihood of being damaged by pests: aphids, red spider mites. Threats are also posed by: forest bug, weevil, whitefly.

Of the diseases, the most common is gray rot.

Datura is self-sufficient, against the background of the lawn

Use in landscape design

Datura can be grown in group, single plantings, effectively filling the background of mixborders. Branched bushes with noticeable flowers will adorn any flower garden, while filling the garden with aroma. Indian datura is good as a potted, container specimen.

Datura creeps along the ground rather than stretches in height. This sprawling plant can be used in plantings, covering empty spaces after the flowering of early-flowering perennials, from which practically nothing remains in the middle of summer. To raise the "soaring" flowers of dope to eye level, you can build a support from several branches.

Datature in landscape

The Datura plant has taken root all over the world, not least due to its various pharmacological properties. Its psychotropic effect and anti-asthmatic effect are widely used. It is a natural drug, antidote, antidepressant, prophylactic agent from rabies, tetanus.

It is a tall herbaceous plant that looks like a bush - strong, stable with thick dark leaves and fragrant flowers in the form of complex original funnels, has a bright appearance and a catchy name - Datura, the Latin name Datura (datura).

Among all peoples, it is called devilish, witchcraft and magical because of its heady aroma, the ability to cause hallucinations and strong toxicity.

Datura herb - photo and botanical description

Datura belongs to the nightshade family. It can be either annual or perennial. It grows up to one and a half meters.

The stem is hollow inside, dense and erect, forked-branched. Often mild woodiness.

Taproot, has many branches. Perennials are very large and voluminous. In annuals, it is often woody to support a heavy shrub.

Leaves - bright green, alternate, on cuttings. They often have an odor that many describe as unpleasant.

Flowers from 5 to 25 cm, looking up, look like bells. They bloom in nature for 1-2 days, in cultivated species the flowering was extended to 2-4 days. Different colors - white, purple, red, cream. Pollinated by nocturnal insects or independently. The smell is not strong, pleasant, smells at dusk and at night. Abundant flowering due to the large number of flowers on the bush, lasts from early summer to winter.

The fruit is a box with 4 leaves. Large thorns are located on the surface. The seeds are black and brown. One datura flower can bring about 50 thousand seeds per season. This helps the Datura to have a large area, it is easy to capture new territories.

All types of datura contain alaloids, because of which they are cultivated on an industrial scale. The content of alkaloid substances in a plant increases with the improvement of living conditions by almost 3 times.

The flower is widespread throughout the world - it grows in the tropics and subtropics. It is believed that man, by his activities and movements, has spread the dope all over the world. Almost on every continent there is a kind of dope, characteristic of this area, so disputes about the homeland of the datura continue.

IN folk descriptions dope-herbs call it "mad potion", since all parts of the plant are poisonous. Since ancient times, enemies and rivals have been eliminated with its help.

Poisoning with datura alkaloids leads to over-excitement of the nervous system with increased heart rate, overexcitation, meaningless laughter and pathological activity. They are replaced by apathy, hallucinations, delirium. During sleep, vivid visions continue, often of a sexual nature.

Awakening is accompanied by a hangover syndrome and an inability to remember what happened the day before.

In case of poisoning, you should drink a lot, take sorbents, it will be useful to consult a doctor.

"Devil's Grass", as Castaneda called the flower, is widely used in religious and mystical cults around the world to induce trance, zombies.

Consequences and symptoms of poisoning with dope seeds, photo:

Types and varieties

Despite its toxicity, the plant is widely cultivated. It is grown in summer cottages and flower beds. There are many varieties of datura that have a delicate and pleasant scent.

IN warm countries all over the world, Datura is spread like a weed, everywhere.


Datura stramonium (Datura stramonium) - grows in Russia on soft soils along roads in the southeast, including the Saratov and Volgograd regions. Loves moisture, with good conditions reaches 1.5 meters. Flowering is observed in June-August.

Indian Datura (Datura metel) appeared in the north of India, now this species has settled in wildlife South America and throughout Asia. The plant is widely grown commercially due to its high alkaloids content. The leaves are high in atropine. The main producers are African countries and India.

Bushes reach 5 meters. Perennial plants live no more than 3 years. The panicle has flowers in yellow, purple and white.

Indian (Datúra innóxia) - grows in America - Central and South. Very similar to Indian. Has villi on the leaves and stem gray, which makes the whole plant look grayish. Flowers after full blooming begin to slope down. Blooms until late winter.

Other types of dope:

  • Datura ceratocaula;
  • Datura ferox;
  • Datura wrightii.

For growing in gardens and flower beds use different types datura. Despite the short flowering period, the bushes remain for a long time beautiful due to the large number of buds blooming in turn.

The following varieties of datura are cultivated:

  • Datura stramonium f. inermis;
  • Datura metel Fastuosa;
  • Datura Tatul;
  • Datura metel Atrocarmina;
  • Datura metel var rubra form rubra.

Popular varieties in domestic stores are named:

  • White knight;
  • Yellow knight;
  • Terry giant;
  • The ballerina is yellow;
  • Lilac terry;
  • Terry ballerina.

Datura varieties Troubadour, Medea (see photo) are not so whimsical, easy to plant and care for, have smooth, simple flowers.



Flower beds are also decorated with dope, grown on household plots... The plant is also suitable for decorating winter gardens, it can be grown in greenhouses and apartments. For indoor breeding, remember that he will have to select a whole corner and plant in a large pot.


Datura grass grows everywhere, because it is easily propagated by self-sowing seeds. Cultivars are used to breed datura at home, but they are just as easily bred from seed.

The plant has a long germination period, which can take 10-30 days. In the southern regions, sowing datura can be carried out in open ground, in the middle lane, seedlings are prepared, as for eggplants and tomatoes. For planting outside, the soil temperature must reach 18 °.

Seeds should be sown in mid-March.

To do this, use the following soil composition:

  • garden soil - 3 parts;
  • humus -2;
  • sand -1.

Before sowing, the usual pest control and germination stimulation procedures are carried out. The seed is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, fungicide against fungi. You can also pour the seeds hot water to accelerate germination.

The seeds are buried 0.5 cm into moist soil, which must be covered with foil or paper to provide heat, retain moisture and enhance germination. Excess moisture is harmful to the seeds, but the clod should be moderately moist at all times.

Some people prefer to wait for the seeds to hatch in water or a damp cloth before they are sent into the soil. Seedlings dive after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves.

Seedlings are planted in the ground when the threat of frost has passed, usually at the end of May - June. The neck of the root is not buried. We must not forget that dope bushes are large - the distance between plants is 0.5-1 m.

If the temperature drops significantly, the seedlings should be covered with foil, and the pots should be moved indoors.

Planting datura seeds for seedlings, video:


Propagation by cuttings is not difficult - the roots appear quickly. Cuttings 15-20 cm in size are cut from the bush, put in water at the end of summer and wait for the roots to grow back. After that, they are planted in pots.

Datura hibernates indoors, at the beginning of summer it is transferred to the ground.

Growing and care

Planting and caring for dope does not require much work and is within the power of any grower, even an inexperienced one. Datura grows well on compost heaps in loose, moist soil.

Basic rules for growing:

  1. Regular watering. In hot weather, watered daily, in cool weather - every other day. Only in this case will flowering be abundant. Watering requires hard water with an excess of calcium to form the ovaries.
  2. During the period high humidity and lowering the temperature, watering is stopped to prevent fungal infection.
  3. Withered flowers must be removed so that the dope does not waste energy on ripening the seeds, but produces new buds.
  4. If seeds are needed, leave the first flowers. To prevent the seeds from scattering from the ripe box, it must be fixed with gauze.
  5. Top dressing is carried out once every 1-2 weeks in turn with organic and mineral fertilizers. If the soil is highly oxidized, you can treat it with milk of lime.
  6. Datura loves sunny open spaces and is not afraid of burns. With a lack of light, the flowering is reduced, the bush stretches, lengthens.
  7. Old shoots, on which buds are no longer formed, and all flowers have withered, need to be cut off.

Something to keep in mind when growing: Datura is a poisonous plant. It is dangerous for people and pets. For small children who are interested in flowers and pull everything into their mouths, increased caution should be taken. It may be worth choosing in this case other ways to decorate the site.

All parts of the plant are poisonous - leaves, seeds, roots, flowers. If the juice gets on the skin, it should be washed well with soap. The consequences of poisoning are very unpleasant.


In our latitudes, the plant cannot overwinter in the open field. If you don't want to plant seeds every year, you can keep the plant in a pot indoors. To do this, the bush in early autumn is well cut and transplanted into a large pot.

In winter, the plant is watered no more than once a week; there is no need to feed the dope. The recommended temperature of the content is not more than 20 °. Experienced flower growers advise to carry out cuttings in April-May, to plant not only the bush itself, but also young seedlings from cuttings.

If the plant has dropped seeds, on next year self-sowing shoots should be expected.

Diseases, pests

Most pests bypass dope.

A plant in conditions of high temperatures and a lack of surface watering and spraying can affect:

  • spider mite;
  • whitefly.

A single treatment of the bushes with an agent such as Aktofit or a simple soap solution is enough.

With high humidity, infection with a fungus can occur, which can destroy the bush. It is necessary to reduce watering, ensure the drying of the earthy coma, and treat the soil and plant with a fungicide.

Using datura in landscape design

Datura bushes of any variety have a beautiful appearance due to the combination of bright juicy greenery and large flowers. Abundant flowering for a long time makes the plant a real decoration of the site.

The date is planted on the lawn and in pots, which can be transferred to the desired location. Curtains are decorated with seedlings of different colors to create flower beds.

Daturants look good in the composition. Choice the right combination different varieties plants will keep the flower bed in a constantly blooming state.

Datura is planted next to early flowers - daffodils, tulips, which by the time of active growth and blooming of the buds are already fading.

Planting bushes along the path is not worth it because of the toxicity. It is better to deepen the plant inside the plot, lawn.

Plants look good against the background of shrubs - lilacs, hydrangeas, jasmine. Before the datura, low grassy flowers look good - cornflowers, marigolds, creeping herbs.

Some varieties of dope with terry, large, beautifully colored flowers can decorate resting places with constant flowering without any decoration.

Datura flowers, photo:

Where to buy Datura seeds?

The seeds ripen almost 2 months after bud formation. Buying datura seeds is easier than growing it yourself. They are sold in seed stores and large retail chains by the beginning of the planting season.

You can order datura seeds via the Internet in stores: First seeds, Semenapost, and others.

The cost of 4-5 dope seeds with beautiful double flowers is 20-70 rubles.

Growing datura at home and outdoors is an interesting and easy task. The plant is dangerous only for children. Long period flowering, beautiful greenery, stable strong bushes that do not require a garter, make dope a real find for all growers.