Cornflowers (flowers): description, useful properties. Cornflower meadow and blue in folk medicine: description, procurement and useful properties

Weed herbaceous plant blue cornflower is a member of the Asteraceae family and possesses medicinal properties... It can almost always be found in the fields sown with rye, wheat, flax, potatoes and other crops, on the roadsides, along the forest belts. In addition to spontaneous distribution, cornflowers are also grown specifically for decorative purposes and the manufacture of medicines.

The main plant material used in folk medicine, are the flowers of blue cornflower. They don't have much big sizes, colored blue or light blue, appear in late spring and persist until the end of autumn. For some diseases, plant seeds are also used for medicinal purposes, which ripen by the end of summer.

Botanical description

The flowers of blue cornflower, according to the description of the botanical characteristics of the plant, are collected in single baskets, the diameter of which does not exceed 3 cm. They have a common envelope formed by membranous brown leaves with a tiled arrangement. Small flowers in a basket are divided into two types: marginal and internal. Flowers located at the edges of the pedicel are blue, funnel-shaped and asexual. The inner flowers are bright and deep blue-violet, tubular and bisexual.

The fruits of a blue cornflower are an ashen or gray-yellow obovate achene. It has a smooth, shiny surface. At one end of it there is a rufous crest of stiff bristly hairs, the length of which is slightly shorter than the length of the fruit itself (2.5 - 4 mm).

The stem is erect, branched and can reach 1 m, but usually its height is no more than 80 cm. The arrangement of leaves on the stem is consistent. They have a narrow and elongated shape, solid in the upper part of the stem, and lobed at the bottom. The stem and leaves are covered with fine cobweb hairs. The plant has a very developed root system, represented by a thin taproot.

Healing properties of the plant

Folk recipes based on blue cornflower are effective in the treatment of many diseases, due to the wide spectrum of pharmacological activity of the compounds found in its composition. Among them:

  • glycosides (anthocyanins);
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, beta-carotene);
  • essential oils;
  • minerals (potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, calcium);
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids, etc.

Important: The quantitative composition in a plant of certain compounds that have a biological effect may differ depending on the place of its growth.

Folk remedies from blue cornflower have medicinal properties and have the following effect on the body:

  • antipyretic and anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • relaxing and antispasmodic;
  • diaphoretic and diuretic;
  • wound healing and regenerating;
  • antioxidant;
  • choleretic;
  • antimicrobial.

Cornflower blue as a medicinal plant is taken in the composition complex treatment colds, diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, nephritis, urethritis, urolithiasis), to relieve edema resulting from disorders in the cardiovascular system or kidneys. Its reception helps to cleanse the body of harmful and toxic substances, remove excess fluid and burn fat.

The choleretic effect of cornflower flowers improves digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They are used for diseases of the biliary tract, liver, jaundice, helminthic invasions, as well as to improve appetite in the composition herbal preparations or by themselves.

Means from the flowers and seeds of the plant are used externally for diseases of the skin, joints and eyes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, fatigue, impaired twilight vision).

The beneficial properties of blue cornflower are also used for cosmetic purposes. Funds based on it improve the condition and appearance skin around the eyes, face and neck, strengthens hair and prevents hair loss.

Ways to use cornflower

In folk medicine, marginal flowers or, less often, cornflower seeds are used for medicinal purposes. The collection and preparation of raw materials is carried out in the summer. First, the flower baskets are completely cut off, and then only the marginal flowers are carefully pulled out of them by hand. The raw materials obtained in this way are laid out on paper in a layer up to 2 cm in height and dried in a dark, ventilated place. The dried flowers are placed in glass jars or cloth bags and used as needed. Shelf life is maximum two years in dry dark place.

Important: When cornflower flowers come into contact with the sun's rays, they gradually lose their color and a significant part healing properties... Such raw materials become unusable for medicinal purposes.

The flowers of blue cornflower have been used in folk medicine as a separate remedy in the form of decoctions, infusions and tinctures, and as part of herbal preparations prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system, digestive tract, hypertension.

Infusion of flowers

Cornflower infusion has antibacterial, choleretic and diuretic effects. It is prepared using the following technology:

  1. Flowers in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. placed in a small saucepan (enameled) and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Cover the pan with a lid and place it in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. The resulting infusion is gradually cooled to room temperature.
  4. The flowers are filtered off, squeezed out.
  5. Boiled water is added to the solution in such an amount that the total volume is 200 ml.
The received medicinal product is taken in 20 ml in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Decoction of flowers

A decoction of cornflower flowers is used for diseases of the eyes of an inflammatory nature and for colds, accompanied by a cough. The saponins that are part of the flowers have an expectorant effect, therefore, facilitate the passage of phlegm.

To obtain a decoction 1 tsp. thoroughly chopped flowers pour 0.25 liters of boiling water and boil for 4–5 minutes. Then the agent is infused for 1 hour, filtered and taken for laryngitis, sore throat or bronchitis, 40 ml several times a day.

Alcohol tincture of flowers

  1. Dried raw materials are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 10 with alcohol or vodka.
  2. The container with the resulting mixture is tightly closed and infused for 14 days, shaking daily.
  3. Drink 20-30 drops at a time with water.

External use

As an external agent, blue cornflower flowers have been used for irritation skin, rash, diathesis, allergic dermatosis, boils. Compresses, lotions are made from the decoction of the plant, or they simply wipe the affected areas on the skin.

In the form of lotions, cornflower is used for eye diseases. To receive funds 1 tbsp. l. flowers are poured with 0.4 liters of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour, cooled and filtered. With conjunctivitis, such lotions are used up to 8 times a day.

Recommendation: To relieve fatigue and tone the body, you can take a bath with cornflower flowers. Previously, half a glass of flowers, together with baskets, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave the mixture to infuse for half an hour. The mixture is then filtered and added to a bath with a water temperature of about 37 ° C.

In case of baldness, it is recommended to rub a warm, freshly prepared infusion of flowers into the hair roots, as well as the scalp. A product made from 1 tbsp has a good effect with such a problem. l. plant flowers, 250 ml of boiling water and 250 ml of 9% table vinegar. The mixture is insisted for half an hour, filtered and rubbed into the hair roots.

If you add 20 ml of alcohol or vodka to the infusion, you get a lotion that can be used to treat oily skin. For the preparation of the infusion, in this case, both dry and freshly picked flowers are used.

Application of cornflower seeds

Cornflower blue seeds are effective remedy when fighting warts. They are dried and applied to neoplasms. They can also be used together with the crushed leaves of the plant as compresses to speed up wound healing.

Cornflower flowers are pleasant and cute annual or perennial flowers that adorn any territory. Thanks to breeders, a huge number of various species and varieties have been bred. The areas where these plants are planted look attractive, and they are also pleasant to spend time on, relieving fatigue and irritation from the eyes.

Types and varieties of cornflowers

To the main types this flower include undersized and tall cornflowers.

Stunted cornflowers

These species look good in various flower beds, flower arrangements, rock gardens or rockeries. They look good if they are seated along the path. The stunted flowers include the beautiful cornflower, which is a perennial plant that blooms in early summer. He has not only blue flowers, but also pink, purple or gray.

Cornflower mountain is equipped with large flowers blue or magenta.

A whitewashed cornflower equipped with large pink flowers is also considered in demand.

Tall cornflowers

They can reach a height of one meter. They are often used in the background to decorate different flower beds or flower beds. Often, with their help, unusual and bright accents are made. TO popular varieties is the large-headed cornflower with medium-sized yellow flowers.

Annual cornflowers are presented in different types... The most popular is the musky flower, which has an unsurpassed and pleasant aroma... It is recommended to grow it in well-lit areas of the territory.

Field cornflowers are perennial or biennial, and they are a real decoration in any field.

Planting cornflowers

If you plan to grow cornflowers on private territory, then they should be planted in the spring. It is necessary to choose a time when the soil is well warmed up, since it is not allowed to freeze the plants.

Important! The best time for this is the end of April and the beginning of May.

During planting cornflowers, the main recommendations are taken into account:

  • the process can be carried out in any soil, since cornflowers are unpretentious to the soil;
  • before planting, the earth will certainly loosen;
  • it is advisable to plant the segments together with the soil, and the offspring should be equipped with rhizomes;
  • cornflowers are distinguished by developed rhizomes, therefore, by all means, a rather considerable distance is left between them so that the plants do not cause discomfort to each other;
  • during planting, the roots are carefully straightened out.

Cornflower care

Cornflower flowers are unpretentious, so they do not need to provide specific care.

Only simple actions are performed as standard:

  • competent watering of cornflowers in the absence of regular natural precipitation;
  • elimination of weeds that impede the optimal growth of flowers;
  • the topsoil is periodically dug up;
  • if there are wilted flowers, then they are removed, otherwise the flower bed will look unattractive;
  • if cornflowers are grown for cutting, then complex fertilizers are applied twice a month;
  • when identifying spider mite, the infected plants are cut off.

Thus, caring for cornflowers is considered so simple that it does not cause any difficulties even for novice gardeners.

Important! If a standard field cornflower is simply planted on the territory, then it does not need to provide any care at all.

Growing cornflowers

These flowers are grown on outdoors, and it is advisable to choose areas that are well lit by the sun.

Important! Cornflower is a freedom-loving flower and should not be grown in pots.

For optimal growth and development, a distance of about 30 cm is left between the plants. Although there are no specific requirements for the soil, it is recommended to focus on fertile soil for better plant growth and flowering.

Reproduction of cornflowers

Cornflower multiplies different ways, which include:

  • using root cuttings;
  • by dividing the bush;
  • using high quality and properly prepared seeds.

Cornflower seeds are planted in the spring, and after that it is necessary to thin out the beds well. If cuttings are used or a bush is divided, then the process is implemented in early autumn. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the roots in water, and the shoots are slightly shortened.

Important! If a plot is used, then for a successful planting process, it must have more than three buds.

Watering cornflowers

Cornflowers are plants that do not require a significant amount of moisture, so only moderate watering is provided.

Summer rains are usually enough for this, but if the summer is dry, then the plants are periodically watered with a small amount of water. Cornflowers do not tolerate excessive moisture.

Soil for cornflowers

There are no special requirements for it, but it is best to choose light loams. It is desirable that the acidity of the soil is neutral. Before planting cornflowers, the ground is well loosened.

Important! If there is acidic soil on the territory, then limestone is introduced into it.

Clay soils are certainly lightened by adding an optimal amount of sand to them.

Rules for feeding cornflowers

Important! It is not allowed to overdo it with feeding cornflowers, as otherwise the leaves will turn ugly yellow.

If perennials are planted on the territory, then they should be fed in the autumn, so that they become resistant to low temperatures.

The specifics of pruning cornflowers

To make the flowers attractive and interesting, faded cornflowers are cut off. This process can be done in a high or low fashion. In the first case, the stems are cut directly under the inflorescences, and in the second case, the stem is completely cut off, so only 10 cm of the flower remains.

The high method is considered the most relevant, and after work the bushes look really neat, attractive and fluffy.

Diseases and pests of cornflowers

Perennial varieties of cornflowers have high resistance to various infections or pests. However, they are exposed negative impact fungi or mites.

Fusarium is a common disease of cornflowers, and it is quite simple to define it, since the leaves turn yellow quickly, and they also begin to fall off soon. Damaged leaves are promptly cut off, and the trunk is treated with a special protective solution.

The cornflower is also exposed to the spider mite. The pest leaves small spots on the leaves that have different sizes and colors, and after that the leaves begin to turn yellow quickly. Damaged flower elements are cut off, and all cornflowers are sprayed with a special medicine.

Thus, cornflower flowers are interesting and attractive plants that will look great on the territory, a flower bed or on various unusual flower arrangements. They are easy to plant, care for and reproduce, so even a novice florist can cope with these processes.

Centaurea cyanus
Taxon: The Astrov family ( Asteraceae) or Compositae ( Compositae)
Popular names: hair, blue flower, blavat, patchwork, rye patchwork, blue, cyanosis, cyanosis
English: Cornflower

The generic name comes from Greek kentaureion, which is associated with the name of the centaur Chiron, Greek kyanos- blue.

The blue cornflower is a one- or biennial plant with a thin tap-branched root. The stem is erect, branched, up to 80 cm in height. Lower leaves trifoliate or pinnate, less often whole, petiolate, dying off by the time of flowering. The rest of the leaves are sessile, linear, entire. Flowers in single large baskets with a diameter of about 3 cm on long leafless peduncles. The marginal flowers are asexual, with blue funnel-shaped deep five-incised corollas up to 2 cm long; median - bisexual, 5 stamens, anthers fused into a tube, a pistil with two stigmas with purple tubular five-toothed corollas up to 1 cm long. apex, crest, equal in length to the achene, consists of unequal reddish or violet stiff bristly hairs, easily breaks off. Blooms from May to August. Bears fruit in August.

Cornflower is unpretentious, grows everywhere, but best of all - on moist, lime-rich soils. It is a weed plant of rye fields and other plants (wheat, flax, alfalfa) of the European part of Russia. These flowers can be grown not only in the garden, but also in boxes on the balcony or outside window sills.

Collection and procurement:
For medical purposes, they use the edge blue flowers of cornflowers without baskets. They are harvested during flowering in June-July, as soon as the flower basket blooms. Border and partly tubular flowers are plucked from the flower basket. Dried immediately after harvest in the shade in a well-ventilated room or in a dryer, scattered in a thin layer at a temperature of 40-50 ° C, turning occasionally. At sunlight marginal flowers from blue become whitish and lose their valuable qualities. Such raw materials are rejected. Dried raw cornflower blue is odorless, it has a bright blue color and a bitter astringent taste. The moisture content of the finished raw material is allowed no more than 14%, flower baskets no more than 1%, which have lost their blue color no more than 8%. Store in closed boxes or glass jars 2 years.

Chemical composition:
The main active ingredients are anthocyanins: cyanidin and pelargonidin diglucosides, as well as phenol and flavone derivatives - apigenin, luteolin, quercetin and kaempferol. The marginal flowers of the baskets of blue cornflower contain the glycoside centaurin. The flowers also contain pelargonin chloride, anthocyanins, coumarins, saponins, sterols, resinous, pectin and tannins, carotene and ascorbic acid... And also salts of potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and trace elements: manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, chromium, nickel, vanadium, aluminum, selenium, lead, strontium, boron. The seeds of blue cornflower contain up to 28% fatty oils.

Pharmacological properties:
Cornflower preparations have a diuretic, diaphoretic, antipyretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, mild laxative, anti-febrile, wound-healing effect. They relieve spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs, stimulate appetite and improve digestion.

Application in medicine:
It is used internally for colds, coughs, edema of renal and cardiac origin, inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, to improve digestion, with constipation, stomach pain, palpitations. Blue cornflower is used as a lotion for eye diseases: night blindness, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, visual impairment, and also as an anti-febrile remedy. Cornflower is useful for jaundice, colic, bilious fever, gout, mourning, worms.

Medicinal preparations:
Infusion of cornflower flowers: one tsp dry cornflower flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted without boiling for 30 minutes, cooled, filtered. Apply in 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals with cough, whooping cough, used as an antipyretic agent for acute respiratory infections, fevers, headache, kidney, liver, bladder, biliary tract, pancreas, gastritis, colitis, palpitations, for stimulating appetite and improving digestion.
Cornflower broth: boil 1 liter of boiling water 5 g of grass with root, boil until half of the original volume remains in the dish. Then strain the broth and take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before serving (drink warm). The course of treatment is 5-6 weeks.
With eye diseases
Infusion of cornflower flowers: brew 200 ml of boiling water 1-2 tsp. flowers (dry or fresh), insist 1 hour, then strain and use as lotions 6-8 times a day for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
Treatment will be more successful if you drink 50 g of infusion of flowers 3 times a day, 15-20 minutes after eating.
The same infusion can be used to treat "night blindness" - a disease associated with impaired twilight vision. Use as a lotion for conjunctivitis.
For eye inflammation, the following collection of herbs taken in equal parts is also effective: cornflower (flowers), Snapdragon(flowers), eyebright (herb), herbaceous elder (flowers). It is necessary to prepare an infusion from this mixture: pour 2 tbsp. l. collecting 200 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 6-8 hours. Use for instillation in the eyes and lotions. The course of treatment is several months.
For conjunctivitis, mix: cornflower (flowers) - 2 parts; rosehip (flowers) - 1 part; medicinal chamomile (flowers) - 1 part; large plantain (leaves) - 1 part; Elderberry herb (flowers) - 1 part. Pour 3 tbsp. l. 200 ml of boiling water of this mixture, insist until cooling and strain through cheesecloth and cotton wool. Instill 3 drops in both eyes 1 time per day.
With lacrimation, pour 1 tbsp. l. cornflower flowers 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Use this infusion for lotions.
You can make lotions on sore eyes from a broth of cornflower flowers, brew 200 ml of boiling water for 1 tsp. flowers and insist in a thermos for 6-8 hours. With the same broth, filtered through cotton wool, bury the eyes (4-5 drops).
Infusion of cornflower flowers: 1 tsp. flowers 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes and filter. Take 50-100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals as a diuretic for edema of renal and cardiac origin, as well as for inflammation of the bladder and kidneys.
For edema due to heart failure, an infusion of a mixture of herbs is used as a diuretic: cornflower (flowers) - 10 g; beans (sash) - 15 g birch (buds) - 15 g; corn (stigmas) - 15 g; (leaves) - 15 g; hernia (grass) - 10 g; horsetail (grass) - 10 g. Pour 4 tbsp. l. This mixture is 1 liter of warm water, insisted for 12 hours, boiled for 10 minutes and filtered. Drink in a warm form, 100 ml 4 times a day, 1 hour after meals.
With dropsy an infusion of cornflowers is recommended, which is prepared as follows: pour 1-2 tsp. flowers 200 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour and filter. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.
With kidney disease and urinary tract as a diuretic, an infusion of herbs is used: cornflower (flowers) - 15 g; bearberry (leaves) -45 g; juniper (berries) - 15 g. Pour 1 tbsp. l. 200 ml of boiling water of this mixture, insist for 20 minutes and filter. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.
With urinary retention due to inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs, it is recommended to use a hot decoction from the following mixture of herbs: cornflower petals (10 g); elderberry root (15 g); corn stigmas (10 g); bearberry leaves (15 g); horsetail herbs (5 g); hernia herbs (10 g); birch buds (15 g).
Pour 4 tbsp. l. (with top) of this mixture 1 l cold water, insist during the night, and boil in the morning for 5-7 minutes. The whole broth is drunk in 5 doses per day.
With urolithiasis in folk medicine, cornflower is used in the following collection of herbs: cornflower (flowers) - 15 g; walnut (leaves) - 10 g; stinging nettle (leaves) - 10 g; calendula (flowers) - 10 g; horsetail (grass) - 10 g; violet tricolor
(grass) -20g; succession (grass) -15 g; veronica (grass) - 10 g. Pour 4 tbsp. l. (with top) a mixture of 1 liter of raw water, infused for 8-10 hours, then boiled for 5-7 minutes and filtered. Drink 5 times a day.
Cornflower for cardiovascular diseases
With hypertension traditional medicine recommends the following collection: cornflower (flowers) - 15 g; hawthorn (fruit) - 15 g; chokeberry (fruits) - 15 g; horsetail (grass) - 15 g; yarrow (herb) - 15 g; white mistletoe (leaves) - 15 g; valerian (root) - 15 g. Pour 1 tbsp. l. 200 ml of boiling water of this mixture, insist for 30 minutes and filter. Take 70 g 3 times a day after meals.
Cornflower for diseases of the liver and biliary tract
With stones in the liver traditional medicine uses cornflowers as part of the following collection: cornflower (flowers) - 20 g; medicinal dandelion (root) - 10 g; nettle (root) - 10 g; calendula (flowers) - 40 g; sweet clover (grass) - 30 g. Pour 1 tbsp. l. of this mixture 1 liter of boiling water, put 4-5 pieces of sugar, stir and insist for 1 hour. Take 200 ml 4-5 times a day before meals.
With diseases of the liver and biliary tract apply a tincture of cornflower flowers. For its preparation, 30 g of cornflower flowers are insisted in 300 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka in a dark place for 10 days. Take 30 drops 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.
Cornflower for wounds and fractures
The juice and essence from the blue cornflower stem has a wound healing effect. Cornflower leaf powder is also an effective wound healing agent.
In case of bone fractures, the grass and cornflower flowers are finely ground and mixed with thorn juice. Take 1-2 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. l. within 8 days.
Cornflower for skin diseases
To cleanse the blood for skin diseases, for abscesses and furunculosis, the following collection of herbs is used: cornflower (flowers) - 15 g; calendula (flowers) - 10 g; walnut (leaves) - South; nettle (leaves) - 10 g; horsetail (grass) - 10 g; violet tricolor (grass) - 20 g; succession (grass) - 15 g; veronica (grass) - 10 g. Pour 4 tbsp. l. of this mixture 1 liter of water, insist overnight, boil in the morning for 5-7 minutes and filter. Drink the entire dose per day in 5 doses. The course of treatment is 6 weeks.
Cornflower is also used in the form of infusions and liquid extracts in 40% alcohol 1:10.
If you throw a flower into a fire and then look at the sky, it will begin to seem as if the stars are moving. Breathing in the smoke from a burnt cornflower creates fear.

Poisonous. The plant contains active compounds with a cyanic component. Therefore, when using raw materials, care must be taken.

Use on the farm:
For economic purposes, you can get a persistent blue dye from flowers and blue for woolen fabrics. In the diet, flowers and seeds of cornflower are used. Flowers are added to the first, second courses, gravies, sauces. Seed powder is used as a seasoning for soups, borscht, gravy for meat, fish.

A bit of history:
In myths Ancient Greece told about Hecate - the progenitor of all poisoners, about the wise centaur Chirons, who knew healing powers of all herbs and communicated this knowledge to Apollo. According to the myth, Apollo asked Chiron to raise his son Asclepius, the patron saint of doctors and medical art. On Mount Pelion, Chiron taught Asclepius to recognize medicinal plants, and soon the capable student surpassed his teacher. In memory of the first, albeit a mythological herbal healer, the centaur Chirons, two genera of plants belonging to different botanical families are called "centaurs". This is a cornflower - Centaurea and centaury - Centaurium, and the family of gussets in Latin is named in honor of Asclepius - Asclepiadaceae.
Pliny claimed that this plant expels evil spirits. From a magical point of view, the powers of this plant are increased if you read the words of the spell over it before collecting.

Photos and illustrations:

Cornflowers are flowers that have been known to us from childhood from fairy tales and legends. Herbalists, on the other hand, appreciate them as a useful and valuable remedy for many diseases. In addition, it is a gentle meadow dweller who simply gives beauty to those around him. But, besides the meadow, he calmly takes root in the garden, which gives great pleasure to the florists.

Cornflower flower. Description

The name of this plant comes from the mythological creature of the centaur Chiron, who was famous for the art of healing with herbs. Cornflowers are flowers that belong to the Asteraceae family. It is a herbaceous plant with recumbent or erect stems. It can grow up to 120 cm. Its inflorescence is in the shape of a basket, which looks like a ball or cylinder. The petals are tubular or tubular-funnel-shaped. Their color can be completely different: blue, white, pink, yellow, blue, purple, burgundy and red. Root system it can be different, it depends on the type of flower. It can be with a deep shaft, and with a thick rhizome, and with a strongly branching short root. There is a flower that looks like a cornflower. This is a thug. He is a vicious weed that must be destroyed.

Plant species

Cornflowers are flowers that have over 500 varieties. Each has a unique leaf shape, color, stem height and root system. The most common types are:

  • Blue, or hair, is a herbaceous plant that lives for 1-2 years. Stem height - 80 cm. Flowers are collected in single baskets, which begin to open in early July. The petals can be blue or blue.
  • White - has double white flowers, reaches 25 cm in height. Counts rare species, therefore it is protected.
  • Mountain is a well-known perennial plant. Stem height - up to 80 cm. It has an interesting inflorescence structure, as it consists of marginal and middle petals. The margins can be cyan or vivid blue, and the middle ones are purple, dark blue, or purple.
  • Yellow is a bush that has lived for several years. Its height can reach one meter. The flowers are bright yellow in color.
  • The large-headed cornflower is a flower that can grow up to 1.2 m in height. The petals can be either light or bright yellow. Their flowering period lasts from early July to mid-August.
  • Vostochny is a perennial wild-growing bush, up to 120 cm high.This species was discovered in 1759. The petals are yellow.

  • Meadow is a herb with a rigid erect stem. Flowers are located at the tip of the stem, one at a time. They can be purple-pink or white.
  • Field is an annual plant up to 60 cm high. It blooms from late spring to late summer. The petals are collected in baskets and can be blue or light blue.
  • Bleached is a perennial with an erect stem. Its height is up to 60 cm. It is considered one of the most pretty species. Bright pink petals are collected in baskets with a diameter of 4 cm.
  • Garden - for home cultivation use perennial plants... They live up to 10 years without a transplant. They are very unpretentious and rarely amenable to disease.

Planting cornflower

Spring is the most favorable time for planting cornflowers. The soil should warm up. This has been happening since the end of April. Any soil is suitable for a cornflower, even if it contains lime. To do this, you need to loosen it and plant the flowers at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other. This will enable the bush to fully develop. After filling the hole, the soil must be slightly trampled down. This technique will be able to easily eliminate the formed cavities, and the plant will take root faster due to this. Cornflowers love the sun, so if you plant them in the shade, they will not develop and bloom well.

Reproduction of cornflowers

There are several ways to breed cornflowers. This can be done with root cuttings, by seed, or by dividing the bush. During the flowering period, the plant itself actively self-seeds. The transplant can be carried out only after the end of this period. To do this, you need to dig up the selected bush, remove all the soil from the roots and wash them. Ground shoots are cut off and the peripheral part is separated from the bush. It must contain at least 3 buds next year... It is then immediately planted back into the ground. Ground part cut so that its height does not exceed 10 cm, watering should be moderate: 3-4 times a week will be enough. Already next year, the new plant will bloom brightly. If you need to propagate an annual cornflower, then only seeds are suitable for this. They land in early May. It is not recommended to replant them.

Growing cornflower in the garden

Most suitable for this plant open space with good sunlight. It loves free space, so it is better to plant the bushes at a distance of 20-50 cm. This will make it possible for a beautiful cornflower to form and develop. If the plant lives in a flower garden, then the south side will be the best for it, since it is the most illuminated. Most species will appreciate rich soil, but there are varieties that prefer alkaline soil. Watering should be done in moderation. Cornflower will tolerate drought more easily than excessive moisture.

Cornflower care

All the charm of this plant is its simplicity in caring for it. He only needs periodic loosening of the soil (once or twice a month), moderate watering and removal of weeds. If you want the cornflower to keep blooming large quantity time, you should pick off faded baskets. If the plant is grown for sale, then a special complex of fertilizers should be applied during watering. Diseases and pests practically do not affect cornflowers. Occasionally he suffers from fusarium, and the leaves are affected by spider mites.

The benefits of the plant

In folk medicine, cornflower flowers are considered very valuable. Their use is possible in such industries as gynecology, practical medicine and cosmetology. Their properties are unique. They are able to comprehensively affect the entire body. Cornflower and chamomile flowers are similar in their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. In addition, they have a diuretic, diaphoretic, strengthening and mild choleretic effect. Cornflower infusions and decoctions are actively used for weight loss. They are able to remove excess fluid from the body and help burn excess fat. In cosmetology, cornflower is considered a magical remedy that relieves of many problems. It is able to relieve puffiness of the skin around the eyes, get rid of acne and acne, soften dry skin of the face and neck. Another problem that can be solved with cornflower infusion is hair loss. After a month, the result will amaze everyone. But do not forget that this plant should be used only after the permission of the doctor.

Thus, cornflowers are wildflowers that have a lot of useful properties. But besides wild-growing bushes, there are also garden ones, which are very easy and interesting to grow.

Cornflower - ornamental plant from the Asteraceae family. In nature, there are blue, pink, purple, red, white, burgundy and yellow color... Grows among the spikelets of wheat in the field. Cornflowers, as you can see in the photo, look like light snowflakes. They are gaining in popularity. Flowers are planted in flower beds and household plots... The picture confirms this.

Cornflower among the people of blue color called a hair... This plant is annual, it can reach a height of up to 80 cm. On its stem there is always one double or semi-double bud up to 5 cm in diameter. Blooms from mid-June to late autumn.

This flower is widespread in Asia, America and especially in Europe. You can meet him in North Africa... Scientists count up to 500 species of this plant, differing in the shape of the edges of the flower and in the baskets of inflorescences. They are cylindrical and spherical, as seen in the picture.

  1. Mountain cornflower. Perennial, reaching a height of 40 cm, with blue flowers blooming in June-July.
  2. Whitewashed cornflower. It got its name due to the unusual color of the leaves (whitish-pubescent below). It can grow up to 80 cm in height. The flowers are bright pink with a white center.
  3. The large-headed cornflower (pictured) has bright yellow flowers and large buds up to 80 cm high, as seen in the photo.
  4. A beautiful cornflower. Has pinnately dissected leaves and mauve flowers, spherical shape and reaches a height of only 20 cm.
  5. A rough cornflower (photo) has a purple color, can reach a height of 1 meter.

You can admire the plant in the photo of flowers. Cornflowers look charming.

Plant in folk medicine

The plant is medicinal... Its flowers contain flavonoids, dyes, ascorbic acid and carotene. The most effective decoctions and infusions of the plant.

The flower is considered a good diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and analgesic effect.

Its decoction is taken for diseases of the heart system, headaches and stomach pains.

Baths with a decoction of this plant are used for gynecological diseases, eczema, rheumatism, diathesis, diarrhea, jaundice and dropsy.

But these flowers, like all other plants, have some contraindications. It is required to use it after consulting a doctor and only in complex therapy.

Application in cosmetology

The medicinal properties of the plant can be apply to care for oily skin, with split ends and falling hair, for the treatment of seborrhea. For this, an infusion of plant flowers is used. They can rinse the head after washing or rub it into the scalp.

Growing cornflower

It is necessary to grow flowers in the garden in open, sunny places. If planting is done with other plants, then cornflowers are planted in the first row so that they receive enough light.

They decorate the area with small groups of walks. Their tall species look great near bushes. Flowers not only decorate, but also protect the soil from erosion.

Cornflower is often planted to decorate flower beds. This is perfectly demonstrated by the photo.

In flower beds, it looks effectively with perennials with poppy and calendula. They bloom at the same time, forming an original meadow. For alpine slides it is necessary to use undersized plant species.

Plants neighbors for cornflower

Cornflowers are good are combined with the following plants:

  • blue aquilegia;
  • dicenter;
  • silver-blue alpine bluehead;
  • Fassen's catnip.

Annuals are grown in balcony boxes and in pots on the outside window sills.

Seeds are sown in April-May. The soil should be rich in humus with neutral acidity. V clay soil sand is added. Lime (1 cm layer) should be added to acidic soil once every 3 years and only in autumn.

For abundant flowering feeding can be done before flowering.

Annuals are sown with seeds in open ground in spring or autumn. No transplant is required because it is poorly tolerated.

If seedlings are needed, then they should be grown in peat tablets... It is also necessary to plant in open ground in the end of May.

Seedlings need to be thinned out, leaving a distance between flowers up to 30 cm.

Reproduction by dividing the root

This type of reproduction is used for transplanting perennials. In August, the flowers must be dug up, the stem cut off, leaving only 10 cm in length. Free the roots from the ground, wash and cut into 2 parts. Each part should have 2-3 buds.

Delenki are planted in holes fertilized with compost. Watering the seedlings should be 3 times a week. But the land should dry out slightly for watering. The flowers will bloom profusely next summer.

If you need seeds, then you need to wait until the petals on the inflorescence fade, and its center darkens. Plucked inflorescences are necessary store 3 weeks in a dry place... Then shake the seeds out of the head and store in a paper bag at room temperature.

Fight disease

Of the diseases, cornflower can only be threatened by Fusarium wilting. This disease is fungal. Therefore, processing is required not only of the plant itself, but also of the soil. The soil is sprinkled with ash, fertilized with a weak infusion of manure or foundation.