Ornament vegetable star. Plant ornament - original and attractive! Fixed assets of an expressive ornament

Today we will continue the story of Chinese culture with its diversity of patterns and symbols.
From the first part can be found here:

A large number of images in China is associated with a floral world.

It was believed that evergreen trees contain particularly many life-giving elements Yang, which ensure the preservation of green foliage in winter. Such trees were planted in the courtyards of the temples of ancestors - it was supposed to bring happiness and good luck.The trees of some breeds were attributed to special qualities and were greeted about them all sorts of legends who were widespread in the people. FROM osid It was considered a symbol of longevity and high moral purity. However, the image of pine and caravel meant last years Long life.
"Neither Elm, nor the poplar with pine will be equal to. Holds over all. All Pine Green." (Du Fu).
"Pine, cypress - natural sires and straight. It is difficult for them to be with the face of peach, plums." (Lee Bo)

In China, has long been touchingly loved flowers peachwho personified the spring. People delivered aesthetic pleasure contemplation of bright, elegant and sophisticated peach colors: they resembled the face of beauties.

Not only peach flowers were valued, but its fruits, branches. So from peach tree possessing magical properties, Taoist monks made printing, prints from which talismans and amulets were decorated. The branches of the peach tree were attributed healing properties: They whipped with fever patients and so expelled the unclean power.
In China, Peach is called "Peach Immersion" or "Name Peach". Peaches give birthday, wishing for long years Life. A peach ornament is usually postned by entrance doorTo drive away the evil.
The fruit of peach personified married happiness.

Plum flowers.
Amazing color, elegant shape and wonderful aroma flowering plum Made it very popular in Chinese art. Watercolors and patterns on fabrics, inlays, songs and poems, the refined image of the flowering plum branch in the category of national symbols is erected. Plum flowers wounds in the spring when it is very cold and even lies the snow.

Cleanliness and nobility of a flower, snow in the snow and cold opening its tender petals towards the sun in early spring, charge the energy and vital power Human hearts.

Pion flower equated to the national symbol of China for its beauty and wonderful fragrance (In 1903, he was proclaimed China's National Flower). His exquisite elegant form symbolizes prosperity, happiness and peace. It is called the ruler of colors.In Chinese, "Peony" sounds - "flower of acquaintances and wealth", is called the flower of nobility and honor, they are presented to friends as a sign of good wishes.
"Peony - Flower BGAT and Luxurious. To face he is the daughters of the emperor." (Sleep in red terme)

how decorative plant The PION is cultivated in China for 1500 years, in the XVI century in China more than 30 sorts of peonies have been known, some of which were very expensive and exchanged only on gold. In Chinese fairy tales, if the hero reaches the vertices of wealth and power, then he certainly puts peonies in his gardens, "which the color changes four times on the day.

PION is considered a flower that personifies the Yaanian force. Coma Togo, PION is considered the emblem of earthly love.

Chrysanthemum. The passive start of Yin in the flower kingdom is chrysanthemum, personifying peace, longevity, simplicity and pride. It is very autumnal flower. Traditional colors of Chinese chrysanthemum - white and yellow.

Dissolved buttons in the form of gold chrysanthemums.

And also embroidery and printing on the fabric.

Lotus It is a symbol of purity and perfection, because it grows out of dirt, but it remains clean. It is considered the emblem of offspring, as well as summer and harvest thanks to a large number of seeds in his pod. Lotus symbolizes harmony and love between husband and wife, since the word "connection" and "lotus" sounds the same, and the "lotus root" is pronounced the same as "married couple".

Lotus symbolism in Chinese culture is closely connected with Buddhism: this is a flower stretching to the light through the darkness of water and Il.
In this case, the lotus is gentle and beautiful flower, symbol of femininity.

Special reverence used, which can be found in any area of \u200b\u200bChina. Atabout the tree was read primarily because it creates a reliable shadow with its leaves, giving people the opportunity Enjoy cool during sultry, sunny days.In Buddhist beliefs, Iva symbolizes meekness and spring offensive. Her beauty, flexibility and fragility of the adolescence of great Chinese poets and are embodied in the canvases of outstanding Chinese artists. This tree has also become a symbol of a beautiful floor. Thin Talia Women in China are compared with Iva.
IV branches hung over the door residential housesFor they promised happiness and good. Women looked in the hair of the Willow Spreads, who were protected from evil spirits, gave a vision sharpness and were protected from blindness.
Willow, Symbol of the Sun and Spring, is one of the first trees that dissolve their gentle leaves under the rays of the spring sun.
Twisted Willow branches are simplicity of unprofitable love.

The Chinese word "similarly on the sound" generation by generation ", therefore, in ornaments, the grenade symbolizes numerous offspring.

The fruit is depicted with a buzzing skin, to through the crack, similar to a smiling mouth, a grains were visible. Such a drawing is read as a "one hundred sons".

Ornaments from kizyl (Dogwood) became popular in Han era. Kizil was used as a medicine, and on popular beliefs, he was able to bring good luck. Currently, the image of Kizyl is used in the creation and jewelry.

Floral ornament - A special type of decor, performed using the same, repeated multiple vegetable motif (beam of leaves, grape clusters, flower, etc.). It is used as decoration of household items, architectural structures, weapons, workers, etc. Through thousands of years. This species The ornament is the second prevalence after geometric.

Plant ornament in different historical periods

The appearance of this type of decor is associated primarily with the transition of humanity from cattle breeding to farming and, accordingly, with the advent of agrarian magic. For example, the figurines of the Tripolian period (IV - III V to N. E) of the cult destination, decorated with sprouts and a seeded grain, were detected by archaoists. In sculptures through the ornament expressed simple formula Success of agricultural works - "Grain + Earth + Rain \u003d Vintage".

IN early period The development of the plant ornament it has always been combined with geometric. The most common figure of the figure - rhombus - divided into parts, each of which was portrayed sprout. On some tripolist statuettes you can see clearly visible leaves, spikelets and others cultural plants. If you compare the motives of tripole ornaments and European canonical textiles, you can see a whole group of similar signs. The theme of the arable field and sprout is widely developed in the ornament of all agricultural cultures of the world. For example, embroidery made on Russian tissues, often contain images of a sprout between vertical straight or wave-like lines. Thus, the neo-eneolytic motive of rain-water with the power of the growing spoze is connected.

When moving from bronze to iron Age The topic of furrows begins to track in the ornament. Many compositions include images of animals guarding plants. As the art perfect skills improve, the elements used in ornaments are becoming increasingly detailed and recognizable. As an example, textiles dated VI - V BB BC can be brought. e, found in burials mountain Altai. These fabrics are decorated various colors, lotus, blooming trees.

Examples of complex plant ornaments made by antiquity masters also have a mass.

IN Ancient Greece It is often used so-called palm trees - fan-shaped palm leaves.
IN Ancient Egypt Lotus and other flowers usually become motifs of ornaments.
In Iran and India, masters often perform patterns containing vegetable motifs complex performed.

Similar ornaments are used to decorate buildings, clothes and dishes and in I century. n. e. And later, during the times of the Middle Ages. In the era of the revival of great artists Sandro Botticelli, Pisanello, Jacomo Bellini in a floral ornament, a significantly improved three-dimensionality was made. In the XVII - XVIII and XIX centuries. The work of ornamentalist graphs (D. Mararo, J. Lenotr, S. Lebrene, and others) were on the art of creating patterns of patterns. XIX century becomes one of the periods of heyday vegetable pattern. Discrete motifs of flowers and twigs are decorated with textiles, porcelain, wallpaper, etc. At the XIX and twentieth century, there was a time of great interest in the eastern plant ornament. In particular, much attention is paid to Japanese reasons and techniques.

Floral ornament XIX - XX century

By the end of the XIX century, a large number of various technical drawing schools were created. They developed techniques for performing ornaments, known today. At that time, the focus was on the motive. It was believed that it was he who is the key ring of the image of the entire pattern as a whole, as well as the subject to which was applied. The most difficult and at the same time universal was the method of "perfect forms". This reception was classic, and in different forms I existed since the beginning of the XIX century. It is based on the use of an idealized plant. At the same time, the artist performs a huge amount of analytical sketches from nature, which are then compared with the ornaments of the previous centuries. Further, in accordance with your own creative ideas and based on certain classes of construction, the image performs.

The largest master of the creation of artistic industrial ornaments who worked on such techniques was Karl Kombolz, the author of such books as "drawing in the art industry" (Dresden, 1849), "Flowers and ornament" (Dresden, 1849) , "Plant ornament" (Dresden, 1878) and others. For images performed after a thorough analysis of natural natural plantswere characteristic, first of all, the lack of volume and widespread use of color. Huge authority as an ornamentalist artist at the end of the XIX - early 20th century, K. Blossfeld, and a teacher of the University of Berlin. To analyze the plants, he used a photo. The same design of the ornament, which today is applied in industry, originated in the 20s of the last century. The view is that on fabrics, china, wallpaper, etc. Ornaments must be applied, made in a slightly modified technologies of previous historical periods, at this time the root changes.

Repeating points and lines may have been the first images created by the hands of a person. Since then, thousands of years have passed, but repeating pictures still decorate our clothes, dishes and walls of houses. What is the ornament? As it has changed over time, and as vintage ornaments and patterns can be used in the interior. modern house? We will try to consider the most sought-after patterns and ornaments that have arisen in distant antiquity, and still not lost relevance or its fascinating beauty.

Mosaic with centric ornament, Brecci by Eidos Glass

What is the ornament?

Any ornament is essentially a set of sequentially repeated individual elements or their groups. Ornament rapport - and there is a rhythmic repetition of one or more of these elements. The ornament does not simply decorate the plane on which he sets it a certain rhythm, giving the completion of the composition, and actively affects our surface perception. The pattern can easily force the plane to appear closer or on, above or lower, visually bend it or wrap it into the spiral. In ancient times, patterns on clothing and household items were a kind of language, allowing to determine the family, family and social position, the host profession, or performed as talismans and facing evil spirits. Now they, as a rule, do not carry a special semantic load, although often have their rich history, which we do not suspect.

All the infinite variety of ornaments invented by man is easy to divide into 3 main groups:

  • geometric ornaments
  • plant ornaments (phytomorphic), which are various stylized images of plants
  • minerarian ornaments in the form of an inactive broken line

Mosaic is different species Ornament B. modern interiorVersace Home by Gardenia Orchidea

The selection of the most successful patterns in the history of mankind never stops. Some ornaments invented many centuries ago are still actively used in the interior design in various styles.

Geometric ornaments

Set basic elements In geometric ornaments, of course, is small, but more interest is the possibility of their infinite combination between themselves. In modern interiors are actively used various options Horizontal and vertical strips capable of significantly influence the perception of spaces with us, as well as squares, rhoms, chevrons and circles.
Speaking about more complex geometric ornaments with a rich history, special attention I want to give Tartan, which is sometimes called a Scottish cell, and a four-hundredth, which, despite the calling, belongs to the geometric ornaments.


Classic Tartan, TECNOFLOOR INDUSTRIA Chimica

The tartan pattern is formed by the intersection of horizontal and vertical lines different colors. Thus, a certain sequence of lines and squares is created, which is called "Scotch", although formally "plaid" can be called any tissue into a cage. In the old days, each Scottish clan had its own original Tartan color, which served as a clan identification sign. Outside Scotland Fashion on cellular fabrics spread through Queen Victoria, a passionate fan of culture of this country.

For modern design Very characteristic game with scale, so familiar small cell on the wallpaper can replace Tartan Giant sizes, wallpaper Wall & Deco

Memo: Tartan is traditionally considered a "male" ornament and is often found in the decoration of cabinets or children's for boys.

The cell in the interior creates a sense of stability and helps streamline space. Wallpaper and interior fabrics with tartan pattern most often can be found in the interiors in the British spirit or country style. In the classic office, in warm rustic kitchen With plaid curtains and a tablecloth or family living room, Tartan will help create an atmosphere of comfort, stability and generations.

Four officer

Football mirror with sharp corners, Pottery Barn

Four doller or trillers (quadrofolys and trifolium, respectively) are a geometric ornament from partially crossing each other identical circles. The pattern can complement additional sharp corners on the place of the circle joint.

The story of this motive is lost in the depths of centuries, it is possible to meet it in the national Moroccan costumes, and among the ancient Christian symbolism, and in medieval architecture. In European art, there was a read-in-law in the Renaissance times, meeting in the decoration of furniture, the shape of windows and stained glass buildings.

Bed linen with four hundred, Gracious Style

Like other geometric ornaments, the four hundred brings a clear rhythm to the interior, however, because of its rounded forms, it looks more mild and unobtrusively. This motive can often be found in the interiors stylized under historical styles, for example, gothic or era of revival, however, in more modern variations, it can also look organically.

Plant ornaments

Estimation of the centuries The world of nature served as the main source of creative inspiration, so that the new stylization of leaves, flowers, fruits, trees, animals and birds appear in design almost every day. Nevertheless, some of the ornaments invented several thousand years ago were so successful that our interiors are still organically complement. That's for sure: "All new is well forgotten old."

Interior fabric with paisley pattern, Decobel

One of the most popular and, at the same time, the most ancient plant ornaments. You can also often meet the other name: Indian or Turkish cucumber. It is based on a drop-shaped curl called "Butt", the first images of which appeared in ancient Babylon. In Europe, the motley Indian fabrics with an intricate pattern in the form of a comma hit around the XVII century, but the peak of their popularity came at the time of the povered hobby of exotic oriental motifs in the XIX century. During this period, analogues of Indian tissues became widely produced in Europe, which was especially distinguished by the Scottish town of Paisley.

Modern styling "Indian Cucumber" in the form of plywood shirma, lzf

Paisley pattern occurs everywhere in collections of wallpaper and interior fabrics modern manufacturers. Bright "Indian Cucumber" can be found in almost any eastern interior: Moroccan, Indian, etc. A more discreet and monochrome pattern of the pattern is quite suitable for the neutral decor of the modern interior, in which you want to create a more cozy and warm atmosphere.


Damascus in the classic interior, wallpaper Coordonne

Damascus is a complex floral ornament in the form of a lush flower framed by the leaf intake, located vertical stripes. It is believed that this pattern appeared in the capital of Syria, Damascus, even in the Middle Ages, with time spreading around the world.

Damascus in the modern interior, Architects Paper ®, A Brand of A.S. Création Tapeten.

Nowadays, Damascus can be found as in traditional classic interiorsand in glamorous living rooms and bedrooms left with concise modern furniture. For the first option, they are well suited textured wallpaper With silk screen printing, the second is appropriate more contrast, for example, a black and white version or a pronounced velvet pattern of pattern. No less often occurs this pattern in the ceramic tile decor.

The combination of ornaments: Meander acts as a edging for plant motifs, Versace Home by Gardenia Orchidea

Meander is a frieze ornament formed by a continuous, curved at the right corner of the line. It may be some of the oldest decorative patterns, known since the times of Neolith, however, the greatest distribution Increed in the art of ancient Greece. Mandrel decorates not only antique ceramics, mosaic and reliefs, but is, for example, a brand name of the Givenchy brand.

Plafof Sconce with a border from Meander, Versace Home by Gardenia Orchidea

Nowadays, Meandr is most often found in classic interiors in the form of a border or edge element. The edging of the carpet, the border on the wallpaper or mosaic cloth with such an ornament looks at the same time strictly and elegant, aspassing the space a clear rhythm and ordering. Against the background of meander, it will also be minimalistic modern furniture, and classic accession objects in ampir style or neoclassicism.

Memo: Pay attention to how diverse the use of the ornament. We sometimes do not even notice that they surround us everywhere: from the pattern on the wallpaper, to the decor of dishes, lamps, carpets or pastel underwear.

The ornament is a universal language of art and design, which does not ignore, does not leave fashion and pleases the eyes at all times. Of course, it is necessary to apply it with the mind, given the overall stylist of the interior, it is not recommended that more than two varieties of the ornament in one room are not recommended.

State budgetary educational institution

primary vocational education

professional Lyceum No. 24 Siby

Methodical development of a lesson on discipline

"Fundamentals of composition and flower science"

on the topic: « Ornament. Types of ornaments "

Developed: Master P / O I Qualification Category

GK Zainina

Explanatory note

Modern world culture is the owner of a huge heritage in the sphere of all types of visual art. Studying the greatest monuments of architecture, painting, sculptures and decorative - applied art, it is impossible to leave another area of \u200b\u200bartistic creativity. We are talking about the ornament. Using the role of a particular item, ornament (lat. Ornamentum - decoration) cannot exist separately outside a certain work of art, it has application functions. The art of the art is the decorated ornament item.

With a careful study of the role and function of the ornament, it becomes obvious that its significance in the system of expressive means of artwork is much more than an decorated function, and is not limited to an applied character. Unlike color, textures, plastics that cannot exist outside a certain object without losing their imagery, the ornament can maintain it even in fragments or during redrawing. In addition, a number of ornamental motifs are inherent in stability that allows a certain motive to use for a long period of time and on various subjects, in different materials, which does not deprive its ornamental logic.

Ornament - part of the material culture of society. Attentive study and mastering the richest heritage of this component of world artistic culture contributes to the upbringing of artistic taste, the formation of ideas in the field of cultural history makes more significant inner world. The creative development of the decorative - ornamental art of the preceding era enriches the practice of modern artists and architects.

Theme lesson. Ornament. Types of ornaments.

Objectives lesson. 1. Familiarization of students with ornament, with its views. Tell

on the structure of ornaments, about the manifold and unity of the ornament

the soil motives of countries and peoples.

2. Formation of skills and knowledge. Develop the ability to analyze

to establish communication and relationships. Develop skills

plan your activity, memory of students.

3. Relieve a friendly friendliness. Form a message

equity, responsibility and determination.

Type of lesson. Message lesson new material.

Educational and methodological support and TSO.Tutorial N.M.Sokolnikova "Fine art", "Fundamentals of the composition", illustrations, reproductions of great artists.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

a) checking students in journals;

b) checking the appearance;

c) checking the availability of training supplies.

2. Checking homework.

Frontal survey:

a) What is colors (flower science)?

b) Tell us about the history of the development of flower science.

c) What contribution was submitted to the development of the colors of Leonardo da Vinci?

d) Tell me about the idea of \u200b\u200ba six-color Flowerday Leonardo da Vinci.

e) Newton, Roger de Pil, M.V. Lomonosov and Runge, made a contribution to the history of the development of flower science.

3. Message new material.

The ornament is a pattern built on rhythmic alternation and organized arrangement of elements.

The term "ornament" is associated with the word "decoration". Depending on the nature of the motives, the following types of ornaments distinguish: geometric, vegetable, zoomorphic, anthropomorphic and combined.

Rhythm in ornament is an alternation of pattern elements in a certain sequence.

The pattern can be flat and volumetric. A flat pattern is created by means of a complete or partial overlay of one form to another by interpenetrable these figures.

Flat pattern can repeatedly repeat. This repetition is called motive or rapport.

From the ornaments the most common ribbon, mesh and composite - closed.

The tape (strip) ornament is built from the same, repeated or alternating elements located along the curve or straight line.

Repeating identical elements are created by monotony and monotony of rhythm, alternating elements give rise to a more "live" composition with increasing and wave rhythm.

Alternating or repeating elements may be different in magnitude, that is, they are built on the contrast of forms (large, medium, small) with different moves. Contrast helps to identify the figurative characteristics of the forms used.

Contrast can manifest itself in the distribution of black and white spots of colors when one spots are enhanced and others are weakened.

The principle of lightboard contrast, expressed in the fact that any color in bright darkens, and on dark - brighten. This phenomenon applies to varying degrees as a sharm (black and white), so chromatic color.

The ribbon ornament can be in the form of a horizontal, vertical or inclined strip. For such an ornament, openness is characterized, that is, the importance of its continuation. Consistently follow how the band ornament is built, located vertically, horizontally or in the form of an inclined strip. We carry out the strip for the ornament required by the width, breaking it, respectively on the squares, rectangles and carry out the axis of symmetry. Then pre-stylized forms taken, for example, from the sketches of plants, placing on the plane, building alternating elements of the ornament.

After that, we look, whether it is suitable for what happened. If not, add smaller or medium forms (according to the principle of three-component of these forms).

Completing the composition, you need to determine where the darkest and brightest spots will be repeated on the plane where gray spots will be located and that they will complement - dark or light elements of the ornament.

At the heart of the mesh ornament lies a cell with an ornamental motive in it - a rapport. The cell size can be different.

The net ornament is characteristic of tissues to a greater extent. The cell can repeatedly repeat. The net ornament is built similarly to the band. The main task when it is built is to properly apply the axis of symmetry.

The symmetry in art is the exact pattern of the location of objects or parts of an artistic whole.

History of origin

Ornament (Lat. Ornemantum - Decoration) - a pattern based on repeating and alternating the components of its elements; It is intended for decorating various items. Ornament - one of ancient species The visual activity of a person, in the distant past in charge of a symbolic and magical meaning, a badge. In those days, when a person switched to a settled lifestyle and began to produce labor tools and household items. The desire to decorate your home is characteristic of a person of any era. Nevertheless, in ancient applied art, the magic element prevailed over aesthetic, speaking as a guard from the elements and evil forces. Apparently, the very first ornament was decorated with a vessel, winged from clay when the potter circle was still far away. And there was such an ornament from a number of ordinary dents made on the neck of the finger about an equal distance from each other .. Naturally, these dents could not make a vessel more convenient to use. However, they did it more interesting (pleased with the eyes) and, most importantly, "defended" from penetration through the neck of evil spirits. The same applies to the decoration of clothes. Magic signs on it were protected by the body of a person from evil forces. Therefore, it is not surprising that spell patterns have placed on the gate, sleeves, Podol. The emergence of the ornament goes its roots into the depths of centuries and, for the first time, his traces are captured in the Paleolithic Epoch (15-10 thousand years before. Er). In the culture of Neolithic, the ornament has already achieved a wide variety of forms and began to dominate. Over time, the ornament loses its dominant position and cognitive importance, while maintaining, however, the important ordering and decorating role in the plastic creativity system. Each era, style, consistently revealed national culture produced their system; Therefore, the ornament is a reliable sign of the belonging of works to a certain time, the people, the country. The purpose of the ornament decided - to decorate. Special development reaches an ornament where the conditional forms of the display of reality dominate: in the ancient East, in Decolumbovy America, in the Asian cultures of antiquity and middle ages, in european Middle Ages.. In folk creativity, from ancient times, sustainable principles and forms of ornament are developing, largely defining national artistic traditions. For example, in India, the ancient art of Rangoli (Alpona) is preserved - ornamental pattern - prayer.

Types and types of ornament

There are four types of ornaments:

Geometric ornament. The geometric ornament consists of points, lines and geometric figures.

Floral ornament. The floral ornament is made up of stylized leaves, colors, fruits, branches, etc.

Zoomorphic ornament. Zoomorphic ornament includes stylized images of real or fantastic animals.

Anthropomorphic ornament. An anthropomorphic ornament as motifs uses male and female stylized figures or individual parts of the human body.


Ornament in a strip with linear vertical or horizontal alternation motive (tape). These include friezes, converts, framing, borders, etc.

Closed ornament. It is component in a rectangle, square or circle (rosettes). The motive in it either does not have a repeat, or repeated with a turn on the plane (the so-called rotary symmetry).

TO geometric Ornaments, whose motifs consist of various geometric figures, lines and combinations thereof.
In nature, geometric forms do not exist. Geometric correctness is the achievement of the human mind, the abstraction method. Any geometrically correct forms look mechanical, dead. First-axis almost any geometric shape It is a real form, to the limits are generalized and simplified. One of the main ways to create a geometric ornament is a gradual simplification and schematization (stylization) of motifs that were originally a graphic nature.
Elements of geometric ornament: lines - straight, broken, curves; Geometric shapes - triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, ellipses, as well as complex forms obtained from combinations of simple figures.

Fine The ornament is called, the motives of which reproduce specific items and forms of the real world - plants (floral ornament), animals (zoomorphic motives), human (anthropomorphic motives), etc. The real motives of nature in the ornament are significantly processed, rather than reproduced as in painting or graphics. In ornament, natural forms require one or another simplification, stylization, typing and ultimately geometrization. This is likely due to repeating repetition of the motive of the ornament.

Nature and the world around us underlie ornamental art. In the creative process of designing the ornament, you have to discard insignificant details and details of objects and leave only the general, most characteristic and distinctive features. For example, a daisy flower or sunflower may look simplified in the ornament.
The natural form of imagination strength is reincarnated with conditional forms, lines, spots in something completely new. The existing form is simplified to an extremely generalized, familiar geometric form. This makes it possible to repeated the form of the ornament. What was lost by the natural form in simplification and generalization returns to it when using artistic ornamental means: the rhythm of turns, distinguishedness, image flatness, color solutions in the ornament.

How does the reincarnation of natural forms in ornamental motives? Initially, sketching from nature, the most correctly transmitting similarity and details (step "photographing"). The meaning of reincarnation is the transition from sketching to conditional form. This is the second stage - transformation, stylization of the motive. Thus, the stylization in the ornament is the art of reincarnation. From one sketch, you can extract various ornamental solutions.

The method of forming an ornament and the choice of ornamental forms is usually consistent with the possibilities of the finest.

Patterns of composite construction

The concept of the composition of the ornament

Composition (from lat. Composito) - compilation, location, construction; The structure of the artwork due to its content, character and appointment.
The creation of a composition of the flap of fabric is the choice of ornamental and color theme, drawing, plot, determination of the overall and internal size of the work, as well as the interconnection of its parts.
Ornamental composition - This is a compilation, construction, pattern structure.
The elements of the ornamental composition and at the same time its expressive means include: point, stain, line, color, texture. These elements (means) of the composition in the work are converted into ornamental motifs.
Speaking about the patterns of ornamental compositions, first of all, you need to say about the proportions. The proportions determine other patterns of constructing ornamental compositions (referring to rhythm, plastic, symmetry and asymmetry, static and dynamics.

Rhythm and plastic

Rhythm In the ornamental composition, they call the pattern of alternation and repetition of motives, figures and intervals between them. Rhythm is the main organizing the beginning of any ornamental composition. The most important characteristic of the ornament is the rhythmic repeatability of the motives and the elements of these motifs, their slopes and turns, surfaces of the stains of motifs and the intervals between them.
Rhythmic organization - This is the interpordability of motifs on the composite plane. Rhythm organizes a kind of movement in ornament: transitions from small to large, from simple to complex, from light to dark or repetition of the same forms through equal or different intervals. Rhythm can be:

1) metric (uniform);

2) uneven.

Depending on the rhythm, the pattern becomes static or dynamic.
Rhythmic Stroy Determines the rhythm of motifs on vertical and horizontal rows, the number of motifs, plastic characteristics of the form of motifs, the features of the location of motives in the rapport.
Motive - Part of the ornament, its main forming element.
Ornamental compositions in which the motive is repeated through the same intervals, are called Rapporto.

Rapport - The minimum and simple size of the area occupied by the motive and the gap to the adjacent motive.

The regular repetition of the rapport vertically and horizontally forms a fronting grid. Rapps are adjacent to each other without overlapping one of the other and leaving the gaps.

Depending on the surface shape, which they decorate, ornaments are: monorad or closed; linear-rapported or tape; Raptable or mesh.

Monorad ornaments There are end figures (for example, coat of arms, emblem, etc.).

In linear-final ornaments, the motive (rapport) is repeated along one straight line. The ribbon ornament is a pattern, the elements of which create a rhythmic row, which fits into the tape with a double-sided movement.

Net-rapport Ornaments have two gear axis - horizontal and vertical. The mesh ornament is a pattern, the elements of which are located along many axles of the transfer and create movement in all directions. The simplest mesh-lapportal ornament is a grid of parallelograms.

In complex ornaments, you can always reveal the grid, the nodes of which constitute a specific system of ornament points. Rapps of complex shape are built as follows. In one of the rapports of the rectangular grid, the outside of the broken or curves of the line to the right and upper sides, and to the left and lower - the same lines, but inside the cell are also sized. Thus, it turns out complicated structure, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is equal to the rectangle.

With these figures, the ornament area is filled without intervals.
The composition of the mesh ornament is based on five systems (grids): square, rectangular, proper triangular, rhombic and oblique parallelogram.

In order to determine the type of grid, you must connect repeating

ornament elements.

The rhythmic range assumes the presence of at least three or four ornamental elements, since too short row can not perform

organizing role in the composition.

Novelty composition of the ornament, as noted famous specialist In the field of the theory of ornament on the fabric V.M. Shugaev, it is not manifested in new motifs, and mainly in new rhythmic constructions, new combinations of ornamental elements. Thus, the rhythm in the composition of the ornament is attached to a special meaning. Rhythm along with color is the basis of the emotional expressiveness of the ornament.
Plastic In ornamental art, it is customary to call smooth, continuous transitions from some elements of the form to others. If, with rhythmic movements, elements are at some distance from each other, then with plastic motion they merge.

Ornamental forms, depending on the emotional impact, are conditionally divided into heavy and lungs. Heavy forms include square, cube, circle, ball, easy - line, rectangle, ellipse.


Symmetry - This is the property of the figure (or ornamental motive) to impose on themselves in such a way that all points occupy the initial position. Asymmetry is the absence or violation of symmetry.
In the visual art of symmetry is one of the means of building an artistic form. Symmetry is usually present in any ornamental composition, this is one of the forms of manifestation of the rhythmic principle in the ornament.
The main elements of symmetry: the plane of symmetry, the axis of symmetry, the transfer axes, the plane of the sliding reflection.
Symmetry plane - imaginary plane, which divides a figure into two mirror equal parts

- Figures with one plane of symmetry,

Figure with two planes of symmetry,

- With four planes of symmetry.

4. Rules for building an ornament.

Display and explanation of the construction of ornaments:

a) tape;

b) Mesh.

5. Fastening the material studied.

1. Frontal survey:

What is the appointment of the ornament?

What types of ornaments depending on the structure do you know?

What types of ornaments depending on the motives prevailing in them do you know?

Find the signs of ornaments of different nations The world with one and the same motives.

What types of ornaments do you know?

What is the ornament? What is the art of ornament?

What is rhythm in ornament? What is rapport?

What is called symmetry in art?

What is the symmetry plane?

2. Exercise performance:

a) constructing a belt ornament;

b) Building a mesh ornament.

6. Summing up.

7. Homework.

Invent your ornaments in a circle, in a square and in the strip, using geometric shapes or vegetation.