Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a hospital? Lying in a dream in a hospital - decoding of famous experts and dream books

I had a dream “Hospital”... the question immediately arises: “Why do you dream about a hospital?” Almost all of these dreams are unfavorable, foreshadowing misfortunes, tragedies or loss of health. Only dreams in which you leave the hospital, are discharged from it, or simply visit patients are interpreted positively. Although many dream books also speak unflatteringly about visiting the sick. If you dreamed of a psychiatric hospital, then all dream books interpret it absolutely same value– about your tension and extreme fatigue, about the stressful state in which you are in Lately. Let’s make a reservation right away: those who dream about a hospital in connection with their professional activities do not count.

Let's start with some interpretations of the "Hospital" dreams:

Now let's turn to the most famous dream books.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • What does it mean if you dream about a hospital? Let's take a closer look at the possible options.
  • Going to the hospital in a dream means trouble, you don’t have the strength to fight it, you are morally depressed.
  • Dream Interpretation: being hospitalized with an injury in a dream means you will soon fall ill with a serious illness, so urgently switch to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Dream Interpretation: bedridden in a hospital in a dream - illness is just around the corner.
  • Dream Interpretation: undergoing treatment in a hospital in a dream means obstacles await your business.
  • Dream of "visiting in the hospital: sick strangers" means bad news; relatives - worries and worries; friends - get pleasure; children - something will happen in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a psychiatric hospital in a dream - you are in a tense, negative state of mind.
  • Dream Interpretation: being discharged from the hospital in a dream means that ill-wishers will curb you.

Modern dream book

In a dream, being in a hospital is very bad sign. And if you are still lying there and being treated, then this means that your health is at risk, take care of it. In a dream, you check out or simply leave, which means you will emerge victorious from a very difficult matter, having gotten rid of your enemies. Any dream associated with a psychiatric illness means that you are under stress. Visiting the sick is bad news.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

This dream book interprets the interpretation of “Hospital” dreams as a harbinger that in serious danger, rely on others, they will support and help.

Star dream book

12th house of the horoscope. If you dreamed of a hospital, then think about your health. If you lie in it and are treated, then you will learn unpleasant news about your own health. If you just saw the hospital from the outside, then the person who is connected with you on a subtle level will end up in it in reality. If you visited the sick, then you are a kind and godly person.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

What does a hospital mean in a dream?

  • Lying in a hospital in a dream means you simply need to visit a doctor, especially for illnesses that you have, otherwise you will fall into deep depression.
  • In a dream, working in a hospital means a difficult period in life is coming.
  • In a dream they were discharged from the hospital - real disease will soon be defeated.
  • In a dream, you visited relatives or friends in the hospital - they sympathize with you. Visiting the sick is rewarding, so doing business will be successful.
  • Dream Interpretation: psychiatric hospital - problems at work, difficulties in business, all this will be resolved in your favor.
  • In a dream you want to leave the hospital - your indecisiveness will lead to you being left alone.
  • Dream Interpretation: go to hospitalwhere you have just been discharged - chronic diseases will worsen.
  • If you built a hospital in a dream, you will either receive an inheritance, a valuable gift, or a large monetary reward.
  • A hospital engulfed in fire in a dream is a warning about a possible accident. (cm. )
  • In a dream, you were taken to the hospital - intrigues are being woven against you by ill-wishers or your spouse will cheat on you.
  • Head sores were treated in the hospital - if you get sick infectious disease. Take special care of your personal hygiene and stick to your diet.
  • Sores on your legs were treated in the hospital - a conflict is brewing with your partner, as he will defend his point of view completely opposite to yours. Try to be flexible during the conversation. (cm. )

Family dream book

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • If you dreamed that you were admitted to the hospital, you will be at someone’s christening.
  • I dreamed that I was in the hospital - I was expecting an emergency illness.
  • I had a dream “mom is in the hospital” - very bad sign, get ready for big trouble. (cm. )
  • In a dream, close relatives are in the hospital - you will be invited to a holiday where you will have fun and have a good rest.
  • In a dream, visiting the sick - good sign, it's gonna be all right.
  • Dream Interpretation: to build or make repairs in a hospital - you will receive money, an expensive gift or even an inheritance. (cm. )
  • Dream interpretation: a fire in a hospital in a dream - an accident, an accident.

Freud's Dream Book

This dream book interprets “hospital in a dream” as a symbol of a frigid woman. It is possible that sensuality has not manifested itself because the partner is not suitable sexually, or because he does not exist yet.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: hospital doctors - you will have to take on the arrangement of other people’s affairs.
  • In a dream, washing the floors in a hospital means taking on other people’s problems.
  • If you dreamed of being in a hospital, give yourself a break, go on vacation or organize a vacation, otherwise you will become seriously ill.

Dream book of the 21st century

The interpretation of “hospital” dreams in this dream book is very detailed and includes many variations and tips on how to avoid this or that undesirable situation:

  • Seeing a hospital in a dream promises big troubles or financial losses.
  • Being in a ward (dream “hospital ward”) - you will not be satisfied with your behavior or a specific action and will be very worried about this.
  • Sitting in the ward next to a patient means you will make a mistake, you will regret it very much, but you will not be able to correct anything.
  • To be a patient - you are gnawing at the loneliness from which you suffer; get ready for painful self-discovery.
  • If you saw doctors in a dream (dream “hospital doctors”) - take care of your health.
  • If you were in the hospital, you will be ignored, disdainful of your opinion; this will all create problems for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: he is in the hospital undergoing hydrotherapy procedures - an unwanted meeting for you will not take place, and if in a dream you are only sent there, then you will have to fight for your point of view and defend it.
  • Dream interpretation: a hospice in a dream (a clinic where hopeless patients are kept) - a problem that has been gnawing at you for a long time will have to be solved immediately, and you will do it successfully.
  • Dream Interpretation: visiting patients in a hospice - a person in a very difficult situation will soon need your help.
  • Dream Interpretation: undergoing a medical examination in a hospital in a dream is a sign of caution, go to the doctor.
  • Dream Interpretation: taking tests in a dream - your efforts will be in vain and will not be appreciated by anyone.
  • In a dream, they underwent a full medical examination - a shift in good side at work or with an illness that you are already suffering from.
  • In a dream, you ended up in a first-aid post - obstacles await you in business, you will have difficulty overcoming them, but in the end everything will work out, a monetary reward is possible.

Miller's Dream Book

“Hospital” in Miller’s dream book is interpreted as an unpleasant warning dream. Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself in a hospital speaks of an impending illness in real life. You left the hospital in a dream, then you will be able to get rid of your enemies, and they will no longer harm you. Visited the sick in a dream - expect unpleasant news.

Solomon's Dream Book

The only dream book that answers the question: “Dream book, why do you dream about a hospital?” answers that this is for health, happiness and profit.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Why do you dream of a hospital - either an accident, or everything in your life will be smooth, calm and good.
  • You dreamed of the hospital from which you were discharged in real life - a chronic illness will worsen / loneliness awaits you / you will have to learn a lot and painfully about yourself.
  • In a dream, in a hospital, seeing the sick, visiting them - you are not doing deeds pleasing to God, you have vices.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The psychoanalytic dream book “Going to the hospital” is interpreted as a person’s fear of death or illness, since it is people with serious illnesses who end up in the hospital. If you are sure that you experience absolutely no fear, then delve into your memory and reconstruct a time when you were really scared in the hospital. Remembering this incident, you will understand where this fear comes from in you. Also, the dream book “I dreamed of a hospital” reveals your fear of being alone, and on a subconscious level you are looking for care and affection. This fear can also come from childhood, when you were suddenly left all alone.

  • If in a dream you are hospitalized specific person- in life you want him to be completely dependent on you.
  • You have been hospitalized - you fear for your own health/you want to be taken care of/desire on a masochistic level to be completely alone.
  • I dreamed about hospital doctors - you have a secret erotic fantasy of playing the game “Patient-Nurse” or “Patient-Doctor” with your partners.

Dream Book of David Loff

What interpretation of hospital dreams does this dream book give us? The hospital is by no means a place of entertainment and it is better not to go there at all. But people often dream about hospitals because they are an integral part of our lives. Therefore, the meaning of the dream hospital carries only a negative and only in some cases a positive meaning.

  • In a dream, being hospitalized means you are concerned about people close to you, you want them to need you.
  • I dreamed of therapy in a hospital in a dream - one of the types of subconscious addiction, since in the therapeutic department the relationship between the patient and the doctor is purely one-sided.
  • I dreamed of an intensive care unit in a hospital - release a person who is being held against his will. This is all due to the fact that people end up in the intensive care unit who are within a hair's breadth of life, and they will either return to it or not.
  • You don’t want to leave the hospital in a dream - your uncertainty is stopping you, you are afraid to confront the world, because in the hospital they will help you, they will do everything and take care of you.
  • In the dream, the hospital was treated in an absurd way - you must balance your capabilities with your needs and requirements, because you now have an imbalance.


So, we looked at the “Hospital” dream. The main thing to understand is that this is a warning dream. Dream Interpretation: a hospital in a dream warns that you are taking your health too frivolously and dismissively, this is not possible. Try to listen to yourself, find the cause of constant anxiety, consult a doctor, get tested, get examined.

The article on the topic: “dream book about working in a hospital” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Work at the hospital

Dream Interpretation Work in a hospital dreamed of why you dream about working in a hospital? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Working in a hospital in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Why do you dream about a hospital - interpretation of sleep

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing a hospital in a dream is a sign of success in business, health, well-being and relief from suffering and worries. Sometimes a dream about a hospital predicts that your friends will not leave you in trouble and, perhaps, will make a lucrative offer. Finding yourself in a hospital in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon face an unpleasant ordeal, from which you will be able to successfully get out with the help of your friends. Seeing a mental hospital in a dream is a sign of great distress and the need for support and help from friends. Sometimes a dream indicates that you will soon witness an unusual incident that will seem simply incredible to you. Finding yourself in a hospital means success in business. Working in a hospital means that you will be able to help other people in need. Running around a hospital in a dream means that you are worried about some illness or suspicion. See running.

Seeing empty hospital beds in a dream means that you are worried about the consequences of the recent undergone surgery. Visiting someone in the hospital or taking someone to the hospital means that someone will need help after you do something that may upset other people or cause them pain.

Why do you dream about a hospital according to the dream book -

"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Lying in a hospital in a dream means you need to see a doctor immediately. Working in a hospital means going through difficult times. Ending up in the hospital as a result of an injury and being confined to a bed - you can avoid an impending illness if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Visiting someone in the hospital means receiving unpleasant news. Visiting relatives means worries and sadness, children means a family event, friends means pleasure. Visiting a psychiatric hospital is a harbinger of great mental stress with which you will have to overcome hardships and adversities. Lying in a psychiatric hospital means obstacles in business.

Dream Interpretation Hospital, why do you dream about seeing a Hospital in a dream?

From this article you can find out why you dream about a Hospital from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about Hospital: interpretation of sleep

Why do you dream about a hospital in the fall?

Hospital - Seeing a hospital in a dream means illness.

Clinic - Lying in a clinic in a dream means recovery.

Why do you dream about a hospital in the summer?

Hospital – Stay in the hospital with serious illness- to recovery.

Clinic (hospital, ward) – Seeing yourself lying in a clinic with a serious illness means a feeling of discomfort.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream about the Hospital - dream symbolism:

Hospital - Seeing yourself lying in a hospital: needing to see a doctor or being overwhelmed by worries, inner loneliness. Visiting someone in the hospital means circumstances improve. Working in a hospital means going through difficult times.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Hospital - Christening; visiting or taking someone away is incredible news; to be in it is a lack of money, a stupid position; psychiatric, to be placed there is complete success, fame, recognition; being a doctor, a nurse - successful things.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream about the Hospital, psychological analysis:

Hospital - The hospital is not a pleasant place. We end up there for various reasons, and we also learn about them from newspapers and television series. Although it is better not to enter this gloomy establishment - either as a patient or as a visitor. Nevertheless, as an inevitable part of reality, a person dreams of hospitals quite often. Moreover, as a rule, hospitals rarely have anything to do with diseases. However, in many dreams we have sufficient reasons to be there. It could be ambulance, therapy, resuscitation. Our hospital experiences also vary, from not being able to leave the hospital to being subjected to absurd treatments. Oddly enough, in dreams, emergency departments are directly related to the well-being of people important to us and relationships with them. People who end up in the emergency department are often overly concerned about their visitors or, conversely, about the victims they have to visit. The therapeutic department is an indication that we need others or want others to need us. Dreams that unfold in therapy are a manifestation of dependence: the relationship in the hospital is one-sided and characterized by the patient’s dependence on the doctor. This is a type of addiction. Intensive care is a department associated with danger, and sometimes with relief. Everyone understands that only seriously ill people go there. You may need to let someone go. Intensive care can also remind you of a person who has long passed away. If you don’t want to leave the hospital, then you are unsure of your own ability to face the world one on one, because the hospital, in addition to pain, is associated with the concepts of care, care and support. What are you sick with? The answer to this question will tell you where you need additional support. Being treated with absurd methods in a hospital is a way to balance the imbalance in life's needs and demands. Is everyone paying too much attention to something that you don't think is worth worrying about? Or, on the contrary, are you being treated for a completely different disease? This is especially funny if, for example, you have grown to an incredible size, but consider this quite normal, while others are extremely concerned about your uncontrollable growth. Your incredible size becomes an object of obsession for doctors, among whom you may recognize your boss from work, your love partner or your tennis acquaintance, etc. In darker versions such a dream You are left tormented by the fact that you feel seriously ill, but cannot get proper treatment and treatment from doctors.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Hospital in your night dreams?

Hospital - Seeing or being in a hospital in a dream is not a very good sign; it can be a harbinger of troubles or losses. Being in a hospital room in a dream is a sign of impending resentment or dissatisfaction with one’s actions or behavior, visiting a patient in a dream and being in his hospital room means that you may find yourself in a situation where you realize that you have made a mistake, but you cannot do anything to fix it. Lying in the hospital - you can expect worries, internal loneliness, under the influence of external circumstances - long and painful self-knowledge. Being in a hospital in a dream means that someone will try to ignore you, ignore your opinion, and create additional problems for you. To undergo an examination at a medical institution means that a shift for the better will soon begin, both in health and in business. Going through a medical examination in a dream is a warning; you need to take care of your health. Seeing yourself taking tests in a dream promises you unnecessary troubles. Being in a first-aid post in a dream means that obstacles await you and your work will be difficult, but in the end you will be generously rewarded for your efforts. Being in a hydropathic hospital in a dream means that in reality you will be able to avoid an unwanted meeting, but if in a dream you are sent there for treatment, then in reality you will have to defend your point of view for a long time. If you are visiting someone in a hospice (a special clinic for hopeless patients), then in reality someone is in a very difficult situation and needs your help. Being in a hospice yourself means that in reality you will be able to solve all the problems that have been bothering you for a long time.

Why do you dream about a hospital in the spring?

Hospital - To health, profit.

Clinic - Visiting a clinic in a dream means feeling unwell.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Hospital - See - accident; a quiet, calm period of life.

What does it mean when you dream of a Hospital - If the person sleeping in it was lying in it earlier in reality - to an exacerbation chronic disease; loneliness; painful self-discovery. To visit and see the sick is bad deeds, vices.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why does the dreamer dream about Hospital:

Hospital - Seeing yourself leaving the hospital means that you will be able to get rid of insidious enemies who tried to cause you a lot of trouble. Seeing a psychiatric hospital in a dream foretells you great mental stress with which you will overcome difficulties. If you dream that you are sick and in a hospital room, then this is a sign of an impending illness. Visiting the sick means unpleasant news, as the dream you are having is so ambiguously deciphered.

Hospital – Health, profit

What does a hospital mean in a dream, interpretation:

Hospital - Visiting someone, being in a hospital - you will be asked for a service that you cannot refuse. Lying in the hospital means you need rest, otherwise you risk getting sick. If you are a doctor, you will be busy organizing other people’s affairs.

Hospice - visiting someone in Hospice - you will find yourself surrounded by thriving people and will be able to take your place among them. If you go to Hospice, don’t overwork yourself, it threatens your health!

Why do you dream about Hospital in dreams?

To dream of a Hospital - To see a Hospital in a dream is an unpleasant sight; stay in the hospital - get help.

The sick - visiting is a joy, this is how the dream you are dreaming is ambiguously deciphered.

Why do you dream and what does the Hospital mean in our time?

Visiting the sick is unexpected happiness. (don't forget to visit your sick friend.)

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of a Hospital, why?

Visit the sick - The request will be fulfilled; looking after them is happiness and joy.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream of a Hospital? The dream book interprets it as follows:

Visiting the sick - Unexpected happiness, fulfillment of a request - looking after them - happiness and joy

Dreaming of a Sick Woman – Having a head is an honor.

Dreaming of a Sick Person (hospital) - Visiting a patient in the hospital means his speedy recovery.

Hospital – Health, happiness, christening – visiting or taking someone – incredible news

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a Hospital in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about Hospital according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dream about the Hospital from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about Hospital according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about the Hospital from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of a Hospital in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about a Hospital in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Mon November 20, 2017, 18:56:36

Thu May 25, 2017, 06:28:34

Tue February 14, 2017, 08:13:36

Mon August 08, 2016, 14:17:37

Wed June 01, 2016, 13:22:20

On the second day, when his parents left the room, I went up and lay down next to him, we talked about something, three of his friends came, after a while he begins to feel better, but the doctors say that this is an epidemic.

I ended up catching a cold.

Hospital in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Dream interpretation of working in a hospital

Events that happen “before our eyes” in our dreams do not depend on what we want to see. In real life, we ourselves can decide what is best for us to do and where to go. That’s why we are frightened by dreams in which we find ourselves in some place that in reality we would bypass by a different route. And in such a situation, the dreamer is powerless to do anything. For many, the plot in which they dreamed about a hospital is quite frightening. In order to understand what the dream was about, it is best to resort to the help of a dream book. But in order to carry out correct interpretation plot, you need to remember in detail all the little details of the dream.

Hospital at night

A hospital is an institution where not a single healthy person is in a hurry (except to visit a sick friend). But why do you dream about a hospital? What does the scene you see mean? Let's try to answer these questions and many others.

The dream book indicates that the hospital has quite diverse interpretations; this symbol is very multifaceted.

To interpret dreams, it is necessary to note all the circumstances that occurred during the dream and what feelings were caused by it.

In general, dreams with such a plot indicate good luck in all areas of life. Seeing her in your dreams means you can be sure of true friendship.

Seeing a very beautiful and bright hospital in a dream means an upcoming christening.

Why do you dream about a psychiatric hospital? This means you will witness some unusual event. According to Miller's dream book, the plot foreshadows emotional tension.

If a seriously ill person dreams of a hospital ward, then this means a speedy recovery is just around the corner. But for someone who is healthy, there are two interpretations of such dreams:

  • The subconscious sends a signal that you should pay attention to your health as problems may arise with it. It is advisable to undergo a medical examination.
  • This means that the dream indicates that the person is tired of being lonely.

If you dreamed about a hospital

For a person who has recently been discharged, dreaming of a story about a hospital, this portends that the illness may return.

In the story, you were in the hospital for treatment

Taking tests according to Vanga’s dream book is a waste of time.

Walking along the corridors of a hospital - the interpretation of dreams predicts lack of money. Running around the hospital means illness. If in the story there were a lot of doctors and medical staff helping you, then in real life you will be very worried about something. Wandering through the corridors in a panic and not being able to find a way out of it - in real life you are trying with all your might to correct your mistakes in life.

The interpretation of dreams indicates that seeing yourself in the emergency room is a sign that you are very worried about some patient whom you happen to visit in the hospital in real life.

As Miller interprets

According to Miller’s dream book, to end up in a clinic in a dream and at the same time be in a serious condition (be confined to a bed) - take care of your health, switch to a healthy lifestyle. This is the only way you can avoid the approaching disease. You are being treated in a therapy department - you need the support of loved ones, and you especially want your mother to support you. If you were in intensive care, then this means danger. Were in the ward and heard voices - after a difficult period there will come white stripe. Seeing how you are given medications - a dream indicates that you are trying with all your might to monitor your health. To do this, you even resort to unconventional methods of treating and preventing diseases. In the plot they saw the ward as dirty and gloomy - you yourself are dissatisfied with your actions and therefore are trying to correct the situation. It may also mean that you have been greatly offended and it is tormenting you from the inside.

In a dream, undergoing treatment in a modern clinic and after discharge does not want to leave - the dreamer is not confident in his abilities and in real life he is trying to shift responsibility to others. You were treated in the hospital for some reason in strange ways– you will try to balance the imbalance in your life in reality.

Oddly enough, very good dream, in which you are forced into a mental hospital. The plot portends success in all areas.

In a dream, visiting your sick friend or relative in the hospital means a favorable period in life will come very soon. And according to Miller’s dream book, it foretells receiving unpleasant news.

If you were visiting a child, beware of an accident.

Empty beds in the ward - you are worried about your condition after the surgery.

To pretend that you are taking a friend to a medical institution is to find out news about this person.

Why do you dream about a plot in which you work in a clinic? Get ready for a difficult period in life.

Why do you dream about a hospital being built? For an award or for a valuable prize.

Cleaning floors in a hospital

Cleaning the floor in the hospital

Washing floors in a hospital is not a good dream. You need to remember exactly what kind of water it was (warm, cold). Washing the floors in a hospital means bad news. The water used to wash the floors was dirty and stains were clearly visible on the surface - the night plot foreshadows illness. But if the water was clean and washing the floors was not difficult, do not put urgent work aside, do it as quickly as possible.

According to Miller’s dream book, washing not only floors, but also walls is a sign of career growth.

Who dreams of the plot

For older people, such night vision portends health problems.

Having seen such a dream, the expectant mother should not be late for a scheduled consultation. Interpretation of dreams in which future mom saw the walls of the hospital - indicates that she is worried about her and the future of her baby. Also, if you dream of a sick mother, then for a woman in labor this portends a difficult period.

For a girl in a night story to see herself in the role of a nurse, there is a high probability that she will get married during this year. She dreams that she is lying on a bed in beautiful dress- to disappointment.

For a woman - portends an illness, but she will recover quickly.

If in the plot of dreams a mother sees her child in the hospital, then the mother should take a closer look at psychological state your child.

For a man - to a major scandal that can escalate into a fight.

To understand the interpretation of the plot, look at the dream book. But for each plot, the interpretation can be individual and depends directly on the additional symbols and signs that were in it.

Hospital according to the dream book

Did you dream about doctors, wards, injections, medical procedures? The article will tell you why you dream about a hospital. The main thing is to try to remember all the details of the plot you saw in your dream. Such clarifications are extremely important for the dream book.

Universal interpreter

Seeing a hospital in a dream is good, if only because you can listen to the body, which sends signals about its condition, and consult a doctor in time. If you end up in a hospital in your night dreams, expect an imminent illness. If you see a clinic from which you were recently discharged, be on your guard, it is likely that the disease will return. If you dreamed that you were visiting someone there, get ready to hear unpleasant news. The universal dream book predicts that leaving the hospital means getting rid of a heavy mental burden or existing illnesses in real life. Dreaming of psychiatric hospitalization is a sure sign that something is gnawing at you and won’t let go. The brain tries to find ways out of the current situation even in a dream. The universal dream book recommends resolving the problem faster.

Explanation of Loff's dream

Loff's dream book describes in detail each department of the hospital. Dreaming of a hospital emergency room indicates that you are thinking too much about your sick loved ones. Seeing a therapist's office in a dream is a sign that you need attention and want to be needed by someone. Loff also describes what dreams of resuscitation in a hospital mean. It is believed that resuscitation is a sure sign that you need to let go of the person who wants to leave you. Dreaming of a hospital - you are putting your life in the hands of others, leaving them to take care of you, you are unsure of yourself and want others to solve your problems.

Indian and universal dream books

Denise Lynn's Indian dream book advises you to listen to your health. Think about your childhood, it is quite possible that you had some psychological trauma, as a result, you are afraid to be alone, you need help, assistance from people close to you, a wound that still weighs on you and interferes with your well-being. The universal dream book warns that the plot has no interpretation if the field of activity is related to health, however, if this is not the case, it warns of possible physical problems. The interpreter tells why you dream that you were hospitalized. This means that you are under a lot of pressure in real life. You need to try to take some of the load off yourself. If in a dream you are lying in a hospital in some huge ward with many other beds, then perhaps in real life you feel abandoned by everyone and a period has come when everything in your life is turned upside down. This could be divorce, bereavement or job loss.

Predictions of Freud and Hasse

Freud explains in a very unique way what dreams of a hospital mean. Freud's dream book claims that the hospital dreams of cold, frigid women who should be concerned about finding more suitable partner. Hasse predicts unexpected happiness and fulfillment of requests for those who visit the sick in a dream. If you look after the sick, good news and joy await you. Did you dream that you were lying in a hospital bed? This means that in real life you are really afraid of getting sick and going to the hospital, but the dream also indicates a desire to transfer control of some aspects of your life into someone else's hands.

Various interpretations

There are many different interpretations, sometimes even contradicting each other, and here you will need to seriously think about what is most suitable for your dream in order to extract the clues for future actions that are closest to life. Why do you dream of a hospital in Miller’s interpreter? It's simple - to be in it is an approaching disease, to leave it is to get rid of the disease. The esoteric dream book warns that visiting a sick person in the hospital means being obligated to provide someone with some kind of service. Simon the Canaanite prophesies happiness and healing to those who see themselves in a hospital ward in a dream, and visiting a sick person means receiving very important news.

A description of what a hospital may mean in a dream is available in the interpreters of the Wanderer, birthday people of January, February, March, April. All these dream books report that this plot can be dreamed of profit, prosperity and health, a white streak in life! If in a dream you see yourself as a doctor in a hospital, this is a sign of confidence in your abilities. In general, all dream books agree on one thing: taking care of your mental and physical health will never be superfluous, especially if this is prompted by the dream you just saw about a hospital. If in a dream you feel healthy or find that your body’s condition has improved, then this may indicate well-being in real life. But if you dream that you are sick when you are really sick, then this may indicate some delay in recovery. Instead of waiting for your condition to improve without making any effort, you need to pay attention to your mental state, level of physical fitness and other things that will speed up your recovery.

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to dreams. They were considered harbingers of various events - both good and bad. The same dream can be interpreted in different ways, depending on many factors. For example, to understand what a hospital means in a dream, you need to take into account what the institution looked like, as well as who you were in it as: a patient, a doctor, or a visitor.

Why do different people dream about a hospital - interpretation in dream books

It is important to remember that dreams are a product of the brain, and before turning to the interpretation of a particular vision, it is worth thinking about why it arose.

Perhaps you recently visited a medical facility or are planning such a visit, which is what your consciousness is signaling to you.

The hospital is associated in the minds of most people not only with illness, but also with recovery. Therefore, such a vision cannot be regarded as a harbinger of only negative events. When interpreting this dream, first of all it is worth taking into account who exactly dreamed of the hospital.

  • Men see such institutions in their dreams in anticipation of digestive problems and decreased vitality. Such a dream serves as a kind of reminder that you need to think about your health.
  • For a young girl, such a vision foreshadows some tension in the relationship with her chosen one and indicates the need for a serious conversation.
  • For a woman, a hospital seen in a dream is good sign. In the near future, pleasant changes in life await her.
  • Married people of both sexes see medical institutions in their dreams before making any major purchases.

However, according to Freud, similar visions are frequent companions of dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere or frigidity.

On a note. Often pregnant women see a hospital in their dreams, which causes them some anxiety.

Most likely, such a dream occurs due to the fact that the expectant mother often thinks about the upcoming birth.

Usually this dream does not bode well for her or the baby.

Dreams are quite often similar to the realities of life. However, no less often they are also intertwined with fantasy.

For example, why do you dream about a hospital or doctors? What does it mean to dream that you are in a medical facility? Surely many of our contemporaries asked similar questions after awakening. Yes, in reality, a person is where it is appropriate for him to stay. But a dream is therefore considered a game of the subconscious or even a phenomenon from above, because its events and plot have to be taken for granted.

And then the question of why the hospital is dreamed of will need to be decomposed into several aspects, and only then its meaning will be analyzed. What is important is what emotions the dream evoked, what your feelings were in the dream, and also what you did in this place. No less important is who had such a dream and when.

Before answering the question of why you dream of a hospital, ask yourself whether you are putting off going to the doctor, fearing a possible diagnosis or simply not wanting to undergo the unpleasant procedure of examination and, probably, subsequent examination? Then a similar plot, seen during rest, indicates that subconscious fears are released in a dream, when your consciousness does not control them.

The fact is that a hospital is an institution where healthy people are found quite rarely. Moreover, more often it is about visiting your sick friend or relative. Psychiatric or not, a hospital in dreams and in reality is a place that is associated with illness and suffering, even grief. It doesn't correlate with pleasant things.

Often in dreams, hospitals, or even mental hospitals, symbolize an unstable background or discord in the emotional sphere, as well as deep psychological experiences and problems. It is unlikely that this establishment can promise something very bright or beautiful.

However, this does not mean that you should immediately be scared or even panic. Alternatively, such a dream can serve as a warning to help you avoid problems in reality. After all, it is indisputable that it is better to be in a hospital in a dream than to get there in real life.

If you dreamed about a hospital, you need to try to remember in as much detail as possible what exactly your dream was about. As the dream book says, a hospital can be dreamed of in the following variations:

  • I had to go to the hospital myself.
  • Leave the hospital.
  • You have to visit a certain patient in a dream.
  • Lying in a hospital room.
  • You are a doctor or nurse, or another clinic employee.
  • Sudden admission to the hospital.
  • Conversation with one or more doctors.
  • Dream about a mental hospital.
  • Call a doctor or ambulance.
  • Visit the dental office.
  • To see or undergo surgery in a dream.
  • Be a doctor and perform surgery or treatment.

Decoding dream plots

Did you see a psychiatric hospital or any other hospital in your dream? Vanga’s dream book foretells favorable events, however, if you see the medical institution from the outside, that is, from afar. He speaks of great success in some important and complex matter. Perhaps a truce with your rivals awaits you. Most likely, we are talking about a good and bright period in every sense.

If you dream of a hospital from the inside, visiting it, visiting someone, seeing its corridors with offices, as well as patients, then this should be understood as a bad omen. Most likely, there will soon be a period of fierce competition and struggle with dishonest or even unkind people. Perhaps rivals or imaginary friends will decide to plot behind your back.

Speaking about why you dream of a mental hospital, you need to understand that this is a fairly vivid dream that is difficult to forget. And if he was a ghost, it was definitely for a reason. Most likely, we are talking about excessive mental or emotional stress.

And it doesn’t matter whether you are her patient or whether you yourself put a violent, clearly insane person there, and also if, according to the plot of the dream, you simply have to visit a mental patient or visit a clinic of this kind, you still can’t expect any good from such a sign in a dream . You need to try to calm down and drive bad thoughts away from yourself.

If in your dream you saw the process of someone’s operation, then expect great joy from pleasant events in the foreseeable future. Perhaps you will learn great news or receive a wonderful, amazing surprise. Soon you will experience for yourself what it is like to be the darling of fate.

Those who, according to the plot of the dream, had to be in a hospital or in a clinic, or even end up in intensive care, will have to prepare for trouble. Staying in a hospital is always not a pleasant event, and in dreams it can promise either loneliness or melancholy with alienation.

But under no circumstances should you become discouraged and give up. It is unlikely that your ups and downs with the trials presented by fate will last that long. You need to quickly acquire a fighting spirit and decide not to give up just like that, and then you will overcome all obstacles without much loss in life.

Those who dream of being discharged from the hospital, or those who happened to see them leaving this institution during their vacation, can be envied: soon life will present them with a great surprise. If, according to the plot of the dream, you are going to visit a sick person, then in real life you will probably soon learn something not entirely pleasant.

Perhaps we are talking about gossip or similar news. Moreover, you will not necessarily be a person involved; perhaps the intrigue is weaving around a person close to you. There is no need to have any illusions that all this will dissipate on its own. Make an effort to dispel the myth and help restore your good name.

Sometimes the role of a patient, tried on by a person in a dream, indicates that he needs to be examined and visit doctors’ offices more often. Most likely, a certain disease is occurring in his body, which has not yet manifested itself with symptoms. If it is detected in a timely manner, treatment will be much easier than in an advanced situation. Conversations with doctors in a dream promise success in work, perhaps a new business proposal. The same goes for dreams where you treated people.

Such dreams are perceived negatively by the dreamer. Visions with such a scenario portend trouble. There are also positive explanations. Everything will be determined by the details of the vision. You can find out more precisely about this by reading the sources listed below.

Autumn dream book

Being admitted to a hospital with a complex illness predicts quick healing.

Interpretation of the sorceress Medea

  • Seeing yourself lying in it speaks of the need to take care of your health. Get a preventive examination at your clinic.
  • It also conveys that you are preoccupied with worries and feelings of loneliness.
  • While in hospital conditions, you were overcome by the fear of leaving her. This warns of your uncertainty in life.

The view of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

  • Being treated in a clinic foreshadows financial problems and indicates your difficult situation.
  • Being admitted and being treated in a psychiatric hospital promises recognition of merit, success at work, and well-being.

Explanation by psychologist D. Loff

Psychological analysis of sleep depends on the hospital department in which you were located.

  • Therapy department - indicates a lack of communication in real life.
  • The intensive care unit is a reminder of a person who is no longer alive. It also warns that you will have to break up with someone.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Lying in it is a sign with a negative connotation.
  • It portends problems, losses, solitude in real life, a long path to self-knowledge.
  • A hospital bed also promises future grievances, dissatisfaction with one’s actions and deeds.
  • Coming to the hospital to visit someone in a dream means understanding that you have made a mistake, but it is no longer possible to correct the situation.
  • Being in it is an attempt to neglect your opinion of someone you know, creating unnecessary problems for you.

Spring dream book

  • Staying in a hospital setting portends good health and financial wealth.
  • Visiting the clinic is a sign of a possible illness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

  • We ended up in a hospital in a dream. If in real life you recently lay there, then this is a warning about a relapse of the disease.
  • To visit and see the sick - to problems and troubles

Interpretation by psychologist G. Miller

  • Being treated in a hospital portends a disease.
  • You checked out of it - to get rid of enemies who want to cause you a lot of problems.
  • Seeing a psychiatric hospital promises mental stress due to overcoming difficulties.
  • Visiting the sick means unpleasant news.

Modern dream book

A dream with such content portends health and prosperity.

Esoteric dream book

  • Being in it warns of the need for rest. This will help you avoid deterioration in your health.
  • To end up in a Hospice (for hopeless patients) - unbearable stress at work can harm your health.
  • Visiting someone in the hospital - you may be asked for help. You can't refuse her

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

Staying in the hospital promises a profitable business, joyful events, good personal life.

Interpretation by psychologist S. Freud

Being treated in a hospital means that you cannot find a suitable partner. Therefore, it is too early to talk about your failure in intimacy.

Interpretation of Hasse

To be treated in a hospital in a dream indicates that you have friends who are capable of betraying you and bringing you trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

  • Dreams with such content portend trouble.
  • Lying in the hospital with an injury that prevents you from getting out of bed is a harbinger of a possible illness.

New family dream book

  • Lying in a hospital in a dream is a warning about a possible illness in reality.
  • Discharge from a medical institution portends getting rid of your enemies.
  • Being admitted to a psychiatric ward speaks of emotional distress and tension.
  • Visiting the sick promises unpleasant news.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Lying in the hospital means a quick cure (if you are really sick) or a successful solution to a complex problem.

Complete dream book of the New Era

If you go to the hospital, you are not paying enough attention to your health.

General dream book

  • Going to the hospital promises to be present at someone's christening.
  • Someone close to you ended up in a hospital bed - a joyful event.

English dream book

  • Lying in the hospital predicts illness or an accident. Be careful in reality.
  • Leaving the hospital indicates a speedy recovery.

Children's department

  • For a woman to see herself in a children's ward with a child that she does not have in reality - a message that her experiences prevail over everything. This spells trouble for her.
  • If she was there with her real child. Such a dream suggests that the child’s health is not in danger. There may be minor problems on the other side.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

  1. Being in hospital means receiving support.
  2. The profile of the hospital where you were hospitalized is important in explaining the dream.
  3. Were in the emergency room of a hospital - informs the dreamer that more attention needs to be paid to people who are in a difficult situation.
  4. Lying in the therapeutic department indicates your doubt that someone needs you. You need more communication in real life.
  5. We ended up in the trauma ward - this is a serious reminder that we need to change our lifestyle, get rid of bad habits. Otherwise, illness awaits you.
  6. Lying in the hospital in the intensive care unit symbolizes your resignation to current events.
  7. You were treated in a hospital using an unconventional method - you need to realistically assess your internal reserves.