Ash: a natural plant helper. Ash fertilization - do's and don'ts

Wood ash as a fertilizer has been used since ancient times. She is one of the most valuable sources calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium, as well as other substances necessary for the full growth and development of plants.

The exact chemical composition of this substance of natural origin cannot be determined, since it changes depending on the type and age of the plant that was burned. However, even Mendeleev deduced general formula, which indicates the approximate percentage elements in 100 grams of ash.

Ash formula

it organic fertilizer rich in various trace elements. Some of them catalyze growth and development, others help fight various diseases. The concentration can be higher or lower than stated. The formula below can be guided by to understand what substances in the approximate ratio are contained in this organic fertilizer.

Wood ash composition:

  • CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) - 17%
  • CaSiO3 (calcium silicate) - 16.5%
  • CaSO4 (calcium sulfate) - 14%
  • CaCl2 (calcium chloride) - 12%
  • K3PO4 (potassium orthophosphate) - 13%
  • MgCO3 (magnesium carbonate) - 4%
  • MgSiO3 (magnesium silicate) - 4%
  • MgSO4 (magnesium sulfate) - 4%
  • NaPO4 (sodium orthophosphate) -15%
  • NaCl (sodium chloride) - 0.5%

It can be seen from the presented formula that wood ash as fertilizer contains one of the essential elements plant nutrition - calcium... It is necessary for the normal growth of green mass in the initial stage of development, and provides balanced nutrition throughout the growing season. This is especially important for garden crops that form a large aerial part, for example, tomatoes, pumpkins,.

Table: variations in ash composition, depending on the type:

Calcium carbonate

When ash is used as fertilizer, active growth is observed, and more compact (in terms of time) ripening of such representatives of the Solanaceae family as tomatoes. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) affects the activity of metabolic processes. It enhances the speed of movement of substances through the cells of the plant organism, and normalizes the course of biochemical processes. This property makes it possible to use ash as fertilizer. This element is especially useful for flowers, as it affects the size and splendor of the buds.

Fertilizing cucumbers with ash, which contains a large amount of calcium carbonate compounds, helps them to develop fully. This plant is distinguished by the continuous growth of vegetative tissues, and Ca serves as a link in the transport of nutrients into cells.

Calcium silicate

Calcium silicate (CaSiO3) is a substance that, when combined with pectin components, glues cells, holding them together. Helps to actively assimilate vitamins.For example, it reacts very sharply to the lack of CaSiO3. Drying and stratification of the bulb occurs. This situation can be corrected by watering the plant with an infusion of ash.

Calcium sulphate

Calcium sulfate (CaSO4) - calcium salt of sulfuric acid. It is part of one of the most popular mineral fertilizers. When used in the composition of ash, it has a less strong, but more long-term effect on plants than in the composition of mineral dressings.

Calcium is especially important for seedling growth, during the formation of green mass, for example, for flowers and herbs, onions and parsley. With age, this element accumulates in the stems and leaves, and after its death it returns to the soil.

Calcium chloride

Calcium chloride (CaCl2). Many sources claim that wood ash does not contain chlorine. But, in accordance with the formula, we see that it contains calcium chloride. Is it dangerous for plants? It's safe to say no. The two ionic elements that are part of this compound, on the contrary, are of great importance to healthy eating fruit and vegetable crops.

Almost all flora known to science uses chlorine to stimulate growth throughout the growing season. It is constantly contained in the green mass of fruit and vegetable crops in the amount of up to 1% of their total weight. In grapes and tomatoes, its content is slightly higher.

Calcium chloride activates the formation of enzymes, as well as photosynthesis, helps to transfer nutrients. Rock salt helps to fully utilize a small supply of these substances if wood ash is used as fertilizer.

Another useful property of this chloride is that it increases the winter hardiness of fruit trees and grape vines, which makes it possible to grow this thermophilic crop even in rather cold regions (Pskov, Leningrad regions). It helps to maintain uniformity of the soil by avoiding swelling, which helps to protect the roots from the penetration of cold air.

CaCl2 helps to cope with the following plant diseases:

  1. Rotting apples in storage.
  2. Blackening of fruits in tomatoes.
  3. Cracking.
  4. Blackening and rotting, both during growth and during storage.
  5. Premature fall of grapes.
  6. Mold on re-harvest.
  7. The appearance of a "black leg" in roses.

Due to its "drying" property, CaCl2 helps to defeat many crop diseases caused by horse and stem rot. It is very useful for roses. Thanks to this element, the ash infusion can be used not only for garden plants, but also for indoor plants, to heal the earth and prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.

The presence of CaCl2 in the soil allows the conversion of ammonium nitrate to salt nitric acid, which is very useful for the life of plants. This is very important aspect when fertilizing cucumbers with ash, since they are sensitive to a lack of nitrogen.

Rock salt

Rock salt, which is part of the ash, is a growth catalystfor plants such as cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, as it allows cells to retain water, accumulating and applying it in case of drought.

Potassium orthophosphate

Potassium orthophosphate (K3PO4). This substance helps regulate the water balance of the plant. With a lack of this substance, ammonia accumulates in the leaves and roots, which inhibits growth. Also, the potassium salt of orthophosphoric acid helps to increase the winter hardiness of heat-loving plants, such as grapes. Potassium also creates an alkaline environment for garden flowers such as roses, lilies and chrysanthemums.


Ash refers to fertilizers, which include three magnesium compounds, acting in aggregate on various metabolic processes in fruit and vegetable crops, as well as in cereals. This element, in some way, is a "partner" of potassium, they together participate in the production of energy by the plant organism.

Magnesium sulfate is involved in the formation of carbohydrates, which become building material for starch and cellulose. For the tap root system (for a rose, for example), the presence of magnesium in the fertilizer is very important, since it consumes more of it than ground part, volume.


The last item on the list, but not the last in importance. It activates a number of enzymes that do not react with other substances from the chemical composition of ash. For example, tomatoes are classified as natriephils, plants that respond positively to sodium, especially when they are not sufficiently supplied with potassium. He improves their water balance.

When should ash be used?

Various chemical trace elements that should be included healthy plantscontained in this organic compound. Their lack negatively affects the development and growth, leads to the occurrence of diseases.

As we found out above, the main element that is contained in ash in various compounds is calcium.

Signs lack of calcium:

  • Depigmentation of leaves in indoor plants (they become white).
  • Deformation of the leaves (the tips are bent down, the edges are curled up).
  • Peduncles fall on nightshade.
  • On the fruits of tomatoes appear dark spots.
  • The upper parts of the shoots die off, the taste of the fruits deteriorates.
  • Patches of dead tissue form on the tubers and stems of potatoes and onions.

The second most important substance that must be used for the normal life of plants is potassium. It is contained in ash in a much smaller volume than calcium, but in sufficient quantity to normalize metabolic processes in plant organism... If it is not enough, then this can be understood by certain changes in appearance.

Signs lack of potassium:

  • On fruit trees leaves wither prematurely, but at the same time firmly adhere to the branches.
  • Roses stop smelling.
  • On potatoes and nightshades, the edges of the leaf begin to dry, then it rolls up into a tube.

Another element from the composition is magnesium. It is a forming element that allows the production of carbons. With its lack, the plant is inhibited, and its active development stops. With its lack, the same symptoms appear as with a lack of potassium. Sodium is a conditionally useful substance, therefore, its small amount in the fraction, when using wood ash as fertilizer, can be ignored.

A few examples when the use of ash is contraindicated

An excess of fertilizers, even organic ones, can lead to at least negative consequencesthan their disadvantage. The use of wood ash as a fertilizer should be avoided on soils with high alkalinity. The following plant changes can indicate an elevated pH:

Signs excess calcium:

  1. Overgrowth of leaf rosettes in grapes and apple trees.
  2. Dying off of shoots along the entire length of the tomato whip.
  3. Falling leaves of garden flowers.
  4. Interveinal chlorosis with whitish spots in rose bushes.
  5. Leaf depigmentation (they become white).

Signs excess potassium:

  1. Browning of the pulp of apples and pears.
  2. Bitter pitting of fruits.
  3. Premature fall of leaves of garden and indoor plants.

Video: a film for gardeners about wood ash

Ash in the garden - what, when and how to feed it?

Let us dwell on the plants, which are best shown to use ash as a top dressing.


This melon crop, successfully zoned in middle lane, consumes many different nutrients throughout its growth and development. Calcium and potassium, which help to fertilize ash, are responsible for the formation of lashes and ovaries. It is these substances that help retain water in the cells. Fertilization of cucumbers with ash is necessary, since this is a plant that constantly needs a normal water balance.

How to fertilize cucumbers?

The first way to make fertilizer from ash is to sprinkle a thin layer of this substance on the garden bed before watering. All nutrients will be absorbed later along with water. The second method is more laborious, but allows you to create a composition in which there will be more nutrients. This is an infusion of ash, which is done like this: 3 tablespoons of the powder are poured with a liter of water and insisted for a week. After that, they are applied under the plant, followed by abundant watering. The consumption rate of the solution for fertilizing cucumbers with ash is 0.5 liters per one bush.


This crop is prone to root rot. Ash refers precisely to those fertilizers that prevent the growth of putrefactive bacteria in the soil. Onions can be fertilized in the same way as cucumbers, pollinating the ground before watering, or using an infusion of ash (prepared in the same proportion as for feeding cucumbers).

Top dressing should be applied no more than three times per season. You can also apply this fertilizer before digging the garden in the spring. This will protect the onion from diseases at the initial stage of growth, and will help it to stock up on trace elements necessary for further development.

There is another way to add this top dressing. It is very convenient to use it on onion beds. These are grooves that are made with a hoe along the rows of bows. Ash infusion is poured into them, and immediately covered with soil.


If wood ash is used as fertilizer for feeding the bushes, then within a week after application, one can observe the activation of their growth. These plants love calcium and potassium. They need them for the formation of moisture reserves in the fleshy stems, and the formation of full-fledged juicy fruits.

How to fertilize tomatoes with ash?

Pre-landing method

This organic fertilizer is applied to the soil in the spring, a couple of weeks before the tomatoes are planted. Consumption rate - 1 glass per well. It is advisable to feed when the earth warms up to at least 15 degrees Celsius.

Feeding tomatoes as they grow

Ash refers to fertilizers that can be applied throughout the growing season. Therefore, tomatoes can be fed superficially. For this, the earth is sprinkled in the hole, before watering, followed by loosening.

The ash improves the taste of tomatoes, they become juicy and sweet. Potassium, which is part of it, enters a series chemical reactions, thanks to which the fruit sugar, fructose, is formed.


Foliar dressing of grapes

Held several times per season, in evening time... The liquid is sprayed directly onto the leaves using a herbal broom, or through a specialized spray bottle with oversized nozzles. If there is no such equipment, then you can do it yourself.

How to make a device for spraying ash infusion?

To do this, take a standard atomizer and a medium-sized spoke. We heat the spoke on an open flame (a gas stove will do), and pierce new holes of a larger radius. Do not forget to shake the container before spraying, then the suspension will be evenly distributed over the leaves of the grapes.

In autumn, a large number of old vines accumulate in the vineyard. They are ideal for incineration. This ash is used to prepare a specific top dressing, which takes into account the seasonal needs of grapes in various nutrients.

For the complete dissolution of all nutrients in water, it takes about three days, this is the approximate time for the dissolution of magnesium. About 1 kg of ash is poured into 3 buckets of water, and this suspension is mixed several times every day. The resulting composition can be stored in a cool place for a month.

For use, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 part of the working solution to five parts of water. For better adhesion to grape leaves, you can add shavings to the resulting suspension laundry soap.


In the first year of her stay in a new place, the queen of the garden does not need feeding. But the soil before planting can be prepared in advance by adding wood ash as fertilizer during the autumn digging, to normalize the acidity of the soil.

Starting from the second year, the successfully overwintered rose begins to be fed. This is mainly done by applying ready-made organic fertilizers. But you can also make fertilizer from ash.

For a rose, both root and foliar dressing are used. For the first, the concentration of the substance in an aqueous solution is below - 100 g. powder per 10 liters of water. For foliar feeding, when the liquid is sprayed over the leaves of the plant, a concentration of 200 g is used. 10 liters of water.

It is better to feed roses in the evening, in the afternoon you can burn leaves and flowers under the rays of the scorching sun. A herbal broom is used for spraying.

Ash infusion, during use, must be constantly stirred. The fact is that the phosphorus contained in this organic fertilizer tends to quickly settle at the bottom of the container. If this happens, the plants will not receive it, and this is an essential trace element.


Wood ash is used as a fertilizer for both garden and indoor plants. For example, it helps fight root rot in tuberous begonias.

Cyclamens, geraniums and fuchsias react well to the substances that make up it. It must be added when transplanting these plants, based on their proportion of 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of ready-made soil.

You can also make fertilizer from ash for indoor plants using sleeping tea. It stimulates growth in winter, helps to maintain the color of the leaves, and maintain flowering. Following this recipe, mix 1 part ash with 1 part pressed tea leaves.

The use of ash as fertilizer is beneficial for most horticultural crops. The set of microelements included in its composition ensures the growth and nutrition of the plant.

But this substance can be used not only as a top dressing. It helps to fight big amount insect pests. When dusting or spraying crops with ash, you can observe the rapid death of such garden antagonists as larvae colorado potato beetle (2 days), slugs, cruciferous fleas.

Another strong argument for using ash is its availability. Every autumn on garden plot there is something to burn from plant residues (tree branches, hay, straw, tops). Some amateur gardeners adapt old barrels for the oven, then the production takes place without losing the ash fraction.

This fertilizer is of organic origin, which is very important for many gardeners. Using it, you can not be afraid for your health and the health of your loved ones. Perhaps this is one of the most important arguments when choosing wood ash as a fertilizer.

Video: using ash as fertilizer

Wood ash is considered to be an excellent potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, which is often used on acidic and neutral soils. However, the chemical composition of wood ash is not limited only to potassium and phosphorus, it contains elements such as magnesium, calcium, sulfur, iron, zinc and many trace elements necessary for vegetable crops, fruit and ornamental plants... It should be noted that there is no exact chemical composition due to the origin of the natural substance. There is a direct dependence on the age and type of wood that was burned.

Effect of composition on plants

Ash is an organic fertilizer rich in trace elements. Some of them affect development and growth, others protect against various diseases... Nutrient deficiencies are detrimental to crop yields and overall plant health. Fertilizing soil data natural material sufficiently compensates for the lack of nutrients.

For plants important featurethat the composition of wood ash does not provide for the presence of chlorine. Indeed, many crops (tomatoes, potatoes, raspberries, strawberries) do not tolerate potash fertilizers, in most of which chlorine is present in different concentrations. In this case, the natural product obtained by burning does the best job possible.

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how organic fertilizer, wood ash has been known for a long time. For plants, it is a source of calcium, magnesium and sodium. The exact composition is difficult to determine, as it depends on the plants from which this ash is obtained. Ash has been used in horticulture for a long time. It was usually first washed, and later evaporated to obtain potash, in translation from English - "ash from the boiler." Thus, the resulting potash contained calcium carbonate necessary for plant fertilization.

wood ash composition

  • Sodium silicate - 17%
  • Calcium carbonate - 17.5%
  • Calcium chloride - 12.5%
  • Magnesium sulfate - 5%
  • Calcium sulfate - 15%
  • Sodium salts - 20%
  • Orthophosphate - 13%

Each of these elements has certain action at every stage of plant development.

Calcium carbonate

Thanks to him, there is explosive growth in tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants, that is, in all members of the nightshade family. Calcium carbonate activates metabolic processes, which, in turn, accelerates the ripening of vegetables. This element has a similar effect on flowers. After fertilization, flower buds, which contain CaCO 3, increase in size and acquire additional splendor.

Calcium silicate

An element that literally helps to glue cells together, due to which vitamins are absorbed much better. The lack of calcium silicate is especially noticeable in the example of onions. The plant is simply dried and exfoliated. You can help him recover with an aqueous solution of ash. Just pour the diluted ash in a bucket of water over the bed of onions in a ratio of two hundred grams per ten liters.

Calcium sulphate

This chemical element is a must when boarding. Over time, the plant itself gradually accumulates it in the leaves and stem. Calcium sulphate is part of superphosphate, a well-known mineral fertilizer. Calcium in the ash has not such a pronounced effect as in the composition of superphosphate, its effect is gradual, but long-term.

Calcium chloride

Helps plants become more frost-resistant. Thanks to him, some varieties can be grown in the rather cool climate of Pskov and Leningrad region... And also calcium chloride maintains soil uniformity, participates in photosynthesis, accelerating the transfer of nutrients.

The benefits of ash for different types of soil

With ash the composition of the soil improves, the soil is saturated with minerals, due to which its acidity changes. In addition, after the application of ash, the soil becomes looser and more convenient for cultivation. This organic fertilizer does not lose its properties for four years from the date of application. The most useful of all types is ash obtained from burning sunflower and buckwheat stalks. Birch ash rich in potassium, and a lot of calcium can be obtained from peat. And ordinary ash from the stove after burning wood is also suitable, but the remains of burning plastic and newspapers cannot be used.

Loamy soil loosened with the help of high-quality ash significantly increases its quality. The access of oxygen to the soil is enhanced, due to which microorganisms and invertebrates can carry on their vital activity.

If the soil is sandy or swampy, then it will be enough for it to add seventy grams of ash for one square meter land. Such soils are usually very poor in potassium and phosphorus, so ash will be just right for them.

Ashes can be used for any soil other than solonetzic. If it is necessary to neutralize acidic soil, then use ash from peat or oil shale. You will need about 0.5 kg of fertilizer per square meter of land.

what neutralize acidity in the soil and improve its quality, use lime-rich peat ash, which is introduced into the soil weighing 0.5 kg per square meter.

For loamy soils, it is usually added in the fall, and for sandy soils - during the spring digging.

When ash is used

  • For feeding shrubs: raspberries, currants, etc., ash is used in the amount of one hundred grams per square meter, and for vegetables, about seventy grams are needed. Ashes together with humus are placed in a hole where seedlings or tubers of vegetables are planted and mixed with the ground. To feed the plants after they have grown, take about fifty grams of fertilizer per square meter.
  • Vegetables such as squash, squash, pumpkin and cucumbers require feeding at least three times per season. For the first time, in the fall, they feed the garden where vegetables will be planted in the spring, adding 200 gr. ash. The second time they bring ash during landing in the hole, and for the third time they feed the plant in the summer with an aqueous solution of ash.
  • Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants do not need summer feeding... It is enough to add ash to the soil of the garden in the fall, and in the spring, ash with or without humus is added to the hole.
  • To feed the cabbage, high-quality ash is added to the hole during planting and after about a month the plant is sprayed.
  • Before planting winter onions and garlic, the beds are prepared: fertilizer is applied at the rate of two glasses per square meter.
  • For legumes, a bed with ash is also prepared in the fall, but with much less ash. Approximately one glass per square meter.
  • In the same way, ash is introduced when planting carrots and beets. Additional feeding is not required in summer.
  • For potatoes, ash is also placed in the hole during planting and fed with a liquid ash solution twice during the summer.
  • Garden flowers are fertilized with ash when planting, about one glass in each hole. Indoor plants are occasionally watered with a liquid solution of ash and water.
  • It is advisable to feed seedlings of fruit trees with ash. Two hundred grams of fertilizer is stirred in a bucket of water and watered on the plant.
  • Mature fruit trees are fed once every three years. Why dilute a glass of ash in a bucket of water.
  • Seeds, before sinking, are treated with an ash solution a day before planting. This treatment is especially effective on pea, pepper and tomato seeds.
  • Flowers such as azalea, camellia and rhododendron do not tolerate fertilizer in the form of ash. It is noticed that when ash is introduced into the soil, these plants stop growing. Just replace the ash with another good quality fertilizer.
  • Cranberries and blueberries grow in acidic soil, and ash can neutralize it. Do not fertilize these plants with ash.
  • Plants such as radishes and radishes also stop growing due to ash. After the ash falls into the ground, the development of the root crop stops and an arrow is released.
  • If there is an excess of calcium in the soil, then it is not recommended to add ash. It is possible to determine a large amount of calcium in the soil by some signs. In plants, leaves begin to become covered with white spots and shoots die off. This is especially true for cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • If the fruit has a bitter taste and the surface is in numerous deformations, then this indicates that there is too much potassium in the soil. In this case, organic fertilizer should never be applied.
  • Abundant falling of the leaves of indoor flowers also indicates an excess of calcium and potassium. The introduction of ash into the soil will only exacerbate the problem. Ash as a fertilizer for indoor plants is used very carefully.

Ash as fertilizer how to apply

There are several uses for it.

  • Ash can be sprinkled around the tree and between the rows in the beds. For this, shallow grooves with a depth of about ten centimeters are prepared and ash is poured into them. It is important to remember that clean ash can burn very young plants, so if the sprout has no more than two leaves, it is better to mix the ash with the ground.
  • You can dig up the ground with fertilizer just before planting the plants.
  • To make water solution... This requires a glass of wood ash and one bucket of water. The ash is dissolved in water and watered with this composition of the plant. Very often this method is used when caring for flowers and vegetables in the garden. Top dressing is carried out every two weeks. To strengthen fertilization effect, peat can be added to the solution in the following proportion: four parts of peat are taken for one part of ash.
  • To feed vegetables, it is enough to add a small amount of high-quality wood ash to the hole before planting and mix with the ground.

It is important to remember that ash is not mixed with bird droppings, manure and saltpeter. Such nitrogen fertilizers applied in autumn, while ash is often applied in spring.

In order for the trees to receive top dressing from wood ash, they dig the earth around the trunk with fertilizer about ten centimeters deep.

For greater effect, they try to use ashes together with humus or peat. Thus, it is more convenient to spread it around the site.

To speed up the decomposition process in the compost and improve its quality, a mixture of fifty kilograms of ash and one ton of peat is prepared.

Using ash in pest control

Wood ash is very effective against plant pests, such as, for example, gray rot on strawberries. To stop the disease, it is sprayed on every strawberry bush. So, repeat two or three times until the end of the disease.

Powdery mildew, which affects currant and gooseberry bushes, is excellently treated with an ash solution. The solution is prepared as follows: three hundred grams of prepared sifted wood ash is boiled in one liter of water for an hour, after which it is diluted in ten liters and thirty grams of soap is added. This composition is sprayed on the bushes after sunset. Plants are treated in this way every two weeks.

Do not like ashes slugs and ants. Ash sprayed on the beds can scare away and rid the beds of pests.

What can be fertilized with ash

Fertilizing some plants

For grapes

For the normal development of the vine, the grapes simply need potassium. Since there is a lot of it in ashes, they cook special infusion for grapes... You need three hundred grams of ash and five medium buckets of water. They mix water with ash and feed them to the grapes in the fall after harvest. In the spring, the earth under the grapes is dug up and sprinkled wood fertilizer... With its help, they fight grape pests in the summer. The plant is fed in calm weather.

For tomatoes and eggplant

For the juiciness of fruits, tomatoes are extremely necessary calcium and potassium. You can scatter two hundred grams of ash around the plant and pour it on top, or you can make a groove next to the trunk, pour ash and bury it. Everything is at the discretion of the gardener, both methods are equally effective.

Some people prefer to use a solution: dilute one hundred grams of ash in a bucket of water and let it brew for a day. For each bush of a large plant, you should spend two glasses of useful tincture.

Fertilizer from ashes for cucumbers

Lack of calcium and potassium can prevent cucumbers from forming ovaries. Therefore, these plants need fertilizer from ash as much as possible. Ashes are usually sprinkled abundantly along the cucumber beds, and after watering, they fall into the soil. You can make a tincture from water and ash. This will require three tablespoons of ash in three liters of water. Everything is mixed and insisted for a day, after which the plant is watered at the very roots with one hundred grams of liquid for each root. Cucumbers are advised to pre-water before feeding, so the roots of the plant will be protected from burns.

For bow

For onions, ash also has protective value... Very often, the bulbs are affected by a disease such as root rotand ash has excellent antifungal properties. It is best to apply the useful fertilization during spring preparation onion beds. Thus, the onion will also be saved from the bulb fly. Top dressing can be poured in liquid form, or you can make furrows along the bed, pour ash into it and dig in with earth.

Fertilizer must be stored in a dry place, as it absorbs moisture very much. Wet ash loses one of its most valuable elements - potassium, due to which its function as an organic fertilizer is significantly reduced.

Many gardeners are sure that there is no better natural fertilizer than wood ash. First of all, it should be noted that ash not only fertilizes the plants, but also makes the soil better. To change the acid balance of the soil, it is necessary to make potash fertilizer, which is wood ash. It contains phosphorus, boron, manganese, lime and other trace elements. However, the ash that remains after the combustion of coal is not used as fertilizer.

Potassium, calcium and phosphorus are three elements for which wood ash is valued. It is noteworthy that this fertilizer contains no nitrogen. There is also no chlorine in the ash composition. Interestingly, it is considered a long-lasting fertilizer. And all the trace elements that are in the ash are easily absorbed by plants.

However, quality coal ash is obtained depending on several factors. First of all, the raw material that burns is important. So, if you need to add calcium to the soil, then it is best to burn deciduous trees. Herbaceous plants and vine give ash rich in potassium. Fruit trees receive iron, which is present in some amount in the ash.

After burning birch, the most valuable ash is obtained. Some people are interested in whether it is possible to use coal ash, which remains from the barbecue after cooking a kebab? It turns out that you can if the charcoal is made from birch or other hardwoods. This can usually be read on the charcoal bag.

However, there are other tips for using charcoal... If you want to prevent rot on the fruits, you need to dilute the wood ash of hard varieties in water and spray the trees. If furnace ash is added to the manure mixture, then it is good to fertilize trees with such a solution.

Ash for feeding strawberries in spring

Most often, wood ash is introduced into the soil with peat or humus. It is not recommended to add ash to fertilizers that contain nitrogen. However, these are just wishes. Many gardeners use all kinds of products in one solution, including ash.

Ash can be added at any time of the year. For example, if in clay soil add ash, then in the spring the alumina will become loose. If the soil is sandy, then ash must be added to it even in summer, as well as during digging.

Rules for the use of wood ash: benefits and harms

Ash can be used for all trees, shrubs, and flowers. When planting the latter, you can add fertilizer to the holes. In addition, ash is introduced into indoor plants. You can even make from coals drainage systems for plants.

If your plants are sick or pests are bothering them, then you can use ash as a shallow prophylactic agent... For example, aphids can be fought in as little as 15 minutes if you make a solution using wood ash. True, after the solution dries, the trees look unattractive. But after rain or spraying with plain water, the greenery shines again in your garden.

Fleas are often found in seedlings. In this case, you need to process the greens with ash. Moreover, the procedure can be repeated several times. Ash will not harm plants. If slugs and ants are found on the site, then they can also be driven away with wood ash. As a supplement, the solution is added liquid soap... This mixture even helps fight powdery mildew.

Remember that ash will increase the amount of alkali in the soil. Therefore, for some plants, such fertilization can be harmful. To collect ash from a fire, you need to take a metal scoop and a bucket.

If coal ash will not be exposed to moisture, then it can be stored for a very long time. Before storing the fertilizer, it must be sieved. Ash obtained from burning glossy paper is not used, as it emits toxic substances during combustion.

Natural fertilizer wood ash

Video: Fertilizers for the garden - wood ash

Wood ash or ash is the residue after the complete combustion of vegetation. It is widely used in agriculture, in particular, the value of wood ash as fertilizer, in the concentrate of potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

Primary raw material for quality wood ash

Naturally, in order to obtain high-quality and mineral-rich wood ash, the primary material is important, i.e. wood of various species and stem plants. It can be:

Video: Wood ash is a wonderful fertilizer for plants!

  • Deciduous trees;
  • Coniferous trees;
  • Sunflower stalks;
  • Vine vine;
  • Potato tops;
  • Cereal straw;
  • Other herbal plants.
  • It is important not to use wood ash as fertilizer, which was originally treated with paint, other chemicals, as well as printed materials. This will negatively affect its quality, and hence the plants themselves, due to the release of heavy metals.

    What is rich in wood ash?

    Nutrients... And it is rich in more than 30 nutrients, the leading among which are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium and iron. All of them have an easily digestible and easily accessible form for plants. Ash is considered a more nutritious and balanced fertilizer for garden crops. deciduous treesthan conifers. Also, the primary raw material of young trees contains much more potassium, in contrast to the old one. Wherein herbaceous plants more potash than trees. Distribution of nutritive elements of wood ash between primary raw materials:

    Video: ASH composition as fertilizer. Feeding plants of seedlings of flowers with ash. Wood ash as fertilizer

  • Potassium
  • Deciduous trees 15% - - Conifers 7% - - Herbaceous 40%;

    Video: Do-it-yourself fertilization. Ash. Wood ash as fertilizer. How to prepare an ash solution

  • Phosphorus
  • Deciduous trees 3-4% - - Conifers 5% - - Herbaceous 1%;

  • Calcium
  • Deciduous trees 45 - - Conifers 45% - - Herbaceous 20%. It is not ideal to fertilize wood ash with nitrogen in it. This is due to the combustion process in which this element is volatilized. But the absence of chlorine only in the best way affects the versatility of this top dressing, because many crops do not tolerate it.

    Impact on the soil.

    Ash - application in the garden and vegetable garden

    Ash can make your soil more alkaline, i.e. it reduces the acidity of the soil due to its calcareous composition (and acidic soil can become when growing the same vegetables and plants in the garden every year). It is perfect for swampy, gray forest, heavy soils such as clayey. Ash acts as a loosening agent of the soil, significantly improving its structure and making it suitable for planting many crops.

    Attention, only TODAY! "Farm" Natural fertilizer wood ash

    Often, after sitting in a silent cell
    For two, three days, forgetting both sleep and food,
    Having tasted delight and tears of inspiration,
    I burned my labor and looked coldly
    As my thought and sounds, born by me,
    Burning, disappeared with light smoke.

    Although the word "ash" is not directly here, but distinctive feature specified explicitly.
    Ashes are what you blow a little bit - and fly away, or even itself is able to fly away "with light smoke", with a stream of hot air.

    Wood ash is a natural fertilizer

    But ash is not. Therefore, from paper and from cigarettes - ash. And from wood and coal - ash.
    Ashes in relation to "human combustion" has a rather narrow meaning, not related to immediate physical characteristics, and rather is a tribute to tradition - after all, it comes from Church Slavonic.

    The Internet has already answered this question. There is nothing to add to it:
    1. Consistency. The ash is larger. Ashes - light-light dust, which can be obtained by burning ash.
    2. Color. The ash is usually black and the ash is gray.
    3. Origin. They say about ash when they want to emphasize that it is a product of combustion of substances of plant origin, and ashes are of animal origin. (This is how they differ. Of course, both can be the product of combustion of both plant and animal substances).
    4. Use, which follows from items 1-3. Often these words are used interchangeably, but there are well-established expressions built on the difference between ash and ash.

    For instance,
    - to rise from the ashes - only a living being can rise (of course, a city can rise from the ashes, and a country, but here is a metaphor, and the city is a living being); (p. 3)
    - incinerate with a glance - turn into fine dust, so that nothing remains (p. 1);
    - cigarette ash - cigarettes are thin, only fine dust remains from them (p. 1);
    - ashy hair - gray (p. 2);
    - sprinkle ashes on your head (p. 3) - be in mourning; mourning is usually for a living being;
    - scatter the ashes - the ashes are heavy, the breeze will not spread (p. 1);
    - industrial ash - large industrial waste that is recycled, re-incinerated (p. 1); industrial (useful) ash does not exist - to the end everything lt; lt; usefulgt; gt; burned;
    More lt; lt; ashes of Vesuviusgt; gt; - probably because the temperature there is such that there is nothing left but fine dust (then item 1).
    But in English there is no difference. Both ash and ash are ash.

    Ash infusion for plant nutrition is one of the most affordable and well-known means. Plant ash contains many useful substances, and it is quite easy to get it even in your own garden.

    Benefits for plants

    Any gardener knows how much effort it takes to get a good and high-quality harvest. Especially if the land for planting is rather heavy, acidic or depleted. To put it in order, it is necessary to apply various feeding and fertilizers. The simplest, but at the same time effective, is ordinary ash. It is a product obtained by burning grass, twigs and other organic matter. It contains trace elements such as calcium, potassium, manganese, boron, sulfur.

    Ash is an alkaline substance, so adding it to the soil reduces its acidity. Heavy soil makes it easier to apply this fertilizer.

    You also need to use wood ash carefully so as not to harm.

    For plant nutrition, ash can be used dry. To do this, sprinkle a small amount of ash on the ground around the plants.

    However, you can prepare an infusion of ash and water the beds with it.


    Ash infusion is an excellent protective, prophylactic and nutritious agent. The scope of its application is quite wide. As a fertilizer, ash infusion is the cheapest and most readily available remedy. And the benefits from it are no less than from various chemicals... Watering with ash infusion has a beneficial effect on plants, supplies them with the necessary substances, helps them to more easily tolerate heavy weather, destroys pests.

    Depending on the purpose for which the solution is needed, it is prepared in different ways.

    For soil

    Ash infusion as a soil fertilizer can be prepared in two ways.

    The first way


    • ash - 100-150 g;
    • water - 10 l bucket.


    1. Add ash to a bucket of water. This should be done gradually.
    2. Stir until all the ash is dissolved.
    3. This aqueous ash infusion is used to fertilize the soil for flowers and indoor plants.

    Second way


    • wood ash - 1 tbsp. l .;
    • water - 1 liter - boiling water.


    1. Ash is added to boiling water.
    2. To stir thoroughly.
    3. Leave in dark place for a week.
    4. Shake the contents every day.

    This infusion of wood ash is used not only for fertilizing the soil, but it can also be used for watering plants.

    For plants

    The use of infusion of wood ash for cucumbers, tomatoes has a beneficial effect on these plants. It is quite simple to prepare it, but there are many benefits. It is a completely organic fertilizer that does not contain harmful chemicals.


    • ash - 1-1.5 cups;
    • water - 10 liters.


    1. The ash is poured into a bucket of water.
    2. All are mixed.
    3. Insist for about a week, while it is necessary to stir the mixture.

    Such an infusion of ash is used for feeding cucumbers, tomatoes and other plants as follows: watering is done under the root. Each bush should have at least half a liter of solution. Then the soil is covered with a layer of mulching material.

    When using the infusion of ash for watering plants, a better assimilation of all microelements occurs.

    Ash as fertilizer for the garden - the main properties and advantages of the substance

    They are quickly absorbed into the soil and reach the roots.

    Infusion of ash can be periodically watered indoor plants. This will make them stronger and healthier.

    From pests

    In addition to the fact that ash infusion is an excellent fertilizer, it can be used to get rid of various pests. There are several different recipes preparation of the solution.

    The first way


    • ash - 1 glass;
    • cold water - 10 liters.


    1. Mix the ingredients in the evening.
    2. Leave to infuse overnight.

    Such an infusion of ash is used to spray cabbage from aphids and caterpillars. The procedure should be carried out at about 5-6 o'clock in the morning, before the butterflies begin to fly.

    The vegetable is processed completely. This should be done every day until the pests disappear.

    Second way



    1. Ash must be sieved with a sieve.
    2. Fill with water and put the container on fire.
    3. Bring to a boil, cook for about 20 minutes;
    4. Leave to infuse, then filter.

    The resulting solution must be diluted so that the total volume is about 10 liters.

    In this way, an infusion of ash from aphids is prepared. Plants are treated with it until insects disappear.

    Third way


    • ash - 1 bucket;
    • water - 3 buckets.


    1. Mix ash and water.
    2. Put on fire.
    3. Boil for one hour.
    4. Cool and filter.

    The finished infusion is used to treat the bushes from powdery mildew.

    Fourth way


    • ash - 3 kg;
    • hot water - 10 liters;
    • laundry soap - 40g.


    1. Sift the ashes.
    2. Mix with water.
    3. Add grated laundry soap.
    4. Mix thoroughly, the soap should dissolve.
    5. Leave to infuse for two days.
    6. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth.

    Ash infusion is used to feed plants and protect them from pests.

    However, you should not use such a solution for watering root crops (radishes, radishes, beets).

    Of course, the pests will disappear, but the plants will grow upward, i.e. will go to the "arrow". In this case, the substance should be used with care.

    Spraying with ash infusion will help not only fertilize the plants, but also save them from various harmful insects. Indeed, sometimes it is they who destroy most of the crop.

    For seedlings

    Experienced gardener knows the role of seeds. Some of them need to be soaked before planting. In this case, ash infusion will also help out.


    • ash - 2 tbsp. l .;
    • water - 1l.


    1. The ingredients are mixed.
    2. Leave for tincture for two days.
    3. They are filtering.

    The infusion is used to soak the seeds of some plants. They are left in solution for 5 hours. But the onion can be soaked in such a solution for 12 hours before planting.

    At the seedling stage, young plants very often die, sometimes they simply do not have enough nutrients.

    Ash infusion can be used for seedlings. Thanks to him, she will be strong, strong, resistant to disease.

    The infusion is prepared in the same way as for soaking the seeds. It is used in its pure form, mineral fertilizers are added to it. The procedure can be repeated every two weeks.

    However, it is worth remembering that such a remedy can be used only when the plant has real leaves. At the cotyledon stage, the solution may simply kill the plant.


    Ash infusion is an excellent remedy for plants. It is used dry from ants, slugs, snails can simply be sprinkled with ash near the plants. Leaves of trees damaged by insects can be lightly sprinkled with ash.

    Before planting the plants, a small amount of dry ash is added to the hole. This will help the plant to take root in a new place faster.

    Ash is a wonderful tool, the use of which will help any gardener take care of the site and plants. If you know how to prepare an infusion from ash, you will get an excellent nutritional and protective agent for plants, without overpaying a lot.

    Sunflower ash - This is a non-combustible residue formed from sunflower husks when they are completely burned.

    Ash as fertilizer in the garden: composition and application features

    This product contains a wide range of nutrients (phosphorus, potassium, calcium and trace elements), therefore it is considered a good complex potassium-phosphorus and alkaline fertilizer. First of all, it is an excellent natural alkaline mineral fertilizer that successfully competes with chemical mineral fertilizers, because it does not contain any chlorine compounds harmful to crops such as potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, currants, strawberries, grapes, citrus fruits, flax , legumes and some others.

    Ash properties

    • Sunflower ash can quickly reduce the acidity of the soil, which needs liming, so ash is used as an alkaline fertilizer.
    • Hinders the development of root and foliar rot, pathogens.
    • As a fertilizer, it does not contain chlorine. It is excellently used for feeding agricultural crops that are sensitive to chlorine.
    • The form of potassium in ash is contained in the form of potash (potassium carbonate) and is readily soluble in water.
    • Helps microorganisms in the process of decomposition of organic substances, turning them into readily available substances.
    • Possesses the property of aftereffect, the duration of such an effect on mineral soils is 2-2.5 years, and on peat soils - up to 4 years.

    Simultaneously with the enrichment of the soil and a decrease in its acidity, ash improves its structure, contributes to its loosening, creates a favorable soil microflora, which has a beneficial effect on the health of plants, their survival rate, productivity, decorative qualities, immunity.

    Ash is not used on alkaline soils, on soils with an acidity of pH 7 and above, as well as for plants that prefer acidic soils: azaleas, camellias, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, heathers, conifers and some others.

    A special stake in the successful cultivation of grapes should be made on the question of its dressing.

    Wood ash: Useful properties, use in the garden and vegetable garden

    The health of the plant and its one hundred percent fruiting depends on this.

    Grapes, like all plants, loves, first of all, organic fertilizing: farm animal manure, bird droppings, rabbit droppings, compost, high-moor peat, lowland, transitional peat, wood ash, sawdust, bark, foliage, needles, green fertilizers / infusions on nettle , burdock, etc. /, green manure plants / plowing into the soil /, silt and silty compounds, algae / sapropel /, bone meal, blood meal, from horns, experience, feathers, fish bones, crab shells, shrimps, ready-made biohumus, offered fertilizer producers.

    Knowledgeable gardeners and gardeners know that for the successful growth of grapes, for example, all biologically significant substances are needed - macroelements / biogenic or organogenic: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen; potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine / and basic trace elements / bromine, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, selenium, fluorine, chromium, zinc /.

    Of course, all amateur gardeners watch their pets, and even more so for grapes. From the outward appearance of the plant, you can almost immediately see whether it feels good or not. If the grapes have few leaves on the bush, the growth retardation of the shoots, poor bunching is a signal of nitrogen starvation.

    The lack of phosphorus is immediately noticeable - the leaves of the grapes become small, their edges are bent or twisted into a tube, later loose clusters are formed with their further shedding.

    But the deadliest thing for grapes is the lack of calcium. A picture of dying grapes: the leaves turn yellow, brown spots form on them, they slowly but surely fall off. All points of growth gradually die off - the grapes die.

    Experienced gardeners will not allow this and will notice the signs of starvation in time. They will guess which macro- or microelement is not enough for the bush.

    Wood ash in its chemical composition does not have all the macro- and microelements, but it will help if the grapes have abnormal yellowing or whitening of leaves, their fall, appearance brown spots on mature leaves, signs of chlorosis are dark spots between veins on young leaves.

    As a fertilizer, wood ash contains:

    Calcium salts / calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, calcium chloride, calcium silicate / - carry the functions of movement and binding of substances in plant cells, are responsible for the rapid assimilation of substances and for the harmonious development and growth of the bush.

    Potassium salt / potassium orthophosphate / - helps to regulate the water balance of the plant.

    Magnesium salts / magnesium carbonate, magnesium sulfate, magnesium silicate / - are responsible for the activity of the photosynthesis process and the set of green mass of the bush.

    Root feeding of grapes with ash

    Dry root dressing is the least labor-intensive method. Fresh dry ash, in pure form or mixed with peat or humus, is scattered over the surface of the earth, around a bush, or into specially made grooves. Throw in earth and mulch. The layer of mulch is about 10 cm. The dose of dry ash is about 2-3 kg for an adult 3-4-year-old bush.

    Feeding with an ash solution requires knowing the norms for preparing the solution and the ash content in different containers:

    1 tbsp. l. - 6 gr. ash

    Faceted glass - 100 gr. ash

    Liter can - 500 gr. ash

    The ash is dissolved in cold water. For 10 liters about 100-300 gr. ash. Previously, abundantly spilling the soil around the bush, pour a bucket of solution under the bush.

    Root feeding timing

    In the spring, during the growth of young shoots, leaves and the formation of inflorescences

    At the end of summer, in the process of ripening berries

    In autumn, after harvest

    Foliar top dressing of grapes with ash

    Leaf feeding by irrigation or spraying is something that grapes always like. The leaf area of \u200b\u200bgrapes is large, the absorption is 100%.

    Preparation of the solution / extract from ash / will take some time, since it is created in advance and insisted from 3 to 5 days. 2 kg. ash is poured into 6 liters of cold water. After 3 days, mix, settle and filter. The resulting concentrated solution is diluted to 10 liters. For better adhesion of the solution to the sheet, add a portion of dissolved laundry soap - 50 g. 10 liters. The ash extract can be stored for about 2 weeks in a tightly closed container.

    Grape bushes are irrigated 10-15 days before flowering, if possible, combined with root dressing. The irrigation time is chosen in the morning or in the evening. The weather is cool, moderately humid, calm.

    It is more advisable to carry out foliar feeding once or twice before flowering the bush. In order to prevent the solution from drying out on the leaves, they need to be sprayed every morning with plain water, thereby improving the absorption of nutrients by grape leaves.

    1. Ash suitable for fertilization after combustion:

    Firewood, straw, hay, twigs, dry weeds

    Coal purchased in stores (if the package indicates - wood, for example, birch, oak, etc. tree species).

    2. Ash unsuitable for fertilization after burning:

    Hard coal and shale

    Polymer materials, colored paper, rubber, etc.

    3. There is no chlorine in the ash, which makes it safe for all types of plants.

    4. Ash should not be applied on weakly and strongly alkaline soils.

    5. Ash is a prolonged fertilizer, that is, a long-acting fertilizer. The usefulness of the substances introduced by the ash lasts about 4 years, which makes it possible not to introduce ash every year.

    6. Ash is a self-sufficient fertilizer, it does not need to be mixed with mineral fertilizers / ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, urea / and with organic / manure, droppings /.

    7. Ash is a chemically fragile substance. The potassium, calcium and magnesium salts contained in it lose their original properties over time and may be useless. It is always good if the ash is fresh, straight from the stove or from the fire.

    It is safer to store in warm household or utility rooms with a slight positive temperature and low humidity.

    In nature, everything is very harmonious and balanced, but at the same time it is difficult. Every gardener and plant lover has their own rules, methods, methods and recipes for every occasion. Intuitively feeling their pets, vigilantly observing them, they make decisions and achieve certain positive results.

    For grapes, especially for cultivated grapes, all growing conditions are important. Where he is comfortable and in abundance, there he pleases his owner with high yields and incomparable taste of berries.


    Ash as a fertilizer, moreover, very valuable, has been recognized for a long time. Many generations of gardeners use it to improve soil fertility. It contains most of the essential nutrients necessary for plant growth, since wood ash is obtained from plant material. What are its benefits? Is it safe to use in the garden as a fertilizer? Yes and no! Ash is a good source of potassium, phosphorus, and some trace elements. It depends on the type of wood burned.

    So if your soil is potassium deficient then ash can fix it. And if the soil in your area is very acidic (pH less than 5.5), then it can improve the acid composition of the soil. But if the soil in your area is neutral or alkaline, then applying the ash as fertilizer can raise the pH so high that the plants lose their ability to get nutrients from the soil.

    Wood ash composition

    When the wood burns, nitrogen and sulfur go into the air in the form of gases, while calcium, potassium, magnesium, and various trace elements remain. Carbonates, oxides left after wood burning, when introduced into the soil, neutralize its acidity.

    The value of fertilizer from burned trees depends on the type of wood you are burning. Generally, deciduous tree ash contains a higher percentage of nutrients than softwood ash.

    Anyway wood ash is an alkaline complex fertilizer... Its main advantage is the high content of calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus in a form available to plants.

    Burned wood does not contain nitrogen, which is volatilized during combustion. However, this is not at all a reason to apply nitrogen fertilizers with it. In this case, there will be no benefit, since this will lead to the formation and release of ammonia, large doses of which are dangerous for plants.

    The introduction of ash helps to reduce the acidity of the soil. It is not recommended to apply it in bulk on soils with acidity (pH) values \u200b\u200bof 7 and above. Since this will further increase the alkalinity of the soil. It is scattered under the digging of the soil or into the grooves, holes during planting. The maximum consumption rate for digging the soil should not exceed 1 glass per sq. m. In this case, its effect will be observed for 2 - 4 years after the introduction.

    Ash solution or infusion of wood ash - how to prepare

    You can use the so-called ash solution or ash infusion to fertilize plants. It is prepared as follows: 1 glass of wood ash (100-150 g) is poured with a bucket of water, insisted (I leave it overnight). Garden plants are watered with this solution. Before watering, the infusion is stirred. Insoluble ash particles must be evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

    Wood ash - use in the garden, where possible and where not

    The burnt wood can be successfully used in compost heapsto help create best conditions, for microorganisms that process organic substances. Sprinkle ash on each layer of the compost to enrich the compost with nutrients.

    When used wisely, it can be used to control various pests such as slugs or snails, as it absorbs water from the organs of invertebrates. Sprinkle ash around your plants to ward off crawling pests. But as soon as the ash gets wet, it loses its restraining properties. Continuous use for these purposes can greatly increase the pH of the soil, and this is harmful to plants.

    Do not add wood ash around plants such as rhododendron, blueberry. They love acidic soil, and it reduces acidity, which will have a depressing effect on these plants.

    Potatoes respond well to its use in growing - the friability of potatoes increases by 1-1.5%, but still use it carefully when planting potatoes, as it contributes to the development of such dangerous disease tubers like Rhizoctonia or scab.

    Do not use ashes for fertilization until the third true leaf appears, as it contains too many salts that are harmful to immature plants. When planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, you can add 1 tablespoon of gold in the hole. But be sure to mix it with the soil, and also sprinkle it with earth on top so that the roots of the seedlings do not come into contact with it. Otherwise, they will get burned, the plant will hurt, take root for a long time in a new place.

    Do not use wood ash to repel pests on radishes, radishes, or turnips. You may scare away pests, but you will not wait for the harvest of radish and the like - they will go "into the arrow". That is, the roots will stop growing, coarse, stiffen - they will release a flower arrow.

    Dry wood ash during storage does not lose its useful properties for many years. But when soaked, it loses almost all potassium. The percentage of potassium in the ash depends on the species and age of the burned tree. The younger it is, the more it contains potassium.

    In comparison with potassium, the ash contains little phosphorus. But such phosphorus is used by plants better than from superphosphate.

    Walnut ash as fertilizer

    Some summer residents are afraid of wood ash. Their fears are most likely based on the misconception that plants in the walnut family (walnut, Manchurian, gray and black) contain chemical substance juglone (nucin), belonging to the class of naphthoquinones. This substance has an adverse effect on plants growing next to the nut.

    Their fears are unfounded. In the nut plant, juglone is found in green skin, leaves, roots, and bark. When burned, juglone, as an organic substance consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, completely decomposes and evaporates. Ash from wood walnut, as well as from other woody crops, contains potassium (15-20%), calcium (6-9%), phosphorus (5%), small amounts of magnesium, iron, sulfur, zinc. In addition, it includes many other trace elements necessary for vegetable crops.

    Walnut shell ash can be used as a cosmetic product, for example, to remove unwanted hair. The following recipe for the preparation of the drug is recommended: the shells of the nuts are burned, the ashes are diluted with water. For one teaspoon of gold, take 0.5 liters of water. The resulting composition is used to lubricate areas of the skin with unwanted hair.

    What other ash can be used as fertilizer

    In the garden, ash from burning sunflower husks and rice husks can be used as fertilizer.

    When sunflower husk is burned, it is formed in an amount of 0.5-1.0% of the total volume. It is very rich in potassium and can be used as a valuable potash fertilizer. Ash from sunflower husk, as well as from buckwheat straw, are leaders in the content of potassium dioxide (K 2 O) in comparison with woody or other plants. You should know that when sunflower husk is burned, nitrogen from it escapes into the atmosphere. Therefore, the ash, unlike the husk itself, does not enrich the soil with nitrogen, as well as wood ash.

    In addition to sunflower husks, in areas Krasnodar Territorywhere rice is cultivated, a considerable amount of rice husk is obtained. It is estimated that about 200 kg of rice husks are wasted for each ton of hulled rice. This is a very valuable raw material. Rice husk ash contains almost all macro- and microelements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, boron, cobalt, etc. However, when it is burned, such elements as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen evaporate in atmosphere.

    Can ash from burning hay or straw be used as fertilizer? To be honest, cereal straw does not contain very many nutrients. Moreover, a lot of it is required for plant feeding. I don't think you have entire stacks of it. Of course, you can use it for everything garden crops... But keep in mind that it is considered the best from under oats, rye and rice.

    Do not use ashes on your property that come from burning trash, cardboard, coal, or chipboard. These substances contain trace elements that are harmful to many plants when used in excessive amounts. For example, the glue used in the manufacture cardboard boxes or chipboard, contains boron - an element toxic to many plant species.

    When you work with wood ash, there are some precautions you must take. Wear gloves and goggles, and if the weather is shallow and windy, be sure to wear a respirator.

    What else can you add? Wood ash as fertilizer is a valuable assistant to the gardener and gardener. I think we figured out when, where and how to use it best.