Autumn flowers in the garden photo, description and title. autumn flowerbed

Good afternoon. Today I am starting an article on creating a luxurious autumn flower bed. I really want our flower beds to bloom luxuriantly not only in summer. I want to prove that it is possible to create a flower bed that will be filled with bright autumn colors. Therefore, here I will tell you step by step everything that I could learn. about the most beautiful autumn colors- and there will be as many as 23 varieties of flowers, so you can choose the most elegant flower bed for yourself, blooming until late autumn. So here's what's on our agenda.

  • WHICH AUTUMN FLOWERS live best in our Eurasian climate.
  • How to grow autumn flowers(plant, feed).
  • What kind of soil do they like, shadow level.
  • And most importantly, how to arrange autumn flowers in a flower bed(to get an elegant design).


let's find out first


Any well-designed flower bed has ONLY ONE LAW. And it depends on him whether your flower beds will be a work of art ... or look like a collective farm garden. Let's look at the picture below. See how wonderfully the flowers are arranged here.

  • The lowest flowers in height (5-10 cm) are located along the edge of the flower bed - this is the first line of the flower bed.
  • They are followed by medium height (20 30 cm) - this is the second line of the flower bed.
  • Then flowers taller than 40 cm - this is the third line of the flower bed.
  • And in the background the highest 60 - 80 cm - the backmost part of the flower bed.

This is the law of any flower bed.

Here in the photo below you see how this law is observed in a flower bed just with autumn flowers.

(We will consider all the flowers that you see in this flower bed in our article ... just below)

And here is another flower bed where we see autumn flowers - lush inflorescences of phloxes (pink and purple), delphinium (white blue purple - in the background), yellow rudbeckia and marigolds, burgundy celosia, and ground-blooded conifers.

Here, too, this law of flowerbed lines is observed - lined up in height.

It is important to understand that the same flower has both undersized varieties (10 cm) and high varieties up to 70 cm.

The photo below demonstrates this principle.

We see an autumn flower bed, on which white delphinium, blue sage, and three varieties of rudbeckia(high yellow, medium pink, and low burgundy yellow).


And therefore, one variety can be planted ON THE FRONT LINE of the flower bed (like this burgundy-yellow rudbeckia), and the other variety ON THE BACKLINE (like a tall yellow rudbeckia).

When planting seeds you can on a bag of seeds read how tall the plant will be, and immediately decide on which line of the flower bed it can be planted.

And if it is a perennial (and you bought it already as seedlings), then it will show itself in the first year of life in a flower bed, and if it grows low, you will next year transplant closer to the edge of the flower bed ... and if it is high, then it should be located on the flower bed line farthest from the edge - dig it out and transfer it to the next flower bed line in height.



And now let's start making our flower bed step by step... I'll start with the shortest flowers.

So let's start with the first line...

LOW autumn flowers

(border groundbloods)

for the first line of the flower bed.

So we'll start with the lowest autumn flowers - which are planted along the edge of the flower bed - at the border. That is why they are called curbstones..

Often for the curb line, flower beds are chosen groundcover flowers. They are so called because they cover the soil with a thick carpet of flowers - such a carpet grows very quickly to the sides, capturing all the bald patches of land and the edge of the flower bed looks beautiful and well-groomed.

Let's start our list of border low autumn flowers with just such a ground-blooded autumn flower as Ageratum.


Autumn annual flower.

This is what it looks like up close. You met him in the flowerbeds of the city and the village.

And here is an example of a flower bed where there is a good video of how exactly this autumn flower covers the flower bed and what height this soil cover reaches in reality. As you can see, no higher than 7 cm. Just for the first line of the flower bed.

SOWING can be for seedlings or immediately in open ground. And in that and in that case, it is better to cover the soil with a film and constantly moisten it from a bullet gun - so that a greenhouse effect is created under the film. So you will quickly get strong shoots.

FLOWER STIMULATION. In order for the ageratum to give little grass but many flowers, its stems need to be cut - that is, thin out the density of branches, leaving several branches on the stem. Then the strength of the plant will not be spent on leaves and it will give more flowers.

NUTRITION. This autumn flower does not like fresh manure. Feed with mineral fertilizers and humus. He likes watering, but does not like too much dampness.

WINTERING. In our climate, the ageratum does not survive the winter and therefore it must be planted again in the spring. Or you can transplant the most beautiful bushes into a pot and bring them into the house, onto the veranda or balcony.

VIRULENCE. Ageratum - has poisonous leaves. They cause allergic reactions on the skin and mucous membranes. If you have a child who puts everything in his mouth, then refrain from this plant.


Autumn flower-one-year-old.

PLACE OF DEPARTURE. Only a sunny area, in the shade this flower will not give inflorescences, and if it releases flowers, it will not open buds in a shady flower bed, and will keep them closed. His homeland is Africa - you can understand him.

Therefore, if the sun is mercilessly scorching the border of your flower bed, then you are lucky, you can create a bright scattering of multi-colored African flower stars. Summer and autumn they will delight you with their southern optimism.

They also bloom wonderfully at home - in pots, like indoor flowers. 4 seedlings of this autumn flower are planted in a pot for splendor.

As you can see from the photo, these autumn flowers are low, so their planting line is the border edge zone of the flower bed.

SOWING. At the end of March, under the film, water. But do not let dampness stagnate (remember that an African flower and excessive dampness are not familiar to him. They love warmth - therefore it is better to keep the seedlings at 18 degrees. But before planting in the ground, you need to accustom them to more low temperatures. Periodically take out 10 degrees - first for several hours, and then leave them in such a cool room for good. Disembarkation at open ground- when the night temperature is not lower than 10 degrees. And this is the end of May.

VIRULENCE. In their African homeland, these flowers are used for food, in salads. So this species safe for children. It can be grown next to playgrounds or in a kindergarten.


(California poppy)

Autumn perennial flower.

Estolcia blooms all summer and autumn. Its bright orange flowers are like firelights. The flower is low - so we plant it along the edge of the flower bed.

PLACE OF DEPARTURE. Only the sun. This autumn flower adores the sun, drinks it, bathes in it. And all the flowers open only to catch and absorb the sun's rays. V cloudy weather flowers may not even bother opening a bud, which is why it is useless to spread the petals without a heavenly body.

THE SOIL. Eschstolzia loves dry drainage soils - mostly sandy. Grows well on Alpine rollercoaster among the stones in the gravel. DOES NOT LIKE acidic heavy (clay loamy) soils. Does not love damp areas flower beds.

In addition to orange species, there are red and yellow ones.

SOWING. This summer-autumn flower is completely unpretentious in sowing. You can just toss the seeds into the soil, water it intermittently so it doesn't dry out in the crust (it's hard for the seeds to break through the dry crust shell) and you'll soon see the flowery carpet of this California miracle. It is best to mulch the seeds thrown into the ground (with crushed foliage, sawdust, straw, bark - this will also prevent moisture from evaporating quickly and prevent a crust from forming on the soil surface. And the seeds will sprout quickly, quickly. If the seeds are kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator (harden) - sowing can be done immediately after the snow melts.

WATERING AND NUTRITION. Eschstolzia loves the sun and therefore easily relates to the aridity of the soil. She firmly holds her thin neck even on the hottest, driest days, patiently waiting for rain or watering. For this patient flowering, he is loved and respected by all gardeners. Need to water the flowers in the evening when the calyxes of the flower have already closed.

FLOWER STIMULATION. To accelerate the formation of buds and the splendor of flowering, this autumn flower must be fed. mineral fertilizer+ any other flower-universal + Vermisol. You can immediately make a cocktail - a teaspoon of each substance in a bucket of water. And water as usual.

VIRULENCE. Plant not poisonous. That is, it is safe for places where kids roam unattended. You can allow children to pluck cups of flowers and play with them (bury secrets in the ground under a piece of glass, or turn them upside down and get a fluffy princess dress. Do not feel sorry for these flowers - because everyone calyx flower lives only 3 days. The flower dies off and a new bright light of estolcia immediately opens next to it.

WINTERING. Eschstolzia propagates by self-sowing. In autumn, she will scatter seeds around. They will overwinter in the soil and in the spring will give new cheerful shoots.


An annual flower.

PLACE OF DEPARTURE. Demorfoteka is also a guest from Africa. Therefore, he also likes to bathe in the sun. We plant it only on pieces of a flower bed open to the sun - that is where it will give bright carpet colors.

DOES NOT LIKE dampness. Do not plant near a drain. Loves ventilated places, grows well in a windy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower bed.

THE SOIL. Not heavy, well-drained (that is, does not retain water) - sandy. If you have heavy soil in a flower bed (clay, loam), then under this flower you can specially dig a hole - pour sand into it, mix it with organic matter (compost) and plant a dimorphotheque in this oasis. She will love it.

They feel great in pots, baskets, on small areas of soil - islands of earth between stones are great.

SOWING. Under the film in boxes. Keep at a temperature of 15 degrees or higher. Flowering period 70 days. Therefore, for the plant to bloom in autumn in September. Sowing can be done in June and planted in the ground later in July. And we will get a bright autumn flower. Just they can be planted in the place where the bulbous flowers have already faded and you dug them up for storage until next year.

FEEDING. Any universal fertilizer for flowers. During the period of bud set and at the end of August to enhance flowering in September.

VIRULENCE. This autumn plant is not poisonous. Can be planted in the country with small children.

BEGONIA everblooming

(blooms all summer and autumn).

We are all familiar with begonia with early childhood. We often saw her in pots as a houseplant. And it is most often grown in parks and city lawns. This is the type of begonia we see most often - with rounded glossy leaves and small crispy flowers.

But begonias have hundreds of varieties. And every year they bring out more and more. There are a huge number of collectors in the world who devote their whole lives to collecting all types of begonias in their garden. Below we see what lush varieties this autumn flower can have.

In autumn, this flower gives the same beautiful flowers as in summer. Therefore, we also place it in our article on autumn colors.

PLACE OF DEPARTURE. Begonia is native to tropical rainforests. It grows in the shade of tropical trees, under their dense crown it is warm and humid. The same shaded and moistened corner should be highlighted in your autumn flowerbed.

DOES NOT LIKE - direct sunlight (leaves get burned). It's better if a scattered begonia falls sunlight through the crown of a bush or tree. DOES NOT LIKE - when water is poured on top of the leaves. It is better to pour on the ground under the bushes. And mulch the soil (with sawdust, straw, mulch, bark) - so that the earth retains moisture for a long time (but this flower does not like abundant watering with stagnant water).

THE SOIL. Begonia loves slightly acidic soil. In alkaline soil, it will grow, but will not produce flowers.

FLOWER STIMULATION. So that the begonia does not get sick and blooms profusely, it must be watered once a month with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. The same solution will protect the begonia from powdery mildew. In the same way, watering with slightly acidified water has a beneficial effect on begonia - a spoonful of vinegar in a bucket of water.

REPRODUCTION - tubers and cuttings. If you walk past a beautiful begonia, tear off the stalk with leaves (the top of the branch) from it. Dip it in water and it will give roots (to make the process of rooting faster, you can moisten the cut of the cutting in a rooting enhancer (purchased or homemade). You can make such an enhancer yourself by mixing honey and aloe juice. Add a teaspoon of this balm to a glass with a cutting and the roots will not keep you waiting long.

AMPEL groundbloods,

blooming in autumn.

Ground plants are often used in AMPEL (suspended) plantings. That is, they are planted in flower pots, hanging pots. Having taken possession of the limited space of the pot, flowering border groundbloods create a FLUFFY BALL, behind which you can’t even see the container in which they grow

Let's look at some autumn flowers that you can use. in ampelous plantings and in hanging flower beds and pots.

Of the autumn flowers, these are 4 species that bloom all summer and the warm part of autumn - rocky alissum, lobelia, lavatera, petunia.

Alyssum rocky

These beautiful abundant flowers bloom all summer and into warm September. Planted in a pot, they give a magnificent flowering hat. They are also used as border flowers for the first line of the flower bed. Planted on alpine slides between stones.

And it is also planted in place of faded bulbous flowers (daffodils and tulips) - they grow rapidly and occupy all the bald places of the flower bed.

THE SOIL. These summer autumn flowers love well-drained soils - that is, those in which water does not stagnate - that is, sand. It grows well between stones, in the cracks of the sidewalk. In terms of acidity, neutral soil is either slightly acidic or slightly alkaline (that is, closer to the middle).

SOWING. You can sow alyssum in March, but then the seedlings will sprout late. Better in November - the seeds will overwinter and get stronger and come out with an even carpet already in early spring and will bloom earlier ... and will bloom all summer and all autumn. If the seeds are poured out thickly, then the seedlings will need to be thinned out so that they do not choke each other. It is best to keep a distance of 40 cm between the bushes (then they will grow comfortably).

Seedlings in a box require slightly alkaline soil with a little bit of lime (pH 5.5-6.2). After the first leaf, feed with fertilizer for flowers. After 2-3 leaves can be planted in the ground.

WATERING. These autumn flowers do not like excess moisture and frequent watering. To find out if it's time to water the alyssum, you need to dig the soil 3 cm deep - if it's dry, you can water it - not much.

NUTRITION. Alyssum loves nitrogen fertilizers - 1 tablespoon of Agricola-7 + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea - in a bucket of water.

FLOWER STIMULATION. Before flowering, we feed with any complex fertilizer for flowers.


(herbaceous varieties)

Lobelia are summer-autumn flowers, which have several hundred varieties - both shrubby and herbaceous. As border autumn flowers, we choose low-growing herbaceous varieties.

LANDING LOCATION. This flower loves not too nutritious soils (loose and light soil with sand or loamy composition is perfect). Lobelia LOVES SUNNY flower beds.

WATERING - Lobelia succulence requires constant watering.

NUTRITION - Lobelia does not like heavy food, such as new manure, thick compost. She needs light mineral fertilizers.

STIMULATION OF FLOWERING AND SHOULDER FORMATION. If you just sow lobelia and wait for a beautiful bush, you may be disappointed. It is best to cut the lobelia seedlings yourself (cut off the tops of the shoots with scissors) - so that the trimmed branches release abundantly side shoots and formed a dense bush, without bald spots. And then the bush will take a beautiful spherical shape by itself

SOWING. Lobelia is sown in February. First, we put a drainage layer in the boxes (pebbles, expanded clay, or pieces of bark), that is, a layer into which excess moisture will drain. Then pour on top purchased soil, after mixing it with sand and coconut fiber. So the soil will become more crumbly and light. Lobelias do not like heavy soils. We pour the seeds of lobelia directly on top of the soil and bury them (so they will not germinate), but simply sprinkle them with fine river sand. Cover with clingfilm and expose to light. Watering from a sprayer.


Summer flowers blooming in autumn

LANDING LOCATION - The sun, the more the better.

SOIL - neutral, or slightly acidic.

GROWING - start sowing in March. The composition of the soil for planting seeds consists of peat, humus, sod and some sand. At the bottom of the box we pour expanded clay, prepared soil on top. We spray the ground so that it becomes wet, and we pour the petunia seeds in rows on it. DO NOT sprinkle them with earth, just lightly press down with your finger so that they stick to the ground. And that's it. Petunias love the light from their youngest days - even petunia seeds love to lie open in the light. The box is covered with glass or transparent film. And put on the sunniest windowsill. A temperature of 24 degrees is the most successful for the germination of these autumn flowers.

After seed germination, seedlings begin to harden. Gradually, day after day, the glass is removed - first for 5 minutes, the next day for 10 minutes, the day after tomorrow for 20 minutes. And so gradually increase the time, and then remove the glass for good.

You can dive sprouts from a common box into separate cups when they have 2 real curly leaves.

The first month, the seedlings will stand still - do not increase and do not grow. This is fine. This is because during this period all forces are spent on strengthening and growing the root system. As soon as the plant has strong roots, it will begin to pour strength into its aerial stem part.

LANDING IN THE GROUND in mid-June, when the plant has already become an adult and even released flowers.


Height from 20 cm

(for the second line of the flower bed)



LANDING PLACE - Sun or light partial shade.

GROWING. You can plant seedlings - but then you will see flowers only in the third year .. Therefore, it is easier and faster to root out sprouts with roots from a large bush near a neighbor. These autumn flowers take root and grow very quickly. Therefore, immediately plant them away from other perennials.

WINTERING. For the winter, these autumn cut flowers are sprinkled with peat or a layer of compost.


hardy autumn flowers.

LANDING LOCATION. Marigolds love light, non-clay soils. They do well in open sunny areas. In the shade, these flowers will not be strong and luxuriant.

SOWING. Marigolds are sown for seedlings in March or April. Marigold seeds - wrap in a wet scarf, wrap in a film and put in heat (on a battery) or on your body (in a bra, for example - the seeds on the body germinate very quickly). When the seeds have hatched, they can be planted in boxes with earth. Or on the prepared section of the flower bed, if it is already summer in the yard and it is warm enough for the seeds (sprinkle with earth for half a centimeter, pour from the sprayer, cover with a film). We thin out the first shoots.







Verbena is one of the most beautiful autumn flowers that blooms until frost.

LANDING LOCATION. This autumn flower thrives in any soil, as long as you fertilize twice a year. Verbena blooms better and more abundantly in sunny beds, but will also produce flowers in partial shade.

GROWING. The seeds are sown in March. Landing in the ground is carried out in June. Before planting, the seedlings are hardened, for 10, 20, 30 minutes the seedlings are taken out into the street, gradually accustoming the verbena to a cool climate.


HEIGHT from 30 cm

(third line of the flower bed)





LANDING PLACE - These autumn flowers love sunny areas. They are very fond of the sun, very sensitive to light. Therefore, they are not recommended to be planted near garden lamps or windows, from which light pours for a long time in the evenings. In chrysanthemums, then the light rhythm goes astray and they bloom less.

NUTRITION - these autumn flowers, like real sensitive ladies, eat little. One spring dressing and one during flowering. If they are fed more often, in company with a neighboring bush, then they will begin to behave inappropriately - the stem will stretch up, thin, long and fragile and weak before any infection.

PROTECTION - Spray these flowers with anti-fungicides to keep them from being eaten by slugs and aphids. And then autumn bloom will be long.

REPRODUCTION - perfectly propagated by cuttings. Broke off the bouquet. They stuck it in the ground (in a pot. And it will take root in 2 months

Asters perennial

Asters are very different ... So much so that they seem to be alien colors to each other. There are asters 80 cm high. There are asters 5 cm low - which are often confused with daisies (due to the chamomile-like appearance of the flower). There are asters with large flowers - lush and round like peonies (and then they are even confused with peonies). There are asters with small flowers(5 cm in size) - and then they are very similar to chrysanthemums. Having bought asters of different height and size of a flower, you can create a very diverse flower bed - and everyone will be surprised to learn from you that all these are just asters and nothing more.

Here are some of the varieties of autumn flowers - asters.

ASTERS SMALL IN HEIGHT - in the names of such asters there are often the words baby or dwarf (dwarf Royal, Baby border (bright pink), Autumn Olympics (blue autumn flowers), snow-white aster Vologda lace.

ASTERS HIGH - Peony aster (with terry round flowers - types of Rosanna, Apollonia, Gala). Needle aster with sharp petals - species such as Assol, Night star, Isadora. pompom aster (beautiful varieties Winter cherry, Harlequin)



Dahlias are also very different in appearance flowers. There are anemone dahlias (very similar to anemones). There are peony dahlias (very similar to peonies).

Spherical (spherical), pompom, nymphaeum.

FOR FLOWERS TO BE LARGE - you need to remove excess inflorescences on the stem. 5 pieces came out, you remove two - leave only three, and then they will be large and lush. It's better than five small flowers. As soon as the flower has faded, remove it so that it does not drain the strength of the remaining flowers.

SOIL - neutral or slightly acidic. If the soil is alkaline, it can be acidified with peat or compost, or watered with lemon juice. The soil is prepared in the spring before planting these autumn flowers - compost is scattered, the soil is acidified with wood ash.

SITE - These fall flowers love a sunny, open area. Draft protection. Not from the wind, but from strong continuous through currents.

CARE - Every three years, the dahlia must be replanted, let the earth rest (otherwise the dahlias will get tired and begin to bloom poorly). The soil around the dahlias must be constantly loosened. And if you are too lazy to do this, then you just need to mulch it (cover it with tree bark, straw, dry leaves. Dahlias have a heavy flower and a fragile stem. Therefore, flowers need to be tied to sticks.

WINTERING - we dry the tubers dug out in the fall, pour them with sand, wrap them in paper and in a bag. We store on the loggia with a temperature of at least 5 degrees (or in the refrigerator). AND THERE IS ANOTHER WAY - which does not require cold. Melt a paraffin candle in a saucepan - dip a tuber in it twice. Wrap in a newspaper, put in a bag - wipe off the paraffin in the spring and land.


HEIGHT from 40 cm

(fourth line of the flower bed)

And now we will consider the tallest flowers in our flower bed. Those who throw their stems high and serve background our autumn flowerbed.

Montbrecia crocosmia

Montbrietia crocosmia fflora

Height 40-50 cm

This autumn flower blooms in August-September.

LANDING PLACE - sunny areas of the flower bed. It grows very well near water bodies (there is always light and moisture there)

SOIL - fertile, black soil, or fertilizer with compost. Montbrecia prefers fertile, well aerated soils and sunny areas.

WATERING - likes watering, but does not like stagnant water.

SOWING - it is better to buy ready-made corms or baby shoots. Then the plant will give a flower in the first year. If you sow seeds, then you will have to wait three years. Corms are planted at the end of May to a depth of 8 cm. A distance of 15 cm is maintained between the tubers.

FOOD - we cook in the fall. Where crocosmia will grow, you need to dig up the ground along with fertilizers of the following composition: superphosphate (40 g), potassium chloride (20 g), slaked lime (100 g) + if there are 2 buckets of humus. This composition is taken with the expectation of 1 square meter of land. In the spring, after planting the tubers, we apply nitrogen fertilizers in the usual amount (30 g per meter of land). During flowering, it is good to pamper these autumn flowers with potash fertilizer (2 g per liter of water).

WINTER Before frost, corms are dug up

Helenium autumn


Height from 40 cm to 1 m.

LANDING PLACE - the sun, as much sun as possible (or weak partial shade). And they also like to sit in a dense close-knit neighborhood with other flowers. That is, from above they need to shine on the tops of the sun, and on the side they should feel the neighbor's shoulder. Then they are happy. If they do not have neighbors on the side, then it is imperative to tie their tall stems to sticks - it is difficult for them to hold the flower heads themselves.

SOIL - they are not whimsical to the composition of the soil. But they do better in moist soil.

WATERING - they really don’t like overdried land ... they immediately wither, arch their necks like swans, and suffer. So don't forget to water. More often.

NUTRITION - they like universal feed fertilizers.

PLANTING - if you bought a finished plant with a flower. Then before planting, cut off the flowers in general. So that the root can calmly take root and not be distracted by flowering and seed maturation. IF PLANTED WITH SEEDS, then this can be done directly into the ground in spring or autumn (seeds overwinter, covered with sawdust and germinate in spring).

WINTER - here everything is very interesting. Gelenium is a perennial without a bush. Every year in winter, the old bush dies completely. But before his death, he leaves his son - a small bush with roots. And this son hibernates, and crawls out in the spring, and gives a new bush of autumn gelenium. This little "son" needs to be wrapped up if the winter is snowless (with thaws and freezing of bare ground). We wrap with spunbond, moss, sawdust, straw.



LANDING PLACE - any: sun, partial shade, shade.

SOIL - loves sand. If you have sticky, heavy clay soil, dig it up with sand where these beautiful fall flowers will grow. Likes when the soil contains compost, humus.

SOWING - sow seeds directly into the ground in June, a year before the appearance of bushes. In the first year, the seed will give low bushes with leaves without flowers. In the second year there will be tall flowers.

If we sow seedlings, then it must be hardened before planting in the ground - take it outside for several days, or a balcony - in the cold for several hours. Planting seedlings in the ground only at the end of May, when there will definitely be no frost.

WATERING - plentiful. After watering, it is better to loosen the ground (so that a crust does not form). And even better, so as not to loosen each time, it is necessary to overlay a bush of rudbeckia with mulch (bark or straw, or compost) - then there will be no need to loosen after watering.

NUTRITION - this autumn flower loves a special cocktail - one tablespoon of three substances - nitrophoska, potassium sulfate and Agricola-7. All this is dissolved in a bucket of water. On 1 square meter of land you need to pour 3 liters of such a solution.

Salvia (Salvia)


LANDING PLACE - sun, wind.

THE SOIL - sandy soil, with lime (that is, slightly alkaline).

WATERING - we wait until the soil dries, and only then we water. Not much, the roots do not like to be in wet soil for a long time. FEED - complex fertilizer 2 times a year - in the spring and when the buds appear.

SOWING - in February. The box is 10 cm earth. We lay the seeds and sprinkle them 2 mm with earth (not deeper) ... we are waiting for seedlings ... when there are 4 real adult leaves, we dive (we deepen the plant along the bottom sheet) ... Again we wait for the leaves and dive again. That is, we do not let the sprouts grow - this is important and necessary so that the strength of the plant goes to the root part (you need to develop the root system, then we will get a powerful and beautiful plant.

After 3 weeks, we dive again - already each sprout is in a separate box-cell. When 4-5 leaves appear, pinch the top (pinch off the top leaves) - this is necessary in order for the plant to begin to grow in a bush - not only upwards, but also to the sides.

IMPORTANT - in April, the crops begin to harden. At night we take them out to the cold to 10 degrees Celsius. Planted in early June, when there is definitely no risk of frost. This autumn flower is very delicate, and is very afraid of sudden changes in temperature.

Amaranth Amaranthus

unfading flower

These autumn flowers have a lot of names - shiritsa, cat's tail, cockscomb, velvet, axamitnik. How many peoples were in the USSR so many names turned out

SOIL - this autumn flower loves alkaline soils ( acidic soils dig with lime or wood ash).

WINTERING - although he is a perennial, he winters poorly. Therefore, in the spring you need to sow it again.

LANDING - in April, directly into the ground by 1.5 cm. Dig up the ground with mineral or complex fertilizer (30 g per 1 square of land). The seeds are small, so we mix them with sand - we plant them to a depth of 1.5 cm, in rows 45 cm one row from the other. After germination, row, loosen the soil around the rows. Grown bushes can be transplanted.

Gladiolus Gladiolus

tall autumn flowers

SOIL sandy to loamy - gladioli are autumn flowers that are tolerant of soil composition. They even like to change the soil from year to year, transplant into a different soil composition.

But in terms of acidity, they are whimsical. They do not like either acidic soil (flowers do not open), or alkaline soil (leaves turn yellow) - only neutral soil or slightly acidic pH 6.5-6.8. . If the soil is acidic, then we dig it up with lime (150 grams per square meter). If alkaline, then acidify with kefir.

IMPORTANT - when the sprouts reach 5 cm, it is better to mulch the soil around them (with compost or straw) - this will cover the ground and it will not dry out, will not overheat.

IMPORTANT - water the soil under the bush, and not on the leaves. This autumn flower does not like when water stagnates between leaves.

IMPORTANT - loosen once every 10 days (they do not like the ground, caked with a crust).

FOOD - loves bird droppings(horse DO NOT), liquid mineral supplements once a month. Spraying with boric acid, or blue vitriol, or potassium permanganate GIVES MANY FLOWERS. In the spring - add nitrogenous fertilizers 25 gr. per sq.m. (ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate). If these autumn flowers lack nitrogen, their leaves turn pale, and it does not bloom well.

Before the buds, we give superphosphate and potassium chloride (30 g per sq. M.)

REPRODUCTION - bulbs. shallow to a depth of 10 cm, large bulbs by 15 cm. There is a distance of 15 cm between them. It is very good to pour sand or put moss into the hole with the bulbs. This will protect the bulbs from direct contact with the ground and they will not rot, but simply put out roots, and they themselves will lie in such a protective closet of sand or moss.

WINTERING - the tubers of these autumn flowers dug out for the winter should be stored in the refrigerator wrapped in paper. In the spring, the paper will get wet (the roots will breathe) - then you need to get it to dry, wrap it in paper and return it to the refrigerator. Before planting, overwintered and shrunken tubers can be soaked in a growth stimulator.

Delphinium - Perennial.

Tall autumn flowers.

Blooms May-June + September-October.

Height 70 - 80 cm (fourth line of the flower bed). It will bloom in September only if you cut off its first summer flower stalks that have already withered.

SOIL - These autumn flowers love slightly acidic or neutral soils. If your soil is acidic, add lime to the delphinium planting site and dig it along with the ground (150 g per 1 square of land)

FOOD - moderate watering (often a little), manure, compost, potassium salt, superphosphate. ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate. Feed three times a year - in early spring, when the buds appear and in August.

WINTERING - in autumn we cut it under a stump 20 cm high. The roots tolerate frost well.

IMPORTANT - in order for the flowers to be tall and lush, it is necessary to THIN out. We remove the stems from the middle of the bush ... so that air passes into the middle and the flower breathes. So that the flowers do not break from gravity and wind, we tie them to thin pegs.

REPRODUCTION BY RHIZOM can be done if the delphinium bush is already three years old. Roots mode into pieces of three seedlings each. After dividing, it is better to place in a pot in a warm shaded place for several days.

REPRODUCTION BY SEEDS It is better to buy seeds with a one-year shelf life (so it is more likely that they will sprout) the longer the seeds lie in a paper bag, the deader they become. By nature, the delphinium seed loves the cold (a freezer is better for it than a paper bag). Therefore, take the seeds from your neighbors, and store them in the refrigerator in a jar for the winter (such seeds will germinate after 10 years and after 15).

We sow seedlings in March-April - we pour at least 10 cm of soil into the box (otherwise the seed will give a frail sprout). soil mix- these are equal shares of sand, humus and black soil. We put the seeds at a distance of half a centimeter (the closer the seedlings will be better - they like to sprout in a bunch). Sprinkle with soil by 3 mm (no more, otherwise the seed germination will be late). We cover with gauze ... and on top with a film (for the greenhouse effect). Pour directly over the gauze. We will remove the film when sprouts appear (strong, dark green, with three leaves). WE SHOULD MAKE IT ON THE BALCONY - in warm apartment we get dead sprouts. Temperatures between 8 and 15 degrees are the most suitable for growing these fall flowers.

Watering the sprouts only from a sprinkler - from jet watering, the sprouts will lie down and no longer get up. We water quite a bit - they really don’t like dampness, they die right away.

Penstemon hybrid

(Penstemon hybridus).

Blooms July-September.

Height 70 - 80 cm (fourth line of the flower bed)

LANDING LOCATION - loves a well-consecrated place, warmed by the sun. No drafts.

SOIL - this autumn flowers do not like dampness. Therefore, do not plant in deep poorly ventilated corners and backyards.

REPRODUCTION - seeds February, March. Seedlings in May in the ground.

Buddley David

(Buddleja Davidii)

blooms until October.

A flower which is also called AUTUMN LIRC.

LANDING LOCATION - sunny, without drafts.

SOIL - this autumn flower love loose soils (heavy clay soils are not suitable for it. It is better to mulch the soil under the bush with straw (so that the low stems do not touch the ground and do not rot)

WINTERING - for the winter it freezes over the root collar, but in the spring it gives powerful new shoots even higher and more magnificent than last year.

FEED - This autumn perennial loves abundant watering and manure (or liquid multi-component fertilizers).

These are the autumn flowers you can choose for your blooming flower bed. I made this on purpose large selection so that you choose flowers according to your soil acidity, under sunny or shaded areas of the flower bed.

Good luck with your landscape work.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

The autumn time still pleases us with an abundance of colors, despite the fact that nature is already beginning to prepare for a period of rest, to fade. Flower beds are distinguished by a variety of colors. They create a festive mood. Especially if planted with imagination and love.

Classification of autumn colors

Autumn flowers delight not only with a variety of colors, but also with rather long flowering periods. Most of them bloom in August and may bloom in September, October, and some also in November until frost sets in.

Plants of autumn flower beds can be of the most diverse colors. Red, orange, yellow, white, pink, lilac, blue... And even colorful.

In the form of flowers and the height of the stem, plants blooming in autumn can also differ significantly.

All these distinguishing features can be skillfully used when laying out flower beds. For example, competent gardeners skillfully combine plants according to colors, as well as according to the flowering period. Plant height also plays a big role in the proper organization of flower beds. The low ones should no longer obscure, and the thicker ones should skillfully set off single instances.

If we talk about scientific classification, then autumn flowers are divided into annual and perennial. The latter, in turn, are bulbous.

Plants of autumn flower beds: names

There are a lot of autumn flowers. But of course, among them there are the most common, as a rule, characterized by unpretentiousness in cultivation.

Chrysanthemums, clematis, roses, gladiolus, dahlias, helenium, Chinese lanterns, sedum, hydrangea, salvia, colchicum, and asters predominate among perennial autumn flowers in horticultural plots. The latter are not only perennial, but also annual.

Annual autumn flowers include alissum, ageratum, marigolds, godetia, dimorphoteka, kosmeya, zinnia and others.

Many summer residents prefer to plant perennial autumn flowers: you don’t have to worry about planting every year, with the exception of bulbous perennials. Moreover, for the most part perennials autumn flower beds are unpretentious to the soil, care, lighting.

Planting perennial flowers

Perennials can be propagated by seeds, bulbs, cuttings and dividing the bush.

The best time for planting them is the beginning of spring, as well as August-September.

Autumn planting, in October-November, has a positive effect on the hardening of seeds: they germinate together, the plants develop a good root system, and they are more resistant to diseases. By the way, in the fall, not only perennial, but also annual flowers are planted, for example, alyssum, Chinese carnation, rudbecky, Chinese aster and others.

Before planting plants, the earth must be well dug up and mineral and organic fertilizers applied. Only then prepare the holes or grooves. It is not necessary to sow seeds in them immediately. It is better to do this when the soil is already a little frozen. From above, the seeds should be sprinkled with peat and sand, you can use humus in half with sand for these purposes. From above the bed is covered with dry foliage.

They are planted most often

The most popular perennial plants of autumn flower beds: chrysanthemum, aster and gelenium. Let's talk about the first two in more detail.

Chrysanthemum is often referred to as the "Queen of Autumn". Its flowers are distinguished by a wide variety of shades and shapes. Ordinary terry and semi-double inflorescences are white, yellow, pink, red, cream, lilac.

Depending on the variety, they bloom from late August to late October and even later, until frost.

It is best to plant chrysanthemums in sunny places and on fertile, loose soil. Before flowering, they must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. Then - switch to phosphorus and potassium. In dry weather, chrysanthemums should be watered so that the leaves do not dry out. You can transplant them at any time, you just need to dig out with big ball earth.

Perhaps the most common flowers in the fall in a flower bed are asters. The abundance of their colors is impressive, flowering is quite long.

It can be distinguished They are tall with a straight stem branching strongly at the end. New England asters, on the contrary, grow in a bush, and when they bloom, they look beautiful bouquet. On many flower beds in autumn you can see small-flowered asters. Pale pink, white and light purple inflorescences of these asters do not fade until the first frost.

Perennial asters are best propagated by dividing the bush. This must be done in the spring. For good growth and flowering, asters need top dressing and watering.

Planting bulbous plants

Autumn flower beds do not require special care. Their names are heard by many gardeners: colchicum, beautiful crocus, gladiolus, begonia, dahlia.

The main difference is that the bulbs of some of them, after the first frost, should be dug up and stored in a cool place. They should be planted in the ground in early spring. These plants include begonias, gladioli and dahlias.

But the colchicum, or colchicum, is planted in July-August, to a depth of about 10 centimeters, in a sunny place, however, partial shade is also suitable. It will bloom next fall. The same should be done with autumn crocuses.

Before planting any bulbs, you should carefully inspect and select good, undamaged, large bulbs. Then they must be pickled in any of the solutions: potassium permanganate or karbofos.

The soil must be fertilized with minerals. It is best to take superphosphate, and ammonium nitrate. Additionally humus. Planting bulbous plants in the spring, you can be calm all season - they do not need any care.

The story of the plant of the autumn flower garden

Our choice fell on the dahlia. In terms of the splendor of flowering and its duration, dahlias, perhaps, have no equal. Their large number of varieties have been bred, differing in color and shape of flowers and leaves, height of bushes.

Dahlias love sunny places, protected from the wind, and the soil is loose, fertile.

They should be planted when the earth warms up well (end of May-beginning of June). Pits for planting tubers should be prepared in advance, they are dug to the depth of a shovel bayonet. At the bottom of the pits, rotted manure, superphosphate, complex fertilizer, ash and lime (the last in a handful) are poured. Everything is mixed with sand. Tubers are planted to a depth of 10 cm (previously large ones are divided into several parts), covered with earth and well watered.

Taking into account that the stems of dahlias grow quite high, you should immediately install pegs near the hole with the planted tubers, so that later you can tie the stems to them.

Caring for dahlias consists of infrequent watering and top dressing. And by the end of summer and all autumn, these flowers will delight you. lush bloom and brightness of colors.

Transplanting autumn perennials

Perennial plants of autumn flower beds must be replanted periodically, carrying out the procedure for dividing the bushes. If they grow strongly, they will lack nutrients in the soil, as well as moisture and light.

Transplanting perennial flowers is best done during a period of calm growth. First, a place is prepared: the earth is dug up and mixed with fertilizers. Then holes are prepared, which are watered. Before digging up the plant, it must also be watered. The shovel is stuck into the ground carefully and at some distance from the stems so that the roots are not damaged. The plant is taken out along with a clod of earth and immediately placed in the hole, if separation is not required. Sprinkled with earth, which is compacted. The plant is then watered.

When transplanting tall perennials into the hole, immediately drive a peg in order to tie the growing stems of the plant to it.

Pruning autumn flowers

plant story autumn flower garden will not be complete if you do not remember the preparation of these plants for the winter and their pruning.

Perennial flowering plants should be pruned for the winter. Because in the spring, old shoots will interfere with young ones. Dried stems should not be cut to the very ground, but leaving some of them with leaves to accumulate nutrients that will be needed next year. After pruning flower plants, the ground near them must be loosened and fertilized in the form of humus or compost.

Pruned for the winter and shrub perennial flowers, such as roses. First of all, damaged, as well as immature shoots are removed. In roses, the lignified part of the stems is left. But leaves and buds are also removed from them, as well as vegetation from under the bushes. This is done so that harmful insects are not bred there, which can contribute to the development of diseases or the spread of infection.

However, some autumn plants, such as clematis, are pruned in early spring.

Shelter of flowers for the winter

Autumn flower garden: plants, varieties and care. It seems that all this has already been said. But it’s also worth talking about sheltering flowers for the winter.

After pruning the plant and cleaning the old leaves, it is necessary to mulch the earth around it with compost, and cover it with spruce branches on top. By the way, in the spring, the spruce branches must be immediately removed so that it does not interfere with the plant's shoots.

Shelters for the winter require roses, clematis, phlox, carnation Shabo and some other flowers.

For example, autumn crocuses do not require shelter for the winter. Also frost resistant perennial asters, stonecrop, goldenrod. However, the flower beds where they grow can be mulched by using peat mixed with humus or compost for this.

Finally, some flower plants, as mentioned above, are dug up for the winter and stored in a cool place.

After a successful wintering, perennial plants will sprout young shoots, gain strength over the summer, and in the fall they will again delight everyone with their multi-colored colors. This concludes our story about which plants bloom in autumn.

September is an amazing month. It imperceptibly seeps through with a yellow radiance, gradually scattering its drizzling clouds and whitish fogs.

September allows the summer to slowly say goodbye to us, leaving autumn flowers on the ground. Perhaps that is why September flowers are touching and very beautiful...

Autumn will always remain the brightest time, even despite the approach of cold weather, the plots are decorated not only with an abundance of colors of fallen leaves, but also with a mass of autumn flowers. They will decorate the situation, and become the cradle for the falling asleep autumn garden.

Let's walk through the autumn garden together and look at the gifts of the past summer.


One of the most unpretentious and beautiful flowers. There are about 20,000 types of dahlias. Among themselves, they differ in the height of the bush, in the structure and shape of the inflorescences, in the size of the flowers.

Our gardeners are equally fond of anemone and peony dahlias, collar and needle, nymph and spherical.

Dahlias bloom in September and decorate the autumn flower bed until frost. In the meantime, the sun is warming, dahlias delight flower growers, decorating the autumn garden.


The chrysanthemum in the autumn flower bed is so good that it undoubtedly occupies the very top of the flower charts.

A variety of colors of chrysanthemums never cease to amaze us: pink and bronze, white and cream, yellow and orange, red and lilac… chrysanthemums alone can decorate the whole world.

Chrysanthemum is a flower of a short day, and therefore blooms when the day is waning. There are many varieties of chrysanthemum, they will decorate any autumn flower bed.

But, large-flowered chrysanthemums in our conditions are quite difficult to grow, but a large number of magnificent smaller forms pleases the eye. Today, flower growers have given their preference to unpretentious Korean chrysanthemums, strewn with joyful flowers.

Chrysanthemums are planted in flowerbeds, flower beds, in group plantings and along paths.

These cute flowers look like spring primroses.

Light and delicate, they captivate with their defenselessness on the eve of a harsh winter, creating a contrast between the soft purity of the petals and the cold withering of nature.

On the garden plots hybrid anemones, felt and Japanese anemones are grown.

Colchicum or Colchicum.

Colchicum is considered a mysterious plant in our nature. The chemical composition and cycle of its development are unusual and of great interest.

Colchicum during its flowering period makes an indelible impression.

Its main advantages are the unexpectedness of the “autumn” color among the yellow shades of autumn.

It's the virtues that make the colchicum welcome guest in the autumn flowerbed.

Colchicum is very beautiful in group plantings around ponds, along paths, on a lawn and in a rocky garden.

Perennial asters.

This beauty is a classic of the genre in the autumn flowerbed.

A wide variety of shapes and colors for the autumn time is a real gift from nature.

Throughout September, the aster will blaze with all the shades of the past summer: lilac, pink and purple flowers.

Sometimes we call these charming bushes September or Oktyabrinks.


Goldenrod, autumn mimosa, northern mimosa, solidago ... you can name a plant in any way that can complement the design of the garden in autumn.

You can plant goldenrod in group plantings, you can create small flower beds of the same type.

Goldenrod is used in autumn bouquets, it perfectly complements winter bouquets, so try to find a small corner in your garden for this beautiful plant.

The stonecrop is prominent.

Stonecrop prominent - cold-resistant plant that is not afraid of frost. Stonecrop blooms in August, and when almost all the flowers have faded, the prominent stonecrop continues to bloom with a bright spot.

The plant is native to Korea, China and Japan. There are several varieties of this stonecrop, they differ in shades: white, pink-lilac, purple, red.

Stonecrop prominent unpretentious - cold-resistant, drought-resistant, winters well and is practically not affected by pests. Prefers fertile soil - on it, a prominent stonecrop blooms luxuriously.


Large bushes of shiny and glossy rudbeckia look spectacular in large arrays against the background of coniferous or lawn. In vain, forgotten by flower growers, once so popular variety Rudbeckia "Golden Ball". Its high, about 2 m, yellow curtains are visible from afar.

This plant is suitable for the background to decorate large spaces.

So we ran through the autumn flower beds and looked at the autumn plants. Behind the scenes, there are still many beautiful autumn flowers - these are the physalis Franchet, rose, gladiolus and yarrow, marigolds.

Our nature is simply inexhaustible, it has something to decorate our Earth in autumn, summer, and even winter.

Having got used to the fact that the flower bed "burns" with colorful colors in spring and summer, I want the same in autumn. It's nice when, in addition to falling yellow leaves, the eyes are warmed by their bright colors variety of autumn garden flowers.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice and plant exactly those flowers that will please the eye not only in September, October, but even until frost, you need to figure out what autumn annual and perennial flowers are, what are the timing of their flowering.

To form a beautiful flower bed and unusual compositions, it is necessary to take into account the height of the plants, their color, shape, term and duration of flowering. Listed below are the flowers that bloom in autumn and are the best for your flower garden.

- These are annual, rarely perennial flowers. One-year-olds amaze with the variety of their varieties. Depending on the variety, flowering occurs from early spring to late autumn. Among one- and perennials there are varieties that bloom in autumn.

The following types of asters are distinguished by height: dwarf - height does not exceed 45 cm, undersized - height reaches 80 cm, tall - up to one and a half meters in height. Asters grow as bushes or free-standing plants.

The shoots of the flower are erect, even. Leaves oblong, toothed. root system flower fibrous .

An autumn flower bed decorated with asters will allow you to enjoy the colors of summer even in the cold season. Asters that bloom in autumn are distinguished by powerful branched stems, large paniculate and umbrella inflorescences.

Aster flowers are formed by inflorescences, which consist of a large number of small flowers (petals). In the center of the inflorescence is a yellow core. The color of aster petals is varied. They are white, pink, purple, blue, salmon, lilac, red, yellow. Asters can be one- and two-color.

Did you know? The people call asters differently: winter road, Indian summer, frost or star flower.

- This is a beautiful, bright, lush autumn garden flower. The plant is classified as a perennial, non-digging flowers. Flowering of the plant begins in summer and continues until frost. The height of herbaceous single or bush phloxes varies from 10 to 150 cm. The shoots are erect, creeping.

The leaves are oval or egg-shaped, located at the top of the stem. Flowers of snowy, pink, lilac, red, blue, lilac color, with a pleasant fragrant aroma. The shape of the flowers is tubular-funnel-shaped with five petals bent at a right angle relative to the tube.

Petals form a variety of corollas - wheel-shaped, star-shaped, notched, saucer-like. The diameter of the flower reaches four centimeters, in the center of it there is a peephole. Flowers form paniculate or corymbose inflorescences of different sizes.

The next fall blooming flowers on our list have a wooden tap root. This is a perennial called goldenrod. The shoots of the plant are erect, densely covered with oval or elliptical foliage.

Plant height varies from 30 cm to a meter. The trunk is green in color, sometimes with shades of red and purple in the lower part. The leaf blade is pointed, serrated on the sides. The whole plant is covered with small, slightly noticeable villi.

The color of small flowers is sunny yellow. The buds are arranged in baskets, which, in turn, form narrow erect racemose or paniculate inflorescences. Buds in inflorescences are interspersed with leaves. The flowering period is from May to September inclusive. The advantage of goldenrod is drought and frost resistance.

Important! Goldenrod is a poisonous plant, it is necessary to work with it with gloves.

Another flower that blooms in September is this. Perennial plant, whose name is translated from Latin means breaking rocks. The plant is unpretentious in care. The root system is fibrous.

Saxifrage shoots grow from 50 cm to one and a half meters. The leaves of cultivated saxifrage species can have a simple, pinnate or palmate structure. The leaves can be thick and thin, leathery, dense, spherical or oval.

The size of the leaf reaches 6 cm, the color of the leaves varies from emerald green to gray with a greenish tinge. Small flowers, similar to bells, are collected in paniculate or racemose inflorescences or are located singly.

The color of the buds can be snow-white, pink, yellow, bright crimson or red. If the winters are too cold, saxifrages are grown as annuals, because at air temperatures below +6 ºC the plant slowly dies off.

Did you know? Saxifraga, growing high in the mountains, exude lime to the outside of the leaf blades. Due to the presence of lime secreted by the plant on the leaf plates, less moisture evaporates from it.

Autumn refers to annual and perennial plants. This is a herbaceous plant with a specific difference. The root system of the gelenium dies in autumn together with the shoots, while the underground buds of annual shoots form new leaf rosettes with the root system. The next year, this outlet will throw out a fresh stem.

Gelenium is a separately growing upright plant with shoots branched at the top. The stems of the flower grow from 0.75 m to 1.6 m. The leaves are oval or lanceolate. Thyroid inflorescences consist of baskets, which, in turn, are formed by marginal reed and central tubular flowers.

The color of the extreme reed buds is orange, brown, yellow, red, and the central tubular ones are yellow or brown. Gelenium flowers will be a wonderful decoration for an autumn flower garden. baskets golden color, capable of changing color, fascinate with their simplicity. The flowering period is the end of July - the beginning of September.

The most common late autumn flowers are. homeland of this beautiful flower– Japan. The plant is a perennial shrub with thin woody erect stems of a green-brown color. Plant height - from 30 cm (dwarf) to 1.5 m (tall).

Sedentary leaves, green-gray color with a specific aroma. Depending on the variety, the inflorescences can be simple, semi-double, terry, needle-shaped, tubular baskets. The sizes of the buds are different: large and small.

The color of chrysanthemums can be anything except blue. Perennial autumn flowers such as chrysanthemums even have a vegetable form, which is grown specifically for culinary use. Flowering occurs from early September until frost.

Refers to perennial herbaceous plants having tuberous roots. To date, the number of varieties of dahlias is about 15 thousand. The origin of this plant has not been precisely determined. The opinions of scientists about the origin of the flower are divided between Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala.

Dahlias are beautiful, colorful fall perennials for your yard or flower bed. The shoots of the flower are erect, branched, smooth or rough texture. The height of the shoots can vary between 30-250 cm. The trunk is hollow inside, the base of the plant becomes stiff.

The flower leaves are pinnate, oblong, covered with villi. The color of the leaves is emerald or brown-scarlet. Inflorescences consist of baskets of various diameters (3-30 cm), surrounded by pistillate reed flowers, of various shapes (pompom, spherical, cactus-like, pion-shaped, collared), size and color.

There is not only blue, black or blue dahlias. The center of the inflorescence is occupied by small bisexual tubular flowers of yellow or brown color. Dahlias bloom from July until frost. Beautiful autumn flowers are presented to your attention in the photo below.

Important! Although dahlias are perennials, they need to be covered for the winter, since temperatures below zero are deadly for tubers.

belongs to the Iris family. This corm plant blooms in spring or autumn. If you're wondering what flowers bloom in September, the answer is simple - crocus perennials. The flower has no central stem.

The leaves are narrow, linear, dark green with white stripes in the middle. The shape of the flower is bell-shaped. The height of the perianth does not exceed 15 centimeters. It is formed by six petals. The petals are placed in two rows: the outer row - three large petals, the inner row - three slightly smaller petals.

The flowers are solitary, have a different color. Blooming buds look like stars. Flowering occurs for two weeks in September.

Monarda is native to North America. About 20 varieties of monarda are known to science. It is a one or perennial herb. The stem of the plant is straight, branched, grows up to 150 cm. The leaves of the monarda are elongated-lanceolate, serrated, emerald green, have a pleasant fragrant smell. It was because of this aroma that the Monarda was mistakenly considered bergamot for a long time.

Did you know? spicy herb with a mint-lemon smell is used in cooking and teas.

Fragrant two-lipped flowers up to 7 cm in diameter form racemose inflorescences arranged one above the other. The coloring of flowers can be white, red, yellow, pink, purple, sometimes speckled. Due to its shape, the monarda buds look like a spider at a great distance. Monarda blooms from June to September inclusive. Here are some other flowers that not only bloom in autumn, but can also become.

Want to know which plant blooms until late autumn? It begins to bloom in July and blooms profusely until frost. Rudbeckia comes from North America. The flower has both perennial and annual varieties.

Among flower growers, the hairy type of rudbeckia is in demand. The height of the trunk, covered with villi, branching from the ground, does not exceed 2 m. The roots are branched. The leaves are oval and stem-shaped, large, hairy.

One can only imagine how beautiful autumn flowers of rudbeckia are. They look like big daisies, painted yellow, red, Orange color. The diameter of the flower reaches 15 cm. The core, bordered by petals, consists of tubular yellow-brown or red-black petals.

is a perennial herbaceous flower. This flower is native to Japan. In the people it is called a garden orchid or a toad lily. The genus Tricyrtis has up to 20 varieties.

The bush grows from 70 to 90 cm, the stems are erect cylindrical. The root system is located close to the surface, is characterized by the ability to recover from damage in as soon as possible. Large leaves marked with red or pink dots are ovoid or elongated. The shape of the buds is similar to the shape of orchid flowers.

The size of the flowers reaches 4 cm, they are located in the axils of the leaves. The coloring is cream, white, pink, yellow, lilac, tinted with specks. Flowering time - July - the first frost. Autumn tricitris flowers in the garden are a truly mesmerizing and soul-warming miracle.

Important! Due to late flowering, the plant often suffers from frost.


Poskonnik- This is a flower with upright shoots, the height of which reaches two meters. The tops of the trunks end with corymbose inflorescences, up to one quarter of a meter in diameter. Large integral elongated tapering leaves are located along the entire height of the shoots. The color of the foliage is dark green with burgundy streaks or purple stains.

Bright, varied autumn flowers in the garden, the photos and names of which are mentioned in this article, will help to brightly color the flower garden of a modern housewife against the general background of fading nature. To create a real cradle for a dormant garden, it is important to know which autumn flowers to plant and how to do it correctly.

Classification of autumn colors

Before you decide on the flowers that you would like to see in your flower beds in the fall, you need to have an idea of ​​​​what types of these plants are.

  • Autumn flowers delight the eye with a riot of colors, which is clearly visible in the photo. But they are also distinguished by long flowering periods. Most of them bloom throughout September, October, and some last until the first frost.
  • Classification according to decorative features is based on color, height, decorativeness, shape, flowering time, etc. In this case, we have to talk about a significant difference in species.
  • From a scientific point of view, annuals and perennials are distinguished.

Knowing the hallmarks of autumn flowering plants will help you correctly break garden beds and create unusual compositions. For example, you can arrange plants according to color scheme or flowering period. In order to properly organize a flower garden in a flower bed, it is important to take into account the height of the plants, the characteristics of the leaves. The low ones should not be obscured by the higher ones.

Compositions created from autumn flowering plants amaze with splendor and riot of colors, and a photo of a garden flower bed installed on your desktop will allow you to save a piece of autumn blooming in all its glory.

September flowers - names, descriptions

September weather tends to resemble the end of summer. Only in the second half of this month changes become noticeable. Summer flowers are living their last days in the garden. However, there are many plants that are just beginning to bloom in September. Among them, the following stand out in particular:

Oaks (Chrysanthemums)

Chrysanthemums, their more familiar name, boast a wide variety of varieties that differ both in height and in size and color of the flower. The inflorescences of this plant resemble asters, which is clearly seen in the photo, only the color palette of the latter is more diverse. Oak trees thrive under the sun, on rich, moderately moist soils. The plant begins to bloom in late summer and continues throughout autumn.

Now gaining popularity Korean oak trees which are completely unassuming. The bush of the plant is strewn with many small flowers. As for the leaves of chrysanthemums, they differ in appearance and size.

Oak trees are wonderful flowers for any garden. And artificial chrysanthemums made in the style of kanzashi can decorate the main bouquet of these flowers.


Delicate, beautiful, unpretentious plants can boast a wide variety of shapes and shades. They bloom at the very beginning of autumn. A huge number of species allows you to choose flowers for every taste and color, ranging from blue and white to purple or pink.

Belonging to the genus herbaceous, this plant propagates easily and has increased resistance to mild frosts. In flowerbeds, asters continue to bloom until the onset of winter. Often so many flowers are formed on the bush at once that the leaves of the plant are not visible at all.

Bouquets of asters look great in a vase on the table. They will be a wonderful decoration for any interior.

Helenium autumn

Numerous and incredibly beautiful flowers make a fully bloomed bush look like a firework, consisting of many different shades. Tall gelenium bushes are like ready-made bouquets, they will become a worthy decoration for a summer house or front garden. It blooms before frost, attracting bees from all over the area.

Rudbeckia hairy

Quite a popular, beautiful plant with bright yellow or orange flowers with a dark brown core. Reminds me of a large daisy. The stems are tall, straight, elastic. As for the leaves, they are elongated, thick, rough.

Rudbeckia blooming in September pleases the eye until the first frost. The land on which it grows must be moist and fertilized. There are no special care requirements.


They bloom in September and delight the eye until the first frost, until the leaves and inflorescences are on the stem, they wither and fall off. If there were slight frosts that did not last long, and the dahlias did not have time to drop their buds, then we can soon expect them to re-bloom, although not in all cases. Unpretentious, shade-tolerant dahlias can grow in almost any kind of soil. They love moisture, but they cannot tolerate excess moisture.

There are six types of this ornamental plant, depending on the shape, doubleness, size of flowers (they can reach 10–12 cm). This plant will look excellent when decorating garden paths, colorful parterres, when creating a group composition on the lawn. Original and unusual are dahlias, made in accordance with Japanese style kanzashi. A handmade creation can be added to ordinary bouquets, making them more creative.

Zinnia graceful

On vigorous and upright stems with yellow fluff, majestic flowers rest, the shape of which depends on the species. They are also characterized by their abundance and wide colors. The flower is very whimsical. Requires nutritious soil, plenty of sun and wind protection.

October flowers

In October, the weather is significantly different from summer. Many plants in the garden have already faded, but it is the October autumn flowers that can give a real fairy tale. Among all, the following stand out:

Snapdragon (Dogs)

This plant is a perennial, but it is more often used as an annual. It got its interesting name from unusual shape flowers that resemble the mouth of a lion. Snapdragon can be both tall, up to 80 cm, and completely dwarf, not higher than 20 cm.

Dogs - unpretentious flower. Prefers light loamy soil, loves well-lit areas. If those inflorescences that have already faded are removed regularly, without touching the leaves, this will lead to the development of lateral processes, which are usually abundantly strewn with colorful flowers.

Pansies or Viola

Delicate, graceful perennial garden culture. This undersized plant in the form of flowers resembles a violet. The shade-resistant plant is distinguished by a wide and diverse range of colors. Viola compositions serve as an excellent decoration for balconies, outdoor flowerpots.


In order for the flower garden to please the eye, it is important to follow certain rules when placing ornamental plants.

  • With proper selection of plant species, a flower bed can bloom all year round.
  • A small distance between the planted flowers can lead to the fact that they simply intertwine with each other, and this is not always beautiful.
  • Plants in the same flower bed should be selected in such a way that they are in harmony with each other in terms of size, color, and leaf shape. So, if you place too small and too large flowers nearby, then it will look more unsuccessful than beautiful.
  • Try to avoid the neighborhood of flowers with the so-called "primary colors" - red, blue, yellow.
  • Between red and bright yellow flowers, white ones will look great. But the neighborhood of lemon-yellow shades in this version is best avoided.
  • If possible, do not overload the site with a wide variety of plants.

Kanzashi - art inspired by the beauty of autumn colors

Kanzashi is a hair ornament worn during the Edo period. japanese girls. V Lately This type of needlework is especially popular. As part of the art of kanzashi, you can create not only original flowers, but even whole bouquets. Creating autumn flowers using the kanzashi technique is a simple task, anyone can master it. The main thing is to be patient, skill will come with time. A description of the manufacturing technique and corresponding photos of works in the kanzashi style are easy to find on the Internet.

To create a masterpiece within the art of kanzashi, you will need satin ribbons different colors, wire, scissors, thread with a needle, ruler, tweezers, lighter. When making petals and leaves for kanzashi, you can use two tricks: create a sharp or round view. Kanzashi flowers can also be an interior decoration. They can decorate a flowerpot or put them in a vase.

Autumn flowers are very diverse and amazingly beautiful. And it doesn’t matter if it’s oaks, roses, asters or simple daisies, the main thing is that, blooming at a time when nature begins to fade, they delight the eye and give a boost of energy and good mood every day.