Practical interior of a one-room apartment. Little One-Room Design

Probably, no one will argue that one-room apartment - housing is not the most spacious, but at the same time I really want to accommodate all the most necessary and at the same time make the room with a beautiful and modern, leaving as much free space as possible.

Features of a small apartment

Designers argue that there are two effective opportunities to diversify the interior turning it into a large, cozy and bright dwelling.

The most cardinal way is to rearrange, remove, move or add walls.

You can use designer secrets of visual expansion of space. By the way, most people prefer to do with them. Therefore, you can draw the following conclusions:

We develop design

We assume that all the most difficult works are already behind, all the cardinal works were carried out, all the walls are moved to the right places, you just have to come up with original interior 1-room apartment, "Khrushchev" for example.

First of all, you will need a sketch. Without him beautiful interior Create will not succeed. You can seek help to experienced designer And pay a considerable amount for the project, but if you feel creative potential, then this work can be performed on your own. Naturally, it is necessary to extract the necessary literature and "wandering" on the sites of designer companies.

Choose style

This is very important questionwho should not be allowed on Samotek. Forget about high-tech or industrial styles. They need large areas for them. The interior of 1-room apartment in and Rococo is also inappropriate - they are not placed on 40 (and maybe less) square meters. Most in your case will suit Classic modern.

What to make floors

The cheapest but far from the most the best way - Linoleum. But it is better to podnak money and consider another option of flooring, so as not to turn the already not the best accommodation in the faceless chain.

Parquet for 1-room apartment - the pleasure is expensive, so it makes no sense to consider it.

In the bedrooms and children's rooms often uses carpet. Unfortunately, in our case there is neither that nor another room. In a small living room you will be tired of constantly vacuuming this coating.

And finally, the most suitable option - Laminate.

Ceiling and lighting

If the height of the room is not too small, then we recommend that you are multi-level or hinged ceiling. Stretch samples look modern. Their choice is huge now.

There is at first glance paradoxical designer secret - The ceiling, lowered by several centimeters, looks much higher thanks to competently selected lighting.

Ecology of life. Interior design: one-room apartments - enjoy young popular popularity. The fact is that a small apartment for an apartment is much easier due to its relatively high cost.

One-bedroom apartments - enjoy young popular popularity. The fact is that a small apartment for an apartment is much easier due to its relatively low cost. Of course, many dream, if not about a chic mansion or penthouse, then at least about their own corner, which can be decorated based on your taste and designer abilities. "Better the tit in the hands than the crane in the sky" - so consider many people who acquire one-bedroom apartments. But with a great desire, even from it you can make a real "candy", which will have to taste not only to you, but also members of your family, and guests.

The most important feature of such an apartment lies in functionality. It is often its space and a living room, a bedroom, and a dining room at the same time. There may be completely different things: read, watch TV, work, relax and indulge in sleep. Many factors should be taken into account so that the apartment is as comfortable, cozy and the stylish.

Of course, the main task is a visual expansion of space as even the largest area of \u200b\u200bone room loses significantly, for example, a three-room apartment. If there is more than one person in the house and there are children among them, the task is significantly complicated. After all, it is necessary to competently organize space, so that all family members could fully live here. If you understand that you cannot cope with your own, then contact your designer for help and advice. It was a professional to cope with his task mainly due to the fact that he will conduct a thoughtful layout. Designers with experience have their own "small suitcase" in which it is stored practical ideas, the implementation of which will help make a one-room apartment as comfortable as possible. Consider some of them. So, very often, the "dead" space is formed near the entrance door, which can be used and even needed. The rational all is placed there a wardrobe or storage room. So you will save a significant space of the dwelling, from which you can remove, for example, a wardrobe and part of the bedside tables. It is advisable to give your preference to the options for cabinets with mirrors. The fact is that the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises can be expanded with mirrors, visually, of course. The next step towards the optimization of space is the most radical method, which provides for the demolition of the wall, separating the room and the kitchen. In her place you can install a dining table, and it is allowed to choose a rather immodest size in size.

The process of registration of your interior should begin with "hangers", namely, with right choice color Gamma.. In fact, the color plays no less role than furniture and accessories. Colors possess not only their features in terms of psychological influenceBut may be extremely functional. In order to visually expand the interior, it is necessary to use bright soft and unobtrusive colors. Of course, it all depends on your taste, but it is best to choose such colors as green, cream and sandy. Curtains should be selected precisely to the walls.

Separate attention is the question of the arrangement of furniture in the apartment. Too bulky massive furniture can occupy all the space and create the owners of inconvenience. While the castle with the "throne" and a huge sleeping bed with a cannon you only in dreams, you can limit the built-in or easily transformed furniture. It will save space, and your room will not look forced and cluttered. Here are a few examples: inside the sofa, bed linen can be stored. A good option is a bed embedded in the closet.

The apartment should contain furniture, which you really need. Do not drag all that lies badly. Rocking chair or lampsman fit well, let's say, in country interior. If you work a lot, rarely eat at home and prefer to go to visit, rather than invite someone to yourself on a dinner, you can buy a small, even very modest in size, a table that takes very little space. He, by the way, can be foldable. If you are used to the fact that you can perform work with a computer exclusively on your favorite sofa, then it is not necessary to acquire for yourself computer deskAnd the paper, by the way, can be stored in the shelves and shelves.

It is also not worth buying super bulky furniture items, like a closet, in which, though a good half of your things fit, but which will take half of your modest space.

Pay attention not only to the color of the walls, but also furniture. However, the wish remains all the same: bright hues Suitable for "odnushki" perfect. It is advisable to combine white color With some other gentle color, such as blue or beige. Then the depressing hospital atmosphere will not reign in your apartment.

Bright or dark colors introduce through accents. But in no case do not make them background, because then your room will become altogether tiny. If dark background For you is the idea of \u200b\u200bFix, then you can, of course, apply it in practice. True, you will need to be sure to purchase white furniture items. This combination is not just a classic, but this is a good course in order to expand the space.

Do not forget about the lighting that should not be just a lot, but a lot. After all, even despite modest sizes, your apartment should look warm and cozy. It is advisable not to be limited to one lamp, but to purchase several lamps that will need to be placed in different functional zoneson which a studio apartment is divided.

Of course, the shortage of certain furniture, you can easily compensate for the abundance of accessories. However, in this matter, too, you need to know the measure and use them with taste. Otherwise, they will make the interior a little careless and littered. Limit the beautiful scenery or still life on the wall and a couple of green plants in stylish pots that never interfere. If you have large window sills, then lay down plants there. If not - you can put them on any free surface in the room.

Working on the interior one-bedroom apartmentYou should strive to ensure that it is not only functional, but also stylish, cozy and beautiful.

To accommodate all the necessary zones and adapt them to the owners' life scenario. Make them functional and aesthetic. This is perhaps the main task that the modern design of the 2017 studio apartment has a modern design.

Kitchen area, dining area, bathroom, dressing room, place to relax and sleep. Sometimes children, cabinet or living room are added to this. Well, if under all these needs there are at least 40 square meters. m. But sometimes you need to create a miracle for 20 square meters. m, connecting fantasy and all available design techniques.

The interior of a one-room apartment does not form a lifestyle of the owners, but adjusts to it. Based on this principle, the number of necessary zones, their size is formed. So, spacious kitchen zone It will not be appropriate in the apartment of a person who is used to eat outside the house.

Stages of creating an interior design of a studio apartment of 2017:

Moreover modern tendencies indicate a reduction in area allotted for bedroom. It must still be comfortable, but at the same time the maximum varnish. Massive cabinets and dressers moved to non-existence or transformed into disguised embedded niches.

The design of the one-room apartment depends largely on the family composition. For family couple Well will fit such styles as modern, classic, high-tech. The feminine can be attributed to Provence and Shebbi-Chic. And to the men's - loft and minimalism. Of course, this is a conditional separation.

Each project is individual and oriented primarily on personal preferences and targeted use of living space. For example, the Bachelor's apartment can be like a place for noisy parties and a cozy bench for sleep and rest.

Studio apartment remains a popular option. With competent zoning, this solution allows you to create a cozy space even on an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m. And functionality and ergonomics go to the fore, not forgetting about aesthetics. Why start? Deciding with the requirements for future housing, it is necessary to start detailed planning. In the future, this will avoid many problems, and the repair will not delay in many months.

Design project of one-room apartment

For starters, let's consider the main stages of the design of the project:

  1. drawing up a measurement drawing;
  2. layout of functional zones;
  3. if necessary, the dismantling plan and installation of partitions are drawn up;
  4. drawing up furnishing options;
  5. planning plumbing alignment;
  6. development of the floor plan (if necessary with a heat seating scheme);
  7. development of the plane of the ceilings;
  8. development of the layout of sockets and lighting equipment;
  9. preparation of color solutions;
  10. selection of decorative elements;
  11. creating 3D visualization.

However, this information is not enough to answer the question "How to make the design of a single-room apartment project with your own hands?" Therefore, let's separately decipher each stage on a specific example.

It all starts with measurements. They should be as accurate as possible, since it depends on the correctness of all project documentation. Special attention was paid to the height of the walls, as it may differ in new buildings. Based on measurements, make up a measurement plan. Next, we develop options for the placement of furniture, machinery and plumbing equipment indicating the size.


The design of the studio studio apartment project necessarily includes a plan of opening and installation / dismantling of partitions. Here, individual footnotes indicate the insulation of the walls, the construction of podiums and other similar information. It should be noted that some types of redevelopment must be coordinated in the relevant instance.

Now we turn to the plans of the floor and ceiling plans in which we work on the types and borders of the coatings / facing materials. For the ceiling I also celebrate lighting, choose the lighting script. Here the design of the studio apartment project enters a very important stage - the development of the electrician circuit. Here you specify switches and their types, binding to the nearest partition, the location of the sockets and their views.

Next, make the scan of rooms. On the plan of the apartment every room and the wall we assign serial number. Then we indicate which altitude one or another element will be placed, we develop color solutions. After that, it is necessary to compile a detailed estimate in which we indicate the number of consumables and facing materials and the cost.

The final stage is the creation of 3D visualization. The most popular programs for creating a one-room apartment project design: 3D Studio Max, Sweet Home 3D, Floorplan 3D. These are programs with different levels of difficulty. With a lack of experience and compressed repair time, the best solution will appeal to professional designers.

The interior of a modern one-room apartment can be compared with the multitool tool. It is the same multitasking and functional. Here everything is directed to the visual expansion of space, the competent use of the useful area without losing comfort. After all, everything about everything is about 36 square meters. m.

Passionately use as mini-dressing room. Here will be appropriate mirror doors From floor to ceiling without visible frames. If for some reason it is impossible, an interesting idea is to attach the mirror on entrance door. This technique will allow you to lengthen the corridor / hallway. If the wall with the built-in wardrobe is adjacent to the bathroom, then you can donate part of the space for washing machine. In the end, it turns out small nichewhich will significantly save space.

Sometimes there are pretty bold ideas Interior of one-room apartment. For example, if the layout allows, the kitchen can be equipped in the hallway. This option will suit For those who are mainly eating outside the house.

The design of the bathroom in the interior of a one-room apartment is also aimed at visual expansion of borders, since most often this zone has a rather small area. A light palette will come to the rescue - from finishing to plumbing. A successful solution will be a mirror ceiling and a sink from transparent glass. Shower Cab Doors should also be transparent. It will give the room the necessary ease.

In order not to clutter the space of various small objects, it is necessary to provide closed systems storage. External organization And the ordering of the room will also make it possible to achieve the effect of airiness. Basic decorative element It may become a mirror in the original frame. One accent will be enough. Also a convenient functional element can become sliding door. Remember that previously all ideas should be decorated on paper or in a specialized program.

The kitchen in the Studio apartment is combined with all other space. Let's look at the most stylish ideas. We combine the kitchen and living room, which in turn is separated from the bedroom a false partition or shirma. This technique allows you to turn one-room apartment in two-room. In addition, we have a full-fledged dining area, which can also serve as a place to relax and receive guests.

Another option is not to endure the dining area beyond the kitchen. Instead, zoning space with a bar rack and sofa, which is installed back to it. Good decision For an area of \u200b\u200b30 square meters. m and less. In addition to the bed and recreation area allows you to equip a small work area. Most often it is taken out to the balcony, combined with the room.

Kitchen design in one-room apartment also involves an alignment option kitchen headset In one line. In this case, it is necessary to carefully consider each module. Retractable "carousels" and all sorts of niches with a large number of compartments are used.

The kitchen in a one-room apartment may be separate. This will avoid the demolition of the wall and additional costs. In addition, the main zone will be isolated from odors that are an integral part of cooking. The room can be located a large sofa in the area for relaxation and equip mini-cabinet.

On at all small square at 17 square meters M As a bed, choose a folding sofa, which in the daytime is a seating area. More spacious quadrature allows you to separate a full-fledged bed. There are many zoning techniques, thanks to which the bedroom in a one-room apartment becomes a secluded and comfortable space.

A practical choice is a double-sided cabinet that can be used for storing clothes and other things. On the one hand, it can be closed mirror doors, on the other, have open shelves.

In some layouts there is a special niche in which a double bed is free. From the side of the hallway, it can be separated by a wardrobe, and from the living room zone can be burned with dense curtains From the ceiling to the floor. A successful solution will be the arrangement of the podium with storage boxes bed linen, blankets and pillows.

The competent bedroom design in one-room apartment depends largely and right lighting. If only one window in the bedroom, the cabinet-separator must be not high so that natural light flows into the second part of the room. Another option is to separate the bed with glass sliding doors.

The design of a one-room apartment for a family with a child requires a special approach. The task is complicated by adding another large zone that is divided into several small. Furnishing becomes a special problem. After all, the question arises: "Where to put a cot in a one-room apartment?"

A successful solution can be the separation of a room into two zones - a sleeping place of parents with a large folding sofa and a children's zone with furniture Garnitur.which includes a bed workplace and small cabinet For storage of things. Of course, much depends on the age of the child.

A place for a newborn in a one-room apartment can be equipped on a very small area. It is only necessary to put the cradle and a changing table, and as an accent, use the wall decor in the form of painting, crafts from paper and felt.

To equip children's Corner In the apartment, use bunk headsets. There is very original modelswhich provide not only a sleeping place, but also a closed game zone in the form of architectural niches. Of course, the design of a nursery in a one-room apartment will require rich fantasy and thorough preparation. But thanks to modern furniture and the rich selection of materials there is nothing impossible.

With competent design and planning, a small one-room apartment can turn into stylish and functional housing. Numerous design techniques will allow even 17 square meters. m Locate all the necessary zones. Of course, it is not necessary to count on the gym and the library, but the gentleman's set will fit just.

there is general ruleswho preferably stick to. The interior of a small one-room apartment does not tolerate dark colors. In any case, in large numbers. Based on the basis of white, gentle-beige, cream shades. If you want bright colors, you can make an exception to the rules. One of the rooms, such as a kitchen, is drawn up in deep colors - blue, brown, green. But at the same time, the furniture must be bright, preferably white.

Sometimes layouts with narrow elongated spaces are found. Rectangular room Not the best option for furnishing, but this is a solid problem. The room can be done visually wider with multiple techniques.

The opposite walls are painted in different shades. For example, in white and bright beige. Or one of them is drawn up with photo wallpapers with a perspective. Thanks to this, even space is 20 square meters. m acquires a completely different look. The floor decorate the carpet with a small pattern. It is also worth considering the right light script. Instead of one suspended lamp Use multiple sources light. Window opening is not wrapped in porters, but leave the most open. Blinds and Roman curtains are also suitable. Furniture is used concise, in light upholstery. Much depends on finishing.

Repair of a small one-room apartment is likely to do without redevelopment. Otherwise, to organically enter all the necessary zones and adapt them to the owners' life scenario will be very difficult. Studio apartment is most often the most good decision For modest quadrature.

For starters, let's figure it out in terminology. Smart Apartment is a small living area. In fact, it is an updated version of old good hotels. The minimum quadrature starts from 18 square meters. m. However, there is a significant difference. SMART translated from English means "smart". The smart interior is able to dispose of every centimeter of the useful area.

Establish a smart apartment - a difficult task. That is why some developers offer accommodation with finished furnishing. If you want to implement own project, It is necessary to sit behind the design project or contact professional designers.

It should be noted that smart housing is not at all a budget option. It would seem that modest dimensions should have a beneficial effect on a common estimate. After all, you need less finishing materials. This is true, but there is one "but". All furniture ideally need to be done under the order. Here in the account literally every millimeter. Of course, you can find and ready solutions with the necessary parameters. However, it requires high time costs.


The answer to the question "How to furnish a smart apartment?" Furniture transformer will become. The word "smart" also applies to it. One headset may include a sofa transforming into a double bed, a small table and a wardrobe with a built-in ironing board.

The kitchen in the smart apartment should be as imperceptible as possible. For "disguise", use white facades from the floor to the ceiling with the doors that open with the help of clicking. It is important not to save on fittings, so that it serves as long as possible. Interesting idea - Mobile table on the rail built into the windowsill. This will not only save 10-15 centimeters, but also will ensure freedom of maneuver. One way or another, the zone of the window sill must certainly be used as dining table. or additional working surface.

Design Smart Apartments can be compared with the shooting of a short-drawing roller when a few minutes must be inserted with a tremendous meaning. However, it gives its fruits. Space of 15 square meters. m turns into a cozy and comfortable house with a unique character. This type of apartment is well suited as the first independent housing.

In order for the repair of a one-room apartment did not drag on a long period of time, it is necessary to begin with the preparation of a detailed estimate. Expenses divide into several groups (choose paragraphs depending on the type of repair):

  1. repair brigade;
  2. draft and finishing materials, as well as their delivery and unloading;
  3. plumbing equipment;
  4. lighting;
  5. furniture items;
  6. textiles and decor elements;
  7. loading and garbage removal.

It is also necessary to provide a reserve for unforeseen expenses. Do not start repairing a one-room apartment, without having a complete estimate on the hands. Otherwise, finishing and transferring time simply not to avoid.

Cosmetic Repair of a one-room apartment

This is the most accessible method to refresh the interior. At the same time, even the change of wall design can change the space beyond recognition. Best time For repair - Spring. But you can buy materials in the winter. If desired, you can cope with this task own forces. If necessary repair work The most quickly, and there is no month-two in the reserve, it is better to hire a professional construction brigade.

Photo 26

Cosmetic repair of a one-room apartment often does not provide for alignment of the walls. This means that you need to choose the right finishing materials that will hide this flaw. Painting I. decorative plaster unsuitable. In this case, you need dense wallpaper. Fliselinovy \u200b\u200bI. vinyl species of this material. The first possesses a pleasant matte texture and fit well for the bedroom. The second - better tolerate wet cleaningTherefore, applicable in the kitchen and in the hallway / hallway.

You can reanimate the floor using carpet, which can be laid even on top of the old coating. Linoleum is also suitable. It is necessary to select material with high levels wear resistance. 31-32 class of operation will suit.

Overhaul of one-room apartment

Overhaul of a one-room apartment consists of such stages:

  1. development of the project design and drawing up the estimates;
  2. purchase of draft and finishing materials, tools;
  3. installation of sanitary equipment, radiators, wiring;
  4. substitution / installation of windows and doors;
  5. decoration of the bathroom;
  6. kitchen finish;
  7. decoration of the hallway and bedrooms;
  8. loading and garbage removal.

To fulfill most of these items, you will need the help of a professional building brigade. You must choose a command that has a manager. This will greatly facilitate the control process. Comfortable, but not cheap option - to order a full design project with author's supervision.

Dismantling work can be made on their own. This will allow a little shorten budget. But it is not worth saving on electrical wiring and materials.

Repair of a one-room apartment with niche

Repair of a one-room apartment with niche provides for the emphasis on zoning space with finishing materials. Often, niche is construed under the sleeping area, visually separating it with the help of wall decorations or outdoor coating. Sometimes the construction of additional architectural structures is required - podium, false partitions and other things.

Another option - arrangement in niche working area. Interesting decision A two-level podium can become, at the bottom of which the retractable bed is built. This technique is especially good for small-sized spaces.

Repair of a one-room apartment in a new building

Most often, the developers convey the owners of the living space in such a complete set: a floor screed, a layout under a plumbing, a piston plastering of the walls. Windows and radiators can also be installed. The remaining types of work will have to do it yourself. Repair of a one-room apartment in a new building has exactly the same stages that were described above. But special attention It is necessary to pay extra sound insulation. In the future, this will significantly increase the level of comfort of living in a new house.

Styles of 1 Bedroom Apartment

The choice of style of one-room apartment is an extremely important and incredibly fascinating stage. It depends on the nature and mood of the future interior. But the directions are a lot, how to stop at the same one? Play in the researcher. Look through visualization and photos of interiors, and save you like. After analyzing the selection for general details, you can understand what style suitable better Total.

The design of a one-room apartment is primarily chosen on the basis of personal preferences and the possibility of maximum adaptation under habits and scenario of life. Let's look at the most popular options according to the scheme: the main features, pros, cons.

To understand what it is - a studio apartment in Scandinavian style, it is necessary to highlight the main features of this direction. These include:

  1. dominant white color in tandem with juicy flower accents and pastel gamut;
  2. natural materials in decoration, decor and textile;
  3. furniture and free space in percentage ratio 50 to 50;
  4. practical furniture;
  5. abundance of natural light.


Pros: ease of space; Simple grace in combination with practicality; Does not require the use of expensive materials.

Cons: White color requires extremely accurate use and thorough cleaning; It is necessary to consider a large number of "invisible" storage systems; Creates a feeling of comfort during the warm seasons of the year, but in the winter its atmosphere may seem somewhat cool.

Student apartment in Loft style has a male character. This is due to such characteristic features of this direction:

  1. rough decoration (the most common materials: concrete, brick, metal);
  2. minimum decor;
  3. easy and practical furniture;
  4. maximum open space.

Pros: feeling of psychological unloading due to the laconicity of the interior; simplicity repair; Cleaning takes not so much time.

Cons: the integrity of the interior, which can be easily destroyed by new things or a fabricated decor; the need to have original designer things that can fly into a penny; The need to arrange hidden storage systems.

One-room apartment in the style of minimalism is suitable for those who are tired of overloaded interiors, massive furniture bright colors. The main features of the direction:

  1. lack of decorative elements;
  2. monochrome palette;
  3. furniture of laconic forms;
  4. hidden lighting sources.

Pros: Free layout is ideal for creating any design design; abundance of natural light; Simple and functional space.

Cons: the atmosphere of the loft can hardly be called warm and homely; requires large financial costs; It is hard fits into a small square.

Main task - with maximum benefit Use each centimeter area. For these purposes, go well-transformer furniture. Coffee tablewhich, with the help of lifting mechanisms, turns into a dining. Wardrobe bed with a small folding table. Many options are presented on the market. The main thing is to choose models with high-quality fittings, which will provide a long service life.

There is such furniture and a significant drawback in the form of high cost. More accessible by price standard options. Folding sofa It may well have several functional loads - sleeping places at night and a day relaxation area. If you allow quadrature, it is better to give preference to a double bed with storage boxes at the bottom.

Furniture for one-room apartment should be multifunctional. So it often serves as a zoning tool. It is selected individually, based on the style of the interior and specific needs.

Cabinets can be embedded in a niche or models with glass doors are selected. Do not forget about the elements of the decor. For small apartments, mirrors are well suited in unusual frames and vases with glossy textures. In a more spacious square, you can enter a geometrically verified composition from your favorite photos, paintings and even volume sculptures from paper.

One bedroom apartment is a cozy corner in which so homely warm and comfortable. The design of the one-room apartment is considered challenging taskBecause within the framework of the Male Idle Studies, it is necessary to distribute the differ in the functionality of the zone. Who lives in small-sized apartments, knows how difficult it is to correctly organize space. But it is impossible not to note that in big apartments Often, free space is consumed irrational. Designers of the artemont company have long been accustomed to save every centimeter, so our designs are comfortable, regardless of the number of rooms in the apartment and square.

Marked by the Houzz Expert Community

The best variation, on the subject of the organization of the interior in a one-room apartment - minimalism. It is due to its simplicity in sales and impeccable functionality. We increasingly offer our customers a mixed stylization. For example, kneading elements scandinavian style, Eco design, the ethnics - perfectly fits and dilutes functional and minimalistic interiors.

It is very important to think through every trifle, correctly pick up colors and textures. And this task is not so easy, as it may seem at first glance, of course, if you are not professional designer interiors. Therefore, the artirmon decided to simplify the task to ensure that the repairs passed without hassle - we give the design of the project of a one-room apartment as a gift, when ordering it to implement it. That is, if you fulfill our specialists, designfor you will be free.

The cost design of the project of one-room apartment.

So that customers understand how much money can be saved to cooperate with the artirmont we will talk about the prices in the market. Price design of the project in Moscow ranges from 1200 rubles / m2 to 5,000 rubles / m2 - if you even dig into the middle segment of the market. Within our company, the design of the studio apartment project costs - 1200 rubles / m2. At the calculation of the area, let's say at 38 m2, the design of the apartment will cost 45,600 rubles. If you were offered to give such an amount, would you refuse? So we think it is stupid to abandon such gifts. We create

The design of a one-room apartment is approached at a professional level. This is caused by the need to create several sections based on it with different appointment - Living room, bedroom, and perhaps children.

Features of one-room space

Inviting a designer to identify problems and develop an interior or choosing in the photo, how to furnish a one-room apartment, you can repair with right zoning Premises, placement of furniture, finishing type.

The disadvantage of housing having only one room is a catastrophic lack of free space in order to receive guests, place the necessary items, decorate stylish elements and accessories at your own desire. It is often necessary to race cabinets and stands, leaving small passages to move between them.

Even worse, if such an apartment is located in Khrushchev and has little sizes premises with incorrect layout and low ceilings. To achieve comfortable accommodation in such conditions is very difficult. Despite the difficulties, to equip it in modern design (see) possible.

To do this, there are a number of rules using which you can inexpensively transform the room, arrange in the style corresponding to inner world and the demands of the owners.

Ways to improve living conditions

Before planning to reorganize its small-sized apartment It should be analyzed by available objects, furniture, small things of household and economic purposes. Often familiar, but not having practical elements are able to clutter the room, create a mess and tightness.

Wall decoration

To visually increase the space, there are several techniques, among which one of the most effective is the use of color combinations. Light shades water-emulsion paint For walls, wallpaper with a small pattern, a very good result is given in a vertical strip.

It is recommended to use glass and mirror parts of the finishes, partitions, the doors of the shelves and cabinets that give the room the feeling of lightness capable of carrying a functional load without cluttering the room.

Selection of furniture

The arrangement of objects should be done along the walls, leaving the central parts open. From inappropriate interior of finishing accessories, figurines, outdoor VAZ, I'll have to abandon or reduce their quantity, leaving only a cute heart and stylish things.

Difficult cumbersome tables, bedside tables, lockers are better replaced by a transformer table, modern spacious wardrobe, volumetric. Due to this there is a place to store a variety of trifles.

If the furniture is put at a certain distance from the wall, in the form of a partition, it will be divided into zones to zones that can be used for different purposes, such as the recruitment of a cabinet or a children's bedroom for a family living with a child.

Instead hinged cabinets, it is better to purchase open shelves or with glass doors. They emphasize the minimalist environment and will not "take weight" space.

For storage places, it is important to use all unused places: niches under the windows, sections of walls above the door, in the corners, between the cabinets, under the bed.

Wanting to leave a part square meters Free, you will have to abandon the comfortable spacious bed. Purchase soft furniture It should be done by stopping your choice on the folding models, sofas, bedrooms, which at the right moment turn into comfortable sleeping places, and in folded form, occupy a small part of the room.

Small, and even dark room with a niche, it is unlikely to look beautiful. It is necessary to provide for the time of repairing the organization of zone illumination points, which can be used separately from general lighting, create a cozy space for communication or bright light for work.

Ceiling design

Staining in white or very light color It gives a good effect in order to increase them.

Modern materials, methods for their use along using point lamps, lED backlight Give unlimited possibilities for incarnation in the reality of bold design developments.

Suspended systems in several tiers, glossy and mirror stretch ceiling They are able to surprisely transform the room, increase the height of the walls, up to the creation of the simulation of the second floor.

Interior style

Most fully correspond to the formation of a free, uncoiled, neat room, without unnecessary parts that collected popularity in last years Styles:

  • minimalism;

  • high tech;

  • techno.

The Japanese direction also contributes to the creation of a comfortable design on a few square square. m, most practical, without unnecessary elements in the interior and finishing.

Loft style requires a large space, however, its elements: rough walls, open furnitureSimple lamps, minimum finishes are used to design small apartments.

The classic is based on a clear separation of space, ensuring its functionality, cutting off unnecessary elements, use light shades Staining.

A small kitchen and an entrance hall can also be improved by simple repair. Furniture for them is worth making to order. Then she can have individual dimensionsRepeating features of the premises.

The internal space of furniture should be used as fully as possible, equipping comfortable fan shelves, drawers, which will fit a larger number of items.

Among the proposed models should pay attention to tables and stands designed by the type of chest of drawers.

In the kitchen, it is advisable to use all available space with the return. In a niche under the window to arrange a wardrobe or shelves, the windowsill make a part of the working area.

Residents of small-sized one-bedroom apartments should not be upset. The huge army of designers, investors conducts a great job for them and offers professional interior projects that can significantly improve comfort, functionality, beauty of premises.