Psychological triggers: what effect do they have on a person? What are psychological triggers? Happy Ownership

The definition of "trigger" is found in many fields of knowledge. It comes from the English "trigger" - literally, " trigger". A capacious concept is called a pain point, a sharp launch of a new state, a sudden discovery of a problem. A trigger in psychology is a stimulator of a sudden emotional reaction that is of particular importance to the client. The stronger the pain point of consciousness, the brighter the emerging emotion.

Any phenomenon can become a trigger for a certain person:

  • sounds;
  • smells;
  • the words;
  • events;
  • another man.

There is a "trigger" on emotional condition. The color of the subsequent emotion is different: positive, neutral, negative. Typically, a trigger in psychology is considered as the starting point of negative emotions: apathy, anger, anger, longing, irritation. Such manifestations interfere with an adequate assessment of the surrounding reality, as they turn off consciousness for a while and trigger uncontrolled reactions.

Not only negative ones. The event may cause positive emotion, euphoria. But if such an impact leads to negative consequences, these situations also need to be worked out and get rid of the desire to succumb to temptation to the detriment of oneself.

How do triggers work?

The appearance of an irritant leads to a lightning-fast reaction. It depends on the type of personality, the initial state nervous system, mood, life circumstances and experience.

First of all, it is experience that makes us show emotions, and it also helps to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Let's say one day a person survived a car accident. A moment before her, he heard the squeal of brakes. Later, this sound will become the starting point for the manifestation of sharp anxiety, panic, power surge. The stronger the shock from the experience, the more painful the reaction will be. Such a person will not be able to be, for example, at a driving competition (drift), where the squeal of brakes is not a threat to life, but only accompanies a spectacular event. For those who have not experienced a strong shock from a car accident, the competition will seem spectacular and interesting. But if the sound of a brake, high speed, sharp car turns are serious psychological triggers, the brain will give a signal for an adrenaline rush, the sensations from which will not seem pleasant.

Trigger in psychology: examples

Since a trigger is an individual reaction in psychology, there are many examples. For some, they will become understandable and familiar, others will not understand how the phenomenon described can cause a violent emotional reaction. Here are the most common examples:

  • a queue or a crowd: if a large number of people are considering something, the queue goes from the room to the street, we become interested in why the curiosity reaction is triggered: we want to stop and see: “Am I missing something really important to me?”;
  • cry: life experience gives instructions, if someone shouts somewhere, then there is a danger. Perhaps it is shouting for joy or during the game. But a state of anxiety sets in. After clarifying the circumstances, the reaction may change;
  • the sounds of music, phrases, smells that memory associates with a loved one will trigger a feeling of nostalgia in the subconscious. Perhaps this song sounded at the moment when the first kiss took place, or, conversely, it was a farewell dance before parting. Memories temporarily turn off consciousness from the surrounding reality and take you to that moment that is important for memory.

In most cases, the influence of a psychological trigger does not have devastating consequences: the emotion disappears with the disappearance of the stimulus. For example, having figured out that the crying of a child does not mean that the baby is lost, but simply that he requires a new toy from his mother, we calm down. For psychology, these are neutral triggers that a person copes with on a daily basis. Problems begin when the reaction lasts longer than the situation requires, the stress is too strong, leads to negative consequences. It happens that a “trigger” is an intentional impact in order to evoke the desired emotion.

Features of psychological triggers

What is a trigger in psychology? those who face difficulties need:

  • events that you do not want to remember because they cause unpleasant, painful thoughts and images. These are traumatic triggers. They accumulate over the course of a lifetime through experience. Attempts to find a safe environment and protect yourself from negative memories lead to psychosomatic illnesses and constant stress;
  • situations that disrupt harmony and stability. Children are afraid of a strict teacher and experience anxiety even a few days before the lesson. The boss inspires such horror that even an innocent meeting in the hall causes uncontrollable horror: hands begin to tremble, legs give way, the back becomes cold;
  • manipulative triggers are found in those who, for example, struggle with bad habits. The desire to smoke for the company becomes unbearable if everyone around invites you to join. At this point, stress reaches a maximum, and a person can break loose.

Psychological triggers in marketing

Psychological triggers are widely used in sales. If you know the mechanisms of mind control, you can increase the number of buyers and clients with skillfully selected slogans, expressions, and actions. There is a special section: trigger marketing based on data about better ways sales.

Ways to catch a client:

  • promise of easy results;
  • inclusion in the list of VIP clients;
  • association against a common enemy or for the sake of a great goal;
  • work only on pre-order;
  • artificially created deficit;
  • creating a secret around the object of sale;
  • testimonials from enthusiastic customers.

A well-known example: the hype before the release of a new smartphone model of a well-known brand. An illusion is created that everyone around is waiting for the appearance of an updated device, some features of the novelty are kept secret, others become known. The secret is the first "trigger": there are fewer and fewer indifferent people. The queue before the start of sales, in which places are supposedly taken up in a day, and some even sell and buy - the second trigger that causes a burning desire to possess new model among the first.

Only those whose “pain” is greed or a sense of loss of profit become hostages of the hype. In the pursuit of leaders, those who really do not really need a new smartphone suffer: unjustified spending drives them into debt, and the result is not as pleasant as it seemed.

This is how the slogans “Only today!”, “Only the first ten buyers!”, “Those who collect a thousand points”, and so on, work. For the trick to work, the author must clearly understand how certain triggers work with the psychology of emotions. This impact is usually aimed at pity, joy, sadness, anxiety - depending on the product offered and the category of customers or buyers.

Effects of Triggers

Why is it worth working on yourself if there is a risk of falling under the influence of psychological triggers? First of all, any manipulation leads out of a state of equilibrium and an adequate perception of reality. Psychology of emotions - a complex system assessment of the world, thanks to which there is an interaction with others. About the nuances of emotional self-control and emotional intelligence Hypnologist explains in detail

0 Quite often, people nowadays come across all sorts of " mysterious"words, the meaning and origin of which is hidden in the fog of obscurity. Unfortunately or fortunately, the development of society has accelerated so much that many simply do not have time" absorb"all new concepts. In order to fill this important gap, we have created a site site where we try to decipher the most popular words from street slang and not only. Be sure to add our resource to your bookmarks so that we can always come to your aid This time we will analyze a rather tricky word, this Trigger which means you can read a little below.
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So let's continue trigger value? This term was borrowed from in English "trigger", and translates as "with trigger", "latch", "impulse", "inducement". There are several meanings of this concept, and we will analyze only the most popular of them.

Trigger- this is a certain function or command that signals the system about the start of a scheduled event

The point is that in some device there are sensors that control environment, and after changing any parameters in it, giving a command to the central processor. For example, an alarm system for a car, apartment, house, which detects an uninvited intrusion, immediately gives an alarm. And if you have an air conditioner, you know what can be set on the remote temperature regime, upon reaching which this unit turns off, and turns on again after the temperature rises.
In fact, this is a whole class of electronic devices that can stay in one of two states for a long time, and alternate them under the influence of external sensors.

In this case, the creators of the site do their best to influence the characteristics and instincts of the visitor, such as lust, greed, anger, with their page design. Such "creativity" serves as a "trigger" pushing a person to a pre-programmed action. Many webmasters are not even aware of these tricks, while the use of triggers significantly increases the "exhaust" (income) from the project.

Trigger for gamers- this is a cheat (program code that helps the player), which fixes the moment of aiming the sight at the enemy's head and automatically makes a shot


I won’t play anymore, the cheaters are terribly pissed off, who one-shot you across the entire map.

Trigger in psychology- this is an automatic response of an individual that occurs in response to a certain, usually external stimulus

More meanings of the word Trigger

A flip-flop is a multi-steady starting circuit;

Trigger - this is the trigger of a crossbow, airbrush, pistol, as well as the lever on the joystick located under the index finger;

A trigger is a specific reason that prompted the start of any events;

A trigger is a certain condition, after the occurrence of which the planned action must occur;

The trigger is the initiator of a thermonuclear explosion (uranium);

Trigger - in hypnosis it is keyword or an action that allows you to instantly enter the patient into a trance state with pre-planned functions.

After reading this informative article, you learned what is trigger, and now you will not get into a difficult situation by hearing or reading this word again.

The terms "trigger" and "response" suggest a continuous sequence from stimulus to response without any room for doubt, reflection or choice.

Is it true? Are we really that easily succumbed to provocations? How does the trigger actually work within us? Are there any intermediate stages between it and behavior? If yes, what are they?

I singled out three moments - first pulse, then awareness, Then choice. They fill the critical space between the trigger and our behavior.

When does it work launcher (trigger), we have pulse behave in a certain way. This is why some people duck their heads to protect themselves when they hear a loud sound behind them. Even the most vigilant among us are not quick enough to hide. We hear a sound and look around to see if there is any danger.

The same trigger, different reactions - one is reflex and swift (impulsive, that is, involuntary), the other is weighted, which allows you to take a break, look around and filter out bad options. After all, we are not primitive molluscs that twitch in response to a needle prick. We have nerve cells. We can think.

We can make any impulse stop for a moment while we make choice: obey or ignore it. We don't make choices because our instincts dictate. Our choice is evidence of intelligence and responsibility. In other words, we participate in the process.

If we pay attention to something, a trigger fires. The higher the awareness, the less likely that any provocation, even in the most ordinary circumstances, will cause hasty, thoughtless behavior that will lead to undesirable consequences. We will not trust the autopilot, we will slow down to think and make an intelligent choice.

We do it this way in serious situations. When we are asked to give our opinion, we do not say the first thing that comes to mind. We know that we are walking through a minefield, where every wrong step can lead to unpredictable consequences. We weigh words like a diplomat face to face with an adversary. Maybe we even prepare answers in advance. We don't give in to impulse. We think, we choose, and then we respond.

These are serious situations with a lot of triggers: stress, unbridled passions, high stakes. They can turn into a disaster at any moment, so they are easy to keep under control. When successful people know the show is about to start, they're ready to go.

But situations to which we do not attach much importance just provoke inadequate and unproductive actions.

For example, a long queue at a coffee shop; a visit from a second cousin who asks why you are still not married; the neighbor who doesn't clean up after his dog; a colleague who doesn't take off his sunglasses when he talks to you; guests who arrive too early; a passenger in the next seat who has very loud music in the headphones; a screaming child on an airplane; a friend who always interrupts when you tell a joke; the person who is standing on the left side of the escalator, etc.

This minor annoyances. They happen every day, never go away, and are often associated with people you will never meet again. But they can "trigger" the basic instincts.

Some of us struggle with momentum. Whatever the reason - common sense, fear of a collision, or more important matters - we make a choice and ignore provocative stimuli. We "disarm" the moment. If there is no cartridge in the barrel, the firing mechanism does not matter.

Others are easily provoked and cannot resist the first impulse. We must speak up. Thus begins unpleasant scenes in public. These little annoyances are supposed to provoke confusion, instead of turning us into resentful characters.

Even more dangerous small provocative moments with family or closest friends. We feel that we can say or do anything in the company of these guys. They know us. They will forgive us. We should not "edit" our behavior. We can give in to impulses. In this way, close relationships often become a celebration of triggers, with consequences that we rarely see in any other area: temper tantrums, screaming, bickering and slamming doors, angry home runs and vows of silence lasting months, years, decades.

For example, let's say your teenage daughter borrowed a car, and two hours later she calls to say the car has been stolen. She left her keys inside when she ran into the store. An unlikely event (theft) made more likely by a stupid mistake (forgotten keys). How will you react? Your daughter is fine. She's not in danger, she's not in trouble with the law. She is a victim. In the worst case, you have lost property. What is your first impulse?

You are angry. You can say something like "I told you so" or "You're in your repertoire" to reinforce your judgments: 1) the parent knows best; 2) your daughter is not as smart as she thinks. You can comfort her. You may ask: “Is it for you to call?” You have options.

I don't have a perfect answer. I know that this call seems grotesque, although it is short, unexpected and, by and large, insignificant. Everything bad has already happened. You will not tell this story to your grandchildren.

but your reaction is very important and has serious consequences. Will this event cause a deterioration in the relationship between parent and child, or will something good come out of it? Will you give in to your natural impulse to express your annoyance, or will you take a deep breath and make a wise choice?

See Library: Marshall Goldsmith. triggers.

This term can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the scope of its application. It is used in marketing, psychology, medicine, and everyday life. In the article, this concept will be considered in each of these areas separately.

Marketing techniques to influence the audience

To date, experts in this field have developed many so-called tricks that can provoke a client to make a purchase, call, leave E-mail address, clarify the terms of the promotion and so on. It is these tricks that underlie the concept under consideration. In other words, a trigger is a set of audience management techniques. Translated from English, this term means " cock". Thus, a trigger is something that provokes a person to the corresponding action.

These techniques affect people on an unconscious subconscious level and force them to perform the necessary actions: fill out the proposed registration form, make a payment, make a call, etc. The purpose of triggers is ideally a purchase, but sometimes it is worth seeking only a simple response from the client, for example, registration ( simplest way building a customer base).

Many clients have long been aware of what tricks they are trying to lure them with. However, the advantage of these tricks is that, despite this, they continue to work and bring results.

Triggers are a kind of emotional leverage on the client, based on fear, pride, trust, greed. It is worth considering in more detail their variety in the area under consideration.

Thus, we can say that a trigger is a powerful tool for attracting customers. Their competent use will significantly reduce advertising costs, increase the effectiveness of ongoing advertising campaigns.

trust method

This includes diplomas, regalia, merits, awards - everything that you can be proud of. Also, reviews can be triggers, which often act as determining factors in the course of making a decision regarding the commission of an appropriate action. They affect the rating.

Most site owners successfully use online consultations, chats in order to win over future customers. To do this, you need to set the form feedback, by clicking on which the user instantly contacts the specialist and can ask questions of interest to him.

In this process, many nuances turn out to be effective. For example, if you place a photo of an attractive girl with a phone on the avatar of an online specialist, then the number of hits will increase significantly. Also very important point- Efficiency of feedback (response delays are unacceptable). Otherwise, this may lead to negative reviews, distrust.

Trigger "alarm clock"

Creating the effect of demand, excitement. The client must be aware that time is running out, so you need to act immediately. The point is to wake the visitor up with an unexpected offer, using a loud call, bright design, and so on.

Temporary reception

Offering a discount, gift, bonus before the end of the deadline. For example, many companies place a time counter on their website, which shows how many hours, minutes are left before the end of the action.

There is another way to use this technique. When the user is regular customer, which regularly pays for the services provided once a month (week), it is possible to create a guarantor of its long-term subscription by offering the client a discount if paid immediately for six months (a year). This principle lies in the work of most training centers (there is a system of discounts, prepaid subscriptions).

Opportunity Trigger

In addition to the basic features, the user is invited to purchase advanced functionality. For example, an additional storage space for information when inviting a friend. Offer discounts, gifts in exchange for accumulated bonuses.

The latter can be accrued, for example, for attending seminars, joining different groups in social networks, likes. These are fairly simple actions that do not require excessive effort from a person, for which a prize is due. In fact, this is a veiled entanglement of the user with attractive features. As a rule, it leads to the fact that the latter becomes a regular customer.


The upsell trigger allows the user to realize large quantity goods than he originally intended to purchase. For example, the action "1+1=3".

Socialization as a marketing gimmick

In all sorts of social services, the vanity trigger works quite well. For this, it will be sufficient to introduce titles, ratings for all users. The subconscious desire to increase the status works. Most even pay for it.

For example, on forums, titles are presented depending on the number of useful messages (a different kind of merit). The result - users are active, which has a positive effect on the activity of the owner of the resource.

Trigger in terms of psychology

The term under consideration is combined in psychology with the concept of an anchor. These are the so-called buttons on the body, in the minds of people. When you click on them, you can trigger a specific behavioral response.

Mandatory points is the use of existing channels of perception:

  • visual (creation in the patient's imagination of an allegorical picture, for example, a beginning illness - a stranger patting on the shoulder);
  • auditory (loud, cheerful, 3-fold pronunciation of the auditory anchor, for example, the greeting "Great!");
  • kinesthetic (tactile contact during the pronunciation of the auditory anchor, for example, squeezing the shoulder at the word "Great!").

In fact, triggers and anchors are complementary parts. An anchor is a human perception of an event in its environment, and a trigger in psychology is the event itself.

Thus, in the considered example, the greeting "Great!" along with pressure on the shoulder - triggers, and kinesthetic, auditory perception with the same action - anchors. As a result, a sick person after this technique can feel healthy.

Triggers as triggers for asthma

For a significant number of people, allergies are a major trigger for asthma symptoms. The main allergen in most countries is the substance of the house dust mite (it lives on the scales of human dead skin, is not visually noticeable). Also important allergic triggers are: feathers, animal hair (cats, horses, dogs), fungal spores, pollen from trees, grasses. Thus, we can say that triggers are allergic pathogens in medicine that can lead to asthma. However, they are not always interpreted as allergic reaction.

Triggers can be:

Ovulation trigger: what is it?

This is the process by which an egg is released. To start the ovulation trigger mechanism, you need to take medications. In this case, a certain point in time is selected: artificial insemination, together with the process of IVF (natural sexual intercourse) stimulation, should take place in a period favorable for conception.

In a situation where stimulation is performed before IVF, it is possible to find out the best time for ovarian puncture.

Trigger Bot

Increasingly, you can hear such a term as a trigger bot. What is it and what is it for? Despite the cryptic name, this is a perfectly normal macro. It keeps track of the color of the screen pixels (center) and then commits certain action when the given color is there.

For example, when aiming a weapon at an enemy in the RV, the sight immediately turns red. Further, the action previously set in the settings is immediately performed.

Vials equipped with triggers

They are ideal option for various packaging household chemicals the following reasons:

  • the special nozzle is easily screwed on plastic container, which helps prevent accidental spillage of the product when dropped;
  • direct contact with alkalis, acids is completely excluded;
  • by means of triggers, an exact dosage of aggressive chemicals is carried out, which makes it possible to use them economically.

So, the washing trigger is a dispenser that allows you to evenly distribute the product over the surface.

D flip-flop

In another way - Delay-delay, which has inputs typical for all triggers:

  • R (reset).
  • S (installation).
  • C (sync input).
  • D (input).

It is also commonly accepted that a D-flip-flop is a flip-flop with special dynamic control. Its operation is similar to the JK flip-flop, but there are still minor differences. So, the specificity of the D-flip-flop is resetting to the 0th state, when a low level is applied to the input D, by the decay of the pulse on C and setting one if high level on D with the decay of the momentum also on C.

What is a trigger in computer science?

It acts as an important structural unit of the OP of the computer, the internal registers of the processor. This device makes it possible to remember, read, store information (in the amount of 1 bit).

A trigger is an (MIT - test) electronic circuit, which is widely used in computer registers in order to reliably store the 1st binary code. This device is equipped with 2 stable states: binary one, binary zero.

Door trigger: what is it?

In practice, such electronic circuits are used in combination locks (car alarms). For example, in automotive security system with remote control, there is a brown wire (door trigger with negative polarity) and purple wire (door trigger with positive polarity).

A short to ground on the brown wire (to +12 V purple) when the auto door is opened will immediately trigger the system.

The connection of the device in question is necessary in order to ensure the operation of such a function as passive arming. In a situation where the regular switch (limit switch) the door closes to ground when opened, which is typical for many cars, the brown wire must be connected to 1 of the limit switches. If the light switch (interior) at the output when opening the auto door has +12 V, then the purple wire must also be connected to one of the limit switches.