Blue furniture in the kitchen. Blue kitchen

In the interior is able to make the room lighter. Also such a shade gives a note novelty and modern room. We suggest you familiarize yourself with this design option, like a blue kitchen (photos of ideas are attached).

Color role in the interior

It's no secret to anyone that a lot depends on the choice of color of walls and furniture. Incorrectly picking up shades, you can reduce the already small room, to make the interior overloaded and so on. And vice versa. If you think over all the details and choose the right color solution, the living room can pleasantly surprise you. In addition, it has long been known that the color affects the well-being, mood and psyche.

Pluses of blue cuisine

  1. This design is very unusual and beautiful.
  2. Blue color gives a scope of fantasy in the design, because it is associated with the sea, the sky and so on. Therefore, you can easily choose thematic accessories.
  3. Blue kitchen in big room It looks very fashionable and modern.
  4. There is a statement that blue color reduces appetite and helps to lose weight.
  5. At the subconscious level, blue is associated with sterility. Suitable definition for the kitchen.
  6. Blue color has a large number of shades and subtocks, which allows you to make a variety of interior and not overload it.

Cons of blue cuisine

  1. If the kitchen windows come out on the north side, then blue looks in depressing. After all, then the feeling of cold and year-round winter will be constantly created.
  2. Blue is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before proceeding with the repair, think well again. After all, the kitchen is one of the most important places in the apartment.
  3. To think over all the details of the future interior, you need to decide what color you will have the main dominant. Blue color can be very gone, so it is important to choose the desired shade here.

What can be done blue?

To date, there are many options and design possibilities. kitchen room in blue color. If you decide to do overhaul and acquire new furnitureIn stores you can choose the finish of the desired shade.

If you want to do familiar shades or leave the old one, that is, the variant of pasting wallpaper with blue. The benefit today you can find a moisture-resistant coating for walls on the shade and texture. More expensive way - put the tile. Here again more possibilities Not only among shades, but also textures, size and style. You can make a apron with one color, and the rest of the wall is different. You can combine not only shades, but also pictures on the tile. A budget option - Painting of the walls.

The original kitchen design is to separate the gender and / or ceiling. Only then to choose the furniture and walls in calm shades.

Blue kitchen - a combination of colors

Naturally, you will not perform all the details in one shade. Therefore, the future interior should be thought out in advance. Much more easier with a white and beige kel. Almost all existing shades are combined with them. With blue cuisine is a little more difficult.

Best possible color combination options:

  • black (perfect for floors and locker elements);
  • white (you can make gender, walls, furniture, accessories);
  • milk (a win-win version that is suitable for finishing walls and furniture);
  • gray (suitable for everything);
  • yellow (you can use saturated and muted shades);
  • turquoise (suitable for walls and furniture, but the most winning will look in the intersection with blue on one element);
  • green (suitable saturated shades fresh greenery);
  • olive (the walls in this shade are most advantageous);
  • blue (suitable for everything);
  • orange (can be used to finish the walls and furniture);
  • coral (suitable for finishing all);
  • cream (floor, walls, furniture and accessories);
  • shades of pastel;
  • tints natural tree (cherries, oak and so on).

To understand whether all the colors are combined with each other, you can also use if you have already selected shades of furniture, accessories, walls and floor, then take pieces in the store with color samples and fold them together. And even better - spread the palette in your kitchen. Then you can evaluate not only the combination of shades in the interior, but also how it all looks in the face of your apartment (there is a big role daylight).

Options for registration

If you have a small blue kitchen, it is better not to overload it with a large number of shades. Limit the painting walls into the dark blue, and the rest is neutral.

It is very beautifully combined with blue furniture floor made of black and white tiles, which is laid in a checkerboard order. If you perform in such a shade of the wall, then the lockers and shelves are better made from the natural shades tree or paint them into white.

By the way, the blue color can be very cunning. And even in well-lit by natural light kitchen can be moments when you feel uncomfortable there. So that this does not happen, try to pick up the decoration of the furniture of warm colors. For example: beige, pastel yellow, gentle orange and so on. This rule concerns and choosing a color palette for accessories and kitchen textiles.

Perhaps the most acceptable solution that allows you to create modern and cozy interior Kitchens - a combination of blue and wood. But this option will look bad in small premises. A small kitchen area with blue walls and furniture under a natural shade of wood will seem even less than it really is. In this case, it is better to choose cabinets of blue shades, and the room itself is decorated in beige or pastel colors.

For kitchen big size A combination of both saturated tones and muffled are suitable. Also in wide rooms you can combine many different but suitable friend To a friend shades.

Choose tiles, paint and wallpaper for blue cuisine

If you chose blue facades kitchen lockers, the color of the walls should not be easy to harmonize with furniture, but also help create a feeling of comfort and style. It looks very beautifully white wallpaper color for blue cuisine. This room immediately looks clean, spacious, filled with light.

Other possible variant Design of premises with blue furniture is a selection of tiles for apron of the same shade as the cabinets. Then the rest of the walls need to be done in more neutral tones.

Choosing paint or wallpaper for kitchen walls with blue furniture, replicate personal preferences. If you need to do that and the shade of the finish should be such (for example, green, orange, red and so on). If you want to combine the saturated color of the blue furniture and the tranquility of the room, then the walls are covered with walls of pastel colors.

Selection of accessories

The blue kitchen (photo below) is ideal for people who do not like to overload the space things. This is due to the fact that this shade is self-sufficient and does not require add-on. Therefore, it is not worth putting a deposit of different cute little things, figurines, decorative vases and dishes, hang on the walls of many paintings, photos and so on.

If you want to decorate the kitchen interior with some trinkets, then limit the two-three units. Do not overload the room. Or perform all the room and furniture in neutral tones (for example, beige, gray, brown and so on), and all related objects and decor pick up blue Tones (dishes, textiles, pans, kettle, equipment, jars, vases, and the like). Thus, your kitchen will still be made in blue shades.

Modern cooking premises

As mentioned above, the blue shade helps to make the interior with modern and stylish. After all, for all rooms, except for the bathroom, is unusual for our gaze. There are much more common shades of beige, brown and white.

Modern blue kitchen turns out such, if you make contrasts. For example, the facades of lockers are painted bright blue paint, and the walls are decorated with bright yellow wallpaper. Also quite unusual combination of blue kitchen headset and pink apron tile. But such a design will suit units.

Laconic modern interior It turns out when combinating white and bright blue flowers. For example, do everything snow-white, and several facades of drawers - in the hue of the electrician.

Remember that there are a lot of interior design options so that it is modern, practical and cozy at the same time. Just do not be afraid to spend time looking for a suitable design for you.

Traditionally, light tones are used to design a kitchen: white, beige, cream, salad and light yellow. Blue cuisine - one of the latest trends in solving kitchen design. This color allows you to hide pollution and makes kind of kitchen with a neat, and the interior is functional.

Syneva is associated with the sky and water - the sea and rivers, freshness and coolness, space and purity. How to make a blue kitchen correctly? What are the features of using blue for indoor interior?

Blue kitchen in the interior has several advantages and features.

  • Color hides possible spots and pollution. Therefore, dark surfaces are indispensable for countertops, aprons, doors and knobs of kitchen cabinets, retractable shelvesas well as for gender.
  • The kitchen in the blue colors has the property to reduce the size of the space. Therefore, the blue furnishings and the color of the walls are allowed only in spacious light rooms. With a small quadrature of the kitchen, you can use only the accents of dark or saturated color - separate small shelves, the seats of chairs, the blue apron over the sink and the worktop. The larger the dark shade, the more spacious there should be a room.
  • IN blue color It is desirable to design the kitchens located on the south side of the facades, under the roof. During the summer heat period, the dark color will help reduce the temperature of the internal space for several degrees.
  • The blue color is packed, creates a relaxed atmosphere of rest. However, too much blue suppresses and causes depression. Especially dark shades. Therefore, the design of blue cuisine looks great in conjunction with bright and bright accents.
    Contrast solutions of blue with white, beige, blue or light purple look organically. The brightest and rainbow design of the kitchen will be a combination of blue with yellow and warm (herbal) green color. An unusual impression creates a blue-green kitchen and gray-green shades with bright blue accents.

Stock Foto Kitchens demonstrate the most successful examples Registration of blue interior.

How much blue is needed in the kitchen?

The maximum amount of saturated dark color should not exceed 50% The total surface (visually estimated the amount of color on the walls, details of furniture, on the ceiling and in interior decorations). For light blue tones you can allocate more squareup to 70% Kitchen surfaces.

If a kitchen set Fully performed in blue color, the walls, ceiling and floor are separated by another contrasting material.

If the kitchen furniture wall is double, then the floor, and the ceiling, and the walls can have blue inserts or small accents. Monochrome blue tile on the floor successfully alternates with beige, yellow and blue. On the walls - decorating pattern with splashes of blue, light curtains of blue or purple shade. The amount of blue should create a feeling homemade utya and protection, but not to cause fatigue or depression.

Blue kitchen set: furniture materials

The most common materials for the manufacture of furniture are chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. These are various substitutes of natural wood having more affordable price. They are glued from sawdust or chips and covered with a layer of laminate. The decorative laminating layer can be performed in any desired color, mimic images different surfaces (tree cut, marble, stone). Blue chipboard headsets will be cheaper than similar furniture from MDF, due to differences in the value of materials.

Decorative plastic - moisture-resistant universal material, matte or glossy, of any color. Blue plastic you can close the doors of the cabinet, part of the wall or the surface of the table. Moisture-resistant plastic will damage wooden surfaces From water, drops of fat, water vapor. A bright unusual accent will be metallic chairs with plastic seats and backs.

Plexiglas - a translucent synthetic material with an increased strokeability. It is made of acrylic resins, a synthetic pigment is added to the material. Blue Plexiglas is often used as inserts in the door of cabinets and bedside tables.

Vinyl film is also a synthetic material manufactured in any color saturation. Glossy or matte - this film perfectly designs smooth surfaces, looks gorgeous on the ceiling.

Metal - used as finishing material. Metal surfaces and glass - features High-tech style. Metal anodized aluminum has a bluish-gray shade. Blue metallic is reflected from any metal devices - refrigerators, microwave, dishwasher.

The countertop made of natural or artificial stone is the main working surface. From natural stones Blue color have blue Brazilian granite, dark blue Indian granite, Labradorite (Norway), Blue Quartzite (Brazil), Blue Marble (field of Africa, Argentina, Australia), as well as painted white granite and semi-precious lapis and onyx (Iran ), the countertops from which were decorated with royal felling.

Of artificial materials Corian acquired the greatest popularity. It is made of acrylic resins, glass, sand and stain with non-toxic pigments. Fake diamond (agglomerate) got widespread due to more affordable cost and wide decorative possibilities.

Blue tile with a glossy surface on the wall along the countertop will apply beautiful colour and stone texture.

Styles of blue color

Most suitable style Blue kitchen design is high tech. It is characterized by the use of glass furniture, glossy surfaces, metal and glass. Therefore, most design projects for kitchen interior design are used. glossy ceilings, Glass Tables, Metal support legs For furniture, metal suspended or plastic shelves, plastic elements. As well as mirrored metal surfaces for furniture finishing.

Light blue and blue color glossy mirror ceilings. Blue pattern or pattern are decorated with curtains, walls, eaves, as well as a worktop. Blue dermantine covers metal chairs. And the basic tone of the walls is often selected in light blue shades - from bright blue to purple color.

Classic uses a small amount of light blue shades. Also blue tones Used in the style of Provence.

Blue color in the kitchen creates the impression of purity, lightness and space. Blue kitchen resembles the sea. It calms and balances, removes the stormy emotions and chronic stress inherent in the modern rhythm of life.

Blue color is associated with a cloudless sky, gentle sea, in summer. Create around yourself the eternal summer can be used in the interior shades of blue. The kitchen in blue tones is an excellent option for those who love peace and comfort.

Blue refers to the cold range of colors. Cold tones soothe, create a feeling of coolness. If blue is combined with bright warm colors, then there is a different atmosphere - freshness, summer, joy. Using various combinations of blue and its options with other colors can be created perfectly. different design Kitchens.

Blue color in the interior is able to calm the nerves, awaken intuition and streamline thinking, soothing the course of thoughts. However, an excess of blue, especially dark shades, can provoke depression and apathy. Therefore, it is necessary to work with blue neatly, without moving the borders. Do not accompany all the kitchen in blue colors - it will be somewhat dull and too single. Blue due to its strength is good in detail and accents.

Important: Blue suppresses appetite. Therefore, the kitchen in blue is good for those who follow the figure and constantly experiencing new diets. Well chopping appetite and color sea wave. Therefore, the kitchen of the sea wave also becomes a good choice.

Blue color in large quantities is ideal for premises overlooking sunny side and in which it is always hot. In this case, the kitchen design should be based on blue - excessive light brightness is leveled and the lighting will not seem too intrusive and tough. In addition, blue will create a feeling of coolness that in the hot room it is important.

Types of blue

Blue color is good by its manifold. This range includes:
  • indigo;
  • aquamarine;
  • gray blue;
  • azure;
  • blue;
  • cobalt;
  • the color of jeans.

Each of this tint is absolutely not like the effect on the other. Therefore, the interior in cobalt tones is absolutely different from the interior in the azure. If you also combine different shades of blue, you can achieve stunning results, creating original design solutions.

Blue color is perfectly combined with any metal. Glitter metal and cold blue allow you to create respectable kitchen design.

Blue and styles

At an intuitive level, it is felt that the blue color is more suitable for some styles and does not fit completely with others. If the kitchen is planned to do in the country style, then the blue here will look like a foreign element. The exception is the Scandinavian style, where you can use dark and gray shades of blue and the style of Provence. In the latter case, blue is good as an accent - wallpaper in a blue cell or strip, tablecloth with small blue flowers, checkered curtains.

But the blue fits perfectly in high-tech and minimalism. There is no equal here. Its combination with metal flawlessly. At the same time, blue softens the gloss of metal and makes the interior more cozy.

Especially good blue in mediterranean sea style. It can be said that the interior design in the Mediterranean style is kept on blue color, which can be used in large quantities. Here just be relevant blue or blue walls in combination with white kitchen headcard. White combination or gray walls With a header with blue facades, it looks especially stylish. This design of the kitchen in the Mediterranean style will look emphasically expensive.

Combination of flowers

In the kitchen interior, blue is better to combine with others. Then the design of the room will be more refined and finished.

Blue and white

A classic combination, which is an impersonation of freshness. White color He dilute blue, emphasizes it and shall. Blue details on a snow-white background look especially fresh - for example, blue facades of furniture or apron in combination with white walls and textiles. Stress the exquisite design of the blue table.

A blue-white combination can be applied to the kitchen in the marine style. Then it will be possible to add accents - a pair of rubbing with sea and ships, striped curtains, marine bottles.

Important: If the combination of blue and white seems too cold, you can use options on the topic of white - milk, pearl, light beige. Such a design will look gently and warm.

Blue and tree

Blue color combined with a tree. In the interior blue walls It can be supplemented with a wooden headcard of various wood species. The combination of blue and light wood, a blue and brown tree looks equally stylish. Blue walls are well harmonized with a dark headuit.

Blue and yellow

Very bright, joyful, positive combination. IN advertising business The combination of blue and yellow is often used and is considered one of the most advantages. This combination makes the design of the room extraordinary and memorable.

This is a very sunny combination, so it can be offered to use in the interior of rooms overlooking the dark side. But in hot kitchens it is better to replace yellow on white.

Very good and shifting the combination of blue and yellow in apron, headset. You can add brightness if you paint the fridge in yellow-blue color and hang blue curtains With yellow pattern.

Freshly and originally looks like a combination of yellow and blue - yellow headset and as a background blue walls. In this case, you can safely add the walls with a blue ceiling.

Blue and orange

Very strong and powerful combination. It requires a flawless taste, so it is necessary to add orange neatly, accents. Not bad in the interior of blue cuisine will look orange kitchen Area Or chairs with orange soft seats.

Blue and black

On the one hand, it looks somewhat gloomy. But if you correctly pick up shades of blue, then such a kitchen design will be different in particular chic and originality. It is preferable to use brighter blue tones.

Blue and green

Despite the fact that once this combination was considered to be barbaric, now blue with green willingly use together. In the interior it looks fresh and soothing. It is not necessary to use clean colors at all - very beautifully and unusually looks the combinations of olive or marsh with blue and dark blue, and turquoise well shaves bright blue color.

Blue color in the interior is one of the favorite designer techniques that allows you to get a beautiful, elegant and sophisticated room style. Blue cuisine is a choice of people of calm, balanced and business, leading leisurely and measured lifestyle. The interior of the kitchen in blue color is able to create a feeling of seriousness and harmony, stability and soul equilibrium. In such a kitchen, it is easy to maintain order.

An interesting feature of this color is its ability to reduce appetite, which is well suited to people who seek to lead to the norm of the diet and after their weight.

Basic properties of blue in the interior

Temperature and impact - cold, refreshing. Optical properties - visually narrows and takes the interior. Fit side Lights Apartments - South, Southeast, East. Optimal style choice: Sea, Scandinavian, Provence, Ethno, Vintage.

Blue is one of the most beautiful and harmonious colors who love 90% of people. It is able to balance and harmonize the inner state, eliminate the hidden anxiety and stress, configures on a good-natured and calm way, constructive dialogue And the desire to make compromises.

In an astrological plan, blue color correlates with Saturn - the planet of the time, which teaches people to appreciate what they have, disciplines and makes the norms of morality and morality. Therefore, a person who chooses blue in the kitchen interior, you can say a lot in a similar key.

Blue color Never choose puffy, unsure in itself and unnecessarily energetic people. But such a choice is nevertheless, it is often useful for creative and somewhat torn away from the reality of people, inclined to turn in the clouds. Blue color acts cutting on them, forcing healthy to evaluate your strength and opportunities.

Advantages for kitchen interior

The blue kitchen can be absolutely different, depending on the shade of the base color, as well as the companion color and other accessories and decor items. Common stylein which the interior is decorated, also plays a decisive role in the formation of a holistic impression.

Blue color multifaceted, and in traditional color can find a lot beautiful titles His shades: ultramarine, electrician, dark blue, turquoise, azure, sky blue, sea wave, smoky-blue. These are shades of cold temperatures that are well combined with most of the other colors of the visible spectrum.

Blue well shows itself as a basic, as well as composite. Blue kitchen headsets will try to look at classic style, and in the modern designer direction. Unlike other colors (red, green, black), which are traditionally used in the kitchen interior, blue even with significant proportional superiority does not create a feeling of overload and pressure. It is enough to choose one additional neutral shade so that the interior is harmonious and finished.


Cold temperatures of blue with improper alignment of accents can create a sense of excessively staticness and dramatically cause depressive states. In the northern part of the apartment, as well as in the cool climate, this color must be used with caution, because There is a risk of creating a feeling of cold and alienation of the interior, which is uncomfortable.



An ideal companion for blue is considered neutral and universal white. They have a common cool, harmonizing and balancing nature. Blue combination with white is a classic choice for maritime interiors. Interior in similar color gamma It looks very fresh and holistic. White color is able to neutralize the narrowing and weighting properties of blue, creating space for it. But here you need to carefully approach the choice of tones and shades, so as not to create a feeling of frosty, west and uncomfortable interior.


Brown in combination with blue is able to make the kitchen interior more "warm" and cozy. The color and texture of natural wood enlivens and neutralizes the detached and overcome serious tone of blue, making the design of the kitchen friendly and hospitable. Will look great wood table top From an array of wood against the background of blue facades, as well as parquet from pine or oak board. More affordable alternative - laminate or linoleum under the tree.


This is perhaps the only color of the warm gamma that combines well with blue. Yellow perfectly shams cool shades, and brings the sun rays into the interior, makes it easier and open. In the house where there are children, the yellow-blue version of the kitchen is more preferable, because The following combination is implicit about the psyche as peaceful, inspiring optimism and raising the mood. In combination of blue with yellow interior No longer looks cold and stranger, even if blue prevails 80% over yellow.


It is close to the blue shade relating to the same cold and calm range. In tandem, they look harmoniously, but sometimes they look somewhat boring. The gray-blue kitchen interior is suitable for people of senior and elderly, as well as business and serious people who passioned careers. To dilute and brighten excessive severity and the rigor of such a combination, you can reduce the percentage of blue and gray and make a white color background for them.

But grey colour - This is not necessarily smoky. In the kitchen interior, its role is played by metal chromium surfaces of mixers, metal dishes, household appliances and homemade utensils. Mirror shine metal surfaces Makes the interior in blue color more expressive, in contrast to the matte, absorbing the light of the gray shade.

The black

As well as gray, black in combination with blue weights interior, makes it strict and alienated, more chamber and less home. A black and blue combination can be used in combination with blue or ultramarine in a small proportion. For example, it will be great to look at the apron, laid out in black and white tiled in a checkerboard, and the same flooring in work zone. On their background, the blue headset will look very beautiful.


Shades of gold, copper, patina look perfectly on the background of heavenly blue tones. Glitter and glare gold harmonize the interior, giving him a wint and a drop of luxury. It is not necessary to specifically add golden decor items to the decoration. Mixers, handles of furniture facades, appliances, Curtains Tulle, lamps, chairs - this will be quite enough to create a beautiful and attractive contrast.

Stylization of the kitchen in blue color

Blue color looks great in almost any style of interior design. Classic forms and lines look harmonious and fresh. On the basis of classics, blue color can be very successfully beat in the style of Provence and Vintage, as well as a rustic (country) style.

To create a very cozy and home kitchen interior in Blue Flowers in the Provence style, you can use the following techniques:

  • furniture (mounted and floor cabinets) White or blue color with glass showcases, with platbands and moldings decorated with carvings;
  • apron in the working area laid out with a tiled with a floral ornament or in the ethnic style of Gzhel, which will successfully cross the dishes for glass facades in a similar execution;
  • white or blue curtains made of light translucent fabric with ruffles or ruffles, tulle for kitchen, similar curtains on furniture niches, tablecloths, napkins and towels;
  • furniture in the dining area - vintage, rare or artificially aged (sofa corner, wooden chairs);
    Luminaires are classic suspended with glass transparent or milky white plates;
  • decor of horizontal and vertical surfaces - wallpapers, wall-mounted tiles, can be selected in ethno style; The French cage, strip, mentioned above Gzhel looks great, as well as floral and plant ornaments.

Of great importance for the interior in the style of Provence have fabrics that are decorated with windows, furniture, doors and other elements. Fits high-quality cotton and flax, as well as textiles and others natural fabrics. Transparent gas tulle for the kitchen in blue color is more suitable for modern direction in design.

Features for modern style

The functional style of High tech or minimalism is no less successful in blue tones. Unlike Provence, it takes fewer decor elements and accessories, because All attention switches to the form and color. Successfully check out the interior with blue Loft style furniture.

Massive wooden beams on the ceiling as well brick wall Warm terracotta shade, floor of a wood array, dense carpet tracks and mats, a massive wooden table top, a heavy table on thick legs - all this will look incredibly cozy and, at the same time, withstanding.

A similar impression of the concern and home interior In white and blue, you can create using elements scandinavian style. It is also characteristic of simple and uncomfortable forms and lines, massiveness and foundation, as well as an abundance of space, air and light.

Video: Review, functionality, pros and cons.

Photo examples

Blue kitchen - from simple to sensational. Today we collected a collection of colorful kitchens, which will inspire you to mix styles and match the range of favorite shades when choosing a color scheme for your personal space. Blue color in the kitchen will definitely cause a feeling of relaxation, silence, sensuality and expansion.

When you let blue color in your home, it gives you similarity to the feeling of calm, luxury and space, that and a sunny day under a clear blue sky. The blue kitchen creates all the conditions to feel pleasant and calm.

Would you like to feel comfortable while cooking breakfast, lunch or dinner? Of course, the question sounds rhetorically, but now it's not so easy to create perfect kitchen. A well-planned color combination can make any room more attractive and atmospheric.

Not every shade of color looks as modern as the blue color palette in the kitchen, and therefore our editors want to present the best 30 sentences for your stylish kitchen In blue color.

Blue kitchen and color combinations

In the modern design world, we know many color combinations, we are familiar with fresh and nuances. It also refers to one of the most popular colors - blue. Competently planned main color in kitchen furniture Provides a number of advantages, such as optical deception real sizes Kitchen, especially this is relevant when the kitchen is not so big as I would like.

Why not create a blue kitchen? Fully and partially painted kitchens or kitchens with blue kitchen cabinets may seem spatiously larger. On a hot day, they look cool and much relaxing in comparison to be admitted with. Nutritionists allocate another advantage - blue cuisine suppresses appetite.

You can order the kitchen as in traditional design. and in modern style, Facades can choose matte, shared or use glossy finish for them.

The color works well in the kitchen space. More light shades Blue, create a clear, pure look. Tender tones are recommended for walls, cabinet facades or even ceiling. Saturated, bright blue - the invigorating color is best working when it is used economically - otherwise it can be too prevalent in the room.

Dark blues also work well in the kitchens, but it is important to emphasize the rest of the room with shades of white, gray or other neutral tone, so that the thick blue is not felt too dark and intense.

Basic color sometimes seems too neutral, consider several possible combinations of colors with a blue palette. It can be noted that the combination of white and blue colors creates an impeccable and elegant look.

Modern Blue Kitchen Concept

First of all, we want to focus on the combination of blue and white, because this design is maximum popular. These two colors form modern view, at the same time, the kitchen seems rich and contrast. More and more homeowners pay attention to the blue furniture and combine it with a neutral wall design, for example, white.

Like any color, blue is a general term and includes many similar shades, such as dark blue, blue, turquoise and blue. All the colors mentioned above can be easily combined with white, and the end result is always the same: excellent appearance.

A decisive role in choosing a color in the kitchen, plays natural lighting, therefore it is necessary to determine in advance with the designer shades of the dining room. You may have to abandon deep blue, if there is little light in the room, in the kitchens where there are no low-power window openings this is not an optimal solution.

A suitable alternative will most likely spoke light blue or turquoise. Light color palette provides the best design.

Furniture pieces in blue kitchen interior color

The main ideas of blue kitchen interiors are based on the choice of furniture in this color palette. For example, the blue top or only lower cabinets make the whole room very attractive. In addition, you can design a bar rack or in a blue color scheme.

Pay attention to the wall design. It is obvious that the blue objects of furniture and painting of walls into the same color, act inappropriate style combination.

For this reason, it is better to leave the design of the floor and walls in neutral colors, such as white, gray and even light yellow. However, the dark floor of polymeric materials will be by the way.

Kitchen tile

Perhaps the ordinary blue wall paint looks too promotable - elegant alternative to ceramic blue kitchen tile. The elegant and shiny surface of the wall will become a real bait of views in your kitchen. Benefits kitchen tile Obvious: the best appearance and simple design.

Ice blue + white + gray blue

Bright and spacious kitchen full of natural light. White boardy ceiling and a red tree on the floor are factors that make the space so open. White marble tabletop stove creates a strong contrast with an icy blue paint color.

The metal built into the cabinets and boxes add shine to the room. Additionally, the shine comes from a gray-blue tile apron. Reddish brown floors visually stabilize the room and add heat into space. The blue kitchen does not have to be bright, elegant-discreet style and the noble-muted sky-blue color of the island looks no worse than saturated interiors.

Combines kitchen cabinets

Carefully mix and compare various combinations. The final overall appearance is determined by how blue complements the colors of other surfaces and accessories. One Popular Tip: Use blue and gray. This combination resembles nature, with blue sky and gray clouds. Whatever the combination you choose, you need to make sure that the colors complement each other and are suitable for your kitchen.

Blue kitchen island - one of the trends this year:

Concerence with muted blues

Blue - bright and cheerful colorwhich causes a feeling of peace in any kitchen. However, some find a saturated color too overwhelming. This homeowner prefers the modest kitchen by creating an atmosphere with a muted blue tint on the walls and cabinets.

An interesting design option: a mirror over the sink. While most of us associate mirrors with a bathroom finish, a mirror mirror on the kitchen creates miracles and opens space. Transparent doors on top-level cabinets also add some additional space to this small but cozy and attractive room.

Saturated blue kitchen and snow-white environment

Parquet floors give this kitchen strength and stability. Quality that is completely opposite to modern aircraft and accessories that make up the rest of the room. White ceramics and countertops are crashed into deep dark blue cabinets.

Steel thrust is smooth and adds high-quality confidence in the room. The wardrobes of the navy are almost merged with their simple facades. Abstract chandelier declares itself subtly, being lost in the simple white space arguing with complex lines.

As in many things in life, moderation is important when playing with color. Of course, blue has many advantages, but if you overdo it, you can see certain disadvantages. Infinite blue in the kitchen can cause a feeling that closely comes into contact with the depressing mood.

Can you imagine a kitchen with wall and outdoor cabinets and accents in the same shade of blue? Agree, this is no longer a relaxation, it is melancholy. Light blue paints in combination with white, accurately remove from such an effect.

Blue color saves day

As a rule, the kitchens are white or black. Nevertheless, there is no limit of fantasies, which color should be in the kitchen only the homeowner determines. Everything comes down to how the owner of the house perceives his kitchen. Take note the kitchen option that is covered in a dark blue color. Dark blue everywhere, with the exception of handles and stunning parquet floors in the kitchen. The approach gives an excellent contrast between the colors used.

Completion of the thoughts on the design of blue cuisine

When you want to experiment with blue kitchen options, a lot of choice, and you can take any direction you like. Below you will find many options and many proposals that can be chosen, so do not be afraid to go on bold steps! Inspire our designer ideas Kitchen in blue color.