Classic warm wallpaper colors. Choosing wallpaper for the living room The combination of shades of furniture and finishing material

First of all, you should decide how you want to see your room: light or dark. A combination of and is also possible, but one of the colors will most often still prevail.


The combination of light wallpaper may not be as boring and banal as it might seem at first glance. light wallpaper- these are not only white and beige, but also various shades of pastel, green, of blue color. Most often, in order to achieve a light, but unusual interior, designers advise to paste over the rooms with a combination of white or light beige / light gray wallpaper with soft shades of other colors.

Among the wallpapers of light shades, it is worth highlighting the combination of white wallpapers. Do not forget that there are a whole lot of shades. If you want to create an airy, clean and bright interior, but are afraid that white room will look too sterile, then use a combination of white and color Ivory, cream, linen.


The combination of dark wallpapers is a somewhat more difficult task than the previous one, because if light shades can be combined with almost all others, then dark shades oblige you to choose color combinations more carefully. Dark brown, red, green shades will go well, as well as irreplaceable, which will create the necessary accents and emphasize the details.

Important! Remember that dark shades of any color will make the room appear smaller, so you should only use them in large rooms.

Wallpaper colors

If you take another look at the aforementioned color wheel, you will see that it is divided into two semi-circles, the colors of which are called "warm" and "cold". Warm colors are red, orange, their shades and intermediate colors. Cool colors - blue, cyan, green, purple and their derivatives with shades.
Below we invite you to consider various combinations of warm and cold wallpaper colors and evaluate the photos: which ones do you like best?

warm shades

Warm shades of wallpaper colors help the room look cozier, warmer, homely. They visually narrow the room, so it is better to use them in large rooms. Warm tones have an invigorating effect on the owners, they are exciting and passionate. In addition, warm shades increase appetite.

Red wallpaper. Various combinations of red wallpapers are solutions for bold, active and very self-confident people. Red wallpapers are best combined with calmer shades of their own spectrum (brown, pink, purple) and most warm colors. It is optimal to use bright red color, accessories and bright accents, since walls covered with wallpaper of such an aggressive color will probably be too pressure.

Burgundy wallpaper. The combination of burgundy wallpaper is one-stop solution for strict, refined, luxurious classic interiors. Deep burgundy color emphasizes the grandeur of the room, goes well with dark wood and emphasizes the high status of the owners. It goes well with pink, pumpkin, black.

Pink wallpaper. If burgundy is dark red, then pink is his light version. The combination of pink wallpaper in the interior can look both playful and solid, soft, romantic. The best thing pink wallpaper combine with light brown, sandy, milky and gray wallpaper. Remember that the more purple there is in pink, the brighter and more flashy the color will be. This one is more suitable for a girl, while pale pink shades will decorate even interiors.

Orange wallpaper. If you are looking for a bright, very warm, homely, fun combination - orange wallpaper will help you with this. Orange is the warmest color in the whole spectrum, so its shades will help fight the excessive coldness of the room. Orange tones go well together. Combinations of bright orange with brown, dark chocolate, caramel look best.

Brown wallpaper. This color is the darkest shade in the orange spectrum. Combination brown wallpaper Most of all, conservative people will like it, for whom the solidity of design, its practicality and weightiness are important. The combination of brown wallpaper in the interior is not the most difficult task, because they fit almost all colors and serve as an excellent background and an original accent element.

. Peach colour- This is a delicate pastel shade in orange tones. If orange seems too bright to you, and beige seems too light, then peach is the perfect middle ground. This color will pair well with all warm pastels, as well as orange tones all the way to dark brown. The combination of peach wallpaper will help create comfort, tranquility and sophistication of the interior in the room.

Beige wallpaper. The combination of beige wallpaper in the interior is a universal classic. different shades beige has always been used to decorate designs in a wide variety of styles. In addition, beige is the perfect background color for all warm color spectrum wallpapers. Beige wallpaper is a combination for those who appreciate simplicity, elegance and comfort in the interior.

yellow wallpaper. Yellow wallpaper creates a more invigorating and active atmosphere than wallpaper in orange shades. IN yellow they advise decorating living rooms, because combinations of wallpapers of this color help to cheer you up, relax and have fun talking with your family. Wallpaper combination beige colour with yellow will help to "calm" the room, make it more versatile.

cold palette

Cool shades of wallpaper will be an excellent choice for those rooms whose windows face south. These colors help visually "cool" the interior, as well as visually "push" the walls, making the room bigger and wider. They are discreet, soft, soothing.

Green wallpaper. The first association with green wallpaper is nature, grass, life. The combination of green wallpaper in the room will help set the owners in a calm mood, it promotes relaxation and even, as psychologists say, affects the physical health of a person. The combination of green wallpaper is good for the eyes, so it is well suited for decorating offices and nurseries.

Blue wallpaper. Combination blue wallpaper in the interior, it is most appropriate in high-tech, modern and Mediterranean style. Often it is found in classic interiors. The color itself calms the nerves, sets you up for work, and can even normalize blood pressure. It is undesirable to use blue combinations in cold rooms, and it is also not recommended to use dark blue shades on large areas(may cause an oppressive atmosphere).

Advice: use blue or green if you are on a diet often - these colors help suppress excessive appetite.

. Turquoise It's a combination of blue and green. Combination turquoise wallpaper the interior always looks fresh and unusual. By combining such wallpaper with lighter or darker ones, you can create a unique design that will emphasize the cleanliness and coolness of the room.

purple wallpaper. Combination purple wallpaper considered the least cold of all. Purple relaxes, soothes, therefore it is more logical to decorate the bedroom in this shade. It is best combined with, pink and a variety of beige shades.

Lilac wallpaper. Combination lilac wallpaper looks best with light shades, especially with tones of white, gray and milky colors. Lilac is the color that both young and mature people like equally strongly, because everyone finds light in it: some - romance and freshness, and some - sophistication and grandeur.

Blue wallpaper. Blue color gives a feeling of peace and carelessness, purity and well-being. However, when decorating the interior blue tones do not overdo it: an excess of color leads to fatigue, and instead of a dreamy mood, you can get a prolonged depression.

The blue living room will encourage active communication, but the decor will need warm accessories. blue color will promote rest and relaxation. For bathroom more suitable color unlikely to be found, because visually it helps to make the enclosed space more spacious, lighter, contributes complete relaxation and gives peace. Children's room thanks to the blue will be filled with peace and comfort.

As you can see, the combination of wallpapers of different colors is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. The main thing is to know the rules for combining colors, to have a sensitive taste and a desire to create a real masterpiece.

Every person in his life at least once, but will face the problem of repairing his home. One of the significant details of the environment created in the room is the decoration of the walls. Wallpaper is the most preferred option for decorating wall surfaces, since they play the role of not only decorating the room, but also a kind of insulation. Today, they are pasted over not only walls, but also ceilings.

They belong to finishing materials. roll type made on a variety of bases. It can be paper, interlining, etc.

How to choose the right wallpaper

In our time, when choosing wallpaper, you must consider:

  • Financial opportunities.
  • Personal wishes.
  • The style of the room.

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You should also pay attention to the texture, the presence of a pattern, as well as the color of the wallpaper. The texture can be embossed, vinyl, velor or regular. Various stripes, polka dots, flower arrangements, abstract shapes.

As for colors, there are wallpapers of light, neutral and dark tones. All of the items listed above are related.

Before we start repair work for the arrangement of the room, you need to choose the style and decide on the color scheme.

How to choose the color of the wallpaper? First of all, it is necessary to take into account the location of the windows, the illumination of the room, the resistance of colors to fading, as well as the colors of the curtains and furniture.

If window openings indoors face the north side, it is better to dwell on wallpaper in warm colors, for example, yellow, orange, light beige, pink. Windows facing south - use cool shades such as emerald green, blue-gray, jade.

If the room is well lit by sunlight, then it would be appropriate to use dark-colored wallpapers - sapphire, terracotta, cornflower blue. In a shaded room, it is better to opt for colors that have reflective properties - gold, golden yellow, orange.

Remember that the wallpaper is blue and blue shades quickly fade under the influence of the sun, and dark blue in shaded rooms begin to cast gray.

TO light walls need furnishing light colors, A dark wallpaper require dark furniture. If the curtains and furniture are decorated, and the walls are decorated with carpets and paintings, in this situation it is better to opt for smooth wallpaper or wallpaper with small ornaments.

Speaking of a possible pattern on the wallpaper, it may have different size, be contrasting or muted, placed often or rarely.

The abundance of large flowers visually reduces the volume of the room, and small, rarely located flowers, on the contrary, expand the space. Also, a large floral ornament can serve as an accent for different styles. Small is usually used as a neutral basis for design.

If you want furniture or any other decorative details to dominate the interior, then opt for wallpaper with a discreet muted pattern. If your goal is the opposite, then do the opposite.

Striped wallpapers are quite common. They harmonize well with most design styles. vertical stripes visually raise low ceilings, but at the same time reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. This shortcoming can be avoided by choosing wallpapers with wide stripes or stripes with blurry borders. This nuance can play an important role in the design of a small room.

Another variation of the wallpaper pattern is large spots. They can be arranged in an orderly, ornamental or chaotic way. Due to the sharp selection of spots on the wall, it is not recommended to completely finish the room with such wallpaper. It is best to use them as accents, highlighting separate zones with them. Also, retouched spots give an interesting effect, which is expressed in the play of light and shadow.

Another type of wallpaper pattern is the so-called granular decor. It looks like small specks-drops of different tones, as if obtained with a spray gun. This print perfectly hides and hides all the imperfections of the walls. This property allows you to use such wallpaper for rooms of very different designs.

There are also plain or smooth wallpapers. They perfectly emphasize and set off every detail of the interior, no matter what style it is designed in. But they have one rather significant disadvantage - they need to be glued only on an immaculately flat surface, since they do not hide the flaws of the walls.

How to choose the right color for wallpaper in different rooms

What wallpaper color is suitable for the interior various rooms? Let's look at the answer to this question below.


For a nursery, they usually try to pick up wallpapers in two colors. This is done to highlight separate zones that differ in their purpose. Most often for bed choose muted pastels of white, sand or yellow tones without a large print. For the occupation area, wallpapers of a bright palette are appropriate.

It is allowed to use both paper and vinyl wallpapers. Products with drawings depicting heroes of fairy tales and cartoons are popular.


For the bedroom, any kind of wallpaper will be appropriate. But optimal solution there will be wallpaper with silk-screen printing or vinyl coating. Speaking of colors, it is preferable to stay with a pastel palette.

Wallpaper will look great in the bedroom white color. Blue is also a good option. This color will fill the room with freshness and will maintain emotional stability.

Simply made for sleeping quarters wallpaper Green colour. They have a calming, hypnotic effect. In addition, they pacify and set up for a good rest.

Living room

For the walls in the living room, the most different types wallpaper: textile, silkscreen, vinyl. The color palette may vary. There are no strict restrictions here.

Wallpaper gray color fit perfectly into the living room in the style of hi-tech or minimalism. For classic interior warm, natural shades are most suitable. Such a range will visually expand the space, as well as fill the room with light and air.

An interesting design idea is the use of wallpaper in two different tones. Moreover, they can be both contrasting and differ from each other by two or three shades. The photo of the wallpaper in two colors shows that such combinations can achieve a very interesting result.


In the corridor, hallway and kitchen there are more high risks pollution. Here it is optimal to choose washable wallpapers or products that are resistant to the appearance of various kinds of stains. It can be thick vinyl wallpaper, silk-screened or paintable wallpaper.


In the kitchen, it is advisable to choose a warm palette, for example, orange, red, yellow shades. Such a gamma will increase the feeling of hunger and give a positive attitude.

For the corridor and hallway it is better to choose dark tones. And be sure to combine the color of the wallpaper with the rest of the walls.

Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of wallpapers of various colors, which makes it possible to implement quite bold design ideas.

We hope that this article will help you choose the right color wallpaper. Just do not forget to take into account the illumination of the room, because depending on the lighting, the color can take on one shade or another. Good luck!

Photo wallpaper of different colors

Despite all the variety of styles, the classics continue to take first place when choosing materials for decorating walls and ceilings. In this case, we are talking about wallpaper.

Most people are not prone to drastic changes. interior design their apartments or houses.

The usual color uniformity of the main background and the plainness of the pattern are more acceptable for them.

This does not create difficulties in choosing pieces of furniture, if they are supposed to be replaced, the issue of internal lighting is also quite simply solved.

In addition, one of the main criteria for the classical style is its predisposition to combination.

Very often, when choosing household items, people lean towards colors that are different from the main decor.

The more preferable is the classic style, which allows you to combine different color structures, while creating a single classic ensemble.

The design of the living room should be approached with special attention because it is the central room among the overall layout.

This means that not only the owners of the house, but also their guests become its visitors.

Hence, such increased demands on the choice of wallpaper of the indicated style, despite the huge selection.

Most people choose wallpaper in neutral light colors when decorating living rooms.

According to the same principle, furniture, bedspreads and curtains are selected in the future. Such shades symbolize everyday life, calmness and tranquility.

However, the classics also provide other directions.

Classical Baroque and Rococo styles

By itself, the classical style is divided into several areas. Among them, the most famous are Baroque and Rococo.

Having decorated the living room with wallpaper with the colors of this direction, in the end you can get a beautiful design option external background, saturated with bright colors displaying numerous ornaments and patterns.

Of course, in this case, the furniture will have to be selected according to the style, but this will only increase the attractiveness of the design, permeated with the atmosphere of the magnificent decoration of the palaces of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Baroque and Rococo are considered similar in appearance, however, Rococo, unlike the pomposity and brightness of Baroque, can be made in softer, so to speak feminine tones.

The classic style in this direction allows you to create wallpapers in delicate lavender, pink and mint shades.

However, the design traditions of the two indicated directions of the classical style provide for the same trend, expressed in the paintings on mythological themes, in various drawings on religious themes (Rococo calling card), in the drawings of flower ornaments.

In combination with a similar wallpaper background, any material is suitable for further decoration and design of the interior layout of the living room, including the type and color of furniture, bedspreads, curtains, and so on.

There are options for contrasts from almost merging with the main background to sharp, but at the same time perfectly fitting into the overall picture.

Empire style

The next direction of the classical style is the Empire style. There is no longer any need for trifles. Wallpapers with colors in a similar style are expensive. And no wonder.

The fact is that this style is considered the epitome of luxury. Otherwise, it is referred to as the imperial style.

The color palette is very rich external design there are victorious laurel wreaths, swords, sabers and other elements of military heraldry and emblem symbols that are hallmarks similar classical direction.

In general, such a coloring of the wallpaper should emphasize the high prosperity in the house.

Stylish wallpaper

If the living room is large enough in size, then neutral and ordinary tones will get boring very quickly. In such a case, resort to different options design, where the main role is played by style.

This can also be attributed to the classic style, but the type of wallpaper at the same time represents a certain combination.

In addition to the style to give originality, the following types of design can be applied to the living room:

  • cover some places on the walls with corrugated wallpaper. They do it to highlight small plot living room. In addition, on the ceiling, along the line of intersection with the wall and vertically along the lines of demarcation various wallpapers lay moldings. Either plain white or patterned;
  • decorate part of the wall with wallpaper in brighter shades. Usually this top part. The lower one is preferred to be decorated with darker solid colors;
  • apply silk-screened wallpaper as the bottom insert (from the middle of the wall to the floor). Additionally, you can glue the appropriate border tape with an ornament along the demarcation line;
  • alternate on the wall wallpaper that is outwardly similar in pattern, but different in color tone;

Basic colors and type of wallpaper for a living room in a classic style

Coloring in a classic style is rich in variety.

In addition to the above types of drawings, you can voice some more additional details for decorating the interior of the living room with wallpaper:

  • to give tenderness and romance, it is better to use light pastel shades;
  • for solemnity it is best to use bright shades;
  • adherents of traditional ideas in design will like beige, golden, green. white, burgundy, blue and brown shades;

  • for a combined solution classic design the living room is suitable for no more than three shades of color with a strict pattern;
  • lovers original ideas you will definitely like wallpaper with patterns in the form of plaster, brick or masonry. Such wallpapers are very suitable, for example, for decorating the wall where the electric fireplace is located.

Wallpaper types are not as numerous as drawings. Of the most common use:

Vinyl. They look great on the walls, similar in appearance to fabric wallpaper, but unfortunately, they cause certain difficulties when pasting.

Non-woven. A great option for those who have not yet decided on the color, because their original view requires subsequent painting

Textile. Outwardly, they look very beautiful, but be afraid of moisture and fading. Therefore, on sunny side it is better not to glue them.

Paper on a non-woven basis. The simplest type of wallpaper. Easy to stick to walls. They have a ready-made drawing.

As you can see, the classic does not at all imply the rigor and singularity of the image.

It is quite diverse in its directions and quite deservedly enjoys high popularity.

Photo of classic wallpaper for the living room

Designers recommend buying warm-colored wallpapers for small spaces, which can not boast an abundance of sunlight. However, this general statement does not in any way reveal the beauty of such flowers, their activity, dynamic and positive.

Warm color wallpaper catalog with photo in the interior is a collection of the brightest materials, warm fiery or homely. The hottest color among them is red - it is literally able to heat the room, and also activates the energy in space. You will want to be in motion and create - and it's all thanks to red. Yellow symbolizes positive sunlight, and orange evokes associations with ripe fruit. The warm tones of the finish include gold- a shade of impeccable luxury, reminiscent of the radiance of wealth. Such wallpapers are always pleasing to the eye, fill the space with living warmth and natural magic. And they are equally good for both sunny and shaded rooms. For many modern styles warm-colored wallpapers are ideal, but they look especially bright in oriental-style interiors.

Warm color wallpaper in the interior of the dining room

The catalog of warm-colored wallpapers traditionally includes the canvases of the following tones:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • red.

Features of using warm colors in decoration

Warm-colored wallpapers in the photo in the interior can be found in the nursery and dining room, living room and hallway, office. The use of "fruity" tones - apricot, peach, strawberry - will become ideal solution for baby's room or teenager, decorating a dining area or creating romantic accents in the bedroom.

Warm color wallpaper with patterns in the interior of the living room

More bright solutions can also be used as spatial accents - for example, to highlight niches, author's shelving, headboards. Warm shades are themselves monochrome canvases, and charming patterns or laconic even stripes - in modern collections there are many spectacular solutions. And don't forget that for warm-colored wallpapers, the price depends on their material - the finish can be paper, vinyl or non-woven. The roll size, the manufacturer, the technologies used, as well as the presence of spraying or three-dimensional drawings, play a role in the formation of the cost.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom plays an important role, how comfortable it will be to stay and sleep in it will depend on the color and pattern. Khrushchevs, dormitories and old-style apartments rarely boast spacious rooms, simple wall decoration techniques will help to “stretch” narrow bedroom and adjust the low height while maintaining its coziness and unique style.

Rules for choosing wallpaper to visually enlarge the room

There are a number of ways to visually enlarge a room. In order to choose any of the options, you need to decide which of the parameters of the bedroom does not suit you and you would like to increase it. However general rules remain unchanged and will help expand the boundaries of not only the bedroom, but also any other room.

  • Wallpaper with vertical or horizontal stripes visually stretch and expand the space of a small bedroom,
  • the lighter the tone of the finish, the more spacious the small room seems, the white and blue color copes with this task especially well,
  • visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small bedroom wallpaper with a perspective, for example, a road receding into the distance,
  • V small room without windows, get rid of the feeling of a closed space, photo wallpapers with a picture of an open window and artificial daylight will help,
  • in a small bedroom, which is located on the north side, it is better to use warm-colored wallpapers for decoration, they make up for the lack of sunlight.

What wallpaper color is better to choose?

Everyone knows the rule light colors make a small bedroom more spacious. However, this does not mean that the walls in the room should be exclusively white. Delicate shades will be the best solution for creating a comfortable design. Colors such as beige, sky blue, light grey, cream or sand will refresh or warm the interior without sacrificing precious square meters.

Which shade to choose depends on the location of the room, more precisely on which side the windows face and how bright the lighting is in the room. Also, a small bedroom does not mean the absence bright color and a large drawing accent wall or its fragment will add colors to the interior of the bedroom.

For a dark bedroom

The lack of light in a small bedroom can be compensated for with artificial lighting, mirrors and right color wallpaper. Finishing should be in a light palette, and warm shades, sand, light yellow, beige, light green are considered priority colors. These colors will fill a small room with warm colors and will be associated with the sun's rays.

For a bright bedroom

In a bright bedroom more possibilities, you can use bright elements in it, but it is better to choose the main tone as light, but cold. Blue, gray, white, mint. These shades will refresh the bedroom while maintaining the balance of light.

What design pattern or pattern to choose to increase the space?

The design of a small bedroom will be equally successful with plain wallpaper and a patterned coating, the main thing is to choose it correctly.

  • If the decoration of a small bedroom is completely done with one type of wallpaper, then it is better to stop at choosing a small pattern,
  • volumetric images should decorate only one of the walls of a small room,
  • for a small room with a high ceiling, horizontal stripes or patterns will be a good option, they will “push apart” the walls,
  • you need to take into account the future design of the room, if you plan to fill the interior with bright details and textiles, then you should choose plain wallpaper.

Large drawing or ornament

Volumetric images and ornaments can decorate one of the walls of a small bedroom. This could be the head of the bed, the wall behind the TV, or a randomly selected area. It is better to decorate the rest of the bedroom with light plain or with a small nondescript pattern of wallpaper.

This method helps to focus on one of the walls, making it voluminous. In a very small room large drawing may occupy only a small part of the wall, however, it will also be noticeable. The image should match the style of the room and reflect its mood.

Flowers and plants

Vegetable and floral theme looks good in a gentle and romantic interior.

Pictured is a compact bedroom with classic design. The soft blue tone of wallpaper and textiles in combination with white refreshes a small space and makes it more spacious.

For a small room, bright patterns with juicy shades are not prohibited, such wallpapers can be combined with other, more in calm ways finishes, such as bleached brick, plaster or plain wallpaper.

Small in the photo female bedroom new classic style. Wallpaper with a beautiful floral print is pasted in such a way that it divides the room into several zones.

Flowers and plants in a light palette can occupy an impressive part of the walls, while not stealing the space of a small bedroom.


texture wallpaper increase a small space due to their irregularities.

In the photo, shiny gold details on the wall create the illusion of a three-dimensional surface and make a small room look larger due to its reflective properties.

The light falling on the relief forms a “play of shadows”, thereby adding volume to a small room. Textured wallpapers work well with other images and finishes.


Stripes help with visual adjustment small space, depending on their direction, the room seems higher or wider.

The photo shows a small sky-blue bedroom. The walls are decorated with wallpaper with a zigzag pattern. The horizontal direction makes the room wider.

In order to "stretch" a small bedroom with low ceilings, wallpaper with a vertical pattern is suitable, even light stripes will change the perception.

The same technique is used for narrow walls in rectangular room the wider the strip, the stronger the visual effect will be.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of a small bedroom

Wall mural can be a salvation for a small room. Visual techniques can significantly change the perception of space. The most effective technique is photo wallpaper with a perspective picture, that is, the image is removed into the distance, thereby creating the illusion of another space that opens up to the eye.

Small in the photo modern bedroom. Photowall-paper of saturated green color is highlighted led strip. This technique visually deepens the wall, moving it away.

Volumetric objects, such as a highway, a view of the city or a bridge, due to the contrast of scale, make a small bedroom larger. A blurry image, such as a foggy landscape, affects the subconscious mind, painting in it a picture beyond it.

3D Wallpaper

The realistic three-dimensional image fascinates with its scale. The space of a small room becomes more voluminous, as if removing a wall.

Pictured is a small bedroom modern style. Finishing and filling is made in warm colors, which makes the room bright and cozy.

The pattern can match different styles, for the classical direction it can be an image of voluminous columns or flowers, for a modern style an abstraction or a view of the metropolis is suitable, and for Provence lavender fields and the view from the window to the French village.

The photo shows a small bedroom with a minimalist design and 3D wallpaper decoration. Elongated arched figures make the room visually higher.

Wallpaper design by style


To decorate a small bedroom in a modern style, you can choose wallpaper with geometric patterns, stripes, wallpaper with photo printing or with an imitation of any material, such as brickwork or wooden panels.

You can also use different colors plain wallpaper, contrast stripes create volume. For a high-tech and minimalist interior, the use of functional furniture, beds with built-in wardrobes, spacious chests of drawers and compact lamps is suitable.

The photo shows a minimalistic small bedroom with colorful decoration on one of the walls, the colors are bright, but not flashy. The mirror insert increases the space due to the reflective properties.


Romantic Provence is most often made in bright colors. Wallpaper with imitation of plaster, painted brickwork, or a small floral pattern will look good.

With the help of photo wallpaper, you can highlight the area above the head of the bed, thereby decorating it and marking the central point in a small room. In the Provence interior, light pastel colors, mint, pink, white, light purple, blue and peach will harmoniously look.


For a classic style in a small bedroom, you should choose calm and restrained colors. They will look harmonious vegetable patterns, monograms, plaster effect or stripes.

The color of the patterns should not stand out from the general tone, the pattern can be complemented by shiny details, such as a gold or silver border.


The stylish design of the loft is filled with a variety of textures. Even in a small room, wood, brick and concrete can be combined.

A small room is not a reason to refuse a variety of fillings. Using a light palette or a contrast of dark and light, even in a small bedroom, you can combine whitewashed brick and unevenly plastered wall, cold concrete and wood paneling. Wallpaper imitating these effects saves a lot of space.

Scandinavian style

Minimalistic and laconic interior, not overloaded with unnecessary details. Finishing and filling is done in light colors. Wallpaper can have both realistic images of the forest, alpine mountains or wooden panels, as well as a small pattern.

Pictured is a small bedroom scandinavian style. Finishing and filling is done in pastel colors.

How to combine wallpapers for visual expansion?

The contrast of colors and textures can make a small room look bigger. Finishing one of the walls bright wallpaper visually attracts her.

Using plain wallpaper in two different colors, you can create volume in a small room, creating the illusion of a play of light and depth of space.

The photo shows a small bedroom with several types of wall decoration. The design of the room is sustained with one color palette, which makes it as spacious as possible.

Wallpaper companions also help to focus on one of the walls in a small room.

Features of choosing wallpaper for low ceilings in the bedroom

The best way to make a small room taller is to decorate it with wallpaper with vertical patterns.

These can be stripes, vegetative or floral patterns, located in the direction from the floor to the ceiling, photo wallpapers with a picture tending upwards, or wallpaper with a gradient effect from dark to light.

Wallpaper design ideas for narrow bedrooms

For little ones narrow bedrooms The same techniques work, only they work from the opposite. Patterns and images should not be located vertically, but horizontally, thereby expanding the wall.

Wide stripes can frame one or more walls, murals with an abstract image, a clear horizon line or corner murals will help visually enlarge a small narrow bedroom.

Photo gallery

A small bedroom can also be stylish and comfortable. A competent combination of finishes, furniture and decor form cozy room where you want to be, and the variety of choices allows you to choose the perfect option for yourself. Below are photo examples of small bedrooms decorated with wallpaper.