Ideas for startups. Also, the hallmarks of a startup are. Implementation in production

If you do not just think about business, but also intensively study the stories of successful entrepreneurs, then you probably know about the many stories of the development of the largest companies from scratch and from an interesting idea. Many newcomers dream of repeating the path of billionaires who managed to create their own business without significant capital investments and reached unprecedented heights thanks to perseverance.

According to statistics, only a small part of startups achieve success. main reason failures - budding entrepreneurs have a very vague idea of ​​the real needs of potential customers and do not bother to clearly plan the steps to develop their business. In the process of forming a startup idea, investors and businessmen who have managed to succeed recommend carefully working on several factors:

  1. Don't look for a super profitable service or product. Think of something that can improve your life. This idea will be in demand among other people.
  2. You must clearly understand how to bring the idea to life. This requires planning and the search for alternatives.
  3. You must be passionate about the idea and fully confident that your product is needed by people.

How to find a startup idea

Successful and sought-after innovations are often born among professionals in a particular industry. For example, you work in the field of cargo transportation and thoroughly know the problems and difficulties of this area. It is very likely that one or more ways to make the work of movers easier or speed up the process are already forming in your head. Are you not sure that these thoughts are worth something, and do not dare to bring them to life? Absolutely in vain - this is how startups are born.

The most common mistake is the desire to reinvent the wheel or create something that can change the course of human history. Such desires are commendable, but they should not be an end in themselves. Great and revolutionary ideas are born imperceptibly and at first even their creators do not always understand the meaning of their idea. As a rule, everything starts as a small improvement or improvement on already existing items or technologies.

Examples of successful startups show that it is easiest to implement the idea that can satisfy the needs of people or make their life more comfortable. Finding such an idea is very simple - observe those around you, identify difficulties and problems, think about ways to solve them.

By creating Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and his friends solved their problem. They studied a lot and spent a lot of time on the Internet, but also wanted to get acquainted with beautiful girls. Standard option The way out of their situation is to go to a party. But the company of smart people found another option - they created the first network for communicating on the Internet. So, by satisfying their own needs, the guys managed to solve the problem of the world community and earn billions.

Observe and draw conclusions about what annoys you in everyday situations and, for example, in the service sector. Dissatisfaction with something can lead to useless and destructive negative emotions or serve as a creative impetus for creating a new business idea. Think about what you would do in this situation to serve your customers better and fix the situation. This is how successful and popular business ideas are born. The ability to notice shortcomings and think about effective ways their elimination is critically important for a businessman.

Once you start thinking along these lines, you will notice a huge number of possibilities. But not everything can create a profitable business. If you have an idea, it is important to impartially evaluate its prospects. “Since no one does this, it means that no one needs it or does not work” is not an argument. There are enough examples in history when the idea lay on the surface and all the "cream" was removed by the one who first decided to implement it. But it is important to understand the number target audience, calculate how many people will need and like your service or product. To understand this, serious research is needed. It is very useful to constantly ask yourself if your startup has the potential to grow into a big company.

If you are three times brilliant, you still cannot succeed alone. Finding like-minded people is one of the most important steps in implementing an idea. They, just like you, must believe in it, be ready to endure and move mountains to bring it to life.

Typical mistakes of inexperienced startups

If you fail, there are two ways out of the situation:

  1. Keep knocking on every door.
  2. Re-evaluate your views and re-evaluate your approach.

The most common mistake is an incorrect assessment of the demand for an idea. Test by offering the focus group a free option. This will help you understand if people need your product and find errors.

The desire to do everything yourself is also among the typical mistakes. Without a reliable team, you will not be able to attract investors. The only option is a profitable sale of copyright for a startup.

If your idea is not connected to the Internet and is implemented offline, the location of the business is important. Beginners often underestimate this factor and fail. You should be as close as possible to the target audience and choose the most advantageous location. You may have to move to another area or even more Big City. It all depends on who your client is.

Inexperienced businessmen often choose startups with low margins (the ratio of profit to market value). In combination with low sales, it leads to unprofitable business.

It is extremely important to always focus on the client. You can prove as much as you like that you know your product and are confident in its ideality. But you will not succeed if you do not listen to the comments and wishes of customers.

A lot of people fail because of unprofessional employees. The situation is aggravated by the lack of funds at the start and the inability to hire qualified specialists.

The lack of start-up capital killed a huge number of interesting ideas. But do not rush to immediately ask for money from investors. It is very important to achieve certain results on your own and show potential investors the finished product.

The main question of the economic actions of people is: “What would be done so that after that nothing would be done?” But, alas, while this is unattainable, one has to constantly look for means of subsistence. For some people, a regular workplace is not enough, and they want to try themselves in a new role. Well, now it is quite possible. Within the framework of the article, the possibilities and features of practical implementation will be considered if you want to implement such a thing as an idea for a startup from scratch.

Expanse of ideas

It is worth noting that the choice of implementation is present, and it is huge. You can make a choice based on your desires or skills, if you have ideas about your own business (for those who cannot invest a lot of money, and at first would like to get by with a minimum). There is an opportunity to realize oneself, based on knowledge about computers, programming languages, in designing, manufacturing goods and products for rural purposes, as well as making various useful little things in everyday life. Within the framework of the article, an approach to the design of each idea will be considered, as well as several proposals in in general terms, the features of the implementation of which will depend on the readers and their approach. It should be said that recently startup ideas without investments have become quite popular, but this is a kind of overkill: at least you have to spend your time - never forget about it.

How to frame ideas

How to formulate an idea and its implementation? To create a rough business plan, you can go through the points below.

  1. Set a goal for your startup to achieve.
  2. Decide on a set of secondary goals and when to achieve them.
  3. Write the most detailed plan for achieving all the goals in such a way that they add up to a real mosaic, where everything is in place and there are no contradictions.
  4. Decide on a daily minimum of work. But don't take too little, otherwise you won't be able to do anything. And do not set the bar too high, otherwise constant failure will only undermine self-confidence.
  5. If you want to work for yourself, understand what you have to do work. The first time will be very difficult, so you should think about possible rest, entertainment and self-discipline.
  6. Each idea must be worked out in terms of supply and implementation of the product. Who is the potential client? Who can buy raw materials? Where will the production processes take place? Is it possible to find partners? What are the questions that need to be addressed first?

Examples of successful ideas

Let's take a look at a few ideas that have had significant success in the past. But trying to echo them now is quite problematic due to the fact that the niches are occupied. These were indeed the ideas of successful startups. Let their example inspire you to search for things that have not yet been invented.

  1. Social media. The pioneers who offered people the opportunity to communicate and additional functionality can now boast of the fact that tens and hundreds of millions of people visit their sites every day. But at the moment this niche is occupied, including even thematic one.
  2. Sale of branded clothing. It used to be a pretty good way to earn money, but after the market was flooded with cheap goods from China, the prospects are very vague. The only way out is an official implementation of something based on a popular brand.
  3. Search engines. The late 1990s and early 2000s were hotbeds of search engines, which have now grown to enormous proportions. But now attempts to create more advanced technologies from scratch are not crowned with success due to the complexity of the task.
  4. Services for travelers. Once they really promised But now, when the market has been captured by several large players, it is very difficult to offer something worthwhile.

Opportunities with minimal investment

In order to have more or less real offers that could potentially bring profit, several opportunities were selected, which can only be called interesting ideas startups. Their estimated cost does not exceed 50 thousand rubles.

  1. Earnings in photobanks. If there is a good digital camera, the ability to make beautiful pictures and the desire to earn money, you can try to earn money by selling them. To begin with, you should shoot everything that gets into the camera. And then, when you have already figured out what is popular, take pictures of the most popular and expensive. With a camera already in place, this is the most real idea for a startup from scratch.
  2. Resale of goods. Quite often you can see offers for the sale of goods from China. Have you ever looked for original sites where all this is purchased? Well, if you find it, you can be surprised to see that the price on trading floors or in social networking groups is several times overpriced. For a good start, a capital of 20-30 thousand rubles and a month of active promotion will be enough. By the way, using the social factor is not such a bad idea. Therefore, while you don’t have your own website, you can get by with a group in one of the popular networks like VKontakte or Odnoklassniki.
  3. There are some types of small businesses that are seasonal. and manufacturing cotton candy- one of them. Such a startup idea does not require significant investments and allows you to get good money. In the warm season, you can earn so much that is enough for quiet idleness in the cold or for doing what you are interested in.

Self realization at home

The previous paragraph dealt with the possibilities minimum investment in the presence of a fairly significant active component. And if you don’t feel like it, and it’s preferable to organize everything at home, what are the ideas for startups from scratch? Then here is the list for you:

  1. Growing greens. So, alas, it turned out that in the state there is a certain production proper. And food is no exception. It should be said that this is more suitable for those who live in a private house and have free land. You can grow onions, parsley, dill and other plants that grow quickly and can produce results a dozen or more times a year. In general, this proposal can be written down as start-up ideas from scratch, because it allows you to analyze the market yourself and make a choice in the most profitable direction, and you can find a minimum for starting in any rural house.
  2. Ceramic floristry. This one is more suitable for girls, but there are no gender restrictions. The meaning of ceramic floristry lies in the manufacture of flowers from ... clay! This occupation requires good command of the hands, however, if you have talent, it can become something promising. You can also color the flowers in addition.
  3. Soap making. What a great way to use homemade soap! And on the desire of some people to wash, they can make good money if you approach it wisely. There are a lot of options here, and there is a field for experiments: ash soap, with real chamomile (or their decoction). In general - that only the soul will come up with. And this option may serve in the future to generate new related ideas for start-ups from scratch in the field of human hygiene.

Features in the Russian Federation

If you want to do your own thing, it is worth deciding whether you are ready to overcome significant difficulties? The fact is that upon opening it is required to pay 22 thousand rubles, which, however, in the future will be taken into account in the tax paid. But the start is not the most problematic. The main trouble is the process of closing your business. This is the most problematic aspect that a startup in Russia has. Ideas, therefore, should be well prepared and be ready to implement them through "I don't want to." I also bring to your attention short descriptions situations and needs in the country, which may be able to encourage the development of their own original business.

Implementation in the field of information technology

There is a real shortage of personnel here. IT start-up ideas at home allow you to organize an enterprise that can grow into a large corporation in the future. Therefore, if you have programming skills, and preferably programmer friends, you can organize an enterprise operating on a contract basis. That is, an agreement will be drawn up with some enterprise for the performance of a certain range of work, after which payment will be transferred to the company. These are not all startup ideas. Programming provides a wide range of its own implementation, and where to find a place here is not a problem.

Implementation in alternative energy

It is problematic to increase the rather low efficiency. So, in solar panels it is a little more than 40%. Therefore, if you have the knowledge and skills, you can try to build your future on sales of improved alternative energy kits.

Implementation in agriculture

As mentioned earlier in the article, our country is experiencing a certain shortage of food products. Therefore, having a small garden plot, you can count on earning money by growing herbs, vegetables and berries. How can I not mention the situation that the residents Russian Federation are entitled to free receipt land plot in Siberia and Far East. The calculation is as follows: 1 hectare per family member. Given the cost of food in these areas and the minimum required for living, this offer looks very attractive.

Implementation in production

You can try yourself as the head of a company that deals with secondary production processes. For example, the collection and processing of waste suitable for this. Quite actively discuss the possibility of recycling rubber (usually from car covers) into crumbs for later use. In general, this direction is quite promising and underdeveloped.

Various little things

If you do not want to leave your comfortable zone, you can start making various aesthetic trifles, which will subsequently be sold through social network groups or special shops. Knitted clothes, gloves, bracelets, figurines and other things can be objects of work.

This word has recently become one of the most popular. Films are made about startups, books are written, various stories are told. The word "startup" comes from the English phrase startup, which means a successful start or launch. Thus, a startup is a company that successfully started its business. From the point of view of theory, a startup is a company whose goal is to create new business model, which can be repeated and scaled. In other words, if a startup turns out to be profitable, many such companies can be created. This is where the classic way of earning profit from a startup comes from - to organize a successful business and then sell it (the model of earning through the growth of capitalization). The second way to make a profit is to launch an effective startup and sell a franchise for it - the opportunity to conduct the same profitable business in a separate territory, while for the provision of all technologies for doing business, the franchise owner transfers a part of the profit or proceeds to the startup organizer.

Stages of startup development

Each startup project goes through the following stages:
    Development. At this stage, the actual idea for the business appears, the implementation plan is being worked out, the search for sources of financing and other work is underway. An important activity is the study of the market, the identification of competitors. If the startup is technological, at this stage it is necessary to patent know-how, analyze substitute inventions, and so on. Launch. At this stage, the startup has its first clients. This means that there is a practice of doing business in real conditions. The launch stage is the most critical for a startup, since poor service for the first customers, providing them with low-quality goods will lead to further impossibility of business development. The success of the passage this stage is based on the quality of project planning at the time of its development. Extension. At this stage, the development of the startup idea, the increase in sales, the earning of the main profit, its investment in the further growth of capacities, and so on. Output. A startup implies the closure or exit from the project. There are two options for closing, as it was written above: the sale of a company or the sale of a franchise. Based on the results of leaving the startup, the effectiveness of the project is assessed (the ratio of investments and results achieved).

Who is a startup

In order to profitably launch a new project, you need, firstly, the initiator of an idea for a startup, the one who will come up with it and begin to implement it. But, as a rule, profitable projects are rarely done alone. The initiator needs assistants, those to whom he can delegate part of his powers, entrust certain actions. Most often, such a command does not work for wages, her motivation is also a stake in the project. Thus, it is the team of those who started to implement the idea, led by its initiator, that is called startupers. In most cases, these are students or specialists who have just graduated from a university (although there are no age restrictions for a startuper). This situation is explained by the fact that students have a very flexible mind, they are generators of ideas, they want to invent something, to show their significance to the world. In addition, they are not afraid to try, and this is one of the main qualities of a startup - not to be afraid of failure and be ready to start your business again.

Profitable startup ideas for business from scratch

Interesting ideas with minimal investment

The first part of the projects that can be implemented with minimal investment is your home business. As a rule, it grows out of a hobby, therefore, cooking and selling can be in this category. confectionery and baking, making souvenirs, decorating dishes and so on. For men, an example of a business based on hobbies and skills is the provision of services "husband for an hour." The second part is more suitable for men, since it involves the use of a garage. This may be the provision of car service or, if equipment and tools are available, the manufacture of any parts or goods. This category also includes activities in the garden. Growing vegetables with their further processing or sale in fresh it can also be quite a profitable business. Another segment may be services to the population at home or in rented premises. If an aspiring entrepreneur has any unique skills, you can start a business based on them. Such ideas include different ateliers, hairdressers or tutoring.

New ideas - internet startups

Startups on the Internet can also be divided into four types. The first type is online stores. In this segment, the secret of success is right choice product or assortment, as well as convenient service on the site. If you manage to master the techniques of Internet marketing on your own, with the help of which you can promote the site, your work efficiency will be significant. The second type of projects is just consulting and training. With certain skills, it is quite possible to sell them on the Internet. It can be like teaching certain school subjects, making term papers and essays to order, as well as various trainings and webinars for adults. Consulting can also be different, but due to its specifics, in most cases it refers to the field of IT and website optimization. The third type of startup on the Internet is the creation information portals. Forming unique content on certain topics, such startups earn, most often, by advertising goods and services, which they either place on their website or mention certain brands of goods in their materials. Finally, the fourth type of startups on the Internet is the creation and development of unique services and programs, analogues of which, until that time, the Internet simply did not exist. In this segment, the originality of the idea, its correct implementation, as well as usefulness are very important. final product for the consumer.

American social startups

In America, one of the most popular ways to raise funding for a startup project is crowdfunding. This fundraising mechanism means that anyone who wants to can fund the idea in exchange for some kind of bonus. Since it is difficult to receive serious bonuses at the initial stage, and in the long term, obtaining such benefits is hindered by legal barriers to formalizing the relationship between those who contribute through the crowdfunding system and those who receive funding, with the help of crowdfunding, mainly various social projects. As an example - the production of alternative films (alternative cinema), composing unpopular music, and so on. Fundraising for the implementation of this kind of startup projects is currently carried out through special platforms (Kickstarter, IndieGoGo and RocketHub). The principle of their operation is that the initiator of the project uploads information about his idea to the site, and visitors vote with money.

Ideas for a startup in agriculture

The existing options for start-ups in the agricultural industry are to apply new telecommunication technologies. For example, not so long ago a device for monitoring the state of the soil appeared, and information from it can be obtained remotely. As a result, a farmer or an agricultural enterprise always clearly understands the state of his land and what measures need to be taken to increase its fertility. An interesting idea is also a livestock accounting service. Most people living in the village are aware of the loss of livestock. The presence of special transmitters and an application with which you can track the movement of livestock allows you to minimize the risk of losses and save the livestock. Successful startups also include various kinds of assistants to specialists. For example, a device for selecting drugs for treatment and increasing plant yields. Or a device for determining the composition of the soil and selecting the optimal crops for growing on it. Thus, despite the fact that Agriculture– the industry is very conservative, it has a place for modern technologies.

How to come up with a startup idea and implement it

To create a profitable project, modern analysts and experts recommend going through the following series of steps:
    Analyze and formulate your skills and strengths, think about what you would like to do. The second step is to determine what kind of business is very inspiring, what the entrepreneur is ready to do with full dedication and what he is ready to devote the maximum of his working time to. The next step is to find a problem that exists , but has not yet been solved in the area where its strengths have been discovered. At first glance it may seem (especially to people with low self-esteem) that no one needs their skills, but this is not so. You need to think, look at problems from a different angle, show your own Creative skills and come up with an idea for a startup that has not yet been implemented. The fourth step is building a product prototype, making a prototype and testing it. If it really solves the problem, then this business can be continued, otherwise, it is necessary to look for a new solution to the problem. The fifth and final step is the launch of the project, its implementation. The test of efficiency is the presence of revenue and profit from the sale of project products. If the results of the work are positive, there is a profit, then we can talk about successful startup. If it doesn't work the first time, you'll have to try again.

The most successful startup ideas in the world

Top Startups in the USA

Most startups in the US are connected in one way or another to the Internet. One of the most successful is the service for finding fellow travelers when moving from one locality in another. It allows you to significantly save on the trip for both the car owner and passengers, which allowed him to attract a significant amount of investment. The second option that deserves attention is the application for mobile devices to work in the financial markets. The popularity of various financial instruments in the US is quite high, so there is no doubt about the success of the application, even despite the developed trust management market. Almost everyone has a smartphone, as well as savings, so why pay a fee to an asset management company when you can make decisions on your own and earn a profit. A third example is services dedicated to health. Development of food recipes, sale and delivery of recipes for healthy eating, definition of programs for fitness and so on. All this is very popular and services that allow you to lead a healthy lifestyle using a smartphone are also very popular with investors and consumers.

Popular startups in Russia

As examples of Russian startups, we can mention the developer of an inflatable sofa. Air sofas and mattresses, of course, are not new, but the bivan (as the inventor called it) can be inflated in 15 seconds without any devices. It is enough to wave it and make several movements in different directions. The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating an endless flash drive seems interesting. With its help, you can upload data and information to the cloud storage. It looks like a regular USB drive and also allows you to quickly access your cloud data from any computer. A startup project for the production of a mini-projector for playing cartoons on any smooth surface has gained popularity among investors and buyers. With it, you can watch cartoons even on the ceiling, which makes it easier to fall asleep. This property quickly brought popularity to the product among parents.

An example of failed startups

There are also enough examples when startups ended unsuccessfully. From the recent past, one can recall an anonymous social network, which, despite having a significant number of users, still had to be closed because there were problems of a commercial and financial nature. Another option for an unsuccessful startup is a service for downloading and listening to music. He was let down by insufficient regulation of copyright issues with performers and copyright holders. Many projects for smartphones and tablets also failed. This is due to the high competition in this market, as well as the peculiarities of promotion. Thus, the reason for failures in creating a startup is, in most cases, insufficient project development. It is necessary to carefully think over the project, and then success is guaranteed. Well, if nevertheless there was a failure, an effective startup does not give up, but continues to look for new directions in business.

Appeared in the late 70s of the 20th century, but became widespread only in the second half of the 90s. It means any young business or company with a short lifespan.

The popularity of the concept is largely associated with the “dot-com bubble”. This phenomenon gained momentum from 1995 and lasted until 2001. The bubble peaked in 2000. Then the NASDAQ index reached its maximum mark, and the shares of Internet companies began to seriously compete with the shares of the oil and gas industry. However, the exchange "bubble" was provided only large quantity articles about the "economy of the future" and the unprecedented prospects that the commercial Internet allegedly provides.

In practice, the importance of using the Internet for business has been exaggerated many times over, and no one has considered a number of negative factors. The advantage was only that all the niches in 1995 were free. Anyone, no matter how much original project, immediately became popular, because he had no analogues. Over time, passions subsided, but, explicit or imaginary, the attractiveness of startups remained.

The bottom line is that a startup is understood not only new company, but also an original business idea that will allow you to "conquer the world". In the ordinary world, no serious investor would listen to the tale that new idea promises fabulous returns. Everything new must be carefully checked. And it is hardly possible to come up with something like that in our age of postmodernism. On the Internet, things are a little different. Faith that good idea will bring significant returns.

Startup as a relevant and profitable business area

In general, the generation of ideas has its own rules. There are two concepts at the core. The classic "demand creates supply" and its modification "you can cause conditions that will create demand."

With the classic version, everything is clear. Marketing research must show what will be in demand and what is not yet. A typical example is the brand "Bar USSR". One would think that the very idea of ​​creating beer houses as a novelty is on the verge of a foul.

History is rooted in the history of mankind. Everything is so, but there was no chain of pubs with a ready-made scheme. The only thing left for a local entrepreneur is to rent a room, hire staff and ensure the delivery of beer and snacks. Many permits have already been issued, the system has already been worked out. This was something that didn’t exist, so the brand is constantly expanding and is fed just by startups. Almost every city has at least one outlet every month.

Benefits are received by both brand owners and ordinary project participants - and with a small start-up capital.

Generation of ideas

This process has two difficulties. The idea should be not only promising in fact, but also promising in the eyes of the investor.

Returning to the topic of the Internet, we again must remember about postmodernism. Everything has already been thought of, nothing new can be invented in the form of the project itself. There are already search engines, electronic stores, entertainment sites and information projects.

It should be noted that immediately after the “dot-com bubble”, a similar one began in runet. All the first big ideas, which we called startups, were a copy of Western resources. Our Internet entrepreneurs proceeded from a simple formula: "if it works for them, it will work for us." They turned out to be right.

FB went there, it will work out for us to launch and promote VKontakte. But free niches ran out very quickly. But the magic effect of the idea-profit relationship has been preserved. Then the existing concepts began to be finalized.

Absolutely no one is surprised by the proposal to create an information project. Something like a folk encyclopedia. Ours do something like the following... A project is created that is regularly filled with articles that contain answers to everyday questions. All questions begin with the word "how". At the same time, 80% of the processes are automated, and some stages of creating publications in the regular media are ignored. Instead of an editorial board, software scripts that generate technical tasks. Instead of a staff of journalists - access to accounts for those who seek to earn money by writing texts. The prices for work are the prices of ordinary correspondents, but divided by 10. In a year, the site will be well attended, because it will collect a huge number of questions. For some search queries, by definition, it will take the TOP of Yandex search results. These questions would not have crossed the minds of the regular editorial staff. All the nuances from "How to become an astronaut?" to "How to dry a ram at home?".

First of all, the creator of a startup does not think about how promising this idea is in itself. Well, what can the authors write in the article “How to pass a term paper?” useful. How? Write and submit... But the main thing is not in the final efficiency, but in getting investments. And there will definitely be an investor. Of course, if you create a beautiful presentation and promise a serious return.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest do it with online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your enterprise and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

What should be based on when forming a new idea

We have already talked about what you need to like. And you should not at all think that you have criticized the idea from the example with answers to questions up and down. She has some advantages. Only by working in this way, we will collect the total traffic. Then there will be a huge problem of its monetization. If the idea to sell the project comes to mind, then the first question will be how much the site brings in money. The investor will also set it. This is a very important factor - the ability to predict economic returns after a certain period of time.

The second thing to consider is that not all free niches are equally useful. For example, it might seem that great idea will create a sale of products. There are none, or there is an extremely low level of competition in this segment. In practice, they are not occupied due to the fact that it is too difficult. Raise the price a little - visitors leave, and goods deteriorate. Making it lower means immediately increasing shipping costs. The price is low, shipping costs are high. Trading on the verge of the mark “at a loss”. Although the idea seemed very promising.

However, examples of some successful startups still exist. Basically they keep on two whales. This is the monetization of your passion and innovation. The third whale is investments, but we have already talked about this.

To make money from a hobby, those lucky people who are fond of something that can be brought to the level of a business have succeeded. Well, innovation is the basis for companies with an existing turnover. First of all, we are talking about the implementation of technical or scientific innovations.

In other words, we are not talking about a pure speculative idea, but about a synthesis of an idea and something else.

To learn how to come up with an idea for your startup, see the following video:

How to protect your idea and can it be sold?

This question is asked by many aspiring entrepreneurs. His statement is understandable, but not entirely correct. First of all, you need to think about how to attack the idea, crush it to smithereens. In the case of individual entrepreneurship, one can confine oneself to the usual speculative analysis and expand it with an analysis of possible competitors. The services of marketing agencies will not interfere with medium and large businesses.

Otherwise, the process algorithm is the same as when an individual entrepreneur tries to become a member of some kind. A clear and concise proof of the benefits that the idea will bring and a business case with calculations are created. They indicate the planned revenue and expenditure parts. Unfortunately, there aren't many of these now. However, if such an opportunity occurs, then it would not be bad to use it simply to learn how to defend your future project.

It is almost impossible to sell an idea, even the best one, until it has any visible outlines.

Overview of the most interesting and successful ideas

Here we are in for one small disappointment. Ideas that are said to be interesting often aren't. So, according to H&F, this is a site for finding a private photographer in London, a guide to new iTunes music tracks and an online designer for printing on T-shirts. And yet, something interesting can be found. The main thing is to find the right trend.

Small business

The direction of changing the service format is traced. For example, ordinary public catering is proposed to be upgraded to the state of "everything is the other way around." Not a cafe, but. Visitors pay not for food, but for the time spent. If an hour costs 50 rubles, and he pays 100, then he can take any food and drinks, watch movies, use Internet access. There are no waiters, which already allows us to call the idea economical.

Without investments

There was never a choice here. If there is no money, then some services will have to be rendered. This can be done both at the place of residence and remotely, via the Internet. What you can do on the Web will tell the list of freelancer specializations.

As for the rest, you need to follow only the beaten path and not forget about the situation in which the country finds itself. From the range of services you need to exclude everything that is not necessary. In a crisis, people tend to do without everything that is not vital. Wedding photographers, car tuning specialists, sellers of goods for needlework complain about the drop in demand. The tourism business, once profitable and one of the most promising, has reduced its volume by 40% compared to 2011.

With little investment

If there is little money, but there is some start-up capital, then there is a direct road to finding a franchise. Often the entrepreneur himself, who agrees to work according to a ready-made scheme, pays only for the rent of premises.

In a small town

You should not think that if something is not in a small town, then it will be in demand. In fact, it may simply not be necessary.

Marketing research shows that most successful in 2015 there were niches:

  • fast food;
  • beer bars;
  • automated gas stations;
  • original cafes;
  • street sale of ice cream and drinks.

Excluded from this list are legal services and programming, private medical practice and similar types of business. It is hardly necessary to tell a lawyer that it is possible to organize a private office and give advice to citizens. For those who do not have a clear and monetary specialization, it is recommended to look towards fast food according to the franchise scheme.

Marketing research shows that the popularity of hamburgers and shawarma has grown due to the crisis. Paradoxical, but true. If lunch in an ordinary cafe costs 400 rubles, in a cheeseburger 130, then people buy the latter simply for reasons of economy. This is how American food became popular in the Russian provinces.

Western ideas

And in conclusion, since we mentioned America, a few words about whether their ideas work for us. If it's an American-style cafe idea, sure. If it is something fanciful, such as a dog and cat bathing service, then it is not that it is associated with the Western mentality. It's just that in the years of the crisis even wealthy people try to save money.

This feature must be taken into account first of all, as well. Once in Russia they even began to buy autonomous systems power supply - solar panels and wind turbines. A purely European idea is the sale of such installations. Now many companies in the Russian Federation that were engaged in this went bankrupt. People do not believe in tomorrow and do not buy something that will pay off for a significant period of time.

See examples of the best startups in the world in this video:

Having seen enough of the successful stories of billionaires who invented Internet services from scratch and became rich, business newcomers also want to follow this path. They are also trying to come up with something completely new that will be useful to people, but not everyone's expectations are justified. To keep startup ideas in demand, follow these guidelines:

1. Come up with a service, service or product that will improve your life.
2. You yourself clearly understand how to bring your plans to life.
3. Your idea is also interesting to others.

How to find startup ideas?

Don't complicate your life, don't reinvent the wheel. The constant brainstorming of ideas can only cause constant pressure and nervousness.
1. Examples of successful start-up ideas show that it is necessary to find a problem and satisfy people's needs. This is easy to do - you need to observe and identify discontent in the current life.

Mark Zuckerberg solved his problem by creating Facebook. He spent a lot of time on the Internet, he wanted to meet and communicate with people also on the Internet. He solved his main problem, and then it turned out to be a solution to the problem of the world community.

Observe what annoys you, what others, while thinking about how you can fix the situation.

That is, change your profile from the category of inventing to the position of noticing.

2. After you have noticed the problem and come up with a solution, evaluate at first glance the prospects for the development of this idea. How many people can you benefit? Can a startup grow into a big company?

3. The next stage is the search for like-minded people, like you, who believe in the idea, who are turned on only by the thought of working on the project, and not ready to work only for a salary.

Typical mistakes of startups!

1. Most likely, there was little faith in this idea, or the problem was just invented, but in fact the society did not need it.
2. Not all startups work with like-minded people. They try to organize everything themselves. The presence of 1 founder in a startup makes it difficult to attract investments.

3. This error does not apply to Internet startups, it is more for off-line business. It is important to choose the right location. Perhaps for promotion it is worth choosing a more central area in the city or choosing a completely different city.

4. Choosing a startup with low margins. Small sales combined with low margins and, as a result, the enterprise is unprofitable.

5. No customer orientation! In this case, when a businessman bends his policy and does not analyze the feedback from the client. By listening to the wishes of customers, you can improve the product, thereby retaining new satisfied customers.

6. Not qualified team. The ability to recognize a professional in their field and invite them to work in a team is worth a lot. Only for a beginner, this is not always possible. He does not always understand who is a professional, especially in the area in which he does not understand anything.

7. Lack of sufficient funding. Try to stay on your own funds as long as possible and achieve certain results. To go to investors, it is important to show some results from independent work. In this case, they will have more confidence in the project than if the idea is at the zero stage.

8. There is no clear representation of the portrait of the audience that will want to buy the product. Not knowing the client is a failure in marketing promotion.

Successful startups in Russia!

Foreign and Russian market entrepreneurship is markedly different. What is popular abroad does not always take root here. I will pay attention to Russian startups that have development prospects. The most popular industries are IT technologies, medical, nuclear, space developments. Here are some successful startup ideas:

1. IT, Internet technologies, mobile applications. is a convenient online store module. It is an app that can embed shop on any website and is the best facebook selling app. For convenience, the store is added to all your social accounts. networks, blogs and is administered from one place. - a convenient mobile application for iPhone and Anroyd. This mobile guide recommends where to eat. It takes into account the tastes of a person, looks for the nearest establishments, and with its help you can reserve tables. is a convenient service that allows you to book a hotel anywhere in the world. is an indispensable app for offline shopping. It allows the location of stores in mall Where are the promotions and discounts. is a unique platform that allows non-programmers to create their own apps for iPhone and Android. is a useful service for tourists and vacationers, which allows you to book places of entertainment, excursions and other outdoor activities.

2. Another broad area is scientific and medical developments. is a service through which you can call for help. Designed for the elderly and people with disabilities. - scientific development of an artificial lens for the eyes, which has high quality and can enter the international market. – unique development of identical components breastfeeding, which allows baby food beneficial effect on child development.

Startup ideas are near us, you just have to look around.

Where to make money: TOP 6 business ideas! Choose yours and earn a million!!! Where to make money: 5 unique business ideas that will help you get rich!