Desktop background texture. Texture wallpaper for walls. The benefits of wallpaper with a textured surface

If you want to create a calm atmosphere in the room, take a closer look at collections that follow the same color scheme. Their surface often imitates matting, sand and other textures. Such options will be an excellent backdrop for combination with colored panels or original accessories.

People who follow trends in the design world should pay attention to wallpapers with textures that imitate natural patterns. These include stone, wood, leather. Manufacturers produce both single-color and multi-color products that promote the most realistic image transmission.

If you want to update your interior, you should buy materials that imitate animal print, tiles or brickwork. In order for the technique to fit organically into the existing environment, it is necessary to use edging and think about the placement of textured wallpaper. Improvised ones will help you maintain a sense of proportion. wall panels, highlighting individual structural elements (arches, niches) using such canvases or pasting one of the walls in the room.

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Texture wallpaper for walls is of increasing interest among the population, which can be purchased inexpensively in our online store. Why is this guy finishing materials so popular? It's all about combination High Quality, others practical characteristics with an unusual and very interesting appearance.

After all, it is textured wallpaper for walls that allows you to create an atmosphere of harmony, while achieving high stylistic characteristics. Smooth wallpaper has long gone by the wayside. They often seem a bit rustic.

Benefits of textured wallpaper

As has already been said, such wall coverings have excellent quality characteristics. We are talking about the following advantages:

  • high strength;
  • excellent wear resistance (the relief layer provides another protective layer, which allows the wallpaper to maintain its quality characteristics for 20 years);
  • environmental friendliness (such materials are absolutely safe for humans and animals);
  • sound insulation;
  • thermal insulation;
  • some models do not lose their properties with sudden changes in temperature and are not exposed to fire (this makes such wallpaper simply irreplaceable in the kitchen);
  • high aesthetic properties.

if you are looking for suitable option to mask defects in wall planes, then textured wallpaper for walls will become best solution this problem. Most of these wallpapers are made of two layers, which ensures easy gluing and the creation of a structured wall relief.

There are several types textured wallpaper:

  • Structural paper (the first layer is paper, the second is an embossed pattern, drawing). Such wallpaper is relatively inexpensive and has good wear resistance.
  • Vinyl textured wallpaper for walls (non-woven or paper is used as the basis, and vinyl is used as the outer surface).
  • Non-woven wallpaper is the most popular type of textured wallpaper. It is characterized by high wear resistance and practicality.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper is a rich type of wallpaper; its wear life reaches about 30 years.
  • Natural - different high cost because they are a handmade product.

Convex wallpaper for walls - a combination of practicality and abundance of style

Textured wallpapers are suitable for creating a seamless coating design. This is absolutely environmentally friendly wallpaper, allows walls to breathe, absorbs moisture and is characterized by hypoallergenic properties. The canvases are beautifully painted in various colors, which allows you to experiment with boring interior design, remove dirt and other defects.

The catalog of textured wallpaper for walls in our online store offers you a huge collection of textured canvases that differ in the quality of the material, color scheme, and convexity of the relief. Patterns on such wallpaper often create a 3D effect, the illusion of a three-dimensional image. Another advantage of such wallpaper is its resistance to fading.

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When gluing embossed wallpaper, the main thing is to carefully smooth the surface of the canvas; it is advisable to use a soft device that would not damage the structure of the product. If wallpaper is purchased for future painting, then it must be taken into account that the greater the surface relief, the more problematic it will be to paint.

Price for embossed wallpaper is directly related to the quality of the product, therefore, the more expensive the canvas, the easier it is to pass renovation work and longer service life of the canvas. Therefore, choose high quality wallpaper and enjoy the elegance and unrivaled style of your rooms, and our online store will always provide you with a decent selection of textured canvas options.

Since such coatings use different bases, it is textured wallpaper for walls that is most often used to decorate walls in rooms with high humidity, temperature changes and other risks.

Practical and in their own way exquisite materials of this type attract consumers due to their cost characteristics: wallpaper different types cover a wide range of prices. Let's figure out how to choose best option texture coatings for the home.

The benefits of wallpaper with a textured surface

When choosing the right textured wallpaper for your room, consider not only external characteristics material, but also its practical properties. The main advantages of such wallpapers include:

  • high quality material. The base, regardless of composition, is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance, since the outer layer creates additional protection For ;
  • use of high-quality paints for decorating wallpaper. Almost all wallpaper of this type is completely saturated with paint, which does not pose a threat to health or environment, as well as maintaining a stable color for a long time;
  • the special structure of the textured material protects from cold and has soundproofing properties;
  • materials of this type resistant to temperature changes and fire;
  • some types of texture coatings can be cleaned and exposed to moisture without compromising the shape, color or quality properties of the material;
  • at proper care this type of wallpaper will last on your wall for up to 20 years.

Other advantages of textured coatings include the ability to create original design due to relief and volumetric designs, a wide range of themes and shades of wallpaper.

Attention! Some types of textured wall materials can be repainted yourself. This will allow you to mask periodic surface imperfections, refresh the shade and even completely transform the design of the room.

If regular wallpaper Since the patterns have to be carefully matched to each other, many textured wallpapers, especially coatings with a grainy and rough surface, can be glued in any combination.

Types of coatings

Wallpaper with a textured surface can be produced based on natural and synthetic materials. Check out their main varieties to choose the best option for decoration.

Paper wallpaper textures

Most paper coatings with a textured surface are quite dense: to create an unusual relief, you have to create two or more layers of material.

However, despite the high strength, Such wallpapers will not be used everywhere. For example, in rooms with high humidity paper base wallpaper will quickly lose its shape and appearance.

The wear resistance of paper wallpaper is also inferior to other varieties, so the only significant advantage of such coatings can be called.

Double-layer paper wallpaper(), as a rule, are treated with means that allow the surface to be painted. But for transformation appearance It is recommended to use only waterproof dyes for such wallpaper.

Textured paper coverings can be cleaned using a dry or slightly damp sponge.

Non-woven coverings

Better quality and more versatile to use are textured. Thanks to their cellulose composition, they have high strength and wear resistance, and can withstand exposure to moisture, steam, and temperatures.

Non-woven coatings are unpretentious in care, so they will become a good option even for rooms with specific conditions.

Non-woven fabrics are also considered quite popular today. Thanks to natural composition they do not pose a threat to health, and the textile texture itself creates an elegant room design.

However, on the surface of the walls, and during operation they are more capricious than other materials.

Remember! Gluing textile coverings on a non-woven basis requires great care, since glue that gets on the surface of the wallpaper can ruin its appearance.

Non-woven wallpaper is attractive not only from the point of view of practical properties, but also attracts with its exquisite design. The greatest variety of textures and subjects characteristic of these materials. Many of them can be painted, giving the canvas a signature style.

Vinyl materials

textures, created by vinyl coverings, allow you to create an imitation in the interior natural materials such as leather, and plaster.

Exquisite textured coatings with or thematic patterns are formed on the basis of foamed vinyl.

The special properties of vinyl coverings include their moisture resistance and ability to be cleaned.

Nevertheless, vinyl wallpapers with texture top layer much more difficult to clean: from friction and heavy impact detergents the character of the texture may be damaged. Therefore, it is better to use this type of wallpaper for decorating residential premises that are not subject to constant pollution.

Textures are often used to mask wall surface defects. They allow you to hide its unevenness, prevent cracking of the surface, and correct the consequences of uneven plaster.

Fiberglass materials

This type of wallpaper is suitable for those who want recreate the rough surface of walls using materials that are resistant to repainting.

Fiberglass can withstand the elements, high temperatures, and direct exposure to sunlight; such wallpaper is wear-resistant and durable.

Since they are created using the same technology, the variety of textures of such materials cannot be called wide: in the assortment you will find only grainy, rough coatings and wallpapers with geometry.

Practical questions

The use of such wallpaper in practice differs from the use of standard wall coverings:

  • before gluing it is not necessary to level the surface before perfect condition. Minor defects can be easily hidden thanks to the textured surface of the materials. For the best effect, it is better to use a matte texture;
  • since such wallpaper has a high density, for gluing use special glue. Pre-prime the surface and apply glue to the wall, not to the canvas;
  • In the corner areas of the room it is not recommended to glue a single piece of textured wallpaper. It’s better to cut it into two parts: then you won’t have to make an effort to set the material sufficiently;
  • other materials will not stick to textured wallpaper. Firstly, they will not adhere to a textured surface, and secondly, the texture layer will appear on new coatings;
  • wallpaper with textured patterns can transform the dimensions of a space, so pay attention to them decorative features. For example, a large one will emphasize the effect of cramped space, and a grainy surface light shade will make the room more free;
  • if it is necessary to replace textured coatings, thoroughly wet the surface of the walls (you can use a roller) - and remove the wallpaper using a spatula;
  • applied to the coating immediately after, when the glue has not yet had time to absorb into the canvas. Otherwise, you will not be able to paint the entire surface of the walls, and uneven spots will appear on the material;
  • Choose paint for texture coatings based on the base of the selected coatings. Do right choice Specialists and consultants will help you.

Despite the specific process of gluing and operating such coatings, you can facilitate not only the repair itself, but also the care of the walls, since Most wallpapers with a textured surface are adapted to many conditions of modern rooms.

Stylistic features

It's no secret that the texture of the wallpaper will play a key role in such a design. But ensuring proper aesthetic perception of wallpaper for walls can also be difficult.

Considering that the nature of a three-dimensional drawing can be very diverse, the choice of plot should be approached carefully, focusing on the parameters of the room, its style and your own preferences. Let's look at the impact some textures of such materials can have.

Some of the most pleasant to the touch wallpaper for walls are coatings with a velvety texture of the top decorative layer. Such wallpaper represent comfort, warmth and a homely atmosphere, therefore suitable for decorating the interiors of living rooms and bedrooms, made in the style of classics, Provence, romanticism and other ancient trends.

New products from many manufacturers of textured coatings - metallized, mosaic coatings, wallpaper with glass elements, textile materials and coatings with silk elements - are suitable for those who value decorative properties and want to emphasize the solemnity of interiors.

Such coverings with a textured top layer are preferable to use in an old-style living room.

Wallpaper imitating brick or concrete surfaces, tiles or plaster will be a stylish and effective addition to modern design or loft style.

Such coatings can be used not only in residential premises, but also in the kitchen, hallway and other interiors.

In interiors decorated with a natural theme, a stylish addition will be wallpaper that imitates wooden surfaces. Most often, such coatings are used in country styles.

Can be used as inserts in rooms decorated in modern or minimalist style.

Since texture coatings can not only imitate, but also include abstract scenes or patterns on a specific topic, take into account the peculiarities of perception of these textures when choosing suitable materials.

For example, three-dimensional plots in the form of strict lines or squares are suitable for interiors intended for everyday use: a living room, a bedroom, a children's room. Coatings with a grainy texture can also be used in the kitchen, where they can set the background and become an element of combinations with more durable materials.

Advice: when combining several textures on the walls, try not to overdo it with the pattern: only one textural element should be dominant in the interior.

The comfort and harmony of such an interior will be emphasized correctly selected shades. Considering that you will set the design for most textured coatings yourself, the choice of shade will fall on your shoulders: the color of the walls should be in harmony with the furniture and accessories, do not contradict the purpose of the room and do not distort the space.

Suitable for creating minor accents in spacious rooms. Bright and rich colors will also play an accent role in rooms such as the living room, kitchen, and play area of ​​the children's room.

In interiors intended for relaxation and rest (bedroom, bathroom, bedside area in the nursery) it is better to use: they not only emphasize the calm atmosphere y, but also expand limited space.

Find suitable wallpaper Textural elements will not be difficult, since they are widely available and are not prohibitively expensive. But don't make a hasty choice: weigh all the pros and cons of the material, make sure it practical properties , discuss the nature of the textures with your loved ones. It is quite possible that through joint efforts you will achieve best results in wall design.