Bedroom design for parents and children. Bedroom and nursery in one room - we make the interior cozy and comfortable

With the birth of a baby, it becomes necessary to create a comfortable space for him. Even if the house has a separate nursery, at first the baby requires the constant attention of the mother. Many young parents install a baby crib in their bedroom, but from 2-3 years old it is better for a child to allocate a separate corner. For small apartments and studios, zoning is the best solution to this issue.

Zoning methods

Divide the area of ​​​​the room into children's and adult zones will help the most different designs. Having shown ingenuity and practicality, every centimeter of space can be used with maximum benefit.

Sliding doors

Slider doors work great as a thin partition. Translucent inserts, mirrors or stained-glass windows in them will provide access to natural light to the parent part of the room, as well as make it visually larger. True, given the carelessness of children, it is better to choose facades made of plexiglass, plexiglass, plastic or PVC film instead of glass. If transparency is not needed, for optical expansion of the area, you should pay attention to sliding doors with a light glossy, metallized surface, an interesting three-dimensional pattern, imitating polished marble, lacquered wood. Remember that dark matte and saturated tones create a feeling of gloom, bulkiness, so they are best left for more spacious rooms.


By installing a tall wardrobe instead of a screen, you can save quite a lot of space and at the same time solve the problem of zoning. It is enough just to leave a passage in the middle or on the side to get a functional floor-to-ceiling wardrobe wall and forever get rid of thoughts about where to place things in a small apartment. If the area allows, it is advisable to arrange shelves - both on the adult side and on the children's side. If necessary, a folding bed or even a whole set of furniture can be vertically hidden in the closet.


One of the most inexpensive ways room zoning are screens. They are very easy to make with my own hands from improvised materials: wooden rails, pieces of fabric, various pendants, cardboard, wallpaper residues, fiberboard. Due to their low weight, such structures are ideal for temporary rented apartments as well as families who have to move frequently. Mobile partitions at any time you can fold, hide or rearrange to another place. They are also convenient in terms of decor. So, on the one hand, the screen can serve as the basis for children's drawings, on the other hand, as a backdrop for photographs.

Rack or shelves

If you would like to have access to various little things, books, but at the same time do not separate the bedroom from the nursery tightly, then good option partitions will be shelving. Wooden, plastic, plasterboard, metal, chipboard or plywood, it will beautifully complement the interior and allow natural light to freely penetrate into every corner of the room. Combining open and closed shelves With drawers, on the rack can be placed home library, textbooks, toys, souvenirs, favorite collections of figurines, awards, photographs, equipment, houseplants, and even arrange an aquarium (again, not glass, but plastic, so that a ball accidentally thrown by a child does not cause a flood in the apartment).

Plasterboard partition

Being a fairly malleable material, drywall allows you to embody any design ideas. Embossed arches, intricately shaped openings, oval windows - all this can be used as additional shelves, decorated with stained-glass windows, mirrors, paintings, and LED bulbs can be mounted in them. Drywall niche from the side of the parent's bedroom or living room - it will become an ideal basis for a false fireplace and a plasma TV, and in the nursery - it will serve as a partial replacement for furniture.


If, when zoning a room for parents and a child, the window remains in only one zone, then daylight of the entire space during the day will provide sheer curtains. At night, it is enough to move (lower) the thick curtains, and it will turn out cozy place for privacy. Instead of textile curtains, you can choose modern plastic or bamboo blinds. It is desirable to attach the cornice to the ceiling - this will visually make the room higher.


An interesting solution in the design of small apartments is the arrangement of a plank elevation 80-100 cm above the floor. The free space under such a “stage” is convenient to use for storing winter clothes, bedding, shoes, toys, strollers. Also, under the podium, you can install a pull-out bed or hide any other transforming furniture there.

After dividing a room into several parts, there may be a problem with natural sunlight. It is better to leave the window in the children's area so that the child can play comfortably and learn lessons. For the dark time of the day, a baby can buy an interesting lamp in the form of a flower, a boat, an animal, and mount a few more flat bulbs into the ceiling. In the bedroom of adults, a small upper chandelier, spot diodes on the side surfaces, a couple of wall sconces or one or two night lamps will suffice.

Bright colors

To make the room look more spacious, it is desirable to use a light palette of shades in the design. For adults, white, pastel, natural tones of walls, furniture, textiles are suitable, and in the corner of a child, saturated rainbow colors are simply necessary: ​​orange-yellow, light green, blue, purple. Caution should be shown except with red and dark blue: the first one is too exciting nervous system, and the second acts overwhelmingly, like black and gray tones. Glossy surfaces contribute to the visual expansion of space: reflective film on the ceiling, lacquered furniture, mirrors, silver-gold patterns on doors, wallpaper, curtains, as well as any vertical lines.

Fairy tale for kids

In the children's area, fantasy, colorful elements will be appropriate. Girls will like stylized furniture in the form of a palace, a puppet theater, forests, all kinds of swings, hammocks, houses; boys will be delighted with cars, space and pirate ships, sports ladders, horizontal bars, suspension rings. If there are several children, it is worth trying to equip a personal corner for each. In conditions of space saving, bunk, folding, retractable and transforming structures will fit for this.

Room for parents and child - photo

You can see original ideas on how to zone a room for parents and a child in our photo gallery. These projects will help to visualize the wishes regarding the repair and bring inspiration - you can transform your life, and turn a small, at first glance, apartment into a cozy family nest.

Project #1

Living room and children's room two-room apartment on Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, Moscow.
Studio 3.14.

Project #2

Living room combined with a children's room for a girl in one-room apartment, Khabarovsk.
Yulia Turova.


Combining a bedroom and a nursery in one room is a necessary measure. Arrangement idea common room parents and children will be relevant for low-income families with several children and young families who have not yet accumulated enough funds to expand their living space. While only one was born Small child, make living comfortable for three people is not difficult. However, designers offer a large number of techniques and interior solutions for almost any occasion.

Secrets of zoning a room of 10-12 sq. m

A small child under 3 years old is often afraid to sleep alone, and therefore, even if there is a separate nursery, he lives in his parents' bedroom. The baby has a small bed and few toys. Therefore, at this time there is no need to think about optimization and effective organization room space.

After a few years, the child already needs a fairly spacious bed. The number of toys is increasing every year. And with the onset school age the problem of placement of the training area and storage is also added school supplies. Effectively zone a small room up to 12-13 square meters. meters will help the techniques below and.

1. With color and finish

By combining different colors materials (wallpaper, paint) you can visually divide the room into adult and children's zones. For example, two opposite corners and the walls adjacent to them can be painted in contrasting colors or in different shades of the same tone. You can also separate the space with different texture on opposite sides. But do not use volumetric reliefs with a 3D effect. They only visually reduce the already small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Give preference to a monochromatic design that will look harmonious both in the children's area and in the adult part.

To expand the space, light ones are suitable, pastel shades. Drawings on the walls are undesirable - especially if.

2. Use of multifunctional furniture

Now children's corners, multi-level structures, loft beds, transforming beds, etc. are gaining popularity.

Previously, such options were made only for children, but now that studio apartments have become a common occurrence in Russia, multi-level ones have gone on sale. complex structures with three beds. On the lower tier is the bed of the parents, and on the upper - sleeping place child. This solution is perfect even for a very narrow room.

While finding such designs in the store is still difficult. But there is always the opportunity to make them to order on an individual project.

In apartments with high ceilings, you can install a parent bed on the second tier.

Loft beds are another optimal solution. On the upper level there is a sleeping area for a child, and below you can put a double sofa bed for adults.

Rooms 15-20 sq. meters

In medium-sized rooms (about 15 sq. Here will come to the rescue:

  • screens;
  • curtains;
  • sliding partitions;
  • drywall wall;
  • rack;
  • podium structure.

In a small room, the listed zoning methods would look cumbersome and uncomfortable. And in a spacious one with any layout, one of the selected options will help create almost two separate rooms.

Limited living space is a major problem for many families. accommodation in small apartment does not make it possible to separate the nursery from the bedroom of the parents, which is why there is a need for a competent one. To solve this problem, it is necessary to think over in advance the future design of the room, based on the correct zoning of the space.

Room zoning

Proper zoning will help to divide the space into a nursery and a bedroom, for which you can use the following elements:

  • decorative designs;
  • partitions;
  • fabric curtains;
  • arches;
  • screens;
  • cabinet furniture.

An effective division of one room into two can be done using a multi-level ceiling or a central podium. In, combined in one room with a nursery, light fabrics and translucent structures should prevail. Separating the bedroom from the children's room with thick curtains or a partition will allow you to equip independent lighting for the nursery. Examples correct zoning parent bedroom can be seen in the photo.

Where to begin?

Before you start developing a design for one room that serves as both the parent bedroom and the nursery, you should consider the location of the door and window openings. It is necessary to provide sufficient illumination and ventilation of the room. In order to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the heating system should be reorganized. It is possible to carry out heating by organizing skirting heating or arranging a “warm floor” system. For decoration it is also necessary to use energy-saving materials.

Reorganizing one room into two is not an easy task. Special attention should be given to the arrangement of the nursery, its space should not be limited, it is unacceptable to litter both the parental bedroom and the child's room with unnecessary, overall and non-functional things, since such a design, which is appropriate for one large room, is categorically unacceptable for two separate zones.

How to properly equip one room, divided into two independent zones?

You can divide one room into two independent zones using tricks such as different lighting and decoration, transforming space with draperies and screens, multi-level ceilings and gender etc.

You can increase the space of a bedroom combined with a nursery if you replace traditional wardrobes with wardrobes or corner structures, choose a bed with built-in mezzanines, replace heavy ones with lighter and more modern blinds.

Usage modular furniture will allow you to easily transform the space and create comfortable conditions not only for the baby, but also for the parents.

Color spectrum

The design of the room should be done with a predominance of calm pastel colors. For each zone, you can use your own color scheme, as long as it harmoniously interacts with the tone of the adjacent zone. Preference should be given to peach, beige, pistachio. Blue, lavender, light pink and lemon yellow.

Advice: you can revive the interior with the help of photo wallpapers, posters, paintings or collages from family photos.

Features of combining different zones in a one-room apartment

It is most difficult to create a single harmonious space in a one-room apartment, since the only room should combine the functions of not only a nursery and a bedroom, but also a living room. The optimal solution is the placement of the parent bedroom on the podium, and nearby it is necessary to organize a recreation area for the child. The remaining space should be multifunctional and easily transformed into a play area, as well as a recreation or reception area.

It should be noted that in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe children's room there should not be objects such as a TV or computer, as they have negative impact on the child's body.

happened in your life happy event- you have a baby! And along with it, a lot of pleasant worries and exciting questions.

For example, one of the first problems that parents-to-be face, usually even before the birth of a child, is where to put the crib? It's good when the house already has a renovated one. And if not? What to do for young families who and even if there is a children's room, for the first couple of years of a child's life, every mother wants the baby to sleep next to her.

So, you decided to put a crib in the bedroom: now not two, but as many as three people will live there! What should be remembered?

1. Make sure the crib is out of the draft

After you choose a specific place for the crib, check if there is a draft there when the window and the door are open. Of course, in winter you will not leave the child to sleep with the window open, but in the summer the baby will easily blow, and you will have to run to the doctor.

2. Move the crib away from the battery

It's the same with the battery. The baby should not be supercooled and should not overheat. The best option- put the bed in the middle of the room or at least one and a half meters from the window with the battery.

3. Avoid long pile carpets and dust regularly

Try to remove items from the bedroom that absorb dust: woolen carpets, bookshelves (especially when there are a lot of books and no one touches them for years), fur capes and decorative pillows. "Dust collectors" increase the risk of developing allergies.

And in general, take it for granted: with the advent of the baby, you will have to wash the floor and wipe the shelves much more often than before.

4. Hang a fabric room divider or canopy

5. Install a small night light or floor lamp by the crib

night light in equally necessary for both the baby and the young mother. Firstly, a small lamp will come in handy when the baby wakes up his mother in the middle of the night. She does not need to turn on the main light - a night lamp or a floor lamp is enough to feed the child and shake him. Secondly, a sharp bright light can scare the baby: it was just dark, and suddenly it became very light. At the night lamp, the light is soft and muffled - just right for the baby's eyes.

6. Hang blackout curtains in the room

During the day, the baby needs to sleep soundly, so let nothing interfere with his angelic sleep, even the bright sun outside the window. from natural fabric. They will protect the room not only from daylight, but also from drafts.

7. Decorate baby's corner

Do you want the bedroom to not just have a crib, but a baby corner? It makes no sense to make drastic changes in the design of the bedroom: in a couple of years, the child will still sleep separately from mom and dad. Start repairs, re-paste wallpaper, remodel adult bedroom to the nursery (provided that you are not going to move anywhere) - irrational, right?

Use small and simple decor elements that will be easy to remove later. For example, birds, animals, cartoon characters. You can hang a garland or a beautiful angel over the bed (but only so that a curious baby cannot reach them). Time will pass- and you just remove the decorations, giving the bedroom its original look.

Parents begin to prepare for the arrival of the child in advance. Particular attention is paid to the future resting place of the crumbs. You can combine a room for adults and a baby. Everything needs to be thought through carefully.has certain features. Considering them, it will turn out to create a warm atmosphere.

The third is not superfluous in the bedroom if it is a newborn family member.

Bedroom interior with baby bed requires a number of requirements to be met. It is important to ensure the complete safety of the child. Do not place the crib near the window. An unfortunate place due to a possible draft, curtains that collect dust, a cornice. The area near the door is not suitable. Constant noise does not contribute to a comfortable sleep.

It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the baby, not forgetting the convenience of those who will take care of him.

Exist following tips on arrangement.

  1. If the door is on the edge of the wall, you can install the structure in the opposite corner. This will help to avoid constant noise.
  2. If you don't plan to buy new furniture, be sure to use special pads for the corners so that the baby does not get hurt.
  3. Lockers, when opened, should not hit the doors on the bed of the newborn.
  4. Shelves with objects and things should be located further from the place where the child sleeps.
  5. You will need several lamps. If you want to hang a large chandelier, take care of the ability to adjust its brightness.
  6. Be sure to buy a nightlight. It does not interfere with sound sleep, but if the child wakes up, it will help him not be afraid of the dark.
  7. Sockets in the room must become safe.

A small child requires round-the-clock attention, and parents, as before, need rest and sleep.

How to zone a bedroom with a crib

Bedroom design with crib involves dividing the room into different zones for the comfortable existence of parents and crumbs. Among the cardinal methods of zoning note.

  1. With the help of the color or material used for the walls.
  2. Installation of a partition, with the ability to fold it. A transparent light curtain mounted on the ceiling will do.

For the first couple of years, the baby is usually settled in the parent's bedroom.

There are other ways to segment a room. Similar techniques are suitable for small spaces.

  1. Lighting. Supplement the parents' area with floor lamps or desktop type. Near the child's bed there is a spot light on the ceiling or wall, additionally install a night light.
  2. Decorate the baby's corner with photos.
  3. Complete everything with a painting using a stencil.

It must be remembered that a crib in the bedroom is a temporary phenomenon.

Shared bedroom - temporary or permanent?

The described recommendations assume the temporary residence of the child in the parents' room. But if it is not possible for a grown-up baby to move to another room, it is important to think about everything in such a way as to make some changes in a few years. Bedroom interior with baby bed oh will subsequently be divided into zones, which will allow everyone to feel comfortable. To highlight each segment, a podium, pieces of furniture and a palette are suitable.

This will help create some different rooms in one space.

How to choose a place for a baby cradle:

On the territory of adults, their bed will be the central detail. Other elements become additions.

  1. Make a drawing of the room.
  2. Draw on existing items.
  3. Determine the necessary elements for the baby and draw them, trying to choose the most optimal place for each detail.

It is advisable to plan the design of the bedroom so that the newborn's crib is not a central element.

Remember that it is important to leave enough freedom for a comfortable and convenient approach to the crumb bed. The following location options are available.

  1. In the corner. The solution is popular, standard. No noise, it is convenient to limit the flow of light.
  2. Opposite parent's bed. This will allow adults to observe the baby;
  3. Next to the bed for adults. Thanks to this, it will be possible to be as close to the child as possible. It is more convenient to feed at night.

Design of a bedroom with a crib: how to choose the right furniture

Bedroom design with crib involves the presence of various pieces of furniture. It is recommended to select only the necessary ones. They are listed in the table.

The atmosphere of the room should be conducive comprehensive development child and stimulate his creative inclinations.

furniture details Description
Crib The style is suitable similar to the sleeping place of adults. The material is only natural, fully meeting safety indicators. The rods should be at a minimum distance so that the newborn does not stick his head. Inside, you should make the sides of the fabric.
Dresser Helps to conveniently arrange all the things of the crumbs. There will be clothes in the drawers, and the countertop will allow you to place toys and cosmetics to care for the baby.
Baby changing table Makes it easier to take care of your baby. Many designs are equipped with a special niche for convenient storage of things.
Armchair You can refuse such a detail, but it will be more convenient for mom to spend time with the baby in this way.
Game Zone This includes the arena, which is subsequently replaced with a play mat. An antistatic coating is required. Take care of the warmth of the floor.
Textile Use it to a minimum. Curtains, rugs attract and store dust. Even perfect cleaning will not completely eliminate it. Therefore, it is reasonable to minimize the use of dust-collecting parts. Curtains are preferably thick, protecting from morning light from entering the house.

First of all, the design and arrangement of furniture in a room depends on its size.

Bedroom with a crib: how to equip the interior

It is recommended to observe the unity of style. There should not be a strong contrast between the details in color or texture. If the structures in the adult section are light, then the products in the child's section should be similar. If the bed acts as an accent, it is worth complementing everything with decor in an identical range. The child segment must be reliably protected from drafts, cold, bright light, artificial or natural.

Do not place nearby objects that may fall.

Bedroom design with crib

Design of a matrimonial bedroom with a nursery it is necessary to organize in such a way that everyone feels comfortable and relaxed. The place where the baby sleeps should not be made a central element. This space primarily belongs to adults.

A separate area is allocated for the child.

Spouses bedroom organization

The matrimonial bed becomes the central detail of the space. Therefore, the first thing you need to decide on the location. The cradle is easier to place due to its compact size. When organizing the marriage bed, it is important to make sure that all items can be freely approached.

Nothing should interfere with the movement.

The best option for the parent bed will be the center. Let the head rest against one of the walls. For the convenience of choosing a location, it is worth drawing a floor plan and considering various options installation.

Newborn corner in the bedroom

The corner is perfect for a newborn. This will allow the baby to see mom and have real boundaries. Remove any items that may fall in this area, limit Free access to them. Eliminate hanging shelves, cabinet doors should not reach the cradle.

Make sure that the screen of the TV or laptop is not visible from the corner of the crumbs.

In the corner, in addition to the cradle, it is worth installing a chest of drawers for storing things, a changing table and easy chair for the comfort of the mother. The key parameters for arranging a corner are the organization of a free approach to it, the safety and comfort of the baby.

When the room big size, it will easily fit all the necessary items for the baby.

What design to choose for a bedroom with a crib?

  1. Cosiness;
  2. Convenience;
  3. Safety.

Need to pick up special design, allowing all the inhabitants of the room to comfortably exist.

Finishing and decorating a bedroom with a crib

Coloring in different shades allows you to divide the room into several sections. It is important that the selected tones are combined with each other. Choose wallpapers with different uses natural materials, environmental safety, versatility.

It is necessary to create comfort for the baby and mother.

To highlight the children's segment, use a cover with pictures of characters from fairy tales, photos in beautiful frames, sconces placed around the perimeter of the wall. Furniture designs must match the color of the material.

Preference should be given to a neutral palette that is not able to affect the emotional background of the newborn.

Textiles in the interior of a bedroom with a crib

Use a minimum of textiles. It accumulates dust in itself, which is difficult to completely get rid of. Therefore, you should not fill the space with carpets. Limit yourself to one, small.

Clean it regularly to reduce accumulated dust levels.

Sunlight can wake up a child, interfere with his daytime sleep. Therefore choose blackout curtains to keep natural light out. Can pick up bed sheets and a bedspread to match the curtains.

Modern children's beds with a pull-out bed

A bed with a pull-out mechanism allows you to save square meters. The model is relevant for families with several children. When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the following parameters.

  1. The quality of the material used. Wooden models are preferred.
  2. Addition in the form of small sides. Safety is important and such a detail will help children not to fall.
  3. Product strength. It must support the weight of children.

There should be no electrical outlets or falling objects near the bed.

If there is no space to set up a bed for each of the babies, the roll-out design will solve this problem. At night, the model will turn into several sleeping places, and during the day you can free up an area for games. There are designs built into the closet that are suitable for families with one child.

The most common situation is when a crib in the parent's bedroom takes place next to the matrimonial bed, which creates convenience for looking after the baby.

Exquisite children's bedrooms with bunk beds

Another method to effectively use the available meters is to install a structure with several tiers. It is imperative that it be equipped with sides. There is a wide range of products, so you can choose original model that kids will love.

The choice is influenced by the age of the child.

Remember that children grow quickly, which is important to consider when determining the dimensions of the product. Toddlers under 3 years of age similar option placement is not suitable. There are products equipped with additional drawers for organization convenient system storage of things.

This will reduce the number of cabinets, shelves.

Consider future changes

The cradle in the matrimonial room is a temporary phenomenon. Even if the baby does not change the room, he will move to another bed, more suitable. Therefore, it is important to organize the design so that, having removed the things of the child, the view does not lose its integrity. If you plan to continue to live with the baby in the same territory, it is recommended to think over future zoning in advance. This will help to quickly and conveniently rearrange when the children grow up.