The combination of the color of the floor and furniture in the bedroom. Gray color in the interior

For a comfortable stay in the house, the space is divided by interior partitions. Installing doors in openings allows you to achieve privacy. However, it is not always possible to create a harmonious combination of decor and flooring. Or the meaning of this moment is simply ignored. To exclude such an incident in advance, it is necessary to correctly approach the issue of choosing products. Since the color of the doors and the floor in the interior should be a single ensemble. Therefore, further we will consider the recommendations of experts.

Principles for choosing floor colors

The perception of the decor of the rooms depends on the choice of flooring. The base accounts for most of the load of the furniture set. To emphasize the style of the room, choose the texture of the material for the floor, which will be in harmony with the rest of the interior. It is important to take into account the functional purpose of the rooms. If a cozy wood texture looks good in the bedroom (be it laminate or parquet), then it is recommended to lay a tile or porcelain stoneware covering in the kitchen.

The palette of shades is often presented in two options: light and dark tones. Despite the aesthetic appeal and airiness of light floors, dark ones are considered more preferable. This is due to their practical properties. They hide the presence of dirty streaks or dust. A light shade will instantly demonstrate any defect to the owners of the house. Since the installation of the floor belongs to the basic repair work, the choice of coating material will be decisive for the further purchase of furniture items. The combination of these elements should evoke a sense of harmony, not sharp contrast.

Combination of floor, doors and furniture elements

Combining the components indicated in the title allows you to create a unique design. However, if the choice is unsuccessful, it can suffer greatly. The furnishings will seem boring or cluttered with details. The devil lurks in the little things. Therefore, planning the decor and the purchase of these components should not be done separately from each other.

A popular solution is the installation of a door leaf to match the color scheme of the floor covering. And only then the harmonious duet is complemented by furniture compositions. At the same time, it is important to create a "live" atmosphere. Saturate the room with designer accents.

Discreet wall and floor decoration should be combined with bright headset items. Since plain materials look unsightly in total.

For the psychological perception to be normal, color neutrality must be avoided. It is better to try to create a stylish atmosphere in the house, combining rooms of different design. It is necessary to focus on the functional purpose of the rooms.

Accentuate with decorative accessories. Otherwise, the light-dark palette of the room will resemble a working office. And this will not allow the owners to relax properly. Original design possible even with contrasting decor. When it is complemented by light and bright household items.

General principles of using color

For the arrangement of premises, you can choose a win-win option - a monochromatic range. But then it is advisable to play at least with the texture. Provide bulk finishing materials at the mercy of the walls, and muted textures - to the door leaves and the floor. If the desire to make the decor of the room creative, then the following principles can help the beginner:

  • Use during finishing works no more than three types of color;
  • Build on palette professional designer with the selection of harmonious combinations;
  • Do not combine warm and cold tones;
  • Use one color as the main one, and several - in the form of shades;
  • Take advantage of the special software for designing decor;
  • Avoid combining different wood textures.

Also remember that the visual perception depends on the decoration of the walls. Therefore, efforts must be focused on them. For the rest, the main thing is to adjust.

Popular color combinations

To determine the color of the door leaf, study the current trends in the global market. Now they suggest a choice between the following shades:

  1. Dark: Bluish black, classic grays, blood red, brown (interspersed with noble mahogany textures), etc.
  2. Light: Milky white, beige, pastel colors with a shade of yellow, pure tones.

It is important to remember that the combination of the cold palette of the flooring and the warm texture of the door leaf looks unacceptable, too contrasting. It is much better to use an overlapping range of shades.

Door leaf color

He is supposed to stand out from others. So that even in the semi-darkness, a person can accurately find his way to the room. Floor covering is often characterized by muted tones, but within the same temperature spectrum.

Disguise may occasionally be required doorways, which is achieved by a combination of identical finishing materials.

Despite the fact that there are models in the trend light shades, black, brown and gray options are considered optimal for the door leaf. This is due to impracticality white... It does not harmonize well with the rest of the interior items, too insisting on its whiteness.

In this case, the material from which the door is made fades into the background. The canvas can be plastic and the floor can be wooden. The main thing is that the finishing of the first is combined with the texture of the second. Only in this case, the functional load will be accompanied by an aesthetic one. Samples from the catalog help you find the exact color. However, remember that the same parquet on the photo and in reality may differ. It is also important to choose the right fittings. For example, under gray doors in the interior, silver-coated pens are chosen. This will highlight the dignity of aristocratic gray.

The dilemma of dark and light floors

When choosing the tonality of the flooring, a design idea may come to the fore. So, to visually expand the space of the room, dark colors of the material are used. In this case, the door is made out in the same palette, with more saturated shade... For several years, the wenge style has been fashionable, giving a contrast to the white walls. The edging with the help complemented the achromatic ensemble. Clear geometric lines formed a single image of the interior.

How to combine shades correctly

It is already an established habit to buy doors at the last stage of renovation. However, this often introduces a strong dissonance to the style of the room. The colors of the doors and the floor come into an obvious conflict. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the exact shades long before purchasing the products. The color of the door should be characterized by a lighter tone than flooring... As mentioned above, the material does not matter in this case. The texture of the wood may vary.

Some people prefer to exploit contrast. The symbiosis of radically different wood textures seems to be a winning one. At the same time, we must not forget about the law of temperature. Cold tones and warm tones - do not mix. Otherwise, you will have to quickly correct the mistake.

Choice of colors for doors and floors

The choice of a suitable shade of all planes in the interior allows you to saturate the atmosphere with an atmosphere, stylistic comfort. The monosyllabic scale makes the decor plain. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly vary the combinations and. For example, the light color of the walls is accentuated by the transition of the dark tone of the doors to the darker shade of the floor. If the door leaf is darker than the floor covering, then the skirting board should be the same shade as the door.

The range of products in the construction market allows you to rethink many previously immutable truths. Let's take a look at some of them:

  • Once upon a time, interior design implied the obligatory same color for doors and floors. However, now these elements can have different shades, and sometimes dramatic color differences;
  • At the same time, the law of spectrum combination remained unbreakable. If the red floor in the interior is characterized by warm tones(red, amber), then gray doors of cold shades will not be in harmony with it. They may be of a different color, but the same. The same goes for cold flooring options. A graphite or blue shade can be combined with the same temperature spectrum of the door leaf;
  • The law of color trinity is still observed. Which implies the use of a maximum of three colors in the decoration. If the blue walls are accompanied by fashionable metallic flooring, then the doors can be made in zebrano or;
  • Choosing a color scheme for doors and floors may suggest one color, but different tones. This is due to the vertical perception of the human eye. When the ceiling is surveyed first, then interior partition, and at the end draws attention to the floor. Therefore, it is desirable to make the door leaf lighter than the bottom covering. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fit into the interior;
  • If the choice of the color palette for these two components implies different colors, then their harmonious connection can be carried out using a skirting board. At the same time, the latter repeats the color of the doors, not the floor;
  • The combination of doors and floor can also be done with decorative elements. These can be special door linings, original floor vases, decorative rugs. They should repeat the main color of the main components of the interior.

An exception to the rule is the use of natural wood as a material for the manufacture of furniture sets. Its presence implies the possibility of binding the doors not to the floor, but to it. This will create the correct midline for the human eye.

Paintable doors

This type of door has many names. They are called white, primed, Canadian ... Moreover, they are all justified. White means the corresponding staining color. Primed ones indicate the need for finishing the product. The Canadian also speaks about the country of origin of the practical technology. Regardless of the name, the principle of such doors involves painting the product with your own hands. It appears practical option if the owners are limited in material resources. Low cost allows you to repair or replace door leaves at any time of life. At the same time, they will be little inferior to expensive models made of noble wood species.

The principle of the staining procedure is simple. Thin panels of pretreated wood are applied to the wooden frame. Preparation of the material allows you to get rid of some of the disadvantages of a wooden surface. The space between the panels and the frame is filled with a cardboard cellular material. Subsequently, the surface of the door is covered with a high quality primer.

The painting procedure does not affect the way the doors are opened. They can be both sliding and swinging. These products are easy to fit into the interior, be it a residential building or a public building. The assortment of ready-made models on the market also contributes to the competent selection of the optimal decor. Further staining over time will only bring joy to the owners. Since the renewal of the structure entails changes in life.

Sometimes the painted canvases become the main pride of the family. This happens if one of its members has a creative imagination. With the help of acrylic (alkyd) enamel, it is possible to create a genuine interior decoration, to dilute the boring dullness familiar objects... You can enhance the effect by combining various materials, matte or glossy.

Dominant setting wooden elements allows the use of glass or plastic in the manufacture of partitions.

Combination of materials

The harmony of textures allows you to create an aesthetic interior and indoor comfort. When designing, it is important to show a sense of proportion so that the number of different structures is minimal. Do not get carried away with a pile of plastic, glass, textiles, metal and wood in one room. Experiments are encouraged, but with a competent layout of a small number of materials. The well-known combination of glass and wood elements makes the optimal composition for this very reason. The rule of three discussed above also applies here. When no more than three types of finishing materials are used in interior design. If necessary, you can use the design rules for interior decoration:

  • The use of contrasting door leaves in small room unacceptable for the simple reason that they visually reduce the space. At the same time, monochromatic products create a harmonious union with the floor, visually increasing the volume of the room;
  • For narrow corridors or oblong rooms, it is recommended to use bright accent products. This allows them to be brought closer to distant walls. The room takes on a harmonious look. Especially if the range matches the color palette of the flooring;
  • Large areas of living rooms seem to be designed for daring experiments. However, even here the aforementioned design laws will be relevant. When the doors are made in one color, and the temperature spectrum of the products is organically combined with the floor covering. Cool maple is presented as beautiful duets along with refreshing mint, French rose or lavender. But you can create a more contrasting floor.


Comfort in the apartment can be ensured different ways... One of the most important is the creation harmonious interior by choosing the right finish color. There are certain laws for the color combination of door leaves, walls and floors. Experienced designers they skillfully operate with these postulates, forming a cozy space of the dwelling. For example, door and floor coverings can be either plain or contrasting. However, the thermal spectrum must always be the same. Only by observing the immutable truths can you achieve an outstanding result.

When working on interior color design, you need to solve several problems at once. It is necessary to take into account the influence of color on the mood behavior of the inhabitants of the dwelling, the psychological perception of shades of colors, the influence of color on the awareness of space in a particular color scheme. Imagine how the combination of colors will maintain harmony in the interior and create coziness and peace.

The combination of colors will maintain harmony in the interior and create comfort and peace.

The construction industry offers such a variety and variety of finishing materials in different shades that a traditionalist, a lover of risky decisions, and a modernist can realize the dream of a home in which you rest with your soul. You should start with visualization. Enter the premises and look around.

The interior of the room can be designed as a complex (all rooms are in the same style) or detailed. The color of the floor, ceiling, walls, baseboards, doors, windows, furniture, carpets - everything is important.

You should start with visualization.

White doors, skirting boards with dark floor shades create additional air indoors, soften the accents.

Light tones and shades in the living room and bedroom will visually increase the space. There will always be a good mood, calmness, good rest. For north-facing rooms, use sunny yellow.

Gentle pastel combinations of floor, walls, ceiling in the nursery soothe, develop creativity, pacify. It's good to play and run in the red room, but it's impossible to fall asleep.

The interior of the room can be designed as a complex (all rooms are in the same style) or detailed.

Looks stylish and noble white furniture in a room with dark floors and walls, light ceiling.

In the kitchen in blue and white tones, hunger is satisfied with small portions. And where yellow, orange and green predominate, it eats excellently.

Dark colors in the room will visually reduce its size. A dark ceiling will make the room appear lower.

The color of the floor, ceiling, walls, baseboards, doors, windows, furniture, carpets - everything is important.

We must try to match the color of the furniture so as not to end up in a gloomy room that is depressing.

What does the color say?

  • Red is about sexuality, tension.
  • Brown is depressive.
  • Gray is sad.
  • Blue is uncomfortable, sleepy.
  • Yellow is sunny, joyful.
  • Green is vital, vigorous.

Light tones and shades in the living room and bedroom will visually increase the space.

The purpose of the room dictates the choice of color.

Color "addiction"

The right color combination can work wonders. For example, let's choose the color of the floor. We focus on the walls, ceiling.

  • A dark floor made of natural wood (parquet, board) or laminate in a room with white walls and a ceiling will visually make the room look larger.
  • A dark floor, dark ceiling and light walls will remove height and stretch the room.
  • Light color of the floor, light wallpaper, white ceiling raise the height of the ceilings.
  • Light floor, dark walls, light ceiling will flatten the room.

For north-facing rooms, use sunny yellow.

For example, let's choose the color of the floor. We focus on the walls, ceiling.

In the kitchen, the color of the floor depends on the thematic focus: rustic style, modern, classic. The choice of material - white or colored tiles, natural wood in beige, brown, red tones, solid or patterned stone, even concrete - will emphasize the individuality of the owners.

Gentle pastel combinations of floor, walls, ceiling in the nursery soothe, develop creativity, pacify.

It is necessary to choose the colors so that they do not tire you, do not get tired quickly, do not annoy.

Dark colors of the floor, baseboards and doors, chosen by contrast, look good - in rooms with light walls and ceilings. White doors, skirting boards with dark floor shades create additional air in the room, soften the accents.

It is necessary to choose the colors so that they do not tire you, do not get tired quickly, do not annoy.

Dark colors in the room will visually reduce its size.

White furniture looks stylish and noble in a room with dark floors and walls, light ceiling. Black floor color - fashionable direction in recent color design. Here you need to try to match the color of the furniture so as not to end up in a gloomy room that is depressing. Heavy blacks will dilute crisp whites. The purpose of the room dictates the choice of color. This color set is good for home office, a small living room. A dark hallway with white furniture and a door looks unusual and bold. A black bathroom floor requires space, white walls and a ceiling.

The right color combination can work wonders.

It is necessary to take into account the influence of color on the mood behavior of the inhabitants of the dwelling, the psychological perception of shades of colors, the influence of color on the awareness of space in a particular color scheme.

Color Matching Chart

Each person has his own stable, formed tastes. Fashion is fashion, but living in a house whose walls are full of fashionable 3D wallpapers, and you still like painted ones or with a small unobtrusive pattern, will quickly become uncomfortable and you will want to redo everything. But how? To be stylish, original. If in doubt, the designers have developed a table of color combinations in the interior.

When the choice of a solid color scheme does not suit you, use the compatibility table. Experts have selected harmonious combinations two, three or more colors that do not visually strain, psychologically relieve stress, will look fresh and fashionable for a long time.

Lovers of contrasts need to know such pairs. For example:

  • green is opposed to red;
  • lilac - light yellow;
  • orange - turquoise;
  • blue - rich yellow;
  • purple - light green.

Each person has his own stable, formed tastes.

Experts have selected harmonious combinations of two, three or more colors that do not visually strain, psychologically relieve stress, and will look fresh and fashionable for a long time.

Conversely, you will not be accused of bad taste if you are predominant in the interior:

  • add a little pink, purple to the red;
  • blue - turquoise, greenish, lilac, purple;
  • green - young light green, blue, turquoise;
  • yellow - orange and light green.

When the choice of a solid color scheme does not suit you, use the compatibility table.

If in doubt, the designers have developed a table of color combinations in the interior.

To be stylish, original.

Gray walls in the interior can rightfully be called a trend in recent years. Wallpaper in the interior of gray today they are very popular and are used by world designers working in many styles. About shades of gray, its combinations with other colors, combinations of gray wallpaper in the interior, oh gray walls oh in the living room, kitchen and bedroom, read our article. Also for our readers, designers have prepared a huge gallery of photographs of interiors in gray tones and reviewed the gray wallpaper.

The great popularity of gray in 2015-2016. Over the years, designers explain the ability to create both a calm and peaceful environment and help in a bright and unusual color scheme. What can we say about combination of gray , when there are so many options and combinations of gray shades that everyone can choose to their taste.

Choosing gray, as the main or auxiliary color in the interior, we first of all think about the color of the walls. This color looks great on large surfaces. Unlike bright yellow and red, gray can be safely used in any quantity. Gray walls will look equally good in the bedroom and in the nursery, if you choose the right saturation and shade.

Gray walls in the interior

Gray walls in the interior look stylish and noble. This color is not only rich in hues in and of itself, but also works well with many complex color palettes. Often, gray walls are used as an auxiliary background for bright accents, but it can also act as the main and only color. For example, combinations of different shades of gray in the interior are very popular today.
Gray combined with vibrant colors can have a softening effect. At the same time, the interior does not become flashy, as in combination with white. Grey colour makes it possible to create a bright, unusual and at the same time calm atmosphere in the interior, emphasizing accents.

Today you can often find a combination of gray and white walls. These can be walls painted or covered with wallpaper in different colors... Such color solution helps to divide the room into zones well. Dividing one wall using a border or decorative molding... In this version, gray and white walls look sophisticated and stylish.

Gray walls in a monochrome interior or in an interior without color accents create calmness and tranquility, help to highlight the details.

Light gray walls suitable for interior in Loft, Hi-tech, Modern, Eco-style, Scandinavian interior and even Ethnic style.

Dark gray walls are able to visually reduce the room. To prevent this from happening, use combinations with lighter shades. Also, don't forget about additional lighting. Gray walls will sparkle in many shades if you use lamps and chandeliers correctly.

Blue-gray walls often used in interiors in the Provence style, in which all colors are usually soothing, creating an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. Gray wallpaper in small flower Is an ideal solution for such an interior.

Gray-beige walls suitable for Classics. Classic interiors tend to have warmer colors, so all warm shades of gray will do. Gray walls in combination with classic stucco molding and rich decor will look great. They perfectly set off all the luxury of the Classics and create a backdrop for numerous details.

There are several ways to create gray walls:

  • painting walls ... The easiest and cheapest way to make the walls in your home gray. Choose matte colors, they look nobler and richer.
  • wallpaper for painting . Perfect solution for a children's room. You can always easily paint over children's wallpaper designs with the leftover paint.
  • wallpaper with a pattern ... Suitable for those who want to get a ready-made decorative solution.
  • gray decorative plaster ... Suitable if you want to get not only beautiful colour, but also the unusual texture of the wall.

You can also combine patterned wallpaper and wall painting in the same room with each other (photo below).

Shades of gray in the interior

When choosing paint for walls, you will surely face such a problem as shade selection ... It must be remembered that gray is very tricky. Considering the color fans in the store when buying paint, your eyes will run up from a huge number of shades. And here the most difficult thing is to choose the “correct gray color” and not be mistaken with tinting. Lighting in a store can be deceiving, and in the interior of your home, the color can look completely different, to the point that you will see in it not gray but, for example, blue or even khaki. In order not to make the mistake of buying gray wall paint, we offer you a simple method that is often used by interior designers.

Home colors.

Vykrashki will help you decide on the right shade of gray. For this you need paints. They must be fast drying and have a dense covering properties. Gouache or acrylic will do. On thick paper or cardboard, make several gray squares of different saturation. Then add some warm and cold colors to each of the shades to get many shades of gray. You can add a touch of red, blue, green, or brown for warm and cool hues. Select the colors that are most pleasing to the eye and attach them to the wall with masking tape or buttons.

You can also paint on the wall itself, without using additional pieces of paper, but only if you use wall paint.

Play with the lighting in the room. should look equally good both in daylight and artificial lighting... See how your chosen shades look with complementary colors. Place them next to other colors that you intend to use besides gray. After you choose your color, be sure to take your sample with you to the paint store. Now you can easily buy a suitable gray paint for the walls of your interior.

Wet asphalt, dark gray, light gray, platinum gray, lead, slate, smoky, ash, anthracite, steel, silver, coal, mouse - these are just popular shades that are often used by paint and wallpaper manufacturers. You can also often find gray-blue, gray-pink, gray-brown, gray-beige, purple-gray, gray-green wallpaper and paint.

In fact, there are far more shades of gray than fifty. They can be both warm and cold and have different saturations. These are the main criteria by which you should choose a color. Light gray walls in a warm shade are suitable for a child's room. Dark gray wall will look good in the interior of the living room behind the sofa. She will be a great photo for a picture or a whole gallery of works. Gray-beige wallpaper in the bedroom will perfectly complement the atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

How to choose gray wallpaper

Matte or satin gray wallpaper with an unusual texture will adorn any modern interior. Today, plain gray wallpapers are more popular (photo below). If this option seems too boring to you, dilute it with interesting and bright accessories. Some don't perceive at all plain wallpaper... Gray wallpaper with a pattern is suitable for them. You can choose from geometric patterns, checks, designs with flowers, plants, or even peas. You can often find gray wallpaper with a barely noticeable gray pattern, but there are also more contrasting ornaments in white and black tones. All of these options are very popular in 2015-2016.

Gray wallpaper in the interior will go well with white walls (photo below). This is especially true for unusual ornaments and contrasting patterns. Gray-white wallpaper is suitable for any Scandi or Ethnic style room.

Gray wallpaper for walls with barely noticeable small details will look good in the interior modern bedroom(photo below).

Dark gray wallpaper looks best in a living room or study. They perfectly highlight bright contrasts. They look great on such walls modern paintings and abstractions with the presence of orange, red, yellow and other warm colors.

In the interior in the Loft style, you can use black gray wallpaper with a geometric pattern. Also note the white wallpaper with a very fine gray pattern. From a distance, they look like regular light gray wallpapers, but if you look closely, you can already see fancy patterns.

Where to buy gray wallpaper. Overview

We have prepared a small review of the popular gray wallpaper with pictures.

1) gray wallpaper with leaves of Ginkgo Biloba Ginko leaves Wallpaper
2) Warm gray wallpaper with geometric patterns Moroccan Warm Gray Peel & Stick Fabric Wallpaper Repositionable
3) light gray wallpaper in scandinavian style Scandinavian Designers (2745) by Borastapeter
4) gray wallpaper with Sherwin Williams texture. Gray grass cloth wallpaper

5) Audrey Tartan gray check wallpaper. Gray Check Wallpaper, 58023
6) gray wallpaper with white pattern Schumacher Wallpaper from Avant Garde collection, WTG-095995
7) wallpaper in gray tones Powder room wallpaper by Osborne Little W5796-01
8) gray meadow flowers wallpaper by Hannah Nunn. Paper meadow in charcoal

9) wallpaper gray shade with peacock feathers Osborne Little W6541-04
10) light gray wallpaper by Josette White. Dove Gray Damask Wallpaper
11) Rizzy Rugs Etta Light Gray & Blue Floral Area Rug Wallpaper
12) Chasing Paper Dot Light Gray Polka Dot Wallpaper

The combination of gray wallpaper with furniture and floor

It's no secret that the walls and floor indoors should be perfectly combined with each other. When the choice falls in the direction of gray wallpaper, the question arises “ What floor color should I choose for gray walls? »Of course, gray floors and walls of the same color will look bad. When choosing a gray laminate for gray wallpaper, you need to take into account the rule of contrasts. Either the floor or walls should be significantly darker. Otherwise, you can pick up any tree. Both light and dark shades of wood are suitable for gray wallpaper. You can give preference to a ginger laminate for a pear, or a light birch - it all depends on the chosen style of the room. Walls in gray tones are not limited in any way color range wood for the floor.

When combining gray walls and wood-like floors, pay attention to the color of the skirting board. It is better to make it white. This is classic combination not only for a gray interior. And many designers have no idea where the fashion for horrible skirting boards in the color of the floor came from.

Picking up a soft furniture for gray wallpaper , you can stop at such colors as black and white. You can also start creating an interior with bright accents by purchasing an orange sofa or yellow armchair. Good in gray interior red leather, black velvet, gray velor or tweed will look.

As for cabinet furniture in a gray interior, then all the rules apply here both for the color of the floor and for the color. upholstered furniture... Also, in some interiors, red sideboards and yellow chairs will look as accents, cabinets made of wood of any species and classic white and black elements.

Curtains for gray wallpaper

And so, we have already figured out how to combine furniture with gray walls. But no room is complete without a window. Curtains - an important element in almost every interior. Many people ask the question “ What curtains fit gray wallpaper ? ". Yes, indeed, few curtain colors will look with gray walls. This is especially true for plain materials. When choosing curtains for gray wallpaper, give preference to interesting fabric textures, and not a pattern. The ideal solution would be a natural linen fabric of gray or beige color. This combination will look not only in an eco-interior, but also in any modern classic.

Also good for grays suitable for wallpaper white and ivory. Will look good and gray curtains contrasting tones, darker or lighter than the walls themselves. By picking up curtains for gray wallpaper , pay attention to the shade. Warm shades of fabric are suitable for warm gray, and cold shades for cold ones. An interesting option there will be curtains of two tones (photo below).

Room with gray wallpaper

Often, designers, using gray wallpaper in the interior, resort to two types of design:

  • Monochrome interior ... When mostly grays, blacks and whites are used, there are no bright details and accents. You can easily remove the dullness of a monochrome interior with the help of combinations of various materials and textures.
  • Gray interior with color accents ... Gray wallpaper in the interior of such a room plays a major role, but is complemented by various accessories. bright colors: paintings, vases, colorful pillows and carpets. A room with gray walls will sparkle with new colors if you add large green plants and bright flowers.

With the help of the dark gray color of the walls in the interior (photo below), in combination with a white and lighter shade, you can easily create a zoning of the room: separate the cooking area from dining area, working area from the recreation area.

Gray walls in the kitchen

Gray wallpaper in the kitchen will look great in combination with white kitchen facades and wood trim... It is this combination of gray-white-wood that is considered a hit in recent years. Often, gray walls are used in Scandinavian-style kitchen interiors. Gray walls in the kitchen can be combined with both white household appliances and with chrome surfaces. Looks great in such interiors wooden table top or gender.

Gray wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Gray walls in the living room will be the ideal solution for modern classics... This color is often used for stylish and restrained interiors. This option will also appeal to conservatives. For exotic lovers, we advise you to combine gray in complex color combinations of 4 or more colors. In addition, gray looks absolutely with all materials. Solid gray wallpaper in the hall goes well with any wood, glass, metal, stone and plastic. Gray wallpaper in the living room will look equally good in combination with brick wall and with classic stucco molding.

Gray wallpaper in the bedroom

Light gray walls in the bedroom are the perfect solution for those who love tranquility. Textiles will give bright accents to the interior. Use beautiful rugs, rugs and bedspreads, unusual pastel linen. You can change the color scheme of the bedroom depending on the season and always get the perfect color combination thanks to the gray walls. A design with gray walls is also suitable for a children's bedroom. For example, delicate pink and mouse gray will be a good combination for a girl's bedroom.

Gray walls in the interior of the bathroom

Gray walls in the bathroom interior look stylish and sophisticated. This color is very often used in modern bathrooms. You can use gray to decorate the bathroom. tile... In combination with snow-white sanitary ware, gray tiles will sparkle with contrasts and highlight the elements. Read more about gray bathrooms in the article.

Gray walls in the interior of the hallway and corridor

In the interior of a hallway or corridor, gray walls are often used as a backdrop for a gallery. You will be able to use paintings in white, black or wooden frames to emphasize the style of the room and create a special atmosphere. Hang your black and white photos (photo below) on the gray walls in the hallway.

Gray walls and wallpaper in the interior photo:

Despite all the beauty of the presented interiors, it is important to remember that gray itself is one of the most difficult to use. It can be quite difficult to combine this color. Don't be afraid to turn to professionals. They will show you how to create a harmonious and interesting interior using gray walls. We hope our photo gallery will inspire you to use gray in the interior of your home.

Which floor color should I choose?

Optimal color combination for floor, ceiling and walls-> The mood of your interior is largely determined by those color combinations that are used in it. It is important to choose the right color combinations. Colors, light sources and room space influence each other to a great extent. The color of the floor, ceiling and walls has a significant optical impact on your perception of the space in a room. A good color scheme will make your room bigger, smaller, wider, narrower, deeper, taller, lighter and warmer than it actually is.

Which color combination should you choose for your floor?

You choose a particular floor not only for practical reasons, but also because you like a particular color. When choosing a floor color, you should take into account the desired end result and the impact of other existing or planned color elements on the interior. The result of this comparison is more than the sum of these individual elements. The whole space is acquiring, as it were, a new individuality. Each room is different from the others and requires a special approach depending on the desired end result.

The effect of the combination of colors of the floor, ceiling and walls

The combination of a dark floor with pale walls and ceiling visually expands the room.

The combination of a dark floor with a dark ceiling visually expands the room and reduces its height.

Combination in any room dark walls with a light floor and ceiling, it emphasizes the horizontal lines.

Light floor, ceiling and back wall: the room becomes narrower, deeper and higher.

The combination of a dark back wall with pale side walls visually reduces the depth of the room.

The combination of a light ceiling, dark floor and dark walls creates a basement effect (i.e. when the light is just above you).

The combination of a light floor, light back wall, dark side walls and dark ceiling creates a tunnel effect.

If the whole room has the same dark color, then it loses its shape.

In a room with a light floor and light walls, the effect of spaciousness is created. Too many light shades make it look cold and impersonal.

Which shade to choose for the floor: light or dark

Light shades visually increase the size of the room, while dark shades reduce it. Everyone knows this, but what effect does gender have?
Light shades:
If you want to lighten a dark room slightly, then you should choose a light floor. These colors reflect light. This will brighten your room and visually enlarge it. Light shades create a sense of cleanliness, order and space. Combined with the cool colors of the walls, you can create a calm effect. Just do not overdo it: for rooms located on the north and west sides of the building, consider the following: the whiter the floor, the cooler the atmosphere. Dark furniture goes very well with light wood floors creating unexpected effects. In addition, light-colored floors can be perfectly matched with a wide variety of colors.
Dark shades:
Dark colored floors are the perfect starting point for creating contrasts. They are ideally combined with light-colored walls or with dark accessories and color accents. Avoid stark white, it is better to give preference to midtones, for example, pastel or white mixed with some other color. You can liven up a room by adding vibrant interior details to your interior. The strong predominance of dark colors creates a gloomy atmosphere, eats up light and space.

How to add space?

You can visually increase the space by combining a calm floor with light walls. Using lighter and colder colors will make your room appear larger than it actually is. Dark and warm colors make the room smaller and cozier. For optical expansion of a particular room, we recommend using flooring with V-grooves along the long sides of the panels. This creates a sense of depth in the room. To enhance this effect, lay the V-grooves in the direction of light propagation. Matching the color of the skirting boards is no less important. The floor area appears larger when the skirting boards are the same color as the floor itself. The opposite is also true: when the skirting boards are the same color as the walls, the floor area appears smaller.

Combination of furniture and floor

Make sure your floor color is either two shades lighter or significantly darker than the furniture. The combination of floor and furniture of the same color and type of wood is only possible if the floor is covered with carpet, the color of which is markedly contrasting with them. On a grayish floor (for example, natural oak, lacquered), you can safely install furniture made of very dark wood (for example, wenge or walnut). Light furniture lacquered in white will also look very attractive. Light wood furniture combined with pale walls and light floors create a calm atmosphere in the house. This is a solid trick, but you can end up with a boring interior as a result. Excessive enthusiasm for monotony can make the interior look dull and monotonous.

What mood is created by a particular floor color?

Yellowish beige floors

Yellowish-beige tones radiate warmth and comfort, inspire a sense of optimism. Floor coverings with oak, beech or maple patterns can warm up a dark room.

Reddish orange floors

These floors create a very warm atmosphere in the room. This color is often combined with yellow details.

Brown floors

The brown tint, especially on the floors, reminds us of our communion with the earth. Compared to walls, it should always remain in the background. Brown consists of a number of other colors, which means it can be combined with many other colors. Brown is not dull; it is quite versatile and suitable for many different interiors, provided that enough light penetrates the room for the brown color to stand out from the rest.

In some interiors, the walls and floor are complementary colors to create contrast. In other cases, preference is given to a combination of monochromatic shades. Solid color means a combination of darker and lighter shades of the same color. This brings harmony and peace, but with excessive enthusiasm, it can make the interior boring and monotonous.

How to combine bright floors with walls and furniture?

Tropical wood ornaments add warmth to the flooring. Examples include merbau, afzelia dussi, natural teak, lacquered, etc. These types of wood are very lively and vibrant, which can make it difficult to find suitable furniture and wall coverings. Helpful Hint: Try to keep walls warm and neutral, such as dingy shades of white. This creates an attractive contrast to the floor. However, try not to overdo it with contrast effects and use no more than one or two colors that are clearly different from the main background.

Some apartment owners, when looking for flooring, are trying to find something unusual that would be both practical and beautiful. Many are already fed up with the traditional cherry colors and bleached oak, they want something new. In such a situation, buyers began to change their tastes, preferring gray laminate flooring in the interior of the apartment, which is becoming more and more popular.

  • How does gray laminate affect the interior?
  • Rules for the use of a gray floor in the interior
  • Gray laminate in different styles interiors
    • Minimalism
    • Urban style and loft
    • Kitsch
    • High tech
    • Neoclassical style
    • Rustic and vintage styles
  • The combination of gray laminate with other colors in the interior
  • Walls under gray laminate
  • Door color combined with gray laminate
  • Details and Precautions

Do not hide the fact that there are still skeptics who perceive gray laminate in the interior quite restrained and even critical. In fact, this coating can perfectly fit into most types of interiors, making them even more comfortable, giving them the features of aristocratic restraint. In addition, such a laminate visually expands the space.

How does gray laminate affect the interior?

If you use a dark gray laminate, then visually it will reduce the space of the room, while a light one has the opposite effect.

The floor of not too dark shades makes the atmosphere more airy and soothing, and the air in such a room seems cooler and fresher, which you can even feel when looking at the photos of the laminate in gray tones. A person living in such a room strengthens self-control, it is easier for him to maintain peace of mind.

But some shades of gray and its combinations with colors such as beige can even cause too much relaxation, making it even difficult for a person to concentrate on meticulous work.

Therefore, the gray color of the coating is not very suitable for premises associated with any work activity, but for the same reason it is ideal for dining rooms, living rooms and especially bedrooms.

Monochrome gray is cold, so the room where it dominates can turn out to be lifeless. Not everyone likes such an atmosphere, but even such people can find a suitable combination of gray laminate with wallpaper, for example, beige, and, in addition, add warm notes of wood or accents of hot colors (yellow, orange, terracotta) to the interior.

Photo of gray laminate in the interior:

Rules for the use of a gray floor in the interior

  • This type of coating, such as gray oak laminate, is recommended for use in interiors that are excessively saturated with heat: if the room is on the sunny side or in its design warm colors are predominant.
  • On the contrary, in rooms with insufficient lighting, you should not lay a dark gray covering, so that they do not become even darker and more dull.
  • It should not be forgotten that an excess of gray color makes the room depressing, so it should not be predominant. Then you will certainly have to think about suitable wallpaper, in order to disperse the excessive dullness of the gray floor with your flowers. Accessories with warm, bright colors can serve the same purpose.
  • The gray floor itself is not an accent due to the neutrality of the color itself, it seems to offer a look at other objects of the setting: walls, windows, furniture, etc. From this point of view, the gray laminate resembles a canvas on which the main picture of the interior will then unfold.

Gray laminate in different interior styles


Since gray does not attract the main attention, such a floor is perfect for a minimalist interior, for which free space, airiness and a minimum of accents have always been important. It is the light gray laminate that perfectly meets all these conditions. In a similar style, you can decorate a bedroom, living room and even a kitchen. Dark gray shades look more conservative, with them the interior becomes more strict and restrained. Therefore, a dark gray palette will most naturally look in the strictest and most prim styles.

Urban style and loft

Gray laminate is perfect for modern urbanism, which has a weakness specifically for cold shades. It is worth remembering at least the loft style, the characteristic features of which are the presence of bare concrete surfaces or exposed brickwork. Therefore, a gray-brown laminate in such an interior will look completely natural.

Gray flooring in modern interiors easily gets along with glass, white gloss, sparkling and matte metal.


In such a phenomenon as kitsch, which by its very nature rejects any interior style, a gray floor can serve as a good basis for a heap of various colors, reconciling their loud incongruity.

High tech

For an industrial style like hi-tech, a gray floor is generally the ideal solution, as there are many shiny metallic or plated elements that the gray palette works well with.

Neoclassical style

The gray laminate floor fits quite nicely into the neoclassical style, perfectly combined with the shiny metal furniture fittings and bringing a fresh stream of modernism into the established classical canons.

Rustic and vintage styles

A floor covering was also invented, the gray color of which resembles a worn and darkened old tree. Similar materials are great choice for inclusion in rustic or vintage interiors (provence, country, retro classics, shabby chic). The gray floor here emphasizes the beauty of stone, stucco molding, brickwork texture, nostalgic notes of aged furniture.

The combination of gray laminate with other colors in the interior

As an intermediate monochrome color between white and black, gray goes well with them. Therefore, it fits perfectly into monochrome interiors, reducing contrast and, as if reconciling antagonistic colors. Not only white and gray wallpapers will get along with gray laminate, but also:

  • cream;
  • beige;
  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • purple.

In addition, you can use purple, yellow and blue to add bright accents to diversify the boring gray background of the floor or wallpaper.

In a room where gray laminate or parquet is laid, you can put the same monochrome gray, white or black furniture made from zebrano, wenge, vanilla or wood with other cool shades.

Walls under gray laminate

When striving for a harmonious interior, you need to ensure that the decoration of the walls better matches the gray laminate floor. The question of which wallpaper color is combined with gray laminate is not so easy to answer. It is desirable that the wallpaper also has a gray color: it can be a material with a very light gray or with gray stripes.

What kind of wallpaper will go with a gray laminate besides gray? A combination of a gray floor with blue or blue walls because all these cool colors go well with each other.

It will be much easier to choose wallpaper for a laminate not of pure gray color, but with other shades mixed with gray: beige or brown (this can be seen in the photo of the “gray oak” laminate in the interior). Then it will be possible to glue similar wallpapers under the gray laminate, ensuring the most smooth transition between the walls and the floor. Sometimes, on one of the walls, they even make the transition of the laminate to the wall on purpose. In the bedroom, this is how you can decorate the wall near the head of the bed, and in the living room you can zone the corner near the TV.

If there is a dark gray laminate on the floor, then it is better to choose a "cooler" shade for the walls, and you can dilute these tones with furniture with rich, beautiful colors, flowers, paintings and other bright accessories.

Photos of wallpaper and walls under a gray laminate: