How to correctly match the color of the walls and floor. Gray walls in the interior

There are battles among interior designers over floor preference. Some are convinced that the most obvious trend of the last decade has been light floors, sending dark floor coverings into oblivion. Their opponents focus on the shortcomings of light floors and call dark floors living classics, which are not afraid of any fluctuations in fickle fashion.

  • Dark floor
  • Light floor
  • Rules for interior combinations of dark and light floors
  • Correct combinations of the floor with other interior elements
  • Interrelation of floor color with interior style
  • Floor color and lighting

Dark floor

It should be immediately noted that not only brown or black, but also dark shades of other colors is considered a dark floor.

The dark color of the floor covering brings a feeling of warmth and comfort to the interior, but at the same time visually it noticeably conceals the space. Therefore, it is more logical to use dark floors in large rooms, adding objects made of glass and metal to them. When choosing, you need to remember that a balance must be observed: a dark floor - light walls, otherwise the room will instantly turn into a gloomy dungeon.

Features of use

  • Dark surfaces (except black) are less dirty and more practical. But they also need regular care.
  • The combination "dark floor - light furniture" is considered to be a usual combination, but a number of designers recommend choosing items for the dark floor that are lighter than it by only a few tones.
  • If such an interior seems gloomy to someone, creating a painful atmosphere, then these people can use the well-known design maneuver: combine a dark floor and light walls in the interior. Furniture in this case can be of any color, because such an interior is distinguished by its "omnivorous".


  • Many dark shades have a positive effect on a person's well-being, soothe and do not cause irritation. It is noticed that bright kitchen with a dark floor even helps to better absorb food.
  • The dark floor adds seriousness and solidity to the interior.
  • It averages the proportions of oversized accessories.


  • It is better not to make a dark floor in a room where there is not enough natural light, but, on the other hand, if the sun's rays directly hit the floor, they will highlight the slightest defects in the coating, and even a small amount of dust on its surface will immediately become noticeable.
  • On a dark glossy finish, all stains from washing the floor will be clearly visible. Therefore, after washing, such a floor will have to be additionally polished.
  • Dark varnish is very easy to scratch, and that's it. the smallest scratches immediately become visible.

Photo of a dark floor in the interior:

Choosing a shade of a dark floor

The final effect is highly dependent on the correct selection of color tones, which can be understood by comparing a dark floor and light doors.

  • Shades of chocolate will make the interior expensive and cozy thanks to their warmth.
  • Thanks to the black color, the home will acquire a modern personality and even extravagance.
  • Somewhat aloof dark gray tones will make the atmosphere cooler.

Light floor

Compared to a dark coating, light is considered more versatile and can fit perfectly into the most different style interior. Such a floor can be easily combined with elements that have a calm color scheme, for example, if a skirting board is used that is lighter or darker than the floor. But bright objects against their background fade significantly. If dark furniture is purchased for a room, then it should be graceful, with smooth, thin lines.


  • When arguing about which floor is more practical, light or dark, the argument about excessive soiling of light floors is often used, which is far from the truth. To keep the house clean, you need to regularly clean surfaces of any color. Here, the quality of the protective layer is of greater importance, which protects the floor covering from deep penetration of dust and dirt, and then even a photo of a combination of a light floor and dark doors will delight anyone.
  • A visually light floor will add volume to the room and make it much brighter.
  • For some people, white and other colors that are too bright are often uncomfortable. The solution to this problem can be a combination of a light floor with fairly dark walls.
  • Light floors are common in kitchens. Any interior items will stand out well against its background. The contrast between the light floor and the dark walls of the kitchen can be softened by the bright illumination of the work area and the abundance of shiny metal surfaces.
  • When decorating a light floor, special attention should be paid to skirting boards. For example, the combination "light floor - dark plinth" is able to give the interior the necessary contrast and will be appropriate for any style.
    Most often, the floor surface is not monochromatic, but is diluted with non-contrasting patterns, since an ideal white floor will look dull and cause discomfort.


  • Most often, dark doors and light floors in the interior can be seen in the photo of living rooms, where dark furniture is also present. Thanks to this, the appearance of additional space is created, the room seems to grow. Keeping this property in mind, designers often recommend practicing such solutions in miniature rooms.
  • The light floor not only improves the interior design, but also has a functional plus, increasing the illumination of the room.
  • It has long been known that if a room with windows faces north and cannot boast of large dimensions, then light walls, light furniture, a dark floor become almost the only practical solution for it.


  • It is important not to forget that for beige or white floors, it is necessary to select pieces of furniture very carefully, otherwise they will lose their advantages and become the most trivial, unremarkable coatings.
  • You can talk as much as you like about the fashionableness and style of light floors, but it is still difficult to call them respectable. You can even make a cover from a beautiful one, but it will not look as expensive as wenge or other dark wood, which can cost significantly less.
  • The appearance of unwanted shades. Even if you look for a material with a certain shade, then after the flooring, being in a specific environment, at a certain angle of illumination, the same material can noticeably change its tone. Dark pieces of furniture will make it darker, and light ones, in combination with direct sunlight, on the contrary, will unnecessarily lighten. As a result, for so long and meticulously selected shade will turn into something unimaginable, down to almost yellow.

Photos of light floors in the interior:

Rules for interior combinations of dark and light floors

  • Light ceiling + light walls + dark bathroom floor will make it visually larger.

  • Dark ceiling + light walls + dark floor will reduce the height of the room, but make it wider.

  • Light ceiling + dark walls + light floor draw attention to the horizontal lines in the interior.

  • Light ceiling + light wall (opposite from the entrance) + light floor make the room narrower, but the ceiling seems to be higher in it.

  • A light ceiling + light walls + light floor combined with a dark back wall visually reduces the depth of the room.

  • Light ceiling + dark walls + dark floor can create a mysterious and slightly dark atmosphere of the dungeon.

  • Dark ceiling + dark side walls + light back wall + light floor visually evoke the effect of being in an endless tunnel.

  • If the whole room has the same dark color, then there is no point in talking about its shape, it is simply lost.

Correct combinations of the floor with other interior elements

If the room has light walls and a floor, then it creates a feeling of lightness and spaciousness, but an overabundance of light tones can cause a feeling of cold officialdom, therefore it is more rational to adjust this situation to the interior “light floor - dark doors”.

Black or dark brown furniture is in perfect harmony with light wood floors. Since light colors can actually make a dark room brighter, this technique is very often used for rooms with insufficient natural light... However, another effect must be taken into account here - the lighter the room, the cooler it seems, so you need to find the right balance, for example, using a combination of a dark floor and light doors.

For dark floors, you can choose successful combinations not only with light, but also with dark walls. But still, you should not make the walls completely snow-white, but it is better to choose a cream shade, or ivory. Dark colors should not prevail, otherwise the room will become too gloomy. But bright accents that will cheer up the atmosphere will be appropriate.

It is best if the furniture is a couple of shades lighter or darker than the floor surface. If the colors of the floor and furniture match exactly, then it is advisable to separate them with a contrasting color carpet - this is how a bright living room with a dark floor is often designed.

If the floor is given a bright color, then it is better to give the walls warm or neutral shades, but at the same time you cannot use more than two different tones at the same time.

From what has been said, it becomes clear that there are a lot of options for decorating interiors with floors in dark and light colors - there is where to show your imagination.

Interrelation of floor color with interior style

The dark floor is not suitable for all interior styles:

  • For example, shabby chic generally requires the lightest possible bleached wood floor.
  • On the other hand, overly light or overly dark flooring will not go well with classical styles (antique, baroque or rococo). In these interiors, a dark floor made of valuable wood species will be much more appropriate.
  • However, the classic styles are too complex and expensive, besides, they are less functional, therefore, for the current residential interiors, in the overwhelming majority of cases, they are chosen modern styles, close in spirit to the surrounding life.

Floor color and lighting

When making the final choice in favor of a light or dark floor, one must not lose sight of the nature of the general lighting of the room:

If the boards are located perpendicular to the incident light, they will appear brighter, and in the opposite arrangement, they will appear darker.

In general, the floor should be laid along the direction of the incident light, in which case the fixing of the panels will become less noticeable. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the color of the floor covering when artificial lighting may change noticeably, therefore, the appearance of the interior can vary greatly during the day and in the evening.

In addition, the floor is laid for decades to come, so when choosing a material for it, you need to be very careful, paying attention to its quality.

What kind of floors do you have in your home - light or dark, and why? Explain your choice in the comments - your opinion and experience is important to us.

The light floor in the interior of the apartment looks aesthetically attractive and also serves as an enlargement of the room in visual perception. Combines with both dark and white colors in the interior, which makes it versatile for rooms of any purpose.

Features of light flooring

A light floor does not get dirty more than a dark floor, stains and dust are better visible on it, which must be removed regardless of the tone flooring in the interior. Therefore, it is important to choose not only the color, but also the quality of the protective layer that protects the wood from abrasion.


  • Highlights other objects, furniture, serves as a background.
  • Makes the room look larger, brighter and larger, reflects light and is recommended for small spaces.
  • The balance between dark and light helps to avoid the discomfort of monotony.
  • In combination with contrasting skirting boards, the light floor in the interior looks more elegant with borders outlined from the wall.
  • A pattern, texture or pattern on a light floor dilutes the uniformity of the interior.
  • You can combine different shades of light within the same room to delimit zones.

The photo shows a modern interior in neutral shades with laminate and tiles without baseboards, white walls increase the space.

Combination of floor and doors

The light floor is universal for combination with dark and bright doors in the interior.

Light doors in the interior

White doors from any material are combined with a light floor in beige, sandy shades and a pure white floor. Platbands and skirting boards can be dark or in the color of the walls.

Bleached oak doors are combined with a matte or glossy floor in light yellow, beige, vanilla colors. Laminate with a bleached or golden oak look is also suitable.

The photo shows a classic-style corridor with white interior doors and a glossy tile floor with a carpet-like decor.

Combine with white, beige, caramel, coffee with milk shade.

Light gray doors are combined with the floor in silver, milky white, almond, white, zirconium.

Dark doors in the interior

Wenge is combined in the interior with golden, peach, pink, almond colors of laminate or parquet boards.

In the photo there are wenge doors with white platbands and skirting boards, with a laminate under an old board. The dark door stands out against the solid color background.

Combine with white, smoky, light gray flooring in the interior.

Blacks are versatile and go well with the floor in beige, yellow, light brown and pink shades. The combination with white gives an elegant look to the interior of the room.

Brown is combined with a floor in the shade of coffee with milk, cream, pink-brown, pink-white, milky.

Pictured living room in Mediterranean style with patterned carpet and brown solid wood arched doors.

Bright doors in the interior

Reds are combined with all beige shades that create a balance between neutral and bright, white, light brown and light gray.

Greens are suitable for whites, beige, peach, pink, white with green or red marbled patches.

Blue ones are combined with salmon, white, beige, silver floors in the interior.

In the photo there are blue doors in the bedroom with a light laminate.

Combination of flooring and walls

Light walls

Walls in light colors are successfully combined with a light floor in an identical color with a light or contrasting skirting board.

Under the white floor, wallpaper can be selected in light pink, blue, turquoise, beige, lilac, green, depending on the purpose of the interior of the room. Wallpaper with design, ornaments will fit a plain floor.

Under white tree suitable panels with wallpaper, paintable wallpaper, sand and light brown shades.

Dark walls

Dark walls in the interior look contrasting, emphasize the light floor and complement each other.

The photo shows a dark wallpaper with a large floral pattern in the kitchen in the zone lunch group that go with a floorboard and white headset.

Any dark colors are combined with a light floor: brown, dark blue, gray, gray-brown, burgundy. Bleached wood is combined with chocolate, coffee, brick color. On the wallpaper, there can be a pattern in the color of the floor, gold or white, photo wallpaper, wallpaper for painting, with stripes, design are suitable.

Floor covering and baseboard color

Skirting boards to match the floor blend in with the flooring to create an extension of the floor without focusing on dividing the interior.

Lighter skirting board

Visually stands out and looks like an independent separate line between the floor and the walls, but does not attract attention, the emphasis is on wallpaper or other finishes.

In the photo in the interior of the office, the plinth is matched to the walls, but it acts as a relief and stands out in shape.

Suitable for light-colored walls and floors to clearly delineate the boundary between the space of the room. The skirting board can be several tones darker than the floor, or differ in cardinal black, brown color.

Floor and shade of furniture

Light furniture

Light furniture in the interior is suitable for a light floor in a different shade so that the colors do not merge. If the floor and furniture are in the same tone, they will still differ due to inserts, furniture upholstery.

On the photo is a studio apartment with laminate and light gray furniture, a white suite and plain walls, where the floor balances the snow-white interior.

Dark furniture

Dark furniture stands out against the white walls and floors, creating an accent and drawing attention to itself. Dark brown, gray, burgundy furniture can have white elements to make the interior more organic.

Color selection

The flooring can be any light color, but it also differs in material, for example, it can be glossy tiles, light laminate, self-leveling floor.


The white floor in the interior looks elegant, combined with dark, bright wallpaper, any furniture, makes the room spacious.

Light gray

A light gray floor in the interior is more practical than white, it is a background for bright and muted shades, it is combined with a dark brown, white door, red, beige wallpaper.

Light oak

Combines with light gray, beige, colored, white furniture, dark, gold, lilac wallpaper.

Light brown

Light brown in the interior is combined with wood trim and furniture, white, green, pink walls, beige, gray furniture.

Light beige

Suitable for coffee and brown furniture shades, dairy and vanilla colors finishes.

The photo shows a light beige laminate in a neutral interior with a gray ceiling and beige panels.

Style solution

Classic style

The classic style does not focus on the flooring, it will do white marble, matte tiles, light oak board, light beige parquet or laminate. For walls, fabric wallpaper with a golden design, wenge doors, brocaded furniture, velvet curtains with tassels are suitable.

Modern style

The modern style in the interior prefers practicality; white, beige, light gray floor will do, on which there will be soft small rugs. Combines with white and beige furniture, wallpaper with a minimal design, roller blinds and a door without patterns.


Close to country style interior, with emphasis on white wooden box from planks, light gold laminate with a worn effect. Furniture is selected lighter than the floor.


The style in the interior is recognizable by the smooth floor and the laminate or lacquered boards. Dark wood skirting boards or Brown separating concrete, plastered or brick walls from the floor.

Pictured is a loft kitchen-living room in the attic with wooden floors, brickwork and casual decor.

Scandinavian style

Only laminate and plank in white, cream, light beige are welcome. Combines with light blue, white, beige furniture with bright accents. The skirting board is matched to the color of the floor, and the door can be dark brown or white.

Floor in the interior of the apartment

Living room

Parquet, laminate, light-colored carpet combined with bright or dark furniture are suitable for the living room.

On the picture black and white furniture matches the golden wooden floor in the interior and unusual lamps

Light shades will accentuate the size of the large hall and visually enlarge the small living room. When zoning a room, you can also make a transition in the color of the floor.


In the interior of the bedroom, a light floor will add coziness in combination with a white or dark brown baseboard, pastel wallpaper and light tulle. The materials are suitable for laminate and parquet for a pleasant sensation on the feet.


V the kitchen will do tiles, linoleum, laminate in the dining table area of ​​white, beige, light coffee, gray. You need to choose a tile that is non-slip, smooth or matte, it is possible with a design, and the laminate is moisture resistant.

In the photo, the white and purple set looks elegant in the interior of a small kitchen due to the glossy countertop, beige floor and open window.


In the hallway, a light floor will add space and emphasize hospitality. Combines with beige wallpaper with a gold design, plain walls painted with wood paneling... Suitable tiles for wood, linoleum, parquet.

Photo gallery

A light floor is more versatile than a dark floor, suitable for any interior and style. It is a safe choice when choosing a color, it can be combined with any doors, wallpaper, furniture and skirting boards. Below are photo examples of the use of flooring in light colors in rooms for various functional purposes.

The choice of color for the flooring plays a large role in creating the overall impression of the room. The gray floor in the interior looks elegant and respectable. Together with it, bright color combinations do not look so defiant, and light gentle tones are attractive thanks to the unobtrusive support of a neutral gray color.

Light, darker, darker

Grey colour in the interior - the basic basis, which is easy to arrange in the desired style. It will be appropriate both in the design of public premises, and completely naturally and organically fit into residential buildings or an apartment.

Thanks to characteristic features neutral gray is widely used by decorators to give the right mood to the room. For example, in large rooms with obsessive levels of illumination, such a color scheme quietly calms the human nervous system... At the same time, the interior of a room with a gray floor does not look boring if you add bright decor.

In such rooms, even people with increased excitability feel quite comfortable.

Light ash tones of floor or wall coverings will give the room a special pearl shimmer. They perfectly decorate the living room, effectively highlighting the furniture and glass décor. To enhance this exquisite sound, you can safely add crystal dishes to the interior design with a gray floor, original furniture with glass surfaces.

If a medium gray is used, warm tones will enhance the softness of that color. A textured wood finish is perfect here.

Deep serenity of dark gray is supported by warm cream, light beige or milky tones.

Variety of styles

Gray, which is part of the neutral range, has versatility.

Its ability to create harmony with a huge variety of shades is welcomed by most interior styles:

  • High tech. Silver gray laminate in the interior " high tech"Will be an excellent backdrop for metal, glass surfaces.
  • Minimalism. The color of the floor, with its laconicism, allows you to focus on certain details of the interior, taking your eyes away from large surfaces.
  • Provence. Light gray in the interior looks very attractive in combination with airy white, pastel blue tones.
  • Loft. A noble self-leveling floor in a deep dark gray color brings a touch of romance to this sophisticated interior.
  • Scandinavian style. Very popular in the last few years. The ash oak floor, which will be decorated with white skin, will come in handy for lovers of natural materials.

The combination of gray floors and walls in the interior

Designers often use a neutral color to subtly soften harsh contrasts. color combinations... If a red decor is selected for a room with white walls, then a suitable shade of gray floor will soften the contrast.

The monochrome interior looks organic. The floor differs from the walls only in shades of neutral gray. But the interior will not be boring, because the most fashionable bright colors will help to diversify it: deep turquoise, yellow, juicy orange. They are found in textiles, paintings, or tableware. You can make the hollow niches present in the interior bright.

The gray floor looks elegant when combined with pale pink, light blue, lavender, beige, wine or green walls.

Dark gold in the details of the interior will serve as an accent in harmony with the silver flooring.

In the living room

Ash shades will give the room an atmosphere of restrained tranquility. Bright furniture on gray laminate acquires a depth of color. On the other hand, the floor of ashy tones will accentuate the gracefulness of the forms of the light headset. Carpets in brown and beige tones will add a special comfort to the living room. Luxury will bring soft juicy shades of bright colors.

The living room is a place where a bright color can even turn into an aggressive one. Only gray floors will help maintain the color balance.

A room with a sense of comfort

The gray color of the flooring with its all sorts of shades is very much in demand in the bedroom.

The peace of mind in the room can be enhanced. The monochrome interior, built on the play of shades, looks great. The accent can be the wall at the head of the bed. It can be given a fairly bright color.

The gray floor in the interior of a golden-beige or chocolate bedroom will perfectly cope with its role and emphasize the warmth and sophistication of the room.

Wet areas of the dwelling

The snow white ceramic tiles on the bathroom walls are even more sparkling when combined with the wet asphalt floor. This combination is perfectly complemented by a light gray ceramic border. Such a color duet is also harmonious when the tiles are matched.

If the bathroom is designed in green tones, the gray floor will emphasize the cheerfulness of the greenery and, at the same time, the snow-white sanitary ware.

This floor looks no less elegant in the bathrooms, the main colors of which are fresh blue, romantic lavender, pale pink, light yellow, aqua or juicy orange.

The gray floor in the interior of the kitchen will serve as an excellent background for bright headsets. Work tables and hanging drawers in bright yellow, red, light green, orange or orange, lilac and all the most diverse saturated shades when combined with a calm floor covering, they will remove tension from the perception of the room.

Ceramic floor tiles, selected in different shades neutral gray.

Passage zones

Another feature of the gray color - practicality - comes in handy in this part of the housing. Complex soiling is almost invisible on such floors. Thanks to this, the hallway and corridors look neat.

As a rule, these rooms of an apartment usually have a small area and low illumination. Therefore, a light gray, dark pearl shade is suitable here. The lighting built into the skirting board will give the surface a flicker, which will visually increase the area. The combination of a light gray floor and glittering wallpaper with glitter on the walls will help to expand the narrow space of the corridor or hallway.

The lucky ones with spacious corridors can afford the choice of fairly dark shades of gray. Up to graphite. Sophistication and luxury will give the interior interior doors popular wenge color.

The gray floor in the interior is a real decoration tool. It allows you to add color balance and balance to your designs. In turn, this helps a person feel psychologically comfortable, feel home comfort.

Despite the restraint of the color of the flooring, the interior design does not limit the imagination in any way.

Gray walls in the interior can rightfully be called a trend of recent years. Wallpaper in the interior of gray today they are very popular and are used by world designers working in many styles. About shades of gray, its combinations with other colors, combinations of gray wallpaper in the interior, oh gray walls oh in the living room, kitchen and bedroom, read our article. Also for our readers, the designers have prepared a huge gallery of photographs of interiors in gray tones and made a review on gray wallpapers.

The great popularity of gray in 2015-2016. Over the years, designers explain the ability to create both a calm and peaceful environment and help in a bright and unusual color scheme. What can we say about combination of gray , when there are so many options and combinations of gray shades that everyone can choose to their taste.

Choosing gray, as the main or auxiliary color in the interior, we first of all think about the color of the walls. This color looks great on large surfaces. Unlike bright yellow and red, gray can be safely used in any quantity. Gray walls will look equally good in the bedroom and in the nursery, if you choose the right saturation and shade.

Gray walls in the interior

Gray walls in the interior look stylish and noble. This color is not only rich in hues in and of itself, but also works well with many complex color palettes. Often, gray walls are used as an auxiliary background for bright accents, but it can also act as the main and only color. For example, combinations of different shades of gray in the interior are very popular today.
Gray combined with vibrant colors can have a softening effect. At the same time, the interior does not become flashy, as in combination with white. Gray color makes it possible to create a bright, unusual and at the same time calm atmosphere in the interior, emphasizing accents.

A combination of gray and white walls can often be found today. These can be walls painted or covered with wallpaper in different colours... This color scheme helps well to divide the room into zones. Dividing one wall using a border or decorative molding... In this version, gray and white walls look sophisticated and stylish.

Gray walls in a monochrome interior or in an interior without color accents create calmness and tranquility, help to highlight details.

Light gray walls suitable for interior in Loft, Hi-tech, Modern, Eco-style, Scandinavian interior and even Ethnics.

Dark gray walls are able to visually reduce the room. To prevent this from happening, use combinations with lighter shades. Also, don't forget about additional lighting. Gray walls will sparkle in many shades if you use lamps and chandeliers correctly.

Blue-gray walls often used in interiors in the Provence style, in which all colors are usually soothing, creating an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. Gray wallpaper in small flowerperfect solution for such an interior.

Gray-beige walls suitable for Classics. Classic interiors usually have a warmer color scheme, so all warm shades of gray will do. Gray walls in combination with classic stucco molding and rich decor will look great. They perfectly set off all the luxury of the Classics and create a backdrop for numerous details.

There are several ways to create gray walls:

  • painting the walls ... The easiest and cheapest way to make the walls in your home gray. Choose matte colors, they look noble and richer.
  • wallpaper for painting ... An excellent solution for a child's room. You can always easily paint over children's wallpaper designs with the leftover paint.
  • wallpaper with a pattern ... Suitable for those who want to get a ready-made decorative solution.
  • gray decorative plaster ... Suitable if you want to get not only beautiful colour, but also the unusual texture of the wall.

You can also combine patterned wallpaper and wall painting in the same room with each other (photo below).

Shades of gray in the interior

When choosing paint for walls, you will surely face such a problem as shade selection ... It must be remembered that gray is very tricky. Considering the color fans in the store when buying paint, your eyes run up from a huge number of shades. And here the most difficult thing is to choose the “correct gray color” and not be mistaken with tinting. The lighting in the store can be deceiving, and in the interior of your home, the color can look completely different, to the point that you will see in it not gray but, for example, blue or even khaki. In order not to make the mistake of buying gray wall paint, we offer you a simple method that is often used by interior designers.

Home colors.

Vykrashki will help you decide on the right shade of gray. For this you need paints. They must be fast drying and have a dense covering properties. Gouache or acrylic will do. On thick paper or cardboard, make several gray squares of different saturation. Then add some warm and cold colors to each of the shades to get many shades of gray. You can add a touch of red, blue, green, or brown for warm and cool hues. Select the colors that are most pleasing to the eye and attach them to the wall with masking tape or buttons.

You can also paint on the wall itself, without using additional pieces of paper, but only if you use wall paint.

Play with the lighting in the room. should look equally good in daylight as well as in artificial light. See how your chosen shades look with complementary colors. Place them next to other colors that you intend to use besides gray. After you choose your color, be sure to take your sample with you to the paint store. Now you can easily buy the right gray paint for your interior walls.

Wet asphalt, dark gray, light gray, platinum gray, lead, slate, smoky, ash, anthracite, steel, silver, coal, mouse - these are just popular shades that are often used by paint and wallpaper manufacturers. You can also often find gray-blue, gray-pink, gray-brown, gray-beige, purple-gray, gray-green wallpaper and paint.

In fact, there are far more shades of gray than fifty. They can be both warm and cold and have different saturations. These are the main criteria by which you should choose a color. Light gray walls in a warm shade are suitable for a child's room. Dark gray wall will look good in the interior of the living room behind the sofa. She will be a great photo for a picture or a whole gallery of works. Gray-beige wallpaper in the bedroom will perfectly complement the atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

How to choose gray wallpaper

Matte or satin gray wallpaper with an unusual texture will adorn any modern interior... Today, plain gray wallpapers are more popular (photo below). If this option seems too boring to you, dilute it with interesting and bright accessories. Some people do not perceive plain wallpaper at all. Gray wallpaper with a pattern is suitable for them. You can choose from geometric patterns, checks, designs with flowers, plants, or even peas. You can often find gray wallpaper with a barely noticeable gray pattern, but you can also come across more contrasting ornaments in white and black tones. All of these options are very popular in 2015-2016.

Gray wallpaper in the interior will go well with white walls (photo below). This is especially true for unusual ornaments and contrasting patterns. Gray-white wallpaper is suitable for any Scandi or Ethnic style room.

Gray wallpaper for walls with barely noticeable small details will look good in the interior of a modern bedroom (photo below).

Dark gray wallpaper looks best in a living room or study. They perfectly highlight bright contrasts. They look great on such walls modern paintings and abstractions with the presence of orange, red, yellow and other warm colors.

In the interior in the Loft style, you can use black gray wallpaper with a geometric pattern. Also note the white wallpaper with a very fine gray pattern. From a distance, they look like regular wallpaper light gray in color, but if you look closely, you can already see fancy patterns.

Where to buy gray wallpaper. Overview

We have prepared a small review of the popular gray wallpaper with pictures.

1) gray wallpaper with Ginkgo Biloba leaves Ginko leaves Wallpaper
2) Warm gray wallpaper with geometric patterns Moroccan Warm Gray Peel & Stick Fabric Wallpaper Repositionable
3) light gray wallpaper in scandinavian style Scandinavian Designers (2745) by Borastapeter
4) gray wallpaper with Sherwin Williams texture. Gray grass cloth wallpaper

5) Audrey Tartan gray check wallpaper. Gray Check Wallpaper, 58023
6) gray wallpaper with white pattern Schumacher Wallpaper from Avant Garde collection, WTG-095995
7) wallpaper in gray tones Powder room wallpaper by Osborne Little W5796-01
8) gray meadow flowers wallpaper by Hannah Nunn. Paper meadow in charcoal

9) wallpaper gray shade with peacock feathers Osborne Little W6541-04
10) light gray wallpaper by Josette White. Dove Gray Damask Wallpaper
11) gray-blue wallpaper Rizzy Rugs Etta Light Gray & Blue Floral Area Rug
12) Chasing Paper Dot Light Gray Polka Dot Wallpaper

The combination of gray wallpaper with furniture and floor

It's no secret that the walls and floor indoors should be perfectly combined with each other. When the choice falls in the direction of gray wallpaper, the question arises “ What floor color should I choose for gray walls? »Of course, gray floors and walls of the same color will look bad. When choosing a gray laminate for gray wallpaper, you need to take into account the rule of contrasts. Either the floor or walls should be significantly darker. Otherwise, you can pick up any tree. Both light and dark shades of wood are suitable for gray wallpaper. You can give preference to a ginger laminate for a pear, or a light birch - it all depends on the chosen style of the room. Walls in gray tones are not limited in any way color range wood for the floor.

When combining gray walls and wood-like floors, pay attention to the color of the skirting board. It is better to make it white. This classic combination not only for a gray interior. And many designers have no idea where the fashion for horrible skirting boards in the color of the floor came from.

Picking up a soft furniture for gray wallpaper , you can stop at such colors as black and white. You can also start creating an interior with bold accents by purchasing an orange sofa or yellow armchair. Good in gray interior red leather, black velvet, gray velor or tweed will look.

As for cabinet furniture in a gray interior, then all the rules apply here both for the color of the floor and for the color. upholstered furniture... Also, in some interiors, red sideboards and yellow chairs will look as accents, cabinets made of wood of any species and classic white and black elements.

Curtains for gray wallpaper

And so, we have already figured out how to combine furniture with gray walls. But no room is complete without a window. Curtains - an important element in almost every interior. Many people ask the question “ What curtains fit gray wallpaper ? ". Yes, indeed, few curtain colors will look with gray walls. This is especially true for plain materials. When choosing curtains for gray wallpaper, give preference to interesting fabric textures, and not a pattern. The ideal solution would be a natural linen fabric of gray or beige color. This combination will look not only in an eco-interior, but also in any modern classic.

Also good for grays suitable for wallpaper White color and ivory. Will look good and gray curtains contrasting tones, darker or lighter than the walls themselves. Picking up curtains for gray wallpaper , pay attention to the shade. Warm shades of fabric are suitable for warm gray, and cold shades for cold ones. An interesting option there will be curtains of two tones (photo below).

Room with gray wallpaper

Often, designers, using gray wallpaper in the interior, resort to two types of design:

  • Monochrome interior ... When mostly grays, blacks and whites are used, there are no bright details and accents. Remove the state of sadness monochrome interior you can easily use combinations various materials and textures.
  • Gray interior with color accents ... Gray wallpaper in the interior of such a room plays a major role, but is complemented by various accessories. bright colors: paintings, vases, colorful pillows and carpets. A room with gray walls will sparkle with new colors if you add large green plants and bright flowers.

With the help of the dark gray color of the walls in the interior (photo below), in combination with a white and lighter shade, you can easily create a zoning of the room: separate the cooking area from the dining area, working area from the recreation area.

Gray walls in the kitchen

Gray wallpaper in the kitchen will look great in combination with white kitchen facades and wood trim. It is this combination of gray-white-wood that is considered a hit in recent years. Often, gray walls are used in Scandinavian-style kitchen interiors. Gray walls in the kitchen can be combined with both white household appliances and with chrome surfaces. Looks great in such interiors wooden table top or gender.

Gray wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Gray walls in the living room will be the perfect solution for modern classics. This color is often used for stylish and restrained interiors. This option will also appeal to conservatives. For exotic lovers, we advise you to combine gray in complex color combinations of 4 or more colors. In addition, gray looks with absolutely all materials. Solid gray wallpaper in the hall is perfectly combined with any wood, glass, metal, stone and plastic. Gray wallpaper in the living room will look equally good in combination with a brick wall and classic stucco.

Gray wallpaper in the bedroom

Light gray walls in the bedroom are the perfect solution for those who love tranquility. Textiles will add bright accents to the interior. Use beautiful rugs, rugs and bedspreads, unusual pastel linen. You can change the color scheme of the bedroom depending on the season and always get the perfect color combination thanks to the gray walls. Design with grays walls fit and for the children's bedroom. For example, delicate pink and mouse gray would be a good combination for a girl's bedroom.

Gray walls in the interior of the bathroom

Gray walls in the bathroom interior look stylish and sophisticated. This color is very often used in modern baths rooms. You can use gray for finishing the bathroom. tile... In combination with snow-white sanitary ware, gray tiles will sparkle with contrasts and highlight the elements. Read more about gray bathrooms in the article.

Gray walls in the interior of the hallway and corridor

In the interior of a hallway or corridor, gray walls are often used as a backdrop for a gallery. You will be able to use paintings in white, black or wooden frames to emphasize the style of the room and create a special atmosphere. Hang your black and white photos (photo below) on the gray walls in the hallway.

Gray walls and wallpaper in the interior photo:

Despite all the beauty of the presented interiors, it is important to remember that gray itself is one of the most difficult to use. It can be difficult to combine this color. Don't be afraid to turn to professionals. They will show you how to create a harmonious and interesting interior using gray walls. We hope our photo gallery will inspire you to use gray in the interior of your home.

When creating an interior, it is very important to choose the color of the floor - this gray cardinal of the interior will certainly play a role. The right combination the colors of the walls, doors and floor will help you achieve any desired effect - from expanding to stretching the space. You do not need to guess, because the laws of color combinations have long been developed by designers. Just follow their advice to bring harmony to your home.

Color selection laws

The range of colors for floors and doors is a bit limited than for wall coverings or painting. However, when you come to the store, you will see a fairly wide range of shades of laminate, parquet boards, linoleum, skirting boards or tiles. The first thing to determine is which floor you need - dark or light. Both are good and appropriate when used in a suitable space and design.

What effect does the shade of the floor create:

  • the light shade is an excellent reflector and space extender. In addition, it gives the space a clean and fresh feel, combined with the lighter shade of the walls. This one-stop solution for the living room and bedroom. However, if you combine light floors with cool wallpapers, the atmosphere can be uncomfortable. This is especially true for the northwest arrangement of the rooms;
  • dark shade is stability, style and bright contrast, subject to dilution light wallpaper for walls, furniture and decor elements. The combination of a dark floor and doors like these can add a darker tone. Whereas the use of contrasting accessories to match the floor against a general light background looks very harmonious. But this solution is only suitable for rooms that receive enough sunlight.

There are convenient special online applications that help you correctly to wallpaper and other decoration elements in the apartment.

One of the fashionable tricks is a play of contrasts, when a white floor is combined with almost black furniture and vice versa. The same goes for the color of the doors that contrast with the floor. Such techniques will negate the possible excessiveness of white and the severity of black.

Features of the color of the flooring in the kitchen

In the kitchen and in the corridor, unlike other rooms, you can use tiles or linoleum, which gives a lot of room for imagination. And there are no boundaries, because in the kitchen you can put bright red, yellow, green tiles, and in order to avoid excessiveness, alternate it with white. By correctly combining this floor design with the tiles on the walls and the color of the facades, you will achieve a cheerful and cheerful atmosphere. In such a kitchen, you will want to create exquisite and original dishes.

However, the strict colors of the flooring are also popular in the kitchen. This classic style, Provence (), which has a beauty realized in natural colors. The current trends in kitchen floors are laminate flooring imitating heavy oak floors in ash, chocolate and almost black colors.

When choosing Provence, keep in mind that the entire kitchen interior must match. Harmonize in rustic style everything should be: the textiles are matched to the wallpaper, the shade of the furniture to the floor.

Floor, ceiling and wall color - modeling the space

It's no secret that with the help of colors you can transform and change the perception of space beyond recognition. Depending on your goals, choose the option that emphasizes the advantages of the room and hides the disadvantages.

The effect of combining different colors:

  • the light color of the floor, walls and ceilings will make the room fly and spacious, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can achieve a pale and cold room... One of the walls covered with bright wallpaper will help to break the monotony;
  • dark floor, light ceiling and walls pastel colors also give the effect of expanded space, but without facelessness;
  • light floor and ceiling, dark walls horizontally stretch the room, making it lower. This effect is especially pronounced in the presence of a large window or one light wall;
  • the dark shade of the floor and walls, combined with the white ceiling, creates a basement effect.

Obviously, neither the basement nor the white infinity is desirable for any of the rooms, especially, it is inappropriate in the kitchen and in the bedroom. But an overly snow-white room can be saved with the help of a dark expressive baseboard and doors, for example, by lowering it from heaven to earth.

Three players - floor, furniture and doors

How to choose the right color for the floor and skirting boards if you already have furniture? How to choose doors - in the same tone with the floor or in a contrasting color? These are the right questions, because these finishing elements in your apartment or house are not planned to be changed for many years.

Furniture and floor color

The obvious and first rule for this pair is that the floor should be at least two tones lighter than furniture or noticeably darker. Otherwise, your furniture will simply "disappear" against the background of the same floor. Put a contrasting rug on the floor and the problem of matching tone and furniture will be solved.

The best combinations of floor and furniture:

  • grayish white floor - dark colored furniture such as wenge or dazzling white furniture;
  • warm light wood flooring colors - bright, chocolate or white furniture. It is appropriate to use gray in furniture due to the contrast of a warm floor and a cold shade;
  • dark walnut floor - pastel furniture range from white, cream to delicate peach. Accents from bright upholstered furniture are not excluded, but warm shades, cold ones should be dosed so as not to get a strict atmosphere.

Some designers choose black furniture for a dark floor, following the trendy trends, but the room takes on a gloomy look. When placing accents, do not forget that more than three primary colors should not be used in the room. You can choose the color scheme online using the services of the World Wide Web.

Much depends on the place that you equip - the bedroom cannot be a place of bright contrasts, then more daring experiments can be allowed in the living room and in the kitchen.

Door and floor color

There are only two directions in the combination of door and floor colors:

  • in one color;
  • bright contrast.

When implementing the first option, when the doors and the floor are made in the same color scheme, it is better that the door is a couple of tones lighter. This will make it possible to logically perceive the space from top to bottom - from a light canvas to a darker floor. If the doors and floor are white, then the room needs contrasts in the form of rich accessories, walls or furniture. In this case, the skirting boards should not be white, otherwise you will get a shapeless space.

Conversely, dark doors and floors are appropriate only where the walls are pastel colors. But if it comes to small room, for example a bedroom or kitchen, it is better to abandon the dark floor in a duet with a dark door. One rich dark door is enough and a bright accent is provided. At the same time, the floor can play a second violin, made of material of light pine color.

One of fashion trends combine light walls with dark floors and wenge doors, matching dark skirting boards.

Many underestimate the role of the skirting board, but it helps to effectively outline the space, playing on contrasts, while not losing it in space. Moreover, there are plinths for ceilings (baguettes), which can also have a color other than white. Try these skirting boards and you will see how much more interesting any room in the apartment becomes.

As you can see, there are many possibilities, there are no strict rules and strict canons, only recommendations, and therefore it is easy to choose the color of the floor. Following the recommendations, you cannot go wrong with the choice and equip the original and at the same time harmonious design interior.

The laminate market provides unlimited opportunities and color solutions- from bleached oak to stylish black shades. Modern technologies make it possible to bring to life any of the most daring imaginations, for example, using the flooded floor technique. But remember that colorful floor drawings can quickly get bored, so it is better to focus on classic natural colors and flooring materials in an apartment or house. In order not to be mistaken, use online programs that help you choose the colors of the interior.

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