Stone slide in the garden with hands. Small and simple alpine slides in the country with their own hands for beginners, photos and diagrams

Editor Rock garden and rockery 6774

Blooming from early spring to late autumn, the alpine slide is a gardener's pride and trouble. Beauty revived with one's own hands seems simple and natural, but behind this is labor multiplied by creativity. The more natural the alpine slide looks in the country, the more effort was put into it by its creator.

The idea to create a corner in the country wildlife very tempting. The ideal composition is a combination of stones and plants. Well-chosen variations resemble a mountain landscape. There are certain rules for arranging alpine slides with your own hands, but this only applies to laying technology. The visible upper part is the process of personal creativity. The gardener can rely on recommendations, however, he will receive only his final result. There are no two similar alpine slides. It is always a manifestation of individuality. Presence of one or more large stones required condition for composition. This emphasizes the desire to be like mountain peak. country hill is no more than two meters high. The slopes are planted with low-growing evergreens and seasonally flowering plants.

The main misconception of novice gardeners is the idea that a pile of stones, half covered with fertile soil and covered with a vegetable carpet, can already claim the title of an alpine hill. I would like to emphasize once again that making an organic composition with your own hands is a creative, time-consuming process associated with financial costs.

The rock garden has a history

The mention of the Alps suggests that the idea was born to create a mountain landscape in the garden somewhere in Europe. But it's not. The Japanese are considered to be the founders of stone gardens. It was they who discovered to the world the art of combining the hardness of stone with the tenderness of flowers. Spectacular rock gardens on the distant islands of the Rising Sun are known and described thousands of years ago. This idea came to civilized Europe in the 16th century, and to Russia only in the 18th century.

What is rockery?

Rockery is a composition of stones and plants, where hard rock plays the main role, and herbs and flowers serve as a background. Only one type of stone is used here. They are arranged randomly or folded with their own hands in parallel rows into low walls. There is an illusion of a rocky mountain environment.

Plants play the main role in rock gardens. It is their beauty among the stones that attracts the eye.

You should not confuse these concepts and know what exactly you want: rock garden or rockery.

The main green components of the rock garden

Feature for all herbs and flowers:

  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • short stature;
  • survivability in adverse conditions: with excess water and in case of drought.

You can change the image of the flower bed every year by planting annuals with your own hands. But it is better to immediately focus on perennial specimens. Then every year appearance will become more and more attractive. You should take into account the seasonality of flowering of each inhabitant of the flower bed and pick up a variety of specimens.

In the natural environment, there are several representatives of the wild flora, which have long been cultivated as garden plants.

For an alpine slide fit:

  • edelweiss; a romantic symbol of love that overcomes all obstacles; frost-resistant perennial; spreads on the ground with small rugs; flowering season - early and mid-summer;
  • younger or stone rose; flower with earthy fleshy leaves; grows rapidly between stones; light purple flowers; resistant to any weather changes;
  • lumbago; small perennial from the buttercup family; blooms the very first; grows well;
  • stonecrop; represented by several varieties; perfectly spreads along the ground with creeping stems, destroys weeds around it; changes color under the influence of the sun;
  • saxifrage; likes northern or shaded slopes; weaves a green flowering rug even over stones;
  • crocus; small bulbous stars of a wide variety of colors; bloom from March to May; breed well;
  • dwarf barberry; refers to the type of shrubs; creeps on the ground; suitable for the lower tier; in spring it pleases with flowering, in autumn with red berries;
  • juniper; evergreen undersized bush; can serve as the center of the composition; unpretentious and stable.

Alpine aster, dwarf barberry, aquilegia are also used; phloxes; Japanese spirea. All plants need time to show themselves in all their glory. Applying multi-tier landings, it will be possible to achieve a better result.

Location selection

It is advisable to define a spacious, well-lit corner for the rock garden. The flowerbed should be visible from all sides. Handmade beauty needs to be shown.

The composition looks more natural in spacious places: in the center of the garden, between the paths, as an independent flower bed. The location in the corner, between the trees and buildings will not allow you to fully show the beauty of creation.

If one of the slopes of the hill is shaded, this is not a reason to be upset. You will have to choose plants for which such conditions are the most comfortable.

Drainage is a necessary procedure for soil health

The nature of the soil must be taken into account. Sandy soil is better and is natural drainage. There will be no problems with excess moisture. For clay soil and clean, oily black soil, a mandatory drainage layer is required from any convenient materials. The work is simple, done by hand.

You can arrange the drainage system around the entire perimeter of the base. If the problem of fluid accumulation is not for your area, it is enough to dig a few holes.

The equipment technology is simple:

  • remove a layer of soil to a depth of 30 cm;
  • fill up 20 cm of crushed stone or gravel, any small construction waste will do;
  • ideally, it is better to cover the drainage with a layer of geosynthetic textiles; it allows water to pass through, but does not allow even the smallest particles of soil to leave with the liquid; separates the layers, does not allow them to mix; subsidence of the soil is excluded;
  • then a 10 cm layer of sand is poured;
  • layer of earth.

Each part of this cake must be well watered after backfilling.

soil mixture

To form the best natural base, cleaned and sifted earth, coarse sand and dry humus are combined in equal parts.

If this is the first experience at the base of the rock garden, then its height is desirable no more than 1 m.

Stone laying

Three tiers is enough. At the stage of formation of an earthen hill, large specimens are laid in the lower tier so that they look out of the ground.

After that, you need to take a break from work for two weeks. During this time, the soil will settle, compacted. Problem areas will show up.

Then the creative process of laying stones in tiers with your own hands begins. Remember that the natural environment is being formed. Stones should not lie on the surface, but seem to peek out of the ground, forming a single whole with it. There is no need to rush and observe symmetry. Change, move, flip until you get what you like.

The principle of placement of tiers is a pyramid. Small samples should rest securely on the lower large ones. It depends on taste, but it is desirable to select specimens that are uniform in structure and color.

You can draw a diagram of an alpine slide top view. Then it will be easier to do what you want in practice with your own hands.

Top construction

This is the final stage construction works. There are several options:

  • hoist to the top, massive beautiful stone; it will protect the slide from surface erosion;
  • create a mini-pyramid with your own hands with a hollow middle and plant flowers there;
  • make a crown of small but attractive samples.

After the completion of construction, it is better to wait a week. Next, proceed to the landing of green inhabitants.

And a few more tips:

  • do not use artificial materials, garden sculptures, and unsuitable plants in decorating the slide; the task of obtaining a corner of natural nature should be paramount;
  • mountain compositions look great on the edge of lawns;
  • it is more convenient to fill the slide with flowers from above;
  • fertilizers should be applied in limited quantities, especially when planting; plants must take root on their own; top dressing is necessary after the third year;
  • small voids and dips will periodically form; fill them with a mixture of clay soil with peat;
  • always water the hill from the foot; impregnated lower layers will not allow soil and microelements to be washed out from above.

The rock garden is an original flower garden, ahead of traditional flower beds in popularity. Even a novice landscape designer will be able to clearly express himself in his arrangement, since this work opens up a lot of scope for creativity. Do-it-yourself alpine slide is created for one season and does not need special care. It is only important to choose the right stones and perennials, which will take root even on poor soils and are undemanding to watering.

Where to begin

It is believed that a good start is half the battle. When creating an alpine slide in the country preparatory stage is of even greater importance. The external attractiveness of the flower garden for years to come depends on how competent the first actions will be.

Location selection

Many experts agree that the hill is the main decoration of any site - cultivated or preserved in its original, "natural" form. To accomplish this task, a place downhill:

  • should be visible from all corners of the garden;
  • be sunny, free from tall trees casting a shadow;
  • be located on the south side of the house or fence, if the slide is “tied” to any structure;
  • be protected from the winds.

A large alpine slide is best placed in the center of the site

A summer resident can work on a rock garden in any season convenient for him. However, experienced people recommend doing this in early autumn, until it is time to harvest. In addition, during the winter, a flower garden usually settles naturally, and the gardener has a reserve of time to correct the defects found before planting plants on the hill.

Rock garden schemes

Landscape designers have developed many schemes that help the summer resident "see" the future structure, navigate the choice of material and plants, and "attach" the flower garden to the area.

The stones in these schemes are the main actors, depending on their placement, rock gardens are:

  • a rock (such slides are the steepest, the stones at their base are large, and the structures at the top are small);
  • mountain slope (solid boulders - at the top, below - stone scree);
  • terraced slope (arranged in the form of steps);
  • "Czech rolling pin" (thin slabs are buried in the ground with the end part);
  • a valley in the mountains (the composition is built horizontally, the location of the stones is free);
  • a ravine (the rock garden is arranged in a shell-like recess, using moss-covered boulders).

Tall plants can be located on the side of the rock garden

Alpine classics is the shape of the pyramid. Its highest point is most often located in the center of the flower garden, but asymmetry can make the composition more original. The schemes provide for the height of such structures from 1 to 3 m. If the rock garden is small (the base diameter is 1 m), then the height is also small - 20 cm on average.

High varieties of coniferous trees can be planted in the pyramidal center

What plants to choose

The rock garden scheme is usually supplemented with detailed recommendations on the selection of flowers and shrubs for its design.

You can go a more complicated way - choose the plants yourself, taking into account the design of the future slide, the features of the local climate, the type of soil in your area, and, of course, your own preferences. For rock gardens, it is customary to use perennial crops that:

  • undemanding to soil fertility and climatic conditions;
  • undersized and moderately growing;
  • not breeding "aggressively".

Since the emphasis is on slow-growing crops, voids may appear in the composition of "young rock gardens" that can be filled with annuals:

  • gypsophila;
  • marigolds;
  • purslane;
  • lobelia.

To fill the upper tier of the slide, the most persistent perennials are selected, since they will get the least amount of water and they will suffer from the wind more than other inhabitants of the rock garden. The famous mountain edelweiss is well suited for this role. It blooms in the second year after planting, and to maintain decorativeness requires regular transplants.

Evergreen iberis can be placed next to edelweiss, the snow-white buds of which bloom from May to June, and different varieties undersized carnations (grass, gray carnations), they delight one after another with their flowering throughout the summer. Purple rugs of creeping thyme look great in the upper part of the composition, attracting butterflies and bees with their aroma.

Endurance record holder - young, original plant from fleshy leaves collected in beautiful rosettes. He, too, will find a place at the top of the composition. Small gaps between stones are enough for the plant to gain a foothold in them for many years.

Young can take root in the most unassuming places

There are a lot of contenders to fill the middle tier zone, where representatives of the flora get more moisture, and the sun's rays are less burning:

  • styloid phlox - differs in a variety of colors, blooms in May;
  • cultural shaving - its buds bloom after the phlox, at the beginning of summer, in addition, the plant can bloom again closer to autumn;
  • Carpathian bluebell - blooms beautifully and for a long time, but is somewhat aggressive in reproduction, best suited for the western slope, where it behaves more restrained;
  • woolly cleaner - valued for its fluffy leaves with a silvery color;
  • Monetary sunflower - an evergreen shrub, white, pink and yellow flowers of which bloom throughout the summer;
  • aster alpine - with beautiful large buds;
  • cotoneaster is an excellent ground cover plant;
  • stonecrop (several species) - forms a rich, lingonberry or yellow carpet.

At the foot of the rock garden, on its lower tier, there are plants that are more demanding on the presence of moisture: Indian duchenea (its fruits resemble strawberries), creeping tenacious, saxifrage.

The northern slope of the hill requires special attention, on which only plants that are absolutely not afraid of the shadow can feel comfortable. Experts suggest choosing Pozharsky's bell, Caucasian rezuha, Haller's corydalis.

Of the trees, preference in rock gardens is given to undersized coniferous species:

  • juniper;
  • mountain pine;
  • Canadian spruce.

All types of juniper have an exceptional decorative effect, which any gardener will appreciate.

Deciduous trees for alpine slides are practically not used, and experts recommend growing from shrubs:

  • Thunberg barberry - its height does not exceed 30 cm, flowering continues all summer, and red berries look very decorative in autumn;
  • evergreen boxwood - tolerates winter well under snow cover;
  • Japanese spirea is a spherical miniature bush with elegant foliage.

Selection of stones

Suitable for slide equipment:

  • basalt;
  • sandstone;
  • granite.

These rocks are strong, with little porosity. Tuff and shell rock, which do not have similar advantages, are not suitable for rock gardens - they are easily saturated with water and collapse. Not suitable, already for decorative reasons, imitation of boulders and blocks of industrial production, devoid of naturalness.

As for the shape, stones with sharp corners and rounded ones are not the best option. The variety of breeds and colors within one rock garden is also not welcome (this usually does not happen in nature).

You can not lay the stones too tightly, this will not allow the plants to develop normally, especially those with branched roots.

How to make an alpine slide with your own hands - step by step instructions

On mistakes - learn. The most serious and, alas, common among beginners is that they are too lazy to make a reliable drainage system. As a result, the earth sank, and the hill almost leveled with the surrounding landscape. Water began to stagnate in the flower garden.

Here is what the procedure should be after the place for the rock garden is determined:

  1. Make a markup for the pit, outlining its future boundaries with pegs and "enclosing" tapes. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pit should correspond to the size of the proposed flower garden or slightly exceed them. It is necessary to delve into the ground, also focusing on the parameters of the rock garden. If, for example, its length and width are 2.5 m, you should dig to a depth of 1 m.

    The minimum depth even for miniature rock gardens is 0.8 m

  2. At the bottom, pour drainage from crushed stone, pebbles, brick fragments and construction waste appropriate for the task. The layer (at least 0.3 m thick) should turn out to be even, and not in the form of a slide. It is spilled with water. Then lay another layer of drainage, sand and gravel, its thickness is from 5 to 10 cm. It must also be leveled, spilled with water and rammed.
  3. On top of the drainage, pour out the earth taken out during the digging of the pit. But first, clean it of debris, plant roots.
  4. Start the installation of stones in 2-3 weeks, waiting until the soil shrinks. The largest specimens are laid first, they must be securely buried in the soil.

    Small stones are placed so that they cannot be washed out of the composition by heavy rains.

  5. At the end of the formation of the hill with stones, proceed to landscaping work.

    Plants should be planted according to the season.

small slide

Even a small slide looks decorative, while it takes very little space to arrange it. A one-sided slide is placed near the fence or wall of the house, a round one - in the center of the lawn or plot.

A miniature rock garden can have a stepped design. Stones are required for its decoration. unusual shape and colors, very well matched plants with a long flowering period.

A small rock garden would be appropriate in decorative flowerpot which is installed on the terrace or porch of the house

Landscape designers recommend including a reservoir in the composition - even a tiny one, in the form of a small bowl imitating a lake, will make the hill more attractive. creative ideas when creating mini-rock gardens, they are generally welcome - they can, for example, be equipped in an old sink or basin.

In a slide with a waterfall or fountain, everything should look very natural. The most common version of the composition is an elevation created from three combined tiers, supplemented by a stream.

When making such a rock garden, it is important to take into account a number of nuances:

  • the place should not be too sunny, otherwise the water will quickly turn green under the influence of bright rays;
  • an absolute shadow is also not good, it will adversely affect the growth and flowering of plants;
  • close neighbors in the form of trees will not work either - their falling leaves will clog both the drain and the reservoir, and regular cleaning will be required.

Since water constantly flows down the hill, the design must be made reliably. If the height of the rock garden is 0.5 m, upper layer the soil will first have to be removed, replacing it with crushed stone.

It is also desirable to use geotextiles - modern inexpensive material, protecting against water erosion (in this case, heat-sealed, with a density of 250-400 g / m2, is suitable).

It is important not to overdo it with the choice of plants - if there are too many of them, they will cover the entire surface of the reservoir with leaves.

Under the waterfall 1 m high, prepare the foundation. Fill the hole dug to a depth of 20 cm with crushed stone to half its volume, lay reinforcement from iron rods (the parameters of the “windows” are 20x20 cm). Pull the intersections with clamps, then fill the contents of the pit with concrete - in 2 weeks the structure will turn into a monolith.

To create the effect of a waterfall, you need a pump (submersible model). Power is selected depending on the height of the waterfall.

A rock garden of this kind expands the choice of plants. It can be arrowhead, sedge, water chestnut, water lily.

Hill with a decorative pond

The depth of the reservoir, equipped near the alpine slide, averages from 0.8 to 1.5 m. The main tasks when creating a pond are to isolate its bottom and ensure water circulation.

To prevent the water in the pond from stagnating, a pump is installed at the bottom of the reservoir.

First, pour a 5-centimeter layer of sand into the dug pit, pour it with water and tamp it down. Lay a special insulating film along the bottom of the pond or purchase and install a ready-made form, carefully sealing all the resulting gaps. Place stones near such reservoirs in the form of beads (sometimes in 2 rows), which will strengthen the banks and hide the edges insulating material. Of the plants for decorating the coastal zone, delphiniums, swamp irises, junipers, thujas are suitable.

One of the easiest ways to create an alpine slide pond is with a regular tire.

Such a pond will not take up much space, but will become a central element of landscape design.

Features of care

A year after the arrangement of the rock garden, you may have to strengthen the stones on the hill. What needs to be done is to add soil, which will be regularly washed out by rains and during irrigation, until after a year or two it is completely compacted.

Plants will also require care: they will need treatment with Epin when planting seedlings (to relieve stress and better rooting), and in the future - pruning, removal of faded buds and dried leaves and top dressing (without the use of nitrogen fertilizers, provoking active growth of green mass). Watering is carried out using sprayers to protect the soil from erosion. Pest control may be required.

To save yourself from unnecessary weeding, before planting the plants, treat with some kind of herbicide (for example, Glyfor) and repeat it after a few weeks.

If the plant is seriously ill, it will have to be removed so that the infection does not spread to other inhabitants of the rock garden

Moss, often used in alpine compositions, requires special care. By the way, it is fixed on stones with the help of a mixture consisting of earth, kefir and sugar, mixed in a blender. It is applied to the stones with a brush. In order for the moss to take root, it is watered for the first 20 days.

In winter, plants, especially from the upper tier of the hill, need protection from the bright sun, so trees and shrubs in rock gardens are covered in advance with special agrofiber or ordinary burlap.

From frost and excess moisture, decorative crops are protected by boxes or structures such as huts. So that the ground cover does not suffer from decay, remove fallen leaves from the hill in the fall. It does not hurt to install a shield near the alpine hill, which will protect it from penetrating winds.

Alpine slides in the form of a wall are quite popular both in Europe and among domestic gardeners. With a minimum of occupied area, such rock gardens are exclusively decorative, besides, they allow planting a significant amount of a wide variety of plants. Types of alpine slides 45 photos of beautiful design ideas will be considered in this article.

Types of alpine slides - a stone wall is usually made of decorative artificial or natural stone. From natural stones limestone and sandstone are most commonly used. Not used to create a stone wall mortar, and the gaps between the stones are filled with soil mixture, which allows plants to be planted in the vertical gaps between the stones.

There are two types of rock gardens in the form of a wall: these are retaining and double-sided walls.

  • A retaining stone wall is the boundary of a terrace or raised flower bed.
  • Bilateral - an independent object, consisting of two walls, the space between which is filled with soil. Photo of alpine slides in the garden:

Even a non-specialist can lay out a retaining stone wall, just remember that the stones are laid out with about a 10-degree slope back (this will allow the plants to be better fixed), but for the construction of a two-sided one, it is best to invite a professional.

If the stone wall is planned to be higher than 30-40 centimeters, then it is best to plan the foundation in advance, from 10-15 to 20-30 cm high. Such a foundation is made of cement, but it is necessary to provide small drainage holes in it. Types of alpine slides photo ideas:

Types of alpine slides - stone wall

Unlike most other types of rock gardens, where construction and planting are spaced apart in time, a stone wall is being built in all senses at the same time. For each plant (the cuttings of which must be prepared for planting in the ground), as construction progresses, small vertical crevices between the stones are provided, where the plant is immediately planted. It is recommended to plant cuttings with primary roots - they take root better. The upper part of the wall can be left in the form of a raised flower bed and also filled with plants, or it can be paved with stones, between which plants are also placed. The forms of alpine slides are different:

After the construction of the wall is completed, it is very carefully, but plentifully watered. Mode high humidity persists until full rooting of plants. It is appropriate in some cases to use a spray gun to create a local regime of high humidity in relation to one or more plants.

The optimal plants for placing them in a rock garden-stone wall are rezuha and bluebells (shade-tolerant), cloves and thyme (thyme), phloxes and sunflowers (sun-loving). Types of alpine slides photo:

Types of alpine slides - container rock gardens

A variety of container rock gardens throughout the twentieth century, since the 1930s, were the most popular with gardeners in Europe. First of all, because such rock gardens are extremely practical. They can be equipped not only in suburban areas, but also in the courtyard of a city house, and even on a balcony. In addition, well-drained containers make it easy for even the most demanding plants to tolerate winter discomfort.

Everyone can make types of alpine slides with their own hands. For container rock gardens, it is not necessary to use special containers. You can use used troughs or sinks. Preparing the container for use is quite simple: outside it is coated with a protective mixture (one part of sand, peat and cement), diluted with water, and inner surface the bottoms are filled with pebbles. If an outdated sink or bathtub is used as a container, then the drainage hole is filled with larger pebbles or ceramic shards, which would not interfere with drainage and at the same time prevent the soil from being washed out of the container. Photo of alpine slides in the garden:

On top of the drainage layer of pebbles, broken bricks or gravel (a layer of 2-4 cm is enough), soil mixture for rock gardens is poured. After two to three weeks, when the soil is compacted naturally, the soil is poured into the container, after which plants can also be planted.

Options for alpine slides - container rock gardens, unlike other types of alpine slides, have only one restriction on planting plants - this is the rejection of active ground covers. The fact is that such plants quickly fill the container and, at best, hang over its limits, and at worst, they crowd out all other plants and degenerate within one or two seasons. Types of alpine slides photo ideas for your site:

Container rock gardens are forms of alpine slides that need constant watering, and it is desirable to use water that has settled and heated by the sun. It is necessary to spill the container rock garden carefully - until the water begins to exit through the drainage hole in the bottom. This applies to the entire period of plant growth. With a cold snap, watering should be reduced to prevent freezing of wet soil and the death of the root system of plants.

If perennial plants are planted in a container rock garden, it is advisable to cover them with the onset of cold weather (with non-woven covering material, spruce branches, straw, reeds) and leave until spring. If there is not enough snow, it is recommended to cover the container rock garden with snow manually. With spring warming, it is better to open such a rock garden as soon as possible, so that before the start of movement in the soil, the earth is properly “ventilated” and dried up. See photos of alpine slides in the garden:

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WITH create an original landscape on the territory suburban area an alpine slide with stones in the country with their own hands will help: photos of which can be viewed in this review. If there is an unevenness or ledge in the country house, you can try to create a similar design.Alpine slides are made in the form of mountainous slopes, rocky surfaces or plateaus. Composition from unusual plants and stones of the original configuration can be built on your own. At the same time, it can be given any size and shape.

An example of the implementation of an alpine slide with stones

Projects of alpine slides with stones in the country with their own hands, the photos of which are presented below, are non-standard solutions. There are useful rules when creating these objects, but the embodiment of ideas is only a creative approach.

There are two types of flower beds - rockeries and rock gardens. This different ways arrangement of flower beds. Rockery refers to classic views garden. Most of the structure is occupied by stone. Mandatory element rock garden is big Stone or even several that symbolize the mountain peak.

Interesting fact! The birthplace of the alpine slide is Japan. It was in this country that they learned to create beauty and splendor in small areas due to the lack of territories. In Europe, such flower beds arose in the 16th century. At the same time, intricate plants were transplanted from the natural conditions of the mountain environment.

To make an original alpine slide, the following conditions will be required:

  • The presence of boulders of attractive shape and different sizes.
  • The site should be located on a slope and have uneven terrain.
  • It is necessary to form the correct drainage system. For this, crushed stone, broken brick or sand is used.
  • A variety of plants are used, which are planted on the slopes.

If possible, an alpine slide with stones in the country with their own hands, the photos and views of which can be very diverse, should be isolated from the playground and. Such an object should be located near water sources and recreation areas. Do not place a slide near flower beds with lush flowering.

Useful advice! The height of the slide should not contrast strongly with the surrounding landscape. Colors, textures and shapes should be in harmony with all the elements around.

Related article:

Alpine slide with your own hands. Step-by-step photos, drawings and competent planning of your own unique composition at their summer cottage. Recommendations of designers and some tricks in a special material.

Varieties and styles of rockeries and alpine slides

Rockery is a simplified version of the alpine slide. An important difference is the absence of a hill. Behind the alpine slide with stones in the country with their own hands, photos and views of which are presented below, constant care is required.

The following types of rock garden are distinguished:

  • A popular option is rocky hill, which is a small hill with scattered stones.

  • The landscape rock garden combines a rocky plain, a rocky slope or a waterfall. It is suitable for any architectural structures.

  • For the arrangement of the terraced slope, special limestone is used. A similar element consists of supporting walls.

  • Rocks and cliffs are considered the original solution of the rock garden. They look great with hilly landscapes.

  • The mountain slope is an exact imitation of high mountain areas. In this case, plants in the form of pyramids are used.

  • An interesting and stylish composition is the mountain valley.

  • Alpine lawn is considered a stylish option. It can look like an alpine meadow between stone blocks standing at a certain distance.

  • The composition of the forest ravine can be decorated with a spring or an artificial waterfall.

Do-it-yourself options for an alpine slide with stones in the country can be seen in the photo. V different countries such structures have their own characteristics.

When planning landscape design on the site, it is worth considering the following areas:

  • Japanese buildings are decorated with lanterns and various ponds. In this case, source simulations can be used.

  • In the Chinese garden, the slide is covered with a large number of stones. Also, the landscape is complemented by water, which can occupy most of the site and stone bridges and islets.

  • The Karelian style is characterized by the use of torn and chipped stones, which are laid in horizontal layers. Of the plants used dwarf spruce.

Helpful information! Rockeries can be flat. With their help, the site is divided into functional zones.

Video: 50 examples of an alpine slide for every taste

Installation steps

Previously, such landscape design structures were created on country estates by designers. Now you can use step by step instructions create a beautiful object own site on one's own.

Site selection

Work on creating a slide begins with marking the area. The place under the structure should be well lit and visible. Suitable sun-drenched south side of the site. It must be borne in mind that a pile of boulders is not suitable for a small area. Do not place a rock garden along or against the backdrop of fruit trees.

Helpful information! Designers advise placing a slide near a pond or next to a recreation area.

Preparatory work

Do-it-yourself installation of an alpine slide with stones in the country house, which can be seen in the photo, implies the presence of high-quality drainage system. Depending on the planned dimensions of the structure, a pit is pulled out. To create the bottom layer, split brick or gravel is used. Then the sand is distributed. All layers are well filled with water. The soil for the structure can be purchased or prepared independently. To do this, the soil mixture must be mixed with peat in a ratio of 3 to 1. Then a little gravel is added to the composition. First, drainage is done, and soil is laid on top.

drainage system

Drainage is performed to protect against excess water. A strong accumulation of water leads to poor plant growth and subsidence of stones. For the drainage layer, crushed stone and pebbles are selected.

Laying out stones

Stones are laid in tiers. In this case, large boulders are used to lay out the base. Smaller stones are laid out on top. For the stability of the composition, large boulders are buried by two thirds in the ground.

When installing stones, some parameters should be considered:

  • The dimensions of the boulders are selected in proportion to the dimensions of the rock garden.
  • The decor of the slide should look natural.
  • The heap is made of stones of a certain breed.

Terraced alpine slide with stones in the country with their own hands: the photo is made from rocks rough relief. The stones are installed on the slope in the form of stone walls and have different lengths and shapes. Polished and smooth stones look good next to an artificial reservoir.

Helpful information! On a site with different levels, all elements are laid out evenly. When creating a flat structure, the stones are deepened by half. Large stones are the central accent in the composition, while small ones are used to decorate the borders.

Plant selection

A combination of stones with plants will decorate the composition. The natural landscape will help create perennial flowers, conifers and wild grasses. Plants are selected depending on the location and general style design. First, the territory of the structure is compacted and watered, and then you can start planting plants.


Each modern well-groomed cottage is unthinkable without a garden and flower beds. For embodiment bold ideas on landscape design it is not necessary to have a vast estate. Beautifully and tastefully you can decorate even the most compact area. Perfect solution for small areas- a small alpine slide, made by hand from available materials. A miniature rocky landscape looks more interesting than an ordinary flower garden, it does not take up much space and does not require complex care.

Where is the mini-rock garden appropriate?

A composition of flowers and stones will decorate any empty corner of the cottage. Near the wall of the house or the fence, a one-sided slide looks beautiful. In the middle of the lawn, it is better to make a circular flower bed, open to the eye from all sides. For the porch and terrace, the best option would be a mini-rock garden in a floor pot.

Harmonious combination stones and plants

Before you make a small alpine slide, you need to take care of a few simple rules:

  1. Plants must receive enough light. In the shade, most flowers fade and stretch. For this reason, choose a well-lit, sunny place.
  2. You can not have a rock garden under trees or near drainpipes. Leaves fall from the trees and spoil the appearance of the structure. And during the rains, water from the branches or from the roof will wash away the ground.
  3. All residents of the flower bed should be combined with each other. Obviously, you can not mix plants that require absolutely different conditions cultivation.

Alpine slide in country style

The most successful ideas and examples of their implementation

The design style and appearance of a small alpine slide depends only on the preferences of its owners. However, in order to finally decide in which direction to move, it is worth examining the photos of the most beautiful mini-rock gardens.

The traditional version of a small do-it-yourself alpine slide is a stepped structure located directly on the ground. Such a slide can be successfully entered into a common flower garden.

The rock garden looks beautiful in combination with water. Even a small bowl at the base of the stones, imitating a pond, will enliven the composition and give it charm. And if you install a fountain or make a mini-waterfall, then such a slide will undoubtedly become the main decoration of the cottage.

Mini rock garden with a fountain

If there is not a single piece of free land on your site, do not despair. Look at the photo of small alpine slides in flowerpots and other unusual containers, maybe you decide to do something similar.

DIY beauty from nothing

A mini-flower garden does not require serious efforts to create, because you do not need to carry out any large-scale landscape work. All you need is a positive attitude and some free time.

What to make an alpine slide

In any household there are materials from which you can make a small alpine slide in the country with your own hands. A few small stones, gravel, shards - that's all that is needed for work. Even if you only have a rusty basin or an old washbasin at your disposal, you can turn them into a real work of art.

Stones are better to choose non-standard shape or colors, then the rock garden will look interesting even with a minimum of plants. Ordinary gray cobblestones should be beaten with gravel of a different shade or bright flowering bushes.

Small alpine hill wooden box

Mini plants for mini areas

How less area rock garden, the smaller the plants should fill it. There are many species suitable for planting in a rocky garden. First of all, these are dwarf conifers and slow-growing rock specimens:

  • boxwood;
  • juniper;
  • erica herbaceous;
  • saxifrage;
  • Phlox subulate.

Succulents for a small alpine slide

So that the mini rock garden does not look boring, greens are diluted with flowers. For these purposes, undersized plants with small flowers:

  • creeping thyme;
  • aubrieta;
  • lobularia.

If the rocky garden is not supposed to be left to winter, then you can make a composition of cacti and succulents. A slide decorated in a flowerpot in the fall is enough to bring it into the room. Succulents for mini rock garden:

  • fat woman;
  • agave;
  • small varieties of catus.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a mini-rock garden from an old basin

Do-it-yourself help in creating a small alpine slide from an old basin step by step photos and detailed instructions.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • a metal basin that has served its purpose;
  • gravel or expanded clay for drainage;
  • soil for plants;
  • stones;
  • cement, small gravel and sand for container decoration.

An example of decorating a flowerpot

Work begins with the decor of the container for the slide. Knead the cement mortar of the consistency of thin sour cream, add small gravel to it, which will serve as a decor. The basin is turned upside down and covered with a uniform layer of cement mortar 1.5–2 cm thick. If the bottom is rusted and there are holes in it, they are not cemented, but, on the contrary, left to drain water. If there are no holes, make a couple of holes with a thick nail.

Leave the basin to dry for about a day. While the solution is still wet, you can do additional decor. For example, gently scratch patterns on the surface or lay out a mosaic of shards, broken glass, shells or tile remnants. If decoration is supposed, crushed stone is not added to the cement.

The dried container is set in place. 5–7 cm of expanded clay or gravel are poured to the bottom for drainage. A layer of soil is laid on top, the largest stones are installed, forming a rocky landscape. The entire workpiece is watered so that the earth settles and the earth is poured again.

Finished slide

Plant the largest bushes of plants. If it is supposed to plant a dwarf tree with rather powerful roots, then they do it at the stage of laying the first stones. Medium and small plants are planted last.

The almost finished rocky garden is watered again and proceed to final finishing. Small pebbles, sand, garden decor are used - everything that fantasy tells. For inspiration, it would be useful to once again review the photos of small alpine slides created by creative natures with their own hands. You can make a garden stylized as a desert, a forested mountain slope or alpine rocky terraces.

That's all. Work completed. It remains only to admire the magnificent result. Such a slide will be a real highlight summer terrace country house or apartment balcony.