Making slides from wood. Do-it-yourself children's slide at their summer cottage. Drawings and dimensions

Mandatory elements amusement complex for suburban area are a sandbox, a swing and, of course, a slide, which is a joy to ride even for grown-up children. Most of them can be made independently, saving on the expensive purchase of ready-made structures. For example, constructing a children's slide with your own hands is quite simple, using improvised materials for this.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of slides

In order to choose the material from which the children's slide will be made, you need to carefully read each of them, weighing all the pros and cons. The most popular are:

  • tree;
  • metal.

With a similar design, the manufacturing process is still different. The reason for this is the nature of the materials.

Each such slide for children is built according to a standard layout, which includes:

  • ladder;
  • descent;
  • base;
  • top platform;
  • mandatory protective element.

Besides, classic design often supplemented with all sorts of internal labyrinths, sandboxes, additional slopes - everything here depends only on your imagination.


  1. Small financial costs. Since wood is relatively inexpensive, and specialized tools are not needed for its processing.
  2. Ease of manufacture. Building a slide from wooden boards and bars will not require you to have special building abilities and skills. Often it is enough to adhere to the scheme according to which the design is made.
  3. Minimum tools. To design a slide, you will not need a large number of different devices.
  4. Environmental Safety. Wood, as a rule, not only does not cause allergies, but also does not emit toxic substances when heated.
  5. Any place to install a slide. Unlike a metal structure, a wooden attraction can be placed in any convenient place on the site, since the wood will not heat up in the burning sun and will not burn the little fidgets.


  1. susceptibility to decay. Wood is a material that requires treatment with special protective agents and varnish. If this is not done, then the slide begins to rot and dry out under the influence of external factors.
  2. Descent deformation. This happens due to exposure to rain and sunlight.

During installation wooden structure special attention should be paid to the ramp. To cover it, it is best to purchase a factory-made material, such as linoleum or plastic. The latter is more expensive, but more reliable and safer.

If desired, a wooden slide is very easy to remake, for example, turn it into a pirate ship.

Metal constructions

A few years ago, such slides decorated almost every yard. With proper care, they can last a very long time.

There are practically no significant differences between a wooden and a metal slide, except that the foundation will be required for the iron structure. This design consists of:

  • small playgrounds;
  • descent;
  • pipe ladders.


  1. Structural strength. The advantage of a metal structure is that it does not require special care, it withstands temperature changes, rains and high humidity as well as heavy loads.
  2. Reliability. It rarely happens that any part of such a design loosens or moves away.


  • Difficulty of installation. For the installation of a metal slide, you will need welding machine and the ability to use it. Moreover, you will need knowledge of metal working technology.
  • Rapid heating in the sun. Iron is subject to a rapid rise and fall in surface temperature depending on the season. If you install the slide in a place where the sun shines brightly, your child can easily get burned while playing. To avoid this, it is recommended to install the structure in a shaded place or hide it under a special canopy. It is possible to combine a metal base with a plastic slope.
  • Loss of interest in a child. It is practically impossible to decorate a metal slide with anything, which means that such an attraction can bore a baby.

Having familiarized yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each material of manufacture, you can safely make a choice. It is not necessary to use only metal or wood, you have the right to combine them, resulting in an original, interesting and durable structure.

Photo gallery: different designs of slides

Slides can be part of a whole entertainment complex Slides can be supplemented with various elements Bright wooden slide sure kids will love it High-quality and reliable slide will bring a lot of fun to children and their parents
For children of any age, entertainment on the slide will be happiness Reliable slide - the key to safe games wood - best option for non-professional welders Metal slides are considered the most durable structures.

Requirements for a children's slide

It should be understood that when installing a slide from any material, certain requirements must be observed:

Preparatory stage

The success of the work depends on careful preparation.

The choice of material for construction in the country

Wood can be called the most optimal and reliable option from which you can build unusual and original designs. It will be a godsend for people who are not directly related to construction and repair.

Non-professional welders and assemblers of metal structures during the installation of iron slides can get hurt or spoil the raw material, as this is a whimsical material that, when heated and welding work may deform. In addition, for the manufacture of such products, welding equipment is required.

Children's slides made of wood combine ease of use and high safety. Moreover, they are the easiest to manufacture and install.

Dimensioning and drawing up a drawing

Work must begin with the drawing up of a design drawing. Be sure to decide whether there will be a slide with a house or it will be a classic option. Draw a diagram showing all dimensions. This will allow you to calculate the amount of material. Norm:

  • for children from 2 to 5 years old, the slide should be made up to 1.5 m high;
  • from 5 to 11 years, it is recommended to install a structure with a height of 2.5 to 3.5 m;
  • older than 11 - above 3.5 m.

List of materials and tools

The construction of the structure should begin with the choice of wood. Preferably use conifers. In order to build a reliable, beautiful and comfortable wooden slide for children, you will need the following materials:

  • 8 boards (recommended dimensions - 5x14x60 cm);
  • 4 thick beams 0.6 m long;
  • 1 beam 0.8 m long;
  • several sheets of plywood (150x150x12 cm);
  • 2 round wooden profiles (30x120 cm).

List of required tools:

  • electric or mechanical saw for wood;
  • hammer;
  • manual or electric drill;
  • plane;
  • roulette and level;
  • drill.

A step-by-step guide to creating a children's slide with a ladder with your own hands

All work takes place in several stages:

How to cover the base, walls, platform and slope of the slide for better sliding and decoration

At the end of all work, the slide must be coated with varnish or a coloring emulsion without fail. Wood and plywood are also recommended to be processed by special means otherwise, under the influence of moisture, their service life will drastically decrease.

The slope can be additionally covered with linoleum, which will provide better glide.

You can decorate the hill with your children. They will definitely enjoy this process.

Photo gallery: exterior finish of the structure

Coating with varnish and special emulsions provides the slide with a long lifespan Wooden slides provide exciting games A slide made of wood, which is coated with emulsions and special agents, will allow children to play safely In addition to varnish, slides can be coated with any emulsion, thereby giving them a bright shade Multi-colored options will delight kids Upon completion of all work, you will get an excellent attraction for children that will meet all safety requirements.

Video: how to make a slide for a child out of wood

The key to a successful and fun pastime is a high-quality and reliable slide. It is a way to keep your child entertained and develop their physical skills. And as the baby grows up, it will be possible to complete the construction, improve it, which can encourage your fidget to a healthy lifestyle.

To entertain and keep the kids busy personal plot while parents are busy with their "adult" affairs, you can install a swing, a sandbox and a slide. Construction of a wooden slide for home or giving is quite simple and does not require expensive materials. Today we'll talk about how to make a slide for children with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself slide for children: drawing

To calculate the amount required material First of all, prepare a design plan. You can draw the layout yourself or take as a basis finished drawing from any source, adjusting the dimensions to your requirements.

When designing your own layout take into account the following points:

  • age of the child: for children from 1.5 to 4 years old, the height of the slide should be no more than 1.5 m; from 4 to 11 years - from 2 to 4 m;
  • the optimal length of the slide can be calculated by the formula: “height of the slide x 2”;
  • the slope of the slide should be within 40-55 degrees;
  • the height of the steps and handrails is calculated depending on the height of the children;
  • it is necessary to provide protective bumpers, the height of which on the launch pad should be at least 60 cm, on the descent - about 20 cm.

How to draw yourself scheme? You can create your drawing based on these Photo:

Do-it-yourself wooden slide for children: manufacturing steps

Preparatory stage

First of all, based on the drawing, it is purchased required amount the main material - boards, bars; auxiliary material - self-tapping screws, varnish for woodworking, paint. It is also necessary to prepare tools - a saw, a hammer, a screwdriver, a drill, a tape measure, a level, a planer.

IMPORTANT! Special attention must be given to wood - it must be dry, without visible defects. It is preferable to use wood coniferous trees. As fasteners, it is advisable to use not nails, but self-tapping screws, bolts, screws, since nails can come out during operation and cause injury .

Preparation of materials

  • First thing, sawing all parts of wood, according to the drawing.
  • Then everything wooden parts must be freed from knots and chipping and carefully sand to remove all defects.
  • To avoid decay, the bottom of the supporting pillars is processed resin, mastic for waterproofing, shale or anthracene oil, oily antiseptic.

Site and foundation preparation

The place where the slide will be installed must be carefully leveled, and the positions of the support posts should be marked with a tape measure.

If you decide to put a slide not at home, but in a summer cottage, follow the following instructions. With help garden drill dig holes, about 60 cm deep, which will make the whole structure more resistant to weather conditions- freezing of the soil during severe frosts and its soaking during periods of rain.

In the resulting wells insert poles, leveling them with a level and pouring concrete.

IMPORTANT! W the descent must be soft enough - covered with sand, or artificial grass, rubber mat, to avoid injury at the end of the descent.

Assembling a wooden structure

  • in installed supports cut grooves. Their width should correspond to the width of the board that the frame will consist of, and the depth should be about 2-3 cm;
  • a board is inserted into the grooves and the rack is pulled together with self-tapping screws;
  • at the upper ends of the support pillars, transverse bars are screwed on both sides, which will serve as the railing of the launch pad;
  • two bars are screwed to the supports, to which the ladder and descent will be attached;
  • on top of these bars the floor of the descent platform is being laid. Small gaps (2-3 mm) should be left between the boards to ensure the flow of rainwater and melted snow;
  • mounted ladder: the edges of two boards are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, screwed to the transverse beam of the launch pad. Between themselves, these boards are fixed with the help of steps. The optimal step between the steps is 25-35 cm. Next, balusters are installed, to which the railings are attached;
  • mounted descent: the edges of two boards are sawn off at an angle of 45 degrees, screwed to the transverse bar of the descent platform opposite the stairs. Between themselves, these boards are fixed with the help of several transverse bars, fixed with self-tapping screws. Plywood or long boards are laid on top of the transverse bars, which will be the descent.

Final stage

After assembling the slide, it is necessary to carefully examine all the places of the fasteners, check that all the hats are recessed into the wood.

Walking on fresh air It is always the guarantee of a child's health. If in the city almost every courtyard is equipped with modern children's equipment in the form of swings, carousels, sports complexes and children's slides, then in private territories and summer cottages the issue is acute. First, on private territory not as much space as in a public courtyard area. Secondly, the cost of playgrounds is not cheap, so it is better for parents of growing toddlers to think about self construction slides.


Building a hill yourself is easy. Even 1 person can do it without outside help. Of course, if you are starting this for the first time, help will not hurt you. Main Feature street slide is that it should be all-weather, that is, it was durable, stable, reliable and comfortable. There are several rules, following which you will be sure that you have the best slide for children.

  • Leave a safety zone around the slide within 1-2 meters, so the children who play out will not trip over obstacles and are not injured.
  • Place the slide close to the tree so that it does not fall into the safety zone, but in summer its crown casts a shadow on the slide. Such measures will not allow the ramp to heat up if it is made of plywood or steel.
  • Pay attention to the descent zone: firstly, install a parallel “braking” platform, and secondly, ensure safety on it (spread sand or lay a rubber tile, it will provide cushioning for the child when landing).
  • It is better if the length of the slope is 2 times greater than the height of the structure.

You can build a completely wooden slide or wooden frame with a plastic all-weather ramp (now there are a lot of different models on the market). The main thing is that the street slide is popular with children and trusted by parents. Wooden children's slides can be used all year round. In frosts, you can fill it with water, and your children will be happy with such winter fun. In the summer, care must be taken to slide the slide. A slide with a wooden ramp has both pros and cons.

Preparation for work

When choosing a material for a future slide, be guided by the safety and environmental friendliness of materials. Despite the fact that modern plastic does not emit toxins, wood is still the most reliable, natural and available material. When making a slide out of wood, do not forget that wood tends to rot and deform, so stock up on coatings and impregnations.

To make a slide with your own hands, first you need to draw or find ready-made drawings. Pay attention to the age of the child for whom the slide will be intended. Determine the dimensions, the installation location of the future slide, calculate how much material is needed. Calculate your strengths and abilities, because having promised a slide to a child, you will no longer be able to refuse this undertaking.


The drawings show the simplest drawings of slides that any dad can bring to life. Ready-made drawings are more convenient because they indicate ready-made calculations of the proportions of each element of the slide. Take care of the steps - for kids they should be gentle, for older children they can be vertical. The shape itself can be straight - when the stairs are parallel to the slope, or angular - when the stairs are on the side of the launch pad.

Installation location

The selected area must be fenced, leveled, put pegs in place of future supports. Please note that there are no thorny bushes nearby, wires or irrigation equipment do not pass. Remove stones and possible debris around the slide. After installation, continue to monitor the cleanliness of the site.

Material calculation

For an example of calculating materials for a street wooden slide, let's take a drawing with dimensions: a slope - 3000 mm, a launch pad - 500x500 millimeters. Based on the rules for the best slide, we determine that the height of the launch pad is 3000/2 = 1500 millimeters.


Quantity, pcs.

Bar 150*150*1500 mm

Reinforcement ribs on top

Bar 20*40*500 mm

Reinforcement ribs on the bottom

Beam 20*100*500


Bar 40*40*500 mm

Railing (if necessary)

Bar 20*20*1500 mm

railing supports

Bar 20*20*900 mm

Board 25*100*500 mm


Board 25*100*300 mm

Floor board 20*500*3000 mm / moisture resistant plywood 20*500*3000 mm

ramp fencing

Bar 25*100*3 000


Self-tapping screws, anchors, bolts, screws

Of necessity

Material for stairs (for bowstring / stringer)

Board or timber

Of the tools useful:

  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • spirit level;
  • drill;
  • electric planer;
  • saw.

Check that all fasteners of the future slide are galvanized. It is better not to use nails.


The slope in the slide device is given the most space. This is regulated by GOST R 52168-2003. The figure shows excerpts from GOST - the classification of slides. Drawing of a slide with a slope of 40 degrees (see photo).

Material handling

The wood should be well dried, planed with a planer (it is more efficient to take an electric one), round off all corners, and grind the surface. Treat the bottom of the beam under the supports, about 50 cm from the edge, with resin, machine oil, mastic or any other antiseptic to prevent decay.

How to do it yourself?

Mounting a slide for the street with your own hands step by step will look like this.

  • In place of the installed peg, dig holes with a width slightly larger than the support beam and a depth of about 40-50 cm each. Fall asleep sand mixture or gravel for extra grip and protection.
  • Install the support pillars and pour them with concrete. When installing on an anchor, screw the anchor bolt to the support, drive it firmly into the ground. Check that the anchors are L-shaped, it fits more securely. Then tamp the supports with earth around.
  • Install the lower stiffeners. To do this, it is necessary to connect the support and the rib with screws or self-tapping screws.
  • Install the upper stiffeners parallel to each other and fix the floor on them. To prevent water from accumulating, leave gaps of a few millimeters between the floor boards.

  • When starting to install the ramp, choose one of the installation options: form the required angle (usually 45) and attach the ramp to the base or cut out the grooves (see photo).
  • After installing the slope, immediately process it, and also decide how to cover it for sliding. If this is a slide for the winter, it is enough to fill it with water, but if the slide is used in the summer, you can put linoleum on it, fill it with wax, or choose not to wooden materials for a slope, and plywood or galvanized steel.
  • To build a staircase, select the type of construction: bowstring or stringer. The bowstring is a structure with grooves where steps are inserted. There are two bowstrings at the stairs - on both sides of the steps. Kosour is a type carrier beam on which the steps are attached. It is installed either on the sides, like a bowstring, or in the middle.
  • Install ramp railings and railings. The height of the railing according to GOST is at least 900 millimeters and is calculated as follows: the height of the rack + the height of the railing, so the support itself may be less than 900 millimeters and depend on the height of the child.

The main thing is that the railings can be used for their intended purpose, and the child can reach them and hold on independently. In addition, you can make a crossbar between the two front support posts. The child can hold on to it in order to sit on the ramp.

Thanks to a simple step-by-step scheme, you can build a wooden slide with your own hands for your child. For older children, you can make not a simple straight slope, but a wave or screw one. In this case, the drawings will be different, and the easiest way out of the situation is to purchase a ready-made plastic screw slope. A slide with a plastic slope is assembled in the same way as with a wooden one, only on condition that a slope made of another material is attached to the launch pad.

There are also options for making such a slope from flexible plywood. In this case, take care of the high strength of the structure and stock up on additional spacers and stiffeners. Children will have somewhere to hide from the rain if you put support pillars of a higher height, and fix the roof on them.

Or he simply does not have a slide near his house with which children could ride.

The slide can become not only amusing entertainment for toddlers, but also for children in their teens.

Everyone loves to go down fun, laugh and run a race, moving down a fun slide.

Parents who made slides with their own hands can be pleased with themselves, because your children will definitely thank you. And their laughter good mood will not leave anyone indifferent.

We make a children's slide with our own hands

Alas, the plastic parts of slides for children are not yet sold in stores, and it is not possible to produce them independently, outside the factory conditions. Therefore, we stock up on wood. You will need:

  • wooden planks 2200x150x20 in the amount of 5 pieces;
  • do-it-yourself beam for a children's slide 450x100x50 in the amount of 5 pieces;
  • timber 700x100x50 in the amount of 2 pcs.

We need three boards to build the basis for the descent of the children's slide.

To make it as convenient, comfortable and safe for kids to ride, they should be polished almost perfectly. It is also important to make these three boards of the same thickness.

To make the slide for children or to be as smooth as possible, you will need an ordinary grinder with grinding wheels.

Boards to the bars should be fixed on top of the slide with your own hands so that they do not bend during operation. In order for them to be attached to the bars, holes should be made in accordance with the chosen fastening method.

The tree must be smeared with a special putty, which clogs all the extra holes. To certainly protect yourself from irregularities, you can process the surface of a children's slide, made with your own hands a second time with a grinder, and then cover it again with putty.

It is important to buy wood putty. When you apply the mixture, you must wait until it is completely dry, only then continue to work.

How to make a side slide for children with your own hands

Now we need to prepare the side parts of the future slide. For this the same way we process the wood with a grinding tool, and then install the sidewalls and attach the base of the children's slide to them, which will serve as the starting point for descending the slide itself.

The slope of the slide for children is usually about 55 degrees.

The side parts must be attached to the bars, as well as to the base of the slide using self-tapping screws.

In addition to what we attach at the second stage of the sidewall, we still need to make the sides for the slide.

Any requires the presence of bumpers at different swings and slides, because it is better for children to go down, and for the sake of safety, this should be taken into account. Firstly, it is convenient with the sides, and secondly, the child can fall in the middle of the track.

The sides need to be properly sanded, and then coated with an antiseptic.

Any wooden part for a children's slide that you make with your own hands must be treated with an antiseptic, since rain, snow and others precipitation can ruin the quality of the tree.

In addition, insects do not sleep and also pose a danger to the life and reliability of your slide.

To clearly understand how to make a slide with your own hands, you can draw a diagram on which all the details, sizes, scale and angle of inclination of various parts will be marked.

We fix everything with self-tapping screws, and in some places with long nails. So that the nails do not hurt anyone, they must be driven deep into the tree.

You also have to make a do-it-yourself children's slide, which can be in the form of steps.

Handrails are nailed to the steps, with the help of which kids of almost any age can climb the hill.

It is advisable to grind all the details several times so that no one gets hurt.

How to make and install a children's slide with your own hands

After the slide for children is ready, you need to cover it with paint in several layers:

  • we apply the toner on the hill with our own hands (stain);
  • apply yacht varnish (when the stain dries).

Yacht varnish is also called super gloss, because it shines very well, and it will be more convenient to move on it than just from a wooden varnished surface.

In principle, in terms of functionality, this coating is not inferior to ordinary metal slides.

After the final coat has dried, sand again and then apply the final coat.

What is important to remember when installing a children's slide that you made with your own hands:

  • slide supports are buried to a depth of 60 cm;
  • the supports of the slide for children are dug in and laid with bricks - this will serve as a kind of fortification.

Of course, the pit can be filled with concrete in order to plant a hill tightly, but the first option, which is the easiest to translate into reality without extra costs.

In addition to the fact that you can make a swing, a slide, horizontal bars, there is an option to create one that will be used in the summer.

In this case, whatever your idea, it is important to consider the presence of an antiseptic that covers the tree to prevent moisture and decay. However, it is the tree that serves as the main material for the equipment of a makeshift playground, therefore Sander you will still need it.

Please your and neighbor's children, do not be lazy and make a slide for children!

It is difficult to find a child who would not like to ride down the mountain. On a sled or snow scooter, car tire or modern cheesecakes, all children love to have fun rolling down the mountains, striking adults with their courage and tirelessness. But very often slides located in the city do not meet all safety standards. Therefore, modern parents are simply afraid to let their children ride from such children's slides. What to do in this case? Should children be allowed to play outside? In no case! You can build a slide yourself!

Consider a few simple ways creating a slide for a child with their own hands at home.

  1. Ice Hill. With the onset of winter, crowds of children fill all the snowy slopes. But such skiing is not always safe. Very often slides are located near the roadway. To protect your child from possible injuries and other unpleasant situations, you can do ice slide on one's own. For this you will need:
    • shovel;
    • water;
    • bucket;
    • metal spatula.
    The first thing to do is to choose a place for the future ice mountain. Firstly, the area where children's entertainment will be located should be away from busy highways, as well as car parking spaces. Secondly, you need to decide on the height of the slide. If you plan that kids under the age of three will ride from it, then it is preferable to make a slide no more than one meter high. Thirdly, the angle of inclination of the ice structure should not exceed forty degrees. In this case, it will be possible to avoid frequent cases of childhood injuries. Fourth, it is better to build a mountain in well-lit places. In winter, it gets dark very early, so it is preferable to choose an area near which street lamps or spotlights are located.

    After the territory has been selected, start clearing a place for the future route with a shovel. Excess fragments can be removed with a metal spatula. If you are making a slide for kindergarten kids, it is preferable to make bumpers along the entire length of the track so that children do not have the opportunity to fly off the mountain while skiing.

    After the place for the slide is cleared, proceed to one of the most time-consuming work - the formation of an ice track. A spray bottle will help you with this. Type warm water into the product, and then evenly process the entire surface of the future slide. Make sure that there are no bumps on it. Otherwise, tubercles will form on the hill, which will adversely affect both the quality of skiing and the health of children. After the slide dries slightly, fill the bucket with water room temperature and roll the hill from top to bottom. Make sure that the liquid is evenly distributed on the surface. After that, leave the slide to freeze until the morning. If you have the opportunity, make a wide platform for the children from which they will go down the mountain, as well as steps that are comfortable for children's legs.

  2. Home slide. You will not find, perhaps, a single child who has not at least once built a hill of their improvised means. Help your children in such a difficult task! Build a home slide with them! For its construction you will need:
    • old desk;
    • cabinet door (preferably lacquered);
    • plywood;
    • small boards (you can legs from the table or pieces from the handle of a shovel).
    To build a home slide, you will have to make room, preferably in the corner of the room, so that new children's entertainment does not interfere with home ones. We will use the lacquered door as a sliding surface, plywood as a ladder. It is necessary to nail the legs from the table or pieces from the handle of a shovel to the surface of the plywood at the minimum possible distance. You can initially fix a couple of boards, and then ask the children to try out the stairs. After you make the ascent and descent, they will need to be attached to the table top with loops and hooks. From such a mountain, children will be able to move out on pillows, and on bedspreads, and on mattresses. Now they definitely will not be bored if the weather is inclement outside.
  3. Wooden slide. If your little ones very often visit their grandparents in the country, or you live in country house, then you can build a slide in the fresh air yourself. Of course, many advanced parents acquire entire children's complexes. But, firstly, it is very expensive. Secondly, just imagine what a hero you will look like in the eyes of your son or daughter if you independently build a wonderful hill for games for them.

    Basic rules for the construction of a children's slide:

    • it doesn’t matter how old your children are: one year old or twelve years old, the slide must be equipped with safe railings and fences;
    • choose for the construction of the slide only environmentally friendly components that cannot harm the health of children. Never use flammable materials.
    • when building a slide for children, it is preferable to use wood rather than metal structures. Firstly, a wooden slide can be absolutely safely placed anywhere on the site. metal structure will have to be put exclusively in the shade, tk. it heats up easily, which can cause thermal burns to children. If we consider plastic, then it is quite fragile. In any case, a wide range of plastic slides are presented in online stores and at a very affordable prices. Therefore, there is no point in "reinventing the wheel".
    • pay special attention to the safety of children's facilities. Remove all gaps and cracks where the guys can stick their arms, legs, head. Before you let the children play with the slide on their own, think through all the nuances to avoid sad consequences.
    So, when we decided that we will build a children's slide made of wood, it is necessary to start choosing materials.

    You will need:

    • grinder or grinding disc;
    • five planks (length 2.2 meters);
    • five bars (length 45 cm);
    • two beams (70 cm each).
    Initially, we make the base for the descent. To do this, we need boards planed to the same width. To make it convenient for children to slide down the hill, the descent must be carefully polished. Planks ready for descent are fastened with bars.

    After we have made a descent from the mountain, it is necessary to start building the side parts of the structure. Initially, you need to decide on the height and angle of the mountain. standard sizes of all factory designs of children's slides are: height 1.3 meters and angle of inclination 55 degrees. We cut out the side parts in such a way that they become on the top floor of the slide. Finished sidewalls must be fixed on both sides of the mountain with self-tapping screws. Then we sand the sides of the slide and eliminate all the corners. This will allow us to protect our children from possible abrasions, cuts, fractures and other troubles.

    The final stage of work is painting the slide and fixing the supports. You can cover the surface of the structure with a stain, and then varnish. After painting, let the children's slide dry for a day. During this time, the paint will not only dry, but also disappear. bad smell. After that, it is necessary to proceed to the final stage - the installation of supports. Initially, they are buried and then concreted. It is the supports that will serve as some guide for you, relative to which you will attach other parts of the slide. Lastly, the base of the product is fixed. On this homemade wooden slide is ready!

Making a slide with your own hands is not so difficult. This will require improvised tools, materials, as well as a few hours of your free time. However, the sincere children's delight, joy and fun that this traditional entertainment will give your children cannot be compared with anything. Become a magician for your child, give him a real fairy tale!