Production of bricks at home: methods, features of the manufacture of raw bricks, fired and pressed products. Self-made bricks for building a house

Business idea: production of bricks at home, how to open a mini workshop?
Where we do business from: private house, workshop, rented premises
Main costs: purchase of equipment for production, purchase of materials, electricity
Required equipment: brick making machine, molds
Consumables: sand, cement, water, dyes
Initial capital: from 200,000 rubles. up to 1,500,000 rubles.
Payback period: from 6 to 18 months
Possible profit: from 35,000 rubles. up to 200,000 rubles.

Brick is a unique material that combines high strength and good warm and noise insulation characteristics. What's more, it is also easy to operate and maintain, environmentally friendly, fire-resistant, earthquake-resistant, durable, and non-shrinking. All buildings that are made of bricks do not need any special maintenance and control.

Payback of a mini brick production plant

Practice has shown that a mini brick production plant will be able to pay off in a few years. Accordingly, this business is highly profitable and promising. Because this option Doing business does not require the installation of treatment facilities, then it will be possible to organize production in any industrial premises. The purchase of equipment is accompanied by the provision of design estimates, service maintenance and commissioning, and personnel training is also carried out.

Equipment for self-production of bricks.

Brick Making Equipment

With the help of a universal, mobile, automatic semi-dry pressing press, you can produce brick products from any type of clay, as well as from screenings, flour, shellfish, waste from brick factories.

The press includes an automatic revolving table, divided into 3 sections: 1. loading 2. molding 3. outlet.

The device is very efficient in work. This equipment can be used in field conditions... With its help, silicate, facing, colored brick is produced, which is later given the texture of a torn stone. Our market offers a huge selection of equipment for the production of bricks on different cost... An inexpensive option is mechanical machine, which allows the production of bricks in three standard sizes. The principle of its operation is based on the compression of the working mixture (clay, screening out, cement) in a special matrix-form by hand pressing. The machine contains a dosing device and a hopper that allows loading. It should be noted that the machine is easy to operate, it can work without electricity, which is very important.

Another popular type of equipment is the "hippress". The hyperpress is equipped with a standard die designed for the production of more than 30 brick positions, and facing tiles... It is important that the production of hyper-pressed bricks is more economical and cost-effective.

Mini brick production line.

Brick making machine.

The set of equipment includes molds for the production of bricks.

Brick production technology.

Before starting a business, you need to choose and study the production technology. It should be borne in mind that the use of traditional technologies which involve the production of bricks by plastic molding can only be profitable if it covers about 30 million pieces per year. Indeed, in such a project it is necessary to invest at least 1 billion rubles.

Another, more affordable brick production technology is hyper pressing. The material that is made in accordance with this technology is very widespread and used, and also has good quality characteristics. In addition, the degree of its frost resistance and strength is several times higher than that of its “traditional counterparts”.

Brick production is carried out using waste from such industries as mining, asbestos, cement, metallurgical.

The next step is drying the bricks. This process is very responsible and difficult. If you use a mini brick factory for this purpose, then the cost of finished high-quality bricks will not be too high, since the amount of defective products will be small. In the process of moisture evaporation, the particles in the workpiece will converge as surface tension, which will reduce the volume of the brick. Shrinkage continues until reaching 15% of the indicator. After that, a decrease in volumes is noted, although the physically bound liquid still does not completely evaporate. To improve the quality of the drying process, you need to use an equipped shelving with a canopy. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure that the bricks are well ventilated and that they are not exposed to direct sunlight. The duration of the drying process is influenced by temperature, humidity, as well as the mobility of the outside air. As a rule, this process takes from 6 to 15 days. It is worth noting that such a raw brick has a rather low water resistance, therefore, the walls of a building erected from such a brick must be protected from moisture.

Financial plan.

The profitability of brick production.


To operate the machines, you will need three people, whose duties will include monitoring the operation of the machines, filling the mixer with raw materials, and receiving finished bricks. It is worth noting that modern mini brick factories are very safe and practically harmless. In order to fully staff the plant's staff, do not forget about a warehouse worker who will be responsible for keeping records of raw materials and finished products.

You may also need a truck driver.

It is not worth hiring an accountant for a permanent job, thanks to changes in legislation, representatives of small businesses must submit reports every three months, so it will be enough for you to use the services of such a professional once every three months.

You will also need a cleaning lady and a caretaker.

Sales issues

The most important thing in this business is sales. Please note that if the brick production line is idle, you will lose a lot of money. Therefore, you must take care of the smooth marketing of bricks. The main consumers of bricks, as a rule, are construction sites, but after all, most of them already have signed contracts with factories, so concluding a contract with them can be very troublesome business... Another active consumer of bricks is the private sector. This is the area that should help your company at the first stage. If you make quality products, then you will very soon gain high popularity.

Brick, as building material began to be used for a long time. This happened about a thousand years ago. The first versions were made from clay. In order to obtain an ordinary red brick, the clay mass will need to be fired at a temperature of more than a thousand degrees.

Most often, house bricks were made in the area where the summer is hot enough. It was not necessary to use any ovens here, but you could simply trust the action of ultraviolet radiation. This brick will serve as an excellent building material for the construction of buildings on one floor or any auxiliary buildings.

Clay mining

The quality characteristics of the clay will depend on the area in which you live. Moreover, it will be located at a distance of several tens of centimeters from the surface. Clay is mined directly at their sites, or you can use public deposits or special quarries.

To determine the presence of clay in the soil, you need to take it for a sample and add a little water. If it gets a little oily, then there is a good chance of finding clay in that location.

How high-quality material you produce will depend on the fat content of the source material. You can determine this characteristic yourself. To do this, you need to take samples of land in half a kilogram from different places on your site. Then mix it with water until the mixture starts to stick to your hands. From the resulting composition, it is necessary to make a ball with a diameter of five centimeters. Their number must be at least ten. This operation must be performed for each individual sample. After that, we leave the resulting balls to dry for several days.

For those samples that spread during the drying process, a very greasy clay was used. It is worth adding a little to it quartz sand... Those samples that remain intact are subjected to the next experiment. It needs to be dropped from a height of one meter and, if it does not disintegrate, then this raw material is ideal for the production of bricks.

It should be noted that cracks are not typical for lean clays, however, its strength is also low. Therefore, to improve their quality, a little earth should be added. It is important to add sand and clay in several stages. In this case, the quality of the mixture will need to be checked regularly until we find the ideal proportion.

In the absence of a good deposit not far from your home, you can always purchase clay in special quarries.

What is a raw brick?

To make given view building material, three methods can be used:

  1. Do not burn the brick and add straw or adobe to the mixture;
  2. Do not burn raw materials (raw);
  3. Ordinary red brick - by firing the material.


The main thing in the production of this building material is to use only high-quality raw materials and dry them well. Only in this case, the adobe building material will almost completely correspond to the red brick.

Subject to all the rules and regulations, adobe housing will be able to serve you for more than seventy years. The walls must be made thick enough, because only then will this building be warm in the cold season and cool in the hot months.

To mix the adobe composition, a special container should be prepared. We combine two types of clay: skinny and oily. Mix clay and straw in a 1: 1: 5 ratio. Also add some water and mix thoroughly with a shovel.

Molds for bricks should be prepared in advance. To do this, you can use boards or unnecessary pieces of plywood.

Before starting the mixing process, chop the straw well. Take this procedure very carefully, as the size of its pieces will affect the strength of the future solution. We recommend using wheat stalks.

After that, we do everything according to these instructions:

  1. The thoroughly mixed solution must be poured into molds. To make the extraction process easier, the mold must be moistened with water or sprinkled with cement. It is important to compact the solution well. Cover with a lid. After a while, it is necessary to remove it, turn the form over and take out the product;
  2. This is followed by the brick drying procedure. In this case, excess moisture evaporates, which will change the original dimensions of the material. Further, the volume will not decrease, although the moisture has come out completely. Therefore, you should continue the drying process under the canopy.

Bricks should be positioned so that they are not directly exposed to the sun. Hard to define exact amount for drying, because it depends on climatic conditions and humidity.

The resulting material is not too resistant to moisture, so the walls outside the building require additional protection:

  • Make overhangs on the roof at least sixty centimeters;
  • Tie the seams of the masonry well;
  • Doors and windows should be at least one and a half meters from the corners;
  • When the walls are dry and shrink, they need to be plastered.

In order to make a brick out of clay without adding straw, we do everything in the same way as adobe. Just replace the straw with sand in a ratio of one to five. It is most correct to use quartz sand of the finest fraction.

How to make fired brick?

You should be aware that brick firing is a rather complicated process. It is unlikely that you can do it yourself at home. At the same time, it is rational to produce a small batch for the production of a house in the initial conditions.

Raw roasting processes:

  • warming up;
  • directly firing;
  • cooling, which should occur gradually.

Home fired brick

Now let's take a closer look at each of these processes.


The easiest way to burn can be done in a metal barrel. Before that, both bottoms should be removed and placed on an iron stove without a top. This process can also take place at the stake. Bricks must be laid one by one, while making a small distance between them. The barrel is covered with a metal lid. This will keep it from the penetration of excess air.

In order to properly burn a brick, you will have to maintain a fire for twenty hours.

The process ensures the evaporation of all unnecessary chemical compounds... This allows the clay to go into a new state.

Cooling process

It is very important that the barrel, which is filled with bricks, is cooled down in several stages. You must regulate this process yourself by reducing the degree of combustion of the fire. The temperature drops slowly. When you reach the six hundred and fifty degrees mark, you can accelerate. It will be possible to open it only after the final cooling - this will happen in five to six hours.

Perhaps, how correctly the cooling process goes will be the most important point... This is due to the fact that with a sharp decrease in temperature, hot material can crack. Therefore, cool air should be supplied gradually.

Brick Making Videos

Next, you should control the quality of the material obtained. To do this, it is necessary to break the finished material into two parts. Carefully examine the quality inside the brick, it should be uniform and uniform. These parts must be filled with water and left in this state for several hours. The color and quality should remain the same. Only such a building material can be safely used to build a house.

Furnace of an old kiln

V modern world prices for building materials are quite high. However, you can save a lot by knowing how to make a brick with your own hands. After all, not everyone can afford to build even a small structure from materials purchased in the store.

For example, you don't have to buy bricks to build walls. You can do it yourself. You will have to spend money on material for manufacturing, but in any case, this will save a significant part of your finances. It is to save money that knowledge of how to make a brick yourself will come in handy.

Brick is stone rectangular made by human hands. Due to this shape, it is more convenient to use it during construction than natural stone... So what is required for a homemade stone?

Materials (edit)

Making bricks with your own hands should start by looking for clay. You can get it on your summer cottage... But if this is not possible, it is recommended to drive to the nearest quarry. Making bricks at home involves the use of certain materials. First, you should make sure of the quality of the clay. It should be clean and normal in fat content. You can check this with the most in simple ways... Here is one of them.

Pour water into the prepared 0.5 liters of clay. Do this until the clay becomes sticky. Roll a ball about 5 cm in diameter. Leave the product in the shade to dry for 2-3 days.

Next, evaluate how strong the ball is. If there is not a single crack on it, then the clay is not too greasy and you do not have to add sand to it. Then throw the ball from a height of 1 m.If cracks did not appear this time, then the material is definitely good quality and suitable fat content.

However, it also happens that the clay is not cracked, but at the same time is not strong enough. In this case, you need to mix clay and sand. Do this in stages, in small portions, constantly checking the consistency of the solution.

We make bricks when the ideal proportions of the mixture are determined. You should choose the usual size for bricks - 250x120x65 mm. It is necessary to fasten several molds with nails. A well-made mold will be the key to making bricks strong and suitable for building.

A product made in accordance with all the rules will be no worse than a red brick made and fired at the factory. It works well for small structures. It is for such purposes that you need to know how to make a brick yourself at home.

The factory uses a specialized molding press because the construction of houses requires a high quality brick... However, the owner who decided to build a barn does not have to buy such expensive equipment.

To make a brick mold, you need to purchase 2 sheets of plywood and several boards about 2.5 cm thick in advance. To speed up the process, you will need several molds. As a result, such a design will completely replace an expensive press, and final product will be no worse than the factory one.

There must be voids in the brick to improve contact with the mortar. To do this, you need to make small cone-shaped protrusions on both covers. Fasten with nails 5-6 cm all the constituent parts of the form, leave only the top cover unsecured. This is required to fill the mold with mortar and remove the homemade brick from it.

Shaping products

Take some clay, put it in a mold and press down on all sides. Make sure the corners are filled.

Here's how to make a brick using a mold with your own hands. First, moisten the mold with water and sprinkle with cement. This will save you from problems when removing bricks. Place the clay mixture in the cells and shake the mold to distribute the clay to the corners. Excess material is carefully removed and covered with a lid. Over time, you need to remove homemade bricks.

Next, the main stage begins - drying. It is quite complicated due to the brick shrinkage by 15%.
It is most convenient to carry out the process on a sheltered rack. It is important that the future building material is well blown by the wind, does not fall under the sun's rays and rain. This procedure takes from 6 to 15 days, depending on weather conditions... The higher the air temperature, the faster the items will dry out.
So, the raw material is ready. How to make products fired? Most likely in household there is no industrial furnace, so you will have to make equipment for the production of bricks at home on your own.
The firing process is complex. It is unlikely that it will be possible to build a large-scale structure from homemade materials, but if 30-50 products are required, then it would be wise to do self-processing of the product.

DIY firing

Making bricks at home only requires a barrel. Its volume should be about 250 liters. You need to put your hand-made bricks there. Leave a small distance between the products so that they warm up evenly.

Prepare a hole 40-50 cm deep under the fire pit. For uniform heating of products and convenient regulation of the fire, put the barrel on the fire on 20 cm legs.

Now fill it with content. Lay the products one on top of the other, not forgetting to leave gaps. Then cover the barrel with a sheet of metal to prevent cold air from entering. It is recommended to attach the handle to the lid so as not to burn yourself when you need to remove it.

It is necessary to fire a brick from 18 to 20 hours. Maintain the fire under the barrel at the required level at all times.

Then let the container cool down. Never remove the cover! The cooling process should take place slowly, gradually. It is necessary to regulate the temperature, slowly reducing the strength of the fire.

5 hours after the barrel has cooled completely, you can open the lid and take out the fired brick.
You should check the quality of the work done. To do this, conduct a test. It is necessary to break one product with a hammer. If all the firing rules are followed, it will be the same color in all places.

Next, pour water on the building material split into parts. At the end of the stay in water, the product should also have a uniform structure and the same color.
If the test is successful, the firing process can be considered complete and you can use the building material made by yourself in the future.
Thus, the brick that is made on their own no press and industrial equipment, is in no way inferior to the factory one.

People have been using bricks for a very long time. The reason for this popularity is unique properties of this building material, as well as the ease of its manufacture. In an area with active sun in the summertime, it can be made in a handicraft way, at home. The brick obtained in this way is suitable for the construction of one-story structures intended for housing or for household needs.

Clay harvesting and testing

Not every locality has suitable clay, but often the raw materials for making bricks are located almost on the surface: it is enough to remove the sod layer. If such a deposit is located directly on your site, it is very convenient, and if not, you can use the clay deposits in a public quarry or purchase it in a commercial quarry.

The suitability of clay as a raw material must be verified. To do this, you need to take a soil sample at the site: when water is added, does it turn into reddish mud with an oily consistency? This means that this place is suitable for mining the clay you need. But you should also check the fat content of the raw materials - the quality of the resulting building material depends on this. For verification, you need to take samples in different places plot. A pound of earth is mixed with a little water. Stirring should be continued until the clay has completely absorbed all the water and begins to adhere to the skin. The "dough" obtained in this way is formed into a cake 10 cm in diameter and a ball with a diameter of about 5 cm. This procedure must be carried out with each sample and leave the obtained samples for a couple of days to dry on outdoors... If the samples are cracked during this time, this means that sand should be added to the alumina to reduce the fat content. If no cracks are observed and the ball dropped from a meter height remains intact, then the fat content of the raw material is within the normal range.

It is necessary to distinguish between skinny types of clay: they also do not crack, but they do not have sufficient strength either. To eliminate this disadvantage, it is necessary to add more fatty varieties to such clay, as well as sand. This must be done in several steps, each time checking the quality of the mixture. This must be continued until the required proportion is established, which is necessary to obtain quality products.

How to make raw brick and adobe

Not industrially You can make the following types of clay bricks: adobe (unbaked with chopped straw), raw and burnt red bricks.

Saman, when made from high-quality raw materials in compliance with the drying conditions, will in no way be inferior to ordinary fired brick. Buildings made of this material can last up to 70 years.

If the walls of the building are thick enough, then the adobe building will be comfortable both in summer and in winter.

For the manufacture of adobe, a container is assembled for mixing the components: two types of clay are used - lean and oily, to which straw is added in a ratio of 1: 1: 5. After that, a certain amount of water is added and the resulting mixture is carefully mixed with a shovel. The straw must first be chopped up: this helps to increase the strength of the adobe. Straw that has not been chopped up is not suitable as raw material. Ideal option the use of dried wheat stalks is considered.

To form a brick, make a tooling from boards and plywood. The standard brick shape is 250 × 120 × 65 mm. To improve adhesion to the mortar, special protrusions can be made in the lids, which form recesses in the brick. The parts of the equipment are connected with long nails, and the top cover must be removable. The number of templates should provide the expected performance.

After preparation of the solution, the tooling is filled. First, it must be moistened with water from the inside and sprinkled with fine sand, dust or cement: this is necessary to facilitate the removal of the formed product. When laying, the raw material is rammed so that the filling of the tooling is complete. Excess clay is removed with a spatula. After that, the top covers are installed, which are then removed. The formed bricks are removed from the mold after it has been turned over.

The picture shows an example of an adobe construction

Drying of bricks should take place under a canopy, on racks. During this process, the product is reduced in volume by about 15% (shrinkage occurs). It is recommended to shelter raw brick from direct sunlight, but ensure good ventilation. Drying time depends on humidity and air temperature as well as wind speed and varies from one to two weeks.

Due to the low water resistance of adobe bricks, it is necessary to provide additional protection walls from moisture. To do this, the edges of the overhangs are increased to at least 60 cm and the seams of the masonry are carefully tied, window and door openings are placed at least one and a half meters from the corners. But the best way is the outside wall cladding with any moisture-resistant material or a layer of plaster is applied to them.

Raw bricks without straw are made in the same way as adobe with the only difference that instead of straw, a small amount of pure quartz sand of a fine fraction is added to the clay in a ratio of 1: 5.

This is not an easy task, but it is still possible to make a small batch of fired bricks in a handicraft way. The whole process is divided into three parts: heating, direct firing and cooling.

Raw firing can be performed in a simple metal barrel with a volume of about 250 liters. You need to cut out the top and bottom bottoms and install on a metal oven without a top. A raw brick is laid inside the barrel and fired.

Another method of roasting is with a fire. You should dig a hole half a meter deep and set the barrel on low legs (about 20 cm). This is necessary for uniform heating. The raw brick is placed in a column inside the barrel at small intervals. The filled drum must be closed with a lid to prevent cold air from entering. You need to maintain a fire for about 20 hours: it depends on the quality of the clay and is chosen experimentally.

During the drying process, under the influence of high temperature, the clay is sintered - it turns into ceramic.

The brick cooling process must be controlled: this can be done by gradually reducing the amount of fuel supplied. The barrel must remain closed at all times. A sharp temperature drop leads to cracking of the brick. The barrel can be opened only 5 ... 6 hours after the brick has completely cooled down.

At first, you can start making bricks to solve your needs, if you succeed and like it, then you can start organizing your own small business. Brick will always be in demand, as it is the main building material.

So where to start making bricks in living conditions? Naturally from clay. The most important thing is to find the right clay. You can find it both on the territory of your site, and in the quarries that are located in your district. The quality of your products will directly depend on the degree of fat content of the clay.

Clay brick production

Let's start from the very simple method of choice the right quality raw materials for brick production. It is possible to sample clay samples from some areas. It is necessary to take half a liter of clay, add a small amount of water and stir thoroughly until the clay absorbs all the water and begins to stick to your hands. Having prepared a thick dough, you need to roll a ball about forty to fifty millimeters in diameter and a cake about one hundred millimeters. This procedure must be done for each sample of raw materials separately. Then, it is necessary to dry the cakes, balls in the shade for 2-3 days. In the event that cracks appear on them during drying, this means that the clay used is very oily and sand needs to be added. If cracks have not formed, and the ball thrown from a meter height does not crumble, then the fat content of the clay is normal. Clay that is not greasy will not crack, but it will not be strong either, in which case it must be mixed with a greasy clay. Clay or sand must be added in several steps and the quality of the mass that is obtained each time must be checked. This must be done until you get the normal composition of the raw material and know the optimal proportion.

There are two ways to make clay bricks:

Plain burnt red brick;

Unfired brick (raw).

For Let's start with the production of adobe bricks. If it is made correctly, dried, from good raw materials, it will not be inferior to red fired brick. Raw brick, mainly used in construction small buildings- sheds, verandas, baths. The manufacturing process for this brick includes the following:

1. We make forms. For the production of forms, you can take boards with a thickness of twenty to twenty-five millimeters. You will also need two sheets of plywood. Adjust the size of the form to fit standard size bricks (25x12x6.5 cm). The upper and lower mold covers should have conical protrusions that will form voids in the brick. These protrusions improve the contact of the brick with the mortar. The details of the molds are connected with ordinary nails of 5-6 cm in size. The lid, which is located at the top of the mold, is removable. In order for the brick-making process to be successful, not one form is made, but several - it will be faster this way.

2. Fill out the forms. Before filling the form, slightly moisten with water inner sides, and sprinkled with cement or fine dust. This procedure will make it easy to remove the workpieces. The clay dough must be decomposed into molds and shaken well - this way the solution will fill corner seats... The excess solution is easily removed with metal plates. The form is closed with a top lid, aged a little and opened. On the drying racks, the mold is turned over and the workpiece is removed.

3. We dry the workpieces. This is a very responsible and difficult process. During the evaporation of water, the particles in the brick workpiece are brought closer together by the forces of tension, and the volume of the brick decreases. Reduction of brick volume should be no more than 15%. After this limit, the decrease in the volume of the brick stops, although all the moisture does not completely evaporate. It is best to use a canopy or canopy drying rack. It is very important that the workpieces are well ventilated, but not exposed to direct sunlight. Drying time depends on several factors: air movement, humidity, temperature - and usually takes up to a week to two. The production of raw bricks is ready.

4. We strengthen the water resistance of the bricks. Raw brick has a low water resistance, so the walls that are built from it must be carefully protected from moisture. To do this, you need to take:

Tie the seams in the masonry carefully;

Door and window openings must be provided no closer than one and a half meters from the corner of the structure;

The length of the roof overhang must be at least 60 cm;

When it is completely dry, it is necessary to plaster the wall or revet it with siding or ordinary red fired brick.

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Let us now consider the production of ordinary red or burnt bricks. Firing adobe bricks to produce red bricks is a very technologically complex process, and its implementation is not very rational in domestic conditions. But a small amount, for cladding a structure, can be done by ourselves. The whole process is divided into three stages:

Warming up;



In a domestic environment, the burning process may look like this:

1. Warming up and burning. Raw firing can be carried out in a simple iron large barrel, in which the bottoms are carved, set on a fire or in an iron stove that is not covered with a top. If you use a fire, then it is better to place a fire pit in a hole 40-50 cm deep, and put a barrel on 20 cm legs - heating will be more even and it will be more convenient to keep the fire going. The bricks are stacked one by one, making small gaps. When the barrel is full, it is covered with a metal shield to keep cold air out. It is necessary to maintain a fire for eighteen to twenty hours on a fire or in a stove. The firing mode is selected experimentally. What happens to the brick at the moment of burning? In the process of firing, hydrated and hygroscopic (chemically and physically bound) water evaporates from the raw brick, partial decomposition of carbonates occurs, combustion of organic impurities occurs and uniform heating of the entire mass, which is laid in the barrel. Clay minerals are destroyed, and its transition from a normal state to an amorphous one occurs. The formation of a ceramic shard occurs at a temperature of 1150-1200 ° C for refractory clays and 800-1000 for low-melting clays.

2. Cooling. The barrel loaded with bricks should cool down gradually, the lids should be closed. By reducing the intensity of the fire in the stove or fire, the temperature can be adjusted. One of the most crucial moments is the brick cooling process, which occurs after firing. It is necessary to shut off the flow of cold air and avoid abrupt changes temperature regime, since freshly fired brick does not tolerate this. If this is tolerated, cracks may form. It is necessary to slowly lower the temperature, and only when it reaches 650 ° C can the process be accelerated. The barrel can be opened after 4-5 hours have passed after it has completely cooled down.

After completing the work, you can check how high-quality the brick you made is. To check, you need to split it into two halves. With good annealing, the fracture will have the same structure and color. Fill the fragments with water and let stand for a while. If the brick is well fired, then it will not collapse and differ.

The description of brick production is completed, this material will be useful for those who are interested in questions: brick production, brick production technologies, brick production methods, brick production from clay, production of bricks without firing.

Brick Making Machine

The work of this machine consists in compressing the mixture (cement, screening, clay) with a hand clamp in a special form. The machine has a dispenser and a hopper. Highly important factor that is, the operation of the machine does not require connection to electricity and is very easy to operate.

Comrades, there is a discussion of these machines on YouTube right in the comments. It is quite possible to make such a machine yourself.

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