How to properly move into a new apartment. Signs of moving Feng Shui: how to make a troublesome business calm

Moving to another city, new apartment or a house is a responsible step for the whole family, no matter what country it is. This opens a new stage of life. Therefore, you need to move correctly so that life in a new place is calm and happy. There are many popular beliefs and signs associated with the move, as well as rituals for cleansing the house from the energy of the previous owners. And if you know how correctly according to the laws of magic and higher powers move into new house you can make this new period of life exceptionally rich and happy.

There are many popular beliefs and signs associated with the move.

Preparing to move to a new home

Moving begins with the collection of things, their packing and loading. But in fact, this is not the main thing. It is very important to properly say goodbye to the house you are leaving. Thank him for all the good things that you experienced here, and forgive yourself and the spirits of this house for all the bad things that you leave here. There are a few things to consider when preparing for a move.

  1. You can’t drag old rubbish with you to a new house, because with it you take away your past problems. And why do you need them in a new life? Leave them where they appeared and do not take them with you. Before you move, sort household items, appliances, dishes, clothes. Throw away everything that has fallen into disrepair (broken appliances, torn clothes, crockery with cracks and chips). Even some old letters, photos and gifts that only remind you of sadness and a bad past have no place in your home.
  2. Carry out general cleaning old apartment(wash the floor, windows, remove the cobwebs, rub the mirrors). So you say goodbye to housing and leave a good mark on yourself. So you clean not only your former house but also their presence in it.
  3. Number all the boxes with things and put crosses on them. This symbol will protect against loss.

These same tips will help you prepare if you're moving to a new office.

If the spirit of the brownie lived in the old house, he should be called with him to the new housing. Brownies leave their habitat following the cats or in old brooms. If there is neither a cat nor an old broom, then there is a very simple way to take the spirit with you.

The ceremony of inviting a brownie

The house spirit, if not angered, loves all household members and helps them in housekeeping. When moving to a new apartment, it is better to take a brownie with you. It is very easy to do this.

What is needed for the ceremony

To conduct such a ceremony at the invitation of a brownie, you need:

  • old boot.

Take your boot on your left foot. It must be worn.

How to conduct the ceremony of inviting a brownie

The ceremony is carried out when all things have already been taken from the house.

  1. Place the boot in the center of the largest room.
  2. Speak the words:

    “Grandfather brownie will go home for me, we need to keep order at home, we need to help the owner with the hostess.”

  3. Leave the room for a few minutes.
  4. Put the boot in your bag and take it to your new place of residence.
  5. In the new house, put the boot in the center of the large room, and say the words:

    “Here’s grandfather, he’s arrived, settle down and come in the evening to drink milk.”

  6. Exit the room.

In silence and away from prying eyes, the brownie will come out and find for himself nook in a new apartment. Prepare a saucer of milk for him in the room.

What are the best days to move

It is very important on what day the move is planned. Astrologers and practicing magicians, relying on folk signs, have chosen which days are best to move to a new apartment or house.

It is very important what day you plan to move.

Favorable days of the week for moving include:

  • Tuesday;
  • Saturday.

These days the road will be calm, luck and success await in all matters.

Unfavorable for housewarming are:

  • Monday;
  • Wednesday;
  • Friday.

Thursday cannot be attributed to any of the categories, this day is called neutral. Therefore, on Thursday, you can safely transport things and move to a new apartment. Sunday is a special day, you can’t work on Sunday, so any business and events will have to be postponed.

Signs that will help in the housewarming

Even severe skeptics at least once used beliefs and signs, especially in such an important event as housewarming. When moving to a new apartment, you need to observe the following signs.

  1. The cat is the first to be allowed into a new home. And where he chooses a place, put a bed there. Cats are very sensitive to negativity and will never choose a bad spot.
  2. At the entrance to the apartment, you need to throw a handful of gold or silver coins with a ringing on the floor. This will attract wealth to the house and serve as a ransom for the former brownie if he remained in the house from the former owners.
  3. For a new house, you need to buy a horseshoe, a new broom and a bouquet of dry herbs. These items protect the house from negativity.
  4. It is also not bad to immediately start a Red Corner in the house where the icons will hang and where it is best to store special things and amulets.
  5. The first step in a new house is to carry out a general cleaning. Throw away all the garbage that remains from the previous owners, wash the floor well in the corners. It is in the corners that all the negativity accumulates.
  6. After cleaning, make a big round cake and invite close family and friends for a housewarming party. Under the tablecloth holiday table put in some bills.

When is it necessary to carry out rites of purification and protection of the house?

It is very rare to find out exactly what kind of people lived in the apartment before you, what guests went to them, what events took place in the house. Sometimes one general cleaning is enough to cleanse the energy of a room, but sometimes it is necessary to carry out special purification rites. This is necessary in the following cases.

  1. In a new place, it’s hard to sleep, tormented by nightmares. Perhaps the spirit guarding the former owners here for some reason disagrees with your settlement in this territory.
  2. Constantly haunted by a sense of fear, insecurity, overcome by longing. In such cases, you need to find out the past of the house, perhaps there is a negative here, a suicide or a murder was in this house.
  3. Pets are restless and behave aggressively. If this happens, it is also worth checking the house for the presence of an evil entity or past grievances.
  4. The plants in the new house withered. The reason may be insects or the impact of the negative.

These signs indicate a large congestion in the house negative energy. Living in such a place will not bring anything good to the family, so the room needs to be cleaned. You can invite a priest. He will bless the house, read prayers and give you an icon. It will need to be hung over the entrance to the apartment.

The rite of purification can be carried out independently. To do this, you must follow the following rules.

  1. Gotta believe in the power magical rite and in its effectiveness.
  2. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony in complete solitude, so that no one can interfere.
  3. During the ritual, thoughts should be bright, you can not think about extraneous things.
  4. Women should not perform rituals during menstruation.
  5. After the ritual, you need to fast and refrain from alcohol.

The priest will bless the house, read prayers and give you an icon

A simple rite of cleansing an apartment with holy water

The ceremony can be performed immediately after the move. It does not require special magical knowledge and skills. The ritual will forever rid the new house of the negative energy that has remained from the old owners.

For the cleansing ritual you will need:

  • church candle;
  • Holy water.

Buy a candle in the temple. She must be new

How to conduct a ritual

It is very easy to carry out the ritual. Follow the step by step description.

  1. Sprinkle the corners in all rooms three times with water.
  2. Light a church candle.
  3. Go around with a candle all the rooms three times.

Before carrying out the ritual of purification, clean the apartment well.

Cleaning the apartment with salt

Salt is a universal magical accessory. It has been used in witchcraft rites since ancient times. The use of salt in purification rites is due to the fact that it is able to absorb all the negativity.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • a handful of coarse salt.

Ordinary table salt from the store is used. You can use salt consecrated for Easter or for Epiphany.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is easy to carry out on your own at home.

  • Divide salt into small bowls or pots and place in all corners of the house.
  • Leave the salt bowls for seven days.
  • After the expiration date, pour all the salt into one bag.
  • Bury a bag of salt outside, away from home.

The salt used in the ritual should never be eaten. Otherwise, you will take away all the negativity that she has absorbed into herself.

The power of fire to cleanse the apartment of negativity

Since ancient times, fire has been endowed with mystical properties. It carries the energy of creation and destruction at the same time, so it is often used in various witchcraft rites. An ancient Slavic rite will help to reliably cleanse the house of negative energy, expel evil spirits and protect from the evil eye.

Respect in magicians causes a kind of fire

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual you need:

  • 12 candles.

You can use church or white candles.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is performed in complete solitude.

  1. Place candles around.
  2. Light all the candles and cast the spell:

    “In the name of Svarog the Father, in the name of Dazhdbog, and in the name of Perun the Thunderer. You, Svarog the Father, separate the truth from falsehood, you, Dazhdbog, separate the day from the night, and you, Perun, separate Yav from Navi. I conjure (name), by the power of heavenly fire, by the power of fire that is between heaven and earth, by the power of earthly fire, but I conjure underground. Let all the dark spells burn, all the nauses and slander, all the dryness of Naviya in the Fire of Hell. May what has been said come true. Exactly".

  3. Let the candles burn out.
  4. The action of the rite will be fast. The power of fire will cleanse the house and protect its inhabitants.

Signs, rituals of purification and protection will make moving to a new house successful, and life in a new place happy. Since ancient times, magic has been helping a person, protecting his home and family. Respect the place where you live. Do not litter the new house, protect it from evil people then your life will be happy and prosperous.

The article also includes QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, which reveals the intricacies of moving according to the rules of different religions.

  • christian journey
  • muslim travel
  • Buddhist customs of moving

Moving. There is no event that would evoke so many conflicting feelings in itself: from the happiness of acquiring a new one to sadness over the old; from new hopes and plans to warm memories of the past; from the unknown in the future to the fear of losing the usual and measured way of life in the present. And all from the fact that the genetic memory remembers that moving in the life of our ancestors was the most responsible and major event in life. Thanks to this, many Slavic rituals and rituals at the entrance to a new home are still popular and applicable to this day.

Why not? Why don’t we now, when entering a new apartment, turn to the Gods, the forces of nature, to the Spirits that help make the move an exciting and joint beginning of a happy and energetically new life for the whole Family. When preparing for the move, let's remember what is important and paramount for us: fire and hearth, bread and salt, health, harmony in the family, prosperity and protection. Just do not forget that the main assistants of a successful move should always be only pure thoughts and faith in the best.

Pure thoughts and forces of nature are on guard at the entrance to a new apartment.

So, the customs when moving to a new apartment:


- when moving to a new apartment, first look around for cracks and holes in the walls and floors, otherwise your positive energy will flow through them;

- make sure that there are no leaks from taps and pipes, because with any leak you will lose wealth;

- do not take to a new apartment broken dishes worn out and used things, except when these things are dear to you, as a memory;

- think about whether you can take your Brownie with you or you have to leave him in the old place, where he will continue to serve. In the first case, you need to know, and in the second case, you will have to start your new little Brownie;

- In the evening before moving, after praying to the Gods, with the best thoughts about life in a new apartment, knead the dough and leave it in a cool place;

Soak the cereal for porridge. (Dough and cereals - only if the move does not take much time, just a few hours);

Light a candle from the fire of your stove, let it burn a little, and then blow out the flame, you will need this burnt candle for tomorrow's ceremony;

- prepare a wall amulet: it can be either a true amulet or a purchased souvenir;

Think about how you pack your things so that you can bring the table in first and kitchen utensils. Then, while the men are wearing other things, the hostess will quickly prepare dinner;

- if it is possible to visit your new home in advance - do it. Look around.

Ksyusha is packing her suitcase


- Early in the morning, waking up, wash the soaked cereal, we will take it with us.

- negotiate with your Domovoi (take it with you or say goodbye),

We take all the necessary attributes for the ceremony and, having thanked the current house, without haste and fuss, in good mood The whole family is moving to a new apartment.

- prepare and take with you: matches, salt, dough and cereals, a broom, indoor flower(geranium), branches of juniper or thistle, tablecloth or napkin, saucer for Brownie; wall amulet, burnt candle, carnations, hammer

- move to start at daylight hours days, better in the morning;

Good luck!

Before you bring in the furniture and your packed items, it is better to spend;

If the apartment is located in a multi-storey building, then warn all relatives to wait at the entrance. Enter the entrance in order of seniority.

To take or not to take?
That is the question

Stopping in front of your door, pick up an indoor flower (geranium). - a plant that very well absorbs and neutralizes all the negative energy in the room, as well as geranium - also a guard family well-being. You open the door and, according to seniority, in no case stepping on the threshold, enter the apartment, carrying a flower in front of you. Geranium is determined on the windowsill in the common room.

When you first enter a new apartment, just like with everything that you meet for the first time, you can make a wish. They say it comes true.

After everyone has entered the house, it is necessary from the house, leaning over the threshold, to sprinkle with salt in front of the door (clockwise) the protective line.

We go to the kitchen. Welcome Brownie (if you brought him). We are looking for a place for a wall amulet, we drive in carnations.

We approach the window (on the windowsill of which there is already a bowl of candy for Brownie, if you brought your Brownie with you). We look out the window - now you will see this landscape outside the window every day - accept it with your soul and heart.

We kindle our fire

We hang our talisman-amulet

We say to Domovoy

Peace to Our House!

Say the words and confirm them with your actions, preferably at the same time:

If possible, the ceremony is performed together - one holds a bag with the necessary items, and delivers them on time, and the other conducts the ceremony. If this is not possible, then again the window sill will save you, well, or the table - from the old owners.

We kindle our fire (set fire to your cooked candle and already with its flame - a burner, if the stove is electric, then just light the candle).

We settle our Rod in a new apartment.

We put fresh Zhito on the table (if there is a table, then lay a tablecloth and put the dough, or you can lay a napkin on the windowsill)

So that prosperity in housing comes to us.

We hang our talisman-amulet (you hang the amulet in the most visible place so that it attracts your eyes, thereby taking away an intentional or accidental negative message)

From the evil eye and damage, illness and trouble (we put a branch of juniper or thistle near the stove)

We say to Domovoy (if they brought Domovoy with them, then a half-bow towards the window, that’s how we greeted him that day, but if they didn’t bring him, then half-bows on three sides - to the left, forward and right)

Peace to Our House! (do not forget that he is the Brownie - the owner of the energy space in your apartment, and unite yourself with him)

Take a NEW broom, sweep in the kitchen and put the broom in a corner. If the old one is already standing there, with the "brought" Domov, then let them stand together. Be sure to put the broom with the handle up, Brownie is small in stature, so it will be more convenient for him to sweep everything bad out of the apartment.

Walk around the apartment, in each room you put branches or thistles on the floor.

The rite as such is completed. you can leave the apartment by stepping over the "protective line", destroying its spell in this way. Sweep the salt with a NEW broom, then rinse it. It’s better not to touch the old broom “with Domovoi” for a day or two.

Bring a table and the most necessary utensils into the kitchen.

You bake bread or pies from dough, cook porridge from pre-soaked cereals to fill the space with the great smells of Prosperity and Prosperity. You pinch off two pieces of bread from your food - one for your own brought Brownie, and the second - suddenly the former owners of their old Brownie did not take away and say: “Grandfather-Domovoi, come have dinner with us, and you, Father-old Brownie, if you here, too, come to us."

You invite the whole family to the table, where you colorfully and emotionally talk about your plans in a new place.


- on the first day, customs advise not to invite too many guests, call only relatives, preferably both the older generation and children;

- housewarming for friends can be arranged a little later;

Hello! Peace to your home! May Lada and Rod Father be with you!

ABOUT THE TIME OF RITUALS: Anything can happen, and circumstances may develop in such a way that you will not be able to perform the rites on time. If you didn’t have time in time, then spend them later - to be the Master in your house, and not the Guest.

Article written by Svetlana Ismailova,

edited by Natalia Udalovo th.

DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT IS WRITTEN. I recently read a very strange note on the Internet: They say, in order to improve relations with Domovoi when moving to a new apartment, you need to buy wine, and pouring it into glasses, pour a full glass of Domovoi, and put a bun on top, and insert a silver coin into the bun. And after seven days - pour out the wine, break the glass, and hide the coin in your wallet - and, they say, everything will be fine with you.

In general, the article is ugly, because in fact everything here is turned upside down.

1) Alcoholic drinks were not held in high esteem in Russia, it was to replenish the state treasury that they began to propagate them, but Brownie had to be given milk to drink;

2) A bun is good. But a bun (bread) on a glass of wine is a tribute to the dead ancestors, and Brownie is a creature from the subtle world, he sees this line very well. You shouldn't offer him a bun like that;

3) “The dishes broke - fortunately” - there is such a sign. but - CRASHED (in the sense - it turned out like this), and not deliberately cracked. No need to break glasses. You won't be forced to be nice. You can't lure happiness like that.

4) A silver coin for Domovoy is a controversial thing. No, even so - DEFINITELY bad. Brownie, like all other evil spirits, does not like silver. Preferably copper or gold. Although - in modern coins of silver and there is no honor.

So it turns out that by following such a ritual, you are more likely to scare off the Brownie than bring it closer. So trust only trusted authors or sites. So it turns out in our free time from censorship - not everything that is written should be believed.


  • What cereals should be brought to a new home? - Definitely, in a new apartment you need to take cereals - whole. Rice, buckwheat, barley - suitable options; but wheat, semolina, corn grits are not quite what you need.
  • How to enter a new apartment with bread and salt? - Let's immediately agree on bread - before it was BAKE in the house, and it was the most important food product. Now bread and salt is more of a ritual. Therefore, we are not going to a new apartment with bread, but with porridge - we definitely prepare it ourselves. And if you want to perform a ritual with bread, then you need not just a loaf, but a round loaf.
  • What kind of bread do you bake when you first enter a new apartment? - Round, rich, lush.
  • What day of the week is best to move into a new apartment? - Moving is a masculine noun and it is also recommended to move on "men's" days - TUESDAY And THURSDAY. Monday is rejected due to the bad publicity that follows it. But added SUNDAY- as a word of the neutral kind, and meaning the emergence of a new one. But there is an exception to this rule. If a lonely elderly woman is going to move (and it doesn’t matter if she moves to a separate apartment, or comes permanently to her children’s house), then it’s better to do it in FRIDAY. Friday will add women's strength, and will keep an eye out, and will help with household chores. That's why she.
  • What should you do when you move into a new apartment? - There are quite a lot of real customs and rituals, and on the Internet you can dig even more, with instructions and signs. Therefore, adhere to the basic principle - DO NO HARM. If you don’t know HOW to do it, look for information; if in doubt: to do it or not to do it, it’s better not to do it at all.
  • What prayers should be read when moving to a new apartment? — If you are going to move into a new house on Christian custom, then read the prayer "To enter a new house." This prayer should be read three evenings in a row. And then, if necessary, it can always be repeated.

God, the Almighty and our Savior, who created the Heavens with his mind and founded the Earth on its firmament, You are the Creator of all and the Creator of everything, so take care of Your servant (the name of the owner of the house), who deigned to erect a dwelling in Your power. Establish my building on a strong stone according to Your divine voice, so that neither water, nor wind, nor anything else can damage it. Favor it and free those who want to live in it from the opposite slander, for this is all Your power, and your kingdom eat. And multiply both the power and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

  • When to bring an icon into a new apartment? - God is always with us, he is in our souls, and if there is no icon in the house, this does not mean that you are deprived of God's attention. If you brought your old praying icons with you, then you will bring them in on the very first day - hang, set, put - wherever you can. And then, somewhere in a week, the new house will become familiar to you, and you yourself will understand where it is - a PLACE for the icon. If you are going to buy new icons, then do it about a week after the move.
  • What icon should be brought into a new house? - Icons "for a new home" does not exist. Today it is new, and then already familiar. And the icon is forever. To whom you most often light a candle in church, from whom you ask for help, look for that icon.
  • Is it possible to move to a new apartment in the post? - Can. However, it is better to take a holiday “on the occasion of a housewarming party” later, when the fast ends.
  • How to make a move according to Muslim customs? - In order for a new house to live well, it must have positive energy. Therefore, we also recommend Muslims to arrange a move according to the Vedic rules (they are VEDIC for that, the behavior came from them). Also, soak the cereal in the old house, just boil the porridge in the new place. Find a place for the Koran and for the Brownie. Do not forget to distribute gifts in honor of the holiday. And then, when the fuss of the holiday subsides, invite the imam and read the surahs Al-Baqara and An-Nahl. It is always important to know the defining things in this life (repeat them according to Al-Baqarah), and when global events come, and you will agree that moving is a fairly global event for each person, then there is no need to rush yourself and rush things (An-Nahl).
  • What needs to be done when moving into a new apartment so that everything is fine? The main thing is to have a general positive attitude. But the list of rituals that you want to carry out at the same time is already a secondary thing. And you make this list for yourself, based on what suits you and what contradicts your inner world.
  • With what foot to cross the threshold to your new apartment? - Most people choose the right one - as it is leading for them. But if you are left-handed, and your leading foot is your left foot, then enter the apartment from it.
  • How is salt used during a move to a new apartment? Salt is essential for human life. We don't need much, but we need it. And so the salt shaker on the table is an indispensable attribute of prosperity and health care. But in large quantities salt can harm a person, and unclean spirits definitely do not digest it. Therefore, the symbolic protective feature is sprinkled with salt (and sometimes it is also mixed with pepper - to be sure!).
  • What words should you say when you move into a rented apartment? Yes, in fact, the same as when entering a new house. The traditions are almost the same. Let it be temporarily rented housing, for some time it is YOUR house, it is the house of YOUR family. Treat it the way you should treat your own home.
  • When you enter your first apartment in your life, what ritual is necessary with the brownie? In magic, there is a classic. Although you may need other rituals - the ritual of accustoming the old brownie or the ritual of attracting the Brownie.
  • There are various conspiracies and rituals associated with moving to a new home. Can all of them be trusted? Unfortunately, not always the people who give us advice are competent enough in matters of magic. Don't trust everyone all the time. Before you do something, think: will it harm you?
  • How to clean an apartment before moving? If you move into an apartment that used to be inhabited by people of a different faith, and you are alarmed by the remaining energy fields, then you can clean the apartment. The simplest and most effective method- invite a specialist: Orthodox priest they will call, Muslims will have to turn to the mullah, and Rodnovers will have to open the door to the priest. But if for one reason or another this is not possible, then the primary cleaning can be done by yourself. Turn on the lights throughout the house, open the water taps (let them flow in a small stream), take right hand a coniferous branch (fir tree, pine, fir, juniper - any), and on the left - a symbol of your faith. Moreover, if you do not have a suitable amulet, you can simply draw with a pen on an open palm. And now go around the whole apartment, and in all the rooms mark the walls with needles, saying at the same time, “Now this is MINE, and MY God will live here.” And show the symbol of Your God to every wall. When moving, it is better to use the principle “In the course of the Sun”, that is, it is better to move in a clockwise direction. The cleaning mechanism here is very simple. The light will help the walls to see the face of the new owner, the coniferous needles will destroy the previous thin structural formations, the water will wash away the “extra” energy. After the ceremony - close the taps, ideally burn the coniferous branch. If there is no way to burn it, then pack it tightly and take it to the trash.
  • What to do if the former owners left a broom? Someone else's thing - someone else's energy. A thrown thing has, as a rule, negative energy. If you want to use any left thing, it must be cleaned. Means - to choose from: fire, water, hot water. But with a broom there is a hitch. If the previous owners did not take their Brownie, then he can hide in a broom. Therefore, before you start cleaning (or removing) an old broom, put your own beside it: either a real one or a decorative one. Ask Brownie to go: Come, father Brownie to live with us. Together we will eat bread, together we will sip soup. Wait a certain time (at least one night) and you can do with the left broom at your discretion: either remove it from the house, or rinse it under running water well.
  • How to move to a new apartment according to the Buryat custom? Let's formulate the question more broadly - How to move according to the Buddhist custom? The first thing to do is to determine the location for the altar - the place of power where you will usually thank your heavenly protectors and say your mantras. Check if there is enough light on your altar, put a bowl with clean water, a vase with a bouquet (or at least one flower) and a saucer with sweets. Remember that edible gifts are worth refreshing from time to time. And do not forget to repeat the universal mantra of all Buddhists: "Om-mani-hum." It is said to help ward off spirits wandering nearby, and to help even those who do not believe in it.
  • Moving in the Kalmyk way? Follow the general Buddhist custom.
  • How to wash a new apartment? A day or two after you move in, you can have a big feast by inviting your new neighbors. Even if you are going to make repairs, then housewarming is worth celebrating before it.


You can't serve all the gods at once. Insofar as Orthodox Church is quite intolerant of Vedic beliefs, then it is worth remembering this and not arranging a “battle of the subtle worlds” in your home.

There are two options to solve this problem. The first - uncompromising - choose one thing and clearly adhere to the intended line.

The second implies coexistence. Leave the kitchen behind Domovenko, give the largest room to the Crucified God Christ. Tell Brownie that you are asking him to accept his neighbor, Christ God, and he will understand you. Pray for your home icon. Ask Jesus not to be angry with your household spirit, and Yeshua will bestow his mercy on you.

But even if you can achieve this delicate balance in your house, remember: if the servants of one of the cults come to your house, it is better to remove the other Patron from their eyes.

If you invited a priest to consecrate an apartment, then ask Brownie to sit in a closed box that day. And if you are celebrating a Vedic holiday, cover your icon with muslin. Jesus will understand that you can now live without his watchful eye and will take care of other things, no less important. Do not forget to open the box only afterwards (and remove the cape).

The question of how to move correctly begins to worry long before the move. Even being skeptics, people often experience excitement when they move into a new apartment and believe in inexplicable phenomena. Compliance with certain kinds of recommendations can significantly reduce the degree of passions and calm down a little. state of mind. In addition, the peculiar "rituals", which many treat with a healthy dose of skepticism, are easily doable. So why not observe these marvelous traditions, so as not to justify the troubles later.

If you are not the first owner of a new home

Any new dwelling for people is a completely different tangle of energy lines, which harbors, for example, quarrels and disagreements of former residents. We are talking about a house purchased on the secondary market.

As they say, walls store and absorb energy, and if it was negative, the new owners will face a constantly depressed atmosphere, despondency, unfortunate events, and poor health. There is no clear answer to the question of how to move correctly, but doing what you can is simply necessary at least in order to fill the new house with positive.

Why not live in an "unprepared" apartment?

“Houses and walls help” - perhaps everyone has come across such a saying. So, the reverse would also be correct. If a person moved into a room in which the family suffered due to disagreements or constant quarrels, then his life will soon change, but, unfortunately, not in better side. The negative aura of objects and even the walls themselves will crush, deprive the craving for life, activity. From a young, cheerful person, you can turn into an old man, who himself will seek “feeding” from relatives, become angry and irritable.

In the end, this will end in health problems, since it is impossible to constantly be under psychological pressure without consequences for the body. Among the recommendations on how to properly move to a new apartment, the first should be cleaning, both energetic and physical.

Cleaning the house

It is necessary to get rid of the belongings of past tenants. If they want, let them take them for themselves, but in as soon as possible. The longer the rubbish is stored in a new apartment, the worse it is, it leads to a layering of impressions, "clutter" in the mind and soul, spoils the mood. Here are a few interesting recommendations concerning things left by the former owners. And also let's talk about the signs and how to move to a new apartment, following them.

Care must be taken to ensure that all old things are in the trash or in the garage of the previous tenants. Particular attention should be paid to old photos and personal items. In no case should you use household items, their photo frames, combs, wear clothes. You should also be wary of mirrors, since, according to signs, they are the door to the other world and keep the old energy in themselves. spring-cleaning- this is a key sign regarding how to properly move to another apartment. The first thing to do is a general cleaning. It is necessary to conduct it both in the old place of housing and in the new one.

Need to say goodbye

We continue to figure out how to move correctly. It is extremely important to conduct a farewell ritual. It allows you to somewhat smooth out the remnants of your own energy and not remain dependent on the background at the previous place of residence. General cleaning should be comprehensive. It’s not enough just to sweep the floors, you need to literally clean everything and carefully check so that not even a couple of personal knick-knacks are left anywhere. An unkind person can easily use them against you.

In addition, it is important to put the house in order also spiritually, for example, using incense and church candles. By cleaning up energy waste, people leave the room clean, while protecting themselves from extraneous influence or even direct harm. In this case, the key sign on how to move correctly lies in the purity of the process itself, when a person is not dragged along by emotional baggage and all sorts of experiences from past housing.

Last meal and brownie

At the old place of residence, it is simply necessary to spend the last meal, almost all signs speak of this. We continue to give advice on how to move to a new apartment. So, the demon of old emotional ties with housing can be done by simply taking the brownie with you. This good spirit will act as a protector of the new home, as well as providing a sense of comfort and security. It is possible to crank out his resettlement without unnecessary difficulties. How to do it?

You need to take a broom with you from the old housing, after sweeping the floors there. As for the delicacy, the best option there will be a pie. Learning to move correctly. This will not only leave beautifully, but also delicious. If life in the old apartment was bitter, then you need to cook something salty, while if you live well - sweet. The whole family should have dinner when everything is already cleaned. After that, you need to collect the crumbs, wash and clean the apartment, thereby completing the farewell ritual.

Animal in a new home

It is extremely important, before the settlement begins, to let a cat, kitten or dog into the house. Perhaps everyone has heard that the animal allows you to protect the house from negative energy and make its aura cleaner. Cats in this case are better suited, as they are more attached to their own housing, and therefore will defend it more willingly. In addition, many legends endow them with sacred meaning and mystical abilities.

Psychologists also recommend getting an animal in a new place, you can even have a hamster or fish. The presence of an additional life, when a person is at work or has gone on business, will make the apartment warmer, more comfortable and cozier. Asking the question of how to move to another city correctly, we get the answer: the same way. The same traditions must be observed.

A few signs for well-being

Among the recommendations on how to move correctly, there are several tips for ensuring well-being in a new place of residence. So, for example, you need to throw a few coins into the house after the animal, which should subsequently be hidden and securely guarded. They will serve as a guarantee of the well-being and well-being of future residents. Besides, it never hurts to hang over front door horseshoe for good luck. If the sign itself is known, then few people pay attention to its features. You can often see how it hangs with its ends down, covered in dust and dirt. This cannot be allowed.

It should be nailed as securely as possible, of course, with the “horns” up and constantly kept clean. Then luck will never forget the way to the house of new tenants and will follow them on their heels. It is better to start the process of moving directly in the morning, the sooner the better. It would be useful to get up at dawn and complete things before dusk, then everything in the hands of the tenants will literally argue. The most favorable day for such an event is Saturday, you should not move on Monday, as this can ruin the upcoming work week.

In the new apartment everything should be updated

Another tip on how to move to a new apartment. It provides for a careful selection and disposal of everything old and shabby. It is better to have few things, but their quality and novelty will ensure the well-being of the family. In addition, it is important to bring something cardinal, new, your own into the home. Let it be windows or doors, sticking beautiful wallpapers, furniture. It is not necessary to immediately do all the repairs, although this will have a positive effect on the energy of the house, but something needs to be done. Otherwise, residents will face constant apathy, laziness, attachment to old experiences and things, which is not good.

As you can see, there are a lot of tips on how to move correctly, but whether to follow them or not is up to everyone. But in the end, only one thing can be said: do not neglect what is easy to do. Indeed, in the end, this will only benefit the residents themselves and provide a pleasant family atmosphere in the new house.

Moving is always accompanied by stress, fear of forgetting, breaking or breaking something. For superstitious people, the stress is doubly stronger, because you need to consider what days it is right to move, what to transport first, and how to make life in a new apartment even happier. That is why for a competent move to a new apartment you need to know a few basic rules.

No. 1. Package.

The first step is to decide how to pack when moving. Cardboard boxes are very useful for packing things. Look for them in the garage, in the attic or in the country - they will definitely be needed. On the boxes, you can mark the contents with a felt-tip pen in order to quickly navigate upon arrival in a new apartment. IN hardware store you can buy a film for packing large items, wide tape and long ropes. Don't forget newspapers to pack the glass. For things and utensils, you can buy several bags of shuttles - large zippered checkered bags that are sold on the market. First, pack those things that you are not going to wear in the near future, do not forget to make notes "Husband's winter clothes", "Summer shoes", etc. It is also better to put the dishes in bags, and not carry them in boxes in front of you: cardboard box may turn out to be unreliable and as a result you will have to buy new dishes ... But it is better to pack books and household items in boxes, signing each of them.

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No. 2. Transportation.

Another important point is transportation household appliances. As for small household appliances (DVD players, laptops, tape recorders, etc.), they can be wrapped in towels or blankets and carefully put in a bag, unless, of course, there are “native” boxes left. But with regard to large household appliances and furniture, things are a little more complicated. If it is possible to disassemble the furniture in parts, then it is better to do so by wrapping upholstered furniture into film. In this form, it will be much easier to transport it. When disassembling furniture, mark on each part what part it is, so that it is easier to assemble. Monitors and TVs are recommended to be covered protective film and transported in a car with a screen to the back of the seat.

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Folk omens

For many, the rules of moving to a new apartment include not only the proper packing of things, but also the observance of all the canons aimed at ensuring that life in the new apartment is happy and carefree.

What are the right days to move? One of the most auspicious days to move into a new home is Sunday. It is believed that if you move on this particular day of the week, you will be lucky in everything. If you move into a new apartment on Thursday or Friday, love will reign in the house, and your financial situation will also improve. But if you move on Saturday, the financial situation may, on the contrary, worsen and failures will follow. Monday, as you know, is a hard day, it is also considered an unfavorable day for moving - the plan will not be realized.

How to move correctly and what signs are better to keep out of harm's way?

If you are not a superstitious person, but just in case, you decided to insure yourself, then there are a few simple folk signs that won't make you brew potions and look for fabulous flowers.

One of the most well-known signs is a cat - a pioneer. It is believed that it is best to launch it into the house first. Cats are very sensitive to negative energy, so by entering the house first, they will lead you to a clean and happy path to a new life.

It is believed that it is best to move into a new home in good weather, as the rain will bring trouble and failure.

Move during the waxing moon - then peace and prosperity will reign in the house.

If brownie Kuzya is not just a fairy tale for you and you want him to move in with you, then put him a treat in a new apartment so that he moves with you with pleasure.

In order for all households to live happily in a new home, you need to move correctly. The wisdom of past generations gradually grew into beliefs and signs, but some of them seem absurd, of course, but it’s up to everyone to believe them or not.

Having collected all the things in the old apartment, you must definitely take the brownie with you, and although it is believed that he is attached to the dwelling, in fact, not to people, he faithfully serves them all his life, sometimes showing his character. In order to take a brownie with you, you need to put a small box, a basket, lay a small towel in it and call the brownie with you to a new home. You can speak in your own words, most importantly - from the heart. It is also believed that brownies live in brooms, so you should definitely take all the brooms with you.
Leaving the old house, you can not sew, knit, wash your hair. What explains this sign is not clear, but there is a place to be.

If it rains or snows when moving, this is good omen. And the sooner the new settlers move in, the better life will flow in the new place, they will be accompanied by wealth and prosperity. In other words, "he who gets up early, God gives to him."
When approaching a new house, pay attention to who you met first, if a young girl or woman, then this does not count. good sign, but if a beggar, a pregnant woman or a dog, then this is just a good sign.

You also need to repair the taps and other things that remain there in the old dwelling, otherwise all the breakdowns will “migrate” to the new house. You can’t take with you chipped and cracked dishes, clothes that have become unusable and all rubbish, otherwise there will be no prosperity in a new place.
Before leaving the old house, you must definitely sit on the suitcases for a minute.
Entering a new apartment, the first, as everyone knows, is to let the first cat in, and you should not push it, it must enter by itself. But the dog should come after the people. All household members enter the new apartment in order of seniority, that is, first the older members of the family, and then the younger ones. In order to live in abundance in a new place, you need to throw a coin to each family member at the entrance. You only need to enter good location spirit, think about the good, smile, then well-being will not bypass you.
The brownie in a new place must be released from the box or basket, and at night on the windowsill, be sure to leave something rich and put milk in a cup.

In a new dwelling, you need to immediately open all the windows, open all the taps with water, thereby releasing the energy of the old tenants. Then collect water in a bucket, dissolve a few tablespoons of table salt and wash the floor. Thus, you neutralize all the bad things that happened before you in another family.
Stock up on St. John's wort in advance, spread it in the four corners of a new home, this will scare away evil spirit. Sprinkle holy water on all corners of the house.
Hang a horseshoe upside down above the entrance to bring good luck to your home. And to protect against theft - draw a small cross over the front door. For prosperity, you need to put a coin under the threshold and it is desirable that it be shining. Coins can also be left in the old dwelling, it will be like a wish for the new owners to live in abundance, which in turn will have a positive effect on two families.
It is imperative to celebrate the housewarming, and the guests who come should not give money, it can be any gifts, but at the entrance they, like the owners themselves, entering for the first time, must throw a coin for prosperity. You need to invite only those people whom you trust, if you doubt someone, it is better not to invite such guests to a housewarming party.