What icons are needed in the house. What icons should be in the house? How to arrange icons in the house? Meaning of icons

What icons must be in the house and how to arrange them correctly? What is the best icon of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God to choose for the home? What saints should be present in the home iconostasis? More about everything in this article!

Delving into Orthodox traditions, a person asks the question: What icons should be in the house? They offer so many things that it's easy to get confused. Which one to prioritize first? To find the answer, you need to understand the veneration of icons, to understand what is needed and what is not. Let's make the right and informed choice together.

What is an icon and why is it needed

Icon- this is not a portrait, not a beautiful image, but a Face. They write it carefully preparing spiritually, following the canonical requirements. Orthodox images differ, for example, from Catholic, Western schools. Ours are oriental, Greek ones look stricter and simpler. It's not because we're so harsh. Depicting the Holy Face, the icon painter takes into account the main purpose of the image.

Its task is to assist correct, concentrated prayer. An icon, no matter how significant and miraculous it may be, is the door to the Heavenly world, and prayer is the steps along which we try to soar to Heavenly treasures. Therefore, the Faces of the Byzantine tradition do not charm with the variegation of colors, the splendor of vestments, passionate emotions that entertain the mind and lead away from the main goal.

Note: Buy for home beautiful picture, namely an icon that meets the Eastern canons of iconography. Especially the ancient masters, where looking at the Spirit-bearing Image, the soul is transformed and trembles, realizing the Greatness and Triumph of Heaven over everything earthly.

How many and what icons are needed in the house

To the question: How much? No one will give an exact answer. It depends on several circumstances. You can name the minimum number - two images. The main things for an Orthodox believer are: first, the Lord; secondly - the Mother of God. Their icons must be mandatory. The rest, purchase, focusing on:

  1. Features of your wallet.
  2. The reaction of other family members.
  3. own spiritual needs. Collecting holy icons is a sin. We must pray before them. Communicate with saints, commemorate, praise and give thanks.
  4. Living conditions. Is there a place for a roomy iconostasis or the images will not find a worthy place in the house.
  5. Number of believers in the family who have "their" preferences for some saints who have become expensive.

Before acquiring someone's image, think: will you Magnify him properly or not? Are there any events that connect you? Do you pray periodically so that a warm memory remains in your heart? If yes, then you don’t need to ask anyone, you probably already have it.

Which icon of Jesus Christ is best to have at home

Traditionally, for home prayer, a half-length image of the Savior, the so-called icon of the Lord - the Almighty, is selected. In one hand - a book, the other - blesses. The symbolism of the image indicates that:

  • Christ is the Providence for us;
  • He is the Arbiter not only of our destinies, but of the whole world;
  • The Son of God is Truth for all believers.

This is the most common type of iconography - in Greek. Pantokrator, which is of particular importance, both in temple painting and for private (solitary) worship.

On a note: Pay attention to the icon "Trinity" Rublev. This is a testimony without words. An example of love and humility to strive for. If it touches your soul, let it join the shrines that are already there.

Which icon of the Virgin to choose for the home

It is more difficult to decide on the choice of the icon of the Mother of God. There are hundreds of pictures of her. Therefore, we narrow the search to traditional options. Preference is given to two types: Tenderness and Guide. These include the most famous miraculous images, of which there are also many.

Of the icons of the Virgin of the "Tenderness" type, the most common are:

Among miraculous icons Virgins of the Hodegetria (Guidebook) type, the most famous are:

Check the calendar for your date of birth. Perhaps it coincides with the memory of any image of the Virgin. If so, opt for Her. This the best way- More majestic than the Patroness than She cannot be.

Icons of saints in the Orthodox family

From a large number of icons in the house, grace will not increase. Everything must be in moderation. Which saints to give preference as obligatory for the Orthodox:

  • To the patron whose name you bear. If there are still believers in the family, then their namesake saints. Even if your relatives are not believers, you can pray to their intercessors for guidance in piety.
  • Saint whom you love especially. For example, for all Orthodox, the most revered are: Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, John of Kronstadt, Matrona of Moscow, Xenia of Petersburg, Luke of Crimea and many others.
  • You can pay attention to the saint whose life they read. Being impressed, people acquire his icon, as they have already given him a place in their hearts.
  • You can look for a saint of God, close on professional activity : John Chrysostom - an eloquent orator; George the Victorious - a warrior; Sergius of Radonezh - the trustee of students, monks; Stsm. Tatiana is the favorite of students; Spiridon of Trimifuntsky - farmers, villagers, businessmen, etc.
  • Newlyweds we recommend purchasing the Holy couple patronizing family happiness, love and prosperity - the icon of Peter and Fevronia.

The more you get acquainted with the life of various saints, the fewer questions will remain. Easily determine which of them you want to read especially. A soul mate herself will indicate those who will take a place of honor in your icon case.

If it is still difficult to make a choice, consult with the parish priest, explain your circumstances, success in knowing Christ, intentions, desires. Let him help you find the icons that are right for you.

Note: There are no strict rules and instructions on what kind of image of the Lord, the Mother of God, the Saints, the Apostles, the Archangels, there are. All choose according to the call of your own heart. We only recommend how to navigate among the abundance of offers. You are free to choose the necessary icons for home prayer.

How to arrange icons

Icons are placed in temples in strict sequence, observing canonical requirements that must not be violated. There are few rules for the home goddess:

  1. The main ones concern the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. They are placed in the same way as They are installed in the temple. If you look at Them, then the image of the Mother of God should be to the left of Christ.
  2. On both sides of the main shrines, the rest are set according to Glory: the most famous, then less significant, then locally revered.
  3. Try to give a magnificent appearance to the arranged icons. They may be different sizes and performance types. Create a harmony that won't irritate you with randomly placed shrines.

Note: If there is an image passed down from generation to generation, then it is considered the main shrine in the iconostasis. Prayed images are always a priority over new ones. If the view allows (the colors are not erased), place it in the center: it can be above or below the main row, but so that it occupies an “honorable” place.

Cross and other attributes of prayer

If you were able to create a home iconostasis, crown it with an image Orthodox cross. In front of the images, strengthen the icon lamp. During prayer and on memorable days, holidays, light a fire as a symbol of veneration of the saints. Use candles - an image of prayer, a sacrifice to God.

Advice: When choosing an icon in new workshops, carefully consider whether it corresponds to Orthodox canons. Isn't it a rough imitation of the Prototype with the addition of excessive embellishments, brightness, emotionality. Sometimes it is better to buy a reproduction of an old icon and stick it on a board than to buy a rough and careless product of unfortunate masters.

An icon is a visual image or image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, a Christian saint or an angel. Often icons contain images of biblical and gospel events or biographies of saints. The icon does not have the obligatory task of conveying a detailed and as accurate image as possible, although this is important. The essence of icons is different. They are objects of religious worship before which Christians pray. Even in antiquity, a very precise and surprising expression of this experience was formulated: looking at the image (image), one must mentally turn to the prototype, that is, to the one whose face is depicted on the icon. The icon is, first of all, an assistant in prayer. No one has ever prayed to the icon itself, to the image in Christianity.

It follows from what has been said key features icons. The first is that the icon is historical. You can portray only those who really existed, those who were seen. You can depict what actually happened, what was visible. For example, in practice, Christians believe in the Trinity, but this feature is expressed in a negative way. Orthodox theology to the images of God the Father, who is sometimes represented as an old man holding the boy Jesus on his knees. In addition, the icon does not accept images of various kinds of fantasies. Prayer and religious life in general - in the highest degree serious and responsible. One cannot pray to someone who did not exist, or learn morally from what did not happen. Christianity is historical and incompatible with myths and fictions.

The second feature is the inscription, indicating who is depicted. If a Christian prays in front of an icon, then the prayer cannot be addressed to anyone unknown, prayer is always a specific personal appeal. It is very important to know who the icon painter portrayed. The fact is that photographic images have appeared recently and about many saints, and about the Lord Jesus Christ, we can judge primarily by eyewitness accounts (sometimes graphic, sometimes written), which are quite subjective. In addition, many people are similar to each other. Approaching the icon and starting a prayer, a Christian must know exactly whose face he is looking at.

The third feature is that on the icons, by means of pictorial means, they try to testify to the holiness of those depicted. Even in ancient times, a wonderful method was found. They try to express in colors what is associated with holiness: light, purity, radiance, beauty, the absence of distortions and flaws, damage. Everyone knows halos - this is nothing more than an attempt to depict the radiance of the glory of God, flowing through the saints. On the icons, they try to depict a person as he appears before God, without any mutilations and shortcomings. In plot icons, the images are more realistic, but their task is somewhat different - to remind Christians about specific events, to help them think about them.

Everything else: styles, techniques, compliance with ancient patterns - although important, but in our time cannot be decisive. Life itself here has eliminated all sorts of claims of anyone to the truth. Personally, I am much closer to classical Byzantine or Old Russian icons, but at the same time, many people like “artistic” images.

On the theological meaning of icons

Until some time, the question of the very possibility of icons in Christian culture was not put in strict accordance with the question of the reality of the incarnation of God in Christ. For about seven centuries, the Church allowed different attitude to icons. There were no prohibitions against using the image for preaching and for prayer to those who thus received spiritual benefit, and there was no compulsion to do so by those Christians who feared that pagan prejudices among the people were too strong to safely offer artistic images of saints or sacred events. However, as soon as the question arose in all its categoricalness, it was resolved. To use icons or not and which icons to use is a personal matter. But it is unacceptable for Orthodox Christians to reject icons in principle, to identify icons with paganism, because through this the very faith in Christ as the God-man is rejected.

The logic is this. Christians believe that God became man. Jesus Christ is true Man and true God. It is clear that no one has seen God in Himself, as it would be said now, because this is impossible in principle. But the apostles and many Israelites not only saw Jesus Christ, but also lived with him, traveled, took food from His hands, even kissed him (remember Judas). The Roman soldiers beat Him, undressed Him, spat on Him, and even crucified Him on a cross. The disciples of Christ buried the teacher and became the first witnesses of His resurrection from the dead. How to confirm the truth of this, how to visibly show the Christian faith, even confidence in the God-manhood of Christ? Very simple through the image.

On Worship and Honor

With regard to the "worship" of icons, which may be in conflict with the commandment to worship One God, then since antiquity there has been a very accurate, however, and quite obvious for Christians, theological explanation. There is worship as a whole service - and it belongs only to God. This is the law for Christians! But there is worship as veneration, as a respectful attitude, as a recompense of honor - and it is quite possible in relation to images, to icons. In the modern Russian theological tradition, it is customary to talk about the veneration of icons, and not about worshiping them. The use of the term “generation” in relation to religious images immediately betrays a person who is outside in relation to Orthodoxy.

Let me explain with an example. Many people carry photographs of their relatives with them, some have frames with images of loved ones at work. Any person understands that the presence of photographs, some experiences, memories associated with them, cannot betray or replace a personal relationship with those depicted in the photo. It is also clear and quite acceptable to everyone that these images are revered, some value is assigned to them. No one will allow anyone to trample on a photo of their mother or brother, although everyone admits that a photo is nothing more than paper with paints. The same thing happens with icons. They depict those who are dear to Christians, in whom they believe, whom they trust, to whom they turn with prayer. And these personal relationships determine the veneration of icons.

A few words about modernity

It so happened that all of the above is the basics of the Orthodox dogma, in which, unfortunately, a handful of educated Orthodox Christians understand and which is unknown to the majority of our fellow citizens. In society, icons are perceived in a completely different way.

There are two most common non-Christian perceptions of icons. The first is the perception of the icon outside of the religious context, purely aesthetically, as some element of design. The second is the belief that the icons themselves are healing or have protective properties. Both the first and the second understanding are generated by commerce. For example, calendars with icons, amulets around the neck with a glued icon, screensavers on mobile phones and even "avatars" in blogs are known to all of us.

In the 20 post-Soviet years, in the absence of adequate Christian education programs, the Russian people have already adopted a non-Christian understanding of icons for several generations, and a whole industry of products with icons has appeared. Having learned to preserve and defend theology, modern Orthodox Christians have not found ways to adequately interact with society, have not found adequate forms of preaching, have not found enough strength in themselves to resist the all-consuming and profaning commerce. It must be stated that it is the non-church understanding that sometimes influences church life and not vice versa, as Christians would like. What to do in such a situation - no one knows. I think it is pointless to re-educate society with moral teachings, it is necessary to put things in order in “our own” ranks.

Arrange a prayer house in the house - old Orthodox tradition in Russia. And today, believers are trying to have at least a few images at home. But considering the nuances modern design Finding the right place is not easy. It is important to adhere to the traditions of where the icons should be in the apartment and in which corners of the housing they cannot be placed.

What icons should be in the house

Any icon is considered a prototype of a saint, so the images of faces were located in the eastern corners. As an option, choose the most convenient place where you can be alone and pray.

Every shrine has eigenvalue, so it’s better not to buy at random, but to figure out who is depicted on the icon and what mission he performs.

  • image of jesus christ- heals from serious ailments, protects from troubles, supports and directs during difficulties;

  • face of the Holy Mother of God- attracts pure love, forgives, gives humility, health and family well-being;

  • image of St. Nicholas- helps with decision difficult problems, inspires faith in a hopeless situation, heals;

  • image of the Seven Arrows Mother of God- protects household members from quarrels, protects from gossips and ill-wishers, dares thieves;

  • face of the Holy Trinity- brings respect and peace to the house, cleanses from sins, relieves negative emotions, protects from the evil eye;

  • "Fadeless Color" image- able to give spiritual strength, direct on the right path, preserve beauty and youth, ward off temptations, give hope;

  • guardian angel image- heals, gives love, saves from sins, means hope and peace;

  • image Orthodox holidays - icon of Baptism or the Nativity of Christ;

    Baptism Icon

  • icon of the Last Supper- relieves heaviness from the soul, relieves sinful thoughts, helps to establish relationships with family and friends.

Many shrines (most often these are the names of the first three icons) pass together by inheritance from generation to generation, so you should take care of the sacred product. Regardless of what material the icon is made of, it must be carefully looked after, periodically cleaned and a suitable place selected.

Where is the red corner

The ancestors called the front corner in the southeastern part of the hut the red corner (“kutnik”, “goddess”). There, people put up old images for prayers and hung embroidered towels.

Turning to the holy place, the household members were baptized in the morning and in the evening, knelt down and turned to the Lord when they did not go to church service. The red corner was perceived as a domestic analogue of the altar or a table in the church, where the icons were placed, according to the rules:

  • only the Holy Trinity can stand near the icon of the Savior;
  • next to the face of the Virgin there are only her other faces;
  • the rest of the images are placed aside or on the lower shelf;
  • in the neighborhood allow the presence of spiritual books and church supplies;
  • in each of the rooms, the location of the icons may vary.

Previously, the red corner determined the behavior of not only the residents of the apartment, but also their guests. At the entrance to the house, the men first of all took off their headdress in front of the place where the shrines of the owners were kept. Children were put in that corner for wrongdoings, so that they would "atone for sin."

But during construction modern apartments the place for a shrine is the least often thought of, although earlier it was from the definition of a “holy corner” that the foundation of the future house was laid. Therefore, the required corners and walls often turn out to be oriented in opposite directions of the world.

In this case, it is advised to act differently: the corner is not chosen to the west, a surface free of paintings and photographs is quite suitable. An extreme case is to put the images in a bookcase under glass.

How to make and place a home iconostasis with your own hands

In the temple, the iconostasis is placed inside the central zone of the room and is often decorated with gilding to distinguish the altar from the rest of the space.

But in an ordinary apartment, following the same rules will not work. Instead, it is recommended to decide in which corner (preferably red) it is most practical to place icons, and then discuss how to build a place for faces.

Furniture stores take into account the needs of religious customers, offering wide choose such special furniture.

But if among the finished models it was not possible to find suitable option, ordinary hanging cabinets are suitable, where the images should be.

If you wish, you can order the manufacture of shelves that will be developed specifically for housing or made independently, following the advice:

  • use a variety of materials (for example, plywood), the main thing is that they do not have too much bright color, were durable (taking into account that there was where to put massive icons) and resistant to moisture;
  • make drawings of the future corner, choose optimal height, width and depth, determine the number of shelves and decor;
  • do not forget about the sufficient distance between the shelves - the correct layout will not only leave plenty of space for any looks, but also save the bottom of the heating when the candle is burning;
  • with regards to the placement point, there is no special technology, but the icons are placed in such a way that they are opposite the eyes, on the same level;
  • under the holy corner itself, you can leave a place on the floor to put a table on which it is advisable to light lamps, put holy scriptures, willow (pre-consecrate), a candle stand, holy water and other things.

The iconostasis in the house usually has 5 shelves, while the order of the icons is recommended:

  • at the top is an Orthodox cross;
  • in the center it is customary to put the icon of the Savior;
  • a little higher you need to put the image of the Holy Trinity;
  • on the right side there is a place for the face of the Mother of God;
  • images of the Savior and the Virgin should be larger than the rest;
  • on the sides it is allowed to place the rest of the images of saints.

Many recommendations on how to arrange a red corner say that it should be kept in the same style. But to achieve general design it is difficult if all the holy images are not bought at once. If you want to purchase an icon, but it does not fit on the corner shelf according to appearance, you should not refuse to buy. Framing the image does not play a big role - this is not a piece of furniture.

For preservation, the image is often placed in a case - a special box with a glass lid.

Which and how to properly position the images

In modern buildings, doors and windows are often located on the eastern side, so it is undesirable to hang images there, according to the ancient Russian traditions of the church. Since it is impossible to change the building, you will have to choose a less suitable place.

It is important not only the location of the wall relative to the cardinal points, but also its accessibility - you need to think about how to arrange the shrines, about your own position during prayer, convenience. When turning to God, each member of the family should have a place in front of the icons if joint prayer is practiced.

The image is placed not only on the shelves, but also on the walls, at the head of the bed, on the table. In the neighborhood it is allowed to put related items: a prayer book, the Bible, and other Orthodox books.

It is undesirable when non-religious paintings, figurines, posters, calendars hang next to the faces of saints. It is forbidden to put photos: both dead and living. Even if they pray for health and well-being specific person, you need to present his image during prayer, but you can’t leave a picture near the iconostasis. By the way, taking pictures of icons as a whole is not forbidden, however, a remark may be made in the church, since the process distracts parishioners from turning to God.

If there are doubts about a particular room and which image is better to put there, it is advisable to seek advice from a priest - he will tell you what to choose and what variations there are. For each room there are special recommendations and there are separate taboos on placement and quantity - how many icons in the house should also be important to know.

In the bedroom

Some people believe that hanging the appropriate images on the walls in the bedroom is only worth it if the spouses are married. In this case, the faces of Saints Peter and Fevronia, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon and nominal variants can protect the union of two lovers.

Saints Peter and Fevronia

If a person still wants to place a holy image in the room where he sleeps, then you need to determine how these icons are called and their meaning - you can opt for the Mother of God or the Savior. Among other faces, priests recommend establishing the image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, Spiridon Trimifuntsky or the nominal image of the Saint - they are called upon to protect the family hearth and the relationship between the couple.

Nicholas Ugodnik

It is best to place the icons above the bed (closer to the head) or on bedside table. As an alternative, you can select a corner for prayer by the window: put a small table there, and on it are icons and an icon lamp for a church candle.

On the kitchen

The kitchen needs more time and space for cooking, so 1-2 icons should be hung there. Before sitting at the table and after eating, every Orthodox says thanksgiving prayer, therefore it is better to choose Christ the Savior, the Holy Trinity or the Mother of God. To make the cooked food always tasty, you should ask for blessings from Euphrosynus of Palestine.

All family members most often gather in the kitchen, therefore, in such a room you can hang a modest number of icons that will be able to answer the request for the health of everyone: Christ the Savior, the image of the Virgin or the icon of the Last Supper. From the last disagreement, where to hang, should not arise a priori. It is desirable that she be above the table - in this way, before eating, you can say a prayer for blessing.

In the children's room

How to determine what is best to hang in a newborn? From birth, children must be taught that one can and should turn to the saints for help and thank them for their support. Icons are able to protect the baby from accidents, the evil eye and ailments. Parents also need images in the children's room for prayers so that the child grows up as a worthy person.

For this at the head bed put the faces of saints who are considered to be protectors or special nominal icons. It is worth at the same time thinking about acquiring a measured icon - an image that coincides in length with the growth of the crumbs when they are born.

Place them as close to the bed as possible or put under the pillow. For example, in a nursery, the following options would be appropriate:

  • face of the Savior;
  • the face of the Virgin;
  • image of a guardian angel.

You can hang other faces that promise health and well-being for the child, it is recommended to choose them based on current problems in the family. God loves children very much, because all people on Earth are His children. Therefore, one icon in the baby’s room will be enough to instill in him love and respect for holy images and prayer in general.

At work

When certain difficulties arise that directly relate to work, inspiration and any desire to work further disappear. There are many reasons why some events can overshadow workdays: failures, reprimands from superiors, competitors and envious people.

If negative emotions in the office they are persecuted more and more often, you need to turn to the Saint, who helps in work and career. The corresponding icon must be placed in your office or on your desktop.

And the face of a suitable patron is chosen based on the profession:

  • student - an icon depicting the Martyr Tatiana, which will help in learning, give new ideas;

  • merchant - the face of Nicholas the Wonderworker, which brings good luck, promotes profitable deals and profits;
  • freelancer, Internet employee - the image of the Mother of God, the Blessed Sky, contribute to an easy career, success in everyday affairs, bring material well-being;
  • a sailor, a driver, a tourist expert - the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Sovereign Mother of God, which bring health, promote good luck, attract money and adventure to life;
  • health worker - Icon with Luka Krymsky, which protects at work, brings good health, grants patience, strength and promises pleasant meetings;

  • diplomat, postal worker - an icon depicting the Archangel Gabriel, which protects at work, pushes for promotion career ladder and protects from the evil eye;

  • volunteer, teacher orphanage- the face of the Bethlehem babies, which gives patience and mercy, physical health and peace of mind, supports love;

  • teacher, researcher - the icon of the Mother of God of Kaluga, which allows you to constantly reach for knowledge, easily learn new sciences, gives confidence in own forces and purposefulness;

  • civil servant - the image of the Mother of God the Economist, which makes the government wise and fair, protects from evil influence and cleanses thoughts from sin.

If the list of professions does not contain the required category, then it is advisable to choose an icon with the face of the Patriarch as a patron.

In the living room

The main room of any home is the living room. But here it is important to observe neutrality: if there are unbelievers among friends and acquaintances who often come to visit, it is not tactful to keep a collection of icons in a conspicuous place.

In this case, it is better to move the sacred corner to a private place. As an option, it is also proposed to buy an icon-folder: it is allowed to install it only during prayer, and at the end of it, hide it in a secluded place from prying eyes. If there are no such differences in the matter of faith among the visitors, then the following icons are advised to be hung in the room:

It is equally important to observe the correct arrangement: place the icon with the Lord on the right, and put the Most Holy Theotokos on the left side. You need to make sure that they are not in direct sunlight. Because of this, the paint quickly fades, and the aesthetics lose their beauty, so the icons are placed on the side of the window, in a small shade, not on the windowsill.

In the hall

Before leaving home, contact heavenly patron ask him to help safe road and sent to meet bright people. And upon returning back, thank the Saint for intercession, for a speedy return home and a good day.

If you fix the face in the hallway, it is possible to protect your own home from thieves and bad guests:

  • image of the Iverskaya Holy Mother of God;
  • the image of the Intercession;
  • image of the Holy Trinity.

Usually choose one icon small size and hang it over front door. Priests advise hanging it on the wall, not the frame. Therefore, if there is no appropriate place for the face in the design of the apartment, then you can rearrange the selected icon to the next passage. It is important to choose exactly the door through which everyone who visits the house passes, and the face is not immediately evident.

Where not to put

There are no clear rules for finding this or that icon in the house, only recommendations. For correct placement common sense should be followed. In order to preserve the aesthetic combination, not to break traditions and simply extend the shelf life of the image itself, it is important to follow the recommendations:

  • in the bathroom or in the toilet, the icon is out of place, so the faces are not placed or hung near adjacent elements - sinks, pipes, closets with detergents;
  • you can’t put the image near the TV, tape recorder, computer and other equipment - to perform the rite of prayer, it is extremely important to focus on your own thoughts, and the technique attracts attention, distracts from turning to God;
  • do not place the face on a cosmetic table, shelves where there are non-religious books, toys, figurines, posters with famous personalities;
  • it is forbidden to put paintings or reproductions near the icons, even if they are characterized by biblical content, despite the general theme, such paintings do not act as family amulets, therefore they will be superfluous in the red corner;
  • a controversial nuance is the placement of icons in front of a mirror, since mystical properties are attributed to it, therefore it is better not to place the holy faces so that they or a person are reflected there during prayer;
  • it is not recommended to save on space. On the question of whether it is possible to put an icon on an icon, the opinion is unanimous - it is impossible. This is fraught with the fact that the images will constantly fall from the shelves and get injured, inaccurate storage of faces is also unacceptable.

It is important to remember that the icons and the principle of their placement is based on prayer. A suitable image is selected based on the essence of the request and appeals to the patron. And the location of the faces directly depends not only on design features at home, but also the convenience of performing the sacrament. Taking into account the main recommendations of the clergy, you can take the most good decision and personally decorate the iconostasis.

In order for the family to bypass misfortune, folk wisdom says to always have a talisman in your home. Arguing about which icons must be in the house, it should be noted that as such there are no strict rules in this regard. First of all, it all depends on which Orthodox saints the believing family prefers. In addition, it is very important to know the correct location of the shrines and how exactly the sacred image should be kept.

What icons should be in every home?

  1. Living room. The main images are icons with the face of Jesus, as well as the Virgin. The clergy insist on keeping them in the living room, where it is important to create a kind of red corner. In other words, these icons should be placed in the place of the iconostasis. If we talk in more detail about which icon you need to have at home, then it is appropriate to mention the “Kazan” and “The Lord Almighty”. So, the image of the Lord should be located with right side, the Blessed Virgin Mary - on the left. It is important to remember that if there are only a few believers in the family, then it is advisable to move the aforementioned red corner to their rooms. In the case when this is not possible, it is recommended to purchase a double or triple folding icon. Her main feature is that it folds. Based on this, the icon is placed only for a period.
  2. Kitchen. Before any meal, prayer is always carried out. Here you can hang any icon. The main thing is that it should depict the face of the one to whom this thanksgiving is addressed. Often, these are images of the Holy Trinity, Mother of God or Christ the Savior. It is also important that the icon cannot be considered as an interior decoration, and therefore various figurines, flowers, calendars and others will be out of place.
  3. Hallway. Answering the question about what icons you should definitely have in the house, it is important to mention that in this room they are hung in the place where you can always stand and pray before leaving. Speaking more specifically about the names of shrines, then this is the Crucifixion or the Holy Trinity. Priests strongly advise those who do not know the prayer for the house to Nicholas of Serbia to attach it at the door. It is also recommended to acquire an icon of a saint, to whom each family member turns in moments of grief and joy. For example, it may be the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  4. Office for work. In moments of searching for inspiration, a creative crisis, or when there are any problems at work, it is customary to turn to the patron saints of a particular profession. So, students can hang the icon of the martyr Tatyana or St. Sergius Radonezhsky, and veterinarians - an icon with the face of the holy brothers Cosmas and Damian of Assia.
  5. Children's room. Above the baby's crib or cradle, often, nominal or measured icons are placed. The first type includes images of any format up to pocket sizes. As for the measured, it is made to order and has a height corresponding to the growth of the baby at the time of birth. Regarding the names, it is better to place the image of the Guardian Angel, the Blessed Virgin or Jesus in the nursery.

What are icons for? Why do people go to church and pray for icons, buy icons, hang them at home? Below we will try to analyze and understand together with you why icons are needed, and why Orthodox Christians pray on icons.


Let's remember the commandment of the Lord God, which says that you can not draw or create an image of someone and make your holy idol out of it, and worship him. So, what then happens with the icons, why are they needed if the saints whom we worship are painted on them? First of all, let's dive into the history of the Orthodox Christian world many centuries ago. A long time ago, icons were painted not to be worshiped, but only used as decorations for one's home, creating comfort. In addition, icons were painted to teach children Orthodox word, and were used as visual aids to show children various Orthodox situations. After a while, Orthodox Christians began to deify the icons and those depicted on them, thus the icons began to accept the understanding of the shrine. We recommend that you familiarize yourself

Today, for sure, you, as an Orthodox Christian, know that Orthodox icon serves to pray for it and receive the grace of the holy spirit, that is, God sends you a cure or some other favorable life situation. But how can you pray to icons if God himself said that you can’t paint images and make saints out of them and worship them.

Now the truth is coming, in which we will find out what icons are for. And so, since the Lord God himself forbade drawing or otherwise creating images and worshiping them, but since icons are created and consecrated, an Orthodox Christian must understand the following: Icons are a window into the house of God, and the image depicted on the icon is only a conductor of your requests addressed to the address of the Lord God himself. That is, in simple Christian words, when a Christian prays for an icon, he should ask for help not from the one depicted on the icon, but only from the Lord God, and the one who is depicted on the icon can only be asked to convey your requests to God. Icons have different images, and depending on your requests to God, you need to refer to a specific saint or a specific icon. Although if this is not possible, then your request to God can be voiced through any icon and through any image depicted on the icon. But never, under any circumstances, make those depicted on the icon your idols, and never ask for help or grace only from them, and do not address your requests only to them, your requests should go through the icon (God's window) to God . And then God will hear you and it will not become a betrayal of your faith and religion. We recommend that you read

To summarize, why do we need icons? And so, since the icon is a window to God, and the holy image on the icon cannot serve as its idol and cannot be worshiped bypassing God, the icon serves to convey through it and the saint depicted on the icon their requests for help or gratitude to God himself.