Landing and picing Lobelia. Landing Lobelia seeds on seedlings: cultivation and care. Option # 3 - in decorative vases

Lobelia - one- or many years of herbate plant With curly or reprehensive stems of the family of bells. In the natural environment dwells in the subtropical climate.

In the gardens of moderate climatic belt is grown mainly as an annual plant, with the exception winter-hardy species. Tirelessly blooms all summer. Delicate fan-shaped flower flowers abundantly cover the bush, creating a bright lush cloud. Color gamma is diverse: white, red, burgundy, blue, blue, purple.

Growing Lobelia from seeds at home

When to plant on seedlings

The plant is heat-loving, so seeds in open sad Do not sow. It should be raised. The appearance of flowering depends on time sowing: it comes 70-80 days after planting seeds. For the appearance of flowering at the beginning of the summer, sowing in February-March.

How to plant seeds

You can use any loose soil, but without humus or universal soil for. The soil in order to prevent diseases 2-3 days before sowing should be shedding a fluungicide solution and give dry.

  • Take wide flat containers and fill the substrate.
  • The seeds are very small - just as much as possible distribute them along the surface of the soil, not deepening and not sprinkling the earth.
  • If the peat tablets are used as a soil, the seeds are conveniently placed as follows: sharpen the tip of the match, moisten with water, then immerse in the seeds and transfer the "dose" of the sowing material into the soil.
  • Optionally, overlook the crown of growth stimulant, then cover with a film or glass.
  • Support air temperature at 18-20 ° C.
  • Daily ventilate, wiping the lid or glass from condensate. Periodically moderately moisturize the soil.

  • Shoots will appear in 10-14 days. From the shelter release gradually.
  • Sprouts are very tender - first time irrigate them by spraying from a fine sprayer or make water droplets using a syringe with a needle.
  • With the advent of 2-3 real leaves seedlings.
  • Choose the strongest specimens, transplanted into separate pots of 3-5 pieces. Be careful, gentle sprouts are easy to damage.
  • Can be separated by back side A teaspoon or fork, digging together with an earthen room.

  • Next, move at 15-18 ° C at air temperature.
  • It is important to maintain optimum humidity Soil: From the lack of moisture, leaflets are twisted, and the mold will appear from its excess.

Thirsty seedlings need to be put out in the scene in the garden, to gradually temper, gradually increasing time air baths. When plants can spend full day on the street, seedlings are fully ready for landing.

How to grow label seedlings at home, tell the video:

Landing Lobelia seedlings in open ground

When to plant

Seedlings in the open soil in mid-May, when the threat of return freezers passes. At this moment, buds or even open flowers can already be on the lobelia.

Choosing a place and soil

Place on a well-lit plot, a slight shading is possible.

Avoid unnecessary fertile soils - Green mass will be actively increasing, braking flowering. Well suite sandy sandy or drum soils, but with the presence of humus.

How to plant

  • Pull the site, take the landing pits with a depth of about 20-30 cm and translate with Lobelia along with an earthen room.
  • Slip the ground, covering the roots, upper layer Soil a little compact.
  • Singing 3-4 sprouts into one hole. Then get well.
  • Hold the distance between bushes 15-20 cm.

Reproduction of lobelia cuttings and gag

  • In the cold regions in the fall, you can dig a long-term label and put in pots. Cut the filled stems - in the room Lobelia can bloom until mid-winter. Then the rest period will come. Store the plants in a cool bright place, occasionally water.
  • At the beginning of the spring, young shoots will appear. Slide the stems, spread fresh earth - the base of the stems will begin to appear roots.
  • Separate cuttings, disperse in separate tanks for complete rooting.
  • You can arrange a cutlery horizontally, prank in several places where the roots will appear, giving additional material For landing.

Spring transplanted into open ground.

How to care for label in open ground

Watering and loosening

Lobelia moisture-lobby - the soil should be constantly slightly humid. With a strong drought, water a couple of times a day. When growing B. suspended pots, lay out the hydrogel soil surface to support optimal level humidity.

Periodically loose the soil, remove weeds.


At the initial stage of flowering potash fertilizers. A couple of times the season you can make complex mineral fertilizers.

Diseases and pests

Lobelia is resistant to disease and pests, especially when observing landing conditions and proper care.

Possible diseases: root rot, puffy dew, spotty, rust. To overcome these fungal infections will help the processing of fungicide.

From pests, occasionally can distort the waves, shields, slugs. Labor collect manually, also use traps. To get rid of the rest, carry out the processing insecticide.

Preparation for wintering

In the regions with warm winter (temperatures to -29 ° С) Perennial Lobelia may be in the open soil. Soothes should be cut, leaving about 5 cm length. Call the peat that foliage, the thickness of the underfloor layer should be at least 20 cm.

Types and varieties of lobelia with photos and names

There are about 300 species of lobelia. Consider the most popular species and varieties grown by culturally.

  1. Perennial. They are plants with sparkling shoots, the inflorescences of accommodation.

Lobelia Lovely Lobelia Speciosa

A plant with a height of 60-90 cm with large colors (diameter up to 3 cm) bell-shaped. Colors color blue, pink, red.

Lobelia Fire or Brilliant Lobelia Fulgens

Lobelia Fire or Brilliant Lobelia Fulgens 'Queen Victoria'

Reaches a height of 75 cm. Vicious red or pink colors. Popular variety Queen Victoria - height is 1.5 m.

Lobelia Purple or Cardinal Lobelia Cardinalis

The height of the stem is about 1 m. Coral colors.

Lobelia Dortman - a plant with a height of 60-80 cm with rare inexpressive colors of white or blue color.

Lobelia Gerardi Lobelia Gerardii

Lobelia Gerardi Lobelia X Gerardii Grade 'Hadspen Purple' Photo

Very frost-resistant look (withstands up to -29 ° C). The height is 1.2 m. Blue or purple wrenches.

Lobelia Sydychalistic - Cole-shaped inflorescence consists of a bunny or lilac colors.

  1. Annolete

Lobelia Erinus or blue, curb, blackberry

Lobelia Erinus or Blue, curb, blackberry Lobelia Erinus Grade 'Monsoon' photo

The height is no more than 40 cm, the flower diameter reaches 2 cm.

Select 5 forms:

  1. Lobelia Compact - Strengthened shoots with a height of 10-15 cm.
  2. Lobelia stretched - the length of the curly shoots is 25-30 cm, the bustice grows into a width of 10-15 cm.
  3. Lobelia dwarf - no more than 10 cm high.
  4. Lobelia is a reprehensive - a bush of colonum shape with a height of 25-30 cm high.
  5. Lobelia ampelnaya - curly shoots about 40 cm long.


Crystal Palace (Crystal Palace) - aged 15-20 cm height with flowers of a blue-purple color.

Emperor William - lush bush About 10 cm high, sky-blue colors.

MISC Clibrand - the soil plant is a height of 10-15 cm, the diameter of the pillow is up to 30 cm. Flowers of a blue-violet shade with white eye.

Cambridge Blue (Cambridge Blue) - Stems long no more than 10 cm. Flowers of a cold blue shade.

White Palace (White Palace) - the height of dense bustle is 10-12 cm, white-white flowers.

Sapphire (Sapphire) - ampel plant with shoots 25-30 cm shoots. Bright blue color flowers with a white speck on the lower petal.

Blue Fountain (Fountain Blue) - has curly shoots with a length of 30-35 cm.

Lobelia Ampel Variety Red Cascade Red Cascade Photo

Red Cascade (Red Cascade) - Fallen shoots make up a length of 35-40 cm. Colors of purple.

Regatta rose - dwarf plant. Bright pink colors with white eye.

Riviera Sky Bloh - high bustle is 15-17 cm. Sweet-blue flowers.

Lobelia Strong Lobelia Valida

It has powerful thickened stems up to 40 cm long. Compact bushes are covered with blue, purple shade.

Lobelia The finest or delicate Lobelia Tenuior

The length of thin stems reaches 35 cm. White flowers, lilac, blue.

Lobelia in landscape design


Grow the label in the suspended pots, baskets, ornamental vases, create floral tower from vases.

Lobelia is universal, as it will fit into the garden design of any style. She will add a cute, romantic mood.

The cultivation of lobelia from seeds is a time consuming and troublesome process, especially at the stage of seedlings. However, subject to all rules, the recommendations are obtained guaranteed result. Spectacular Lobelia flower will decorate any flower, and a variety of shades makes it welcome for flowerflowers.


Lobelia - many years of flower. Refers to the family of bells. The family has more than 300 representatives. Stems thin, branching, herbaceous. Kuste compact. The height depends on the type of plant, on average from 20-50 cm. The foliage is green, Lanzetoid, elongated. The flower table is 2 cm long. Flowers are small, in diameter reach 3 cm. The color depends on the variety, so the lobelia is a pink, white, blue, purple, red shade. Duration of flowering from June to September. Fruits - a box with the smallest seeds.

Select variety

In the European part of Russia, Lobelia is grown as an annual plant. The poet variety is better to choose with a one-year vegetative cycle. The most bright and beautiful are considered:

  1. Lobelia is strong.Bushes are high, dense. Stems strong. Large leaves, fleshy. Socuagement big size, painted in bright blue or purple color. Inside the white core is highlighted.

  1. Ricardi ampelnaya. Hybrid variety. The screens grow in a length of 30-35 cm, powerful, strong. Inflorescences in diameter reach 2 cm, color purple or white. Performed only with cuttings.

  1. Erinus. It has several shapes and sizes of the bush. Dwarcovaya, spread, plenty, straight-standing. Shades: blue, white, blue, pink. Popular subspecies - reggate Rose, Rugat Blue, Riviera Sky Blue.

  1. Gerardi. A distinctive feature - frost resistance, can withstand cold to -30 ° C. Even in cold areas, flower is grown as a perennial. Otherwise, landing seeds and caring from other varieties of lobelia is no different. The height of the bush is 120 cm. Color purple.

  1. Fiery. View of the rectating lobelia. The shoots grow to 75 cm. The foliage is green or with a red tint. Computerities scarlet. Best Representative - Queen Victoria.

How to collect seeds

Even in conditions of temperate climate, the seeds of Lobelia have time to ripe. Collect them in the fall, after the yellowing of the bushes. Boxes should be carefully cut and folded into deep dishes. Already in the room the contents shake out. Seeds are so easy that they will spread them.

Attention! In order to prevent the wake of the label seeds, they can be tied with a transparent cloth.

How to raise label seedlings at home

Grow lobelia at home is not easy. The flower is heat-loving, in the subtropical climate grows perennial plants. But, unfortunately, most varieties do not tolerate the conditions of harsh winter - Lobelia dies. Therefore B. Middle lane Russia flower cultivate as an annual, that is, each spring it is planted in an open ground.

When sow lobelia to seedlings

Flowers seedlings Lobelia develops long enough. The period from sowing seeds to flowering lasts 60-75 days. However, at this time do not forget about additional lighting. The lack of light affects the condition of young sprouts: they suffer from the black leg, suspend in growth or, on the contrary, are pulled out. For this reason, many flower products do not postpone the timing of sowing lobelia, begin to grow from February.

In March, the situation stabilizes. Often the spring seedlings are much stronger and rustier on February. Therefore, pushing out of the existing conditions, the gardeners themselves decide when to spend sowing. The deadline for sowing seeds Lobelia to seedlings - mid-April, then bloom can be expected in early June.

Preparing soil and container

Usually, seedlings are planted in boxes in order to save space. Lobelia grows in separate containers, then there is no need to dive. Used for growing also seaside cassettes with pallets, disposable glasses, trays from eggs, plastic containers with a height of 3-4 cm, wide plates. It is not advisable to choose carton boxes After dairy products. They are processed by special substances that evaporated, adversely affect the cultivation of seeds.

The best packaging for growing sores of Lobelia is peat pills or pots. When soaking with water, they swell, and a container is formed filled with substrate. Porous walls provide the required air-humid mode. The substance does not contain toxins, pathogenic microorganisms. Peat glasses are capable of keeping the form in any condition. The grown seedlings are planted directly in them into the open ground, not traumating the root system with extracting from the container.

Earth for growing seedlings should be featured ease, looseness, nutrition. It is necessary soil, which is able to easily pass the air and hold water, with a neutral pH. Do not forget about drainage, otherwise, when the moisture is rebupping, the root system simply rotates.

Grounding for growing seedlings are prepared independently using the following components in equal proportions: peat, sand, perlite, nervous land. Before boarding the resulting substrate must be sterilized in the oven or pour potassium permanganate solution. Another option is to settle the ground with boiling water to eliminate the possible infection of seedlings. For the cultivation of seedlings of flowers, the label does not fit the ground from the garden, since it does not have a balanced mineral composition.

If there is no desire to make the ground independently, it can be purchased in garden shops. The universal composition of the soil for growing seedlings should not contain a significant number of fertilizers, otherwise the blossoms of Lobelia do not wait. Seedling will be magnificent, green and all the forces will give to the formation of vegetative shoots. If in the nitrogen substrate, phosphorus and potassium in the range of 400 ml / l, then it is better to apply it as an additive to the soils for growing plants.

Attention! The substrate for growing lobelia should not be humus.

Landing Lobelia to seedlings

Purchased seeds tend to pass pre-processing: calibration, disinfection. Information about this can be found on the packaging of the goods. As for the landing material, collected by itself - it is more complicated here. Lobelia seeds are pretty small. In 1 g contained 30-50 thousand dust seeds. Therefore, they are usually planted without prior procedures.

The small size of the label seed creates a number of inconvenience in the planting process. To evenly distribute the sowing material on the surface of the soil, the following methods use:

  • "On the snow", from the street to bring a handful of snow and distribute on the substrate, they sow gravel seeds from above, so they will pass useful procedure stratification;
  • mix planting material with the handful of sand, and then the mixture is distributed over the surface;
  • water moistened to the tip of the toothpicks dip in the bag with label seeds, and 4-5 pieces of stipped grains are sown in the ground, but this method quite laborious.

Specialized stores have granulated seeds for cultivation. Under the nutritional shell of such granules contains 5-8 pieces. They are conveniently placed to germinate, growing in individual containers or peat pills.

Important! In the package, the number of treated label seeds is less than ordinary, and there is also a chance to plant an empty granule.

False seed landing procedure for seedlings:

  1. Take prepared small landing tanks. On the bottom lay a layer of drainage 2 cm thick.
  2. Filled in the ground, preheated to a temperature of + 25-30 ° C. Do not need tightly.
  3. Water with warm, dilated water so that the soil is not wet, and wet.
  4. One of the above methods planted seeds into the substrate. From above, the soil should not be powder.
  5. Capacities are covered with glass or film to create a greenhouse effect.
  6. Spray the substrate from the sprayer.
  7. For growing seedlings, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room + 25-26 ° C.
  8. If you install boxes on cold window sills, then it is better to put slices of foam plastic.
  9. Before shooting, the lighting is not required. It should only be regularly ventured, to remove the accumulated condensate, while drying the earth - moisturize.

How to care for seedy

When Lobelia rose, the shelter is cleaned. The box is brought out. Silestones equipped with phytolampa or other backlit are not bad. When growing, young plants need 10-hour lighting day. Grown plants need watering. To do this, take out the resistant or filtered water. The procedure is preferably carried out in the morning, since watering in evening time leads to stretching seedlings and weak immunity. Moisturize seedlings will be required often. Root system Spectacles are small, thin, and is on the surface of the soil. As soon as the land hardened, the roots die, and with them and the plant.

After removing the film changes and temperature mode. The air temperature in the premises during the cultivation of seedlings should be maintained at + 18-20 ° C during the day, +15 ° С at night.

When cultivated, the seedlings of Lobelia at home are not feeding. However, it can be fertilized by the soil with a complex mineral drug when shooting will be about a month. The concentration of the solution is made 2-3 times weaker than for adult plants.

Attention! With the cultivation of seeds, it is impossible to allow water stagnation in the pancake pallet, this will lead to reinforcement of the roots.

How to dive Lobelia

If the seedlings are grown out of seeds in individual glasses or peat pills, it is not necessary to transplant the label. Plants will calmly live to transplant to a permanent place. The recording procedure is necessary for the seedlings of lobelia placed in a common capacity. Neighboring sprouts are woven between themselves roots, stems, interfering with each other to fully develop and grow.

Seed seedlings when it will release 2-3 sheets. Picked with beams of 5-6 sprouts immediately in a separate container. If the seedling container is accommodated evenly, the soil is cut by a scalpel or sharp knife, separating pieces, on which up to 10 young flowers. The substrate is taken from the bottom and searmed on the glasses. When diving, made in this way, the flower quickly adapts in a new place. Grass seedlings Lobelia is represented in the photo.

Hardening seedlings Lobelia

The cultivation of lobelia from seeds at home involves hardening seedlings. After diving, young plants are put on the streets, but no later than 2 weeks before moving on the flowerbed. The only nuance is to wait optimal temperature Air: not less than + 10-12 ° C. The first stay on the street lasts 1.5 hours, gradually increasing time. Hardening is an important procedure for growing, on which the success of the transplant and further development of the flower depends. During the period of the residence of Lobelia on open space It is necessary to exclude drafts and direct sunlight.

Important! Due to the hardening of the plant, it is capable of withstanding a decrease in temperature to -2 ° C.

Detailed process of sowing and growing Lobelia on seeding from seeds is clearly shown in the video:


Growing Lobelia from seeds - one of the ways to get beautiful flowerBut you need to be neat so as not to ruin it with excessive moisture or disadvantage of water. You should also not forget about the optimal parameters of growing seedlings and further care activities.

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Greetings all readers!

Today we will talk about Lobelia, how to grow it from seeds at home. This is an annual beautiful flowering plantwhich is a variety of its forms and colors can decorate not one Rabatka, flowerbed, Vazon or even suspended porridge!

Lobelia, soaked small flowers, in any composition will look empty. And now more, about

Growing Lobelia from Seeds

Types of Lobeliy It can be divided into the following indicators:

in shape and altitude:

  • wholes reaching in a height of up to 30 cm,
  • ampel (cascade), which, whom the length of the woven varies from 30 to 50 cm;

by color:

  • usually it is all shades of blue ("sapphire", "Crystal Palace"),
  • it also happens violet ("Margo"),
  • pink ("Riviera Pink"),
  • red (not carmine, but rather a purple, "red cascade"),
  • white coloring ("White Riviera")
  • or multicolor ("Vienna Waltz").

However, it is worth noting that it is Lobelia blue that is faster, and seedlings turn out to be stronger.

Ampel Lobelia

The greatest interest is the varieties of ampel Lobelia, it looks like a giant ball in the vases, it is still singing it not only in Kashpo, but also used as a soil industry.

Mostly, the varieties of ampel lobels are hybrids (on packs are denoted by the symbol F1), so the seeds should not be collected from them, but it is better to buy already ready to grow and grow seedlings from them.

And what if you managed to find a unique variety and do not want to lose it at all? Of this situation there are two outputs:

  1. Just pick up a plant home. Lobelia, in fact, is a two-year apartment, but in the context of the Russian climate in the plot of winter will not survive.
  2. And if it wants to multiply a specific variety, this is achieved by ordinary stalling, in which Lobelia will not lose its varietal properties.

Seeding seeds

The race for a certain variety can be started in December, but the seeds followed in late February - early March. If there is a phytolampa at home, the landing begins in January. Otherwise, sprouts will be elongated and weak.

The seeds in Lobelia are very small, like a pipe, so for the uniform distribution of them on the surface of the soil, you can use the following simple ways:

  • sat "on the snow". Those. Just from the courtyard to bring snow bucket, put it with a layer on the ground and pour seeds from the pack on it. At the same time, the seeds will pass, the so-called, stratification;
  • stir the seeds with sand and scatter evenly;
  • just buy granulated seeds.

But this is unprofitable: it is more expensive, and the number of seeds in a pack is much smaller, and there is also the possibility of entering empty granules without seed inside.

The soil for planting is used as much as for any other seedlings. If the earth is brought from the site home, then you just need to break it out: add a light peat or vermiculite, the sand also does not hurt. If the soil is purchased in the store, then you need to pay attention to the pH level is neutral.

Landing capacities are needed shallow (3-4 cm) and may be whatever, but there is one important condition - must be attended by drainage holes. Them in any plastic container You can smear the hot nail yourself, for example.

So, if the planting "on the snow" is selected, then watering will not need in the near future. If you plant seeds mixed with sand, the soil moistened before sowing.

When sowing granules, it is better to put them in peat pills. These pills before sowing are soaked in water to swelling. On the one hand, a hole will be visible in which the granule will be sitting.

Note: Watering in this case into the pallet, and not on top, and more frequent, since the pills are very like to dispel. But they have their advantages - in this case there is no transplant.

Video about sowing Lobelia seeds

Care for seedy

All drawers with squeezed lobelia sign (if there are several varieties), wrap in polyethylene and put in a warm dark place.

The first time check after 2-3 days, in the following days it was constantly checking whether the shoots did not appear.

If at least one seemed, immediately put on the light and cover the box with glass (

During the growing shoot, glass times a day to shoot for 20 minutes for airing, watering to spend only the sprayer.

When the flowers finally go up, then they need to be switched and do not hesitate with this operation.


Because they will grow up (especially for cascade lobelia), and they will be very difficult to divide each other: when several intertwined plants are quite easy to break the slim stems.

Prication of seedlings can be started when three real leaves appear, the two most first to them do not belong to them. The transplant is made using a fork. You just need to carefully pry a sapling with a lore of the earth and put in the pot.

In one pot, stick 6-7 pieces of seedlings, it will give the desired dense the future plant. If the labelia was planted in peat pills, the dive operation disappears.

Video about seeding


Before boarding the open soil, seedlings need to be acclimatized, for this box with them first put in tenhetes, and then take out in the sun.

In general, Lobelia does not like sunny places very much, the half-day fit perfectly for her. Sit down at the end of May after return freezers.

Distances between seedlings landing:

  • lobeli's bush grades - 25 cm;
  • cascade type in open soil as a soil industry - 20 cm, to obtain a uniform of the carpet;
  • ampel (cascading) species in suspended caspo or vases - 15 cm.

And now several tips on stimulating abundant blossoms of lobelia ampelnaya.

  • After the seedlock came across a new place, it is necessary to discredit it, that is, to the nails to break down the top. This is done in order for the bush himself evenly develops in height, and in width.
  • And after the first abundant blossom, it is necessary to shorten all the shoots to a size of 5 cm, and very soon after that, the label will get a new mass and blooms again.

Care of adult plants

Water and feed and feed.

Watering only early in the morning or in the evening, so that there is no burns from the sunlight on wet plants, feeding twice for the season.

In this matter, the main thing with nitrogen does not overdo it, you need to pay attention to the percentage of its content in fertilizer. Otherwise, there will be a powerful green bush without flowers (nitrogen is responsible for increasing the green mass).

Lobelia, planted in kashpo or vases, requires more frequent feeding, as minerals in a small amount of land are quickly exhausted.

Breeding Lobelia Chenikov

The reproduction of Lobelia with grinding is not a difficult task. To do this, you will need an old bush, duck up in the fall at the end of last season.

Cut the cuttings with a size of 5-7 cm, to stimulate root growth, dip in the "corneumine" and plug into a wet mixture of vermiculite with sand (in a ratio of 1: 1).

Capacity with cuttings put under a transparent bottle with cropped bottom, leaving the lid. It turns out such a homemade greenhouse. Cover periodically remove and venting the cuttings. After a couple of weeks, they will empty young roots, and after a month and a half you can land them into the ground.

Pests and diseases

During the garden season on Lobelia, like on other landings, pests can attack. The most annoying of them, probably, is the TLL, which the ants snaps over the site.

If you can not find out who concretely devour the landing, then all bushes should be sprayed from the pest complex. An example of such a means can be "phytodeter", one of the most effective.

The ampoule is divorced with water, and if the solution is too much, then it can be used on other landings.

In addition to pests, the development and flowering of bushes can spoil unexpectedly emerged diseases.

Seeds before planting in preventive purposes will not be processed due to their size, so at the seedlings stage it is recommended to succeed with a solution of antifungal drug (fungicide) in order to further form stability from bushes to different rotes.

If the bush has a mosaic on the leaves, it will have to eliminate it completely, as this is a viral disease.

And if the leaves are simply falling, yellowing, respect, etc., it is regardless of the reason, you need to collect them and burn so as not to dissolve incomprehensible infection among the landings.

If you observe all the above conditions of cultivation, then Lobelia will thank the owner with its repeated abundant blossom During the garden season!

Those who first decided to independently grow these gentle and touching flowers from seeds, do not always know exactly when to dive label after germination. Yes, and the subtleties of growing this decoration any alpine Gorki, balcony or windows are not familiar with beginners gardeners.

Lobeli manifold

In nature, there are about 400 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants, shrubs, half-workers and even trees of this kind. Cultivated in horticulture - about 20 species.

There are wonderful, abundant and long-term flowering ampel plants. They look great in hanging porridge under the roofs of houses, arbors, veranda. Also, Lobelia is used to create floral borders or walls. After all, this is a herbaceous plant with a little abundant white, pink, lilac, blue, bright blue, crimson, beetful flower, can create a tight and bright rug. It will preserve his attractiveness until autumn.

Although Lobelia growing in tropical latitudes is a perennial, in our sufficiently cold latitudes, it is grown from seeds as an annual plant.

When to dive Lobelia

Before entering the Lobelia transplant, you need to prepare right soil. The land must be high-quality and nutritious, so a special peat plate or humus is added to it. It is necessary to consider that the soil moisture should not be over the norm.

The time of vegetation of Lobelia is very long, so quite often resort to the seating method. And one of the techniques of flower growing, which can be used when grieving seedlings, is a dive. After all, this interesting process is beneficial to the excellent development of the roots of the plant, and the territorial increase in the habitat and feeding, "pushes" to intensify the growth of all the lobelia.

The sprouts of Lobelia are tiny, so they dive them, a month after the manifestation of the first shoots. The main identification mark, to start the process, will be the appearance of two - three green sheets. Despite the fact that at this moment, the size of the main plant is still very small, it is exactly the right time to transplant the plant.

Sowing seeds Lobelia

  1. Lobelia seeds are very small, you can say microscopic. Hang them evenly, not thickening the landing, it is very difficult. To facilitate the task, dusty seeds of this culture are often mixed with thinly seeded river sand. Some flower seeds seed seeds into a layer of pure non-swelled snow or transfer them to the surface of the soil, with a wooden toothpick moistened in water.
  2. Unlike the seeds of most others decorative plants Seeds of Lobelia spare only on bright light, so they do not fall asleep with the substrate, but leave lying on its surface.
  3. After planting, crops are immediately covered with transparent covers and contain containers in warm (18-21 ° C), well lit, without drafts place.

Picking Lobelia

So that the land in containers do not molded, the condensate formed on them daily is erased and at the same time will moisturize the soil very pale, almost with colorless milgantaneous solution.

The covers with containers are removed only after the land in them completely covers small bright green shoots.

Seedlings grown in general soilneeded picking. This is usually done with a sharp stick or a special very small blade. If you get it, the adjacent sprouts will pass through with all parts - from the top to the roots. Perfect time - Stage 2-3 of real leaves. As a rule, it takes 3-4 weeks to form.

The miniature label is transplanted not one by one, but with beams of 5-10 sprouts. So you will get lush adult bushes. For each group, you need a separate cup. Sometimes it is uncomfortable to choose a bundle among a uniform rug seedling. In this case, a scalpel or knife will come to the aid of the gardener.


  1. The tool, cut the turn in such parts so that they have the required number of sprouts.
  2. Each piece neatly fit the tea or coffee spoon (can be plastic).
  3. Transfer the rod to a separate glass. With such a picking, the plant will not suffer from damage to the root system.

Council. So that the lobeli bushes have grown fluffy, it is useful to spend the seign. Riding seedlings are placed when it reaches 3-4 cm in height. This procedure is particularly relevant if the shoots are growing due to long downtime on the windowsill.

Lobelia care after dive

As you know, Lobelia is a light-loving plant, because after dive it is important to provide sufficient lighting and temperature regime at the level of 13-17 degrees. Watering should be moderate and produced around bush, because the plant does not tolerate the convergence. Two weeks after the dive, you can make feeding with lobelia complex mineral fertilizers In accordance with the instructions for a particular preparation.

Fresh Garden Articles and Garden

Speaking about how to dive Lobelia, it is necessary to recall that when further care Before transplanting to the ground, it is important to ensure that the plant has enough light and there is no excess of moisture, because the state of seedlings and its ability to resist diseases depends on these factors.

When and how to plant gravel seedlings in open ground

Before planting Lobelia seedlings to open ground, you need to take care of its hardening. When the air temperature warms up to + 11-14 degrees, begin to carry out planting tanks into the street, first for 20-30 minutes, and then for longer times.

Lobelia can be planted both in open ground and in porridge or balcony boxes. And you can quit and leave at home. The disembarkation is carried out, like when diving, that is, groups (beams), at a distance of approximately 15-20 cm. The dates of landing of the seedlings of Lobelia to the open soil differ depending on the climate of the region. That is why it is possible to start landing it from the end of May and until mid-June.

Lobelia as a decoration of the site

Registered country cottage area With the help of Lobelia, it should be borne in mind that it is quite harmonious, and therefore, it should be chosen by plants with similar requirements. Successful compositions are obtained with velvets, calendula, lion zev, Petunia.

By composing floral combinations to Lobelia, it is better to choose plants low varieties. In this case, the influence of rains and winds will not damage the decorativeness to neighboring colors.

Lobelia feels comfortable in priene areas. When placing weakly familial places (for example, near the walls of the house) to Lobelia, you should choose low perennials or annual plants - Balzamin, tube begonia, ameratum, geihans, cineroj.

Lobelia ampelnaya shows itself in a container landing, in a short period of time, it is capable of growing up to the state of the lush flower "waterfall".

If you put it with spicy plants, then insect pollinators will not wait long.

Multi-tiered containers with lobelia different colors Will well look at the entrance to the house or into the courtyard (at the wicket), as well as on decorative stakenants. To decorate fences with floral cascades, ampeline varieties of lobelia are suitable. Garden reservoirs or small fountains will decorate and emphasize all shades of blue or blue colorwhich is so famous Lobelia. Creating "water" topics, it should be noted that here it is not better to perform the blue or azure color of these plants.


Today we will talk about Lobelia, how to grow it from seeds at home. This is an annual beautiful flowering plant, which is a variety of its forms and colors can decorate not one Rabata, floweruba, Vazon or even suspended porridge! Lobelia, covered with small flower, in any composition will look elegant.

Types of lobelia can be divided into the following indicators:

in shape and altitude:

  • wholes reaching in a height of up to 30 cm;
  • ampel (cascading), which, whom the length of the woven varies from 30 to 50 cm.

by color:

  • usually it is all shades of blue (sapphire, crystal palace),
  • it also happens violet (margot),
  • pink (Riviera Pink),
  • red (not carmine, but rather a purple, red cascade),
  • white painting (white riviera)
  • or multicolored (Vienna Waltz).

However, it is worth noting that it is Lobelia blue that is faster, and seedlings turn out to be stronger.

Ampel Lobelia

The greatest interest is the varieties of ampel Lobelia, it looks like a giant ball in the vases, it is still singing it not only in Kashpo, but also used as a soil industry.

Mostly, the varieties of ampel lobels are hybrids (on packs are denoted by the symbol F1), so the seeds should not be collected from them, but it is better to buy already ready to grow and grow seedlings from them.

And what if you managed to find a unique variety and do not want to lose it at all? Of this situation there are two outputs:

Just pick up a plant home. Lobelia, in fact, is a two-year apartment, but in the context of the Russian climate in the plot of winter will not survive.

And if it wants to multiply a specific variety, this is achieved by ordinary stalling, in which Lobelia will not lose its varietal properties.

Seeding seeds

The race for a certain variety can be started in December, but the seeds followed in late February - early March. If there is a phytolampa at home, the landing begins in January. Otherwise, sprouts will be elongated and weak.

The seeds in Lobelia are very small, like a pipe, so for the uniform distribution of them on the surface of the soil, you can use the following simple ways:

  • plant "On Snow". Those. Just from the courtyard to bring snow bucket, put it with a layer on the ground and pour seeds from the pack on it. At the same time, the seeds will pass, the so-called, stratification;
  • stir the seeds with sand and scatter evenly;
  • just buy granulated seeds.

But this is unprofitable: it is more expensive, and the number of seeds in a pack is much smaller, and there is also the possibility of entering empty granules without seed inside.

The soil for planting is used as much as for any other seedlings. If the earth is brought from the site home, then you just need to break it out: add a light peat or vermiculite, the sand also does not hurt. If the soil is purchased in the store, then you need to pay attention to the pH level is neutral.

The capacitance of the landing is needed shallow (3-4 cm) and may be whatever, but there is one important condition - the drainage holes must be present. Their in any plastic container can be smelted to the hot nail itself, for example.

So, if the landing "on the snow" is chosen, then watering will not need it in the near future. If you plant seeds mixed with sand, the soil moistened before sowing.

When sowing granules, it is better to put them in peat pills. These pills before sowing are soaked in water to swelling. On the one hand, a hole will be visible in which the granule will be sitting.

Note: Watering in this case into the pallet, and not on top, and more frequent, since the pills are very like to dispel. But they have their advantages - in this case there is no transplant.

Video about sowing Lobelia seeds

Lobelia Care

All drawers with squeezed lobelia sign (if there are several varieties), wrap in polyethylene and put in a warm dark place.

The first time check after 2-3 days, in the following days it was constantly checking whether the shoots did not appear.

If at least one seemed, immediately put on the light and cover the box with glass (as well as when sowing petunia).

During the growing shoot, glass times a day to shoot for 20 minutes for airing, watering to spend only the sprayer.

When the flowers finally go up, then they need to be switched and do not hesitate with this operation.


Because they will grow up (especially for cascade lobelia), and they will be very difficult to divide each other: when several intertwined plants are quite easy to break the slim stems.

Prication of seedlings can be started when three real leaves appear, the two most first to them do not belong to them. The transplant is made using a fork. You just need to carefully pry a sapling with a lore of the earth and put in the pot.

In one pot, stick 6-7 pieces of seedlings, it will give the desired dense the future plant. If the labelia was planted in peat pills, the dive operation disappears.

Landing Lobelia in Open Soil

Before boarding the open soil, seedlings need to be acclimatized, for this box with them first put in tenhetes, and then take out in the sun.

In general, Lobelia does not like sunny places very much, the half-day fit perfectly for her. Sit down at the end of May after return freezers.

Distances between seedlings landing:

  • lobeli's bush grades - 25 cm;
  • cascade type in open soil as a soil industry - 20 cm, to obtain a uniform of the carpet;
  • ampel (cascading) species in suspended porridge or vases - 15 cm.

And now several tips on stimulating abundant blossoms of lobelia ampelnaya.

After the seedlock came across a new place, it is necessary to discredit it, that is, to the nails to break down the top. This is done in order for the bush himself evenly develops in height, and in width.

And after the first abundant blossom, it is necessary to shorten all the shoots to a size of 5 cm, and very soon after that, the label will get a new mass and blooms again.

Care of adult plants

Water and feed and feed.

Watering only early in the morning or in the evening, so that there is no burns from the sunlight on wet plants, feeding twice for the season.

In this matter, the main thing with nitrogen does not overdo it, you need to pay attention to the percentage of its content in fertilizer. Otherwise, there will be a powerful green bush without flowers (nitrogen is responsible for increasing the green mass).

Lobelia, planted in kashpo or vases, requires more frequent feeding, as minerals in a small amount of land are quickly exhausted.

Trimming bush

Lobelian trimming must be carried out after the first wave of flowering to stimulate the bookmark of new flower kidney. During trimming, all shoots shorten on a height of about 5 cm from the ground. It is such a haircut that allows the flower to grow new leaves, which will be better close and blooming longer. Leaving longer vacuum, repeated flowering can not be waited.

The second time the label haircut is performed selectively, shortening and cutting out only weak and damaged shoots.

To admire beautiful flowers Lobelia to the most frosts, the flower needs to be cut once again in August. Enter how during the first trimming, completely cutting all the shoots. After that, the flower needs to be bought.

Important!To assemble the seeds of Lobelia, it is not necessary for the third time, otherwise the seeds will not have time to grow.

Reproduction of Lobelia

Lobelia reproduction: seed method and vegetative

Reproduction of Lobelia Seeds

Lobelia is multiplied by seeds, so for further cultivation They must be collected on time.

Lobelia seeds are very small and can turn, so you need to follow the condition of the colors. When they completely beat away, the shoots neatly bind together, after which the seeds were knocked down on white paper.

The collected Lobelia seeds are stored in paper bags or tanks.

Breeding Lobelia Chenikov

The reproduction of Lobelia with grinding is not a difficult task. To do this, you will need an old bush, duck up in the fall at the end of last season.

Cut the cuttings with a size of 5-7 cm, to stimulate the root growth, dip in the "corneser" and plug into a wet mixture of vermiculite with sand (in a 1: 1 ratio).

Capacity with cuttings put under a transparent bottle with cropped bottom, leaving the lid. It turns out such a homemade greenhouse. Cover periodically remove and venting the cuttings. After a couple of weeks, they will empty young roots, and after a month and a half you can land them into the ground.

Pests and diseases Lobelia

During the garden season on Lobelia, like on other landings, pests can attack. The most annoying of them, probably, is the TLL, which the ants snaps over the site.

If you can not find out who concretely devour the landing, then all bushes should be sprayed from the pest complex. An example of such a means can be "phytodeter", one of the most efficient.

The ampoule is divorced with water, and if the solution is too much, then it can be used on other landings.

In addition to pests, the development and flowering of bushes can spoil unexpectedly emerged diseases.

Seeds before planting in preventive purposes will not be processed due to their size, so at the seedlings stage it is recommended to succeed with a solution of antifungal drug (fungicide) in order to further form stability from bushes to different rotes.

If the bush has a mosaic on the leaves, it will have to eliminate it completely, as this is a viral disease.

And if the leaves are simply falling, yellowing, respect, etc., it is regardless of the reason, you need to collect them and burn so as not to dissolve incomprehensible infection among the landings.

If you observe all the above conditions of cultivation, then Lobelia will thank the owner with its repeated abundant blossoms during the garden season!