Corner fireplaces in the design of the living room. A wide variety of corner fireplaces. Photo

Corner fireplaces create warmth and comfort in the living room interior.

With a qualified selection, you can install a fireplace not only in own home but also in the apartment. And for this, you should understand the features of various types of fireplaces for living rooms and the methods of their implementation in the concept of housing design.

Types and properties

Depending on the type of fuel used, fireplaces are divided into:

The fireplace is also called the soul of the living room due to the fact that when an open fire burns in it, in addition to heat, it is able to create a cozy atmosphere at home. Thanks to this, all large quantity the owners are thinking of installing an elegant fireplace in the living room.

The corner fireplace in the interior is especially popular. It fits perfectly into the design with a well thought out position.

In addition, this option has advantages over the frontal options:

  • heats all adjacent rooms at the same time;
  • has an increased efficiency due to the reflection of heat from the walls;
  • saves space due to corner placement and compactness;
  • there are endless possibilities for the embodiment of design ideas.

Design ideas: classic combination shades in modern rooms, photos and design options, criteria for choosing furniture, textiles and finishes.

How to make and install decorative partition for zoning a room with your own hands, read in.

Design and placement

Corner fireplaces differ in various shapes, different model range and finishing materials. Today they are installed in private houses and residential premises. They are technologically advanced and compact, which means they take up little space, due to which they are ideal option for living rooms.

Before starting work, it is better to decide on the style of the general interior of the room, regardless of whether it is finished or is still under construction. After all, the addition of such a structure as a fireplace is a great opportunity to completely change the design.

Therefore, in such a situation, planning the interior with a ready-made corner fireplace in the living room of a city apartment would be an ideal option, as in the photo:

After a place has been chosen where the corner fireplace will be located, its installation must be coordinated with the relevant authorities. After that, you can look for such a master who can professionally translate the idea into reality.

Types of corner fireplaces

Fireplaces are divided not only by types of fuel, but also by other criteria.

Asymmetrical. They can be used as zoning room space, which eliminates the need for additional partitions, walls and doors. Asymmetrical interior design makes it possible to create modern style while maintaining the integrity of the space.

Completion gives correct selection facing materials, which are used to decorate fireplaces. Installation of an asymmetrical version can be carried out with an open or closed firebox - at will. In any case, do it yourself corner fireplaces not worth installing.

Symmetrical. These are fireplaces, each side of which is a mirror image of the opposite. Before placing such a fireplace in a room, it should be borne in mind that it will take up a lot of space. In this case, it will be possible to focus on it in the interior of the room.

Remember! For a symmetrical corner fireplace to look great in a room, it must be visible from anywhere in the room.

Bio fireplaces

For residents of city apartments, the purchase of biofireplaces would be an ideal option. Their peculiarity is that the fireplace can be installed without a chimney. The system of operation of this device is simple: it burns environmentally friendly fuel - bioethanol.

Bio fireplaces are ideal for a minimalist style or high-tech.

It should be noted that this design can also be used for medicinal, sedative purposes. There are various kits on the market based on medicinal plants and herbs. This will help everyone relax and calm their nervous system.

Brick corner fireplaces

The brick fireplace is the epitome of timeless classics. Such options differ beautiful design, reliability and most importantly - they give real warmth, creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere... Its disadvantage is that it is very difficult to install.

Today, one can rarely find execution "under a brick", it is much more common not decorative trim, but natural, since it has a very pleasant appearance.

Fake fireplaces

Such options can be used exclusively for decorating a room. They create coziness in the house, however, like the sun in winter: they shine, but do not warm. In any case, for each apartment in the city, the option of a false fireplace is safe and optimal.

Advantages of corner fireplaces

Electric fireplaces in living rooms are used for various purposes: as an additional source of heat, for decorating a room, and so on.

Despite the fact that this element of the interior provides only about 20 percent of heat transfer, it has such advantages as:

  • compactness;
  • full view of the flame;
  • heating the room;
  • increased security;
  • originality;
  • variety of design;
  • profitability.

Choosing a location

When placing a fireplace near the outer walls, some heat loss occurs, because of this, experts advise to make the room warmer, purchase euro-windows, insulate the room, especially on the north side, and generally protect the house from temperature extremes.

Important! The fireplace should not be located near stairs or in corridors, as safety issues may arise.

If possible, it is better to arrange the elements of furniture so that, being in the room, you can enjoy the fire. For this, for example, parallel placement is often used, when the chairs are placed opposite the sofa, and between them there is a small coffee table.

Furniture should be purchased in warm colors in order to further emphasize the pleasant atmosphere of the room.

Quite often, chairs with a pouf or stylish rocking chairs are placed next to the fireplace for a comfortable stay.

Important! Placing a TV over a fireplace violates safety rules.

With a corner fireplace in the living room interior, for example, an armchair can be placed sideways to it, and the fire will not interfere with watching TV.

The shelf above the fireplace can be decorated with various cute trinkets, figurines or decorative vases. Antique outlandish clocks, forged items, and heirlooms will do. Family photos on such a shelf also look great.

Exterior of the living room interior with fireplace

The placement of such an element of the interior is possible only in a room whose area is at least twenty, or even twenty-five meters. It is important to consider that residents of city apartments can only install corner electric fireplaces in the interior.

V recent times decorative biofireplaces operating on environmentally friendly fuels began to be more popular.

Read about how to equip and create a modern one: the subtleties of planning, the nuances of the placement of furniture and equipment, options for finishing and zoning.

View photos from combined wallpaper for the walls in the living room you can.

A modern fireplace can be decorated with any material that you want to see: both decorative and natural materials are suitable.

As for the style of the apartment itself, you can arrange it in the classic version, English or Scandinavian. It is important that all the details match in style and do not get out of the general idea.

The room can be decorated in cool colors if used electric option, and if you live in a private house and can afford to install a corner fireplace in the living room, for example, a gas one, then you can give preference to interior design not only in cold shades, but also in warm ones. For example, country style would be a great option.

Finishes and materials

After you have decided to install a fireplace in the living room, you should figure out what finishing materials can be used to make it pleasant aesthetic appearance... The most popular are brick and drywall.

The most durable corner fireplaces are those that are made of brickwork, casting, and also decorated with mirror elements.

It is desirable that the material matches the color scheme of the room. When choosing electric corner fireplaces for a room, read the photo in advance in order to take into account all the nuances of a stylized design.

For small apartments the selection of this device as a decor will be appropriate. The fireplace should be compact, and it is desirable that it functions on bioethanol or be wall-mounted electric.

Corner fireplaces are a great way to decorate your interior. They bring not only a zest to the style and design, but also instantly make the room comfortable and favorable to living.

Photo gallery

Today you can pick up different styles fireplaces, finishing materials, sizes, that is, everything that plays a role in the selection of the best and most suitable option for arranging the living room interior. For photos with examples of various fireplaces, see the gallery below:

The modern design of the premises allows you to make any dream come true and it is not necessary to spend a huge amount of money on this embodiment? The optimal solution for private households and apartments is a corner fireplace, which is maximally adapted to living conditions.

Variety of choices

The main difference between the corner fireplaces offered today is their design. They can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. If you want to focus on the fireplace, choose a symmetrical shape that will be perfectly visible from any angle and point of the room. A fireplace of this type also has the best characteristics and heats the room the best way.

Asymmetrical corner models of fireplaces are most often used for zoning a room. These structures look best indoors. large area and allow you to organically organize the space. It should be noted that due to its shape, such a fireplace will perfectly fit into the design of absolutely any interior. The undoubted advantage of the asymmetric design is ease of installation and originality.

Advantage of a corner fireplace:

  • increased level of security;
  • a variety of finishes and room for creative imagination;
  • wide visibility of fire.

Today, you can easily purchase a corner glass fireplace, which has a purely decorative function, creating a cozy and warm atmosphere in the room.

Diy corner fireplace

Before proceeding with its equipment, it is necessary to determine the place of its installation and study all the pitfalls. It is also necessary to decide on the place where the chimney pipe will come out and how it will rise. When equipping a fireplace in an apartment of an apartment building, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permits, which will require a project that will also take into account all fire safety requirements.

An important role is played by masonry scheme, which can be found on the Internet or using the experience and knowledge of an experienced stove-maker. In each scheme, there is a certain order, thanks to which the process of laying out a corner fireplace with your own hands is greatly simplified.

Define optimal height and the width of the fireplace insert, the depth of the firebox and the smoke exhaust hole. Typical ratio of the fireplace insert opening is 3: 2. The greatest heat transfer will be ensured by the shallow depth of the firebox, but it should be remembered that a significant decrease in depth can lead to smoke in the room.
As for the materials, you will need to install a corner fireplace:

  • refractory bricks;
  • coarse sand;
  • packaged cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • bar reinforcement;
  • blue clay.

Sand before adding to cement mix must be sieved and cleaned of debris and dust. As for cement, experienced stove-makers recommend using Portland cement of the M300-M400 brand.

To lay a fireplace requires certain knowledge and skills, if you are not sure about own forces, don't risk it - trust the professionals!

Corner fireplace trim

Recently fashion trend are unfinished corner fireplaces. But this option is permissible only if new materials were used during the installation, and all work was performed as efficiently and proportionally as possible. If you decide to resort to this option, be prepared for the fact that after a few years of operation, the fireplace may lose its attractive appearance.

Simple and affordable way finishes - plastering. This method will allow you to realize your Creative skills and realize your skills. Upper layer plasters can be painted with national patterns or simply painted with water-based paint.

Regardless of fashion and time, tiles remain the current option for finishing the fireplace, which will make your fireplace exclusive and original.

Corner fireplace - photo

Already no one will remember those times when the main task of the fireplace was not to decorate the house, but exclusively to heat it. Time passed, along with it, progress marched, which replaced the usual wood-burning heating for electric and gas heating. However, as many skeptics believed, fireplaces did not disappear, but on the contrary became even more popular and live fire is still present in the interior of many private houses, only this time not only as a source of heat in the house, but also as luxury item decor. The presence of a fireplace in home interior- this is The best way to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Fireplaces for home: design features

A fireplace is a natural and natural source of heat, and the pursuit of naturalness is inherent in all types of design. He has perfectly adapted and feels confident even in seemingly completely incompatible with his or urban style.

Today, the existing variety of fireplaces simply amaze the imagination with their sophistication and luxury.

Finished with metal, natural stone, marble, and other materials, modern fireplaces fit perfectly into the overall design concept of the premises. They look especially beautiful when executed in a classical style.

Since ancient times, in caves, people loved to gather around an open fire to warm up and cook food. Nowadays, the cave has been replaced by a living room, and instead of preparing food, the family gathers at the hearth for heartfelt conversations. That is why it is best to place upholstered furniture and a coffee table in front of the fireplace.

Brick fireplaces: the best interiors

Brick is truly unique building material combining a large number of important characteristics, which are indispensable in the construction of a fireplace. The brick contains only natural, environmentally friendly components that are absolutely harmless to humans. In addition, a brick is able to withstand high enough temperatures, accumulate and give off heat.

To have such a source of heat, near which it will always be pleasant to be, especially when it is cool in the house, is the dream of any owner of a country house.

Fireplace - design solution allowing to avoid monotony in the interior

As you can see, the fireplace in the living room is most often a kind of center of the room. Therefore, it is very important not to disturb the style and harmony in the interior design.

All finishing materials should be well combined with each other, creating a complete picture. For example, on the walls or, they will fit well into the interior where there is a natural stone or brick.

Fireplace cladding: which material is better to use

The fireplace can be decorated with almost any natural or artificial materials which are resistant to high temperatures and have an attractive appearance... These include:

  • natural or fake diamond;
  • ceramic tile;
  • marble and granite;
  • clinker tiles;
  • metal;
  • fireproof glass.

Each material is unique in its own way, has a wide variety different forms, colors and shades.

The dining table in front of the fireplace is a great way to create a magical atmosphere during your evening meal.

Should also be given special attention arrangement and decoration of the chimney chimney. In addition to the main function - the removal of combustion products, it is also an additional source of heat in the house and a kind of interior decoration.

Facing the fireplace with a stone + photo

One of the most commonly used finishing material is - natural or artificial stone. And it is difficult to argue with this, because such a neighborhood at the same time gives the interior an atmosphere of strict restraint and tranquility.

A Romanesque interior is a limitless flight of imagination

Well-chosen color scheme in a luxurious modern interior living room

Nice textiles, nice carpet, large vases, floor lamps and desk lamp- this is just a small part of the things that can transform the interior of a living room with a fireplace. In addition to this, use all possible accessories for decoration.

It can be absolutely anything - a figurine brought from a vacation, a painting, or a set of your favorite family photos, decorated in beautiful frames.

High ceilings and a fireplace in the living room are emphasized individual style at home

A comfortable sofa and comfortable armchairs are always conducive to quiet rest, the presence of the fireplace will make it even more pleasant.

Try to arrange the furniture in your living room so that it is symmetrical to a central piece, such as a coffee table.

The fireplace is a great place to read books

How to choose a fireplace

In fact, everything is very simple. Today, there are a large number of varieties of fireplaces for living rooms, both in design and in their placement. Therefore, pick up suitable option it will not be difficult to match the style of your interior.

From the total mass of fireplaces existing today, the following can be distinguished:

  • Open and closed fireplaces against the wall (wall-mounted);
  • Fireplaces located in the corner of the room (corner)
  • Separate fireplaces (fireplace-island);
  • Hanging fireplace.

The living room itself can be either a separate room isolated from all the others, or a kitchen combined with other rooms, a bedroom, a hall and other rooms. In order for a large living room, it is not at all necessary to build a main wall of brick.

For a partition, a lightweight construction made of plasterboard, wood or impact-resistant glass will be quite enough. The main thing is to approach the issue with a soul.

Modern fireplaces whose photos are mesmerizing

Today, a fashionable trend, which is gaining more and more popularity and apparently will not slow down soon, has become the use of modern fireplaces in the interior of living rooms. Their shape, size and design amaze even experienced interior decorators.

There are a lot of design options for decorating the living room interior, so there is a place for your imagination to roam.

If at some point there is no one hundred percent certainty in something, the main thing is not to rush, and it is even better to seek the help of a specialist. Lead to redo the mistakes made will not be easy.

Fireplaces with live flame effect

Unfortunately, according to technical standards and operating rules, it is strictly forbidden to install wood-burning fireplaces in an apartment located in an apartment building. But don't be upset, a great alternative wood burning fireplace can become - electric.

An electric fireplace is a fairly safe device that has a compact shape and a beautiful appearance. Thanks to its mobility, it will not be difficult to cope with its installation, you just need to choose a suitable place for it and connect it to electricity.

More expensive models electric fireplaces have the so-called live flame effect. Such a fireplace is arranged as follows. A bright light passes through special filters that create flickering, which, together with water vapor, create a kind of flame. The effect is so beautiful that it is almost impossible to distinguish an artificial fire from a real one.

White fireplace

The color of the walls, floor, ceiling and furniture has always played a key role in interior design. Calm, bed tones - are conducive to relaxation, bright - to fun, and dark colors- make you think.

When creating another interior, designers often use White color creating an atmosphere of freshness, warmth and comfort. Unique feature white to visually increase the space makes it an indispensable assistant when decorating small spaces. In addition, a bright room does not have to be hung with chandeliers and lamps, it will be comfortable in it even with minimal lighting.

There are several golden rules that should be followed, if possible, when installing a fireplace in the living room:

  • The fireplace does not need to be located near outer wall at home, if you neglect this, some of the precious heat will simply go outside;
  • Lovers of sincere conversations over a cup of coffee, in front of the fireplace, should place a small coffee table, opposite which to put comfortable, soft armchairs;
  • It is not recommended to place by the fireplace something that could distract you, such as a TV.

Transforming your living room with a fireplace

By combining and connecting the rest of the rooms, the living room turns into a central place where the owners of the house spend most of their free time. One of the most popular methods of transforming the living room is its expansion by combining it with the dining room.

Good lighting and perfectly matched, will accentuate and add grace to the interior, as if enlivening it. Executed in one colors curtains and fabric, from which the furniture is made, add harmony to the interior. Dilute the color with soft pillows of different shades.

Wood fireplaces

It's no secret that wood is truly a unique finishing material that has been used by humans for more than one millennium. It goes well with any interior, symbolizes spiritual purity and gives the room a unique harmony.

The main focus in the design this interior- wooden wall

The harmonious combination of various shades creates a unique contrast against the background of surrounding objects, and the fireplace used in the interior will give appearance unique and romantic look.

Living room is enough multifunctional room, so any creative idea will find its place and application in its interior.

When making a choice in favor of this or that style for the living room, you need to focus exclusively on your taste, as well as the comfort and convenience of the room.

For many ordinary people, a living room with a fireplace is a symbol home comfort and warmth, often remaining so pipe dream... If recently only wealthy owners could boast of having a hearth in the house country houses, then modern technologies make it possible to install a fireplace even in a small living room of a small-sized Khrushchev.

Alive or painted - fire bewitches, soothes and gives positive emotions... Among other things, the fireplace can become the central part of the interior solution, gather all the details around itself, making the image of the living room even more comfortable and homely.

Fireplace in the living room interior: we create home comfort

With the help of a fireplace, you can turn a simple typical living room into a cozy home corner. The uniqueness of this building lies in the special character that it gives to the living room: special warmth and harmony.

But in order for the hearth to become the central element of the room, and not an accidental guest in a room thought out from a design point of view, you should choose the right frame for it:

  • The fireplace should not be a color spot in the living room interior. In its decoration, the same colors should be used as in the design of the entire room, since too much attention to the hearth only harms.
  • It is equally important to choose the right item located above the fireplace. As a rule, this place is occupied by a picture or a mirror in a stylish frame, and decorative objects or photographs in frames can be symmetrically placed on the mantelpiece.

The designers do not recommend taking a place above the fireplace with a TV, since this is irrational in terms of zoning the room, and also will not allow you to fully enjoy watching programs or contemplating the fire. For maximum comfort, the fireplace and television zones should be spaced apart different walls rooms.

ADVICE! Lovers of long conversations by the hearth should place a group near the fireplace upholstered furniture- a couple of armchairs, poufs, a soft carpet. This corner will become a favorite of every family member.

It is equally important to choose the right place for the fireplace, even if it is electric. Fireplaces are not recommended to be placed against external walls or between two windows, but interior wall Is the ideal place for a hearth. In this case, the maximum amount of heat will be stored in the room.

Choosing the right fireplace

The search for the perfect fireplace begins with figuring out the possibility of installing a real device in the room. A real fireplace can only be installed in a private house, while the living room area must be at least 20 square meters.

But the disappointed owners of apartments in high-rise buildings can happily breathe out, because today there are Various types devices that are allowed for installation and operation in urban housing conditions.

ADVICE! An electric fireplace can be island (located in the middle of the room), corner, wall-mounted or built into the wall (which is especially important for small living rooms).

Fireplace as a harmonious part of the living room image

The fireplace can become a harmonious part of almost any interior. The uniqueness of this design lies in its relevance to any style (with rare exceptions), so that lovers of the soft light of fire and the sounds of crackling logs can choose the one that suits them.