Why does the door closer slam the door. When you need to adjust the door closer. Product range

The oldest door mechanism that slammed the door was a tied cobblestone. But with the development of scientific and technological progress, we are used to living and not overworking. It was then that the closer was invented. The cobblestone was replaced with a spring. She gave an impulse and the door automatically closed. Soon this design was replaced by a smooth and even mechanism. Special fixtures The process has changed a little, but the essence remains the same. Therefore, we all need to know how to adjust the door closer.

This is a modern device for automatically closing the door.

Closer types

This mechanism reduces the load and allows you to smoothly close the door. This device can be equipped with any door in the room - it does not matter if it is an entrance door or an interior one. Installation is different and depends on the type of mechanism. They are divided into the following:

  • overhead mechanism, which is installed on the box beam or canvas, in door hinge instead of a rod;
  • floor structure - it is laid during the installation of flooring;
  • hidden device - it is located in a box or canvas and must be powerful. This type will require milling.

Choose the type of door closer depending on the weight and width of the canvas: the larger these indicators, the more powerful the mechanism should be chosen.

We adjust the closer

Before you buy a closer, you need to choose it in accordance with the parameters. If properly operated, then you will never have to deal with issues of repair or replacement. But in addition to repairing at the very beginning, for normal operation, you need to know how to adjust the closer at the door.

Change the speed

In order for the door to close smoothly and not slam, you need to adjust the speed. Oil flowing from side to side regulates acceleration. It flows during movement and is responsible for the operation of the spring. Modern closers have two valves that are responsible for the flow of oil. Closing is divided into two stages:

  • Main.
  • Second (10-15 degrees before closing).
  • Expensive models also have a third valve - 80–90 degrees before closing. But usually two is enough. In summer, the speed is higher, and in winter it decreases slightly. The bottom line is that the viscosity of a liquid is determined by temperature. environment. When winter comes, we additionally set up the first valve, which is responsible for the main speed.

    Door fixation

    To fix, simply change the position of the adjustment screw. If you adjust the door closer correctly, it will work automatically, and you can only remove it from the fixed position yourself. It is possible to adjust the closer with a gear lever only using a special lever system. To change the fixation, it is necessary to put the structure simple and without the fixation mode. But if you decide to use it for fixing - don't worry, there is nothing complicated here: we fix it at an advanced angle and unlock it ourselves.

    If it is necessary to adjust the sensor with a sliding lever, then you should pay attention to the springy stupor. The door is fixed when it reaches a certain angle, and the stupor is released. You just need to open it wider, and the latch itself lowers it.

    How to strengthen the spring?

    The work of the spring depends on the flow of oil, as well as its speed, respectively. As we already know, the flow of oil is controlled by valves, and this is enough to strengthen or adjust the work of the spring.

    Adjustment features:

  • The first valve can be twisted no more than two clicks.
  • If you want to fix the door open, turn on the hold-open mode.
  • To increase the opening angle, turn the special valve clockwise.
  • In the video, an example of adjustment:

    After following all the steps correctly to adjust the door closer, you can safely use the door. If the adjustment does not help to cope with the shortcomings when closing, then the reason is the installation. It will be difficult to do something on your own here. The best option is to call the wizard and reinstall the door closer. Use automated things and let your life be comfortable.

    The door has a number of elements that require care. One of them is a closer that allows you to gently, without extra effort and noise to close the door. Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment can be carried out both as a preventive measure and as needed. It is important to follow all stages of this process and then the result will be of high quality.

    What is a closer?

    This is a mechanism for regulating the smoothness of the door when closing. It is installed as in living quarters: houses, cottages, as well as shops, office buildings, places public use. So, one of the conditions for an access intercom is the presence of a metal door with an automatic lock.

    Before the invention of the device, there was a spring, which was fixed at one end to the door, and at the other - to the wall, to the jamb. They are inconvenient to use, stretch, tear. Despite the fact that the main purpose is to slam the door, not all springs could cope with the task. Over time, they had to be replaced with new ones, since they were practically not subject to repair. With their help, the door slammed very loudly, which led to the destruction of the jambs and the door leaf.

    door closer

    Modern closers have the opposite characteristics. Their main task is to gently, gently, close the door in the room. They have a simple working principle. If it is necessary to open it, then some effort is applied to this. It is impulsively transmitted to the door closer by mechanics, then accumulated through the spring. The spring device itself is located inside the case. When closing, the spring mechanism itself returns to its place, which allows you to adjust the features of the door operation process.

    Modern door closers and their mechanisms

    Thanks to the design solutions, the devices are distinguished according to the installation sites - according to the type of mechanical regulation, according to the methods of action. Each of them is different from each other. Knowing the features, you can easily carry out repairs yourself.

    Overhead closers. They are installed at the top of the door. Possible and hidden mechanisms embedded in the door leaf. So, the upper appliances are the most common. They are equipped with a sliding rail and consist of the following components:

    • mechanism in a special case;
    • mounting template for marking;
    • a bar with fasteners-shoe, a variant with a river is possible;
    • lever arm;
    • screws for adjusting and setting the closing speed, the applied force according to the specified parameters.

    door closer

    Door closers at the bottom of the doors are installed in institutions, mainly on the glass door panels and are located on the support below, calculated from the central point.

    Concerning internal parts, then they mainly consist of such parts as: a spring mechanism for compression when opening; gears equipped with a rack or cam mechanism. All work is provided by engine oil.

    If it is installed on metal door with an intercom, then overhead mechanisms are more often used. They are distinguished by a significant amplification that occurs at the moment when it closes. This action is necessary for a comfortable snap-in force. If it is a rack and pinion mechanism, then the cam principle of the device is applied, but they are less commonly used.

    If you put it outside, then it is more reliable in terms of operation, is not affected by environmental conditions, and lasts much longer.

    When is an adjustment needed?

    Experts believe that preventive work to regulate door device arguments must be held at least twice a year. If there were significant seasonal fluctuations, then such work should be done more often. This is due to the fact that the oily liquid inside the mechanism changes depending on the temperature in the street and in the room. If it is low, then the density of the oil increases. Temperature fluctuations lead to wear of parts, which directly depend on the state of liquid media inside the door closer.

    It is important that few tools are needed to regulate the mechanism of the argument, they are always at hand. External examination will determine possible violations integrity and geometry of the door leaf, opening, door closer. In many ways, the quality of the device also depends on the internal parts, which are easy to fix with your own hands. The exception is violations of the tightness of the structure, since it cannot be disassembled and reassembled. It's easier to install a new mechanism.

    Causes of failure include:

    Adjustment steps

    If you adjust the closer, then this involves the implementation of successive, interdependent stages. The instruction assumes the following actions:

    • First, it is necessary to regulate the closing and opening of the door. To do this, use the control valve. If it is necessary to increase, then it is turned counterclockwise, and in order to increase, vice versa.
    • Secondly, carry out the correction of the opening delay door mechanism and slamming speed. Not every device has additional valves. This can be easily detected, as there are a couple of screws on the end part. With the help of the first, the adjustment process of the closing speed of the door leaf takes place. The range is quite wide: 15-180°. The second bolt is used to adjust the backlash within 1-15 °. By twisting / unscrewing, you can debug the required speed.
    • Thirdly, the closer force is regulated. It consists in adjusting the application of the spring force by means of a special nut. When checking the tension, it can be turned counterclockwise, then it will open easily. If you do the opposite, it will close tighter. This is how the force of the door closer is adjusted.

    Adjustment door closer

    The hold-open function makes things easier. With its help, you can securely fix the canvas in open position. The latch itself is installed under the condition of 90 °, or 180 °, which directly depends on installation work and their features. Then the latch is tightened, and gently pulled towards itself, closing it.

    Features of the adjustment process in a plastic door

    When installing and further operating a plastic door, one should pay attention not only to the mechanism itself, but also to the features of its functioning, to the profile from which it is made door block. consists of the same stages as on metal or wood. To enhance the effect of quality, it is better to use the wiring diagram, which will show the guides in the adjustment, especially if such work is carried out for the first time. All attachment points are checked, the lever and the closer mechanism are visually inspected, regardless of how and where it is installed.

    It is necessary to open the door leaf to the maximum width and inspect the lever. If there are no flaws, distortions in it, it walks freely, then everything is in order. The lever foot must also be free-swinging. If the integrity of the device is broken, then it is easier to buy and install it again. Sometimes serious breakdowns can disrupt not only the process of soft closing and opening the door, but also affect the entire structure as a whole, giving distortions. Over time, they begin to intensify, and then you will have to change it completely, and not the closing / opening mechanism.

    Preventive work

    In order to avoid frequent repairs of the door closer, you should follow a few simple rules that will help extend the life and maintain high-quality work under any conditions. So, when the door closer does not need to make additional efforts, the door will close itself. If you speed up or slow down the process, then the lever mechanism or spring may fail. In cases of forced locking of the door, the lever is disconnected from the door closer. Often they do not know about this and install spacers, barriers in the form of bricks, stones, and the like.

    If the closer is installed outside, then it is necessary to take care of the design of an additional protective casing that protects against frost, heat, and precipitation. Compliance with elementary methods of protection against breakage will increase the life of the door. Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment is simple and reliable remedy saving material costs and time. It is not always possible to call a door service specialist. Doing it yourself, following all the steps, is not difficult.

    The door closer requires constant monitoring of work, and all because the device is operated almost non-stop, especially if the door closer is installed on the door of a store or public institution. Device debugging is necessary for the following reasons:

    • increased load on the mechanism;
    • opening and closing of the door is not always correct, and therefore there is an imbalance of the entire device.

    To correct the shortcomings and make the closer work almost perfect, you do not need to have special knowledge, it is enough to have a desire and follow simple instructions.

    What can be adjusted in the closer with your own hands

    The closer is designed not only for self-closing the door, but is also designed to make this process the most convenient. To do this, it is necessary to adjust the operation of the product immediately after its installation. Pay attention to the speed of closing the doors, experts call it a close. How to properly adjust the catch, experienced installers tell:

    1. For entrance doors, the closing speed of the doors should be faster, so cold air does not have time to enter the room into winter period time. Slow slamming, in turn, is great for interior doors.
    2. The intermediate stroke is also subject to adjustment. Correctly set time allows several visitors to pass at once, and if in the summer you want to let in more fresh air, by screwing just one screw, you can achieve the open position of the door.
    3. A well-debugged clasp on the door closer is a guarantee that the product will last longer, only in this way the door will not hit the door frame with all its might, which means that the device will not quickly loosen and deteriorate. Moreover, the manufacturer went even further - an expensive closer model combines several modes of closing, from which you just have to choose the most suitable one.

    Theoretical basis for adjusting a door closer

    Knowing the theory is already half the battle, so check out the adjustment technology in theory:

    1. How to adjust the door slam speed? Very simple - we check the speed as soon as the device has taken its place. If you want slow closing, turn the screw clockwise, you don’t need to scroll much, half a turn is enough. Again check the door slamming speed, turn the screw until you achieve the desired result. By the way, for those who want to resolve the issue quickly, the manufacturer specifically states in the instructions for debugging the device that it is possible to turn the screw by only 2 turns, no more, otherwise the part will simply break, and you can keep your claims to yourself.
    2. Dohlop is adjustable on the last 15 cm until the door is completely closed. Accelerating the speed of closing, you should not expect a slow closing of the device. Your goal is to find a middle ground between one and the other indicators.
    3. The intermediate passage is adjusted relative to the main door stroke, for example, the third bolt allows you to reduce the slamming speed halfway. But the direct purpose of this bolt is to help out if you need to fix the mechanism in a certain position. Therefore, use a screwdriver and, having installed the door as required, tighten the screw tightly. Minimum Angle, under which you can fix the door with a closer - 90 degrees. What does it look like in reality? The door is delayed at a certain closing angle for half a minute, and then closes on its own.

    What can cause the product to malfunction

    Now you know what the closer is responsible for and how it is adjusted in theory. Some try so hard to set the closer that they simply break it, so before you start adjusting with your own hands, it doesn’t hurt to know the prohibitions:

    1. It is not allowed to unscrew the screws to adjust the door closer completely.
    2. Due to the tightening of the screws, oil flows out of the device, and it is no longer possible to fill it back with your own hands.

    Do-it-yourself closer adjustment instructions

    When you start adjusting the door closer with your own hands, use the following instructions, created according to the recommendations of professional installers of fixtures on the door:

    1. If you decide to install the closer yourself, carefully study the installation instructions, for sure there are diagrams and drawings with which the installation process is reduced significantly.
    2. Follow the installation template - the movement geometry is created for a reason.
    3. After placing the closer, adjust the length of the fixture lever so that in the closed position of the door unit, the angle between the closer lever and the door, when viewed from the side of the hinges, is 90 degrees. After that, check the connections and the correctness of the initial installation.
    4. Open the door fully, then release it and watch it close. The turning range of screw No. 1 allows you to adjust the closing of the door from 15 to 180 degrees. Screw No. 2 is responsible for the closing. Tighten the screws and the closing speed will decrease, unscrew it - the indicators will increase.

    Do I need to take care of the door closer

    There are people who are scrupulous about cleaning the room, so they regularly polish the doors to a shine, every now and then lubricate the hinges and, of course, try to put their hand on the door closer. The latter, by the way, can be floor-mounted or mounted at the top of the door device.

    It’s just that, according to experts, it’s still not worth experimenting with a closer - just don’t touch it, you don’t need to put anything under the door either, all the more pull on yourself with all your strength. The fact is that such manipulations can cause premature failure, after which the entire product will have to be replaced, it is impossible to fix the mechanism in detail.

    If you still have questions about adjusting the door closer with your own hands, watch the video:

    A door closer is not at all a luxury item, especially if it is not an apartment, but an entrance or a public institution. With a sharp closing, the sash hits the box, and with quite a lot of force. Such a load does not benefit the structure at all and reduces the service life.

    There are also 2 types of doors - evacuation and fire doors, where the door closer is an indispensable element.

    Operating principle

    In general, the design of the device is the same for all models: a spring and a piston are located in a one-piece body. When the sash opens, the piston transfers force to the spring and compresses it. At the same time, special oil flows through the channels in the piston into the freed part of the housing. It acts as a shock absorber

    When closing, the pressure on the piston is relieved and the spring is straightened. At the same time, the oil flows back and creates resistance to the movement of the spring, thanks to which the sash closes slowly and smoothly without bumps, with a slight acceleration at the very end - a rebound, which ensures the tightness of the pressure.

    Adjusting the spring of the door closer implies debugging the valves that supply this or that amount of oil. But if the valves regulate the speed and smoothness of the stroke, then the fundamental possibility of opening depends on the spring. One of the main indicators is the force of the spring, that is, the force that it provides when straightened. Obviously, for sashes different weight different effort required. According to this indicator, the mechanisms are divided into 7 classes. A class 1 device can control a door leaf weighing no more than 20 kg, class 7 - 160 kg.

    Device Varieties

    The biggest difference in the design of the device is caused by the method of installation. Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment will depend on both factors. There are 3 categories.

    • Upper - got their name for the place of installation - top part canvases. The device is not masked, and, unfortunately, is not protected, therefore, being fixed on the street entrance doors, quite often becomes a victim of hooligans: the device lever can be bent with force. To adjust its operation, you will have to straighten or replace the lever.

    Top closers differ in the type of transmission.

      • Gear driven mechanisms - the force on the piston is transmitted using a toothed gear. This is a simple and affordable device. An example is the norman model, made of silumin.
      • Mechanisms driven by a camshaft - here the axis of the closer is a cam located between the opening and brake pistons. During opening, the cam compresses the spring by means of the opening piston, and during closing, it relieves pressure under the action of the brake piston. Such a device is distinguished by maximum smoothness. An example is the Diplomat model, which provides not only smooth closing, but also the possibility of speed correction.
    • Floor structures are similar in design to the top models with a cam drive. However, their installation should be provided for in the initial project.
    • Hidden - the model is mounted in the door leaf - the upper end. When closed, the device is not visible; when opened, the lever between the sash and the frame becomes visible. Most often, a cam drive is also implemented here. In the photo - samples of products.

    Adjustment options

    • Closing speed is the main criterion for the operation of the device. Factory settings may not suit the consumer. In this case, armed with instructions and a screwdriver, you can adjust the speed with your own hands.

    This operation must be done at each change of season. The fact is that under the influence of temperature, the viscosity of the oil inside the body, respectively, also changes the speed of the leaf. If the oil is too “liquid”, the flap will slam shut, if the viscosity is too high and the valve cross section is the same, it will close very slowly, which also affects door leaf, and on the device.

    • Adjusting the force of the door closer implies the second factor - the door closer. If there is a latch or it is necessary to tightly adjoin the canvas to the frame, then the sash must be accelerated at the last 7–15 degrees of rotation.
    • Delay before movement - provided by debugging the latch. In this case, the sash, which is open at 90–95 degrees, is held for some time, and after a few seconds it begins to close.
    • If the device is equipped with a hand open function, then it is also adjustable. The essence of the device is that the sash, which is open at an angle of less than 90 degrees, closes in the usual mode, but when opened at an angle of more than 90 degrees, it is held and remains open until the movement is started manually.

    This feature is very useful for indoor and outdoor door closers. entrance structures in a medical institution where non-walking patients are transported.

    Debugging the mechanism

    • The closing of the door closer is adjusted using the first valve - indicated by a unit, on the body of the device. Turning clockwise speeds up the movement of the sash, counter-clockwise slows it down. No more than two full turns in both directions are allowed.

    Depending on the type of damping fluid, debugging must be carried out at different intervals. The device from geze is suggested to be adjusted 2 times a year, some other models - up to 4, with each temperature change.

    • The second valve allows you to increase or decrease the speed of the catch. The principle is the same: counterclockwise rotation decreases the speed, clockwise rotation increases it. Some models also have a third valve: it is responsible for the speed of movement at an angle of 80–90 degrees.
    • Adjustment of the door closer dorma also includes the correction of the time of keeping the leaves open. For this, a fixing screw is used. It is tightened when the sash is in the open state - 90-100 degrees.
    • The activation of the hend open function is also carried out with the sash open; a latch is provided in the model to adjust it.

    The video discusses in detail all the ways to debug the device.

    A significant part of the doors of offices, entrances and not only installed today is equipped with such a very useful device like a door closer. It serves to fine-tune the speed of opening and closing doors in several (2-3) sectors of the working stroke. Further ease of use and, possibly, its durability will depend on how correctly the door closer is adjusted. In our article, we will provide instructions and nuances for setting up and adjusting the door closer on our own.

    What can be adjusted with a closer

    Is our instruction suitable for your door closer?

    First of all, you need to understand that modern closers are different in their design and functionality, depending on the manufacturer and model. Therefore, there is no single instruction that is equally suitable for each type. In our manual, we will tell you how to adjust the product equipped with the maximum number of functions. In your case, the settings may be, for example, half as much. Then you just have to use those points in the manual that are suitable specifically for your instance. Naturally, you will need to have a factory manual for the door closer in order to determine which screw is responsible for what.

    Closer functionality

    What functions can be equipped with a door closer so that you can configure it for the most convenient use? Full list functions are as follows:

    • Overall door closing speed. For example, a slow closing speed will prevent the door from hitting a child, while a fast one will prevent the cold from entering the home in winter. Here, in fact, the time for which the opened door will pass its working stroke to closing or to the sector before the “finishing” (final force required when closing the door to overcome the resistance of the lock) if this function is available.
    • Final closing speed. This setting will be very useful for those who do not like loud slamming of the door when closing. Here a kind of brake is provided in a sector of 10-15 degrees before the “finish”. The closer abruptly slows down the door and does not allow it to hit the box with a swing.

    • Opening brake. By means of the brake, the door, which is pushed sharply when opening, will brake at a certain (set by you) distance. This, for example, will prevent the door from constantly beating against the adjoining door frame wall.
    • Closing delay. By analogy with the final closing speed, in this case, after opening, the door practically “freezes”, moving very slowly in the closing direction (in the sector of 10-15 degrees). This function is very convenient where dimensional things are constantly carried in, and there is no way to hold the doors, or when several people pass through them at once.
    • Closing force or the so-called "finish". As described above, this adjustment is designed to help overcome air resistance and door lock when closing the doors. In this case, the moment at which the door remains slightly ajar must be excluded.

    Adjusting the door closer

    To start setting up the closer, you will need a regular screwdriver or, in some cases, a hex key. The door closer is adjusted as follows:

    1. Open the front decorative panel door closer, while gaining access to the adjusting screws. Depending on the model, they can be from 2 to 5.
    2. Using the instructions for the product, determine which screw is responsible for one or another function from the above.
    3. Adjust the overall closing speed of the door. To do this, use a screwdriver or wrench to turn the screw clockwise to slow down the closing and counter-clockwise to speed up. By slightly turning the screw in the desired direction, check the door for compliance with the required closing speed. And so on until the goal is reached.

    In most cases it is enough to turn the screw half a turn to achieve a significant change in the speed of the door movement. However, in any case, you should not turn the screws 2 or more turns, as this may cause failure of your door closer.

    1. Adjust closing speed. The same way use a suitable screw and with appropriate manipulations ensure that the door does not slam against the frame.
    2. Adjust the opening brake. The desired screw is turned until the door begins to slow down when opening, for example, directly in front of an adjoining wall.
    3. Adjust the closing delay. The screw responsible for this ensures that the door is held in the open position for as long as necessary.

    Such an adjustment of the closer is considered standard, in which it will take no more than 5 seconds from the moment of opening and until the doors are completely closed.

    1. Regulate "dohlop". Also, with the help of the corresponding screw, adjustment is provided so that the door closes completely out of 10 times all 10.
    2. At the end of the adjustment and the achievement of the desired result, set decorative strip in place.

    All of the above will sum up this video.

    So, we have described in detail how and with what means you can adjust the door closer with your own hands. We hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any questions or suggestions about the material, you can leave your feedback below under the article. We, in turn, will be happy to answer them.