Open the door lock without a key. How to open the front door without a key: if the need arose

Loss of a key is a common problem that everyone has encountered at least once in their life. Left in front of the tightly closed front door, you think about how to open the lock without a key. Of course, it all depends on which door with which lock became your obstacle. Within the framework of this article, we will consider household ways opening locking devices different types, however, we do not guarantee that without proper skill you will be able to implement them.

Is it possible to unlock the lock with your own hands if there is no key?

Faced with the need to open the lock without a key, you need, first of all, to calm down and assess the situation soberly. It's one thing if a flimsy interior door has become your obstacle, and quite another if you need to open a metal front door with a two-system Italian lock of a well-known company. Evaluate your strength soberly and do not rush to spoil the door with a power tool, it is better to contact a specialist.

There are no impregnable locks for a professional. Most of the locking devices are opened in an intelligent way without damaging them, but contacting specialists is not always justified. Some locks seem to be reliable, but in fact they can be opened in a few minutes with the help of improvised means. How can this be done?

We open the locking device of the interior door

How to open a lock without a key with your own hands, without outside help? In the case of an interior door, this question can be answered unequivocally - easily and simply. Most locks with handles that cut into the canvas interior door, on the one hand, they have a latch, and on the other, they look like a keyhole. The keys to such locks are often lost, since they generally do not have to be used.

There are frequent cases when Small child entering the room, slams the door and turns the latch and opens it, despite the persistent persuasion of adults, does not want to. It is impossible to leave a baby alone in a room unattended for a long time, so you need to open the lock quickly and without damage. To do this, follow these steps:

  • examine the keyhole;
  • select the necessary device;
  • carefully open the door.

If the role of the keyhole is played by a small round hole, then in order to open the lock you will need a thin knitting needle, a large unbent paper clip, an awl or a toothpick. Insert a thin instrument into the hole, press down lightly with one hand, and lower or turn the handle with the other hand. The door should open easily.

The same steps must be done if the keyhole is flat. To open the lock in this situation, you will need a flat tool. suitable size... This could be the point of a scissor, a narrow-bladed knife, a nail file, or even the handle of a teaspoon. In the same way, we insert the tool, with one hand we press inside the lock, and with the other we turn or lower the door handle.

Unlocking the cylinder lock without a key

Cylinder locks, which are often installed on front doors and wickets, can become a serious obstacle for an unprepared person. Intelligent opening of such locking devices is difficult due to their high secrecy. Nevertheless, after a certain training, you can find for yourself the answer to your question of how to open the lock without a key with a paper clip and the thinnest curved screwdriver.

Important! To open the cylinder-type lock, you need to properly prepare the indicated tools. A screwdriver with a thin shaft must be bent slightly at an angle of 45 °, and the paper clip must be straightened, and its tip (about 3 mm) must be crocheted.

The essence of intelligent opening of a cylinder lock is to manipulate a paper clip that acts as a master key and a screwdriver that serves as a roll. The main task is to use the hook to set the secret pins in the correct position. Putting them in turn, you need to simultaneously work with a roll, slowly turning the larva. The correct position of the pins is determined partly visually and partly by sound.

When wielding a paper clip, gently moving the pins, do not forget to work with a roll, constantly checking the possibility of a shift in the position of the cylinder. This is the key to success. Also, listen carefully to what sounds the castle makes. This will help you avoid the troubles associated with its breakdown.

If the manipulation of the improvised master key has not borne fruit, you can try the rough method of opening. It will work if the cylinder lock is not protected by the manufacturer from rolling and drilling. For implementation this method required:

  1. an electric drill is more powerful;
  2. drill for iron;
  3. thick flat screwdriver;
  4. a hammer.

Please note that regardless of the result, after applying this method, the larva will have to be changed. First, let's try to use a powerful convolution. Insert the screwdriver tightly into the lock (you can drive it deeper with a hammer) and try to turn it. If you managed to scroll the larva, then you should pull the screwdriver and remove the secret. The door will then open.

A "trick" with a convolution may not work. In such a situation, an electric drill will help to answer the question of interest how to open the lock without a key. We direct a drill of a suitable size directly into the lock and start drilling. When you manage to go through the secret to the end, you will be able to pull out the larva and open the door.

Important! Do not press too hard when drilling out the secretion. Recesses and grooves, which will meet along the direction of the drill, will cling to its edges; excessive pressure at the moment the point meets the recess will lead to breakage.

Opening the door with a rack and pinion lock

If your path is blocked by a rack and pinion lock, consider yourself incredibly lucky. Despite the fact that this lock protects well against rough burglary, it will not resist intellectual manipulation. First, let's prepare the device mechanism for keyless opening by lubricating it with WD-40 liquid. You can then use one of the following attack options.

Important! After squeezing out the door leaf, you may find that the gap formed is not large enough to insert a screwdriver. In this case, use a straightened paper clip or steel wire... Bend its end with a crochet hook, push it into the slot and catch the crossbars.

Now you can answer the question of how to open an interior door lock without a key, as well as how to open other locks using available means. When manipulating the lock, remember that everything must be done very carefully. Pushing foreign objects into the keyhole can easily damage the secret, so if you are not confident in your abilities, contact a specialist.

The popularity of interior doors with a lock is growing every day. Thanks to them, you can calmly and without distraction work in your room or just relax. But sometimes it can happen that the door slams shut, and the keys remain in the room. Some people, being angry, may simply not thinking to knock down the door, which will entail additional waste and considerable damage to both the canvas and the lock. You can also call a wizard who can open the door, but this will also not be free. But in order not to have to spend money or resort to rough methods, it is still better to learn how to open an interior door without a key?

Reasons why the door slams

Before picking the lock, you first need to figure out why the door slammed shut? Once we know the exact reason, we can avoid making the same mistake. There are a few different reasons why a door can slam shut:

  • This can happen due to the lock, which is located directly in the handle itself. It can get jammed or it just fell into disrepair.
  • The latch that locks the door itself may move slightly.
  • The handle tongue, which is located in the locking mechanism, can jam.
  • The key can be in the lock itself only on the opposite side of the door, and therefore it can prevent another key from turning all the teeth.

How to open an interior door handle without a key? If the cause is difficult to determine, a wide-tipped screwdriver can be used.

With it, you can pick out the door leaf a little and try to pull it towards you. Thanks to this technique, you can feel exactly where the door is being held.

Damaged latch

Basically, the latch is damaged every time the lock is used. This component has the property of jamming, that is, it may not scroll to the end. You may also notice that with full pressure on the handle, the tongue is not completely hidden in the door leaf. Therefore, with a strong slam, it may no longer open. But how to open the lock without the key of the interior door in such a situation?

  • Using a wide screwdriver or other tool, you can gently squeeze the door leaf itself from its box and raise it slightly.
  • In order to no longer have such moments, you can disassemble the handle and observe the actions of the tongue.
  • If old construction if the handle is faulty, it would be wise to replace it with a modern one.

The tongue has become unusable

There are also cases when the door was locked with a key, and when you try to open it again, the lock does not turn. This can often happen with any handle that lacks an additional latch. Even if the key is turned smoothly, the lock will not open. If this happens, then the problem is in the tongue itself.

How to open an interior door without a key in this case?

  1. In the gap between the door and the frame, carefully attach a bank card, ruler, stationery knife or any other object that will fit into this opening. Will serve as a guide door knob.
  2. After that, the object that is being used must be tilted and pressed slightly. It is necessary to tilt it so that the distant part of the object touches the inclined surface of the tongue.
  3. You need to press so that handy tool which is used could help the tongue to go back into the castle. When such an action is performed, it is necessary that the handle itself be tilted down, and the sash should be pulled in the way the door opens.

If you know all these simple rules, then there will be no more questions like: "How to open an interior door without a key?"


The most popular accessories that are installed on the door in toilet room or bedroom - latch. These models are more modern and are therefore made inside a rotary knob towards the room. There is a plug on the opposite side. But if it living quarters, you can replace it with a key lock. It is not so easy to turn the tongue on such a latch. But you still need to find some ways to do this. How to open a slammed interior door without a key? One way is thin aluminum wire... To do this, you need to give it an arched shape and push it into the gap. After that, fix it so that its central part is behind the tongue. And, grasping both ends, smoothly but confidently pull towards yourself. If you do everything right, then the tongue should return to its position. Next, keeping the handle in the down position, try to open the door.

Remove from the loop

One of the most popular and common ways to solve this problem is to simply remove the door from the hinge. Not many people know how to open an interior door without a key, and only two thoughts usually come to mind: either to knock the door down, or to remove it from the hinge. Often they choose the second option, since knocking out the door is not a cheap pleasure now. After knocking out, you will need to buy a new lock, change the side frame of the door or call the master. And removing it from the canvas is still the best option.

The standard ones used on the doors contain two parts. If between top the door and the frame have a gap of three or more centimeters, then you can try to remove the door from the canopy. Moreover, some hinges have special parts that can be unscrewed with a screwdriver and thereby try to increase the gap. One drawback of this option is that not everyone can do it. It happens that the gap is not enough for a couple of millimeters. This is possible due to hidden mechanisms, which are located not only on the hinges, but also on the frame itself.

Brute masculine strength

There are situations in life that there is simply no time for a master or trying to open the door with improvised means. How to open an interior door without a house key in this case? There is nothing left but the use of brute force. But this method should not be overestimated, because it also requires certain knowledge. For example, in different films it is shown that the door is knocked off the shoulder. So, this is almost impossible to do. In order to knock out the door correctly, you need to use your leg, and you need to aim closer to the handle, because that is where the lock is located.

Now, knowing all the tricks, you can try to put them into practice if necessary.

In life, a variety of and sometimes even unforeseen situations can occur. Often, when in a hurry to work, you can forget the key to the front door inside the apartment, lose it or even break it, leaving a decent piece in doorway... What to do in such a situation?

You can always, of course, call a locksmith, who will be able to help with the problem at an additional cost. But in most cases, you can easily get out of the situation yourself, using your ingenuity.

In order to open a door without a key, it is important to consider the type of door and the material from which it is made. As a rule, it is much easier to open an interior door than an entrance door, since a light lock with a rather simple mechanism is usually placed in such a door.

Keyless door opening

To break into an entrance or interior door, you can use professional master keys or an ordinary hairpin, paper clip. There are two main ways to open doors without a key: smart and rude.

The smart way involves using various instruments, the purpose of which is to establish the correct positions of the pins door lock... By placing the pins in the correct position, you can open the lock without using brute force.

The smart way involves using tools such as:

To unlock the door in this way, you must insert the selected tool into the lock mechanism, trying to pry the pins. In the case of using a flat screwdriver, it must be slightly bent (like a hook), inserted into the keyhole, trying to hook the pins. The screwdriver will serve to set the pins in the correct position.

With its help, it is necessary to move the pins of the lock, placing them in turn, and also slowly turn the larva. You can determine the correct location of the pins by a characteristic click.

The rough method of opening a door without a key involves using more rigid tools to unlock it. This method has a better chance of positive result however, may cause the door lock to break and damage door leaf... Therefore, it is used only when there is no other option left.

A rough method of opening involves the use of professional tools:

  • electric drill;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • drill for iron.

In this case, the main goal will be to open the lock by directly drilling the larva. But, regardless of the future result, the larva will have to be replaced in any case.

The drill must be directed into the lock and drilled to the end of the secret. After such manipulations, the larva can be easily pulled out and the door can be opened. However, when drilling, do not press on the drill, otherwise you risk damaging the lock and door leaf.

What to do if the door has slammed or the key is lost

The method and level of difficulty of opening the door will depend on many circumstances:

  • door type;
  • door material;
  • lost or broken key;
  • lock type;
  • the level of protection of the locking mechanism;
  • tools that are at hand.

Before rushing to break down the front or interior door, you must consider the reason why you cannot open it. It is much easier to deal with opening the door if you simply forgot the key inside the apartment. However, the task becomes much more complicated in the event that the key was broken by you while opening or closing the lock.

In this case, the main task will be to pull out the broken piece of the key, which is stuck in the keyhole. To do this, you can try to pull it out with the help of tools, however, such attempts are often unsuccessful, and the lock has to be completely disassembled. To avoid damaging the lock mechanism, it is best to disassemble the lock mechanism immediately, saving time and money in buying a new lock.

Is it possible to open the lock with a lock pick, paper clip or hairpin

The simplest and most common way to pick a jammed lock is to use a regular paper clip or hairpin, which is much easier to find than a professional pick set.

As a rule, most often there is a need to open a cylinder lock, because it is this type of lock mechanism that is installed on the entrance doors. It provides a high level of security and privacy, so it will not be easy to open such a lock. However, this does not mean that the task is impossible.

To open this type of lock, you can arm yourself with a curved screwdriver or the most ordinary paper clip. The paper clip must first be prepared, straightened and aligned, and the tip must be bent like a hook.

This type of lock picking is called intelligent. His technology is to use a paperclip to set the secret fonts in the correct position. As a rule, one paper clip is not enough in this case. You will also need a thin, curved screwdriver.

A paper clip and a screwdriver must be installed in the lock mechanism, which will serve as a roll. First of all, it is necessary to work in turn, moving either a paper clip or a screwdriver, trying to hook the pins of the mechanism. The correct position of the pins can be easily identified both visually and by the sound of the unlocking of the locking mechanism.

When handling a paper clip, you must also periodically check the cylinder displacement. This is where the success of unlocking the lock will lie. In addition, it is important to pay Special attention to the sounds of the locking mechanism. It is by them that you can determine the damage to the mechanism or correct location pins.

Hacking an interior door

Various types of locks can be installed in modern interior doors. A cylinder lock is predominantly used. If such an interior door lock cannot be opened in a simple way with a paper clip or screwdriver, you will have to use more complex artillery.

To open the lock mechanism of an interior door that is jammed, you will need tools such as:

In such a case, the hacking process door mechanism will be more difficult and time consuming. In addition, picking a lock with a drill is considered a rather rude and tough way. So in any case, regardless of whether you were able to open the lock or not, the larva will have to be replaced with a new one.

First of all, it is worth trying to use a roll-up. To do this, insert a flat screwdriver into the lock as deep as possible using a hammer and try to turn it. Often, such manipulation is quite enough to easily turn the lock cylinder, however, if the larva does not give in, you will have to use a tougher tool - an electric drill.

The drill must be directed directly into the lock and drilled, trying to get to the end of the secret. In this case, the larva can be pulled out quite easily. However, this process is quite important, so it is worth moving the drill very carefully. The main thing is not to press hard, otherwise you risk damaging the grooves and grooves, which will fall under the drill during drilling.

How to open the lock at the entrance, video in Russian

Most often, it becomes necessary to open the lock in the front door from the side of the entrance. Due to the fact that the key is broken or remains in the apartment, you need to act carefully and carefully, because the locking mechanism of the front door (especially metal) is different high level secrecy and reliability.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the type of lock that will have to be opened. Most often, a practical and fairly reliable combination or lever lock is installed on the front door in the entrance. The lock picking process for these two types of locks will be different.

Opening the lever lock

As a rule, lever types of locks are distinguished by a rather high level of protection, and therefore they are resistant to force burglary. If you need to open such a lock, it is necessary, first of all, to study its mechanism and choose which way you will open the lock.

There are two ways to open the lock without a key:

  • intellectual;
  • rude.

The choice of opening method will depend on the complexity of the locking mechanism, as well as the specific situation. As a rule, smart hacking can often not bring the expected result. However, using crude burglary techniques can damage not only the lock, but also the door.

Despite all the pros and cons, in this case it is best to stop at a rough opening, since it will be extremely difficult to open a lever lock with a lockpick without any knowledge and experience.

You may need tools such as:

  • electric drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers.

Of course, you can try to open the lever lock with a simple paper clip and roll. However, without any skills, this method can be crowned with failure.

With the help of a drill, it is quite easy to damage the tip of the bolt of the lock and thereby open the lock. However, to do this, you need to accurately determine the location of the attachment of the tail of the lock inside the mechanism.

Opening the combination lock

Situations often arise when you need to open a combination lock or intercom at the entrance door. It is known that such mechanisms have a special built-in program and allow access when the correct code combination is entered.

However, if you have forgotten the correct combination of the lock, do not panic. After all, most programmers use standard codes to close the lock. Therefore, you can easily find the code for your combination lock.

For a list of standard codes, contact the doorphone manufacturer directly. To enter the code combination, you must call the service menu. To open the majority combination locks you can try using the standard code combination 1234, 0000, 1111, 9999, 3535, 6767. However, the combination may vary depending on the manufacturer of the lock.

If the standard code combination does not fit, this may mean that the code has been changed from the standard one and, whether you like it or not, you will have to turn to professionals for help or simply ask the code and neighbors.

You have a lock, but no key (say, you broke it, lost it, or the door suddenly slammed shut). What to do? How to open a lock without a key? Is there a way out of this situation? It turns out there is, and not one. This article contains answers to such pressing questions at times. We will talk with you about the tool that is used to open the locking mechanisms. And you will learn how to open locks without keys.

Just do not think that after reading this material, you will become a professional hacker. I will not reveal to you the secrets of this ancient "profession", but will only tell you about the methods and methods that are generally available. Why? Because people understand such a subtle science all their lives, they completely surrender themselves to it. And this is not a trivial hack. I'm talking about a completely legal profession (take at least the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations). So, I will give you only the initial impetus, and you, if you want, can achieve the desired results. Knowing how to open locks without keys is profitable. Such specialists easily find work in emergency door opening services and even in the special services of their country.

So, back to the main question. How to open locks without keys? To begin with, consider the English type pin devices. With what tools is it possible to open it and at the same time keep the mechanism working? First of all, we need the classic master keys. What are they? These are stretches and cups. Such tools are easy to find on the free market, especially the Chinese market is flooded with them, but you can make yourself. It is convenient to make cups from hacksaw blade grinding it on emery. The mentioned picks come in a variety of shapes, it is recommended to make up to ten different types"Spouts". It is better to make stretches from a springy material. The photo shows the types of cups and stretch marks.

So, the tool is ready, you can get to work. We insert a stretch in and slightly press it, trying to turn it, and with a cupola we sort out the pins of the lock. This is a very painstaking work that requires endurance, perseverance and high sensitivity of hands.

Now let's look at how to open the "Secrets" of hinged locking mechanisms are different types... The most common cores of Finnish, English types... The inconvenience of opening a padlock is the impossibility of fixing it. The easiest way is to cut it off with a turbine and not waste time, but if you are still serious, then we will analyze possible options... I must say right away that the opening of the Finnish "Abloy" is a waste of time. First, it requires special tool and secondly, serious practice.

Such a job is beyond the power of a beginner. A special kind of Finnish secret is “two-way”. Locks of this type are of low quality, silumin cores. When you try to hack it, it becomes unusable, you just have to throw it out.

Opening mounted type done by the method described above or by the bump method. The essence of the "bump" is the impact. This requires a key that matches the profile of the keyhole. We insert it about three quarters into the lock and strike a light blow, after which we try to crank. You can also use a vibration pick, but this is not always convenient.

So we looked at several elementary methods of how to open locks without keys. Train and you will succeed. Become a professional in this field and you can take part in a competition run by manufacturers of luxury locking devices. You will be given the opportunity to hack the novelties of this industry. I am not kidding! If you become the winner, a huge cash prize awaits you. Such competitions are held with the aim of identifying weak points and, of course, for advertising products (in the event that no one succeeds in opening the mechanism). If the lock is open, then the master will gain fame. Good luck with this difficult task!

Today is old the padlock often found in a garage, pantry, attic or warehouse. The main advantage and reason for the widespread use of the padlock is its low cost, simplicity of design and, at the same time, reliability.

It is simply impossible to open the door with such a lock, if the key is lost. the lock bar is made of steel, and garage, warehouse doors are usually metal.

Also, often the reason for the inability to open the door is the deterioration of the protective mechanism. Over time, due to regular use, its inner secret may simply wear off. If the lock is hanging on outdoors, due to the impact external factors(moisture, frost), the formation of foci of corrosion is simply inevitable. In this case, if there is no desire to use a grinder and damage the canvas, anyone will think about how to open the suspension lock.

In fact, this is a fairly common problem. To solve it, many different ways... Many people use an aluminum can lock pick. Using an empty Coca-Cola can, you can easily make a semblance of a shamrock. The mechanism itself is hacked with the middle tongue.

Opening with a paper clip is the most effective and long-established method of working with a jammed padlock... The specificity is to get a bent paper clip, wire into a special lock, which must unclench and release the clip from the base. In some samples, instead of a latch, a button is provided, the principle of operation is not very different. The wire bent by the letter G must be inserted into the hole and slowly and gently turned.

It is important to remember that during rotation, you should pay attention to which direction the mechanism turns most easily.

Next, a second single-type master key is used and inserted into the upper region of the keyhole in order to find special pins, which, after detection, gradually rise. After all the pins are open, the lower pick is turned again.

In most cases, you can open the padlock on your own using an ordinary pin, knife or special lock picks that can be found from craftsmen or locksmiths. You can learn more about how to open a semicircular padlock without a key in the corresponding video. Often it is important to assemble the required combination of the lock, which is presented in the form of a set of ordinary horizontal plates, using a pick in the shape of a "poker".

It should be noted that some models of padlocks with a semicircular key are quite resistant to burglary, therefore, its owners often turn to specialized services.

In this case, there are several ways. The first and most common requires the selection of a combination. First, you need to pull the lock bar until it starts to press on the wheels. After that, rotational movements should be made until the moment a click occurs and the lock opens.

The second way is more complicated. Opening requires an aluminum plate that can be cut from tin can... This kind of key is rounded in diameter corresponding to the width of the bow. The plate is inserted into the hole between the body and the bow. At the very end, after the performed procedures, it is necessary to apply some effort to finally unlock.

How to Open a Padlock

A characteristic feature of such a mechanism is the presence of not pins, as in other models, but several discs with specific holes, which significantly complicate the entry into the room. In order for the discs to fit in the correct position, it is important to choose a key with the correct grooves.

Padlock disc lock

Given the specificity of the design, with minimal loss of time, the disc padlock can be opened without a key only with a correctly selected master key or a bent flat screwdriver, which must be driven into the lock and turned with force.

How to open a barn lock without a key

It is important to remember that the barn lock refers to those samples that have a standard round bow. Therefore, old-style garage locks often fall into this category.

Castle medium and small size installed on wooden door, can also be opened by force. For this purpose, ordinary scrap is suitable. It is necessary to push the tool through the bow and, using the lever method, rip it off.

It will be more difficult to open the rack and pinion lock in the way described above, so here it is worth using a fishing line or string from a guitar. To begin with, you need to squeeze the door with a crowbar, then a loop is made from the string, which must be pushed into the well, circled around the pins and pulled towards you. For clarity, below is a video.

How to open the Apecs lock without a key

For those who wondered how to open a padlock from such a manufacturer, any specialist will answer that the methods practically do not differ from those given above.

It should also be noted that the products of the Apex company are designed for mass use and their price does not exceed the average. Therefore, breaking this mechanism will not take much time and effort.

How to open a Chinese padlock without a key

Samples made of Chinese steel are generally not resistant to force. The steel of the overhead locks is quite soft, so if you have a grinder, the opening process will not take much time and effort.

When exposed to a crowbar, you will need to apply force, but here it is still important to choose the right angle.