How to choose a good wood saw for your home - tips and an overview of models. How to choose a hacksaw for wood in a manual and electric version and then not regret choosing a hacksaw for wood chipboard manual

In the arsenal home master there is always a functional and easy-to-use circular saw. But there are situations when you need to saw off a part and do a small amount of woodwork, and there is no time or desire to deploy and connect the unit. In these cases, a hand hacksaw perfectly saves. But how to choose a hand saw for wood so that it is convenient to use and easily “gnaws through” any type of wood, we will consider in more detail.

    • Blade tooth parameters
  • Types of hand saws for wood
    • Option #1 - narrow
    • Option #2 - normal
    • Option # 3 - with a butt
    • Option # 4 - bow
  • Recommendations for choosing a tool

Tool Specifications

The saw is rightfully considered the ancestor of a large family of hand tools. Since the creation of the first type of tool from iron, the saw has undergone many changes, having managed to acquire numerous “sisters” capable of performing dozens of jobs.

V household it is impossible to do without “toothy helpers”: they are indispensable for pruning the garden, small carpentry and joinery work

Hand saws for wood differ from each other in many ways: blade size, steel grade, tooth shape, handle design. Let's dwell on each parameter in more detail.

How should a hacksaw blade be?

The main part of the tool is a hacksaw blade. The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a product is the length of the canvas. The possibilities of its application largely depend on this parameter. At the same time, the longer the blade, the more springy it is, which also complicates the process, especially when working with hardwoods such as ash, maple or oak.

The long stroke makes it possible to apply less effort when sawing, since the cut is performed in one stroke large quantity teeth

For sawing small elements such as skirting boards, bars or narrow slats, you can get by with a hacksaw with a blade length of 25-30 cm. When planning to use the tool when performing more serious construction works, choose a product with a canvas of 45-50 cm.

When determining the length hacksaw blade follow the rule that the length of the saw exceeds the diameter of the processed elements by 2 times. If you do not follow this recommendation, you will only complicate your work. The teeth of a short hacksaw will stick inside the wood, and everyone will have to make a lot of effort in order to advance the tool to free it from sawdust. Uncomfortable work will cause premature fatigue.

Traditionally, the width of the fabric of the product varies in the range of 10-20 cm. Models with a narrower fabric are not allowed for technical reasons, since they fail at the slightest bend. But it should be borne in mind that too wide canvases are inconvenient for manual work.

Of no small importance is the material of manufacture of the blade, which is most often alloyed steel, as well as its degree of hardening.

For hacksaws, tool alloy steel with a high content of silicon and carbon grades is used:

  • 65G, 60 S2A;
  • 8 HF, 9 HF, 9 HS;
  • U7, U7A, U8, U8A, U8G, U8GA, U9A, U10

Hardening of metal is carried out due to the impact on it of an alternating magnetic field, at which appears electricity high frequency. Spreading over the surface, it heats the surface layer of the metal, which hardens after cooling.

The standard parameter is the metal hardness of 45 HRC, but it is still preferable to choose products whose web hardness is 55-60 HRC. A hacksaw with a high hardness blade will have sufficient flexibility, but at the same time high stability teeth. With an external examination, such a tool can be identified by the darkish shade of sharpened teeth.

Blade tooth parameters

The determining indicator of the performance of the tool and the accuracy of cutting wood is the size of the teeth.

The teeth of a hacksaw for woodworking perform a dual function: they cut wood and simultaneously remove sawdust

Sawing accuracy is determined by the "TPI" indicator - the number of teeth per inch.

Between these technical parameters there is an inverse relationship:

  • canvases with large teeth set a high speed of work, but the saw cut turns out to be rough and sloppy;
  • hacksaws with fine teeth guarantee a clean and precise cut, but at a relatively slow working speed.

When determining the required tooth size, one should be guided by the type of material being processed. For example, for work with chipboard, where high precision of the cut is required, choose a tool with a high TPI of 7-9, and for sawing logs and gardening, where the cleanliness of the cut is not so essential, choose a TPI of 3-6.

When choosing the best hacksaw option, be guided by the rule that minimum thickness the log must in any case be larger than the pitch of three teeth

If we compare a hardened and ordinary tooth, then the difference lies in the fact that in the first variant, subject to domestic use, the product does not dull for a long time. But a hacksaw with a hardened tooth can no longer be sharpened again. When she starts to cut badly, she will just have to be thrown away.

A normal tooth can be sharpened. Periodically, it can be performed using a special file marked with an accident (for sharpening saws). To sharpen the blade, it is enough to perform several movements on each tooth.

Depending on the type of teeth used, there are three types of hand saws:

  • For longitudinal sawing. Products are equipped with teeth in the form of an oblique triangle and look like hooks. The tool allows you to cut wood along the grain. Such saws have sharpening on both sides of the tooth, due to which they are able to cut both when passing forward and in the opposite direction.
  • For cross cutting. The teeth of the tools are made in the form of isosceles triangles. This design makes it easy to saw through the material both when the cutting edge is drawn forward and in the opposite direction. But this type of tooth is only suitable for working with dry blanks, but not fresh wood.
  • For mixed sawing. Products have a combined composition in which triangular edges are combined with slightly elongated semicircular notches. This solution allows, when moving the hand forward, semicircular teeth to perform a guide cut, and when returning, to expand the channel with triangular ones, removing chips and sawdust from it.
  • Some types of modern tools are equipped with teeth that are made in the shape of a trapezoid. This solution allows you to make the canvas more durable and wear-resistant.

    But it should be borne in mind that sharpening such a blade is very problematic, since it is difficult for trapezoidal teeth to give the desired shape. This significantly reduces the service life of the product, after which it is necessary to change the blade or purchase a new tool.

    For sawing fresh branches, it is more convenient to use blades equipped with triangular teeth processed by parallel sharpening, in which each element is sharpened only on one side and in a checkerboard pattern

    Often on the market you can also find a modernized type of hacksaws.

    Upgraded hacksaws are easy to distinguish by the groups of teeth located on the canvas, between which the gaps are clearly visible.

    Modernized type hand saws are effective for cutting raw wood. Wet chips through the gaps between the teeth in the process of sawing easily come out of the cut, without hindering the movement of the tool.

    Types of hand saws for wood

    Option #1 - narrow

    A small narrow saw is a design that consists of a straight flat blade and a handle. She performs delicate work: through cuts, cut out curved parts.

    This type of tool is designed for sawing wooden blanks, the thickness of which does not exceed 8-10 cm, sawing small branches and small jobs in the garden

    In the manufacture of narrow models, manufacturers install blades with triangular double-sided teeth, or with parallel sharpening. The disadvantage of the tool is that when pressed during operation, the canvas can deviate from a given direction.

    Option #2 - normal

    A standard hand saw can be fitted with any type of tooth and often comes with interchangeable blades. various types and execution.

    To be able to saw off workpieces at a certain angle using a standard hand saw, you have to purchase special miter boxes

    But despite the declared versatility of their application, it is not advisable to use saws of this type in the manufacture of furniture.

    Option # 3 - with a butt

    Both narrow and conventional saws are prone to bending when the material being processed increases in rigidity. In these cases, it is effective to use canvases equipped with a backing, which acts as a kind of stiffener.

    Hand saws equipped with a butt are designed to create shallow cuts in wooden surface any thickness

    The presence of the butt prevents the saw from making a cut deeper than the width of the blade, as it prevents the cutting blade from passing further into the tree.

    Option # 4 - bow

    Bow-type saws are more bulky devices that act as an analogue of a jigsaw.

    The main purpose of this type of saws is to create an accurate cut when working with surfaces located at any angle.

    Due to the solidity of the design and the threaded connections of the handles, bow-type saws are able to easily overcome knots, cutting along radii and curvilinear patterns.

    Depending on the purpose and constructive solution saws can be:

    • swing - for longitudinal cutting;
    • transverse - for sawing blanks across the wood fiber;
    • rounded - for cutting holes, making roundings and figured sawing;
    • spiked - for cutting connecting spikes, as well as sawing simple geometric shapes on a workpiece.

    Only with a bow-type hacksaw can you cut the material up and down, sawing blanks with complex lines and doing the work alone without involving an assistant.

    The procedure for choosing a hand saw for wood is quite simple:

  • Determine the purpose for which the tool will be used. For carpentry work, choose products with fine teeth that provide high sawing accuracy, for carpentry - blades with large teeth.
  • Application frequency. If the hand saw will only be used for occasional work, choose a tool with hardened teeth. The service life of this type of product is quite large. In addition, you do not have to worry about sharpening and setting teeth during operation.
  • Canvas uniformity. While inspecting the tool, try gently bending the blade to a 30-45° angle, and then release it. Re-examine the blade: the slightest deviation at the fold point, even within 2 mm, indicates poor quality of the metal.
  • Product cost. As with other tools, keep in mind that high-quality models from leading brands are always an order of magnitude more expensive than consumer goods. This overpayment acts as a kind of guarantee of wear resistance and durability of the saw. But for one-time work, it makes no sense to spend money on an expensive tool.
  • Conventional handles are made of plastic. Prefabricated plastic handles made of two halves do not have sufficient rigidity. It is much more convenient to work with a tool that has a one-piece handle, which is equipped with a rubberized finger pad. The presence of a rubber insert allows you to make a tighter grip, preventing the formation of calluses on the palm.

    Pay attention to the design of the tool handle: it is desirable that it has an ergonomic shape that allows you to correctly transfer force to the blade

    On sale there are products with standard and flip-over handles. The second option is convenient in that it allows, if necessary, to replace the worn canvas with a new one.

    Keep in mind that not all hand saws go on sale already sharpened. And this seemingly trifle largely determines how soon you can get to work.

    There are many companies that manufacture hacksaws on the market. Judging by the reviews, they have proven themselves well: the Zubr hacksaw of domestic production, Gross Piranha joint German-Chinese cooperation, Irwin Xpert made in the USA. They are famous for their decent quality at a low price, which varies between 10-20 USD.

    Finally, we suggest you watch a video with tips on choosing:

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    Wood has many advantages as a building material. Ease and speed of processing are considered one of the most important. There are many tools for this, but the most popular and simple fixture still remains an ordinary hacksaw. However, the hand saw still needs to be properly selected, otherwise it will be inconvenient or inefficient to work with it.

    Criterias of choice

    To really get good tool, you need to know about its characteristics. When choosing, you need to consider the following points:

    • the material from which the canvas is made;
    • cutting tool length;
    • convenience and reliability of the handle;
    • size, pitch and shape of teeth.

    Even if at least one of the characteristics under consideration is changed, the properties of the hand saw immediately change.

    The ease of use of the tool depends on the shape of the handle. Therefore, if the device is to be used by one person, then its handle must be selected so that it is as close as possible to its palm shape.

    If the tool is not used very often, then the comfort of holding automatically becomes not the most important criterion.

    The length of the hacksaw blade varies between 350-600 mm. This parameter is selected depending on the thickness of the workpieces to be processed.

    In this case, you should not resort to extremes, because it will take much longer to work with a very short saw blade, and a long saw blade can be very springy, creating additional inconvenience.

    Teeth and blade

    Mostly hacksaws are made of alloyed or tool steel alloys. In order for the device to serve as long as possible, its canvas must be made from high grade steel. Most best option- stainless steel. Of course, such a tool is more expensive, but it will fully pay for itself. In addition, the teeth of a hand saw may or may not have been hardened. These options have their own advantages.

    Teeth that have not been hardened can be sharpened at any time. Hardened elements are more durable and reliable. They last much longer, but they are almost impossible to sharpen.

    Thinking about which wood saw is better, you need to pay attention to the pitch, configuration and dimensions of its teeth. A quality cut depends on the accuracy and speed of the cut. These characteristics are directly related - small teeth allow good cutting accuracy.

    Hacksaws for wood with a large tooth noticeably speed up the work, but the accuracy and quality of the cut surface suffer noticeably.

    For this, there is a special characteristic - TPI. It shows the number of teeth per inch of cutting blade. To achieve accurate cuts where quality and precision are important, hacksaws with a TPI of 7 to 11 should be taken. If maximum speed is required, then fixtures with a tooth configuration of 3 to 5 should be preferred.

    According to the configuration of the teeth, there are several types of hacksaws for wood:

    In addition to the configuration of the teeth, hacksaws can have different lengths and shapes of the working blade. On sale you can find folding types of hand saws or in the form of comfortable handles. Cost often determines the quality and durability of the product. That is, a good hand saw in rare cases is very cheap..

    Most Popular Models

    To understand the whole variety of hacksaws, you can pay attention to the most popular products. The most requested products include the following:

    There are other models that also deserve attention.. One way or another, it is recommended to take such products from trusted suppliers.

    After buying a dacha, I had the need for a good saw. At first I thought about choosing a Japanese model, because such products pass various tests and are considered to be of very high quality. However, my budget was very limited, so I opted for the Zubr saw. I don’t regret my decision at all, because the device is very high quality and reliable.

    Semyon Grishin

    On the eve of my husband's birthday, I began to run around the shops and look for a good gift for him. Then I accidentally went into a store of various tools and decided to give him a good hacksaw, since the old one was already all rusted and had been collecting dust on the balcony for several years. The husband was very happy with the gift, because he just wanted to make an extension from a bar.

    Galina Petrova

    I used to have a hacksaw made in the USSR. Certainly, a good thing was, but it is outdated, and the canvas is already all rusty. Went to the store and bought a Stanley Grand. A wonderful thing. Very comfortable and, most importantly, inexpensive.

    One of the differences between wood and many other building materials is the ease of processing. And, nevertheless, manufacturers produce a tool for sawing it in various modifications. What is the difference between this tool, how important it is, how to choose the right hacksaw for wood - this article will help you find answers to all questions on this topic.

    Hacksaws for wood are categorized according to the specifics of use for carpentry and joinery. The tools of the last group are designed for cutting dried wood. They provide a cleaner cut, and exactly on the markup. In other words, hacksaws of the carpentry category are chosen for fine work. Carpentry, respectively, for rough.

    Such a tool is used when sawing logs, timber, pruning trees, and the like, that is, in situations where it is not necessary to maintain certain linear parameters, significant errors in work are allowed, or it is enough to cut not according to a template, but “by eye”.

    Blade length (mm)

    This is the first selection criterion. Without deciding on the length, it makes no sense to evaluate all other parameters of the hacksaw.

    There is a generally accepted norm of choice for this indicator, which it is desirable to adhere to. The length of the blade should exceed the size of the most dimensional lumber with which it is supposed to work, approximately 2 times, at least.

    Why? Firstly, the teeth of a hacksaw in the process of sawing a tree are clogged with sawdust. The double excess of the length ensures that the blade in the extreme positions will completely come out of the wood. As a result, its self-cleaning due to the fall of debris.

    Secondly, the greater the amplitude of movement of the hands when working with the tool, the less they get tired. And this directly affects performance. If a hacksaw is chosen for intensive use, sawing large volumes of wood is more than important.

    • If a hacksaw for wood is purchased as a household hand tool, for all cases, a canvas for 300 is enough.
    • Overhaul, especially construction, is, among other things, sawing up of dimensional samples (log, board,). For such purposes, you should choose a hacksaw with a blade in the range of 475 ± 25.

    Steel type

    There are many grades of metals. For hacksaws for wood, as a rule, this is 45 HRC. The teeth are more difficult. They can be hardened (have a shade darker than that of the canvas) or without prior heat treatment.

    Hardened teeth will not be sharpened. In fact, this hacksaw, although more durable, is in a sense disposable. If, due to negligence, non-compliance with the operating rules, the cutting edges of the tool are blunted, then it will not be possible to bring them into working condition. But for episodic work, small household chores related to sawing wood - the best option. Having chosen a hacksaw from a well-known manufacturer, there is no doubt that it will last for a long time.

    Teeth that have not been hardened can be sharpened and straightened on their own. On the one hand, it is convenient and practical. But this requires experience in this matter. How many can boast of it? As a tool for everyday use, it is hardly worth buying such a hacksaw. But if we are talking about large-scale work with wood (the same construction), then this right choice. Involuntarily, you will have to master the basics of sharpening and editing, especially since it is not so difficult.

    How to check the quality of steel and sharpening

    • You can check the quality of steel without a certificate. The hacksaw blade has a bend limit. Initially, it is perfectly flat. You need to gently bend it (permissible extreme position when it is ready to break, the hand will “understand” itself), and then let go and check the geometry. Deviation of the section subjected to deformation from the center line by more than 2 mm is an indicator of low quality steel. It is better to overpay, but choose another hacksaw for wood.
    • The type of teeth can be determined visually. If they are of a traditional, triangular configuration, then the hacksaw is subject to editing and sharpening. Trapezoidal cutting edges are hardened. They have already been mentioned above.

    Tooth size

    This characteristic of the hacksaw is displayed on the canvas with TPI symbols. The dimension of the value is the number of teeth / inch.

    As a rule, masters are interested in 2 indicators of the efficiency of sawing wood - the speed and accuracy of the cut. The fact is that these parameters are in inverse relationship. The cleanliness of the cut is ensured by fine teeth, but at the same time, the speed of cutting the material is reduced. And vice versa - a hacksaw with large cutting edges produces a cut at a higher speed, but its accuracy deteriorates.

    • 3 - 6. This hacksaw is suitable for rough woodworking. For example, pruning large branches on the site, sawing small logs, boards, and so on. That is, in cases where the presence of a fringe on the edges is not critical, and cutting accuracy is not a defining requirement when working with wood.
    • 7 - 9 or more. This type of hacksaw is advisable to choose when you plan to work with sheet materials- Chipboard, MDF, OSV, FC and so on. Such a tool will provide a "delicate" cutting, after which there is no fringe and torn edges.

    Hacksaw handle type

    • Check if it is comfortable in your hand. The main difference between the hands of people is in size. The solution is simple - take a hacksaw in the palm of your hand, squeeze your fingers and make a few forward movements. A man will immediately understand whether “his” is a tool or it is better to choose something else.
    • The handles of hacksaws for wood are classic (cast) and flip. The first allows you to replace the canvas.

    And here it is more interesting. If you choose a hacksaw with a flip handle, then it makes sense to purchase a product with a “disposable” blade with hardened teeth. Even in the case of careless handling of the tool, it will be possible to “repair” it. It should only be clarified whether it is on sale (it is at this outlet or another in this locality) interchangeable canvases and whether they are in short supply. When buying a hacksaw for small chores, it is enough to take 1 spare. Given the increased wear resistance of the teeth and their strength, such a “set” will last for many years.

    There is a relationship between the size of the teeth and their location. The “pitch” of three adjacent cutting edges must be less than the cross section of the wood blank being cut. It is easy to calculate if a hacksaw is chosen for sawing boards or small bars, that is, for everyday work, which is most often encountered in everyday life.

    The method of cutting depends on the type of sharpening of the teeth. Longitudinal blades have a length of up to half a meter, a greater slope of the cutting edges to the side and their one-sided sharpening. Sawing with such a hacksaw is carried out only in the direction “away from you”. This tool is quite specific and as a household one, you should not choose it for everyday use.

    Hacksaws for wood with a transverse blade are considered universal. Sawing is carried out during its course both forward and backward. Such a tool is easy to determine by the two-sided sharpening of the cutting edges.

    A brief overview of the most purchased hacksaws for wood

    This TOP-list is based on the results of the analysis of reviews, opinions posted on thematic forums. To say that they are the only true ones would not be entirely correct. But it is hardly worth ignoring them completely. If people in practice used one or another hacksaw for wood, then it makes sense to listen to their assessments. And then finally decide which one to choose.

    All prices are in Russian rubles, for the Moscow region.

    "Zubr Expert"

    Such a hacksaw for wood, given its reasonable price and versatility, is in high demand. teeth triangular shape with hardening plastic handle, cut both longitudinal and transverse. The range is impressive. Big choice hacksaws of this brand in terms of TPI and blade length allows you to purchase the best option.

    Price - from 738 (canvas 40 cm).

    "Stanley General Purpose"

    A hacksaw from a French manufacturer is characterized by a length of 0.5 m, hardened teeth with a TPI = 8. Wood is cut in any direction. For a private house or cottage - an excellent choice.

    Price - 849.

    "Gross Piranha"

    This hacksaw is available in the market in different versions. Differences in the number of cutting edges and blade length (400 - 550). The quality of the steel (52 HRc) is further enhanced by a Teflon coating that facilitates the cutting process. In addition, the cleanliness of the edges is close to ideal.

    Price - from 913.

    "Irwin Xpert"

    The main characteristics are identical to the hacksaw of the previous brand, although the cost is slightly higher. Users note high quality and ease of cutting, regardless of the density of the wood. Even when sawing hard rocks, no significant effort is required. For those who have to living conditions regularly engage in work with lumber, it is worth paying attention.

    Price - from 705.


    Previously, such wood saws went on sale under the Sandvik logo, so they are known to many. Production has been established at several sites, and in the Russian Federation these samples are more often imported under the brand name "Tescha". The cost is lower while the quality remains high. Bahco hacksaws belong to the group professional tool, which is hardly advisable to choose for fine work with wood. But cheaper products "Tescha" - just right for those who want to save money wisely.

    Price - from 389 (360 mm).

    About what criteria should be used to evaluate a hacksaw for sawing wood, it is described in detail, the main recommendations are given. And what exactly to choose, it's up to you, dear reader.

    Hacksaws for wood differ in the size of the cutting teeth. This indicator determines what the cut will be, for which wood species the hacksaw is suitable and how convenient it will be to work with it. But, in addition to this, there are other indicators that you need to pay attention to when choosing a tool. Therefore, the question of how to choose the right hacksaw for wood requires careful study.

    Technical characteristics of a hacksaw for wood

    For a saw on a tree, the main importance is:

    • canvas width;
    • canvas length;
    • tooth size;
    • handle;
    • brand of steel canvas.

    The length of the blade affects the width of the cut workpiece. and also greatly simplifies the work. The long stroke makes it possible to apply less force, because in one movement the cut is made by a large number of teeth. Moreover, the longer the canvas, the stronger it will spring. When working with hardwoods such as ash, maple or oak, a hacksaw will cause a lot of inconvenience and will quickly become dull.

    In terms of practice, short hacksaws, with a cutting blade length up to 35 cm, best used for one-time fine work. They are great for those who live in an apartment because they do not take up much space. So, in a private household, it is advisable to immediately choose a long hacksaw (50–55 cm). This will make it possible to work with blanks, as well as sawing trees.

    As a rule, the width of the canvas is 10–20 cm. Narrower canvases are not allowed due to technical considerations (they break even with a slight bend), wider ones are rather inconvenient for manual work. When choosing a saw for wood, you must remember that thin workpieces are easier to cut with a narrower blade, and, conversely, thick (roofing logs, tree trunk, etc.) - wide.

    Ordinary pens are made of plastic. It is best to choose a handle with a rubber backing. This will protect your hand from calluses and will allow you to perform a tighter grip.

    The saw tooth is the most important part of the tool, so we will dwell on this point in more detail.

    Purpose and types of teeth

    In hacksaws for wood, the following types of tooth are distinguished:

    • for universal cutting;
    • for a cross cut;
    • for a longitudinal cut.

    Longitudinal cut most often produced either with a jigsaw, or circular saw. But there are also hand saws for these purposes. As in the variant with electric tools, a tooth on a hacksaw looks like a hook. The angle between the tooth can be 45-60 degrees.

    Hook shape Allows cutting in only one direction. It is best to cut along the fibers. In this case, the saw easily penetrates the tree and the cut comes out the most accurate and even. The purchase of this hacksaw is appropriate only for those people who want to make furniture with their own hands. Because it is not suitable for any other purposes.

    Tooth for cross cutting the most popular. Outwardly, it looks like an isosceles triangle. The angle of the tooth is 45–55 degrees. This design makes it possible to cut well both during the movement of the blade forward and in the opposite direction. As a result, the cross cut occurs without special efforts, quickly and as accurately as possible. When choosing a hacksaw, it must be borne in mind that this type of tooth is only suitable for dry workpieces. A saw will tear a fresh tree, and the sharpening will deteriorate.

    For fresh wood use triangular teeth with parallel cutting. This means that the teeth are staggered and only on one side. As a result, a free channel appears between the teeth inside the cut, through which wet sawdust can freely exit without complicating the advancement of the blade.

    The next option is combined teeth. Here the triangular ones intersect with the semicircular ones. Moreover, a semicircular tooth is larger than a triangular one. While the blade moves forward, long and narrow teeth make a guide cut, and when the blade returns to its original position, the triangular tooth enlarges the cut channel and removes chips and sawdust. We must not forget that the smaller the angle between the triangular and semicircular tooth, the more accurate the cut will be.

    Saw blades for universal cutting it is advisable not to choose, as a rule, they have a different compilation of teeth, which in theory should do any job equally well. But in practice, these hacksaws dull much faster, and their sharpening is usually more expensive than a new saw.

    And most importantly, in any high-quality saw, the teeth must be made of hardened steel.

    Types of wood saws

    There are several types of saws, among them:

    • ordinary;
    • narrow;
    • beam;
    • with a butt.

    The cheapest wood saw is narrow hand saw. This tool is suitable for sawing branches in gardening and small work with workpieces. As a rule, either double-sided triangular teeth or parallel sharpening are used.

    You need to understand that you can work with this hacksaw only with blanks, no more than 7-12 cm thick. A very short blade does not make it possible to create a lever, respectively, cutting thick parts suffers from requiring a large load.

    Conventional saws can be with any kind of teeth. The choice will depend only on what tasks you plan to purchase the tool for. It is only necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is undesirable to work with these saws during the production of furniture. Or you need to buy special large miter boxes so that you can saw at a certain angle.

    Back saws used as an auxiliary tool. Their main task is small cuts in the details.

    Bow saws- This is an analogue of an electric jigsaw. They make it possible to make the most accurate cut and work with different workpieces at different angles. Exists:

    • transverse;
    • sweeping;
    • spiked;
    • rounded.

    Swing saws make it possible to produce slitting. Today there are canvases 40-80 cm long. Longer workpieces can only be sawn with a power tool.

    Crosscut saws used to cut workpieces across the grain. They can perform a cut, and at a right angle, and under any other. Moreover, perfectly smooth edges come out in the section of the cut.

    Hacksaws narrower, used for figured cutting. With the help of them, roundings and other complex elements are performed. Feature– use of very flexible steel grades.

    spiked hacksaws make it possible to perform simple geometric shapes on the workpiece.

    The difference between bow saws is that the mechanism for fasteners is purchased once, and they are not spent directly on saws, buying new blades.

    Wood saw manufacturers

    Professional saws distinguished by good quality and compliance with the specified characteristics. By purchasing a tool from trusted manufacturers, you will be sure that this product will serve you reliably and for a long time. Among the proven manufacturers it is necessary to highlight:

    Bahco is a Swedish company that is part of the SNA Europe Corporation. For more than 200 years of history, the company has never changed its basic concept - the production of high-quality and affordable hand tool. Bahco saws are characterized by durability, and a pleasant cost.

    Also on the market you can find Sandvik saws. This company is part of Bahco, because the quality of the goods meets general requirements companies.

    American saw manufacturer Stanley, also focuses on the availability of its product. The company is distinguished by a large staff of engineers and designers. Thanks to their developments, the cutting edge and blade of hacksaws differ from domestic GOST, but this does not affect the quality at all. This company is great for those who choose a hacksaw for the country. Because the combined large teeth make it possible to produce any kind of cut.

    German firm Gross younger than other companies. The competitiveness of its product is achieved due to its very low cost. However, the products are quite high quality and meet all standards. The only drawback is that the choice of products is very small.

    There are also domestic manufacturers offering high-quality and relatively inexpensive saws. Among which:

    • Piranha;
    • Bison.

    Saw Bison are made in China, however, meet the requirements for teeth and steel. Of the shortcomings:

    • cannot be used for working with hard wood;
    • the time of continuous work is not more than 10 minutes (then a pause of 15 minutes);
    • do not leave it outside (it will quickly rust, even with low humidity).

    Despite this, the characteristics of the hacksaw are suitable for pruning trees.

    The Piranha company is relatively small and has been operating relatively recently. Like everything new, its products are quite affordable and different. good quality. Saw Piranha presented in only a few variants. large country The manufacturer of this product is China. But the products of this company are coated with Teflon, which protects the hacksaw from corrosion, even if you forgot it on the street.

    About safety and comfort

    When choosing a hacksaw for wood, pay attention to the handle. The most comfortable is the two-component handle with rubber insert. It provides a firm grip, does not allow the palm to slip and does not rub the hand.

    To work with workpieces of various sizes and perform different types propyl far from superfluous is a set of interchangeable cloths. Often saws are equipped with equipment with different cutting edges and different shapes- for cutting branches, making transverse and straight cuts, etc. It is also quite convenient when the hacksaw is equipped with a case for carrying and storing, or at least a plastic plug that covers sharp edges, eliminating injury and damage to the surface of the blade.